From 7e43fff018b904b030ef22ec64a0df90d547c3a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 11:45:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 01/15] Execute sloppy code test --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/tests/jsRunner.spec.ts | 5 +++++ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/tests/jsRunner.spec.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/tests/jsRunner.spec.ts index 285ade7097..85691878bd 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/tests/jsRunner.spec.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/tests/jsRunner.spec.ts @@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ describe("jsRunner", () => { expect(output).toBe(3) }) + it("it can execute sloppy javascript", async () => { + const output = await processJS(`a=2;b=3;return a + b`) + expect(output).toBe(5) + }) + it("should prevent sandbox escape", async () => { const output = await processJS( `return this.constructor.constructor("return process")()` From 53d4fc2fa04dd6abc6fa8475eb17cdc92c52b51d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:13:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 02/15] Replace ivm.module for script --- .../bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js | 3554 ++++++++++++++++- .../src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts | 5 +- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 101 +- 3 files changed, 3592 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js index 706625b757..2201586ec0 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js @@ -1,4 +1,3556 @@ -var De=Object.defineProperty;var un=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var sn=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var fn=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var Ue=(e=>typeof require<"u"?require:typeof Proxy<"u"?new Proxy(e,{get:(t,r)=>(typeof require<"u"?require:t)[r]}):e)(function(e){if(typeof require<"u")return require.apply(this,arguments);throw Error('Dynamic require of "'+e+'" is not supported')});var Z=(e,t)=>()=>(e&&(t=e(e=0)),t);var U=(e,t)=>()=>(t||e((t={exports:{}}).exports,t),t.exports),on=(e,t)=>{for(var r in t)De(e,r,{get:t[r],enumerable:!0})},an=(e,t,r,n)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let i of sn(t))!,i)&&i!==r&&De(e,i,{get:()=>t[i],enumerable:!(n=un(t,i))||n.enumerable});return e};var cn=e=>an(De({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),e);var gt=U((Te,qe)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Te=="object"&&typeof qe<"u"?qe.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs=t()})(Te,function(){"use strict";var e=1e3,t=6e4,r=36e5,n="millisecond",i="second",u="minute",s="hour",f="day",w="week",g="month",l="quarter",x="year",v="date",a="Invalid Date",T=/^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/,E=/\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g,I={name:"en",weekdays:"Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),months:"January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),ordinal:function($){var h=["th","st","nd","rd"],c=$%100;return"["+$+(h[(c-20)%10]||h[c]||h[0])+"]"}},Y=function($,h,c){var b=String($);return!b||b.length>=h?$:""+Array(h+1-b.length).join(c)+$},F={s:Y,z:function($){var h=-$.utcOffset(),c=Math.abs(h),b=Math.floor(c/60),d=c%60;return(h<=0?"+":"-")+Y(b,2,"0")+":"+Y(d,2,"0")},m:function $(h,c){if( $(j[0])}else{var;S[_]=h,d=_}return!b&&d&&(q=d),d||!b&&q},N=function($,h){if(o($))return $.clone();var c=typeof h=="object"?h:{};return$,c.args=arguments,new B(c)},O=F;O.l=D,O.i=o,O.w=function($,h){return N($,{locale:h.$L,utc:h.$u,x:h.$x,$offset:h.$offset})};var B=function(){function $(c){this.$L=D(c.locale,null,!0),this.parse(c),this.$x=this.$x||c.x||{},this[p]=!0}var h=$.prototype;return h.parse=function(c){this.$d=function(b){var,M=b.utc;if(d===null)return new Date(NaN);if(O.u(d))return new Date;if(d instanceof Date)return new Date(d);if(typeof d=="string"&&!/Z$/i.test(d)){var j=d.match(T);if(j){var _=j[2]-1||0,H=(j[7]||"0").substring(0,3);return M?new Date(Date.UTC(j[1],_,j[3]||1,j[4]||0,j[5]||0,j[6]||0,H)):new Date(j[1],_,j[3]||1,j[4]||0,j[5]||0,j[6]||0,H)}}return new Date(d)}(c),this.init()},h.init=function(){var c=this.$d;this.$y=c.getFullYear(),this.$M=c.getMonth(),this.$D=c.getDate(),this.$W=c.getDay(),this.$H=c.getHours(),this.$m=c.getMinutes(),this.$s=c.getSeconds(),this.$ms=c.getMilliseconds()},h.$utils=function(){return O},h.isValid=function(){return this.$d.toString()!==a},h.isSame=function(c,b){var d=N(c);return this.startOf(b)<=d&&d<=this.endOf(b)},h.isAfter=function(c,b){return N(c){(function(e,t){typeof Ye=="object"&&typeof 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0&&(this.$ms=0,this.parseFromMilliseconds()),D)return v(o*l[a(D)],this);if(typeof o=="number")return this.$ms=o,this.parseFromMilliseconds(),this;if(typeof o=="object")return Object.keys(o).forEach(function($){O.$d[a($)]=o[$]}),this.calMilliseconds(),this;if(typeof o=="string"){var B=o.match(g);if(B){var J=B.slice(2).map(function($){return $!=null?Number($):0});return this.$d.years=J[0],this.$d.months=J[1],this.$d.weeks=J[2],this.$d.days=J[3],this.$d.hours=J[4],this.$d.minutes=J[5],this.$d.seconds=J[6],this.calMilliseconds(),this}}return this}var p=S.prototype;return p.calMilliseconds=function(){var o=this;this.$ms=Object.keys(this.$d).reduce(function(D,N){return D+(o.$d[N]||0)*l[N]},0)},p.parseFromMilliseconds=function(){var o=this.$ms;this.$d.years=E(o/f),o%=f,this.$d.months=E(o/w),o%=w,this.$d.days=E(o/u),o%=u,this.$d.hours=E(o/i),o%=i,this.$d.minutes=E(o/n),o%=n,this.$d.seconds=E(o/r),o%=r,this.$d.milliseconds=o},p.toISOString=function(){var o=Y(this.$d.years,"Y"),D=Y(this.$d.months,"M"),N=+this.$d.days||0;this.$d.weeks&&(N+=7*this.$d.weeks);var O=Y(N,"D"),B=Y(this.$d.hours,"H"),J=Y(this.$d.minutes,"M"),$=this.$d.seconds||0;this.$d.milliseconds&&($+=this.$d.milliseconds/1e3,$=Math.round(1e3*$)/1e3);var h=Y($,"S"),c=o.negative||D.negative||O.negative||B.negative||J.negative||h.negative,b=B.format||J.format||h.format?"T":"",d=(c?"-":"")+"P"+o.format+D.format+O.format+b+B.format+J.format+h.format;return d==="P"||d==="-P"?"P0D":d},p.toJSON=function(){return this.toISOString()},p.format=function(o){var D=o||"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss",N={Y:this.$d.years,YY:t.s(this.$d.years,2,"0"),YYYY:t.s(this.$d.years,4,"0"),M:this.$d.months,MM:t.s(this.$d.months,2,"0"),D:this.$d.days,DD:t.s(this.$d.days,2,"0"),H:this.$d.hours,HH:t.s(this.$d.hours,2,"0"),m:this.$d.minutes,mm:t.s(this.$d.minutes,2,"0"),s:this.$d.seconds,ss:t.s(this.$d.seconds,2,"0"),SSS:t.s(this.$d.milliseconds,3,"0")};return D.replace(s,function(O,B){return B||String(N[O])})},{return this.$ms/l[a(o)]},p.get=function(o){var D=this.$ms,N=a(o);return N==="milliseconds"?D%=1e3:D=N==="weeks"?E(D/l[N]):this.$d[N],D||0},p.add=function(o,D,N){var O;return O=D?o*l[a(D)]:x(o)?o.$ms:v(o,this).$ms,v(this.$ms+O*(N?-1:1),this)},p.subtract=function(o,D){return this.add(o,D,!0)},p.locale=function(o){var D=this.clone();return D.$l=o,D},p.clone=function(){return v(this.$ms,this)},p.humanize=function(o){return e().add(this.$ms,"ms").locale(this.$l).fromNow(!o)},p.valueOf=function(){return this.asMilliseconds()},p.milliseconds=function(){return this.get("milliseconds")},p.asMilliseconds=function(){return"milliseconds")},p.seconds=function(){return this.get("seconds")},p.asSeconds=function(){return"seconds")},p.minutes=function(){return this.get("minutes")},p.asMinutes=function(){return"minutes")},p.hours=function(){return this.get("hours")},p.asHours=function(){return"hours")},p.days=function(){return this.get("days")},p.asDays=function(){return"days")},p.weeks=function(){return this.get("weeks")},p.asWeeks=function(){return"weeks")},p.months=function(){return this.get("months")},p.asMonths=function(){return"months")},p.years=function(){return this.get("years")},p.asYears=function(){return"years")},S}(),q=function(S,p,o){return S.add(p.years()*o,"y").add(p.months()*o,"M").add(p.days()*o,"d").add(p.hours()*o,"h").add(p.minutes()*o,"m").add(p.seconds()*o,"s").add(p.milliseconds()*o,"ms")};return function(S,p,o){e=o,t=o().$utils(),o.duration=function(O,B){var J=o.locale();return v(O,{$l:J},B)},o.isDuration=x;var D=p.prototype.add,N=p.prototype.subtract;p.prototype.add=function(O,B){return x(O)?q(this,O,1):D.bind(this)(O,B)},p.prototype.subtract=function(O,B){return x(O)?q(this,O,-1):N.bind(this)(O,B)}}})});var vt=U((Ee,Ie)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Ee=="object"&&typeof Ie<"u"?Ie.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof 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_e=="object"&&typeof We<"u"?We.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_isoWeek=t()})(_e,function(){"use strict";var e="day";return function(t,r,n){var i=function(f){return f.add(4-f.isoWeekday(),e)},u=r.prototype;u.isoWeekYear=function(){return i(this).year()},u.isoWeek=function(f){if(!this.$utils().u(f))return this.add(7*(f-this.isoWeek()),e);var w,g,l,x,v=i(this),a=(w=this.isoWeekYear(),g=this.$u,l=(g?n.utc:n)().year(w).startOf("year"),x=4-l.isoWeekday(),l.isoWeekday()>4&&(x+=7),l.add(x,e));return v.diff(a,"week")+1},u.isoWeekday=function(f){return this.$utils().u(f)?||};var s=u.startOf;u.startOf=function(f,w){var g=this.$utils(),l=!!g.u(w)||w;return g.p(f)==="isoweek"?l?"day")"day"):s.bind(this)(f,w)}}})});var bt=U((Fe,He)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Fe=="object"&&typeof He<"u"?He.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_weekYear=t()})(Fe,function(){"use strict";return function(e,t){t.prototype.weekYear=function(){var r=this.month(),n=this.week(),i=this.year();return n===1&&r===11?i+1:r===0&&n>=52?i-1:i}}})});var wt=U((Be,Le)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Be=="object"&&typeof Le<"u"?Le.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_weekOfYear=t()})(Be,function(){"use strict";var e="week",t="year";return function(r,n,i){var u=n.prototype;u.week=function(s){if(s===void 0&&(s=null),s!==null)return this.add(7*(s-this.week()),"day");var f=this.$locale().yearStart||1;if(this.month()===11&&>25){var w=i(this).startOf(t).add(1,t).date(f),g=i(this).endOf(e);if(w.isBefore(g))return 1}var l=i(this).startOf(t).date(f).startOf(e).subtract(1,"millisecond"),x=this.diff(l,e,!0);return x<0?i(this).startOf("week").week():Math.ceil(x)},u.weeks=function(s){return s===void 0&&(s=null),this.week(s)}}})});var 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o=T?E.future:E.past;return typeof o=="function"?o(a):o.replace("%s",a)},,w){return u(f,w,this,!0)},n.from=function(f,w){return u(f,w,this)};var s=function(f){return f.$u?r.utc():r()};n.toNow=function(f){return,f)},n.fromNow=function(f){return this.from(s(this),f)}}})});var xt=U((Re,Je)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Re=="object"&&typeof Je<"u"?Je.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_utc=t()})(Re,function(){"use strict";var e="minute",t=/[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/g,r=/([+-]|\d\d)/g;return function(n,i,u){var s=i.prototype;u.utc=function(a){var T={date:a,utc:!0,args:arguments};return new i(T)},s.utc=function(a){var T=u(this.toDate(),{locale:this.$L,utc:!0});return a?T.add(this.utcOffset(),e):T},s.local=function(){return u(this.toDate(),{locale:this.$L,utc:!1})};var f=s.parse;s.parse=function(a){a.utc&&(this.$u=!0),this.$utils().u(a.$offset)||(this.$offset=a.$offset),,a)};var w=s.init;s.init=function(){if(this.$u){var a=this.$d;this.$y=a.getUTCFullYear(),this.$M=a.getUTCMonth(),this.$D=a.getUTCDate(),this.$W=a.getUTCDay(),this.$H=a.getUTCHours(),this.$m=a.getUTCMinutes(),this.$s=a.getUTCSeconds(),this.$ms=a.getUTCMilliseconds()}else};var g=s.utcOffset;s.utcOffset=function(a,T){var E=this.$utils().u;if(E(a))return this.$u?0:E(this.$offset)?$offset;if(typeof a=="string"&&(a=function(q){q===void 0&&(q="");var S=q.match(t);if(!S)return null;var p=(""+S[0]).match(r)||["-",0,0],o=p[0],D=60*+p[1]+ +p[2];return D===0?0:o==="+"?D:-D}(a),a===null))return this;var I=Math.abs(a)<=16?60*a:a,Y=this;if(T)return Y.$offset=I,Y.$u=a===0,Y;if(a!==0){var F=this.$u?this.toDate().getTimezoneOffset():-1*this.utcOffset();(Y=this.local().add(I+F,e)).$offset=I,Y.$x.$localOffset=F}else Y=this.utc();return Y};var l=s.format;s.format=function(a){var T=a||(this.$u?"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]":"");return,T)},s.valueOf=function(){var a=this.$utils().u(this.$offset)?0:this.$offset+(this.$x.$localOffset||this.$d.getTimezoneOffset());return this.$d.valueOf()-6e4*a},s.isUTC=function(){return!!this.$u},s.toISOString=function(){return this.toDate().toISOString()},s.toString=function(){return this.toDate().toUTCString()};var x=s.toDate;s.toDate=function(a){return a==="s"&&this.$offset?u(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS")).toDate()};var v=s.diff;s.diff=function(a,T,E){if(a&&this.$u===a.$u)return,a,T,E);var I=this.local(),Y=u(a).local();return,Y,T,E)}}})});var St=U((Ge,Ze)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Ge=="object"&&typeof Ze<"u"?Ze.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_timezone=t()})(Ge,function(){"use strict";var e={year:0,month:1,day:2,hour:3,minute:4,second:5},t={};return function(r,n,i){var u,s=function(l,x,v){v===void 0&&(v={});var a=new Date(l),T=function(E,I){I===void 0&&(I={});var Y=I.timeZoneName||"short",F=E+"|"+Y,q=t[F];return q||(q=new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US",{hour12:!1,timeZone:E,year:"numeric",month:"2-digit",day:"2-digit",hour:"2-digit",minute:"2-digit",second:"2-digit",timeZoneName:Y}),t[F]=q),q}(x,v);return T.formatToParts(a)},f=function(l,x){for(var v=s(l,x),a=[],T=0;T=0&&(a[F]=parseInt(Y,10))}var q=a[3],S=q===24?0:q,p=a[0]+"-"+a[1]+"-"+a[2]+" "+S+":"+a[4]+":"+a[5]+":000",o=+l;return(i.utc(p).valueOf()-(o-=o%1e3))/6e4},w=n.prototype;,x){l===void 0&&(l=u);var v=this.utcOffset(),a=this.toDate(),T=a.toLocaleString("en-US",{timeZone:l}),E=Math.round((a-new Date(T))/1e3/60),I=i(T,{locale:this.$L}).$set("millisecond",this.$ms).utcOffset(15*-Math.round(a.getTimezoneOffset()/15)-E,!0);if(x){var Y=I.utcOffset();I=I.add(v-Y,"minute")}return I.$x.$timezone=l,I},w.offsetName=function(l){var x=this.$x.$timezone||,v=s(this.valueOf(),x,{timeZoneName:l}).find(function(a){return a.type.toLowerCase()==="timezonename"});return v&&v.value};var g=w.startOf;w.startOf=function(l,x){if(!this.$x||!this.$x.$timezone)return,l,x);var v=i(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS"),{locale:this.$L});return,l,x).tz(this.$x.$timezone,!0)},,x,v){var a=v&&x,T=v||x||u,E=f(+i(),T);if(typeof l!="string")return i(l).tz(T);var I=function(S,p,o){var D=S-60*p*1e3,N=f(D,o);if(p===N)return[D,p];var O=f(D-=60*(N-p)*1e3,o);return N===O?[D,N]:[S-60*Math.min(N,O)*1e3,Math.max(N,O)]}(i.utc(l,a).valueOf(),E,T),Y=I[0],F=I[1],q=i(Y).utcOffset(F);return q.$x.$timezone=T,q},{return Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone},{u=l}}})});var Mt=U((ji,Ke)=>{var X=gt();X.extend(yt());X.extend(vt());X.extend($t());X.extend(bt());X.extend(wt());X.extend(Ot());X.extend(xt());X.extend(St());function fe(e){return typeof e=="object"&&typeof e.hash=="object"}function Ve(e){return typeof e=="object"&&typeof e.options=="object"&&typeof"object"}function Qe(e,t,r){if(fe(e))return Qe({},t,e);if(fe(t))return Qe(e,r,t);let n=Ve(e)?e.context:{};r=r||{},fe(r)||(t=Object.assign({},t,r)),fe(r)&&r.hash.root===!0&&(t=Object.assign({},,t));let i=Object.assign({},n,t,r.hash);return Ve(e)||(i=Object.assign({},e,i)),Ve(e)&&e.view&&{},i,,i}function Xe(e,t,r){return fe(t)&&(r=t,t=null),fe(e)&&(r=e,t=null,e=null),{str:e,pattern:t,options:r}}function Nt(e,t,r){let n=Xe(e,t,r),i={lang:"en",date:new Date(n.str)},u=Qe(this,i,{});X.locale(u.lang||u.language)},t,r)=>{let n=Xe(e,t,r);if(n.str==null&&n.pattern==null)return X.locale("en"),X().format("MMMM DD, YYYY");Nt(n.str,n.pattern,n.options);let i=X(new Date(n.str));return typeof n.options=="string"?i=n.options.toLowerCase()==="utc"?i.utc(),n.pattern===""?i.toISOString():i.format(n.pattern)};Ke.exports.duration=(e,t,r)=>{let n=Xe(e,t);Nt(n.str,n.pattern);let i=X.duration(n.str,n.pattern);return r&&!fe(r)?i.format(r):i.humanize()}});var et=U((Ai,At)=>{At.exports=function(e){return e!