#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess import time #this list contains array of esp32 clients, # and each client contains mDNS name and the path to .bin file #I only have 1 ESP so I duplicate mDNS entry for testing esps = [ #mDNS name of ESP #path to ".bin" file ['', 'm5atom-matrix'], ['', 'm5atom-matrix'], ['', 'm5atom-matrix'], ['', 'm5atom-matrix'], ['', 'macchina-a0'], ] esp_respond_sender_port = '3232' sender_to_esp_port = '3232' cmd = 'pio run -e m5atom-matrix -e macchina-a0' p = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) for esp in esps: cmd = 'python3 ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/tools/espota.py -i '+esp[0]+' -p '+sender_to_esp_port+' -P '+esp_respond_sender_port+' -f .pio/build/'+esp[1]+'/firmware.bin' print (cmd) p = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)