2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
import { generateSchema } from "../src/indexing/indexSchemaCreator"
import { setupApphierarchy } from "./specHelpers"
import { find } from "lodash"
import { indexTypes } from "../src/templateApi/indexes"
2019-07-15 08:12:52 +02:00
describe("indexSchemGenerator", () => {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
it("should return mapped columns of single type, when accepts all in collection of one type", async () => {
const { appHierarchy } = await setup(false)
const schema = generateSchema(appHierarchy.root, appHierarchy.petsIndex)
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "key", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "sortKey", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "id", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "type", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "isNew", "bool")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "name", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "dob", "datetime")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "isAlive", "bool")
it("should return mapped columns of two types, when accepts all in collection or two typs", async () => {
const { appHierarchy } = await setup(true)
const schema = generateSchema(appHierarchy.root, appHierarchy.petsIndex)
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "key", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "sortKey", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "id", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "type", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "isNew", "bool")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "name", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "dob", "datetime")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "isAlive", "bool")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "noOfGills", "number")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "favouriteFish", "reference")
it("should return mapped columns of one types, when accepts only onw of two types", async () => {
const { appHierarchy } = await setup(true)
const schema = generateSchema(appHierarchy.root, appHierarchy.fishOnlyIndex)
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "key", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "sortKey", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "id", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "type", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "isNew", "bool")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "name", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "isAlive", "bool")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "noOfGills", "number")
it("should return mapped columns type, for reverse reference index", async () => {
const { appHierarchy } = await setup(true)
const schema = generateSchema(appHierarchy.root, appHierarchy.dogFriends)
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "key", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "sortKey", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "id", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "type", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "isNew", "bool")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "name", "string")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "isAlive", "bool")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "dob", "datetime")
schemaHasFieldOfType(schema, "favouriteFish", "reference")
2019-07-15 08:12:52 +02:00
const schemaHasFieldOfType = (schema, fieldname, type) => {
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const field = find(schema, f => f.name === fieldname)
const fname = !field ? "field not found" : field.name
2019-07-15 08:12:52 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
const setup = includeFish => setupApphierarchy(createApp(includeFish))
const createApp = includeFish => templateApi => {
const root = templateApi.getNewRootLevel()
const dogRecord = templateApi.getNewRecordTemplate(root, "dog")
const addField = recordNode => (name, type, typeOptions) => {
const field = templateApi.getNewField(type)
field.name = name
if (typeOptions) field.typeOptions = typeOptions
templateApi.addField(recordNode, field)
return field
const petsIndex = templateApi.getNewIndexTemplate(root)
petsIndex.name = "allPets"
petsIndex.allowedRecordNodeIds = [dogRecord.nodeId]
const addDogField = addField(dogRecord)
addDogField("name", "string")
addDogField("dob", "datetime")
addDogField("isAlive", "bool")
let fishStuff = {}
if (includeFish) {
const fishRecord = templateApi.getNewRecordTemplate(root, "fish")
const addFishField = addField(fishRecord)
addFishField("name", "string")
addFishField("isAlive", "bool")
addFishField("noOfGills", "number")
fishStuff.fishRecord = fishRecord
const fishOnlyIndex = templateApi.getNewIndexTemplate(root)
fishOnlyIndex.name = "fishOnly"
fishOnlyIndex.allowedRecordNodeIds = [fishRecord.nodeId]
fishStuff.fishOnlyIndex = fishOnlyIndex
const dogFriends = templateApi.getNewIndexTemplate(
dogFriends.name = "dogFriends"
fishStuff.dogFriends = dogFriends
const favFishField = addDogField("favouriteFish", "reference", {
indexNodeKey: fishOnlyIndex.nodeKey(),
reverseIndexNodeKeys: [dogFriends.nodeKey()],
displayValue: "name",
2019-07-15 08:12:52 +02:00
2020-02-03 10:24:25 +01:00
fishStuff.favFishField = favFishField
return {