=null&&(jt(e)||ln(e)||!!e._isBuffer)};function jt(e){return!!e.constructor&&typeof 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e.constructor.isBuffer=="function"?e.constructor.isBuffer(e):!1}});var ee=U((Wt,Ft)=>{"use strict";var xn=Ue("util"),It=Yt(),Sn=xe(),m=Wt=Ft.exports;m.extend=_t;m.indexOf=Dn;m.escapeExpression=Un;m.isEmpty=Cn;m.createFrame=Tn;m.blockParams=qn;m.appendContextPath=Yn;var Nn={"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'","`":"`","=":"="},Mn=/[&<>"'`=]/g,jn=/[&<>"'`=]/;function An(e){return Nn[e]}function _t(e){for(var t=1;t{"use strict";var En=ee();he.contains=function(e,t,r){return e==null||t==null||isNaN(e.length)?!1:e.indexOf(t,r)!==-1};he.chop=function(e){if(typeof e!="string")return"";var t=/^[-_.\W\s]+|[-_.\W\s]+$/g;return e.trim().replace(t,"")};he.changecase=function(e,t){if(typeof e!="string")return"";if(e.length===1)return e.toLowerCase();e=he.chop(e).toLowerCase(),typeof t!="function"&&(t=En.identity);var r=/[-_.\W\s]+(\w|$)/g;return e.replace(r,function(n,i){return t(i)})};he.random=function(e,t){return e+Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1))}});var Bt=U((qi,Ht)=>{"use strict";var In=Se(),V=Ht.exports;V.abs=function(e){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected a number");return Math.abs(e)};V.add=function(e,t){return!isNaN(e)&&!isNaN(t)?Number(e)+Number(t):typeof e=="string"&&typeof t=="string"?e+t:""};V.avg=function(){let e=[].concat.apply([],arguments);return e.pop(),V.sum(e)/e.length};V.ceil=function(e){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected a number");return Math.ceil(e)};V.divide=function(e,t){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number");if(isNaN(t))throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number");return Number(e)/Number(t)};V.floor=function(e){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected a number");return Math.floor(e)};V.minus=function(e,t){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number");if(isNaN(t))throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number");return Number(e)-Number(t)};V.modulo=function(e,t){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected the first argument 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i=[],u=0;u0&&u%t===0&&(n+=r.fn(i),i=[]),i.push(e[u]);n+=r.fn(i)}return n};C.withLast=function(e,t,r){if(y.isUndefined(e))return"";if(e=y.result(e),Array.isArray(e)){if(y.isUndefined(t)||(t=parseFloat(y.result(t))),y.isUndefined(t))return r=t,r.fn(e[e.length-1]);e=e.slice(-t);for(var n=e.length,i=-1,u="";++ig?1:w{"use strict";var Qt=ee(),te=Xt.exports;te.bytes=function(e,t,r){if(e==null||isNaN(e)&&(e=e.length,!e))return"0 B";isNaN(t)&&(t=2);var n=["B","kB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"];t=Math.pow(10,t),e=Number(e);for(var i=n.length-1;i-->=0;){var u=Math.pow(10,i*3);if(u<=e+1){e=Math.round(e*t/u)/t,e+=" "+n[i];break}}return e};te.addCommas=function(e){return e.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g,"$1,")};te.phoneNumber=function(e){return e=e.toString(),"("+e.substr(0,3)+") "+e.substr(3,3)+"-"+e.substr(6,4)};te.toAbbr=function(e,t){isNaN(e)&&(e=0),Qt.isUndefined(t)&&(t=2),e=Number(e),t=Math.pow(10,t);for(var r=["k","m","b","t","q"],n=r.length-1;n>=0;){var i=Math.pow(10,(n+1)*3);if(i<=e+1){e=Math.round(e*t/i)/t,e+=r[n];break}n--}return e};te.toExponential=function(e,t){return isNaN(e)&&(e=0),Qt.isUndefined(t)&&(t=0),Number(e).toExponential(t)};te.toFixed=function(e,t){return isNaN(e)&&(e=0),isNaN(t)&&(t=0),Number(e).toFixed(t)};te.toFloat=function(e){return parseFloat(e)};te.toInt=function(e){return parseInt(e,10)};te.toPrecision=function(e,t){return isNaN(e)&&(e=0),isNaN(t)&&(t=1),Number(e).toPrecision(t)}});var tr=U((Wi,er)=>{"use strict";var st=Ue("url"),ge=ee(),Fn=Ue("querystring"),ae=er.exports;ae.encodeURI=function(e){if(ge.isString(e))return encodeURIComponent(e)};ae.escape=function(e){if(ge.isString(e))return Fn.escape(e)};ae.decodeURI=function(e){if(ge.isString(e))return decodeURIComponent(e)};ae.urlResolve=function(e,t){return st.resolve(e,t)};ae.urlParse=function(e){return st.parse(e)};ae.stripQuerystring=function(e){if(ge.isString(e))return e.split("?")[0]};ae.stripProtocol=function(e){if(ge.isString(e)){var t=st.parse(e);return t.protocol="",t.format()}}});var ir=U((rr,nr)=>{"use strict";var z=ee(),ce=Se(),A=nr.exports;A.append=function(e,t){return typeof e=="string"&&typeof t=="string"?e+t:e};A.camelcase=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":ce.changecase(e,function(t){return t.toUpperCase()})};A.capitalize=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.slice(1)};A.capitalizeAll=function(e){if(typeof e!="string")return"";if(z.isString(e))return e.replace(/\w\S*/g,function(t){return A.capitalize(t)})};,t){if(typeof e!="string")return"";for(var r="",n=0;n-1;)i++,n+=r;return i};A.pascalcase=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":(e=ce.changecase(e,function(t){return t.toUpperCase()}),e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.slice(1))};A.pathcase=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":ce.changecase(e,function(t){return"/"+t})};A.plusify=function(e,t){return typeof e!="string"?"":(z.isString(t)||(t=" "),e.split(t).join("+"))};A.prepend=function(e,t){return typeof e=="string"&&typeof t=="string"?t+e:e};A.raw=function(e){var t=e.fn(),r=z.options(this,e);if(r.escape!==!1)for(var n=0;(n=t.indexOf("{{",n))!==-1;)t[n-1]!=="\\"&&(t=t.slice(0,n)+"\\"+t.slice(n)),n+=3;return t};A.remove=function(e,t){return typeof e!="string"?"":z.isString(t)?e.split(t).join(""):e};A.removeFirst=function(e,t){return typeof e!="string"?"":z.isString(t)?e.replace(t,""):e};A.replace=function(e,t,r){return typeof e!="string"?"":z.isString(t)?(z.isString(r)||(r=""),e.split(t).join(r)):e};A.replaceFirst=function(e,t,r){return typeof e!="string"?"":z.isString(t)?(z.isString(r)||(r=""),e.replace(t,r)):e};A.reverse=Me().reverse;A.sentence=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":e.replace(/((?:\S[^\.\?\!]*)[\.\?\!]*)/g,function(t){return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+t.substr(1).toLowerCase()})};A.snakecase=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":ce.changecase(e,function(t){return"_"+t})};A.split=function(e,t){return typeof e!="string"?"":(z.isString(t)||(t=","),e.split(t))};A.startsWith=function(e,t,r){var n=[];return r=n.pop(),z.isString(t)&&t.indexOf(e)===0?r.fn(this):typeof r.inverse=="function"?r.inverse(this):""};A.titleize=function(e){if(typeof e!="string")return"";for(var t=e.replace(/[- _]+/g," "),r=t.split(" "),n=r.length,i=[],u=0;n--;){var s=r[u++];i.push(rr.capitalize(s))}return i.join(" ")};A.trim=function(e){return typeof e=="string"?e.trim():""};A.trimLeft=function(e){if(z.isString(e))return e.replace(/^\s+/,"")};A.trimRight=function(e){if(z.isString(e))return e.replace(/\s+$/,"")};A.truncate=function(e,t,r){if(z.isString(e))return typeof r!="string"&&(r=""),e.length>t?e.slice(0,t-r.length)+r:e};A.truncateWords=function(e,t,r){if(z.isString(e)&&!isNaN(t)){typeof r!="string"&&(r="\u2026");var n=Number(t),i=e.split(/[ \t]/);if(n>=i.length)return e;i=i.slice(0,n);var u=i.join(" ").trim();return u+r}};A.upcase=function(){return A.uppercase.apply(this,arguments)};A.uppercase=function(e){return z.isObject(e)&&e.fn?e.fn(this).toUpperCase():typeof e!="string"?"":e.toUpperCase()}});var sr=U((Fi,ur)=>{"use strict";var Hn=xe();ur.exports=function e(t){switch(Hn(t)){case"boolean":case"date":case"function":case"null":case"number":return!0;case"undefined":return!1;case"regexp":return t.source!=="(?:)"&&t.source!=="";case"buffer":return t.toString()!=="";case"error":return t.message!=="";case"string":case"arguments":return t.length!==0;case"file":case"map":case"set":return t.size!==0;case"array":case"object":for(let r of Object.keys(t))if(e(t[r]))return!0;return!1;default:return!0}}});var or=U((Hi,fr)=>{"use strict";var Bn=Ne(),Ln=sr();fr.exports=function(e,t,r){return zn(e)&&(typeof t=="string"||Array.isArray(t))?Ln(Bn(e,t,r)):!1};function zn(e){return e!=null&&(typeof e=="object"||typeof e=="function"||Array.isArray(e))}});var cr=U((Bi,ar)=>{"use strict";function ft(e,t){if(!e)return!0;let r=t||ft.keywords;Array.isArray(r)||(r=[r]);let n=typeof e=="string"?e.toLowerCase():null;for(let i of r)if(i===e||i===n)return!0;return!1}ft.keywords=["0","false","nada","nil","nay","nah","negative","no","none","nope","nul","null","nix","nyet","uh-uh","veto","zero"];ar.exports=ft});var dr=U((Li,lr)=>{"use strict";lr.exports=function(t){let r=Math.abs(t);if(isNaN(r))throw new TypeError("expected a number");if(!Number.isInteger(r))throw new Error("expected an integer");if(!Number.isSafeInteger(r))throw new Error("value exceeds maximum safe integer");return r%2===1}});var gr=U((zi,mr)=>{"use strict";var Pn=or(),k=ee(),Rn=Se(),hr=cr(),pr=dr(),W=mr.exports;W.and=function(){for(var e=arguments.length-1,t=arguments[e],r=!0,n=0;n":i=e>r;break;case"<=":i=e<=r;break;case">=":i=e>=r;break;case"typeof":i=typeof e===r;break;default:throw new Error("helper {{compare}}: invalid operator: `"+t+"`")}return k.value(i,this,n)};W.contains=function(e,t,r,n){typeof r=="object"&&(n=r,r=void 0);var i=Rn.contains(e,t,r);return k.value(i,this,n)};W.default=function(){for(var e=0;et,this,r)};W.gte=function(e,t,r){return arguments.length===2&&(r=t,,k.value(e>=t,this,r)};W.has=function(e,t,r){return k.isOptions(e)&&(r=e,t=null,e=null),k.isOptions(t)&&(r=t,t=null),e===null?k.value(!1,this,r):arguments.length===2?k.value(Pn(this,e),this,r):(Array.isArray(e)||k.isString(e))&&k.isString(t)&&e.indexOf(t)>-1?k.fn(!0,this,r):k.isObject(e)&&k.isString(t)&&t in e?k.fn(!0,this,r):k.inverse(!1,this,r)};W.isFalsey=function(e,t){return k.value(hr(e),this,t)};W.isTruthy=function(e,t){return k.value(!hr(e),this,t)};W.ifEven=function(e,t){return k.value(!pr(e),this,t)};W.ifNth=function(e,t,r){var n=!isNaN(e)&&!isNaN(t)&&t%e===0;return k.value(n,this,r)};W.ifOdd=function(e,t){return k.value(pr(e),this,t)};,t,r){return arguments.length===2&&(r=t,,k.value(e==t,this,r)};W.isnt=function(e,t,r){return arguments.length===2&&(r=t,,k.value(e!=t,this,r)};,t,r){return arguments.length===2&&(r=t,,k.value(e=t,this,r)};W.unlessGteq=function(e,t,r){return k.isOptions(t)&&(r=t,,k.value(et,this,r)}});var vr=U((Pi,yr)=>{var Jn=et(),Gn=Object.prototype.toString;yr.exports=function(t){if(typeof t>"u")return"undefined";if(t===null)return"null";if(t===!0||t===!1||t instanceof Boolean)return"boolean";if(typeof t=="string"||t instanceof String)return"string";if(typeof t=="number"||t instanceof Number)return"number";if(typeof t=="function"||t instanceof Function)return"function";if(typeof Array.isArray<"u"&&Array.isArray(t))return"array";if(t instanceof RegExp)return"regexp";if(t instanceof Date)return"date";var;return r==="[object RegExp]"?"regexp":r==="[object Date]"?"date":r==="[object Arguments]"?"arguments":r==="[object Error]"?"error":Jn(t)?"buffer":r==="[object Set]"?"set":r==="[object WeakSet]"?"weakset":r==="[object Map]"?"map":r==="[object WeakMap]"?"weakmap":r==="[object Symbol]"?"symbol":r==="[object Int8Array]"?"int8array":r==="[object Uint8Array]"?"uint8array":r==="[object Uint8ClampedArray]"?"uint8clampedarray":r==="[object Int16Array]"?"int16array":r==="[object Uint16Array]"?"uint16array":r==="[object Int32Array]"?"int32array":r==="[object Uint32Array]"?"uint32array":r==="[object Float32Array]"?"float32array":r==="[object Float64Array]"?"float64array":"object"}});var br=U((Ri,$r)=>{"use strict";var Zn=vr();$r.exports=function(t){var r=Zn(t);if(r!=="number"&&r!=="string")return!1;var n=+t;return n-n+1>=0&&t!==""}});var Or=U((Ji,wr)=>{"use strict";var Vn=br();wr.exports=function(t,r){if(!r)return t;if(!t)return{};for(var n=String(r).split(/[[.\]]/).filter(Boolean),i=n[n.length-1],u={};r=n.shift();)if(t=t[r],!t)return{};return Vn(i)?[t]:(u[i]=t,u)}});var Mr=U((Gi,Nr)=>{"use strict";var Qn=Object.hasOwnProperty,ye=ee(),Xn=Me(),P=Nr.exports,Kn=Ne(),xr=Or(),Sr=ut();P.extend=function(){var e=[],t={};ye.isOptions(e[e.length-1])&&(t=e.pop().hash,e.push(t));for(var r={},n=0;n{"use strict";var ei=ee(),jr=Ar.exports,ti=xe();jr.toRegex=function(e,t,r){var n=ei.options({},t,r);return new RegExp(e,n.flags)};jr.test=function(e,t){if(typeof e!="string")return!1;if(ti(t)!=="regexp")throw new TypeError("expected a regular expression");return t.test(e)}});import ri from"crypto";function ve(){return je>Ae.length-16&&(ri.randomFillSync(Ae),je=0),Ae.slice(je,je+=16)}var Ae,je,ot=Z(()=>{Ae=new Uint8Array(256),je=Ae.length});var Dr,Ur=Z(()=>{Dr=/^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i});function ni(e){return typeof e=="string"&&Dr.test(e)}var ne,$e=Z(()=>{Ur();ne=ni});function le(e,t=0){return R[e[t+0]]+R[e[t+1]]+R[e[t+2]]+R[e[t+3]]+"-"+R[e[t+4]]+R[e[t+5]]+"-"+R[e[t+6]]+R[e[t+7]]+"-"+R[e[t+8]]+R[e[t+9]]+"-"+R[e[t+10]]+R[e[t+11]]+R[e[t+12]]+R[e[t+13]]+R[e[t+14]]+R[e[t+15]]}function ii(e,t=0){let r=le(e,t);if(!ne(r))throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid");return r}var R,Tr,be=Z(()=>{$e();R=[];for(let e=0;e<256;++e)R.push((e+256).toString(16).slice(1));Tr=ii});function ui(e,t,r){let n=t&&r||0,i=t||new Array(16);e=e||{};let u=e.node||qr,s=e.clockseq!==void 0?e.clockseq:at;if(u==null||s==null){let v=e.random||(e.rng||ve)();u==null&&(u=qr=[v[0]|1,v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5]]),s==null&&(s=at=(v[6]<<8|v[7])&16383)}let f=e.msecs!==void 0?,w=e.nsecs!==void 0?e.nsecs:lt+1,g=f-ct+(w-lt)/1e4;if(g<0&&e.clockseq===void 0&&(s=s+1&16383),(g<0||f>ct)&&e.nsecs===void 0&&(w=0),w>=1e4)throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec");ct=f,lt=w,at=s,f+=122192928e5;let l=((f&268435455)*1e4+w)%4294967296;i[n++]=l>>>24&255,i[n++]=l>>>16&255,i[n++]=l>>>8&255,i[n++]=l&255;let x=f/4294967296*1e4&268435455;i[n++]=x>>>8&255,i[n++]=x&255,i[n++]=x>>>24&15|16,i[n++]=x>>>16&255,i[n++]=s>>>8|128,i[n++]=s&255;for(let v=0;v<6;++v)i[n+v]=u[v];return t||le(i)}var qr,at,ct,lt,Yr,Cr=Z(()=>{ot();be();ct=0,lt=0;Yr=ui});function si(e){if(!ne(e))throw TypeError("Invalid UUID");let t,r=new Uint8Array(16);return r[0]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(0,8),16))>>>24,r[1]=t>>>16&255,r[2]=t>>>8&255,r[3]=t&255,r[4]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(9,13),16))>>>8,r[5]=t&255,r[6]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(14,18),16))>>>8,r[7]=t&255,r[8]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(19,23),16))>>>8,r[9]=t&255,r[10]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(24,36),16))/1099511627776&255,r[11]=t/4294967296&255,r[12]=t>>>24&255,r[13]=t>>>16&255,r[14]=t>>>8&255,r[15]=t&255,r}var ke,dt=Z(()=>{$e();ke=si});function fi(e){e=unescape(encodeURIComponent(e));let t=[];for(let r=0;r{be();dt();oi="6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8",ai="6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"});import ci from"crypto";function li(e){return Array.isArray(e)?e=Buffer.from(e):typeof e=="string"&&(e=Buffer.from(e,"utf8")),ci.createHash("md5").update(e).digest()}var Er,Ir=Z(()=>{Er=li});var di,_r,Wr=Z(()=>{ht();Ir();di=we("v3",48,Er),_r=di});import hi from"crypto";var pt,Fr=Z(()=>{pt={randomUUID:hi.randomUUID}});function pi(e,t,r){if(pt.randomUUID&&!t&&!e)return pt.randomUUID();e=e||{};let n=e.random||(e.rng||ve)();if(n[6]=n[6]&15|64,n[8]=n[8]&63|128,t){r=r||0;for(let i=0;i<16;++i)t[r+i]=n[i];return t}return le(n)}var Hr,Br=Z(()=>{Fr();ot();be();Hr=pi});import mi from"crypto";function gi(e){return Array.isArray(e)?e=Buffer.from(e):typeof e=="string"&&(e=Buffer.from(e,"utf8")),mi.createHash("sha1").update(e).digest()}var Lr,zr=Z(()=>{Lr=gi});var yi,Pr,Rr=Z(()=>{ht();zr();yi=we("v5",80,Lr),Pr=yi});var Jr,Gr=Z(()=>{Jr="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"});function vi(e){if(!ne(e))throw TypeError("Invalid UUID");return parseInt(e.slice(14,15),16)}var Zr,Vr=Z(()=>{$e();Zr=vi});var Qr={};on(Qr,{NIL:()=>Jr,parse:()=>ke,stringify:()=>Tr,v1:()=>Yr,v3:()=>_r,v4:()=>Hr,v5:()=>Pr,validate:()=>ne,version:()=>Zr});var Xr=Z(()=>{Cr();Wr();Br();Rr();Gr();Vr();$e();be();dt()});var en=U((Wu,Kr)=>{var $i=(Xr(),cn(Qr)),bi=Kr.exports;bi.uuid=function(){return $i.v4()}});var nn=U((Fu,mt)=>{var{date:wi,duration:Oi}=Mt(),xi={math:Bt(),array:Me(),number:Kt(),url:tr(),string:ir(),comparison:gr(),object:Mr(),regex:kr(),uuid:en()},rn=["sortBy"];mt.exports.helpersToRemoveForJs=rn;var tn={date:wi,duration:Oi},ie;mt.exports.getJsHelperList=()=>{if(ie)return ie;ie={};for(let e of Object.values(xi))for(let[t,r]of Object.entries(e))ie[t]=(...n)=>r(...n,{});for(let e of Object.keys(tn))ie[e]=tn[e];for(let e of rn)delete ie[e];return Object.freeze(ie),ie}});var{getJsHelperList:Si}=nn(),Ni=Si(),Hu={...Ni,stripProtocol:helpersStripProtocol};export{Hu as default}; +const helpers= (() => { + var __create = Object.create; + var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; + var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; + var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; + var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; + var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { + get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] + }) : x)(function(x) { + if (typeof require !