Delete old design UI code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
import { store } from "builderStore"
import PathTree from "./PathTree.svelte"
let routes = {}
let paths = []
$: allRoutes = $store.routes
$: selectedScreenId = $store.selectedScreenId
$: updatePaths(allRoutes, $selectedAccessRole, selectedScreenId)
const updatePaths = (allRoutes, selectedRoleId, selectedScreenId) => {
const sortedPaths = Object.keys(allRoutes || {}).sort()
let found = false
let firstValidScreenId
let filteredRoutes = {}
let screenRoleId
// Filter all routes down to only those which match the current role
sortedPaths.forEach(path => {
const config = allRoutes[path]
Object.entries(config.subpaths).forEach(([subpath, pathConfig]) => {
Object.entries(pathConfig.screens).forEach(([roleId, screenId]) => {
if (screenId === selectedScreenId) {
screenRoleId = roleId
found = roleId === selectedRoleId
if (roleId === selectedRoleId) {
if (!firstValidScreenId) {
firstValidScreenId = screenId
if (!filteredRoutes[path]) {
filteredRoutes[path] = { subpaths: {} }
filteredRoutes[path].subpaths[subpath] = {
screens: {
[selectedRoleId]: screenId,
routes = { ...filteredRoutes }
paths = Object.keys(routes || {}).sort()
// Select the correct role for the current screen ID
if (!found && screenRoleId) {
if (screenRoleId !== selectedRoleId) {
updatePaths(allRoutes, screenRoleId, selectedScreenId)
// If the selected screen isn't in this filtered list, select the first one
else if (!found && firstValidScreenId) {
<div class="root" class:has-screens={!!paths?.length}>
{#each paths as path, idx (path)}
<PathTree border={idx > 0} {path} route={routes[path]} />
{#if !paths.length}{/if}
.root.has-screens {
min-width: max-content;
@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
import { onMount, setContext } from "svelte"
import { goto, params } from "@roxi/routify"
import { store, selectedAccessRole, screenSearchString } from "builderStore"
import { roles } from "stores/backend"
import ComponentNavigationTree from "components/design/navigation/ComponentNavigationTree/index.svelte"
import Layout from "components/design/navigation/Layout.svelte"
import NewLayoutModal from "components/design/navigation/NewLayoutModal.svelte"
import {
Layout as BBUILayout,
} from "@budibase/bbui"
export let showModal
let scrollRef
const scrollTo = bounds => {
if (!bounds) {
const sidebarWidth = 259
const navItemHeight = 32
const { scrollLeft, scrollTop, offsetHeight } = scrollRef
let scrollBounds = scrollRef.getBoundingClientRect()
let newOffsets = {}
// Calculate left offset
const offsetX = bounds.left + bounds.width + scrollLeft + 20
if (offsetX > sidebarWidth) {
newOffsets.left = offsetX - sidebarWidth
} else {
newOffsets.left = 0
if (newOffsets.left === scrollLeft) {
delete newOffsets.left
// Calculate top offset
const offsetY = - scrollBounds?.top + scrollTop
if (offsetY > scrollTop + offsetHeight - 2 * navItemHeight) {
|||||| = offsetY - offsetHeight + 2 * navItemHeight
} else if (offsetY < scrollTop + navItemHeight) {
|||||| = offsetY - navItemHeight
} else {
// Skip if offset is unchanged
if (newOffsets.left == null && == null) {
// Smoothly scroll to the offset
behavior: "smooth",
setContext("scroll", {
const tabs = [
title: "Screens",
key: "screen",
title: "Layouts",
key: "layout",
let newLayoutModal
$: selected = tabs.find(t => t.key === $params.assetType)?.title || "Screens"
const navigate = ({ detail }) => {
const { key } = tabs.find(t => t.title === detail)
const updateAccessRole = event => {
const role = event.detail
// Select a valid screen with this new role - otherwise we'll not be
// able to change role at all because ComponentNavigationTree will kick us
// back the current role again because the same screen ID is still selected
const firstValidScreenId = $store.screens.find(
screen => screen.routing.roleId === role
if (firstValidScreenId) {
// Otherwise clear the selected screen ID so that the first new valid screen
// can be selected by ComponentNavigationTree
else {
store.update(state => {
