2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
function noop ( ) { }
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function assign ( tar , src ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
// @ts-ignore
for ( const k in src ) tar [ k ] = src [ k ]
return tar
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function run ( fn ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return fn ( )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function blank _object ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return Object . create ( null )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function run _all ( fns ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
fns . forEach ( run )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function is _function ( thing ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return typeof thing === "function"
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function safe _not _equal ( a , b ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return a != a
? b == b
: a !== b || ( a && typeof a === "object" ) || typeof a === "function"
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function create _slot ( definition , ctx , fn ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( definition ) {
const slot _ctx = get _slot _context ( definition , ctx , fn )
return definition [ 0 ] ( slot _ctx )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function get _slot _context ( definition , ctx , fn ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return definition [ 1 ]
? assign ( { } , assign ( ctx . $$scope . ctx , definition [ 1 ] ( fn ? fn ( ctx ) : { } ) ) )
: ctx . $$scope . ctx
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function get _slot _changes ( definition , ctx , changed , fn ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return definition [ 1 ]
? assign (
{ } ,
assign ( ctx . $$scope . changed || { } , definition [ 1 ] ( fn ? fn ( changed ) : { } ) )
: ctx . $$scope . changed || { }
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function null _to _empty ( value ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return value == null ? "" : value
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function append ( target , node ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
target . appendChild ( node )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function insert ( target , node , anchor ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
target . insertBefore ( node , anchor || null )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function detach ( node ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
node . parentNode . removeChild ( node )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function destroy _each ( iterations , detaching ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
for ( let i = 0 ; i < iterations . length ; i += 1 ) {
if ( iterations [ i ] ) iterations [ i ] . d ( detaching )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function element ( name ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return document . createElement ( name )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function svg _element ( name ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return document . createElementNS ( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" , name )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function text ( data ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return document . createTextNode ( data )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function space ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return text ( " " )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function empty ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return text ( "" )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function listen ( node , event , handler , options ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
node . addEventListener ( event , handler , options )
return ( ) => node . removeEventListener ( event , handler , options )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function attr ( node , attribute , value ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( value == null ) node . removeAttribute ( attribute )
else node . setAttribute ( attribute , value )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function children ( element ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return Array . from ( element . childNodes )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function claim _element ( nodes , name , attributes , svg ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
for ( let i = 0 ; i < nodes . length ; i += 1 ) {
const node = nodes [ i ]
if ( n ode . nodeName === name ) {
for ( let j = 0 ; j < node . attributes . length ; j += 1 ) {
const attribute = node . attributes [ j ]
if ( ! attributes [ attribute . name ] ) node . removeAttribute ( attribute . name )
return nodes . splice ( i , 1 ) [ 0 ] // TODO strip unwanted attributes
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return svg ? svg _element ( name ) : element ( name )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function claim _text ( nodes , data ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
for ( let i = 0 ; i < nodes . length ; i += 1 ) {
const node = nodes [ i ]
if ( node . nodeType === 3 ) {
node . data = "" + data
return nodes . splice ( i , 1 ) [ 0 ]
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return text ( data )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function claim _space ( nodes ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return claim _text ( nodes , " " )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function set _data ( text , data ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
data = "" + data
if ( text . data !== data ) text . data = data
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function set _input _value ( input , value ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( value != null || input . value ) {
input . value = value
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function set _style ( node , key , value , important ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
node . style . setProperty ( key , value , important ? "important" : "" )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
function toggle _class ( element , name , toggle ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
element . classList [ toggle ? "add" : "remove" ] ( name )
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let current _component
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function set _current _component ( component ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
current _component = component
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// TODO figure out if we still want to support
// shorthand events, or if we want to implement
// a real bubbling mechanism
function bubble ( component , event ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const callbacks = component . $$ . callbacks [ event . type ]
if ( callbacks ) {
callbacks . slice ( ) . forEach ( fn => fn ( event ) )
const dirty _components = [ ]
const binding _callbacks = [ ]
const render _callbacks = [ ]
const flush _callbacks = [ ]
const resolved _promise = Promise . resolve ( )
let update _scheduled = false
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function schedule _update ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( ! update _scheduled ) {
update _scheduled = true
resolved _promise . then ( flush )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function add _render _callback ( fn ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
render _callbacks . push ( fn )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function flush ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const seen _callbacks = new Set ( )
do {
// first, call beforeUpdate functions
// and update components
while ( dirty _components . length ) {
const component = dirty _components . shift ( )
set _current _component ( component )
update ( component . $$ )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
while ( binding _callbacks . length ) binding _callbacks . pop ( ) ( )
// then, once components are updated, call
// afterUpdate functions. This may cause
// subsequent updates...
for ( let i = 0 ; i < render _callbacks . length ; i += 1 ) {
const callback = render _callbacks [ i ]
if ( ! seen _callbacks . has ( callback ) ) {
callback ( )
// ...so guard against infinite loops
seen _callbacks . add ( callback )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
render _callbacks . length = 0
} while ( dirty _components . length )
while ( flush _callbacks . length ) {
flush _callbacks . pop ( ) ( )
update _scheduled = false
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
function update ( $$ ) {
if ( $$ . fragment ) {
$$ . update ( $$ . dirty )
run _all ( $$ . before _update )
$$ . fragment . p ( $$ . dirty , $$ . ctx )
$$ . dirty = null
$$ . after _update . forEach ( add _render _callback )
const outroing = new Set ( )
let outros
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function group _outros ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
outros = {
r : 0 ,
c : [ ] ,
p : outros , // parent group
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function check _outros ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( ! outros . r ) {
run _all ( outros . c )
outros = outros . p
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function transition _in ( block , local ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( block && block . i ) {
outroing . delete ( block )
block . i ( local )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function transition _out ( block , local , detach , callback ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( block && block . o ) {
if ( outroing . has ( block ) ) return
outroing . add ( block )
outros . c . push ( ( ) => {
outroing . delete ( block )
if ( callback ) {
if ( detach ) block . d ( 1 )
callback ( )
} )
block . o ( local )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const globals = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : global
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function mount _component ( component , target , anchor ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const { fragment , on _mount , on _destroy , after _update } = component . $$
fragment . m ( target , anchor )
// onMount happens before the initial afterUpdate
add _render _callback ( ( ) => {
const new _on _destroy = on _mount . map ( run ) . filter ( is _function )
if ( on _destroy ) {
on _destroy . push ( ... new _on _destroy )
} else {
// Edge case - component was destroyed immediately,
// most likely as a result of a binding initialising
run _all ( new _on _destroy )
component . $$ . on _mount = [ ]
} )
after _update . forEach ( add _render _callback )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function destroy _component ( component , detaching ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( component . $$ . fragment ) {
run _all ( component . $$ . on _destroy )
component . $$ . fragment . d ( detaching )
// TODO null out other refs, including component.$$ (but need to
// preserve final state?)
component . $$ . on _destroy = component . $$ . fragment = null
component . $$ . ctx = { }
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function make _dirty ( component , key ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( ! component . $$ . dirty ) {
dirty _components . push ( component )
schedule _update ( )
component . $$ . dirty = blank _object ( )
component . $$ . dirty [ key ] = true
function init (
component ,
options ,
instance ,
create _fragment ,
not _equal ,
prop _names
) {
const parent _component = current _component
set _current _component ( component )
const props = options . props || { }
const $$ = ( component . $$ = {
fragment : null ,
ctx : null ,
// state
props : prop _names ,
update : noop ,
not _equal ,
bound : blank _object ( ) ,
// lifecycle
on _mount : [ ] ,
on _destroy : [ ] ,
before _update : [ ] ,
after _update : [ ] ,
context : new Map ( parent _component ? parent _component . $$ . context : [ ] ) ,
// everything else
callbacks : blank _object ( ) ,
dirty : null ,
} )
let ready = false
$$ . ctx = instance
? instance ( component , props , ( key , ret , value = ret ) => {
if ( $$ . ctx && not _equal ( $$ . ctx [ key ] , ( $$ . ctx [ key ] = value ) ) ) {
if ( $$ . bound [ key ] ) $$ . bound [ key ] ( value )
if ( ready ) make _dirty ( component , key )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return ret
} )
: props
$$ . update ( )
ready = true
run _all ( $$ . before _update )
$$ . fragment = create _fragment ( $$ . ctx )
if ( options . target ) {
if ( options . hydrate ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
$$ . fragment . l ( children ( options . target ) )
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
$$ . fragment . c ( )
if ( options . intro ) transition _in ( component . $$ . fragment )
mount _component ( component , options . target , options . anchor )
flush ( )
set _current _component ( parent _component )
let SvelteElement
if ( typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" ) {
SvelteElement = class extends HTMLElement {
constructor ( ) {
super ( )
this . attachShadow ( { mode : "open" } )
connectedCallback ( ) {
// @ts-ignore todo: improve typings
for ( const key in this . $$ . slotted ) {
// @ts-ignore todo: improve typings
this . appendChild ( this . $$ . slotted [ key ] )
attributeChangedCallback ( attr , _oldValue , newValue ) {
this [ attr ] = newValue
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
$destroy ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
destroy _component ( this , 1 )
this . $destroy = noop
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
$on ( type , callback ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
// TODO should this delegate to addEventListener?