== "undefined") + return require.apply(this, arguments); + throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); + }); + var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() { + return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res; + }; + var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() { + return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; + }; + var __export = (target, all) => { + for (var name in all) + __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); + }; + var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { + if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { + for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) + if (!, key) && key !== except) + __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); + } + return to; + }; + var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( + // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM + // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- + // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set + // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. + isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, + mod + )); + var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js + var require_dayjs_min = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js"(exports, module) { + !function(t, e) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs = e(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + var t = 1e3, e = 6e4, n = 36e5, r = "millisecond", i = "second", s = "minute", u = "hour", a = "day", o = "week", c = "month", f = "quarter", h = "year", d = "date", l = "Invalid Date", $ = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, y = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, M = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(t2) { + var e2 = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], n2 = t2 % 100; + return "[" + t2 + (e2[(n2 - 20) % 10] || e2[n2] || e2[0]) + "]"; + } }, m = function(t2, e2, n2) { + var r2 = String(t2); + return !r2 || r2.length >= e2 ? t2 : "" + Array(e2 + 1 - r2.length).join(n2) + t2; + }, v = { s: m, z: function(t2) { + var e2 = -t2.utcOffset(), n2 = Math.abs(e2), r2 = Math.floor(n2 / 60), i2 = n2 % 60; + return (e2 <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + m(r2, 2, "0") + ":" + m(i2, 2, "0"); + }, m: function t2(e2, n2) { + if ( < + return -t2(n2, e2); + var r2 = 12 * (n2.year() - e2.year()) + (n2.month() - e2.month()), i2 = e2.clone().add(r2, c), s2 = n2 - i2 < 0, u2 = e2.clone().add(r2 + (s2 ? -1 : 1), c); + return +(-(r2 + (n2 - i2) / (s2 ? i2 - u2 : u2 - i2)) || 0); + }, a: function(t2) { + return t2 < 0 ? Math.ceil(t2) || 0 : Math.floor(t2); + }, p: function(t2) { + return { M: c, y: h, w: o, d: a, D: d, h: u, m: s, s: i, ms: r, Q: f }[t2] || String(t2 || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, ""); + }, u: function(t2) { + return void 0 === t2; + } }, g = "en", D = {}; + D[g] = M; + var p = "$isDayjsObject", S = function(t2) { + return t2 instanceof _ || !(!t2 || !t2[p]); + }, w = function t2(e2, n2, r2) { + var i2; + if (!e2) + return g; + if ("string" == typeof e2) { + var s2 = e2.toLowerCase(); + D[s2] && (i2 = s2), n2 && (D[s2] = n2, i2 = s2); + var u2 = e2.split("-"); + if (!i2 && u2.length > 1) + return t2(u2[0]); + } else { + var a2 =; + D[a2] = e2, i2 = a2; + } + return !r2 && i2 && (g = i2), i2 || !r2 && g; + }, O = function(t2, e2) { + if (S(t2)) + return t2.clone(); + var n2 = "object" == typeof e2 ? e2 : {}; + return = t2, n2.args = arguments, new _(n2); + }, b = v; + b.l = w, b.i = S, b.w = function(t2, e2) { + return O(t2, { locale: e2.$L, utc: e2.$u, x: e2.$x, $offset: e2.$offset }); + }; + var _ = function() { + function M2(t2) { + this.$L = w(t2.locale, null, true), this.parse(t2), this.$x = this.$x || t2.x || {}, this[p] = true; + } + var m2 = M2.prototype; + return m2.parse = function(t2) { + this.$d = function(t3) { + var e2 =, n2 = t3.utc; + if (null === e2) + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); + if (b.u(e2)) + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); + if (e2 instanceof Date) + return new Date(e2); + if ("string" == typeof e2 && !/Z$/i.test(e2)) { + var r2 = e2.match($); + if (r2) { + var i2 = r2[2] - 1 || 0, s2 = (r2[7] || "0").substring(0, 3); + return n2 ? new Date(Date.UTC(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2)) : new Date(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2); + } + } + return new Date(e2); + }(t2), this.init(); + }, m2.init = function() { + var t2 = this.$d; + this.$y = t2.getFullYear(), this.$M = t2.getMonth(), this.$D = t2.getDate(), this.$W = t2.getDay(), this.$H = t2.getHours(), this.$m = t2.getMinutes(), this.$s = t2.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t2.getMilliseconds(); + }, m2.$utils = function() { + return b; + }, m2.isValid = function() { + return !(this.$d.toString() === l); + }, m2.isSame = function(t2, e2) { + var n2 = O(t2); + return this.startOf(e2) <= n2 && n2 <= this.endOf(e2); + }, m2.isAfter = function(t2, e2) { + return O(t2) < this.startOf(e2); + }, m2.isBefore = function(t2, e2) { + return this.endOf(e2) < O(t2); + }, m2.$g = function(t2, e2, n2) { + return b.u(t2) ? this[e2] : this.set(n2, t2); + }, m2.unix = function() { + return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3); + }, m2.valueOf = function() { + return this.$d.getTime(); + }, m2.startOf = function(t2, e2) { + var n2 = this, r2 = !!b.u(e2) || e2, f2 = b.p(t2), l2 = function(t3, e3) { + var i2 = b.w(n2.$u ? Date.UTC(n2.$y, e3, t3) : new Date(n2.$y, e3, t3), n2); + return r2 ? i2 : i2.endOf(a); + }, $2 = function(t3, e3) { + return b.w(n2.toDate()[t3].apply(n2.toDate("s"), (r2 ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(e3)), n2); + }, y2 = this.$W, M3 = this.$M, m3 = this.$D, v2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""); + switch (f2) { + case h: + return r2 ? l2(1, 0) : l2(31, 11); + case c: + return r2 ? l2(1, M3) : l2(0, M3 + 1); + case o: + var g2 = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, D2 = (y2 < g2 ? y2 + 7 : y2) - g2; + return l2(r2 ? m3 - D2 : m3 + (6 - D2), M3); + case a: + case d: + return $2(v2 + "Hours", 0); + case u: + return $2(v2 + "Minutes", 1); + case s: + return $2(v2 + "Seconds", 2); + case i: + return $2(v2 + "Milliseconds", 3); + default: + return this.clone(); + } + }, m2.endOf = function(t2) { + return this.startOf(t2, false); + }, m2.$set = function(t2, e2) { + var n2, o2 = b.p(t2), f2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), l2 = (n2 = {}, n2[a] = f2 + "Date", n2[d] = f2 + "Date", n2[c] = f2 + "Month", n2[h] = f2 + "FullYear", n2[u] = f2 + "Hours", n2[s] = f2 + "Minutes", n2[i] = f2 + "Seconds", n2[r] = f2 + "Milliseconds", n2)[o2], $2 = o2 === a ? this.$D + (e2 - this.$W) : e2; + if (o2 === c || o2 === h) { + var y2 = this.clone().set(d, 1); + y2.$d[l2]($2), y2.init(), this.$d = y2.set(d, Math.min(this.$D, y2.daysInMonth())).$d; + } else + l2 && this.$d[l2]($2); + return this.init(), this; + }, m2.set = function(t2, e2) { + return this.clone().$set(t2, e2); + }, m2.get = function(t2) { + return this[b.p(t2)](); + }, m2.add = function(r2, f2) { + var d2, l2 = this; + r2 = Number(r2); + var $2 = b.p(f2), y2 = function(t2) { + var e2 = O(l2); + return b.w( + Math.round(t2 * r2)), l2); + }; + if ($2 === c) + return this.set(c, this.$M + r2); + if ($2 === h) + return this.set(h, this.$y + r2); + if ($2 === a) + return y2(1); + if ($2 === o) + return y2(7); + var M3 = (d2 = {}, d2[s] = e, d2[u] = n, d2[i] = t, d2)[$2] || 1, m3 = this.$d.getTime() + r2 * M3; + return b.w(m3, this); + }, m2.subtract = function(t2, e2) { + return this.add(-1 * t2, e2); + }, m2.format = function(t2) { + var e2 = this, n2 = this.$locale(); + if (!this.isValid()) + return n2.invalidDate || l; + var r2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", i2 = b.z(this), s2 = this.$H, u2 = this.$m, a2 = this.$M, o2 = n2.weekdays, c2 = n2.months, f2 = n2.meridiem, h2 = function(t3, n3, i3, s3) { + return t3 && (t3[n3] || t3(e2, r2)) || i3[n3].slice(0, s3); + }, d2 = function(t3) { + return b.s(s2 % 12 || 12, t3, "0"); + }, $2 = f2 || function(t3, e3, n3) { + var r3 = t3 < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"; + return n3 ? r3.toLowerCase() : r3; + }; + return r2.replace(y, function(t3, r3) { + return r3 || function(t4) { + switch (t4) { + case "YY": + return String(e2.$y).slice(-2); + case "YYYY": + return b.s(e2.$y, 4, "0"); + case "M": + return a2 + 1; + case "MM": + return b.s(a2 + 1, 2, "0"); + case "MMM": + return h2(n2.monthsShort, a2, c2, 3); + case "MMMM": + return h2(c2, a2); + case "D": + return e2.$D; + case "DD": + return b.s(e2.$D, 2, "0"); + case "d": + return String(e2.$W); + case "dd": + return h2(n2.weekdaysMin, e2.$W, o2, 2); + case "ddd": + return h2(n2.weekdaysShort, e2.$W, o2, 3); + case "dddd": + return o2[e2.$W]; + case "H": + return String(s2); + case "HH": + return b.s(s2, 2, "0"); + case "h": + return d2(1); + case "hh": + return d2(2); + case "a": + return $2(s2, u2, true); + case "A": + return $2(s2, u2, false); + case "m": + return String(u2); + case "mm": + return b.s(u2, 2, "0"); + case "s": + return String(e2.$s); + case "ss": + return b.s(e2.$s, 2, "0"); + case "SSS": + return b.s(e2.$ms, 3, "0"); + case "Z": + return i2; + } + return null; + }(t3) || i2.replace(":", ""); + }); + }, m2.utcOffset = function() { + return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15); + }, m2.diff = function(r2, d2, l2) { + var $2, y2 = this, M3 = b.p(d2), m3 = O(r2), v2 = (m3.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * e, g2 = this - m3, D2 = function() { + return b.m(y2, m3); + }; + switch (M3) { + case h: + $2 = D2() / 12; + break; + case c: + $2 = D2(); + break; + case f: + $2 = D2() / 3; + break; + case o: + $2 = (g2 - v2) / 6048e5; + break; + case a: + $2 = (g2 - v2) / 864e5; + break; + case u: + $2 = g2 / n; + break; + case s: + $2 = g2 / e; + break; + case i: + $2 = g2 / t; + break; + default: + $2 = g2; + } + return l2 ? $2 : b.a($2); + }, m2.daysInMonth = function() { + return this.endOf(c).$D; + }, m2.$locale = function() { + return D[this.$L]; + }, m2.locale = function(t2, e2) { + if (!t2) + return this.$L; + var n2 = this.clone(), r2 = w(t2, e2, true); + return r2 && (n2.$L = r2), n2; + }, m2.clone = function() { + return b.w(this.$d, this); + }, m2.toDate = function() { + return new Date(this.valueOf()); + }, m2.toJSON = function() { + return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null; + }, m2.toISOString = function() { + return this.$d.toISOString(); + }, m2.toString = function() { + return this.$d.toUTCString(); + }, M2; + }(), k = _.prototype; + return O.prototype = k, [["$ms", r], ["$s", i], ["$m", s], ["$H", u], ["$W", a], ["$M", c], ["$y", h], ["$D", d]].forEach(function(t2) { + k[t2[1]] = function(e2) { + return this.$g(e2, t2[0], t2[1]); + }; + }), O.extend = function(t2, e2) { + return t2.$i || (t2(e2, _, O), t2.$i = true), O; + }, O.locale = w, O.isDayjs = S, O.unix = function(t2) { + return O(1e3 * t2); + }, O.en = D[g], O.Ls = D, O.p = {}, O; + }); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/duration.js + var require_duration = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/duration.js"(exports, module) { + !function(t, s) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = s() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(s) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs_plugin_duration = s(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + var t, s, n = 1e3, i = 6e4, e = 36e5, r = 864e5, o = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, u = 31536e6, d = 2628e6, a = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/, h = { years: u, months: d, days: r, hours: e, minutes: i, seconds: n, milliseconds: 1, weeks: 6048e5 }, c = function(t2) { + return t2 instanceof g; + }, f = function(t2, s2, n2) { + return new g(t2, n2, s2.$l); + }, m = function(t2) { + return s.p(t2) + "s"; + }, l = function(t2) { + return t2 < 0; + }, $ = function(t2) { + return l(t2) ? Math.ceil(t2) : Math.floor(t2); + }, y = function(t2) { + return Math.abs(t2); + }, v = function(t2, s2) { + return t2 ? l(t2) ? { negative: true, format: "" + y(t2) + s2 } : { negative: false, format: "" + t2 + s2 } : { negative: false, format: "" }; + }, g = function() { + function l2(t2, s2, n2) { + var i2 = this; + if (this.$d = {}, this.$l = n2, void 0 === t2 && (this.$ms = 0, this.parseFromMilliseconds()), s2) + return f(t2 * h[m(s2)], this); + if ("number" == typeof t2) + return this.$ms = t2, this.parseFromMilliseconds(), this; + if ("object" == typeof t2) + return Object.keys(t2).forEach(function(s3) { + i2.$d[m(s3)] = t2[s3]; + }), this.calMilliseconds(), this; + if ("string" == typeof t2) { + var e2 = t2.match(a); + if (e2) { + var r2 = e2.slice(2).map(function(t3) { + return null != t3 ? Number(t3) : 0; + }); + return this.$d.years = r2[0], this.$d.months = r2[1], this.$d.weeks = r2[2], this.$d.days = r2[3], this.$d.hours = r2[4], this.$d.minutes = r2[5], this.$d.seconds = r2[6], this.calMilliseconds(), this; + } + } + return this; + } + var y2 = l2.prototype; + return y2.calMilliseconds = function() { + var t2 = this; + this.$ms = Object.keys(this.$d).reduce(function(s2, n2) { + return s2 + (t2.$d[n2] || 0) * h[n2]; + }, 0); + }, y2.parseFromMilliseconds = function() { + var t2 = this.$ms; + this.$d.years = $(t2 / u), t2 %= u, this.$d.months = $(t2 / d), t2 %= d, this.$d.days = $(t2 / r), t2 %= r, this.$d.hours = $(t2 / e), t2 %= e, this.$d.minutes = $(t2 / i), t2 %= i, this.$d.seconds = $(t2 / n), t2 %= n, this.$d.milliseconds = t2; + }, y2.toISOString = function() { + var t2 = v(this.$d.years, "Y"), s2 = v(this.$d.months, "M"), n2 = +this.$d.days || 0; + this.$d.weeks && (n2 += 7 * this.$d.weeks); + var i2 = v(n2, "D"), e2 = v(this.$d.hours, "H"), r2 = v(this.$d.minutes, "M"), o2 = this.$d.seconds || 0; + this.$d.milliseconds && (o2 += this.$d.milliseconds / 1e3, o2 = Math.round(1e3 * o2) / 1e3); + var u2 = v(o2, "S"), d2 = t2.negative || s2.negative || i2.negative || e2.negative || r2.negative || u2.negative, a2 = e2.format || r2.format || u2.format ? "T" : "", h2 = (d2 ? "-" : "") + "P" + t2.format + s2.format + i2.format + a2 + e2.format + r2.format + u2.format; + return "P" === h2 || "-P" === h2 ? "P0D" : h2; + }, y2.toJSON = function() { + return this.toISOString(); + }, y2.format = function(t2) { + var n2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss", i2 = { Y: this.$d.years, YY: s.s(this.$d.years, 2, "0"), YYYY: s.s(this.$d.years, 4, "0"), M: this.$d.months, MM: s.s(this.$d.months, 2, "0"), D: this.$d.days, DD: s.s(this.$d.days, 2, "0"), H: this.$d.hours, HH: s.s(this.$d.hours, 2, "0"), m: this.$d.minutes, mm: s.s(this.$d.minutes, 2, "0"), s: this.$d.seconds, ss: s.s(this.$d.seconds, 2, "0"), SSS: s.s(this.$d.milliseconds, 3, "0") }; + return n2.replace(o, function(t3, s2) { + return s2 || String(i2[t3]); + }); + }, = function(t2) { + return this.$ms / h[m(t2)]; + }, y2.get = function(t2) { + var s2 = this.$ms, n2 = m(t2); + return "milliseconds" === n2 ? s2 %= 1e3 : s2 = "weeks" === n2 ? $(s2 / h[n2]) : this.$d[n2], s2 || 0; + }, y2.add = function(t2, s2, n2) { + var i2; + return i2 = s2 ? t2 * h[m(s2)] : c(t2) ? t2.$ms : f(t2, this).$ms, f(this.$ms + i2 * (n2 ? -1 : 1), this); + }, y2.subtract = function(t2, s2) { + return this.add(t2, s2, true); + }, y2.locale = function(t2) { + var s2 = this.clone(); + return s2.$l = t2, s2; + }, y2.clone = function() { + return f(this.$ms, this); + }, y2.humanize = function(s2) { + return t().add(this.$ms, "ms").locale(this.