454 lines
16 KiB
454 lines
16 KiB
import type { Plugin } from 'vite';
import { resolve, dirname } from 'path';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import fs from 'fs/promises';
import { pascalCase } from 'change-case';
import mime from 'mime';
import type { OutputBundle } from 'rollup';
import { gzip } from '@gfx/zopfli';
import chalk from 'chalk';
const zopfliCompress = promisify(gzip);
interface CompressedOutput {
name: string;
length: number;
array: string;
contentType: string;
useCompression: boolean;
interface Asset {
path: string;
name: string;
content: string | Buffer | Uint8Array;
contentType: string;
type: string;
isServer: boolean;
interface CompressStats {
fileName: string;
inputSize: number;
compressedSize: number;
groupName: string;
useCompression: boolean;
interface CppPluginOptions {
outPrefix?: string; // Prefix for output files
basePath?: string; // Base URL path (e.g., '/ui', '/app', etc.)
staticDir?: string; // Directory for static assets
outputDir?: string; // Directory for C++ headers
clientDir?: string; // Directory for client assets (default: '../.svelte-kit/output/client')
immutableDir?: string; // Relative path to immutable assets inside the clientDir (default: 'app/immutable')
function formatSize(bytes: number): string {
if (bytes < 1024) return `${bytes} B`;
const kb = bytes / 1024;
return `${kb.toFixed(2)} kB`;
function padEnd(str: string, len: number): string {
return str.padEnd(len, ' ');
function hexdump(buffer: Uint8Array): string {
const lines: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i += 16) {
const block = buffer.slice(i, i + 16);
const hexArray = Array.from(block).map(value =>
"0x" + value.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")
lines.push(` ${hexArray.join(", ")}`);
return lines.join(",\n");
async function compressAsset(
input: string | Buffer | Uint8Array,
fileName: string,
contentType?: string
): Promise<CompressedOutput> {
const options = {
blocksplitting: true,
blocksplittinglast: false,
blocksplittingmax: 15,
verbose: false
const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(input);
const compressed = await zopfliCompress(inputBuffer, options);
const useCompression = compressed.length < inputBuffer.length;
const finalBuffer = useCompression ? compressed : inputBuffer;
return {
name: fileName.replace(/[.-]/g, "_").toUpperCase(),
length: finalBuffer.length,
array: hexdump(finalBuffer),
contentType: contentType || mime.getType(fileName) || 'application/octet-stream',
* Generates a group name based on the asset’s path and file type.
function getGroupName(assetPath: string, type: string, outPrefix: string): string {
const dir = dirname(assetPath);
if (dir === '.') return `${outPrefix}${type}`;
return outPrefix + dir.replace(/\//g, '_') + '_' + type;
* Cleans up the asset path to preserve immutable assets’ directory structure.
function normalizeAssetPath(asset: Asset): string {
if (asset.path.includes('_app/immutable')) {
// Remove any client build prefix if present.
return asset.path.replace('.svelte-kit/output/client/', '');
return asset.path;
* Given an asset, returns one or more route strings.
function generateRoutesForAsset(
asset: Asset,
basePath: string
): { routes: string[]; htmlRoutes: string[] } {
const routes: string[] = [];
const htmlRoutes: string[] = [];
const assetName = pascalCase(asset.name);
if (asset.type === 'html') {
// For HTML, serve at both the base route and the file route (except for index.html).
const routePath =
asset.path === 'index.html'
? basePath + '/'
: basePath + '/' + asset.path.slice(0, -5); // remove ".html"
htmlRoutes.push(` server->on("${routePath}", HTTP_GET, serve${assetName});`);
if (routePath !== basePath + '/') {
htmlRoutes.push(` server->on("${routePath}.html", HTTP_GET, serve${assetName});`);
} else if (asset.path.includes('_app/immutable')) {
// For immutable assets, use the exact route.
const immutablePart = asset.path.split('_app/immutable/')[1];
const routePath = `${basePath}/_app/immutable/${immutablePart}`;
routes.push(` server->on("${routePath}", HTTP_GET, serve${assetName});`);
// If JS asset, add an alternative non-hashed route.
if (asset.type === 'js') {
const baseRoute = routePath.replace(/\.[A-Za-z0-9]+\.js$/, '.js');
if (baseRoute !== routePath) {
routes.push(` server->on("${baseRoute}", HTTP_GET, serve${assetName});`);
} else {
// Default case for all other assets.
routes.push(` server->on("${basePath}/${asset.path}", HTTP_GET, serve${assetName});`);
return { routes, htmlRoutes };
export function cppPlugin(options: CppPluginOptions = {}): Plugin {
// Maps to store assets from various sources.
const staticAssets = new Map<string, Asset>();
const bundleAssets = new Map<string, Asset>();
const compressStats: CompressStats[] = [];
const basePath = options.basePath || '';
const staticDir = resolve(__dirname, options.staticDir || '../static');
const outputDir = resolve(__dirname, options.outputDir || '../../src');
const outPrefix = options.outPrefix || 'web_';
// Resolve client and immutable directories from options.
const clientDir = resolve(__dirname, options.clientDir || '../.svelte-kit/output/client');
const immutableDir = resolve(clientDir, options.immutableDir || 'app/immutable');
return {
name: 'cpp',
enforce: 'post',
apply: 'build',
async buildStart() {
// Clear any previous asset maps.