const callbacks =
this . $$ . callbacks [ type ] || ( this . $$ . callbacks [ type ] = [ ] )
callbacks . push ( callback )
return ( ) => {
const index = callbacks . indexOf ( callback )
if ( index !== - 1 ) callbacks . splice ( index , 1 )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
$set ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
// overridden by instance, if it has props
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
class SvelteComponent {
$destroy ( ) {
destroy _component ( this , 1 )
this . $destroy = noop
$on ( type , callback ) {
const callbacks = this . $$ . callbacks [ type ] || ( this . $$ . callbacks [ type ] = [ ] )
callbacks . push ( callback )
return ( ) => {
const index = callbacks . indexOf ( callback )
if ( index !== - 1 ) callbacks . splice ( index , 1 )
$set ( ) {
// overridden by instance, if it has props
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
/* src\Button.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
function add _css ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var style = element ( "style" )
style . id = "svelte-1q8lga0-style"
style . textContent =
".default.svelte-1q8lga0{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;padding:0.4em;margin:0 0 0.5em 0;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:2px;color:#333;background-color:#f4f4f4;outline:none}.default.svelte-1q8lga0:active{background-color:#ddd}.default.svelte-1q8lga0:focus{border-color:#666}"
append ( document . head , style )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// (30:4) {:else}
function create _else _block ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var current
const default _slot _template = ctx . $$slots . default
const default _slot = create _slot ( default _slot _template , ctx , null )
return {
c ( ) {
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . c ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . l ( nodes )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
if ( default _slot ) {
default _slot . m ( target , anchor )
current = true
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( default _slot && default _slot . p && changed . $$scope ) {
default _slot . p (
get _slot _changes ( default _slot _template , ctx , changed , null ) ,
get _slot _context ( default _slot _template , ctx , null )
} ,
i ( local ) {
if ( current ) return
transition _in ( default _slot , local )
current = true
} ,
o ( local ) {
transition _out ( default _slot , local )
current = false
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . d ( detaching )
} ,
// (28:26)
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function create _if _block _1 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var t
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return {
c ( ) {
t = text ( ctx . contentText )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
l ( nodes ) {
t = claim _text ( nodes , ctx . contentText )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , t , anchor )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( changed . contentText ) {
set _data ( t , ctx . contentText )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( t )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// (25:4) {#if contentComponent && contentComponent._component}
function create _if _block ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
ctx . div _binding ( div )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
p : noop ,
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
ctx . div _binding ( null )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function create _fragment ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var button ,
current _block _type _index ,
if _block ,
button _class _value ,
current ,
var if _block _creators = [
create _if _block ,
create _if _block _1 ,
create _else _block ,
var if _blocks = [ ]
function select _block _type ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( ctx . contentComponent && ctx . contentComponent . _component ) return 0
if ( ctx . contentText ) return 1
return 2
current _block _type _index = select _block _type ( null , ctx )
if _block = if _blocks [ current _block _type _index ] = if _block _creators [
current _block _type _index
] ( ctx )
return {
c ( ) {
button = element ( "button" )
if _block . c ( )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
button = claim _element (
nodes ,
{ class : true , disabled : true } ,
var button _nodes = children ( button )
if _block . l ( button _nodes )
button _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
button ,
"class" ,
( button _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . className ) + " svelte-1q8lga0" )
button . disabled = ctx . disabled
dispose = listen ( button , "click" , ctx . clickHandler )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , button , anchor )
if _blocks [ current _block _type _index ] . m ( button , null )
current = true
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
var previous _block _index = current _block _type _index
current _block _type _index = select _block _type ( changed , ctx )
if ( current _block _type _index === previous _block _index ) {
if _blocks [ current _block _type _index ] . p ( changed , ctx )
} else {
group _outros ( )
transition _out ( if _blocks [ previous _block _index ] , 1 , 1 , ( ) => {
if _blocks [ previous _block _index ] = null
} )
check _outros ( )
if _block = if _blocks [ current _block _type _index ]
if ( ! if _block ) {
if _block = if _blocks [ current _block _type _index ] = if _block _creators [
current _block _type _index
] ( ctx )
if _block . c ( )
transition _in ( if _block , 1 )
if _block . m ( button , null )
if (
( ! current || changed . className ) &&
button _class _value !==
( button _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . className ) + " svelte-1q8lga0" )
) {
attr ( button , "class" , button _class _value )
if ( ! current || changed . disabled ) {
button . disabled = ctx . disabled
} ,
i ( local ) {
if ( current ) return
transition _in ( if _block )
current = true
} ,
o ( local ) {
transition _out ( if _block )
current = false
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( button )
if _blocks [ current _block _type _index ] . d ( )
dispose ( )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function instance ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let {
className = "default" ,
disabled = false ,
contentText ,
contentComponent ,
onClick = ( ) => { } ,
} = $$props
let { _bb } = $$props
let contentComponentContainer
const clickHandler = ( ) => {
if ( onClick ) onClick ( )
let { $$slots = { } , $$scope } = $$props
function div _binding ( $$value ) {
binding _callbacks [ $$value ? "unshift" : "push" ] ( ( ) => {
$$invalidate (
"contentComponentContainer" ,
( contentComponentContainer = $$value )
} )
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "className" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "className" , ( className = $$props . className ) )
if ( "disabled" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "disabled" , ( disabled = $$props . disabled ) )
if ( "contentText" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "contentText" , ( contentText = $$props . contentText ) )
if ( "contentComponent" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"contentComponent" ,
( contentComponent = $$props . contentComponent )
if ( "onClick" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "onClick" , ( onClick = $$props . onClick ) )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
if ( "$$scope" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "$$scope" , ( $$scope = $$props . $$scope ) )
$$self . $$ . update = (
$$dirty = { _bb : 1 , contentComponentContainer : 1 , contentComponent : 1 }
) => {
if (
$$dirty . _bb ||
$$dirty . contentComponentContainer ||
$$dirty . contentComponent
) {
if ( _bb && contentComponentContainer && contentComponent . _component )
_bb . hydrateComponent ( contentComponent , contentComponentContainer )
return {
className ,
disabled ,
contentText ,
contentComponent ,
onClick ,
_bb ,
contentComponentContainer ,
clickHandler ,
div _binding ,
$$slots ,
$$scope ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
class Button extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
if ( ! document . getElementById ( "svelte-1q8lga0-style" ) ) add _css ( )
init ( this , options , instance , create _fragment , safe _not _equal , [
"className" ,
"disabled" ,
"contentText" ,
"contentComponent" ,
"onClick" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
/* src\Textbox.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
function add _css$1 ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var style = element ( "style" )
style . id = "svelte-1ec4wqj-style"
style . textContent =
".default.svelte-1ec4wqj{width:100%;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;padding:0.4em;margin:0 0 0.5em 0;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:2px;width:100%}.default.svelte-1ec4wqj:disabled{color:#ccc}"
append ( document . head , style )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// (32:0) {:else}
function create _else _block$1 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var input , input _class _value
return {
c ( ) {
input = element ( "input" )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
input = claim _element (
nodes ,
{ class : true , type : true , value : true } ,
var input _nodes = children ( input )
input _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
input ,
"class" ,
( input _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . className ) + " svelte-1ec4wqj" )
attr ( input , "type" , "text" )
input . value = ctx . actualValue
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , input , anchor )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if (
changed . className &&
input _class _value !==
( input _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . className ) + " svelte-1ec4wqj" )
) {
attr ( input , "class" , input _class _value )
if ( changed . actualValue ) {
input . value = ctx . actualValue
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( input )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// (28:0) {#if hideValue}
function create _if _block$1 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var input , input _class _value , dispose
return {
c ( ) {
