From 3e65b914fde9000eff244976c183c1ead332a97d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dulfer <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 17:16:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Radar/pir no-motion state debounce period (#486)
Adding pir/radar timeout logic
Timeouts configurable via MQTT
Co-authored-by: Darrell Turner
lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.cpp | 42 ++++++++++------
lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.h | 4 ++
src/MotionSensors.cpp | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
src/MotionSensors.h | 32 ++++++------
src/defaults.h | 6 +++
src/main.cpp | 20 +++-----
src/main.h | 10 +---
7 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.cpp b/lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.cpp
index af0d36f..d9d6370 100644
--- a/lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.cpp
+++ b/lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "GUI.h"
#ifdef M5STICK
#include "tb_display.h"
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ void GUI::connected(bool wifi = false, bool mqtt = false)
- status("Wifi: %s Mqtt: %s", (wifi ? "yes" : "no"), (mqtt ? "yes" : "no"));
+ status("Wifi:%s Mqtt:%s", (wifi ? "yes" : "no"), (mqtt ? "yes" : "no"));
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ void GUI::added(BleFingerprint *f)
Serial.printf("%u New %s | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s %s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), f->getRmAsst() ? "R" : (f->getAllowQuery() ? "Q" : " "), f->getMac().c_str(), f->getId().c_str(), f->getDiscriminator().c_str());
- void GUI::removed(BleFingerprint *f)
+void GUI::removed(BleFingerprint *f)
if (f->getIgnore() || !f->getAdded()) return;
Serial.printf("\u001b[38;5;236m%u Del | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s %s\u001b[0m\n", xPortGetCoreID(), f->getMac().c_str(), f->getId().c_str(), f->getDiscriminator().c_str());
@@ -105,21 +106,33 @@ void GUI::minusOne(BleFingerprint *f)
Serial.printf("\u001b[35m%u C# -1 | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s (%.2fm) %lums\u001b[0m\n", xPortGetCoreID(), f->getMac().c_str(), f->getId().c_str(), f->getDistance(), f->getMsSinceLastSeen());
- void GUI::close(BleFingerprint *f)
+void GUI::close(BleFingerprint *f)
if (f->getIgnore()) return;
Serial.printf("\u001b[32m%u Close | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s (%.2fm) %ddBm\u001b[0m\n", xPortGetCoreID(), f->getMac().c_str(), f->getId().c_str(), f->getDistance(), f->getNewestRssi());
- status("C: %s", f->getId().c_str());
+ status("C:%s", f->getId().c_str());
- void GUI::left(BleFingerprint *f)
+void GUI::left(BleFingerprint *f)
if (f->getIgnore()) return;
Serial.printf("\u001b[33m%u Left | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s (%.2fm) %ddBm\u001b[0m\n", xPortGetCoreID(), f->getMac().c_str(), f->getId().c_str(), f->getDistance(), f->getNewestRssi());
- status("L: %s", f->getId().c_str());
+ status("L:%s", f->getId().c_str());
- void GUI::status(const char *format, ...)
+void GUI::radar(bool value)
+ Serial.printf("%u Radar | %s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), value ? "detected" : "cleared");
+ status("Radar:%s", value ? "detected" : "cleared");
+void GUI::pir(bool value)
+ Serial.printf("%u Pir | %s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), value ? "detected" : "cleared");
+ status("Pir:%s", value ? "detected" : "cleared");
+void GUI::status(const char *format, ...)
