2020-12-18 19:19:43 +01:00
const CouchDB = require("../../db")
const bcrypt = require("../../utilities/bcrypt")
2021-01-06 13:28:51 +01:00
const { generateDatasourceID, getDatasourceParams } = require("../../db/utils")
2020-12-18 19:19:43 +01:00
exports.fetch = async function(ctx) {
const database = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId)
const datasources = (
await database.allDocs(
getDatasourceParams(null, {
include_docs: true,
).rows.map(row => row.doc)
ctx.body = datasources
exports.save = async function(ctx) {
const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId)
// TODO: validate the config against the integration type
// if (!somethingIsntValid) {
// // ctx.throw(400, "email and Password Required.")
// }
const datasource = {
_id: generateDatasourceID(),
type: "datasource",
try {
const response = await db.post(datasource)
datasource._rev = response.rev
ctx.status = 200
ctx.message = "Datasource created successfully."
ctx.body = datasource
} catch (err) {
ctx.throw(err.status, err)
exports.update = async function(ctx) {
const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId)
const user = ctx.request.body
const dbUser = await db.get(ctx.request.body._id)
if (user.password) {
user.password = await bcrypt.hash(user.password)
} else {
delete user.password
const newData = { ...dbUser, ...user }
const response = await db.put(newData)
user._rev = response.rev
ctx.status = 200
ctx.message = `User ${ctx.request.body.email} updated successfully.`
ctx.body = response
exports.destroy = async function(ctx) {
2021-01-07 14:13:46 +01:00
// TODO: destroy all queries as well
2020-12-18 19:19:43 +01:00
const database = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId)
await database.destroy(ctx.params.datasourceId)
ctx.message = `Datasource deleted.`
ctx.status = 200
exports.find = async function(ctx) {
const database = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId)
const datasource = await database.get(ctx.params.datasourceId)
ctx.body = datasource