Add include exclude query filtering (#255)
Co-authored-by: Stefan Knaak <> * Add Feature: Blacklist/Whitelist * MQTT room=* all rooms will set, added restart * Fixes: #58 #229 #152
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,25 +4,29 @@ about: Create a report to help us improve
title: ''
labels: bug
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
**Hardware Details**
If the bug is related to tracking a specific piece of hardware (e.g. iBeacon, phone, etc), please enter any relevant details about the hardware (such as firmware version, MAC address, etc).
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. If it relates to fingerprinting or presense please include the id you expect/monitor.
- [ ] Active Scan enabled
- [ ] Query enabled
- Version:
- Active scan enabled:
- Include filter:
- Exclude filter:
- Query filter:
- Firmware flavor:
- Device (be specific):
If possible, copy and paste any logs from the serial monitor from the time that you see the bug.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
@ -19,6 +19,61 @@
Sprintf("%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", nativeAddress[5], nativeAddress[4], nativeAddress[3], nativeAddress[2], nativeAddress[1], nativeAddress[0]); \
bool prefixExists(String prefixes, String id)
unsigned int start = 0;
unsigned int space = 0;
while ((space = prefixes.indexOf(" ", start)) != -1)
if (space > start)
auto sub = prefixes.substring(start, space);
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.printf("Verbose | %-58sSUB\n", sub.c_str());
if (sub == "*" || id.indexOf(sub) != -1) return true;
start = space + 1;
auto sub = prefixes.substring(start);
return (sub == "*" || id.indexOf(sub) != -1);
bool BleFingerprint::shouldHide(String id)
auto include = _parent->getInclude();
if (include.length() > 0 && !prefixExists(include, id)) return true;
auto exclude = _parent->getExclude();
return (exclude.length() > 0 && prefixExists(exclude, id));
void BleFingerprint::setId(String newId, short int newIdType)
if (newIdType < idType) return;
hidden = shouldHide(newId);
if (!allowQuery)
auto query = _parent->getQuery();
if (prefixExists(query, newId))
allowQuery = true;
qryAttempts = 0;
if (rssi < -60)
qryDelayMillis = 5000;
lastQryMillis = millis();
id = newId;
idType = newIdType;
String BleFingerprint::getMac() { return SMacf(address); }
int BleFingerprint::get1mRssi()
@ -44,6 +99,9 @@ void BleFingerprint::fingerprint(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice)
if (advertisedDevice->haveName())
name = String(advertisedDevice->getName().c_str());
if (advertisedDevice->getAdvType() > 0)
connectable = true;
if (advertisedDevice->haveServiceUUID())
@ -83,10 +141,12 @@ void BleFingerprint::fingerprint(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice)
if (!rmAsst)
rmAsst = true;
didQuery = false;
shouldQuery = true;
qryAttempts = 0;
qryDelayMillis = 3;
if (didQuery)
qryDelayMillis = 0;
qryAttempts = 0;
didQuery = false;
@ -210,7 +270,6 @@ void BleFingerprint::fingerprint(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice)
else if (strManufacturerData.length() >= 4 && strManufacturerData[2] == 0x10)
shouldQuery = true;
ignore = false;
String pid;
@ -338,7 +397,7 @@ void BleFingerprint::setInitial(int initalRssi, float initalDistance)
bool BleFingerprint::report(JsonDocument *doc)
if (ignore || (idType == 0 && !macPublic))
if (ignore || (idType == 0 && !macPublic) || hidden)
return false;
if (reported || !hasValue)
@ -380,7 +439,7 @@ bool BleFingerprint::report(JsonDocument *doc)
bool BleFingerprint::query()
if (!shouldQuery || didQuery) return false;
if (!(allowQuery || rmAsst) || !connectable || didQuery) return false;
if (rssi < -90) return false;
auto now = millis();
@ -390,58 +449,56 @@ bool BleFingerprint::query()
bool success = false;
Serial.printf("%d Query | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s rssi %d\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), rssi);