$l).fromNow(!s2); + }, y2.valueOf = function() { + return this.asMilliseconds(); + }, y2.milliseconds = function() { + return this.get("milliseconds"); + }, y2.asMilliseconds = function() { + return"milliseconds"); + }, y2.seconds = function() { + return this.get("seconds"); + }, y2.asSeconds = function() { + return"seconds"); + }, y2.minutes = function() { + return this.get("minutes"); + }, y2.asMinutes = function() { + return"minutes"); + }, y2.hours = function() { + return this.get("hours"); + }, y2.asHours = function() { + return"hours"); + }, y2.days = function() { + return this.get("days"); + }, y2.asDays = function() { + return"days"); + }, y2.weeks = function() { + return this.get("weeks"); + }, y2.asWeeks = function() { + return"weeks"); + }, y2.months = function() { + return this.get("months"); + }, y2.asMonths = function() { + return"months"); + }, y2.years = function() { + return this.get("years"); + }, y2.asYears = function() { + return"years"); + }, l2; + }(), p = function(t2, s2, n2) { + return t2.add(s2.years() * n2, "y").add(s2.months() * n2, "M").add(s2.days() * n2, "d").add(s2.hours() * n2, "h").add(s2.minutes() * n2, "m").add(s2.seconds() * n2, "s").add(s2.milliseconds() * n2, "ms"); + }; + return function(n2, i2, e2) { + t = e2, s = e2().$utils(), e2.duration = function(t2, s2) { + var n3 = e2.locale(); + return f(t2, { $l: n3 }, s2); + }, e2.isDuration = c; + var r2 = i2.prototype.add, o2 = i2.prototype.subtract; + i2.prototype.add = function(t2, s2) { + return c(t2) ? p(this, t2, 1) : r2.bind(this)(t2, s2); + }, i2.prototype.subtract = function(t2, s2) { + return c(t2) ? p(this, t2, -1) : o2.bind(this)(t2, s2); + }; + }; + }); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat.js + var require_advancedFormat = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat.js"(exports, module) { + !function(e, t) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_advancedFormat = t(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + return function(e, t) { + var r = t.prototype, n = r.format; + r.format = function(e2) { + var t2 = this, r2 = this.$locale(); + if (!this.isValid()) + return n.bind(this)(e2); + var s = this.$utils(), a = (e2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ").replace(/\[([^\]]+)]|Q|wo|ww|w|WW|W|zzz|z|gggg|GGGG|Do|X|x|k{1,2}|S/g, function(e3) { + switch (e3) { + case "Q": + return Math.ceil((t2.$M + 1) / 3); + case "Do": + return r2.ordinal(t2.$D); + case "gggg": + return t2.weekYear(); + case "GGGG": + return t2.isoWeekYear(); + case "wo": + return r2.ordinal(t2.week(), "W"); + case "w": + case "ww": + return s.s(t2.week(), "w" === e3 ? 1 : 2, "0"); + case "W": + case "WW": + return s.s(t2.isoWeek(), "W" === e3 ? 1 : 2, "0"); + case "k": + case "kk": + return s.s(String(0 === t2.$H ? 24 : t2.$H), "k" === e3 ? 1 : 2, "0"); + case "X": + return Math.floor(t2.$d.getTime() / 1e3); + case "x": + return t2.$d.getTime(); + case "z": + return "[" + t2.offsetName() + "]"; + case "zzz": + return "[" + t2.offsetName("long") + "]"; + default: + return e3; + } + }); + return n.bind(this)(a); + }; + }; + }); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/isoWeek.js + var require_isoWeek = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/isoWeek.js"(exports, module) { + !function(e, t) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_isoWeek = t(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + var e = "day"; + return function(t, i, s) { + var a = function(t2) { + return t2.add(4 - t2.isoWeekday(), e); + }, d = i.prototype; + d.isoWeekYear = function() { + return a(this).year(); + }, d.isoWeek = function(t2) { + if (!this.$utils().u(t2)) + return this.add(7 * (t2 - this.isoWeek()), e); + var i2, d2, n2, o, r = a(this), u = (i2 = this.isoWeekYear(), d2 = this.$u, n2 = (d2 ? s.utc : s)().year(i2).startOf("year"), o = 4 - n2.isoWeekday(), n2.isoWeekday() > 4 && (o += 7), n2.add(o, e)); + return r.diff(u, "week") + 1; + }, d.isoWeekday = function(e2) { + return this.$utils().u(e2) ? || 7 : % 7 ? e2 : e2 - 7); + }; + var n = d.startOf; + d.startOf = function(e2, t2) { + var i2 = this.$utils(), s2 = !!i2.u(t2) || t2; + return "isoweek" === i2.p(e2) ? s2 ? - (this.isoWeekday() - 1)).startOf("day") : - 1 - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7).endOf("day") : n.bind(this)(e2, t2); + }; + }; + }); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/weekYear.js + var require_weekYear = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/weekYear.js"(exports, module) { + !function(e, t) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_weekYear = t(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + return function(e, t) { + t.prototype.weekYear = function() { + var e2 = this.month(), t2 = this.week(), n = this.year(); + return 1 === t2 && 11 === e2 ? n + 1 : 0 === e2 && t2 >= 52 ? n - 1 : n; + }; + }; + }); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear.js + var require_weekOfYear = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear.js"(exports, module) { + !function(e, t) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_weekOfYear = t(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + var e = "week", t = "year"; + return function(i, n, r) { + var f = n.prototype; + f.week = function(i2) { + if (void 0 === i2 && (i2 = null), null !== i2) + return this.add(7 * (i2 - this.week()), "day"); + var n2 = this.$locale().yearStart || 1; + if (11 === this.month() && > 25) { + var f2 = r(this).startOf(t).add(1, t).date(n2), s = r(this).endOf(e); + if (f2.isBefore(s)) + return 1; + } + var a = r(this).startOf(t).date(n2).startOf(e).subtract(1, "millisecond"), o = this.diff(a, e, true); + return o < 0 ? r(this).startOf("week").week() : Math.ceil(o); + }, f.weeks = function(e2) { + return void 0 === e2 && (e2 = null), this.week(e2); + }; + }; + }); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js + var require_relativeTime = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js"(exports, module) { + !function(r, e) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (r = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : r || self).dayjs_plugin_relativeTime = e(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + return function(r, e, t) { + r = r || {}; + var n = e.prototype, o = { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }; + function i(r2, e2, t2, o2) { + return n.fromToBase(r2, e2, t2, o2); + } + t.en.relativeTime = o, n.fromToBase = function(e2, n2, i2, d2, u) { + for (var f, a, s, l = i2.$locale().relativeTime || o, h = r.thresholds || [{ l: "s", r: 44, d: "second" }, { l: "m", r: 89 }, { l: "mm", r: 44, d: "minute" }, { l: "h", r: 89 }, { l: "hh", r: 21, d: "hour" }, { l: "d", r: 35 }, { l: "dd", r: 25, d: "day" }, { l: "M", r: 45 }, { l: "MM", r: 10, d: "month" }, { l: "y", r: 17 }, { l: "yy", d: "year" }], m = h.length, c = 0; c < m; c += 1) { + var y = h[c]; + y.d && (f = d2 ? t(e2).diff(i2, y.d, true) : i2.diff(e2, y.d, true)); + var p = (r.rounding || Math.round)(Math.abs(f)); + if (s = f > 0, p <= y.r || !y.r) { + p <= 1 && c > 0 && (y = h[c - 1]); + var v = l[y.l]; + u && (p = u("" + p)), a = "string" == typeof v ? v.replace("%d", p) : v(p, n2, y.l, s); + break; + } + } + if (n2) + return a; + var M = s ? l.future : l.past; + return "function" == typeof M ? M(a) : M.replace("%s", a); + }, = function(r2, e2) { + return i(r2, e2, this, true); + }, n.from = function(r2, e2) { + return i(r2, e2, this); + }; + var d = function(r2) { + return r2.$u ? t.utc() : t(); + }; + n.toNow = function(r2) { + return, r2); + }, n.fromNow = function(r2) { + return this.from(d(this), r2); + }; + }; + }); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/utc.js + var require_utc = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/utc.js"(exports, module) { + !function(t, i) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = i() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(i) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs_plugin_utc = i(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + var t = "minute", i = /[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/g, e = /([+-]|\d\d)/g; + return function(s, f, n) { + var u = f.prototype; + n.utc = function(t2) { + var i2 = { date: t2, utc: true, args: arguments }; + return new f(i2); + }, u.utc = function(i2) { + var e2 = n(this.toDate(), { locale: this.$L, utc: true }); + return i2 ? e2.add(this.utcOffset(), t) : e2; + }, u.local = function() { + return n(this.toDate(), { locale: this.$L, utc: false }); + }; + var o = u.parse; + u.parse = function(t2) { + t2.utc && (this.$u = true), this.$utils().u(t2.$offset) || (this.$offset = t2.$offset),, t2); + }; + var r = u.init; + u.init = function() { + if (this.$u) { + var t2 = this.$d; + this.$y = t2.getUTCFullYear(), this.$M = t2.getUTCMonth(), this.$D = t2.getUTCDate(), this.$W = t2.getUTCDay(), this.$H = t2.getUTCHours(), this.$m = t2.getUTCMinutes(), this.$s = t2.getUTCSeconds(), this.$ms = t2.getUTCMilliseconds(); + } else +; + }; + var a = u.utcOffset; + u.utcOffset = function(s2, f2) { + var n2 = this.$utils().u; + if (n2(s2)) + return this.$u ? 0 : n2(this.$offset) ? : this.$offset; + if ("string" == typeof s2 && (s2 = function(t2) { + void 0 === t2 && (t2 = ""); + var s3 = t2.match(i); + if (!s3) + return null; + var f3 = ("" + s3[0]).match(e) || ["-", 0, 0], n3 = f3[0], u3 = 60 * +f3[1] + +f3[2]; + return 0 === u3 ? 0 : "+" === n3 ? u3 : -u3; + }(s2), null === s2)) + return this; + var u2 = Math.abs(s2) <= 16 ? 60 * s2 : s2, o2 = this; + if (f2) + return o2.$offset = u2, o2.$u = 0 === s2, o2; + if (0 !== s2) { + var r2 = this.$u ? this.toDate().getTimezoneOffset() : -1 * this.utcOffset(); + (o2 = this.local().add(u2 + r2, t)).$offset = u2, o2.$x.$localOffset = r2; + } else + o2 = this.utc(); + return o2; + }; + var h = u.format; + u.format = function(t2) { + var i2 = t2 || (this.$u ? "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]" : ""); + return, i2); + }, u.valueOf = function() { + var t2 = this.$utils().u(this.$offset) ? 0 : this.$offset + (this.$x.$localOffset || this.$d.getTimezoneOffset()); + return this.$d.valueOf() - 6e4 * t2; + }, u.isUTC = function() { + return !!this.$u; + }, u.toISOString = function() { + return this.toDate().toISOString(); + }, u.toString = function() { + return this.toDate().toUTCString(); + }; + var l = u.toDate; + u.toDate = function(t2) { + return "s" === t2 && this.$offset ? n(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS")).toDate() :; + }; + var c = u.diff; + u.diff = function(t2, i2, e2) { + if (t2 && this.$u === t2.$u) + return, t2, i2, e2); + var s2 = this.local(), f2 = n(t2).local(); + return, f2, i2, e2); + }; + }; + }); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/timezone.js + var require_timezone = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/timezone.js"(exports, module) { + !function(t, e) { + "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs_plugin_timezone = e(); + }(exports, function() { + "use strict"; + var t = { year: 0, month: 1, day: 2, hour: 3, minute: 4, second: 5 }, e = {}; + return function(n, i, o) { + var r, a = function(t2, n2, i2) { + void 0 === i2 && (i2 = {}); + var o2 = new Date(t2), r2 = function(t3, n3) { + void 0 === n3 && (n3 = {}); + var i3 = n3.timeZoneName || "short", o3 = t3 + "|" + i3, r3 = e[o3]; + return r3 || (r3 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { hour12: false, timeZone: t3, year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit", timeZoneName: i3 }), e[o3] = r3), r3; + }(n2, i2); + return r2.formatToParts(o2); + }, u = function(e2, n2) { + for (var i2 = a(e2, n2), r2 = [], u2 = 0; u2 < i2.length; u2 += 1) { + var f2 = i2[u2], s2 = f2.type, m = f2.value, c = t[s2]; + c >= 0 && (r2[c] = parseInt(m, 10)); + } + var d = r2[3], l = 24 === d ? 0 : d, h = r2[0] + "-" + r2[1] + "-" + r2[2] + " " + l + ":" + r2[4] + ":" + r2[5] + ":000", v = +e2; + return (o.utc(h).valueOf() - (v -= v % 1e3)) / 6e4; + }, f = i.prototype; + = function(t2, e2) { + void 0 === t2 && (t2 = r); + var n2 = this.utcOffset(), i2 = this.toDate(), a2 = i2.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: t2 }), u2 = Math.round((i2 - new Date(a2)) / 1e3 / 60), f2 = o(a2, { locale: this.$L }).$set("millisecond", this.$ms).utcOffset(15 * -Math.round(i2.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) - u2, true); + if (e2) { + var s2 = f2.utcOffset(); + f2 = f2.add(n2 - s2, "minute"); + } + return f2.$x.$timezone = t2, f2; + }, f.offsetName = function(t2) { + var e2 = this.$x.$timezone ||, n2 = a(this.valueOf(), e2, { timeZoneName: t2 }).find(function(t3) { + return "timezonename" === t3.type.toLowerCase(); + }); + return n2 && n2.value; + }; + var s = f.startOf; + f.startOf = function(t2, e2) { + if (!this.$x || !this.$x.$timezone) + return, t2, e2); + var n2 = o(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS"), { locale: this.$L }); + return, t2, e2).tz(this.$x.$timezone, true); + }, = function(t2, e2, n2) { + var i2 = n2 && e2, a2 = n2 || e2 || r, f2 = u(+o(), a2); + if ("string" != typeof t2) + return o(t2).tz(a2); + var s2 = function(t3, e3, n3) { + var i3 = t3 - 60 * e3 * 1e3, o2 = u(i3, n3); + if (e3 === o2) + return [i3, e3]; + var r2 = u(i3 -= 60 * (o2 - e3) * 1e3, n3); + return o2 === r2 ? [i3, o2] : [t3 - 60 * Math.min(o2, r2) * 1e3, Math.max(o2, r2)]; + }(o.utc(t2, i2).valueOf(), f2, a2), m = s2[0], c = s2[1], d = o(m).utcOffset(c); + return d.$x.$timezone = a2, d; + }, = function() { + return Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; + }, = function(t2) { + r = t2; + }; + }; + }); + } + }); + + // ../string-templates/src/helpers/date.js + var require_date = __commonJS({ + "../string-templates/src/helpers/date.js"(exports, module) { + var dayjs = require_dayjs_min(); + dayjs.extend(require_duration()); + dayjs.extend(require_advancedFormat()); + dayjs.extend(require_isoWeek()); + dayjs.extend(require_weekYear()); + dayjs.extend(require_weekOfYear()); + dayjs.extend(require_relativeTime()); + dayjs.extend(require_utc()); + dayjs.extend(require_timezone()); + function isOptions(val) { + return typeof val === "object" && typeof val.hash === "object"; + } + function isApp(thisArg) { + return typeof thisArg === "object" && typeof thisArg.options === "object" && typeof === "object"; + } + function getContext(thisArg, locals, options) { + if (isOptions(thisArg)) { + return getContext({}, locals, thisArg); + } + if (isOptions(locals)) { + return getContext(thisArg, options, locals); + } + const appContext = isApp(thisArg) ? thisArg.context : {}; + options = options || {}; + if (!isOptions(options)) { + locals = Object.assign({}, locals, options); + } + if (isOptions(options) && options.hash.root === true) { + locals = Object.assign({},, locals); + } + let context = Object.assign({}, appContext, locals, options.hash); + if (!isApp(thisArg)) { + context = Object.assign({}, thisArg, context); + } + if (isApp(thisArg) && thisArg.view && { + context = Object.assign({}, context,; + } + return context; + } + function initialConfig(str, pattern, options) { + if (isOptions(pattern)) { + options = pattern; + pattern = null; + } + if (isOptions(str)) { + options = str; + pattern = null; + str = null; + } + return { str, pattern, options }; + } + function setLocale(str, pattern, options) { + const config = initialConfig(str, pattern, options); + const defaults = { lang: "en", date: new Date(config.str) }; + const opts = getContext(this, defaults, {}); + dayjs.locale(opts.lang || opts.language); + } + = (str, pattern, options) => { + const config = initialConfig(str, pattern, options); + if (config.str == null && config.pattern == null) { + dayjs.locale("en"); + return dayjs().format("MMMM DD, YYYY"); + } + setLocale(config.str, config.pattern, config.options); + let date = dayjs(new Date(config.str)); + if (typeof config.options === "string") { + date = config.options.toLowerCase() === "utc" ? date.utc() :; + } else { + date =; + } + if (config.pattern === "") { + return date.toISOString(); + } + return date.format(config.pattern); + }; + module.exports.duration = (str, pattern, format) => { + const config = initialConfig(str, pattern); + setLocale(config.str, config.pattern); + const duration = dayjs.duration(config.str, config.pattern); + if (format && !isOptions(format)) { + return duration.format(format); + } else { + return duration.humanize(); + } + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js + var require_is_buffer = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js"(exports, module) { + module.exports = function(obj) { + return obj != null && (isBuffer(obj) || isSlowBuffer(obj) || !!obj._isBuffer); + }; + function isBuffer(obj) { + return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === "function" && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj); + } + function isSlowBuffer(obj) { + return typeof obj.readFloatLE === "function" && typeof obj.slice === "function" && isBuffer(obj.slice(0, 0)); + } + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/typeof-article/node_modules/kind-of/index.js + var require_kind_of = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/typeof-article/node_modules/kind-of/index.js"(exports, module) { + var isBuffer = require_is_buffer(); + var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + module.exports = function kindOf(val) { + if (typeof val === "undefined") { + return "undefined"; + } + if (val === null) { + return "null"; + } + if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { + return "boolean"; + } + if (typeof val === "string" || val instanceof String) { + return "string"; + } + if (typeof val === "number" || val instanceof Number) { + return "number"; + } + if (typeof val === "function" || val instanceof Function) { + return "function"; + } + if (typeof Array.isArray !