state.selectedScreenId = null
return state
onMount(async () => {
try {
await store.actions.routing.fetch()
} catch (error) {
notifications.error("Error fetching routes")
<div class="title">
<Tabs {selected} on:select={navigate}>
<Tab title="Screens">
<div class="tab-content-padding">
<BBUILayout noPadding gap="XS" />
<Tab title="Layouts">
<div class="tab-content-padding">
class="nav-items-container nav-items-container--layouts"
<div class="layouts-container">
{#each $store.layouts as layout, idx (layout._id)}
<Layout {layout} border={idx > 0} />
<Modal bind:this={newLayoutModal}>
<NewLayoutModal />
<div class="add-button">
on:click={selected === "Layouts" ? : showModal()}
.title {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: stretch;
position: relative;
flex: 1 1 auto;
.title :global(.spectrum-Tabs-content),
.title :global(.spectrum-Tabs-content > div),
.title :global(.spectrum-Tabs-content > div > div) {
height: 100%;
.add-button {
position: absolute;
top: var(--spacing-l);
right: var(--spacing-xl);
.tab-content-padding {
padding: 0 var(--spacing-xl);
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: stretch;
gap: var(--spacing-xl);
.nav-items-container--layouts {
border-top: none;
margin-top: calc(-1 * var(--spectrum-global-dimension-static-size-150));
.layouts-container {
min-width: max-content;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
import ComponentTree from "./ComponentNavigationTree/ComponentTree.svelte"
import LayoutDropdownMenu from "./ComponentNavigationTree/LayoutDropdownMenu.svelte"
import initDragDropStore from "./ComponentNavigationTree/dragDropStore"
import NavItem from "components/common/NavItem.svelte"
import { store, selectedComponent } from "builderStore"
export let layout
export let border
const dragDropStore = initDragDropStore()
const selectLayout = () => {
selected={$store.selectedLayoutId === layout._id}
opened={$store.selectedLayoutId === layout._id}
<LayoutDropdownMenu {layout} />
{#if $store.selectedLayoutId === layout._id && layout.props?._children}
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
import { ModalContent, Body, Detail } from "@budibase/bbui"
export let selectedScreens
export let chooseModal
export let save
let selectedNav
let createdScreens = []
$: blankSelected = selectedScreens.length === 1
title="Select navigation"
onCancel={() => (blankSelected ? chooseModal(1) : chooseModal(0))}
onConfirm={() => {
<Body size="S"
>Please select your preferred layout for the new application:</Body
<div class="wrapper">
on:click={() => (selectedNav = "Left")}
class:unselected={selectedNav && selectedNav !== "Left"}
<div class="box">
<div class="side-nav" />
<div><Detail>Side Nav</Detail></div>
on:click={() => (selectedNav = "Top")}
class:unselected={selectedNav && selectedNav !== "Top"}
<div class="box">
<div class="top-nav" />
<div><Detail>Top Nav</Detail></div>
on:click={() => (selectedNav = "None")}
class:unselected={selectedNav && selectedNav !== "None"}
<div class="box" />
<div><Detail>No Nav</Detail></div>
.side-nav {
float: left;
background: #d3d3d3 0% 0% no-repeat padding-box;
border-radius: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
height: 100%;
width: 10%;
.top-nav {
background: #d3d3d3 0% 0% no-repeat padding-box;
vertical-align: top;
width: 100%;
height: 15%;
.box {
display: inline-block;
background: #eaeaea 0% 0% no-repeat padding-box;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
border-radius: 2px;
opacity: 1;
width: 120px;
height: 70px;
margin-right: 20px;
.wrapper {
display: flex;
padding-top: 4%;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
margin-right: 5%;
.unselected {
opacity: 0.3;
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import { notifications } from "@budibase/bbui"
import { store } from "builderStore"
import { Input, ModalContent } from "@budibase/bbui"
let name = ""
async function save() {
try {
await{ name })
notifications.success(`Layout ${name} created successfully`)
} catch (error) {
notifications.error("Error creating layout")
