2021-01-26 09:55:44 +01:00
import "@spectrum-css/textfield/dist/index-vars.css"
import { Label } from "@budibase/bbui"
import { getContext } from "svelte"
2021-01-26 15:40:44 +01:00
import Placeholder from "./Placeholder.svelte"
2021-01-26 09:55:44 +01:00
export let field
export let label
export let placeholder
2021-01-26 15:40:44 +01:00
export let type = "text"
2021-01-26 09:55:44 +01:00
const { styleable } = getContext("sdk")
const component = getContext("component")
const { formApi } = getContext("form") ?? {}
// Register this field with its form
const formField = formApi?.registerField(field, validate) ?? {}
const { fieldApi, fieldState } = formField
// Update value on blur only
const onBlur = event => {
{#if !field}
2021-01-26 15:40:44 +01:00
<Placeholder>Add the Field setting to start using your component</Placeholder>
2021-01-26 09:55:44 +01:00
{:else if !fieldState}
2021-01-26 15:40:44 +01:00
<Placeholder>Form components need to be wrapped in a Form</Placeholder>
2021-01-26 09:55:44 +01:00
<div class="container" use:styleable={$component.styles}>
{#if label}
<Label grey>{label}</Label>
<div class="spectrum-Textfield" class:is-invalid={!$fieldState.valid}>
{#if !$fieldState.valid}
class="spectrum-Icon spectrum-Icon--sizeM spectrum-Textfield-validationIcon"
<use xlink:href="#spectrum-icon-18-Alert" />
value={$fieldState.value || ''}
placeholder={placeholder || ''}
2021-01-26 15:40:44 +01:00
2021-01-26 09:55:44 +01:00
class="spectrum-Textfield-input" />
{#if $fieldState.error}
<div class="error">
.error :global(label) {
color: var(
) !important;
margin-top: var(--spacing-s) !important;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;