As an alternative to running several docker containers via docker-compose, the files under ./hosting/single can be used to build a docker image containing all of the Budibase components (minio, couch, clouseau etc).
We call this the 'single image' container as the Dockerfile adds all the components to a single docker image.
## Usage
- Amend Environment Variables
- Build Requirements
- Build the Image
- Run the Container
### Amend Environment Variables
Edit the Dockerfile in this directory amending the environment variables to suit your usage. Pay particular attention to changing passwords.
The CUSTOM_DOMAIN variable will be used to request a certificate from LetsEncrypt and if successful you can point traffic to port 443. If you choose to use the CUSTOM_DOMAIN variable ensure that the DNS for your custom domain points to the public IP address where you are running Budibase - otherwise the certificate issuance will fail.
If you have other arrangements for a proxy in front of the single image container you can omit the CUSTOM_DOMAIN environment variable and the request to LetsEncrypt will be skipped. You can then point traffic to port 80.
### Build Requirements
We would suggest building the image with 6GB of RAM and 20GB of free disk space for build artifacts. The resulting image size will use approx 2GB of disk space.
The guidance below is based on building the Budibase single image on Debian 11 and AlmaLinux 8. If you use another distro or OS you will need to amend the commands to suit.
#### Install Node
Budibase requires a more recent version of node (14+) than is available in the base Debian repos so:
Azure have some specific requirements for running a container in their App Service. Specifically, installation of SSH to port 2222 and data storage under /home. If you would like to build a budibase container for Azure App Service add the build argument shown below setting it to 'aas'. You can remove the CUSTOM_DOMAIN env variable from the Dockerfile too as Azure terminate SSL before requests reach the container.
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name budibase budibase:latest
- -d runs the containerin detached mode
- -p forwards ports from your host to the ports inside the container. If you are already using port 80 on your host for something else you can try running with an alternative port e.g. `-p 8080:80`
- --name is the name for the container as shown in `docker ps` and can be used with other docker commands e.g. `docker restart budibase`
When the container runs you should be able to access the container over http at your host address e.g. or using your custom domain e.g. https://my.custom.domain/
When the Budibase UI appears you will be prompted to create an account to get started.
The single image container builds fine when using podman in place of docker. You may be prompted for the registry to use for the CouchDB image and the HEALTHCHECK parameter is not OCI compliant so is ignored.
There are many things that could go wrong so if your container is not building or running as expected please check the following before opening a support issue.
Verify the healthcheck status of the container:
docker ps
Check the container logs:
docker logs budibase
### Support
This single image build is still a work-in-progress so if you open an issue please provide the following information:
- The OS and OS version you are building on
- The versions you are using of docker, docker-compose, yarn, node, lerna
- For build errors please provide zipped output
- For container errors please provide zipped container logs