// Read and cache static assets from the provided static directory.
try {
const files = await fs.readdir(staticDir);
for (const file of files) {
if (file.startsWith('.')) continue;
const filePath = resolve(staticDir, file);
const stats = await fs.stat(filePath);
if (!stats.isFile()) continue;
const content = await fs.readFile(filePath);
const ext = file.split('.').pop()?.toLowerCase() || '';
staticAssets.set(file, {
path: file,
name: file.replace(/[.-]/g, '_'),
contentType: mime.getType(file) || 'application/octet-stream',
type: ext,
isServer: false
if (staticAssets.size > 0) {
console.log(`Captured ${staticAssets.size} static assets from ${staticDir}`);
} catch (error: any) {
if (error?.code !== 'ENOENT') {
console.error(`Error reading static directory ${staticDir}:`, error);
transformIndexHtml: {
order: 'post',
handler(html: string, { filename }) {
// Skip SSR builds.
if (filename.includes('.svelte-kit/output/server')) return html;
const basename = filename.split('/').pop() || filename;
bundleAssets.set(basename, {
path: basename,
name: basename.replace('.html', '_html').replace(/[.-]/g, '_'),
content: html,
contentType: 'text/html',
type: 'html',
isServer: false
return html;
async generateBundle(_, bundle: OutputBundle) {
// Add non-HTML bundle assets.
for (const [fileName, file] of Object.entries(bundle)) {
if (fileName.split('/')[0].startsWith('.')) continue;
if (fileName.endsWith('.json')) continue;
if (fileName.endsWith('.html')) continue; // Already handled by transformIndexHtml
const content = file.type === 'chunk' ? file.code : file.source;
const ext = fileName.split('.').pop()?.toLowerCase() || '';
const isServer = fileName.startsWith('.svelte-kit/output/server/') ||
fileName.includes('/server/') ||
bundleAssets.set(fileName, {
path: fileName,
name: fileName.replace(/[\/\\]/g, '_').replace(/[.-]/g, '_'),
contentType: file.type === 'chunk'
? 'application/javascript'
: mime.getType(fileName) || 'application/octet-stream',
type: ext,
async closeBundle() {
// Allow time for any external asset generation (such as adapter-static).
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
// Attempt to collect additional HTML assets from the build directory.
const buildDir = resolve(__dirname, '../build');
try {
const entries = await fs.readdir(buildDir);
for (const entry of entries) {
if (!entry.endsWith('.html')) continue;
const fullPath = resolve(buildDir, entry);
const content = await fs.readFile(fullPath, 'utf-8');
bundleAssets.set(entry, {
path: entry,
name: entry.replace(/[.-]/g, '_'),
contentType: 'text/html',
type: 'html',
isServer: false
} catch (error: any) {
if (error?.code !== 'ENOENT') {
console.error('Error processing HTML files:', error);
// Process immutable assets from the client directory.
async function processImmutableDirectory(dir: string, base: string = ''): Promise<void> {
const entries = await fs.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
for (const entry of entries) {
const fullPath = resolve(dir, entry.name);
const relativePath = base ? `${base}/${entry.name}` : entry.name;
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
await processImmutableDirectory(fullPath, relativePath);
} else {
const content = await fs.readFile(fullPath);
const ext = entry.name.split('.').pop()?.toLowerCase() || '';
// Prepend the folder structure for immutable assets.
const assetPath = `${options.immutableDir || 'app/immutable'}/${relativePath}`;
bundleAssets.set(assetPath, {
path: assetPath,
name: assetPath.replace(/[\/\\]/g, '_').replace(/[.-]/g, '_'),
contentType: ext === 'js'
? 'application/javascript'
: mime.getType(entry.name) || 'application/octet-stream',
type: ext,
isServer: false
try {
await processImmutableDirectory(immutableDir);
} catch (error: any) {
if (error?.code !== 'ENOENT') {
console.error('Error processing immutable files:', error);
// Merge assets from bundle and static sources into groups.
const groupedAssets = new Map<string, Asset[]>();
// Process bundle assets (skip server-only assets).
