#define Sprintf(f, ...) ({ char* s; asprintf(&s, f, __VA_ARGS__); String r = s; free(s); r; }) #define ESPMAC (Sprintf("%06" PRIx64, ESP.getEfuseMac() >> 24)) #if VERBOSE #define LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL ESP_LOG_VERBOSE #endif //Replace with your Wifi SSID; example: #define ssid "MyWifi" #define DEFAULT_WIFI_SSID "$SSID$" //Replace with your Wifi password; example: #define password "12345678" #define DEFAULT_WIFI_PASSWORD "$WIFI_PASSWORD$" //Replace with your MQTT Broker address #define DEFAULT_MQTT_HOST "mqtt.z13.org" //Replace with your MQTT Broker port #define DEFAULT_MQTT_PORT 1883 //Replace with your MQTT Broker user #define DEFAULT_MQTT_USER "" //Replace with your MQTT Broker password #define DEFAULT_MQTT_PASSWORD "" // Maximum distance (in meters) to report. Devices that are calculated to be further than this distance in meters will not be reported #define DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE 16 //Define the base topic for room detection. Usually "espresense" #define CHANNEL String("espresense") // Define bluetooth scan parameters #define BLE_ACTIVE_SCAN true // Active scan uses more power, but get results faster #define BLE_SCAN_INTERVAL 40 // Used to determine antenna sharing between Bluetooth and WiFi. Do not modify unless you are confident you know what you're doing #define BLE_SCAN_WINDOW 30 // Used to determine antenna sharing between Bluetooth and WiFi. Do not modify unless you are confident you know what you're doing // Max number of mac addresses to keep track of #define MAX_MAC_ADDRESSES 50 // Number of seconds between update checks #define CHECK_FOR_UPDATES_INTERVAL 300