input = element ( "input" )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
input = claim _element (
nodes ,
{ class : true , type : true , value : true } ,
var input _nodes = children ( input )
input _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
input ,
"class" ,
( input _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . className ) + " svelte-1ec4wqj" )
attr ( input , "type" , "password" )
input . value = ctx . actualValue
dispose = listen ( input , "change" , ctx . change _handler )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , input , anchor )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if (
changed . className &&
input _class _value !==
( input _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . className ) + " svelte-1ec4wqj" )
) {
attr ( input , "class" , input _class _value )
if ( changed . actualValue ) {
input . value = ctx . actualValue
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( input )
dispose ( )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
function create _fragment$1 ( ctx ) {
var if _block _anchor
function select _block _type ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( ctx . hideValue ) return create _if _block$1
return create _else _block$1
var current _block _type = select _block _type ( null , ctx )
var if _block = current _block _type ( ctx )
return {
c ( ) {
if _block . c ( )
if _block _anchor = empty ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
if _block . l ( nodes )
if _block _anchor = empty ( )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
if _block . m ( target , anchor )
insert ( target , if _block _anchor , anchor )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if (
current _block _type ===
( current _block _type = select _block _type ( changed , ctx ) ) &&
if _block
) {
if _block . p ( changed , ctx )
} else {
if _block . d ( 1 )
if _block = current _block _type ( ctx )
if ( if _block ) {
if _block . c ( )
if _block . m ( if _block _anchor . parentNode , if _block _anchor )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
d ( detaching ) {
if _block . d ( detaching )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( if _block _anchor )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function instance$1 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let { value = "" , hideValue = false , className = "default" , _bb } = $$props
let actualValue = ""
function change _handler ( event ) {
bubble ( $$self , event )
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "value" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "value" , ( value = $$props . value ) )
if ( "hideValue" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "hideValue" , ( hideValue = $$props . hideValue ) )
if ( "className" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "className" , ( className = $$props . className ) )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
$$self . $$ . update = ( $$dirty = { _bb : 1 , value : 1 } ) => {
if ( $$dirty . _bb || $$dirty . value ) {
if ( _bb && value . _isstate ) {
_bb . store . subscribe ( s => {
$$invalidate (
"actualValue" ,
( actualValue = _bb . store . getValue ( s , value ) )
} )
return {
value ,
hideValue ,
className ,
_bb ,
actualValue ,
change _handler ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
class Textbox extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
if ( ! document . getElementById ( "svelte-1ec4wqj-style" ) ) add _css$1 ( )
init ( this , options , instance$1 , create _fragment$1 , safe _not _equal , [
"value" ,
"hideValue" ,
"className" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
/* src\Form.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
function add _css$2 ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var style = element ( "style" )
style . id = "svelte-m9d6ue-style"
style . textContent =
".form-root.svelte-m9d6ue{display:grid;grid-template-columns:[label] auto [control] 1fr}.label.svelte-m9d6ue{grid-column-start:label;padding:5px 10px;vertical-align:middle}.control.svelte-m9d6ue{grid-column-start:control;padding:5px 10px}.overflow.svelte-m9d6ue{grid-column-start:overflow}.full-width.svelte-m9d6ue{width:100%}"
append ( document . head , style )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function get _each _context ( ctx , list , i ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const child _ctx = Object . create ( ctx )
child _ctx . child = list [ i ]
child _ctx . index = i
return child _ctx
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// (30:4) {#each formControls as child, index}
function create _each _block ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div0 ,
t0 _value = ctx . labels [ ctx . index ] + "" ,
t0 ,
t1 ,
div1 ,
index = ctx . index
const assign _div1 = ( ) => ctx . div1 _binding ( div1 , index )
const unassign _div1 = ( ) => ctx . div1 _binding ( null , index )
return {
c ( ) {
div0 = element ( "div" )
t0 = text ( t0 _value )
t1 = space ( )
div1 = element ( "div" )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div0 = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div0 _nodes = children ( div0 )
t0 = claim _text ( div0 _nodes , t0 _value )
div0 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
t1 = claim _space ( nodes )
div1 = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div1 _nodes = children ( div1 )
div1 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr ( div0 , "class" , "label svelte-m9d6ue" )
attr ( div1 , "class" , "control svelte-m9d6ue" )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div0 , anchor )
append ( div0 , t0 )
insert ( target , t1 , anchor )
insert ( target , div1 , anchor )
assign _div1 ( )
} ,
p ( changed , new _ctx ) {
ctx = new _ctx
if (
changed . labels &&
t0 _value !== ( t0 _value = ctx . labels [ ctx . index ] + "" )
) {
set _data ( t0 , t0 _value )
if ( index !== ctx . index ) {
unassign _div1 ( )
index = ctx . index
assign _div1 ( )
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div0 )
detach ( t1 )
detach ( div1 )
unassign _div1 ( )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function create _fragment$2 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div , div _class _value
let each _value = ctx . formControls
let each _blocks = [ ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block ( get _each _context ( ctx , each _value , i ) )
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . l ( div _nodes )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
div ,
"class" ,
( div _class _value = "form-root " + ctx . containerClass + " svelte-m9d6ue" )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( div , null )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( changed . htmlElements || changed . labels || changed . formControls ) {
each _value = ctx . formControls
let i
for ( i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
const child _ctx = get _each _context ( ctx , each _value , i )
if ( each _blocks [ i ] ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . p ( changed , child _ctx )
} else {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block ( child _ctx )
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( )
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( div , null )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
for ( ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . d ( 1 )
each _blocks . length = each _value . length
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if (
changed . containerClass &&
div _class _value !==
( div _class _value =
"form-root " + ctx . containerClass + " svelte-m9d6ue" )
) {
attr ( div , "class" , div _class _value )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
destroy _each ( each _blocks , detaching )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
function instance$2 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
let { containerClass = "" , formControls = [ ] , _bb } = $$props
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let htmlElements = { }
let labels = { }
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
function div1 _binding ( $$value , index ) {
if ( htmlElements [ index ] === $$value ) return
binding _callbacks [ $$value ? "unshift" : "push" ] ( ( ) => {
htmlElements [ index ] = $$value
$$invalidate ( "htmlElements" , htmlElements )
} )
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "containerClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "containerClass" , ( containerClass = $$props . containerClass ) )
if ( "formControls" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "formControls" , ( formControls = $$props . formControls ) )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
$$self . $$ . update = (
$$dirty = { formControls : 1 , _bb : 1 , htmlElements : 1 }
) => {
if ( $$dirty . formControls || $$dirty . _bb || $$dirty . htmlElements ) {
let cIndex = 0
for ( let c of formControls ) {
$$invalidate ( "labels" , ( labels [ cIndex ] = c . label ) , labels )
cIndex ++
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( _bb && htmlElements ) {
for ( let el in htmlElements ) {
_bb . hydrateComponent ( formControls [ el ] . control , htmlElements [ el ] )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return {
containerClass ,
formControls ,
_bb ,
htmlElements ,
labels ,
div1 _binding ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
class Form extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
if ( ! document . getElementById ( "svelte-m9d6ue-style" ) ) add _css$2 ( )
init ( this , options , instance$2 , create _fragment$2 , safe _not _equal , [
"containerClass" ,
"formControls" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
/* src\Login.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
function add _css$3 ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var style = element ( "style" )
style . id = "svelte-crnq0a-style"
style . textContent =