<ModalContent title="Create Layout" confirmText="Create" onConfirm={save}>
<Input thin label="Name" bind:value={name} />
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
import { goto } from "@roxi/routify"
import { store } from "builderStore"
import ConfirmDialog from "components/common/ConfirmDialog.svelte"
import {
} from "@budibase/bbui"
import { get } from "svelte/store"
export let path
export let screens
let confirmDeleteDialog
const deleteScreens = async () => {
if (!screens?.length) {
try {
for (let { id } of screens) {
// We have to fetch the screen to be deleted immediately before deleting
// as otherwise we're very likely to 409
const screen = get(store).screens.find(screen => screen._id === id)
if (!screen) {
await store.actions.screens.delete(screen)
notifications.success("Screens deleted successfully")
} catch (error) {
notifications.error("Error deleting screens")
<div slot="control" class="icon">
<Icon size="S" hoverable name="MoreSmallList" />
<MenuItem icon="Delete" on:click={}>
Delete all screens
title="Confirm Deletion"
okText="Delete screens"
<Layout noPadding gap="S">
Are you sure you want to delete all screens under the <b>{path}</b> route?
<div>The following screens will be deleted:</div>
<div class="to-delete">
{#each screens as screen}
.to-delete {
font-weight: bold;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: flex-start;
padding-left: var(--spacing-xl);
.icon {
display: grid;
place-items: center;
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
import { store, selectedComponent, currentAsset } from "builderStore"
import instantiateStore from "./dragDropStore"
import ComponentTree from "./ComponentTree.svelte"
import PathDropdownMenu from "./PathDropdownMenu.svelte"
import { get } from "svelte/store"
const ROUTE_NAME_MAP = {
"/": {
BASIC: "Home",
PUBLIC: "Home",
ADMIN: "Home",
POWER: "Home",
const dragDropStore = instantiateStore()
export let route
export let path
export let indent
export let border
let routeManuallyOpened = false
$: selectedScreen = $currentAsset
$: allScreens = getAllScreens(route)
$: hasSearchMatch = $screenSearchString && filteredScreens.length > 0
$: noSearchMatch = $screenSearchString && !filteredScreens.length
$: routeSelected =
route.subpaths[selectedScreen?.routing?.route] !== undefined
$: routeOpened = routeManuallyOpened || routeSelected || hasSearchMatch
const changeScreen = screenId => {
const toggleManuallyOpened = () => {
if (get(screenSearchString)) {
routeManuallyOpened = !routeManuallyOpened
{#if !noSearchMatch}
<PathDropdownMenu screens={allScreens} {path} />
{#if routeOpened}{/if}
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
import { store, selectedComponent, currentAsset } from "builderStore"
import { Tabs, Tab } from "@budibase/bbui"
import ScreenSettingsSection from "./ScreenSettingsSection.svelte"
import ComponentSettingsSection from "./ComponentSettingsSection.svelte"
import DesignSection from "./DesignSection.svelte"
import CustomStylesSection from "./CustomStylesSection.svelte"
import ConditionalUISection from "./ConditionalUISection.svelte"
import {
} from "builderStore/dataBinding"
$: componentInstance = $selectedComponent
$: componentDefinition = store.actions.components.getDefinition(
$: bindings = getBindableProperties($currentAsset, $store.selectedComponentId)
$: componentBindings = getComponentBindableProperties(
<Tabs selected="Settings" noPadding>
<Tab title="Settings">
<div class="container">
{#key componentInstance?._id}
<DesignSection {componentInstance} {componentDefinition} {bindings} />
.container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: stretch;
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
import { get } from "svelte/store"
import { get as deepGet, setWith } from "lodash"
import { Input, DetailSummary, notifications } from "@budibase/bbui"
import PropertyControl from "./PropertyControls/PropertyControl.svelte"
import LayoutSelect from "./PropertyControls/LayoutSelect.svelte"
import RoleSelect from "./PropertyControls/RoleSelect.svelte"