NimBLEClient *pClient = NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize() ? NimBLEDevice::getClientByPeerAddress(address) : nullptr;
if (!pClient) pClient = NimBLEDevice::getDisconnectedClient();
if (!pClient) pClient = NimBLEDevice::createClient();
if (pClient->connect(address))
auto sRmAst = pClient->getValue(roomAssistantService, rootAssistantCharacteristic);
if (!sRmAst.empty())
if (rmAsst)
setId(String("roomAssistant:") + kebabify(sRmAst).c_str(), ID_TYPE_RM_ASST);
Serial.printf("%d RmAst | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s %s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), sRmAst.c_str());
success = true;
auto sRmAst = pClient->getValue(roomAssistantService, rootAssistantCharacteristic);
if (!sRmAst.empty())
setId(String("roomAssistant:") + kebabify(sRmAst).c_str(), ID_TYPE_RM_ASST);
Serial.printf("%d RmAst | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s %s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), sRmAst.c_str());
success = true;
else if (allowQuery)
auto sMdl = pClient->getValue(deviceInformationService, modelChar);
auto sName = pClient->getValue(genericAccessService, nameChar);
if (!sName.empty() && !sMdl.empty() && sMdl.find(sName) == std::string::npos &&"Apple Watch") != 0)
setId(String("name:") + kebabify(sName).c_str(), ID_TYPE_APPLE_NAME);
Serial.printf("%d Name | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s %s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), sName.c_str());
success = !rmAsst; // Success only if we don't expect to get rootAssistantCharacteristic
setId(String("name:") + kebabify(sName).c_str(), ID_TYPE_APPLE_NAME);
success = true;
else if (!sMdl.empty())
setId(String("apple:") + kebabify(sMdl).c_str(), ID_TYPE_APPLE_MODEL);
if (name.isEmpty()) name = sMdl.c_str();
Serial.printf("%d Model | MAC: %s, ID: %-60s %s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), sMdl.c_str());
success = !rmAsst; // Success only if we don't expect to get rootAssistantCharacteristic
setId(String("apple:") + kebabify(sMdl).c_str(), ID_TYPE_APPLE_MODEL);
success = true;
else if (!sName.empty())
if (name.isEmpty()) name = sName.c_str();
// auto sFwRevChar = pClient->getValue(deviceInformationService, fwRevChar);
// Serial.printf("%d FwRev | MAC: %s, ID: %-50s%s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), sFwRevChar.c_str());
// auto sHwRevChar = pClient->getValue(deviceInformationService, hwRevChar);
// Serial.printf("%d HwRev | MAC: %s, ID: %-50s%s\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), sHwRevChar.c_str());
if (success) return true;
Serial.printf("%d QryErr| MAC: %s, ID: %-60s rssi %d, try %d, retry after %dms\n", xPortGetCoreID(), getMac().c_str(), getId().c_str(), rssi, qryAttempts, qryDelayMillis);
if (qryDelayMillis < 30000)
qryDelayMillis *= qryAttempts;
qryDelayMillis += (1000 * qryAttempts * qryAttempts);
qryDelayMillis = 30000;
didQuery = false;
@ -56,12 +56,7 @@ public:
return getMac();
void setId(String newId, short int newIdType)
if (newIdType < idType) return;
id = newId;
idType = newIdType;
void setId(String newId, short int newIdType);
String getMac();
int get1mRssi();
@ -85,13 +80,14 @@ public:
void fingerprint(BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice);
bool shouldHide(String newId);
BleFingerprintCollection *_parent;
bool hasValue = false, close = false, reported = false, macPublic = false, ignore = false, shouldQuery = false, didQuery = false, rmAsst = false;
bool hasValue = false, close = false, reported = false, macPublic = false, ignore = false, allowQuery = false, didQuery = false, rmAsst = false, hidden = false, connectable = false;
NimBLEAddress address;
String id, name, disc;
short int idType = 0, rssi = -100, calRssi = NO_RSSI, mdRssi = NO_RSSI, asRssi = NO_RSSI, newest = NO_RSSI, recent = NO_RSSI, oldest = NO_RSSI;
