Fix edge case bug where the literal handlebars helper would not work with objects including a dash character

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kingston 2021-03-16 18:16:56 +00:00
parent 6e29423d4d
commit 5276cd7117
3 changed files with 69 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ const HELPERS = [
new Helper(HelperFunctionNames.LITERAL, value => {
const type = typeof value
const outputVal = type === "object" ? JSON.stringify(value) : value
return `{{-${LITERAL_MARKER}-${type}-${outputVal}-}}`
return `{{${LITERAL_MARKER} ${type}-${outputVal}}}`

View File

@ -21,13 +21,12 @@ module.exports.processors = [
if (!statement.includes(LITERAL_MARKER)) {
return statement
const components = statement.split("-")
// pop and shift remove the empty array elements from the first and last dash
const type = components[1]
const value = components[2]
const splitMarkerIndex = statement.indexOf("-")
const type = statement.substring(12, splitMarkerIndex)
const value = statement.substring(
splitMarkerIndex + 1,
statement.length - 2
switch (type) {
case "string":
return value

View File

@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
const {
} = require("../src/index")
const { processString, processObject, isValid } = require("../src/index")
describe("test the custom helpers we have applied", () => {
it("should be able to use the object helper", async () => {
const output = await processString("object is {{ object obj }}", {
obj: { a: 1 },
expect(output).toBe("object is {\"a\":1}")
expect(output).toBe('object is {"a":1}')
@ -64,9 +60,12 @@ describe("test the array helpers", () => {
it("should allow use of the filter helper", async () => {
const output = await processString("{{#filter array \"person\"}}THING{{else}}OTHER{{/filter}}", {
const output = await processString(
'{{#filter array "person"}}THING{{else}}OTHER{{/filter}}',
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ describe("test the array helpers", () => {
it("should allow use of the join helper", async () => {
const output = await processString("{{join array \"-\"}}", {
const output = await processString('{{join array "-"}}', {
@ -86,14 +85,14 @@ describe("test the array helpers", () => {
it("should allow use of the sort helper", async () => {
const output = await processString("{{sort array}}", {
array: ["d", "a", "c", "e"]
array: ["d", "a", "c", "e"],
it("should allow use of the unique helper", async () => {
const output = await processString("{{unique array}}", {
array: ["a", "a", "b"]
array: ["a", "a", "b"],
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ describe("test the array helpers", () => {
describe("test the number helpers", () => {
it("should allow use of the addCommas helper", async () => {
const output = await processString("{{ addCommas number }}", {
number: 10000000
number: 10000000,
@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ describe("test the number helpers", () => {
describe("test the url helpers", () => {
const url = ""
it("should allow use of the stripQueryString helper", async () => {
const output = await processString('{{stripQuerystring url }}', {
const output = await processString("{{stripQuerystring url }}", {
@ -149,10 +148,12 @@ describe("test the url helpers", () => {
const output = await processString("{{ object ( urlParse url ) }}", {
expect(output).toBe("{\"protocol\":\"http:\",\"slashes\":true,\"auth\":null,\"host\":\"\"," +
"\"port\":null,\"hostname\":\"\",\"hash\":null,\"search\":\"?query=1\"," +
"\"query\":\"query=1\",\"pathname\":\"/\",\"path\":\"/?query=1\"," +
'{"protocol":"http:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"",' +
'"port":null,"hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?query=1",' +
'"query":"query=1","pathname":"/","path":"/?query=1",' +
@ -224,19 +225,25 @@ describe("test the string helpers", () => {
it("should allow use of the startsWith helper", async () => {
const output = await processString("{{ #startsWith 'Hello' string }}Hi!{{ else }}Goodbye!{{ /startsWith }}", {
const output = await processString(
"{{ #startsWith 'Hello' string }}Hi!{{ else }}Goodbye!{{ /startsWith }}",
string: "Hello my name is Mike",
describe("test the comparison helpers", () => {
async function compare(func, a, b) {
const output = await processString(`{{ #${func} a b }}Success{{ else }}Fail{{ /${func} }}`, {
const output = await processString(
`{{ #${func} a b }}Success{{ else }}Fail{{ /${func} }}`,
it("should allow use of the lt helper", async () => {
@ -256,9 +263,12 @@ describe("test the comparison helpers", () => {
it("should allow use of gte with a literal value", async () => {
const output = await processString(`{{ #gte a "50" }}s{{ else }}f{{ /gte }}`, {
const output = await processString(
`{{ #gte a "50" }}s{{ else }}f{{ /gte }}`,
a: 51,
@ -277,17 +287,27 @@ describe("Test the literal helper", () => {
it("should allow use of the literal specifier for an object with dashes", async () => {
const output = await processString(`{{literal a}}`, {
a: { b: "i-have-dashes" },
describe("Cover a few complex use cases", () => {
it("should allow use of three different collection helpers", async () => {
const output = await processString(`{{ join ( after ( split "My name is: Joe Smith" " " ) 3 ) " " }}`, {})
const output = await processString(
`{{ join ( after ( split "My name is: Joe Smith" " " ) 3 ) " " }}`,
expect(output).toBe("Joe Smith")
it("should allow a complex array case", async () => {
const output = await processString("{{ last ( sort ( unique array ) ) }}", {
array: ["a", "a", "d", "c", "e"]
array: ["a", "a", "d", "c", "e"],
@ -299,7 +319,9 @@ describe("Cover a few complex use cases", () => {
it("should make sure case is valid", () => {
const validity = isValid("{{ avg [c355ec2b422e54f988ae553c8acd811ea].[a] [c355ec2b422e54f988ae553c8acd811ea].[b] }}")
const validity = isValid(
"{{ avg [c355ec2b422e54f988ae553c8acd811ea].[a] [c355ec2b422e54f988ae553c8acd811ea].[b] }}"
@ -314,7 +336,9 @@ describe("Cover a few complex use cases", () => {
it("should confirm a subtraction validity", () => {
const validity = isValid("{{ subtract [c390c23a7f1b6441c98d2fe2a51248ef3].[total profit] [c390c23a7f1b6441c98d2fe2a51248ef3].[total revenue] }}")
const validity = isValid(
"{{ subtract [c390c23a7f1b6441c98d2fe2a51248ef3].[total profit] [c390c23a7f1b6441c98d2fe2a51248ef3].[total revenue] }}"
@ -345,7 +369,9 @@ describe("Cover a few complex use cases", () => {
it("getting a nice date from the user", async () => {
const input = { text: `{{ date user.subscriptionDue "DD-MM" }}` }
const context = JSON.parse(`{"user":{"email":"","roleId":"ADMIN","type":"user","tableId":"ta_users","subscriptionDue":"2021-01-12T12:00:00.000Z","_id":"","_rev":"2-24cc794985eb54183ecb93e148563f3d"}}`)
const context = JSON.parse(
const output = await processObject(input, context)