== "undefined" && Array.isArray(val)) { + return "array"; + } + if (val instanceof RegExp) { + return "regexp"; + } + if (val instanceof Date) { + return "date"; + } + var type =; + if (type === "[object RegExp]") { + return "regexp"; + } + if (type === "[object Date]") { + return "date"; + } + if (type === "[object Arguments]") { + return "arguments"; + } + if (type === "[object Error]") { + return "error"; + } + if (isBuffer(val)) { + return "buffer"; + } + if (type === "[object Set]") { + return "set"; + } + if (type === "[object WeakSet]") { + return "weakset"; + } + if (type === "[object Map]") { + return "map"; + } + if (type === "[object WeakMap]") { + return "weakmap"; + } + if (type === "[object Symbol]") { + return "symbol"; + } + if (type === "[object Int8Array]") { + return "int8array"; + } + if (type === "[object Uint8Array]") { + return "uint8array"; + } + if (type === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]") { + return "uint8clampedarray"; + } + if (type === "[object Int16Array]") { + return "int16array"; + } + if (type === "[object Uint16Array]") { + return "uint16array"; + } + if (type === "[object Int32Array]") { + return "int32array"; + } + if (type === "[object Uint32Array]") { + return "uint32array"; + } + if (type === "[object Float32Array]") { + return "float32array"; + } + if (type === "[object Float64Array]") { + return "float64array"; + } + return "object"; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/typeof-article/index.js + var require_typeof_article = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/typeof-article/index.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var typeOf = require_kind_of(); + var types = { + "arguments": "an arguments object", + "array": "an array", + "boolean": "a boolean", + "buffer": "a buffer", + "date": "a date", + "error": "an error", + "float32array": "a float32array", + "float64array": "a float64array", + "function": "a function", + "int16array": "an int16array", + "int32array": "an int32array", + "int8array": "an int8array", + "map": "a Map", + "null": "null", + "number": "a number", + "object": "an object", + "regexp": "a regular expression", + "set": "a Set", + "string": "a string", + "symbol": "a symbol", + "uint16array": "an uint16array", + "uint32array": "an uint32array", + "uint8array": "an uint8array", + "uint8clampedarray": "an uint8clampedarray", + "undefined": "undefined", + "weakmap": "a WeakMap", + "weakset": "a WeakSet" + }; + function type(val) { + return types[typeOf(val)]; + } + type.types = types; + type.typeOf = typeOf; + module.exports = type; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/kind-of/index.js + var require_kind_of2 = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/kind-of/index.js"(exports, module) { + var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + module.exports = function kindOf(val) { + if (val === void 0) + return "undefined"; + if (val === null) + return "null"; + var type = typeof val; + if (type === "boolean") + return "boolean"; + if (type === "string") + return "string"; + if (type === "number") + return "number"; + if (type === "symbol") + return "symbol"; + if (type === "function") { + return isGeneratorFn(val) ? "generatorfunction" : "function"; + } + if (isArray(val)) + return "array"; + if (isBuffer(val)) + return "buffer"; + if (isArguments(val)) + return "arguments"; + if (isDate(val)) + return "date"; + if (isError(val)) + return "error"; + if (isRegexp(val)) + return "regexp"; + switch (ctorName(val)) { + case "Symbol": + return "symbol"; + case "Promise": + return "promise"; + case "WeakMap": + return "weakmap"; + case "WeakSet": + return "weakset"; + case "Map": + return "map"; + case "Set": + return "set"; + case "Int8Array": + return "int8array"; + case "Uint8Array": + return "uint8array"; + case "Uint8ClampedArray": + return "uint8clampedarray"; + case "Int16Array": + return "int16array"; + case "Uint16Array": + return "uint16array"; + case "Int32Array": + return "int32array"; + case "Uint32Array": + return "uint32array"; + case "Float32Array": + return "float32array"; + case "Float64Array": + return "float64array"; + } + if (isGeneratorObj(val)) { + return "generator"; + } + type =; + switch (type) { + case "[object Object]": + return "object"; + case "[object Map Iterator]": + return "mapiterator"; + case "[object Set Iterator]": + return "setiterator"; + case "[object String Iterator]": + return "stringiterator"; + case "[object Array Iterator]": + return "arrayiterator"; + } + return type.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ""); + }; + function ctorName(val) { + return typeof val.constructor === "function" ? : null; + } + function isArray(val) { + if (Array.isArray) + return Array.isArray(val); + return val instanceof Array; + } + function isError(val) { + return val instanceof Error || typeof val.message === "string" && val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.stackTraceLimit === "number"; + } + function isDate(val) { + if (val instanceof Date) + return true; + return typeof val.toDateString === "function" && typeof val.getDate === "function" && typeof val.setDate === "function"; + } + function isRegexp(val) { + if (val instanceof RegExp) + return true; + return typeof val.flags === "string" && typeof val.ignoreCase === "boolean" && typeof val.multiline === "boolean" && typeof === "boolean"; + } + function isGeneratorFn(name, val) { + return ctorName(name) === "GeneratorFunction"; + } + function isGeneratorObj(val) { + return typeof val.throw === "function" && typeof val.return === "function" && typeof === "function"; + } + function isArguments(val) { + try { + if (typeof val.length === "number" && typeof val.callee === "function") { + return true; + } + } catch (err) { + if (err.message.indexOf("callee") !== -1) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + function isBuffer(val) { + if (val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === "function") { + return val.constructor.isBuffer(val); + } + return false; + } + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/handlebars-utils/index.js + var require_handlebars_utils = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/handlebars-utils/index.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var util = __require("util"); + var type = require_typeof_article(); + var typeOf = require_kind_of2(); + var utils = exports = module.exports; + utils.extend = extend; + utils.indexOf = indexOf; + utils.escapeExpression = escapeExpression; + utils.isEmpty = isEmpty; + utils.createFrame = createFrame; + utils.blockParams = blockParams; + utils.appendContextPath = appendContextPath; + var escape = { + "&": "&", + "<": "<", + ">": ">", + '"': """, + "'": "'", + "`": "`", + "=": "=" + }; + var badChars = /[&<>"'`=]/g; + var possible = /[&<>"'`=]/; + function escapeChar(chr) { + return escape[chr]; + } + function extend(obj) { + for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { + for (var key in arguments[i]) { + if ([i], key)) { + obj[key] = arguments[i][key]; + } + } + } + return obj; + } + var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + utils.toString = toString; + var isFunction = function isFunction2(value2) { + return typeof value2 === "function"; + }; + if (isFunction(/x/)) { + utils.isFunction = isFunction = function(value2) { + return typeof value2 === "function" && === "[object Function]"; + }; + } + utils.isFunction = isFunction; + var isArray = Array.isArray || function(value2) { + return value2 && typeof value2 === "object" ? === "[object Array]" : false; + }; + utils.isArray = isArray; + function indexOf(array, value2) { + for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { + if (array[i] === value2) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; + } + function escapeExpression(string) { + if (typeof string !== "string") { + if (string && string.toHTML) { + return string.toHTML(); + } else if (string == null) { + return ""; + } else if (!string) { + return string + ""; + } + string = "" + string; + } + if (!possible.test(string)) { + return string; + } + return string.replace(badChars, escapeChar); + } + function createFrame(object) { + var frame = extend({}, object); + frame._parent = object; + return frame; + } + function blockParams(params, ids) { + params.path = ids; + return params; + } + function appendContextPath(contextPath, id) { + return (contextPath ? contextPath + "." : "") + id; + } + utils.expectedType = function(param, expected, actual) { + var exp = type.types[expected]; + var val = util.inspect(actual); + return "expected " + param + " to be " + exp + " but received " + type(actual) + ": " + val; + }; + utils.isBlock = function(options) { + return utils.isOptions(options) && typeof options.fn === "function" && typeof options.inverse === "function"; + }; + utils.fn = function(val, context, options) { + if (utils.isOptions(val)) { + return utils.fn("", val, options); + } + if (utils.isOptions(context)) { + return utils.fn(val, {}, context); + } + return utils.isBlock(options) ? options.fn(context) : val; + }; + utils.inverse = function(val, context, options) { + if (utils.isOptions(val)) { + return utils.identity("", val, options); + } + if (utils.isOptions(context)) { + return utils.inverse(val, {}, context); + } + return utils.isBlock(options) ? options.inverse(context) : val; + }; + utils.value = function(val, context, options) { + if (utils.isOptions(val)) { + return utils.value(null, val, options); + } + if (utils.isOptions(context)) { + return utils.value(val, {}, context); + } + if (utils.isBlock(options)) { + return !!val ? options.fn(context) : options.inverse(context); + } + return val; + }; + utils.isOptions = function(val) { + return utils.isObject(val) && utils.isObject(val.hash); + }; + utils.isUndefined = function(val) { + return val == null || utils.isOptions(val) && val.hash != null; + }; + utils.isApp = function(thisArg) { + return utils.isObject(thisArg) && utils.isObject(thisArg.options) && utils.isObject(; + }; + utils.options = function(thisArg, locals, options) { + if (utils.isOptions(thisArg)) { + return utils.options({}, locals, thisArg); + } + if (utils.isOptions(locals)) { + return utils.options(thisArg, options, locals); + } + options = options || {}; + if (!utils.isOptions(options)) { + locals = Object.assign({}, locals, options); + } + var opts = Object.assign({}, locals, options.hash); + if (utils.isObject(thisArg)) { + opts = Object.assign({}, thisArg.options, opts); + } + if (opts[]) { + opts = Object.assign({}, opts[], opts); + } + return opts; + }; + utils.context = function(thisArg, locals, options) { + if (utils.isOptions(thisArg)) { + return utils.context({}, locals, thisArg); + } + if (utils.isOptions(locals)) { + return utils.context(thisArg, options, locals); + } + var appContext = utils.isApp(thisArg) ? thisArg.context : {}; + options = options || {}; + if (!utils.isOptions(options)) { + locals = Object.assign({}, locals, options); + } + if (utils.isOptions(options) && options.hash.root === true) { + locals = Object.assign({},, locals); + } + var context = Object.assign({}, appContext, locals, options.hash); + if (!utils.isApp(thisArg)) { + context = Object.assign({}, thisArg, context); + } + if (utils.isApp(thisArg) && thisArg.view && { + context = Object.assign({}, context,; + } + return context; + }; + utils.isObject = function(val) { + return typeOf(val) === "object"; + }; + function isEmpty(val) { + if (val === 0 || typeof val === "boolean") { + return false; + } + if (val == null) { + return true; + } + if (utils.isObject(val)) { + val = Object.keys(val); + } + if (!val.length) { + return true; + } + return false; + } + utils.result = function(val) { + if (typeof val === "function") { + return val.apply(this, [], 1)); + } + return val; + }; + utils.identity = function(val) { + return val; + }; + utils.isString = function(val) { + return typeof val === "string" && val !== ""; + }; + utils.arrayify = function(val) { + return val != null ? Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val] : []; + }; + utils.tryParse = function(str) { + try { + return JSON.parse(str); + } catch (err) { + } + return {}; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/index.js + var require_utils = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var util = require_handlebars_utils(); + exports.contains = function(val, obj, start) { + if (val == null || obj == null || isNaN(val.length)) { + return false; + } + return val.indexOf(obj, start) !== -1; + }; + exports.chop = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + var re = /^[-_.\W\s]+|[-_.\W\s]+$/g; + return str.trim().replace(re, ""); + }; + exports.changecase = function(str, fn) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + if (str.length === 1) { + return str.toLowerCase(); + } + str = exports.chop(str).toLowerCase(); + if (typeof fn !== "function") { + fn = util.identity; + } + var re = /[-_.\W\s]+(\w|$)/g; + return str.replace(re, function(_, ch) { + return fn(ch); + }); + }; + exports.random = function(min, max) { + return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/math.js + var require_math = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/math.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var utils = require_utils(); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + helpers2.abs = function(num) { + if (isNaN(num)) { + throw new TypeError("expected a number"); + } + return Math.abs(num); + }; + helpers2.add = function(a, b) { + if (!isNaN(a) && !isNaN(b)) { + return Number(a) + Number(b); + } + if (typeof a === "string" && typeof b === "string") { + return a + b; + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.avg = function() { + const args = [].concat.apply([], arguments); + args.pop(); + return helpers2.sum(args) / args.length; + }; + helpers2.ceil = function(num) { + if (isNaN(num)) { + throw new TypeError("expected a number"); + } + return Math.ceil(num); + }; + helpers2.divide = function(a, b) { + if (isNaN(a)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); + } + if (isNaN(b)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); + } + return Number(a) / Number(b); + }; + helpers2.floor = function(num) { + if (isNaN(num)) { + throw new TypeError("expected a number"); + } + return Math.floor(num); + }; + helpers2.minus = function(a, b) { + if (isNaN(a)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); + } + if (isNaN(b)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); + } + return Number(a) - Number(b); + }; + helpers2.modulo = function(a, b) { + if (isNaN(a)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); + } + if (isNaN(b)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); + } + return Number(a) % Number(b); + }; + helpers2.multiply = function(a, b) { + if (isNaN(a)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); + } + if (isNaN(b)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); + } + return Number(a) * Number(b); + }; + = function(a, b) { + if (isNaN(a)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); + } + if (isNaN(b)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); + } + return Number(a) + Number(b); + }; + helpers2.random = function(min, max) { + if (isNaN(min)) { + throw new TypeError("expected minimum to be a number"); + } + if (isNaN(max)) { + throw new TypeError("expected maximum to be a number"); + } + return utils.random(min, max); + }; + helpers2.remainder = function(a, b) { + return a % b; + }; + helpers2.round = function(num) { + if (isNaN(num)) { + throw new TypeError("expected a number"); + } + return Math.round(num); + }; + helpers2.subtract = function(a, b) { + if (isNaN(a)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); + } + if (isNaN(b)) { + throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); + } + return Number(a) - Number(b); + }; + helpers2.sum = function() { + var args = [].concat.apply([], arguments); + var len = args.length; + var sum = 0; + while (len--) { + if (!isNaN(args[len])) { + sum += Number(args[len]); + } + } + return sum; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/isobject/index.js + var require_isobject = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/isobject/index.