#ifdef M5STICK
@@ -141,14 +154,14 @@ void GUI::minusOne(BleFingerprint *f)
- void GUI::setup()
+void GUI::setup()
- void GUI::begin()
+void GUI::begin()
if (!GUI::init)
@@ -163,30 +176,29 @@ void GUI::minusOne(BleFingerprint *f)
- void GUI::updateStart()
+void GUI::updateStart()
if (GUI::statusLed) digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LED_BUILTIN_ON);
- void GUI::updateProgress(unsigned int percent)
+void GUI::updateProgress(unsigned int percent)
if (GUI::statusLed) digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, percent % 2);
- void GUI::updateEnd()
+void GUI::updateEnd()
-bool GUI::init=false;
-bool GUI::statusLed=false;
+bool GUI::init = false;
+bool GUI::statusLed = false;
#ifdef M5STICK
bool GUI::dirty = false;
diff --git a/lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.h b/lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.h
index 82f5d0b..39701dc 100644
--- a/lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.h
+++ b/lib/BleFingerprint/GUI.h
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ public:
static void close(BleFingerprint *f);
static void left(BleFingerprint *f);
+ static void pir(bool value);
+ static void radar(bool value);
static void erasing();
static void erased();
@@ -55,4 +58,5 @@ private:
static TFT_eSprite sprite;
diff --git a/src/MotionSensors.cpp b/src/MotionSensors.cpp
index f899a54..cb3b29a 100644
--- a/src/MotionSensors.cpp
+++ b/src/MotionSensors.cpp
@@ -4,31 +4,46 @@
// for #define ESPMAC
#include "string_utils.h"
+#include "defaults.h"
+#include "GUI.h"
// TODO: Not a fan of externs, but this helps refactoring for now
extern char buffer[2048];
extern String room;
extern String roomsTopic;
extern void commonDiscovery();
+extern bool sendNumberDiscovery(const String& name, const String& entityCategory);
extern bool pub(const char *topic, uint8_t qos, bool retain, const char *payload, size_t length = 0, bool dup = false, uint16_t message_id = 0);
+extern bool spurt(const String& fn, const String& content);
namespace Motion
+ int lastMotionValue = -1;
int pirPin = 0;
+ float pirTimeout = 0;
int lastPirValue = -1;
+ unsigned long lastPirMilli = 0;
int radarPin = 0;
+ float radarTimeout = 0;
int lastRadarValue = -1;
+ unsigned long lastRadarMilli = 0;
void Setup()
- if (pirPin) pinMode(pirPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
- if (radarPin) pinMode(radarPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+ if (pirPin)
+ pinMode(pirPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+ if (radarPin)
+ pinMode(radarPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void ConnectToWifi()
pirPin = WiFiSettings.integer("pir_pin", 0, "PIR motion pin (0 for disable)");
+ pirTimeout = WiFiSettings.floating("pir_timeout", 0, 300, DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, "PIR motion timeout (in seconds)");
radarPin = WiFiSettings.integer("radar_pin", 0, "Radar motion pin (0 for disable)");
+ radarTimeout = WiFiSettings.floating("radar_timeout", 0, 300, DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, "Radar motion timeout (in seconds)");
void SerialReport()
@@ -42,56 +57,45 @@ namespace Motion
static void PirLoop(AsyncMqttClient& mqttClient)
if (!pirPin) return;
- int pirValue = digitalRead(pirPin);
+ bool detected = digitalRead(pirPin) == HIGH;
+ if (detected) lastPirMilli = millis();
+ unsigned long since = millis() - lastPirMilli;
+ int pirValue = (detected || since < (pirTimeout * 1000)) ? HIGH : LOW;
- if (pirValue != lastPirValue)
- {
- if (pirValue == HIGH)
- {
- mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/motion").c_str(), 0, true, "ON");
- Serial.println("PIR MOTION DETECTED!!!");
- }
- else
- {
- mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/motion").c_str(), 0, true, "OFF");
- Serial.println("NO PIR MOTION DETECTED!!!");
- }
- lastPirValue = pirValue;
- }
+ if (lastPirValue == pirValue) return;
+ mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/pir").c_str(), 0, true, pirValue == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF");
+ GUI::pir(pirValue == HIGH);
+ lastPirValue = pirValue;
static void RadarLoop(AsyncMqttClient& mqttClient)
if (!radarPin) return;
- int radarValue = digitalRead(radarPin);
+ bool detected = digitalRead(radarPin) == HIGH;
+ if (detected) lastRadarMilli = millis();
+ unsigned long since = millis() - lastRadarMilli;
+ int radarValue = (detected || since < (radarTimeout * 1000)) ? HIGH : LOW;
- if (radarValue != lastRadarValue)
- {
- if (radarValue == HIGH)
- {
- mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/motion").c_str(), 0, true, "ON");
- Serial.println("Radar MOTION DETECTED!!!");
- }
- else
- {
- mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/motion").c_str(), 0, true, "OFF");
