dnd component nav

This commit is contained in:
Michael Shanks 2020-08-12 16:28:19 +01:00
parent 6e49506348
commit 2db40c6d2c
5 changed files with 185 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { values } from "lodash/fp"
import { values, cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp"
import { get_capitalised_name } from "../../helpers"
import { backendUiStore } from "builderStore"
import * as backendStoreActions from "./backend"
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ import {
saveCurrentPreviewItem as _saveCurrentPreviewItem,
saveScreenApi as _saveScreenApi,
} from "../storeUtils"
export const getStore = () => {
const initial = {
apps: [],
@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ export const getStore = () => {
store.addTemplatedComponent = addTemplatedComponent(store)
store.setMetadataProp = setMetadataProp(store)
store.editPageOrScreen = editPageOrScreen(store)
store.pasteComponent = pasteComponent(store)
store.storeComponentForCopy = storeComponentForCopy(store)
return store
@ -454,3 +456,50 @@ const setMetadataProp = store => (name, prop) => {
return s
const storeComponentForCopy = store => (component, cut = false) => {
store.update(s => {
const copiedComponent = cloneDeep(component)
s.componentToPaste = copiedComponent
s.componentToPaste.isCut = cut
if (cut) {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component._id)
parent._children = parent._children.filter(c => c._id !== component._id)
selectComponent(s, parent)
return s
const pasteComponent = store => (targetComponent, mode) => {
store.update(s => {
if (!s.componentToPaste) return s
const componentToPaste = cloneDeep(s.componentToPaste)
// retain the same ids as things may be referencing this component
if (componentToPaste.isCut) {
// in case we paste a second time
s.componentToPaste.isCut = false
} else {
delete componentToPaste.isCut
if (mode === "inside") {
return s
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, targetComponent)
const targetIndex = parent._children.indexOf(targetComponent)
const index = mode === "above" ? targetIndex : targetIndex + 1
parent._children.splice(index, 0, cloneDeep(componentToPaste))
selectComponent(s, componentToPaste)
return s

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { makePropsSafe } from "components/userInterface/pagesParsing/createProps"
import api from "./api"
import { generate_screen_css } from "./generate_css"
import { uuid } from "./uuid"
export const selectComponent = (state, component) => {
const componentDef = component._component.startsWith("##")
@ -79,3 +80,8 @@ export const regenerateCssForCurrentScreen = state => {
return state
export const generateNewIdsForComponent = c =>
walkProps(c, p => {
p._id = uuid()

View File

@ -28,8 +28,7 @@
$: dropdown && UIkit.util.on(dropdown, "shown", () => (hidden = false))
$: noChildrenAllowed =
!component ||
getComponentDefinition($store, component._component).children === false
!component || !getComponentDefinition($store, component._component).children
$: noPaste = !$store.componentToPaste
const lastPartOfName = c => (c ? last(c._component.split("/")) : "")
@ -105,49 +104,14 @@
const generateNewIdsForComponent = c =>
walkProps(c, p => {
p._id = uuid()
const storeComponentForCopy = (cut = false) => {
store.update(s => {
const copiedComponent = cloneDeep(component)
s.componentToPaste = copiedComponent
if (cut) {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component._id)
parent._children = parent._children.filter(c => c._id !== component._id)
selectComponent(s, parent)
return s
// lives in store - also used by drag drop
store.storeComponentForCopy(component, cut)
const pasteComponent = mode => {
store.update(s => {
if (!s.componentToPaste) return s
const componentToPaste = cloneDeep(s.componentToPaste)
delete componentToPaste._cutId
if (mode === "inside") {
return s
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
const targetIndex = parent._children.indexOf(component)
const index = mode === "above" ? targetIndex : targetIndex + 1
parent._children.splice(index, 0, cloneDeep(componentToPaste))
selectComponent(s, componentToPaste)
return s
// lives in store - also used by drag drop
store.pasteComponent(component, mode)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import { store } from "builderStore"
import { ArrowDownIcon, ShapeIcon } from "components/common/Icons/"
import ScreenDropdownMenu from "./ScreenDropdownMenu.svelte"
import { writable } from "svelte/store"
export let screens = []
@ -16,12 +17,15 @@
const joinPath = join("/")
const normalizedName = name =>
pipe(name, [
trimChars(" "),
trimChars(" "),
const changeScreen = screen => {
@ -57,7 +61,8 @@
{#if $store.currentPreviewItem.props._instanceName && $store.currentPreviewItem.props._instanceName === screen.props._instanceName && screen.props._children}
currentComponent={$store.currentComponentInfo} />
dragDropStore={writable({})} />