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + module.exports = function isObject(val) { + return val != null && typeof val === "object" && Array.isArray(val) === false; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/get-value/index.js + var require_get_value = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/get-value/index.js"(exports, module) { + var isObject = require_isobject(); + module.exports = function(target, path, options) { + if (!isObject(options)) { + options = { default: options }; + } + if (!isValidObject(target)) { + return typeof options.default !== "undefined" ? options.default : target; + } + if (typeof path === "number") { + path = String(path); + } + const isArray = Array.isArray(path); + const isString = typeof path === "string"; + const splitChar = options.separator || "."; + const joinChar = options.joinChar || (typeof splitChar === "string" ? splitChar : "."); + if (!isString && !isArray) { + return target; + } + if (isString && path in target) { + return isValid(path, target, options) ? target[path] : options.default; + } + let segs = isArray ? path : split(path, splitChar, options); + let len = segs.length; + let idx = 0; + do { + let prop = segs[idx]; + if (typeof prop === "number") { + prop = String(prop); + } + while (prop && prop.slice(-1) === "\\") { + prop = join([prop.slice(0, -1), segs[++idx] || ""], joinChar, options); + } + if (prop in target) { + if (!isValid(prop, target, options)) { + return options.default; + } + target = target[prop]; + } else { + let hasProp = false; + let n = idx + 1; + while (n < len) { + prop = join([prop, segs[n++]], joinChar, options); + if (hasProp = prop in target) { + if (!isValid(prop, target, options)) { + return options.default; + } + target = target[prop]; + idx = n - 1; + break; + } + } + if (!hasProp) { + return options.default; + } + } + } while (++idx < len && isValidObject(target)); + if (idx === len) { + return target; + } + return options.default; + }; + function join(segs, joinChar, options) { + if (typeof options.join === "function") { + return options.join(segs); + } + return segs[0] + joinChar + segs[1]; + } + function split(path, splitChar, options) { + if (typeof options.split === "function") { + return options.split(path); + } + return path.split(splitChar); + } + function isValid(key, target, options) { + if (typeof options.isValid === "function") { + return options.isValid(key, target); + } + return true; + } + function isValidObject(val) { + return isObject(val) || Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === "function"; + } + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/createFrame.js + var require_createFrame = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/createFrame.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + module.exports = function createFrame(data) { + if (typeof data !== "object") { + throw new TypeError("createFrame expects data to be an object"); + } + var frame = Object.assign({}, data); + frame._parent = data; + frame.extend = function(data2) { + Object.assign(this, data2); + }; + if (arguments.length > 1) { + var args = [], 1); + var len = args.length, i = -1; + while (++i < len) { + frame.extend(args[i] || {}); + } + } + return frame; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/array.js + var require_array = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/array.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var util = require_handlebars_utils(); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + var getValue = require_get_value(); + var createFrame = require_createFrame(); + helpers2.after = function(array, n) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + return array.slice(n); + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.arrayify = function(value2) { + if (util.isUndefined(value2)) + return []; + return value2 ? Array.isArray(value2) ? value2 : [value2] : []; + }; + helpers2.before = function(array, n) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + return array.slice(0, n - 1); + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.eachIndex = function(array, options) { + var result = ""; + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + result += options.fn({ item: array[i], index: i }); + } + } + return result; + }; + helpers2.filter = function(array, value2, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return options.inverse(this); + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + var content = ""; + var results = []; + var prop = options.hash && ( || options.hash.prop); + if (prop) { + results = array.filter(function(val) { + return value2 === getValue(val, prop); + }); + } else { + results = array.filter(function(v) { + return value2 === v; + }); + } + if (results && results.length > 0) { + for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { + content += options.fn(results[i]); + } + return content; + } + } + return options.inverse(this); + }; + helpers2.first = function(array, n) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return []; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + if (isNaN(n)) { + return array[0]; + } + return array.slice(0, n); + } + return []; + }; + helpers2.forEach = function(array, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return options.inverse(this); + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + var data = createFrame(options, options.hash); + var len = array.length; + var buffer = ""; + var i = -1; + while (++i < len) { + var item = array[i]; + data.index = i; + item.index = i + 1; + = len; + item.isFirst = i === 0; + item.isLast = i === len - 1; + buffer += options.fn(item, { data }); + } + return buffer; + } + return options.inverse(this); + }; + helpers2.inArray = function(array, value2, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + return util.value(util.indexOf(array, value2) > -1, this, options); + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.isArray = function(value2) { + return Array.isArray(value2); + }; + helpers2.itemAt = function(array, idx) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return null; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + idx = !isNaN(idx) ? +idx : 0; + if (idx < 0) { + return array[array.length + idx]; + } + if (idx < array.length) { + return array[idx]; + } + } + return null; + }; + helpers2.join = function(array, separator) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + if (typeof array === "string") + return array; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + separator = util.isString(separator) ? separator : ", "; + return array.join(separator); + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.equalsLength = function(value2, length, options) { + if (util.isOptions(length)) { + options = length; + length = 0; + } + var len = helpers2.length(value2); + return util.value(len === length, this, options); + }; + helpers2.last = function(array, n) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + if (!Array.isArray(array) && typeof value !== "string") { + return ""; + } + if (isNaN(n)) { + return array[array.length - 1]; + } + return array.slice(-Math.abs(n)); + }; + helpers2.length = function(array) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return 0; + if (util.isObject(array) && !util.isOptions(array)) { + array = Object.keys(array); + } + if (typeof array === "string" && array.startsWith("[") && array.endsWith("]")) { + return array.split(",").length; + } + if (typeof array === "string" || Array.isArray(array)) { + return array.length; + } + return 0; + }; + helpers2.lengthEqual = helpers2.equalsLength; + = function(array, iter) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + if (!Array.isArray(array)) + return ""; + var len = array.length; + var res = new Array(len); + var i = -1; + if (typeof iter !== "function") { + return array; + } + while (++i < len) { + res[i] = iter(array[i], i, array); + } + return res; + }; + helpers2.pluck = function(array, prop) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + var res = []; + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + var val = getValue(array[i], prop); + if (typeof val !== "undefined") { + res.push(val); + } + } + return res; + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.reverse = function(array) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + array.reverse(); + return array; + } + if (array && typeof array === "string") { + return array.split("").reverse().join(""); + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.some = function(array, iter, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return options.inverse(this); + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + if (iter(array[i], i, array)) { + return options.fn(this); + } + } + } + return options.inverse(this); + }; + helpers2.sort = function(array, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + if (getValue(options, "hash.reverse")) { + return array.sort().reverse(); + } + return array.sort(); + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.sortBy = function(array, prop, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + var args = []; + args.pop(); + if (!util.isString(prop) && typeof prop !== "function") { + return array.sort(); + } + if (typeof prop === "function") { + return array.sort(prop); + } + return array.sort((a, b) => a[prop] > b[prop] ? 1 : -1); + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.withAfter = function(array, idx, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + array = array.slice(idx); + var result = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + result += options.fn(array[i]); + } + return result; + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.withBefore = function(array, idx, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + array = array.slice(0, -idx); + var result = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + result += options.fn(array[i]); + } + return result; + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.withFirst = function(array, idx, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + if (!util.isUndefined(idx)) { + idx = parseFloat(util.result(idx)); + } + if (util.isUndefined(idx)) { + options = idx; + return options.fn(array[0]); + } + array = array.slice(0, idx); + var result = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + result += options.fn(array[i]); + } + return result; + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.withGroup = function(array, size, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + var result = ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array) && array.length > 0) { + var subcontext = []; + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + if (i > 0 && i % size === 0) { + result += options.fn(subcontext); + subcontext = []; + } + subcontext.push(array[i]); + } + result += options.fn(subcontext); + } + return result; + }; + helpers2.withLast = function(array, idx, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + if (!util.isUndefined(idx)) { + idx = parseFloat(util.result(idx)); + } + if (util.isUndefined(idx)) { + options = idx; + return options.fn(array[array.length - 1]); + } + array = array.slice(-idx); + var len = array.length, i = -1; + var result = ""; + while (++i < len) { + result += options.fn(array[i]); + } + return result; + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.withSort = function(array, prop, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + var result = ""; + if (util.isUndefined(prop)) { + options = prop; + array = array.sort(); + if (getValue(options, "hash.reverse")) { + array = array.reverse(); + } + for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { + result += options.fn(array[i]); + } + return result; + } + array.sort(function(a, b) { + a = getValue(a, prop); + b = getValue(b, prop); + return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; + }); + if (getValue(options, "hash.reverse")) { + array = array.reverse(); + } + var alen = array.length, j = -1; + while (++j < alen) { + result += options.fn(array[j]); + } + return result; + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.unique = function(array, options) { + if (util.isUndefined(array)) + return ""; + array = util.result(array); + if (Array.isArray(array)) { + return array.filter(function(item, index, arr) { + return arr.indexOf(item) === index; + }); + } + return ""; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/number.js + var require_number = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/number.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var util = require_handlebars_utils(); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + helpers2.bytes = function(number, precision, options) { + if (number == null) + return "0 B"; + if (isNaN(number)) { + number = number.length; + if (!number) + return "0 B"; + } + if (isNaN(precision)) { + precision = 2; + } + var abbr = ["B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"]; + precision = Math.pow(10, precision); + number = Number(number); + var len = abbr.length - 1; + while (len-- >= 0) { + var size = Math.pow(10, len * 3); + if (size <= number + 1) { + number = Math.round(number * precision / size) / precision; + number += " " + abbr[len]; + break; + } + } + return number; + }; + helpers2.addCommas = function(num) { + return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,"); + }; + helpers2.phoneNumber = function(num) { + num = num.toString(); + return "(" + num.substr(0, 3) + ") " + num.substr(3, 3) + "-" + num.substr(6, 4); + }; + helpers2.toAbbr = function(number, precision) { + if (isNaN(number)) { + number = 0; + } + if (util.isUndefined(precision)) { + precision = 2; + } + number = Number(number); + precision = Math.pow(10, precision); + var abbr = ["k", "m", "b", "t", "q"]; + var len = abbr.length - 1; + while (len >= 0) { + var size = Math.pow(10, (len + 1) * 3); + if (size <= number + 1) { + number = Math.round(number * precision / size) / precision; + number += abbr[len]; + break; + } + len--; + } + return number; + }; + helpers2.toExponential = function(number, digits) { + if (isNaN(number)) { + number = 0; + } + if (util.isUndefined(digits)) { + digits = 0; + } + return Number(number).toExponential(digits); + }; + helpers2.toFixed = function(number, digits) { + if (isNaN(number)) { + number = 0; + } + if (isNaN(digits)) { + digits = 0; + } + return Number(number).toFixed(digits); + }; + helpers2.toFloat = function(number) { + return parseFloat(number); + }; + helpers2.toInt = function(number) { + return parseInt(number, 10); + }; + helpers2.toPrecision = function(number, precision) { + if (isNaN(number)) { + number = 0; + } + if (isNaN(precision)) { + precision = 1; + } + return Number(number).toPrecision(precision); + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/url.js + var require_url = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/url.