".root.svelte-crnq0a{height:100%;display:grid;grid-template-columns:[left] 1fr [middle] auto [right] 1fr;grid-template-rows:[top] 1fr [center] auto [bottom] 1fr}.content.svelte-crnq0a{grid-column-start:middle;grid-row-start:center;width:400px}.logo-container.svelte-crnq0a{margin-bottom:20px\n}.logo-container.svelte-crnq0a>img.svelte-crnq0a{max-width:100%}.login-button-container.svelte-crnq0a{text-align:right;margin-top:20px}.incorrect-details-panel.svelte-crnq0a{margin-top:30px;padding:10px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:maroon;border-radius:1px;text-align:center;color:maroon;background-color:mistyrose}.form-root.svelte-crnq0a{display:grid;grid-template-columns:[label] auto [control] 1fr}.label.svelte-crnq0a{grid-column-start:label;padding:5px 10px;vertical-align:middle}.control.svelte-crnq0a{grid-column-start:control;padding:5px 10px}.default-input.svelte-crnq0a{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;padding:0.4em;margin:0 0 0.5em 0;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:2px;width:100%}.default-button.svelte-crnq0a{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;padding:0.4em;margin:0 0 0.5em 0;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:2px;color:#333;background-color:#f4f4f4;outline:none}.default-button.svelte-crnq0a:active{background-color:#ddd}.default-button.svelte-crnq0a:focus{border-color:#666}"
append ( document . head , style )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// (57:8) {#if _logo}
function create _if _block _1$1 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div , img
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
img = element ( "img" )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
img = claim _element (
div _nodes ,
"IMG" ,
{ src : true , alt : true , class : true } ,
var img _nodes = children ( img )
img _nodes . forEach ( detach )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr ( img , "src" , ctx . _logo )
attr ( img , "alt" , "logo" )
attr ( img , "class" , "svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( div , "class" , "logo-container svelte-crnq0a" )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
append ( div , img )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( changed . _logo ) {
attr ( img , "src" , ctx . _logo )
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// (86:8) {#if incorrect}
function create _if _block$2 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div , t
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
t = text ( "Incorrect username or password" )
this . h ( )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
t = claim _text ( div _nodes , "Incorrect username or password" )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
h ( ) {
attr ( div , "class" , "incorrect-details-panel svelte-crnq0a" )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
append ( div , t )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function create _fragment$3 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div7 ,
div6 ,
t0 ,
div4 ,
div0 ,
t1 ,
t2 ,
div1 ,
input0 ,
input0 _class _value ,
t3 ,
div2 ,
t4 ,
t5 ,
div3 ,
input1 ,
input1 _class _value ,
t6 ,
div5 ,
button ,
t7 ,
button _class _value ,
t8 ,
var if _block0 = ctx . _logo && create _if _block _1$1 ( ctx )
var if _block1 = ctx . incorrect && create _if _block$2 ( )
return {
c ( ) {
div7 = element ( "div" )
div6 = element ( "div" )
if ( if _block0 ) if _block0 . c ( )
t0 = space ( )
div4 = element ( "div" )
div0 = element ( "div" )
t1 = text ( ctx . usernameLabel )
t2 = space ( )
div1 = element ( "div" )
input0 = element ( "input" )
t3 = space ( )
div2 = element ( "div" )
t4 = text ( ctx . passwordLabel )
t5 = space ( )
div3 = element ( "div" )
input1 = element ( "input" )
t6 = space ( )
div5 = element ( "div" )
button = element ( "button" )
t7 = text ( ctx . loginButtonLabel )
t8 = space ( )
if ( if _block1 ) if _block1 . c ( )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div7 = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div7 _nodes = children ( div7 )
div6 = claim _element ( div7 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div6 _nodes = children ( div6 )
if ( if _block0 ) if _block0 . l ( div6 _nodes )
t0 = claim _space ( div6 _nodes )
div4 = claim _element ( div6 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div4 _nodes = children ( div4 )
div0 = claim _element ( div4 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div0 _nodes = children ( div0 )
t1 = claim _text ( div0 _nodes , ctx . usernameLabel )
div0 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
t2 = claim _space ( div4 _nodes )
div1 = claim _element ( div4 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div1 _nodes = children ( div1 )
input0 = claim _element (
div1 _nodes ,
{ type : true , class : true } ,
var input0 _nodes = children ( input0 )
input0 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
div1 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
t3 = claim _space ( div4 _nodes )
div2 = claim _element ( div4 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div2 _nodes = children ( div2 )
t4 = claim _text ( div2 _nodes , ctx . passwordLabel )
div2 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
t5 = claim _space ( div4 _nodes )
div3 = claim _element ( div4 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div3 _nodes = children ( div3 )
input1 = claim _element (
div3 _nodes ,
{ type : true , class : true } ,
var input1 _nodes = children ( input1 )
input1 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
div3 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
div4 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
t6 = claim _space ( div6 _nodes )
div5 = claim _element ( div6 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div5 _nodes = children ( div5 )
button = claim _element (
div5 _nodes ,
{ disabled : true , class : true } ,
var button _nodes = children ( button )
t7 = claim _text ( button _nodes , ctx . loginButtonLabel )
button _nodes . forEach ( detach )
div5 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
t8 = claim _space ( div6 _nodes )
if ( if _block1 ) if _block1 . l ( div6 _nodes )
div6 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
div7 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr ( div0 , "class" , "label svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( input0 , "type" , "text" )
attr (
input0 ,
"class" ,
( input0 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . _inputClass ) + " svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( div1 , "class" , "control svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( div2 , "class" , "label svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( input1 , "type" , "password" )
attr (
input1 ,
"class" ,
( input1 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . _inputClass ) + " svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( div3 , "class" , "control svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( div4 , "class" , "form-root svelte-crnq0a" )
button . disabled = ctx . busy
attr (
button ,
"class" ,
( button _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . _buttonClass ) + " svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( div5 , "class" , "login-button-container svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( div6 , "class" , "content svelte-crnq0a" )
attr ( div7 , "class" , "root svelte-crnq0a" )
dispose = [
listen ( input0 , "input" , ctx . input0 _input _handler ) ,
listen ( input1 , "input" , ctx . input1 _input _handler ) ,
listen ( button , "click" , ctx . login ) ,
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div7 , anchor )
append ( div7 , div6 )
if ( if _block0 ) if _block0 . m ( div6 , null )
append ( div6 , t0 )
append ( div6 , div4 )
append ( div4 , div0 )
append ( div0 , t1 )
append ( div4 , t2 )
append ( div4 , div1 )
append ( div1 , input0 )
set _input _value ( input0 , ctx . username )
append ( div4 , t3 )
append ( div4 , div2 )
append ( div2 , t4 )
append ( div4 , t5 )
append ( div4 , div3 )
append ( div3 , input1 )
set _input _value ( input1 , ctx . password )
append ( div6 , t6 )
append ( div6 , div5 )
append ( div5 , button )
append ( button , t7 )
append ( div6 , t8 )
if ( if _block1 ) if _block1 . m ( div6 , null )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( ctx . _logo ) {
if ( if _block0 ) {
if _block0 . p ( changed , ctx )
} else {
if _block0 = create _if _block _1$1 ( ctx )
if _block0 . c ( )
if _block0 . m ( div6 , t0 )
} else if ( if _block0 ) {
if _block0 . d ( 1 )
if _block0 = null
if ( changed . usernameLabel ) {
set _data ( t1 , ctx . usernameLabel )
if ( changed . username && input0 . value !== ctx . username )
set _input _value ( input0 , ctx . username )
if (
changed . _inputClass &&
input0 _class _value !==
( input0 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . _inputClass ) + " svelte-crnq0a" )
) {
attr ( input0 , "class" , input0 _class _value )
if ( changed . passwordLabel ) {
set _data ( t4 , ctx . passwordLabel )
if ( changed . password && input1 . value !== ctx . password )
set _input _value ( input1 , ctx . password )
if (
changed . _inputClass &&
input1 _class _value !==
( input1 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . _inputClass ) + " svelte-crnq0a" )
) {
attr ( input1 , "class" , input1 _class _value )
if ( changed . loginButtonLabel ) {
set _data ( t7 , ctx . loginButtonLabel )
if ( changed . busy ) {
button . disabled = ctx . busy
if (
changed . _buttonClass &&
button _class _value !==
( button _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . _buttonClass ) + " svelte-crnq0a" )
) {
attr ( button , "class" , button _class _value )
if ( ctx . incorrect ) {
if ( ! if _block1 ) {
if _block1 = create _if _block$2 ( )
if _block1 . c ( )
if _block1 . m ( div6 , null )
} else if ( if _block1 ) {
if _block1 . d ( 1 )
if _block1 = null
} ,
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div7 )
if ( if _block0 ) if _block0 . d ( )
if ( if _block1 ) if _block1 . d ( )
run _all ( dispose )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function instance$3 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let {
usernameLabel = "Username" ,
passwordLabel = "Password" ,
loginButtonLabel = "Login" ,
loginRedirect = "" ,
logo = "" ,
buttonClass = "" ,
inputClass = "" ,
_bb ,
} = $$props
let username = ""
let password = ""
let busy = false
let incorrect = false
let _logo = ""
let _buttonClass = ""
let _inputClass = ""
const login = ( ) => {
$$invalidate ( "busy" , ( busy = true ) )
_bb . api
. post ( "/api/authenticate" , { username , password } )
. then ( r => {
$$invalidate ( "busy" , ( busy = false ) )
if ( r . status === 200 ) {
return r . json ( )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
} else {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