int qryAttempts = 0, seenCount = 1, qryDelayMillis = 3;
int qryAttempts = 0, seenCount = 1, qryDelayMillis = 0;
float raw = 0, lastReported = 0, temp = 0, humidity = 0;
unsigned long firstSeenMillis, lastSeenMillis = 0, lastReportedMillis = 0, lastQryMillis = 0;
uint16_t mv = 0;
@ -20,18 +20,24 @@ public:
void cleanupOldFingerprints();
std::list<BleFingerprint *> getCopy();
void setDisable(bool disable) { _disable = disable; }
void setParams(int rssiRef, int forgetMs, float skipDistance, int skipMs, float maxDistance)
void setParams(int rssiRef, int forgetMs, float skipDistance, int skipMs, float maxDistance, String include, String exclude, String query)
_refRssi = rssiRef;
_forgetMs = forgetMs;
_skipDistance = skipDistance;
_skipMs = skipMs;
_maxDistance = maxDistance;
_include = include;
_exclude = exclude;
_query = query;
int getSkipMs() { return _skipMs; }
float getSkipDistance() { return _skipDistance; }
int getRefRssi() { return _refRssi; }
float getMaxDistance() { return _maxDistance; }
String getInclude() { return _include; }
String getExclude() { return _exclude; }
String getQuery() { return _query; }
bool _disable = false;
@ -39,6 +45,7 @@ private:
float _maxDistance, _skipDistance;
int _refRssi, _forgetMs, _skipMs;
unsigned long lastCleanup = 0;
String _include, _exclude, _query;
SemaphoreHandle_t fingerprintSemaphore;
std::list<BleFingerprint *> fingerprints;
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ static BLEUUID meaterService(0xa75cc7fc, 0xc956, 0x488f, 0xac2a2dbc08b63a04);
static BLEUUID meaterCharacteristic(0x7edda774, 0x045e, 0x4bbf, 0x909b45d1991a2876);
static BLEUUID genericAccessService(uint16_t(0x1800));
static BLEUUID deviceInformationService(uint16_t(0x180A));
static BLEUUID nameChar(uint16_t(0x2A00));
static BLEUUID manufChar(uint16_t(0x2A29));
static BLEUUID deviceInformationService(uint16_t(0x180A));
static BLEUUID modelChar(uint16_t(0x2A24));
static BLEUUID hwRevChar(uint16_t(0x2A27));
static BLEUUID fwRevChar(uint16_t(0x2A26));
static BLEUUID hwRevChar(uint16_t(0x2A27));
static BLEUUID manufChar(uint16_t(0x2A29));
static int median_of_3(int a, int b, int c)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ default_envs = esp32
platform = espressif32@3.5
framework = arduino
lib_deps_external =
lib_deps_external =
@ -37,25 +37,23 @@ lib_deps_external =
platform = ${common_env_data.platform}
framework = ${common_env_data.framework}
board = esp32dev
lib_deps =
lib_deps = ${common_env_data.lib_deps_external}
board_build.partitions = partitions_singleapp.csv
monitor_speed = 115200
upload_speed = 1500000
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
build_flags =
build_flags =
-D FIRMWARE='"esp32"'
platform = ${common_env_data.platform}
framework = ${common_env_data.framework}
board = esp32dev
lib_deps =
lib_deps = ${common_env_data.lib_deps_external}
board_build.partitions = partitions_singleapp.csv
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
build_flags =
build_flags =
-D FIRMWARE='"adafruit-huzzah32"'
@ -63,13 +61,12 @@ build_flags =
platform = ${common_env_data.platform}
framework = ${common_env_data.framework}
board = esp32dev
lib_deps =
lib_deps = ${common_env_data.lib_deps_external}
board_build.partitions = partitions_singleapp.csv
monitor_speed = 115200
upload_speed = 1500000
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
build_flags =
build_flags =
-D FIRMWARE='"esp32-verbose"'
@ -78,13 +75,13 @@ build_flags =
platform = ${common_env_data.platform}
framework = ${common_env_data.framework}
board = m5stick-c
lib_deps =
lib_deps =
board_build.partitions = partitions_singleapp.csv
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
build_flags =
build_flags =
-D FIRMWARE='"m5stickc"'
@ -92,13 +89,13 @@ build_flags =
platform = ${common_env_data.platform}
framework = ${common_env_data.framework}
board = m5stick-c