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var url = __require("url"); + var util = require_handlebars_utils(); + var querystring = __require("querystring"); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + helpers2.encodeURI = function(str) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + return encodeURIComponent(str); + } + }; + helpers2.escape = function(str) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + return querystring.escape(str); + } + }; + helpers2.decodeURI = function(str) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + return decodeURIComponent(str); + } + }; + helpers2.urlResolve = function(base, href) { + return url.resolve(base, href); + }; + helpers2.urlParse = function(str) { + return url.parse(str); + }; + helpers2.stripQuerystring = function(str) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + return str.split("?")[0]; + } + }; + helpers2.stripProtocol = function(str) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + var parsed = url.parse(str); + parsed.protocol = ""; + return parsed.format(); + } + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/string.js + var require_string = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/string.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var util = require_handlebars_utils(); + var utils = require_utils(); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + helpers2.append = function(str, suffix) { + if (typeof str === "string" && typeof suffix === "string") { + return str + suffix; + } + return str; + }; + helpers2.camelcase = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { + return ch.toUpperCase(); + }); + }; + helpers2.capitalize = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); + }; + helpers2.capitalizeAll = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + if (util.isString(str)) { + return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(word) { + return helpers2.capitalize(word); + }); + } + }; + = function(str, spaces) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + var space = ""; + var i = 0; + while (i < spaces) { + space += " "; + i++; + } + return space + str + space; + }; + helpers2.chop = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return utils.chop(str); + }; + helpers2.dashcase = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { + return "-" + ch; + }); + }; + helpers2.dotcase = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { + return "." + ch; + }); + }; + helpers2.downcase = function() { + return helpers2.lowercase.apply(this, arguments); + }; + helpers2.ellipsis = function(str, limit) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + if (str.length <= limit) { + return str; + } + return helpers2.truncate(str, limit) + "\u2026"; + } + }; + helpers2.hyphenate = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return str.split(" ").join("-"); + }; + helpers2.isString = function(value2) { + return typeof value2 === "string"; + }; + helpers2.lowercase = function(str) { + if (util.isObject(str) && str.fn) { + return str.fn(this).toLowerCase(); + } + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return str.toLowerCase(); + }; + helpers2.occurrences = function(str, substring) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + var len = substring.length; + var pos = 0; + var n = 0; + while ((pos = str.indexOf(substring, pos)) > -1) { + n++; + pos += len; + } + return n; + }; + helpers2.pascalcase = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + str = utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { + return ch.toUpperCase(); + }); + return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); + }; + helpers2.pathcase = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { + return "/" + ch; + }); + }; + helpers2.plusify = function(str, ch) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + if (!util.isString(ch)) + ch = " "; + return str.split(ch).join("+"); + }; + helpers2.prepend = function(str, prefix) { + return typeof str === "string" && typeof prefix === "string" ? prefix + str : str; + }; + helpers2.raw = function(options) { + var str = options.fn(); + var opts = util.options(this, options); + if (opts.escape !== false) { + var idx = 0; + while ((idx = str.indexOf("{{", idx)) !== -1) { + if (str[idx - 1] !== "\\") { + str = str.slice(0, idx) + "\\" + str.slice(idx); + } + idx += 3; + } + } + return str; + }; + helpers2.remove = function(str, ch) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + if (!util.isString(ch)) + return str; + return str.split(ch).join(""); + }; + helpers2.removeFirst = function(str, ch) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + if (!util.isString(ch)) + return str; + return str.replace(ch, ""); + }; + helpers2.replace = function(str, a, b) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + if (!util.isString(a)) + return str; + if (!util.isString(b)) + b = ""; + return str.split(a).join(b); + }; + helpers2.replaceFirst = function(str, a, b) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + if (!util.isString(a)) + return str; + if (!util.isString(b)) + b = ""; + return str.replace(a, b); + }; + helpers2.reverse = require_array().reverse; + helpers2.sentence = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return str.replace(/((?:\S[^\.\?\!]*)[\.\?\!]*)/g, function(txt) { + return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase(); + }); + }; + helpers2.snakecase = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { + return "_" + ch; + }); + }; + helpers2.split = function(str, ch) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + if (!util.isString(ch)) + ch = ","; + return str.split(ch); + }; + helpers2.startsWith = function(prefix, str, options) { + var args = []; + options = args.pop(); + if (util.isString(str) && str.indexOf(prefix) === 0) { + return options.fn(this); + } + if (typeof options.inverse === "function") { + return options.inverse(this); + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.titleize = function(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + var title = str.replace(/[- _]+/g, " "); + var words = title.split(" "); + var len = words.length; + var res = []; + var i = 0; + while (len--) { + var word = words[i++]; + res.push(exports.capitalize(word)); + } + return res.join(" "); + }; + helpers2.trim = function(str) { + return typeof str === "string" ? str.trim() : ""; + }; + helpers2.trimLeft = function(str) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + return str.replace(/^\s+/, ""); + } + }; + helpers2.trimRight = function(str) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + return str.replace(/\s+$/, ""); + } + }; + helpers2.truncate = function(str, limit, suffix) { + if (util.isString(str)) { + if (typeof suffix !== "string") { + suffix = ""; + } + if (str.length > limit) { + return str.slice(0, limit - suffix.length) + suffix; + } + return str; + } + }; + helpers2.truncateWords = function(str, count, suffix) { + if (util.isString(str) && !isNaN(count)) { + if (typeof suffix !== "string") { + suffix = "\u2026"; + } + var num = Number(count); + var arr = str.split(/[ \t]/); + if (num >= arr.length) { + return str; + } + arr = arr.slice(0, num); + var val = arr.join(" ").trim(); + return val + suffix; + } + }; + helpers2.upcase = function() { + return helpers2.uppercase.apply(this, arguments); + }; + helpers2.uppercase = function(str) { + if (util.isObject(str) && str.fn) { + return str.fn(this).toUpperCase(); + } + if (typeof str !== "string") + return ""; + return str.toUpperCase(); + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/has-values/index.js + var require_has_values = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/has-values/index.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var typeOf = require_kind_of2(); + module.exports = function has(val) { + switch (typeOf(val)) { + case "boolean": + case "date": + case "function": + case "null": + case "number": + return true; + case "undefined": + return false; + case "regexp": + return val.source !== "(?:)" && val.source !== ""; + case "buffer": + return val.toString() !== ""; + case "error": + return val.message !== ""; + case "string": + case "arguments": + return val.length !== 0; + case "file": + case "map": + case "set": + return val.size !== 0; + case "array": + case "object": + for (const key of Object.keys(val)) { + if (has(val[key])) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + default: { + return true; + } + } + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/has-value/index.js + var require_has_value = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/has-value/index.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var get = require_get_value(); + var has = require_has_values(); + module.exports = function(obj, path, options) { + if (isObject(obj) && (typeof path === "string" || Array.isArray(path))) { + return has(get(obj, path, options)); + } + return false; + }; + function isObject(val) { + return val != null && (typeof val === "object" || typeof val === "function" || Array.isArray(val)); + } + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/falsey.js + var require_falsey = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/falsey.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + function falsey(val, keywords) { + if (!val) + return true; + let words = keywords || falsey.keywords; + if (!Array.isArray(words)) + words = [words]; + const lower = typeof val === "string" ? val.toLowerCase() : null; + for (const word of words) { + if (word === val) { + return true; + } + if (word === lower) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + falsey.keywords = [ + "0", + "false", + "nada", + "nil", + "nay", + "nah", + "negative", + "no", + "none", + "nope", + "nul", + "null", + "nix", + "nyet", + "uh-uh", + "veto", + "zero" + ]; + module.exports = falsey; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/odd.js + var require_odd = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/odd.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + module.exports = function isOdd(value2) { + const n = Math.abs(value2); + if (isNaN(n)) { + throw new TypeError("expected a number"); + } + if (!Number.isInteger(n)) { + throw new Error("expected an integer"); + } + if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n)) { + throw new Error("value exceeds maximum safe integer"); + } + return n % 2 === 1; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/comparison.js + var require_comparison = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/comparison.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var has = require_has_value(); + var util = require_handlebars_utils(); + var utils = require_utils(); + var falsey = require_falsey(); + var isOdd = require_odd(); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + helpers2.and = function() { + var len = arguments.length - 1; + var options = arguments[len]; + var val = true; + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (!arguments[i]) { + val = false; + break; + } + } + return util.value(val, this, options); + }; + = function(a, operator, b, options) { + if (arguments.length < 4) { + throw new Error("handlebars Helper {{compare}} expects 4 arguments"); + } + var result; + switch (operator) { + case "==": + result = a == b; + break; + case "===": + result = a === b; + break; + case "!=": + result = a != b; + break; + case "!==": + result = a !== b; + break; + case "<": + result = a < b; + break; + case ">": + result = a > b; + break; + case "<=": + result = a <= b; + break; + case ">=": + result = a >= b; + break; + case "typeof": + result = typeof a === b; + break; + default: { + throw new Error( + "helper {{compare}}: invalid operator: `" + operator + "`" + ); + } + } + return util.value(result, this, options); + }; + helpers2.contains = function(collection, value2, startIndex, options) { + if (typeof startIndex === "object") { + options = startIndex; + startIndex = void 0; + } + var val = utils.contains(collection, value2, startIndex); + return util.value(val, this, options); + }; + helpers2.default = function() { + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) { + if (arguments[i] != null) + return arguments[i]; + } + return ""; + }; + helpers2.eq = function(a, b, options) { + if (arguments.length === 2) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a === b, this, options); + }; + = function(a, b, options) { + if (arguments.length === 2) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a > b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.gte = function(a, b, options) { + if (arguments.length === 2) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a >= b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.has = function(value2, pattern, options) { + if (util.isOptions(value2)) { + options = value2; + pattern = null; + value2 = null; + } + if (util.isOptions(pattern)) { + options = pattern; + pattern = null; + } + if (value2 === null) { + return util.value(false, this, options); + } + if (arguments.length === 2) { + return util.value(has(this, value2), this, options); + } + if ((Array.isArray(value2) || util.isString(value2)) && util.isString(pattern)) { + if (value2.indexOf(pattern) > -1) { + return util.fn(true, this, options); + } + } + if (util.isObject(value2) && util.isString(pattern) && pattern in value2) { + return util.fn(true, this, options); + } + return util.inverse(false, this, options); + }; + helpers2.isFalsey = function(val, options) { + return util.value(falsey(val), this, options); + }; + helpers2.isTruthy = function(val, options) { + return util.value(!falsey(val), this, options); + }; + helpers2.ifEven = function(num, options) { + return util.value(!isOdd(num), this, options); + }; + helpers2.ifNth = function(a, b, options) { + var isNth = !isNaN(a) && !isNaN(b) && b % a === 0; + return util.value(isNth, this, options); + }; + helpers2.ifOdd = function(val, options) { + return util.value(isOdd(val), this, options); + }; + = function(a, b, options) { + if (arguments.length === 2) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a == b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.isnt = function(a, b, options) { + if (arguments.length === 2) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a != b, this, options); + }; + = function(a, b, options) { + if (arguments.length === 2) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a < b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.lte = function(a, b, options) { + if (arguments.length === 2) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a <= b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.neither = function(a, b, options) { + return util.value(!a && !b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.not = function(val, options) { + return util.value(!val, this, options); + }; + helpers2.or = function() { + var len = arguments.length - 1; + var options = arguments[len]; + var val = false; + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (arguments[i]) { + val = true; + break; + } + } + return util.value(val, this, options); + }; + helpers2.unlessEq = function(a, b, options) { + if (util.isOptions(b)) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a !== b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.unlessGt = function(a, b, options) { + if (util.isOptions(b)) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a <= b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.unlessLt = function(a, b, options) { + if (util.isOptions(b)) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a >= b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.unlessGteq = function(a, b, options) { + if (util.isOptions(b)) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a < b, this, options); + }; + helpers2.unlessLteq = function(a, b, options) { + if (util.isOptions(b)) { + options = b; + b =; + } + return util.value(a > b, this, options); + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/is-number/node_modules/kind-of/index.js + var require_kind_of3 = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/is-number/node_modules/kind-of/index.js"(exports, module) { + var isBuffer = require_is_buffer(); + var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + module.exports = function kindOf(val) { + if (typeof val === "undefined") { + return "undefined"; + } + if (val === null) { + return "null"; + } + if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { + return "boolean"; + } + if (typeof val === "string" || val instanceof String) { + return "string"; + } + if (typeof val === "number" || val instanceof Number) { + return "number"; + } + if (typeof val === "function" || val instanceof Function) { + return "function"; + } + if (typeof Array.isArray !