An ESP32 based presence detection node for use with the [Home Assistant]( [`mqtt_room` component]( for localized device presence detection.
This depends heavily on the hard work done by [pcbreflux]( and [nkolban]( both on GitHub and on their YouTube Channels. Specifically, it is a modified version of pcbreflux's [ESP32_BLE_beaconscan](
You can get started by cloning this repository to your local machine using git. Alternatively, you can [download the zip]( To get the code onto your device, you can load it via the Arduino IDE or, thanks to some great work by [kylegordon](, you can now build and upload using PlatformIO.
Open the folder in Atom, using the `open project` option in the PlatformIO Home screen. Modify the settings in the `Settings_Cl.h` file to match your environment. Set the correct port in the `platformio.ini` file (or remove the line to use auto-detection), and upload to the board. Open the serial monitor after successful upload to check for success.