- Serial.println("NO Radar MOTION DETECTED!!!");
- }
- lastRadarValue = radarValue;
- }
+ if (lastRadarValue == radarValue) return;
+ mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/radar").c_str(), 0, true, radarValue == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF");
+ GUI::radar(radarValue == HIGH);
+ lastRadarValue = radarValue;
void Loop(AsyncMqttClient& mqttClient)
+ int motionValue = (lastRadarValue == HIGH || lastPirValue == HIGH) ? HIGH : LOW;
+ if (lastMotionValue == motionValue) return;
+ mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/motion").c_str(), 0, true, motionValue == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF");
+ lastMotionValue = motionValue;
bool SendDiscovery(DynamicJsonDocument& doc)
- if (!pirPin && !radarPin) return true;
+ if (!pirPin && !radarPin)
+ return true;
doc["~"] = roomsTopic;
@@ -104,6 +108,29 @@ namespace Motion
serializeJson(doc, buffer);
String discoveryTopic = "homeassistant/binary_sensor/espresense_" + ESPMAC + "/motion/config";
- return pub(discoveryTopic.c_str(), 0, true, buffer);
+ if (!pub(discoveryTopic.c_str(), 0, true, buffer)) return false;
+ return (!pirPin || sendNumberDiscovery("Pir Timeout", EC_CONFIG)) && (!radarPin || sendNumberDiscovery("Radar Timeout", EC_CONFIG));
+ }
+ bool Command(String& command, String& pay)
+ {
+ if (command == "pir_timeout")
+ {
+ pirTimeout = pay.toInt();
+ spurt("/pir_timeout", pay);
+ }
+ else if (command == "radar_timeout")
+ {
+ radarTimeout = pay.toInt();
+ spurt("/radar_timeout", pay);
+ }
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool SendOnline(DynamicJsonDocument& doc)
+ {
+ return pub((roomsTopic + "/pir_timeout").c_str(), 0, true, String(pirTimeout).c_str())
+ && pub((roomsTopic + "/radar_timeout").c_str(), 0, true, String(radarTimeout).c_str());
diff --git a/src/MotionSensors.h b/src/MotionSensors.h
index d1bc5e9..45ee77f 100644
--- a/src/MotionSensors.h
+++ b/src/MotionSensors.h
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
-#pragma once
-// Forward declares
-class AsyncMqttClient;
-namespace Motion
- void Setup();
- void ConnectToWifi();
- void SerialReport();
- void Loop(AsyncMqttClient& mqttClient);
- bool SendDiscovery(DynamicJsonDocument& doc);
\ No newline at end of file
+#pragma once
+// Forward declares
+class AsyncMqttClient;
+namespace Motion
+ void Setup();
+ void ConnectToWifi();
+ void SerialReport();
+ void Loop(AsyncMqttClient& mqttClient);
+ bool SendDiscovery(DynamicJsonDocument& doc);
+ bool SendOnline(DynamicJsonDocument& doc);
+ bool Command(String& command, String& pay);
diff --git a/src/defaults.h b/src/defaults.h
index 161d134..e2fb1ab 100644
--- a/src/defaults.h
+++ b/src/defaults.h
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
// Maximum distance (in meters) to report. Devices that are calculated to be further than this distance in meters will not be reported
+// Seconds before reporting radar/motion cleared
// Define the base topic for room detection. Usually "espresense"
#define CHANNEL String("espresense")
@@ -51,3 +54,6 @@
+static const char *const EC_DIAGNOSTIC = "diagnostic";
+static const char *const EC_CONFIG = "config";
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 4495fc8..9e999de 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ bool sendTelemetry(int totalSeen, int totalFpSeen, int totalFpQueried, int total
if (!online)
- if (sendOnline())
+ if (pub(statusTopic.c_str(), 0, true, "online") && pub((roomsTopic + "/max_distance").c_str(), 0, true, String(BleFingerprintCollection::maxDistance).c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/absorption").c_str(), 0, true, String(BleFingerprintCollection::absorption).c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/query").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::query.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/include").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::include.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/exclude").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::exclude.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/known_macs").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::knownMacs.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/count_ids").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::countIds.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/status_led").c_str(), 0, true, String(GUI::statusLed ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/arduino_ota").c_str(), 0, true, String(arduinoOta ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) &&
+ pub((roomsTopic + "/auto_update").c_str(), 0, true, String(autoUpdate ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/prerelease").c_str(), 0, true, String(prerelease ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/active_scan").c_str(), 0, true, String(activeScan ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && Motion::SendOnline(doc))