lib_deps =
lib_deps =
board_build.partitions = partitions_singleapp.csv
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
build_flags =
build_flags =
-D FIRMWARE='"m5stickc-plus"'
@ -107,14 +104,14 @@ build_flags =
platform = ${common_env_data.platform}
framework = ${common_env_data.framework}
board = m5stack-atom
lib_deps =
lib_deps =
board_build.partitions = partitions_singleapp.csv
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
build_flags =
build_flags =
-D FIRMWARE='"m5atom-matrix"'
@ -123,11 +120,10 @@ build_flags =
platform = ${common_env_data.platform}
framework = ${common_env_data.framework}
board = esp32dev
lib_deps =
lib_deps = ${common_env_data.lib_deps_external}
board_build.partitions = partitions_singleapp.csv
monitor_speed = 115200
build_flags =
build_flags =
-D FIRMWARE='"macchina-a0"'
@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
//Define the base topic for room detection. Usually "espresense"
#define CHANNEL String("espresense")
#define DEFAULT_QUERY ""
#define BLE_SCAN_INTERVAL 40 // Used to determine antenna sharing between Bluetooth and WiFi. Do not modify unless you are confident you know what you're doing
#define BLE_SCAN_WINDOW 30 // Used to determine antenna sharing between Bluetooth and WiFi. Do not modify unless you are confident you know what you're doing
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ bool sendTelemetry(int totalSeen, int totalFpSeen, int totalFpQueried, int total
if (discovery && !sentDiscovery)
if (sendDiscoveryConnectivity() && sendDiscoveryUptime() && sendDiscoveryFreeMem() && sendSwitchDiscovery("Status LED", "config") && sendNumberDiscovery("Max Distance", "config") && sendSwitchDiscovery("Active Scan", "config") && sendSwitchDiscovery("Query", "config") && sendDiscoveryMotion()
if (sendDiscoveryConnectivity() && sendDiscoveryUptime() && sendDiscoveryFreeMem() && sendButtonDiscovery("Restart", "diagnostic") && sendSwitchDiscovery("Status LED", "config") && sendNumberDiscovery("Max Distance", "config") && sendSwitchDiscovery("Active Scan", "config") && sendDeleteDiscovery("switch", "Query") && sendDiscoveryMotion()
#ifdef SENSORS
&& sendDiscoveryHumidity() && sendDiscoveryTemperature() && sendDiscoveryLux() && sendDiscoveryBME280Temperature() && sendDiscoveryBME280Humidity() && sendDiscoveryBME280Pressure() && sendDiscoveryTSL2561Lux()
@ -115,28 +115,29 @@ void connectToWifi()
room = WiFiSettings.string("room", ESPMAC, "Room");
WiFiSettings.heading("MQTT Connection");
mqttHost = WiFiSettings.string("mqtt_host", DEFAULT_MQTT_HOST, "Server");
mqttPort = WiFiSettings.integer("mqtt_port", DEFAULT_MQTT_PORT, "Port");
mqttUser = WiFiSettings.string("mqtt_user", DEFAULT_MQTT_USER, "Username");
mqttPass = WiFiSettings.string("mqtt_pass", DEFAULT_MQTT_PASSWORD, "Password");
statusLed = WiFiSettings.checkbox("status_led", true, "Status LED");
autoUpdate = WiFiSettings.checkbox("auto_update", DEFAULT_AUTO_UPDATE, "Automatically Update");
otaUpdate = WiFiSettings.checkbox("ota_update", DEFAULT_OTA_UPDATE, "Arduino OTA Update");
discovery = WiFiSettings.checkbox("discovery", true, "Home Assistant Discovery");
activeScan = WiFiSettings.checkbox("active_scan", false, "Active scanning (uses more battery but more results)");
allowQuery = WiFiSettings.checkbox("query", false, "Query devices for characteristics (helps apple fingerprints uniqueness)");
publishTele = WiFiSettings.checkbox("pub_tele", true, "Send to telemetry topic");
publishRooms = WiFiSettings.checkbox("pub_rooms", true, "Send to rooms topic");
publishDevices = WiFiSettings.checkbox("pub_devices", true, "Send to devices topic");
query = WiFiSettings.string("query", DEFAULT_QUERY, "Query device ids for characteristics (eg. apple:1005:9-26)");
if (query == "1") query = "apple:10"; // This is to keep query=true doing the same thing as older firmwares