$$invalidate ( "incorrect" , ( incorrect = true ) )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
} )
. then ( user => {
if ( user ) {
localStorage . setItem ( "budibase:user" , user )
location . reload ( )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
} )
function input0 _input _handler ( ) {
username = this . value
$$invalidate ( "username" , username )
function input1 _input _handler ( ) {
password = this . value
$$invalidate ( "password" , password )
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "usernameLabel" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "usernameLabel" , ( usernameLabel = $$props . usernameLabel ) )
if ( "passwordLabel" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "passwordLabel" , ( passwordLabel = $$props . passwordLabel ) )
if ( "loginButtonLabel" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"loginButtonLabel" ,
( loginButtonLabel = $$props . loginButtonLabel )
if ( "loginRedirect" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "loginRedirect" , ( loginRedirect = $$props . loginRedirect ) )
if ( "logo" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "logo" , ( logo = $$props . logo ) )
if ( "buttonClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "buttonClass" , ( buttonClass = $$props . buttonClass ) )
if ( "inputClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "inputClass" , ( inputClass = $$props . inputClass ) )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
$$self . $$ . update = (
$$dirty = { _bb : 1 , logo : 1 , buttonClass : 1 , inputClass : 1 }
) => {
if (
$$dirty . _bb ||
$$dirty . logo ||
$$dirty . buttonClass ||
$$dirty . inputClass
) {
$$invalidate ( "_logo" , ( _logo = _bb . relativeUrl ( logo ) ) )
$$invalidate (
"_buttonClass" ,
( _buttonClass = buttonClass || "default-button" )
$$invalidate (
"_inputClass" ,
( _inputClass = inputClass || "default-input" )
return {
usernameLabel ,
passwordLabel ,
loginButtonLabel ,
loginRedirect ,
logo ,
buttonClass ,
inputClass ,
_bb ,
username ,
password ,
busy ,
incorrect ,
_logo ,
_buttonClass ,
_inputClass ,
login ,
input0 _input _handler ,
input1 _input _handler ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
class Login extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
if ( ! document . getElementById ( "svelte-crnq0a-style" ) ) add _css$3 ( )
init ( this , options , instance$3 , create _fragment$3 , safe _not _equal , [
"usernameLabel" ,
"passwordLabel" ,
"loginButtonLabel" ,
"loginRedirect" ,
"logo" ,
"buttonClass" ,
"inputClass" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
const buildStyle = styles => {
let str = ""
for ( let s in styles ) {
if ( styles [ s ] ) {
str += ` ${ s } : ${ styles [ s ] } ; `
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
return str
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
/* src\Grid.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
function add _css$4 ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var style = element ( "style" )
style . id = "svelte-10kw8to-style"
style . textContent = ".root.svelte-10kw8to{display:grid}"
append ( document . head , style )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function get _each _context$1 ( ctx , list , i ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const child _ctx = Object . create ( ctx )
child _ctx . child = list [ i ]
child _ctx . index = i
return child _ctx
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
// (49:4) {#each children as child, index}
function create _each _block$1 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div ,
index = ctx . index ,
div _class _value ,
div _style _value
const assign _div = ( ) => ctx . div _binding ( div , index )
const unassign _div = ( ) => ctx . div _binding ( null , index )
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true , style : true } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
div ,
"class" ,
( div _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . itemContainerClass ) + " svelte-10kw8to" )
attr ( div , "style" , ( div _style _value = ctx . childStyle ( ctx . child ) ) )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
assign _div ( )
} ,
p ( changed , new _ctx ) {
ctx = new _ctx
if ( index !== ctx . index ) {
unassign _div ( )
index = ctx . index
assign _div ( )
if (
changed . itemContainerClass &&
div _class _value !==
( div _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . itemContainerClass ) + " svelte-10kw8to" )
) {
attr ( div , "class" , div _class _value )
if (
changed . children &&
div _style _value !== ( div _style _value = ctx . childStyle ( ctx . child ) )
) {
attr ( div , "style" , div _style _value )
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
unassign _div ( )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function create _fragment$4 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div , div _class _value
let each _value = ctx . children
let each _blocks = [ ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block$1 ( get _each _context$1 ( ctx , each _value , i ) )
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true , style : true } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . l ( div _nodes )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
div ,
"class" ,
( div _class _value = "root " + ctx . containerClass + " svelte-10kw8to" )
set _style ( div , "width" , ctx . width )
set _style ( div , "height" , ctx . height )
set _style ( div , "grid-template-columns" , ctx . gridTemplateColumns )
set _style ( div , "grid-template-rows" , ctx . gridTemplateRows )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( div , null )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if (
changed . itemContainerClass ||
changed . childStyle ||
changed . children ||
changed . htmlElements
) {
each _value = ctx . children
let i
for ( i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
const child _ctx = get _each _context$1 ( ctx , each _value , i )
if ( each _blocks [ i ] ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . p ( changed , child _ctx )
} else {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block$1 ( child _ctx )
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( )
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( div , null )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
for ( ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . d ( 1 )
each _blocks . length = each _value . length
if (
changed . containerClass &&
div _class _value !==
( div _class _value = "root " + ctx . containerClass + " svelte-10kw8to" )
) {
attr ( div , "class" , div _class _value )
if ( changed . width ) {
set _style ( div , "width" , ctx . width )
if ( changed . height ) {
set _style ( div , "height" , ctx . height )
if ( changed . gridTemplateColumns ) {
set _style ( div , "grid-template-columns" , ctx . gridTemplateColumns )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( changed . gridTemplateRows ) {
set _style ( div , "grid-template-rows" , ctx . gridTemplateRows )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
destroy _each ( each _blocks , detaching )
} ,
function instance$4 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
let {
gridTemplateRows = "" ,
gridTemplateColumns = "" ,
children = [ ] ,
width = "auto" ,
height = "auto" ,
containerClass = "" ,
itemContainerClass = "" ,
_bb ,
} = $$props
let htmlElements = { }
const childStyle = child =>
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
buildStyle ( {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
"grid-column-start" : child . gridColumnStart ,
"grid-column-end" : child . gridColumnEnd ,
"grid-column" : child . gridColumn ,
"grid-row-start" : child . gridRowStart ,
"grid-row-end" : child . gridRowStart ,
"grid-row" : child . gridRow ,
} )
function div _binding ( $$value , index ) {
if ( htmlElements [ index ] === $$value ) return
binding _callbacks [ $$value ? "unshift" : "push" ] ( ( ) => {
htmlElements [ index ] = $$value
$$invalidate ( "htmlElements" , htmlElements )
} )
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "gridTemplateRows" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"gridTemplateRows" ,
( gridTemplateRows = $$props . gridTemplateRows )
if ( "gridTemplateColumns" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"gridTemplateColumns" ,
( gridTemplateColumns = $$props . gridTemplateColumns )
if ( "children" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "children" , ( children = $$props . children ) )
if ( "width" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "width" , ( width = $$props . width ) )
if ( "height" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "height" , ( height = $$props . height ) )
if ( "containerClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "containerClass" , ( containerClass = $$props . containerClass ) )
if ( "itemContainerClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"itemContainerClass" ,
( itemContainerClass = $$props . itemContainerClass )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
$$self . $$ . update = ( $$dirty = { _bb : 1 , htmlElements : 1 , children : 1 } ) => {
if ( $$dirty . _bb || $$dirty . htmlElements || $$dirty . children ) {
if ( _bb && htmlElements ) {
for ( let el in htmlElements ) {
_bb . hydrateComponent ( children [ el ] . control , htmlElements [ el ] )
return {
gridTemplateRows ,
gridTemplateColumns ,
children ,
width ,
height ,
containerClass ,
itemContainerClass ,
_bb ,
htmlElements ,
childStyle ,
div _binding ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
class Grid extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
if ( ! document . getElementById ( "svelte-10kw8to-style" ) ) add _css$4 ( )
init ( this , options , instance$4 , create _fragment$4 , safe _not _equal , [
"gridTemplateRows" ,
"gridTemplateColumns" ,
"children" ,
"width" ,
"height" ,
"containerClass" ,
"itemContainerClass" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
/* src\StackPanel.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const { Object : Object _1 } = globals
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function add _css$5 ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var style = element ( "style" )
style . id = "svelte-osi0db-style"
style . textContent =
append ( document . head , style )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function get _each _context$2 ( ctx , list , i ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const child _ctx = Object _1 . create ( ctx )
