# Release Notes ### [V0.0.6](https://github.com/jptrsn/ESP32-mqtt-room/releases/tag/v0.0.6) #### 2019-07-18 - Updated platform `espressif32` to 1.9.0 - Fix for issue #14 OTA updates - Updated `.pioenvs` folder **A quick note about the update:** If you want to update from a previous version to `v0.0.6`, you may have trouble connecting to the ESP32 over the air. If you see the error message in the console that looks like this: > 13:53:51 [DEBUG]: Options: {'timeout': 10, 'esp_ip': '', 'host_port': 27562, 'image': '.pio\\build\\esp32\\firmware.bin', 'host_ip': '', 'auth': '', 'esp_port': 3232, 'spiffs': False, 'debug': True, 'progress': True} 13:53:51 [INFO]: Starting on 13:53:51 [INFO]: Upload size: 1568912 Sending invitation to .......... 13:55:31 [ERROR]: No response from the ESP *** [upload] Error 1 then you can add the following to your `platformio.ini` file: ``` upload_flags = --port=3232 ``` Save the file and run the upload command again. Once you've successfully uploaded `v0.0.6` to the device, you'll need to remove this modification, as `v0.0.6` listens on the default port `8266` ### [V0.0.5](https://github.com/jptrsn/ESP32-mqtt-room/releases/tag/v0.0.5) #### 2019-03-19 - Updated ArduinoJSON dependency to version 6. ### [V0.0.4](https://github.com/jptrsn/ESP32-mqtt-room/releases/tag/v0.0.4) #### 2019-02-10 - Added `maxDistance` setting to `config_local.h`. Unit is a non-zero integer in meters. - Fix for AsyncTCP update with breaking changes ### [V0.0.3](https://github.com/jptrsn/ESP32-mqtt-room/releases/tag/v0.0.3) #### 2018-12-10 - Improved stability for the watchdog timer issue. - Self-recovery for most crashes. - Configurable LWT topic - Over-the-Air updates are now possible from the command line of PlatformIO. - On-board LED as status indicator ### [V0.0.1](https://github.com/jptrsn/ESP32-mqtt-room/releases/tag/v0.0.1) #### 2018-12-10 - Improvements to prevent watchdog timeout as in #1. - PlatformIO build and upload support.