import { currentAsset, store } from "builderStore"
import { FrontendTypes } from "constants"
import sanitizeUrl from "builderStore/store/screenTemplates/utils/sanitizeUrl"
import { store, selectedAccessRole } from "builderStore"
export let componentInstance
export let bindings
let errors = {}
const routeTaken = url => {
const roleId = get(selectedAccessRole) || "BASIC"
return get(store).screens.some(
screen =>
screen.routing.route.toLowerCase() === url.toLowerCase() &&
screen.routing.roleId === roleId
const roleTaken = roleId => {
const url = get(currentAsset)?.routing.route
return get(store).screens.some(
screen =>
screen.routing.route.toLowerCase() === url.toLowerCase() &&
screen.routing.roleId === roleId
const setAssetProps = (name, value, parser, validate) => {
if (parser) {
value = parser(value)
if (validate) {
const error = validate(value)
errors = {
[name]: error,
if (error) {
} else {
errors = {
[name]: null,
const selectedAsset = get(currentAsset)
store.update(state => {
if (
name === "_instanceName" &&
state.currentFrontEndType === FrontendTypes.SCREEN
) {
selectedAsset.props._instanceName = value
} else {
setWith(selectedAsset, name.split("."), value, Object)
return state
try {
} catch (error) {
notifications.error("Error saving settings")
const screenSettings = [
key: "routing.route",
label: "Route",
control: Input,
parser: val => {
if (!val.startsWith("/")) {
val = "/" + val
return sanitizeUrl(val)
validate: val => {
const exisingValue = get(currentAsset)?.routing.route
if (val !== exisingValue && routeTaken(val)) {
return "That URL is already in use for this role"
return null
key: "routing.roleId",
label: "Access",
control: RoleSelect,
validate: val => {
const exisingValue = get(currentAsset)?.routing.roleId
if (val !== exisingValue && roleTaken(val)) {
return "That role is already in use for this URL"
return null
{ key: "layoutId", label: "Layout", control: LayoutSelect },
{#if $store.currentView !== "component" && $currentAsset && $store.currentFrontEndType === FrontendTypes.SCREEN}{/if}
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
import { store, currentAsset, selectedComponent } from "builderStore"
import { Detail, Layout, Button, Icon } from "@budibase/bbui"
import CurrentItemPreview from "components/design/AppPreview"
import PropertiesPanel from "components/design/PropertiesPanel/PropertiesPanel.svelte"
import ComponentSelectionList from "components/design/AppPreview/ComponentSelectionList.svelte"
import FrontendNavigatePane from "components/design/navigation/FrontendNavigatePane.svelte"
import { goto, leftover, params } from "@roxi/routify"
import { FrontendTypes } from "constants"
import { findComponent, findComponentPath } from "builderStore/componentUtils"
import { get } from "svelte/store"
import AppThemeSelect from "components/design/AppPreview/AppThemeSelect.svelte"
import ThemeEditor from "components/design/AppPreview/ThemeEditor.svelte"
import DevicePreviewSelect from "components/design/AppPreview/DevicePreviewSelect.svelte"
import ScreenWizard from "components/design/navigation/ScreenWizard.svelte"
// Cache previous values so we don't update the URL more than necessary
let previousType
let previousAsset
let previousComponentId
let hydrationComplete = false
// Manage the layout modal flow from here
let showModal
// Hydrate state from URL params
$: hydrateStateFromURL($params, $leftover)
// Keep URL in sync with state
$: updateURLFromState(
const hydrateStateFromURL = (params, leftover) => {
if (hydrationComplete) {
} else {
hydrationComplete = true
// Do nothing if no asset type, as that means we've left the page
if (!params.assetType) {
const state = get(store)
const selectedAsset = get(currentAsset)
// Hydrate asset type
let assetType = params.assetType
if (![FrontendTypes.LAYOUT, FrontendTypes.SCREEN].includes(assetType)) {
assetType = FrontendTypes.SCREEN
if (assetType !== state.currentFrontEndType) {
store.update(state => {
state.currentFrontEndType = assetType
return state
// Hydrate asset
const assetId = decodeURI(params.asset)
