Fix issue with URL <-> state binding in design section preventing navigating to roles with no screens in them

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kingston 2021-01-22 14:38:08 +00:00
parent 6a7e137ff6
commit 09d3a54c7e
3 changed files with 151 additions and 141 deletions

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
import { onMount } from "svelte"
import { get } from "svelte/store"
import { params, leftover, goto } from "@sveltech/routify"
import { FrontendTypes } from "constants"
import { store, allScreens, currentAsset } from "builderStore"
import { findComponent, findComponentPath } from "builderStore/storeUtils"
let initialised = false
// Cache previous values so we don't update the URL more than necessary
let previousType
let previousAsset
let previousComponentId
// Hydrate state from query param on mount
onMount(() => {
const assetId = decodeURI($params.asset)
let assetList
let actions
// Determine screens or layouts based on the URL
if ($params.assetType === FrontendTypes.SCREEN) {
assetList = $allScreens
actions = store.actions.screens
} else {
assetList = $store.layouts
actions = store.actions.layouts
// Find and select the current asset
const asset = assetList.find(asset => asset._id === assetId)
if (asset) {
// Select the component ID if one is present in the URL
const selectedComponentId = $leftover.split("/").pop()
if (selectedComponentId) {
const component = findComponent(asset.props, selectedComponentId)
if (component) {
initialised = true
// Updates the route params in the URL to the specified values
const updateParams = (assetType, asset, componentId) => {
// Wait until the initial state rehydration to avoid a wasted update
if (!initialised) {
// Check we have different params than last invocation
if (
assetType === previousType &&
asset === previousAsset &&
componentId === previousComponentId
) {
} else {
previousType = assetType
previousAsset = asset
previousComponentId = componentId
// Extract current URL params
const currentParams = get(params)
const currentLeftover = get(leftover)
const paramAssetType = currentParams.assetType
const paramAssetId = currentParams.asset
const paramComponentId = currentLeftover.split("/").pop()
// Only update params if the params actually changed
if (
assetType !== paramAssetType ||
asset?._id !== paramAssetId ||
componentId !== paramComponentId
) {
// Build and navigate to a valid URL
let url = "../../"
if ([FrontendTypes.SCREEN, FrontendTypes.LAYOUT].includes(assetType)) {
url += `${assetType}`
if (asset?._id) {
url += `/${asset._id}`
if (componentId) {
const componentPath = findComponentPath(asset.props, componentId)
const componentURL = componentPath
.map(comp => comp._id)
url += `/${componentURL}`
// Automatically keep URL up to date with state
$: updateParams(
<slot />