child _ctx . child = list [ i ]
child _ctx . index = i
return child _ctx
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
function get _each _context _1 ( ctx , list , i ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const child _ctx = Object _1 . create ( ctx )
child _ctx . child = list [ i ]
child _ctx . index = i
return child _ctx
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
// (76:4) {#each children as child, index}
function create _each _block _1 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div1 ,
div0 ,
index = ctx . index ,
div0 _class _value ,
div1 _class _value
const assign _div0 = ( ) => ctx . div0 _binding ( div0 , index )
const unassign _div0 = ( ) => ctx . div0 _binding ( null , index )
return {
c ( ) {
div1 = element ( "div" )
div0 = element ( "div" )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div1 = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div1 _nodes = children ( div1 )
div0 = claim _element ( div1 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div0 _nodes = children ( div0 )
div0 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
div1 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
div0 ,
"class" ,
( div0 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . itemContainerClass ) + " svelte-osi0db" )
attr (
div1 ,
"class" ,
( div1 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . direction ) + " svelte-osi0db" )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div1 , anchor )
append ( div1 , div0 )
assign _div0 ( )
} ,
p ( changed , new _ctx ) {
ctx = new _ctx
if ( index !== ctx . index ) {
unassign _div0 ( )
index = ctx . index
assign _div0 ( )
if (
changed . itemContainerClass &&
div0 _class _value !==
( div0 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . itemContainerClass ) + " svelte-osi0db" )
) {
attr ( div0 , "class" , div0 _class _value )
if (
changed . direction &&
div1 _class _value !==
( div1 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . direction ) + " svelte-osi0db" )
) {
attr ( div1 , "class" , div1 _class _value )
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div1 )
unassign _div0 ( )
} ,
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
// (83:4) {#each data as child, index}
function create _each _block$2 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div1 ,
div0 ,
index = ctx . index ,
div0 _class _value ,
t ,
div1 _class _value
const assign _div0 = ( ) => ctx . div0 _binding _1 ( div0 , index )
const unassign _div0 = ( ) => ctx . div0 _binding _1 ( null , index )
return {
c ( ) {
div1 = element ( "div" )
div0 = element ( "div" )
t = space ( )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div1 = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div1 _nodes = children ( div1 )
div0 = claim _element ( div1 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div0 _nodes = children ( div0 )
div0 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
t = claim _space ( div1 _nodes )
div1 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
div0 ,
"class" ,
( div0 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . itemContainerClass ) + " svelte-osi0db" )
attr (
div1 ,
"class" ,
( div1 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . direction ) + " svelte-osi0db" )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div1 , anchor )
append ( div1 , div0 )
assign _div0 ( )
append ( div1 , t )
} ,
p ( changed , new _ctx ) {
ctx = new _ctx
if ( index !== ctx . index ) {
unassign _div0 ( )
index = ctx . index
assign _div0 ( )
if (
changed . itemContainerClass &&
div0 _class _value !==
( div0 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . itemContainerClass ) + " svelte-osi0db" )
) {
attr ( div0 , "class" , div0 _class _value )
if (
changed . direction &&
div1 _class _value !==
( div1 _class _value =
"" + null _to _empty ( ctx . direction ) + " svelte-osi0db" )
) {
attr ( div1 , "class" , div1 _class _value )
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div1 )
unassign _div0 ( )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function create _fragment$5 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div , t , div _class _value
let each _value _1 = ctx . children
let each _blocks _1 = [ ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _value _1 . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks _1 [ i ] = create _each _block _1 (
get _each _context _1 ( ctx , each _value _1 , i )
let each _value = ctx . data
let each _blocks = [ ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block$2 ( get _each _context$2 ( ctx , each _value , i ) )
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks _1 . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks _1 [ i ] . c ( )
t = space ( )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true , style : true } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks _1 . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks _1 [ i ] . l ( div _nodes )
t = claim _space ( div _nodes )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . l ( div _nodes )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
div ,
"class" ,
( div _class _value = "root " + ctx . containerClass + " svelte-osi0db" )
set _style ( div , "width" , ctx . width )
set _style ( div , "height" , ctx . height )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks _1 . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks _1 [ i ] . m ( div , null )
append ( div , t )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( div , null )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if (
changed . direction ||
changed . itemContainerClass ||
changed . staticHtmlElements ||
changed . children
) {
each _value _1 = ctx . children
let i
for ( i = 0 ; i < each _value _1 . length ; i += 1 ) {
const child _ctx = get _each _context _1 ( ctx , each _value _1 , i )
if ( each _blocks _1 [ i ] ) {
each _blocks _1 [ i ] . p ( changed , child _ctx )
} else {
each _blocks _1 [ i ] = create _each _block _1 ( child _ctx )
each _blocks _1 [ i ] . c ( )
each _blocks _1 [ i ] . m ( div , t )
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
for ( ; i < each _blocks _1 . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks _1 [ i ] . d ( 1 )
each _blocks _1 . length = each _value _1 . length
if (
changed . direction ||
changed . itemContainerClass ||
changed . dataBoundElements ||
changed . data
) {
each _value = ctx . data
let i
for ( i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
const child _ctx = get _each _context$2 ( ctx , each _value , i )
if ( each _blocks [ i ] ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . p ( changed , child _ctx )
} else {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block$2 ( child _ctx )
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( )
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( div , null )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
for ( ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . d ( 1 )
each _blocks . length = each _value . length
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if (
changed . containerClass &&
div _class _value !==
( div _class _value = "root " + ctx . containerClass + " svelte-osi0db" )
) {
attr ( div , "class" , div _class _value )
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( changed . width ) {
set _style ( div , "width" , ctx . width )
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( changed . height ) {
set _style ( div , "height" , ctx . height )
} ,
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
destroy _each ( each _blocks _1 , detaching )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
destroy _each ( each _blocks , detaching )
} ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
function instance$5 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let {
direction = "horizontal" ,
children = [ ] ,
width = "auto" ,
height = "auto" ,
containerClass = "" ,
itemContainerClass = "" ,
onLoad ,
data = [ ] ,
dataItemComponent ,
_bb ,
} = $$props
let staticHtmlElements = { }
let staticComponents = { }
let dataBoundElements = { }
let dataBoundComponents = { }
const hasDataBoundComponents = ( ) =>
Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( dataBoundComponents ) . length === 0
const hasData = ( ) => Array . isArray ( data ) && data . length > 0
const hasStaticComponents = ( ) => {
return Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( staticComponents ) . length === 0
function div0 _binding ( $$value , index ) {
if ( staticHtmlElements [ index ] === $$value ) return
binding _callbacks [ $$value ? "unshift" : "push" ] ( ( ) => {
staticHtmlElements [ index ] = $$value
$$invalidate ( "staticHtmlElements" , staticHtmlElements )
} )
function div0 _binding _1 ( $$value , index ) {
if ( dataBoundElements [ index ] === $$value ) return
binding _callbacks [ $$value ? "unshift" : "push" ] ( ( ) => {
dataBoundElements [ index ] = $$value
$$invalidate ( "dataBoundElements" , dataBoundElements )
} )
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "direction" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "direction" , ( direction = $$props . direction ) )
if ( "children" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "children" , ( children = $$props . children ) )
if ( "width" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "width" , ( width = $$props . width ) )
if ( "height" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "height" , ( height = $$props . height ) )
if ( "containerClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "containerClass" , ( containerClass = $$props . containerClass ) )
if ( "itemContainerClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"itemContainerClass" ,
( itemContainerClass = $$props . itemContainerClass )
if ( "onLoad" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "onLoad" , ( onLoad = $$props . onLoad ) )
if ( "data" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "data" , ( data = $$props . data ) )
if ( "dataItemComponent" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"dataItemComponent" ,
( dataItemComponent = $$props . dataItemComponent )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
$$self . $$ . update = (
$$dirty = {
staticHtmlElements : 1 ,
staticComponents : 1 ,
_bb : 1 ,
children : 1 ,
dataBoundComponents : 1 ,
dataBoundElements : 1 ,