let asset
if (assetId) {
let assetList
let actions
// Determine screens or layouts based on the URL
if (assetType === FrontendTypes.SCREEN) {
assetList = get(allScreens)
actions = store.actions.screens
} else {
assetList = state.layouts
actions = store.actions.layouts
// Find and select the current asset
asset = assetList.find(asset => asset._id === assetId)
if (asset && asset._id !== selectedAsset?._id) {
// Hydrate component ID if one is present in the URL
const selectedComponentId = leftover.split("/").pop()
if (asset && selectedComponentId) {
const component = findComponent(asset.props, selectedComponentId)
if (component && component._id !== state.selectedComponentId) {
// Updates the route params in the URL to the specified values
const updateURLFromState = (assetType, asset, componentId) => {
// Check we have different params than last invocation
if (
assetType === previousType &&
asset === previousAsset &&
componentId === previousComponentId
) {
} else {
previousType = assetType
previousAsset = asset
previousComponentId = componentId
// Extract current URL params
const currentParams = get(params)
const currentLeftover = get(leftover)
const paramAssetType = currentParams.assetType
const paramAssetId = currentParams.asset
const paramComponentId = currentLeftover.split("/").pop()
// Only update params if the params actually changed
if (
assetType !== paramAssetType ||
asset?._id !== paramAssetId ||
componentId !== paramComponentId
) {
// Build and navigate to a valid URL
let url = "../"
if ([FrontendTypes.SCREEN, FrontendTypes.LAYOUT].includes(assetType)) {
url += `${assetType}`
if (asset?._id) {
url += `/${asset._id}`
if (componentId) {
const componentPath = findComponentPath(asset?.props, componentId)
const componentURL = componentPath
.map(comp => comp._id)
url += `/${componentURL}`
<!-- routify:options index=1 -->
<div class="root">
<div class="ui-nav">
<FrontendNavigatePane {showModal} />
<div class="preview-pane" />
{#if $selectedComponent != null}
<div class="components-pane">
<PropertiesPanel />
<slot />
<ScreenWizard bind:showModal />
.root {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 260px 1fr 260px;
align-items: stretch;
flex: 1 1 auto;
height: 0;
.ui-nav {
grid-column: 1;
background-color: var(--background);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: var(--spacing-l);
border-right: var(--border-light);
.components-pane {
grid-column: 3;
background-color: var(--background);
overflow-y: auto;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: stretch;
border-left: var(--border-light);
overflow-x: hidden;
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
import { get } from "svelte/store"
import { store, allScreens, selectedAccessRole } from "builderStore"
import { FrontendTypes } from "constants"
import { params } from "@roxi/routify"
$: selectValidAsset($params.assetType)
// If we ever land on this index page we want to correctly update state
// to select a valid asset. The layout page will in turn update the URL
// to reflect state.
const selectValidAsset = assetType => {
let id
const state = get(store)
const screens = get(allScreens)
const role = get(selectedAccessRole)
// Get ID or first correct asset type and select it
if (assetType === FrontendTypes.LAYOUT) {
if (
state.selectedLayoutId &&
state.layouts.find(layout => layout._id === state.selectedLayoutId)
) {
id = state.selectedLayoutId
} else {
id = state.layouts[0]?._id
if (id) {
} else if (assetType === FrontendTypes.SCREEN) {
if (
state.selectedScreenId &&
screens.find(screen => screen._id === state.selectedScreenId)
) {
id = state.selectedScreenId
} else {
// Select the first screen matching the selected role ID
const filteredScreens = screens.filter(screen => {
return screen.routing?.roleId === role
id = filteredScreens[0]?._id
if (id) {
// If we didn't find a valid asset, just update the preview type
if (!id) {
store.update(state => {
state.currentFrontEndType = assetType
return state
<!-- routify:options index=false -->
Reference in New Issue