include = WiFiSettings.string("include", DEFAULT_INCLUDE, "If set will only send matching to mqtt (eg. apple:iphone10-6 apple:iphone13-2)");
exclude = WiFiSettings.string("exclude", DEFAULT_EXCLUDE, "Exclude sensing these ids to mqtt (eg. exp:20 apple:iphone10-6)");
maxDistance = WiFiSettings.floating("max_dist", 0, 100, DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE, "Maximum distance to report (in meters)");
forgetMs = WiFiSettings.integer("forget_ms", 0, 3000000, DEFAULT_FORGET_MS, "Forget beacon if not seen for (in miliiseconds)");
skipDistance = WiFiSettings.floating("skip_dist", 0, 10, DEFAULT_SKIP_DISTANCE, "Update mqtt if beacon has moved more than this distance since last report (in meters)");
@ -144,7 +145,6 @@ void connectToWifi()
refRssi = WiFiSettings.integer("ref_rssi", -100, 100, DEFAULT_REF_RSSI, "Rssi expected from a 0dBm transmitter at 1 meter");
WiFiSettings.heading("Additional Sensors");
pirPin = WiFiSettings.integer("pir_pin", 0, "PIR motion pin (0 for disable)");
radarPin = WiFiSettings.integer("radar_pin", 0, "Radar motion pin (0 for disable)");
#ifdef SENSORS
@ -222,19 +222,26 @@ void connectToWifi()
Serial.println(TSL2561_I2c + " on bus " + TSL2561_I2c_Bus);
Serial.print("Query: ");
Serial.print("Include: ");
Serial.print("Exclude: ");
localIp = WiFi.localIP().toString();
id = slugify(room);
roomsTopic = CHANNEL + "/rooms/" + id;
statusTopic = roomsTopic + "/status";
teleTopic = roomsTopic + "/telemetry";
subTopic = roomsTopic + "/+/set";
setTopic = roomsTopic + "/+/set";
void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent)
xTimerStop(reconnectTimer, 0);
mqttClient.subscribe(subTopic.c_str(), 2);
mqttClient.subscribe("espresense/rooms/*/+/set", 1);
mqttClient.subscribe(setTopic.c_str(), 1);
Display.connected(true, true);
@ -255,33 +262,56 @@ void onMqttMessage(char *topic, char *payload, AsyncMqttClientMessageProperties
String top = String(topic);
String pay = String(new_payload);
if (top == roomsTopic + "/max_distance/set")
auto setPos = top.lastIndexOf("/set");
if (setPos <= 1) return;
auto commandPos = top.lastIndexOf("/", setPos - 1);
if (commandPos < 0) return;
auto command = top.substring(commandPos + 1, setPos);
if (command == "max_distance")
maxDistance = pay.toFloat();
spurt("/max_dist", pay);
online = false;
else if (top == roomsTopic + "/active_scan/set")
else if (command == "active_scan")
activeScan = pay == "ON";
spurt("/active_scan", String(activeScan));
online = false;
else if (top == roomsTopic + "/query/set")
else if (command == "query")
allowQuery = pay == "ON";
spurt("/query", String(allowQuery));
query = pay;
spurt("/query", String(query));
online = false;
else if (top == roomsTopic + "/status_led/set")
else if (command == "include")
include = pay;
spurt("/include", String(include));
online = false;
else if (command == "exclude")
exclude = pay;
spurt("/exclude", String(exclude));
online = false;
else if (command == "status_led")
statusLed = pay == "ON";
spurt("/status_led", String(statusLed));
online = false;
else if (command == "restart")
fingerprints.setParams(refRssi, forgetMs, skipDistance, skipMs, maxDistance);
fingerprints.setParams(refRssi, forgetMs, skipDistance, skipMs, maxDistance, include, exclude, query);
void reconnect(TimerHandle_t xTimer)
@ -352,7 +382,7 @@ bool reportDevice(BleFingerprint *f)
void scanForDevices(void *parameter)
fingerprints.setParams(refRssi, forgetMs, skipDistance, skipMs, maxDistance);
fingerprints.setParams(refRssi, forgetMs, skipDistance, skipMs, maxDistance, include, exclude, query);
BLEDevice::init(Stdprintf("ESPresense-%06" PRIx64, ESP.getEfuseMac() >> 24));
for (esp_ble_power_type_t i = ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL0; i <= ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_CONN_HDL8; i = esp_ble_power_type_t((int)i + 1))
NimBLEDevice::setPower(ESP_PWR_LVL_P9, i);
@ -380,18 +410,25 @@ void scanForDevices(void *parameter)