for (const asset of bundleAssets.values()) {
if (asset.path.startsWith('.svelte-kit/output/server/')) continue;
// Only include HTML files, immutable assets, or assets that also exist in staticAssets.
if (asset.type !== 'html' && !asset.path.includes(options.immutableDir || 'app/immutable') && !staticAssets.has(asset.path)) continue;
asset.path = normalizeAssetPath(asset);
const groupName = getGroupName(asset.path, asset.type, outPrefix);
const group = groupedAssets.get(groupName) || [];
groupedAssets.set(groupName, group);
// Add static assets.
for (const asset of staticAssets.values()) {
const groupName = getGroupName(asset.path, asset.type, outPrefix);
const group = groupedAssets.get(groupName) || [];
groupedAssets.set(groupName, group);
// Prepare to generate headers.
try {
await fs.mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true });
const routes: string[] = [];
const htmlRoutes: string[] = [];
let totalInputSize = 0;
let totalCompressedSize = 0;
// Generate header files for each asset group.
for (const [groupName, assets] of groupedAssets.entries()) {
let header = `/*
* Binary arrays for the Web UI ${groupName} files.
#pragma once
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
// Process each asset in the group.
for (const asset of assets) {
const inputSize = Buffer.from(asset.content).length;
const compressed = await compressAsset(asset.content, asset.name, asset.contentType);
fileName: asset.path,
compressedSize: compressed.length,
useCompression: compressed.useCompression
totalInputSize += inputSize;
totalCompressedSize += compressed.length;
header += `// ${asset.path}\n`;
header += `const uint16_t ${compressed.name}_L = ${compressed.length};\n`;
header += `const uint8_t ${compressed.name}[] PROGMEM = {\n${compressed.array}\n};\n\n`;
header += `inline void serve${pascalCase(asset.name)}(AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {\n`;
header += ` AsyncWebServerResponse *response = request->beginResponse_P(200, "${asset.contentType}", ${compressed.name}, ${compressed.name}_L);\n`;
if (compressed.useCompression) {
header += ` response->addHeader(F("Content-Encoding"), "gzip");\n`;
header += ` request->send(response);\n`;
header += `}\n\n`;
// Generate routes for this asset.
const { routes: assetRoutes, htmlRoutes: assetHtmlRoutes } = generateRoutesForAsset(asset, basePath);
// Write the group header.
await fs.writeFile(resolve(outputDir, `${groupName}.h`), header);
// Output compression stats.
console.log(chalk.cyan('\nGenerating C++ headers for web UI assets:'));
compressStats.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.groupName === b.groupName) {
return b.compressedSize - a.compressedSize;
return a.groupName.localeCompare(b.groupName);
let currentGroup = '';
for (const stat of compressStats) {
if (stat.groupName !== currentGroup) {
if (currentGroup !== '') console.log('');
currentGroup = stat.groupName;
const ratio = stat.compressedSize / stat.inputSize;
const compressionResult = stat.useCompression ? chalk.dim('gzip') : chalk.yellow('uncompressed');
chalk.dim(padEnd(stat.fileName, 70)) +
chalk.blue(padEnd(formatSize(stat.inputSize), 10)) +
compressionResult + ': ' +
chalk.green(formatSize(stat.compressedSize)) +
chalk.dim(` (${(ratio * 100).toFixed(1)}%)`)
console.log(chalk.dim('\n' + '─'.repeat(100)));
chalk.cyan('Total compressed size: ') +
chalk.green(formatSize(totalCompressedSize)) +
chalk.dim(` (${((totalCompressedSize / totalInputSize) * 100).toFixed(1)}% of ${formatSize(totalInputSize)})`)
console.log(chalk.green(`Generated C++ headers in ${outputDir}\n`));
// Generate the routes header.
const groupSizeComments = Array.from(groupedAssets.entries()).map(([groupName, assets]) => {
const groupStats = compressStats.filter(stat => stat.groupName === groupName);
const totalGroupBytes = groupStats.reduce((sum, stat) => sum + stat.compressedSize, 0);
return ` * ${groupName}: ${totalGroupBytes.toLocaleString()} bytes`;
const routesHeader = `/*
* Web UI Routes
* Compressed Size Summary:
* Total: ${totalCompressedSize.toLocaleString()} bytes
#pragma once
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
${Array.from(groupedAssets.keys()).map(group => `#include "${group}.h"`).join('\n')}
inline void setupRoutes(AsyncWebServer* server) {
// HTML routes
await fs.writeFile(resolve(outputDir, `${outPrefix}routes.h`), routesHeader);
} catch (error) {
console.error(chalk.red(`Error writing output files to ${outputDir}:`), error);