View File

@ -15,11 +15,19 @@
export let currentComponent
export let onSelect = () => {}
export let level = 0
export let dragDropStore
let dropUnderComponent
let componentToDrop
const capitalise = s => s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1)
const get_name = s => (!s ? "" : last(s.split("/")))
const get_capitalised_name = name => pipe(name, [get_name, capitalise])
const get_capitalised_name = name =>
[get_name, capitalise]
const isScreenslot = name => name === "##builtin/screenslot"
const selectComponent = component => {
@ -32,15 +40,92 @@
// Go to correct URL
const dragstart = component => e => {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move"
dragDropStore.update(s => {
s.componentToDrop = component
return s
const dragover = (component, index) => e => {
const canHaveChildrenButIsEmpty =
$store.components[component._component].children &&
component._children.length === 0
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"
dragDropStore.update(s => {
const isBottomHalf = e.offsetY > e.currentTarget.offsetHeight / 2
s.targetComponent = component
// only allow dropping inside when container type
// is empty. If it has children, the user can drag over
// it's existing children
if (canHaveChildrenButIsEmpty) {
if (index === 0) {
// when its the first component in the screen,
// we divide into 3, so we can paste above, inside or below
const pos = e.offsetY / e.currentTarget.offsetHeight
if (pos < 0.4) {
s.dropPosition = "above"
} else if (pos > 0.8) {
// purposely giving this the least space as it is often covered
// by the component below's "above" space
s.dropPosition = "below"
} else {
s.dropPosition = "inside"
} else {
s.dropPosition = isBottomHalf ? "below" : "inside"
} else {
s.dropPosition = isBottomHalf ? "below" : "above"
return s
return false
const drop = () => {
if ($dragDropStore.targetComponent !== $dragDropStore.componentToDrop) {
store.storeComponentForCopy($dragDropStore.componentToDrop, true)
dragDropStore.update(s => {
s.dropPosition = ""
s.targetComponent = null
s.componentToDrop = null
return s
{#each components as component, index (component._id)}
<li on:click|stopPropagation={() => selectComponent(component)}>
{#if $dragDropStore && $dragDropStore.targetComponent === component && $dragDropStore.dropPosition == 'above'}
ondragover="return false"
ondragenter="return false"
class="budibase__nav-item item drop-item"
style="margin-left: {level * 20 + 40}px" />
class="budibase__nav-item item"
class:selected={currentComponent === component}
style="padding-left: {level * 20 + 40}px">
style="padding-left: {level * 20 + 40}px"
on:dragover={dragover(component, index)}
ondragover="return false"
ondragenter="return false">
<div class="nav-item">
<i class="icon ri-arrow-right-circle-line" />
{isScreenslot(component._component) ? 'Screenslot' : component._instanceName}
@ -55,8 +140,27 @@
level={level + 1} />
{#if $dragDropStore && $dragDropStore.targetComponent === component && $dragDropStore.dropPosition == 'inside'}
ondragover="return false"
ondragenter="return false"
class="budibase__nav-item item drop-item"
style="margin-left: {(level + 2) * 20 + 40}px" />
{#if $dragDropStore && $dragDropStore.targetComponent === component && $dragDropStore.dropPosition == 'below'}
ondragover="return false"
ondragenter="return false"
class="budibase__nav-item item drop-item"
style="margin-left: {level * 20 + 40}px" />
@ -78,6 +182,11 @@
align-items: center;
.drop-item {
background: var(--blue-light);
height: 36px;
.actions {
display: none;
height: 24px;