dataItemComponent : 1 ,
data : 1 ,
) => {
if (
$$dirty . staticHtmlElements ||
$$dirty . staticComponents ||
$$dirty . _bb ||
$$dirty . children ||
$$dirty . dataBoundComponents ||
$$dirty . dataBoundElements ||
$$dirty . dataItemComponent ||
$$dirty . data
) {
if ( staticHtmlElements ) {
if ( hasStaticComponents ( ) ) {
for ( let c in staticComponents ) {
staticComponents [ c ] . $destroy ( )
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
$$invalidate ( "staticComponents" , ( staticComponents = { } ) )
for ( let el in staticHtmlElements ) {
$$invalidate (
"staticComponents" ,
( staticComponents [ el ] = _bb . hydrateComponent (
children [ el ] . control ,
staticHtmlElements [ el ]
) ) ,
if ( hasDataBoundComponents ( ) ) {
for ( let c in dataBoundComponents ) {
dataBoundComponents [ c ] . $destroy ( )
$$invalidate ( "dataBoundComponents" , ( dataBoundComponents = { } ) )
if ( hasData ( ) ) {
for ( let d in dataBoundElements ) {
_bb . hydrateComponent (
dataItemComponent ,
dataBoundElements [ d ] ,
data [ parseInt ( d ) ]
return {
direction ,
children ,
width ,
height ,
containerClass ,
itemContainerClass ,
onLoad ,
data ,
dataItemComponent ,
_bb ,
staticHtmlElements ,
dataBoundElements ,
div0 _binding ,
div0 _binding _1 ,
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
class StackPanel extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
if ( ! document . getElementById ( "svelte-osi0db-style" ) ) add _css$5 ( )
init ( this , options , instance$5 , create _fragment$5 , safe _not _equal , [
"direction" ,
"children" ,
"width" ,
"height" ,
"containerClass" ,
"itemContainerClass" ,
"onLoad" ,
"data" ,
"dataItemComponent" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
2019-09-29 07:40:06 +02:00
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
// https://github.com/kaisermann/svelte-css-vars
var cssVars = ( node , props ) => {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
Object . entries ( props ) . forEach ( ( [ key , value ] ) => {
node . style . setProperty ( ` -- ${ key } ` , value )
} )
return {
update ( new _props ) {
Object . entries ( new _props ) . forEach ( ( [ key , value ] ) => {
node . style . setProperty ( ` -- ${ key } ` , value )
delete props [ key ]
} )
Object . keys ( props ) . forEach ( name => node . style . removeProperty ( ` -- ${ name } ` ) )
props = new _props
} ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
/* src\Nav.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
function add _css$6 ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var style = element ( "style" )
style . id = "svelte-aihwli-style"
style . textContent =
".root.svelte-aihwli{height:100%;width:100%;grid-template-columns:[navbar] auto [content] 1fr;display:grid}.navbar.svelte-aihwli{grid-column:navbar;background:var(--navBarBackground);border:var(--navBarBorder);color:var(--navBarColor)}.navitem.svelte-aihwli{padding:10px 17px;cursor:pointer}.navitem.svelte-aihwli:hover{background:var(--itemHoverBackground);color:var(--itemHoverColor)}.navitem.selected.svelte-aihwli{background:var(--selectedItemBackground);border:var(--selectedItemBorder);color:var(--selectedItemColor)}.content.svelte-aihwli{grid-column:content}"
append ( document . head , style )
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
function get _each _context$3 ( ctx , list , i ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const child _ctx = Object . create ( ctx )
child _ctx . navItem = list [ i ]
child _ctx . index = i
return child _ctx
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
// (36:8) {#each items as navItem, index}
function create _each _block$3 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div ,
t0 _value = ctx . navItem . title + "" ,
t0 ,
t1 ,
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
t0 = text ( t0 _value )
t1 = space ( )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
t0 = claim _text ( div _nodes , t0 _value )
t1 = claim _space ( div _nodes )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr ( div , "class" , "navitem svelte-aihwli" )
toggle _class ( div , "selected" , ctx . selectedIndex === ctx . index )
dispose = listen ( div , "click" , ctx . onSelectItem ( ctx . index ) )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
append ( div , t0 )
append ( div , t1 )
} ,
p ( changed , new _ctx ) {
ctx = new _ctx
if ( changed . items && t0 _value !== ( t0 _value = ctx . navItem . title + "" ) ) {
set _data ( t0 , t0 _value )
if ( changed . selectedIndex ) {
toggle _class ( div , "selected" , ctx . selectedIndex === ctx . index )
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
dispose ( )
} ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
function create _fragment$6 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div2 , div0 , t , div1 , cssVars _action
let each _value = ctx . items
let each _blocks = [ ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block$3 ( get _each _context$3 ( ctx , each _value , i ) )
return {
c ( ) {
div2 = element ( "div" )
div0 = element ( "div" )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( )
t = space ( )
div1 = element ( "div" )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div2 = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div2 _nodes = children ( div2 )
div0 = claim _element ( div2 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div0 _nodes = children ( div0 )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . l ( div0 _nodes )
div0 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
t = claim _space ( div2 _nodes )
div1 = claim _element ( div2 _nodes , "DIV" , { class : true } , false )
var div1 _nodes = children ( div1 )
div1 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
div2 _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr ( div0 , "class" , "navbar svelte-aihwli" )
attr ( div1 , "class" , "content svelte-aihwli" )
attr ( div2 , "class" , "root svelte-aihwli" )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div2 , anchor )
append ( div2 , div0 )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( div0 , null )
append ( div2 , t )
append ( div2 , div1 )
ctx . div1 _binding ( div1 )
cssVars _action = cssVars . call ( null , div2 , ctx . styleVars ) || { }
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( changed . selectedIndex || changed . items ) {
each _value = ctx . items
let i
for ( i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
const child _ctx = get _each _context$3 ( ctx , each _value , i )
if ( each _blocks [ i ] ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . p ( changed , child _ctx )
} else {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block$3 ( child _ctx )
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( )
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( div0 , null )
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
for ( ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . d ( 1 )
each _blocks . length = each _value . length
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
if ( typeof cssVars _action . update === "function" && changed . styleVars ) {
cssVars _action . update . call ( null , ctx . styleVars )
} ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div2 )
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
destroy _each ( each _blocks , detaching )
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
ctx . div1 _binding ( null )
if ( cssVars _action && typeof cssVars _action . destroy === "function" )
cssVars _action . destroy ( )
} ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
function instance$6 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let {
navBarBackground = "" ,
navBarBorder = "" ,
navBarColor = "" ,
selectedItemBackground = "" ,
selectedItemColor = "" ,
selectedItemBorder = "" ,
itemHoverBackground = "" ,
itemHoverColor = "" ,
items = [ ] ,
_bb ,
} = $$props
let selectedIndex
let contentElement
const onSelectItem = index => ( ) => {
$$invalidate ( "selectedIndex" , ( selectedIndex = index ) )
_bb . hydrateComponent ( items [ index ] . component , contentElement )
function div1 _binding ( $$value ) {
binding _callbacks [ $$value ? "unshift" : "push" ] ( ( ) => {
$$invalidate ( "contentElement" , ( contentElement = $$value ) )
} )
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "navBarBackground" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"navBarBackground" ,
( navBarBackground = $$props . navBarBackground )
if ( "navBarBorder" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "navBarBorder" , ( navBarBorder = $$props . navBarBorder ) )
if ( "navBarColor" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "navBarColor" , ( navBarColor = $$props . navBarColor ) )
if ( "selectedItemBackground" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"selectedItemBackground" ,
( selectedItemBackground = $$props . selectedItemBackground )
if ( "selectedItemColor" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"selectedItemColor" ,
( selectedItemColor = $$props . selectedItemColor )
if ( "selectedItemBorder" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"selectedItemBorder" ,
( selectedItemBorder = $$props . selectedItemBorder )
if ( "itemHoverBackground" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"itemHoverBackground" ,
( itemHoverBackground = $$props . itemHoverBackground )
if ( "itemHoverColor" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "itemHoverColor" , ( itemHoverColor = $$props . itemHoverColor ) )
if ( "items" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "items" , ( items = $$props . items ) )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
let styleVars
$$self . $$ . update = (
$$dirty = {
navBarBackground : 1 ,
navBarBorder : 1 ,
navBarColor : 1 ,
selectedItemBackground : 1 ,
selectedItemColor : 1 ,
selectedItemBorder : 1 ,
itemHoverBackground : 1 ,
itemHoverColor : 1 ,
) => {
if (
$$dirty . navBarBackground ||
$$dirty . navBarBorder ||
$$dirty . navBarColor ||
$$dirty . selectedItemBackground ||
$$dirty . selectedItemColor ||
$$dirty . selectedItemBorder ||
$$dirty . itemHoverBackground ||
$$dirty . itemHoverColor
) {
$$invalidate (
"styleVars" ,
( styleVars = {
navBarBackground ,
navBarBorder ,
navBarColor ,
selectedItemBackground ,
selectedItemColor ,
selectedItemBorder ,
itemHoverBackground ,
itemHoverColor ,
} )
return {
navBarBackground ,
navBarBorder ,
navBarColor ,
selectedItemBackground ,
selectedItemColor ,