View File

@ -1,21 +1,135 @@
import {
} from "builderStore"
import { onMount } from "svelte"
import CurrentItemPreview from "components/design/AppPreview"
import PropertiesPanel from "components/design/PropertiesPanel/PropertiesPanel.svelte"
import ComponentSelectionList from "components/design/AppPreview/ComponentSelectionList.svelte"
import FrontendNavigatePane from "components/design/NavigationPanel/FrontendNavigatePane.svelte"
import { goto, leftover, params } from "@sveltech/routify"
import { FrontendTypes } from "constants"
import { findComponent, findComponentPath } from "builderStore/storeUtils"
import { get } from "svelte/store"
onMount(async () => {
if ($store.appInstance && !$backendUiStore.database) {$store.appInstance)
// Cache previous values so we don't update the URL more than necessary
let previousType
let previousAsset
let previousComponentId
// Hydrate state from URL params
$: hydrateStateFromURL($params, $leftover)
// Keep URL in sync with state
$: updateURLFromState(
const hydrateStateFromURL = (params, leftover) => {
// Do nothing if no asset type, as that means we've left the page
if (!params.assetType) {
const state = get(store)
const selectedAsset = get(currentAsset)
// Hydrate asset type
let assetType = params.assetType
if (![FrontendTypes.LAYOUT, FrontendTypes.SCREEN].includes(assetType)) {
assetType = FrontendTypes.SCREEN
if (assetType !== state.currentFrontEndType) {
store.update(state => {
state.currentFrontEndType = assetType
return state
// Hydrate asset
const assetId = decodeURI(params.asset)
let asset
if (assetId) {
let assetList
let actions
// Determine screens or layouts based on the URL
if (assetType === FrontendTypes.SCREEN) {
assetList = get(allScreens)
actions = store.actions.screens
} else {
assetList = state.layouts
actions = store.actions.layouts
// Find and select the current asset
asset = assetList.find(asset => asset._id === assetId)
if (asset && asset._id !== selectedAsset?._id) {
// Hydrate component ID if one is present in the URL
const selectedComponentId = leftover.split("/").pop()
if (asset && selectedComponentId) {
const component = findComponent(asset.props, selectedComponentId)
if (component && component._id !== state.selectedComponentId) {
// Updates the route params in the URL to the specified values
const updateURLFromState = (assetType, asset, componentId) => {
// Check we have different params than last invocation
if (
assetType === previousType &&
asset === previousAsset &&
componentId === previousComponentId
) {
} else {
previousType = assetType
previousAsset = asset
previousComponentId = componentId
// Extract current URL params
const currentParams = get(params)
const currentLeftover = get(leftover)
const paramAssetType = currentParams.assetType
const paramAssetId = currentParams.asset
const paramComponentId = currentLeftover.split("/").pop()
// Only update params if the params actually changed
if (
assetType !== paramAssetType ||
asset?._id !== paramAssetId ||
componentId !== paramComponentId
) {
// Build and navigate to a valid URL
let url = "../"
if ([FrontendTypes.SCREEN, FrontendTypes.LAYOUT].includes(assetType)) {
url += `${assetType}`
if (asset?._id) {
url += `/${asset._id}`
if (componentId) {
const componentPath = findComponentPath(asset.props, componentId)
const componentURL = componentPath
.map(comp => comp._id)
url += `/${componentURL}`
<!-- routify:options index=1 -->

View File

@ -1,45 +1,51 @@
import { onMount } from "svelte"
import { goto } from "@sveltech/routify"
import { store, allScreens } from "builderStore"
import { get } from "svelte/store"
import { store, allScreens, selectedAccessRole } from "builderStore"
import { FrontendTypes } from "constants"
import { params } from "@sveltech/routify"
onMount(() => {
$: selectValidAsset($params.assetType)
// If we ever land on this index page we want to correctly update state
// to select a valid asset. The layout page will in turn update the URL
// to reflect state.
const selectValidAsset = assetType => {
let id
const state = get(store)
const screens = get(allScreens)
const role = get(selectedAccessRole)
// Get valid asset type
let assetType = $params.assetType
if (![FrontendTypes.LAYOUT, FrontendTypes.SCREEN].includes(assetType)) {
assetType = FrontendTypes.SCREEN
// Get ID or first correct asset type
// Get ID or first correct asset type and select it
if (assetType === FrontendTypes.LAYOUT) {
if (
$store.selectedLayoutId &&
$store.layouts.find(layout => layout._id === $store.selectedLayoutId)
state.selectedLayoutId &&
state.layouts.find(layout => layout._id === state.selectedLayoutId)
) {
id = $store.selectedLayoutId
id = state.selectedLayoutId
} else {
id = $store.layouts[0]?._id
id = state.layouts[0]?._id
if (id) {
} else if (assetType === FrontendTypes.SCREEN) {
if (
$store.selectedScreenId &&
$allScreens.find(screen => screen._id === $store.selectedScreenId)
state.selectedScreenId &&
screens.find(screen => screen._id === state.selectedScreenId)
) {
id = $store.selectedScreenId
id = state.selectedScreenId
} else {
id = $allScreens[0]?._id
// Send correct URL which will then update state
if (id) {
// Select the first screen matching the selected role ID
const filteredScreens = screens.filter(screen => {
return screen.routing?.roleId === role
id = filteredScreens[0]?._id
if (id) {
<!-- routify:options index=false -->