online = true;
reconnectTries = 0;
@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ void setupNetwork()
WiFiSettings.heading("Misc ℹ️", false);
GUI::statusLed = WiFiSettings.checkbox("status_led", true, "Status LED");
#ifdef SENSORS
dht11Pin = WiFiSettings.integer("dht11_pin", 0, "DHT11 sensor pin (0 for disable)");
@@ -318,77 +320,66 @@ void onMqttMessage(char *topic, char *payload, AsyncMqttClientMessageProperties
if (commandPos < 0) return;
auto command = top.substring(commandPos + 1, setPos);
+ bool changed = true;
if (command == "max_distance")
BleFingerprintCollection::maxDistance = pay.toFloat();
spurt("/max_dist", pay);
- online = false;
else if (command == "absorption")
BleFingerprintCollection::absorption = pay.toFloat();
spurt("/absorption", pay);
- online = false;
else if (command == "active_scan")
activeScan = pay == "ON";
spurt("/active_scan", String(activeScan));
- online = false;
else if (command == "query")
BleFingerprintCollection::query = pay;
spurt("/query", pay);
- online = false;
else if (command == "include")
BleFingerprintCollection::include = pay;
spurt("/include", pay);
- online = false;
else if (command == "exclude")
BleFingerprintCollection::exclude = pay;
spurt("/exclude", pay);
- online = false;
else if (command == "known_macs")
BleFingerprintCollection::knownMacs = pay;
spurt("/known_macs", pay);
- online = false;
else if (command == "count_ids")
BleFingerprintCollection::countIds = pay;
spurt("/count_ids", pay);
- online = false;
else if (command == "status_led")
GUI::statusLed = pay == "ON";
spurt("/status_led", String(GUI::statusLed));
- online = false;
else if (command == "arduino_ota")
arduinoOta = pay == "ON";
spurt("/arduino_ota", String(arduinoOta));
- online = false;
else if (command == "auto_update")
autoUpdate = pay == "ON";
spurt("/auto_update", String(autoUpdate));
- online = false;
else if (command == "prerelease")
prerelease = pay == "ON";
spurt("/prerelease", String(prerelease));
- online = false;
else if (command == "restart")
@@ -398,6 +389,9 @@ void onMqttMessage(char *topic, char *payload, AsyncMqttClientMessageProperties
+ else if (Motion::Command(command, pay)){}
+ else changed = false;
+ if (changed) online = false;
void reconnect(TimerHandle_t xTimer)
diff --git a/src/main.h b/src/main.h
index 2e5b864..18a9891 100644
--- a/src/main.h
+++ b/src/main.h
@@ -56,9 +56,6 @@ int BH1750_I2c_Bus;
#include "HX711.h"
-static const char *const EC_DIAGNOSTIC = "diagnostic";
-static const char *const EC_CONFIG = "config";
AsyncMqttClient mqttClient;
TimerHandle_t reconnectTimer;
TaskHandle_t scanTaskHandle, reportTaskHandle;
@@ -328,11 +325,6 @@ bool pub(const char *topic, uint8_t qos, bool retain, const char *payload, size_
return false;
-bool sendOnline()
- return pub(statusTopic.c_str(), 0, true, "online") && pub((roomsTopic + "/max_distance").c_str(), 0, true, String(BleFingerprintCollection::maxDistance).c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/absorption").c_str(), 0, true, String(BleFingerprintCollection::absorption).c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/query").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::query.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/include").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::include.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/exclude").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::exclude.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/known_macs").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::knownMacs.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/count_ids").c_str(), 0, true, BleFingerprintCollection::countIds.c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/status_led").c_str(), 0, true, String(GUI::statusLed ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/arduino_ota").c_str(), 0, true, String(arduinoOta ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/auto_update").c_str(), 0, true, String(autoUpdate ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/prerelease").c_str(), 0, true, String(prerelease ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && pub((roomsTopic + "/active_scan").c_str(), 0, true, String(activeScan ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str());
void commonDiscovery()
@@ -525,7 +517,7 @@ bool sendNumberDiscovery(const String &name, const String &entityCategory)
doc["avty_t"] = "~/status";
doc["stat_t"] = "~/" + slug;
doc["cmd_t"] = "~/" + slug + "/set";
- doc["step"] = "0.01";
+ doc["step"] = "0.1";
doc["entity_category"] = entityCategory;
serializeJson(doc, buffer);