selectedItemBorder ,
itemHoverBackground ,
itemHoverColor ,
items ,
_bb ,
selectedIndex ,
contentElement ,
onSelectItem ,
styleVars ,
div1 _binding ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
class Nav extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
if ( ! document . getElementById ( "svelte-aihwli-style" ) ) add _css$6 ( )
init ( this , options , instance$6 , create _fragment$6 , safe _not _equal , [
"navBarBackground" ,
"navBarBorder" ,
"navBarColor" ,
"selectedItemBackground" ,
"selectedItemColor" ,
"selectedItemBorder" ,
"itemHoverBackground" ,
"itemHoverColor" ,
"items" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
/* src\Panel.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
function add _css$7 ( ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var style = element ( "style" )
style . id = "svelte-b2rjlq-style"
style . textContent =
append ( document . head , style )
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
function create _fragment$7 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div ,
t _value = ctx . component ? "" : ctx . text + "" ,
t ,
div _class _value ,
cssVars _action ,
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
t = text ( t _value )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element (
nodes ,
"DIV" ,
{ class : true , style : true , "this:bind" : true } ,
var div _nodes = children ( div )
t = claim _text ( div _nodes , t _value )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr (
div ,
"class" ,
( div _class _value =
"" + ctx . containerClass + " panel" + " svelte-b2rjlq" )
attr ( div , "style" , ctx . style )
attr ( div , "this:bind" , ctx . componentElement )
dispose = listen ( div , "click" , ctx . click _handler )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
append ( div , t )
cssVars _action = cssVars . call ( null , div , ctx . styleVars ) || { }
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if (
( changed . component || changed . text ) &&
t _value !== ( t _value = ctx . component ? "" : ctx . text + "" )
) {
set _data ( t , t _value )
if (
changed . containerClass &&
div _class _value !==
( div _class _value =
"" + ctx . containerClass + " panel" + " svelte-b2rjlq" )
) {
attr ( div , "class" , div _class _value )
if ( changed . style ) {
attr ( div , "style" , ctx . style )
if ( typeof cssVars _action . update === "function" && changed . styleVars ) {
cssVars _action . update . call ( null , ctx . styleVars )
} ,
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
if ( cssVars _action && typeof cssVars _action . destroy === "function" )
cssVars _action . destroy ( )
dispose ( )
} ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
function instance$7 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let {
component = "" ,
text = "" ,
containerClass = "" ,
background = "" ,
border = "" ,
borderRadius = "" ,
font = "" ,
display = "" ,
textAlign = "" ,
color = "" ,
padding = "" ,
margin = "" ,
hoverBackground = "" ,
hoverColor = "" ,
onClick ,
height ,
width ,
_bb ,
} = $$props
let styleVars
let style = ""
let componentElement
const click _handler = ( ) => ( onClick ? onClick ( ) : undefined )
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "component" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "component" , ( component = $$props . component ) )
if ( "text" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "text" , ( text = $$props . text ) )
if ( "containerClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "containerClass" , ( containerClass = $$props . containerClass ) )
if ( "background" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "background" , ( background = $$props . background ) )
if ( "border" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "border" , ( border = $$props . border ) )
if ( "borderRadius" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "borderRadius" , ( borderRadius = $$props . borderRadius ) )
if ( "font" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "font" , ( font = $$props . font ) )
if ( "display" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "display" , ( display = $$props . display ) )
if ( "textAlign" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "textAlign" , ( textAlign = $$props . textAlign ) )
if ( "color" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "color" , ( color = $$props . color ) )
if ( "padding" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "padding" , ( padding = $$props . padding ) )
if ( "margin" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "margin" , ( margin = $$props . margin ) )
if ( "hoverBackground" in $$props )
$$invalidate (
"hoverBackground" ,
( hoverBackground = $$props . hoverBackground )
if ( "hoverColor" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "hoverColor" , ( hoverColor = $$props . hoverColor ) )
if ( "onClick" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "onClick" , ( onClick = $$props . onClick ) )
if ( "height" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "height" , ( height = $$props . height ) )
if ( "width" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "width" , ( width = $$props . width ) )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
$$self . $$ . update = (
$$dirty = {
border : 1 ,
background : 1 ,
font : 1 ,
margin : 1 ,
padding : 1 ,
display : 1 ,
color : 1 ,
height : 1 ,
width : 1 ,
textAlign : 1 ,
borderRadius : 1 ,
_bb : 1 ,
component : 1 ,
componentElement : 1 ,
hoverBackground : 1 ,
hoverColor : 1 ,
onClick : 1 ,
) => {
if (
$$dirty . border ||
$$dirty . background ||
$$dirty . font ||
$$dirty . margin ||
$$dirty . padding ||
$$dirty . display ||
$$dirty . color ||
$$dirty . height ||
$$dirty . width ||
$$dirty . textAlign ||
$$dirty . borderRadius ||
$$dirty . _bb ||
$$dirty . component ||
$$dirty . componentElement ||
$$dirty . hoverBackground ||
$$dirty . hoverColor ||
$$dirty . onClick
) {
$$invalidate (
"style" ,
( style = buildStyle ( {
border ,
background ,
font ,
margin ,
padding ,
display ,
color ,
height ,
width ,
"text-align" : textAlign ,
"border-radius" : borderRadius ,
} ) )
if ( _bb && component ) {
_bb . hydrateComponent ( component , componentElement )
$$invalidate (
"styleVars" ,
( styleVars = {
hoverBackground : hoverBackground || background ,
hoverColor : hoverColor || color ,
pointer : onClick ? "cursor" : "none" ,
} )
return {
component ,
text ,
containerClass ,
background ,
border ,
borderRadius ,
font ,
display ,
textAlign ,
color ,
padding ,
margin ,
hoverBackground ,
hoverColor ,
onClick ,
height ,
width ,
_bb ,
styleVars ,
style ,
componentElement ,
click _handler ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
class Panel extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
if ( ! document . getElementById ( "svelte-b2rjlq-style" ) ) add _css$7 ( )
init ( this , options , instance$7 , create _fragment$7 , safe _not _equal , [
"component" ,
"text" ,
"containerClass" ,
"background" ,
"border" ,
"borderRadius" ,
"font" ,
"display" ,
"textAlign" ,
"color" ,
"padding" ,
"margin" ,
"hoverBackground" ,
"hoverColor" ,
"onClick" ,
"height" ,
"width" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
/* src\Text.svelte generated by Svelte v3.12.1 */
function create _fragment$8 ( ctx ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
var div , t
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" )
t = text ( ctx . value )
this . h ( )
} ,
l ( nodes ) {
div = claim _element ( nodes , "DIV" , { class : true , style : true } , false )
var div _nodes = children ( div )
t = claim _text ( div _nodes , ctx . value )
div _nodes . forEach ( detach )
this . h ( )
} ,
h ( ) {
attr ( div , "class" , ctx . containerClass )
attr ( div , "style" , ctx . style )
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor )
append ( div , t )
} ,
p ( changed , ctx ) {
if ( changed . value ) {
set _data ( t , ctx . value )
if ( changed . containerClass ) {
attr ( div , "class" , ctx . containerClass )
if ( changed . style ) {
attr ( div , "style" , ctx . style )
} ,
i : noop ,
o : noop ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div )
} ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
function instance$8 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
let {
value = "" ,
containerClass = "" ,
font = "" ,
textAlign = "" ,
verticalAlign = "" ,
color = "" ,
display = "" ,
_bb ,
} = $$props
let style = ""
$$self . $set = $$props => {
if ( "value" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "value" , ( value = $$props . value ) )
if ( "containerClass" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "containerClass" , ( containerClass = $$props . containerClass ) )
if ( "font" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "font" , ( font = $$props . font ) )
if ( "textAlign" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "textAlign" , ( textAlign = $$props . textAlign ) )
if ( "verticalAlign" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "verticalAlign" , ( verticalAlign = $$props . verticalAlign ) )
if ( "color" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "color" , ( color = $$props . color ) )
if ( "display" in $$props )
$$invalidate ( "display" , ( display = $$props . display ) )
if ( "_bb" in $$props ) $$invalidate ( "_bb" , ( _bb = $$props . _bb ) )
$$self . $$ . update = (
$$dirty = { font : 1 , verticalAlign : 1 , color : 1 , textAlign : 1 }
) => {
if (
$$dirty . font ||
$$dirty . verticalAlign ||
$$dirty . color ||
$$dirty . textAlign
) {
$$invalidate (
"style" ,
( style = buildStyle ( {
font ,
verticalAlign ,
color ,
"text-align" : textAlign ,
"vertical-align" : verticalAlign ,
} ) )
return {
value ,
containerClass ,
font ,
textAlign ,
verticalAlign ,
color ,
display ,
_bb ,
style ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
class Text extends SvelteComponent {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
constructor ( options ) {
super ( )
init ( this , options , instance$8 , create _fragment$8 , safe _not _equal , [
"value" ,
"containerClass" ,
"font" ,
"textAlign" ,
"verticalAlign" ,
"color" ,
"display" ,
"_bb" ,
] )
export {
Button as button ,
Form as form ,
Grid as grid ,
Login as login ,
Nav as nav ,
Panel as panel ,
StackPanel as stackpanel ,
Text as text ,
Textbox as textbox ,
2019-09-30 06:21:08 +02:00
2019-10-03 07:12:13 +02:00
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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