sendTelemetry(totalSeen, totalFpSeen, totalFpQueried, totalFpReported);
if (allowQuery)
if (millis() - lastQueryMillis > 3000)
auto started = millis();
for (auto it = seen.begin(); it != seen.end(); ++it)
auto f = (*it);
if (f->query())
if (millis() - started > 3000) break;
if (!pBLEScan->isScanning())
if (!pBLEScan->start(0, nullptr, false))
log_e("Error re-starting continuous ble scan");
lastQueryMillis = millis(); // If we stopped scanning, don't query for 3 seconds in order for us to catch any missed broadcasts
for (auto it = seen.begin(); it != seen.end(); ++it)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ TaskHandle_t scannerTask;
bool updateInProgress = false;
String localIp;
unsigned long lastTeleMillis;
unsigned long lastTeleMillis, lastQueryMillis;
int reconnectTries = 0;
int teleFails = 0;
bool online = false; // Have we successfully sent status=online
@ -82,10 +82,13 @@ String id;
String statusTopic;
String teleTopic;
String roomsTopic;
String subTopic;
String setTopic;
String query;
String include;
String exclude;
bool autoUpdate, otaUpdate;
bool discovery, statusLed;
bool activeScan, allowQuery;
bool activeScan;
bool publishTele;
bool publishRooms;
bool publishDevices;
@ -335,7 +338,7 @@ bool pub(const char *topic, uint8_t qos, bool retain, const char *payload, size_
bool sendOnline()
return mqttClient.publish(statusTopic.c_str(), 0, 1, "online") && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/max_distance").c_str(), 0, 1, String(maxDistance).c_str()) && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/query").c_str(), 0, 1, String(allowQuery ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/status_led").c_str(), 0, 1, String(statusLed ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/active_scan").c_str(), 0, 1, String(activeScan ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str());
return mqttClient.publish(statusTopic.c_str(), 0, 1, "online") && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/max_distance").c_str(), 0, 1, String(maxDistance).c_str()) && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/query").c_str(), 0, 1, query.c_str()) && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/include").c_str(), 0, 1, include.c_str()) && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/exclude").c_str(), 0, 1, exclude.c_str()) && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/status_led").c_str(), 0, 1, String(statusLed ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str()) && mqttClient.publish((roomsTopic + "/active_scan").c_str(), 0, 1, String(activeScan ? "ON" : "OFF").c_str());
void commonDiscovery(JsonDocument *doc)
@ -613,6 +616,25 @@ bool sendDiscoveryTSL2561Lux()
bool sendButtonDiscovery(String name, String entityCategory)
auto slug = slugify(name);
DynamicJsonDocument doc(1200);
doc["~"] = roomsTopic;
doc["name"] = Sprintf("ESPresense %s %s", room.c_str(), name.c_str());
doc["uniq_id"] = Sprintf("espresense_%06" PRIx64 "_%s", ESP.getEfuseMac() >> 24, slug.c_str());
doc["avty_t"] = "~/status";
doc["stat_t"] = "~/" + slug;
doc["cmd_t"] = "~/" + slug + "/set";
doc["entity_category"] = entityCategory;
char buffer[1200];
serializeJson(doc, buffer);
String discoveryTopic = "homeassistant/button/espresense_" + ESPMAC + "/" + slug + "/config";
return pub(discoveryTopic.c_str(), 0, true, buffer);
bool sendSwitchDiscovery(String name, String entityCategory)
@ -634,6 +656,13 @@ bool sendSwitchDiscovery(String name, String entityCategory)
return pub(discoveryTopic.c_str(), 0, true, buffer);
bool sendDeleteDiscovery(String domain, String name)
auto slug = slugify(name);
String discoveryTopic = "homeassistant/" + domain + "/espresense_" + ESPMAC + "/" + slug + "/config";
return pub(discoveryTopic.c_str(), 0, false, "");
bool sendNumberDiscovery(String name, String entityCategory)
auto slug = slugify(name);
Reference in New Issue