== "undefined" && Array.isArray(val)) { + return "array"; + } + if (val instanceof RegExp) { + return "regexp"; + } + if (val instanceof Date) { + return "date"; + } + var type =; + if (type === "[object RegExp]") { + return "regexp"; + } + if (type === "[object Date]") { + return "date"; + } + if (type === "[object Arguments]") { + return "arguments"; + } + if (type === "[object Error]") { + return "error"; + } + if (isBuffer(val)) { + return "buffer"; + } + if (type === "[object Set]") { + return "set"; + } + if (type === "[object WeakSet]") { + return "weakset"; + } + if (type === "[object Map]") { + return "map"; + } + if (type === "[object WeakMap]") { + return "weakmap"; + } + if (type === "[object Symbol]") { + return "symbol"; + } + if (type === "[object Int8Array]") { + return "int8array"; + } + if (type === "[object Uint8Array]") { + return "uint8array"; + } + if (type === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]") { + return "uint8clampedarray"; + } + if (type === "[object Int16Array]") { + return "int16array"; + } + if (type === "[object Uint16Array]") { + return "uint16array"; + } + if (type === "[object Int32Array]") { + return "int32array"; + } + if (type === "[object Uint32Array]") { + return "uint32array"; + } + if (type === "[object Float32Array]") { + return "float32array"; + } + if (type === "[object Float64Array]") { + return "float64array"; + } + return "object"; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/is-number/index.js + var require_is_number = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/is-number/index.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var typeOf = require_kind_of3(); + module.exports = function isNumber(num) { + var type = typeOf(num); + if (type !== "number" && type !== "string") { + return false; + } + var n = +num; + return n - n + 1 >= 0 && num !== ""; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/get-object/index.js + var require_get_object = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/get-object/index.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var isNumber = require_is_number(); + module.exports = function getObject(obj, prop) { + if (!prop) + return obj; + if (!obj) + return {}; + var segs = String(prop).split(/[[.\]]/).filter(Boolean); + var last = segs[segs.length - 1], res = {}; + while (prop = segs.shift()) { + obj = obj[prop]; + if (!obj) + return {}; + } + if (isNumber(last)) + return [obj]; + res[last] = obj; + return res; + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/object.js + var require_object = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/object.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var hasOwn = Object.hasOwnProperty; + var util = require_handlebars_utils(); + var array = require_array(); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + var getValue = require_get_value(); + var getObject = require_get_object(); + var createFrame = require_createFrame(); + helpers2.extend = function() { + var args = []; + var opts = {}; + if (util.isOptions(args[args.length - 1])) { + opts = args.pop().hash; + args.push(opts); + } + var context = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { + var obj = args[i]; + if (util.isObject(obj)) { + var keys = Object.keys(obj); + for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { + var key = keys[j]; + context[key] = obj[key]; + } + } + } + return context; + }; + helpers2.forIn = function(obj, options) { + if (!util.isOptions(options)) { + return obj.inverse(this); + } + var data = createFrame(options, options.hash); + var result = ""; + for (var key in obj) { + data.key = key; + result += options.fn(obj[key], { data }); + } + return result; + }; + helpers2.forOwn = function(obj, options) { + if (!util.isOptions(options)) { + return obj.inverse(this); + } + var data = createFrame(options, options.hash); + var result = ""; + for (var key in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + data.key = key; + result += options.fn(obj[key], { data }); + } + } + return result; + }; + helpers2.toPath = function() { + var prop = []; + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + if (typeof arguments[i] === "string" || typeof arguments[i] === "number") { + prop.push(arguments[i]); + } + } + return prop.join("."); + }; + helpers2.get = function(prop, context, options) { + var val = getValue(context, prop); + if (options && options.fn) { + return val ? options.fn(val) : options.inverse(context); + } + return val; + }; + helpers2.getObject = function(prop, context) { + return getObject(context, prop); + }; + helpers2.hasOwn = function(context, key) { + return, key); + }; + helpers2.isObject = function(value2) { + return typeof value2 === "object"; + }; + helpers2.JSONparse = function(str, options) { + return JSON.parse(str); + }; + helpers2.JSONstringify = function(obj, indent) { + if (isNaN(indent)) { + indent = 0; + } + return JSON.stringify(obj, null, indent); + }; + helpers2.merge = function(context) { + var args = []; + var opts = {}; + if (util.isOptions(args[args.length - 1])) { + opts = args.pop().hash; + args.push(opts); + } + return Object.assign.apply(null, args); + }; + helpers2.parseJSON = helpers2.JSONparse; + helpers2.pick = function(props, context, options) { + var keys = array.arrayify(props); + var len = keys.length, i = -1; + var result = {}; + while (++i < len) { + result = helpers2.extend({}, result, getObject(context, keys[i])); + } + if (options.fn) { + if (Object.keys(result).length) { + return options.fn(result); + } + return options.inverse(context); + } + return result; + }; + helpers2.stringify = helpers2.JSONstringify; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/regex.js + var require_regex = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/regex.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + var util = require_handlebars_utils(); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + var kindOf = require_kind_of2(); + helpers2.toRegex = function(str, locals, options) { + var opts = util.options({}, locals, options); + return new RegExp(str, opts.flags); + }; + helpers2.test = function(str, regex) { + if (typeof str !== "string") { + return false; + } + if (kindOf(regex) !== "regexp") { + throw new TypeError("expected a regular expression"); + } + return regex.test(str); + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/rng.js + function rng() { + if (poolPtr > rnds8Pool.length - 16) { + import_crypto.default.randomFillSync(rnds8Pool); + poolPtr = 0; + } + return rnds8Pool.slice(poolPtr, poolPtr += 16); + } + var import_crypto, rnds8Pool, poolPtr; + var init_rng = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/rng.js"() { + import_crypto = __toESM(__require("crypto")); + rnds8Pool = new Uint8Array(256); + poolPtr = rnds8Pool.length; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/regex.js + var regex_default; + var init_regex = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/regex.js"() { + regex_default = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/validate.js + function validate(uuid) { + return typeof uuid === "string" && regex_default.test(uuid); + } + var validate_default; + var init_validate = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/validate.js"() { + init_regex(); + validate_default = validate; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/stringify.js + function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) { + return byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]; + } + function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { + const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset); + if (!validate_default(uuid)) { + throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid"); + } + return uuid; + } + var byteToHex, stringify_default; + var init_stringify = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/stringify.js"() { + init_validate(); + byteToHex = []; + for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { + byteToHex.push((i + 256).toString(16).slice(1)); + } + stringify_default = stringify; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v1.js + function v1(options, buf, offset) { + let i = buf && offset || 0; + const b = buf || new Array(16); + options = options || {}; + let node = options.node || _nodeId; + let clockseq = options.clockseq !== void 0 ? options.clockseq : _clockseq; + if (node == null || clockseq == null) { + const seedBytes = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); + if (node == null) { + node = _nodeId = [seedBytes[0] | 1, seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]]; + } + if (clockseq == null) { + clockseq = _clockseq = (seedBytes[6] << 8 | seedBytes[7]) & 16383; + } + } + let msecs = options.msecs !== void 0 ? options.msecs :; + let nsecs = options.nsecs !== void 0 ? options.nsecs : _lastNSecs + 1; + const dt = msecs - _lastMSecs + (nsecs - _lastNSecs) / 1e4; + if (dt < 0 && options.clockseq === void 0) { + clockseq = clockseq + 1 & 16383; + } + if ((dt < 0 || msecs > _lastMSecs) && options.nsecs === void 0) { + nsecs = 0; + } + if (nsecs >= 1e4) { + throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"); + } + _lastMSecs = msecs; + _lastNSecs = nsecs; + _clockseq = clockseq; + msecs += 122192928e5; + const tl = ((msecs & 268435455) * 1e4 + nsecs) % 4294967296; + b[i++] = tl >>> 24 & 255; + b[i++] = tl >>> 16 & 255; + b[i++] = tl >>> 8 & 255; + b[i++] = tl & 255; + const tmh = msecs / 4294967296 * 1e4 & 268435455; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 8 & 255; + b[i++] = tmh & 255; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 24 & 15 | 16; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 16 & 255; + b[i++] = clockseq >>> 8 | 128; + b[i++] = clockseq & 255; + for (let n = 0; n < 6; ++n) { + b[i + n] = node[n]; + } + return buf || unsafeStringify(b); + } + var _nodeId, _clockseq, _lastMSecs, _lastNSecs, v1_default; + var init_v1 = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v1.js"() { + init_rng(); + init_stringify(); + _lastMSecs = 0; + _lastNSecs = 0; + v1_default = v1; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/parse.js + function parse(uuid) { + if (!validate_default(uuid)) { + throw TypeError("Invalid UUID"); + } + let v; + const arr = new Uint8Array(16); + arr[0] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(0, 8), 16)) >>> 24; + arr[1] = v >>> 16 & 255; + arr[2] = v >>> 8 & 255; + arr[3] = v & 255; + arr[4] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(9, 13), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[5] = v & 255; + arr[6] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 18), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[7] = v & 255; + arr[8] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(19, 23), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[9] = v & 255; + arr[10] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(24, 36), 16)) / 1099511627776 & 255; + arr[11] = v / 4294967296 & 255; + arr[12] = v >>> 24 & 255; + arr[13] = v >>> 16 & 255; + arr[14] = v >>> 8 & 255; + arr[15] = v & 255; + return arr; + } + var parse_default; + var init_parse = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/parse.js"() { + init_validate(); + parse_default = parse; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v35.js + function stringToBytes(str) { + str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); + const bytes = []; + for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { + bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); + } + return bytes; + } + function v35(name, version2, hashfunc) { + function generateUUID(value2, namespace, buf, offset) { + var _namespace; + if (typeof value2 === "string") { + value2 = stringToBytes(value2); + } + if (typeof namespace === "string") { + namespace = parse_default(namespace); + } + if (((_namespace = namespace) === null || _namespace === void 0 ? void 0 : _namespace.length) !== 16) { + throw TypeError("Namespace must be array-like (16 iterable integer values, 0-255)"); + } + let bytes = new Uint8Array(16 + value2.length); + bytes.set(namespace); + bytes.set(value2, namespace.length); + bytes = hashfunc(bytes); + bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 15 | version2; + bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 63 | 128; + if (buf) { + offset = offset || 0; + for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + buf[offset + i] = bytes[i]; + } + return buf; + } + return unsafeStringify(bytes); + } + try { + = name; + } catch (err) { + } + generateUUID.DNS = DNS; + generateUUID.URL = URL; + return generateUUID; + } + var DNS, URL; + var init_v35 = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v35.js"() { + init_stringify(); + init_parse(); + DNS = "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"; + URL = "6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/md5.js + function md5(bytes) { + if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); + } else if (typeof bytes === "string") { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, "utf8"); + } + return import_crypto2.default.createHash("md5").update(bytes).digest(); + } + var import_crypto2, md5_default; + var init_md5 = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/md5.js"() { + import_crypto2 = __toESM(__require("crypto")); + md5_default = md5; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v3.js + var v3, v3_default; + var init_v3 = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v3.js"() { + init_v35(); + init_md5(); + v3 = v35("v3", 48, md5_default); + v3_default = v3; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/native.js + var import_crypto3, native_default; + var init_native = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/native.js"() { + import_crypto3 = __toESM(__require("crypto")); + native_default = { + randomUUID: import_crypto3.default.randomUUID + }; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v4.js + function v4(options, buf, offset) { + if (native_default.randomUUID && !buf && !options) { + return native_default.randomUUID(); + } + options = options || {}; + const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); + rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 15 | 64; + rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 63 | 128; + if (buf) { + offset = offset || 0; + for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; + } + return buf; + } + return unsafeStringify(rnds); + } + var v4_default; + var init_v4 = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v4.js"() { + init_native(); + init_rng(); + init_stringify(); + v4_default = v4; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/sha1.js + function sha1(bytes) { + if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); + } else if (typeof bytes === "string") { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, "utf8"); + } + return import_crypto4.default.createHash("sha1").update(bytes).digest(); + } + var import_crypto4, sha1_default; + var init_sha1 = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/sha1.js"() { + import_crypto4 = __toESM(__require("crypto")); + sha1_default = sha1; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v5.js + var v5, v5_default; + var init_v5 = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v5.js"() { + init_v35(); + init_sha1(); + v5 = v35("v5", 80, sha1_default); + v5_default = v5; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/nil.js + var nil_default; + var init_nil = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/nil.js"() { + nil_default = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/version.js + function version(uuid) { + if (!validate_default(uuid)) { + throw TypeError("Invalid UUID"); + } + return parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 15), 16); + } + var version_default; + var init_version = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/version.js"() { + init_validate(); + version_default = version; + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/index.js + var esm_node_exports = {}; + __export(esm_node_exports, { + NIL: () => nil_default, + parse: () => parse_default, + stringify: () => stringify_default, + v1: () => v1_default, + v3: () => v3_default, + v4: () => v4_default, + v5: () => v5_default, + validate: () => validate_default, + version: () => version_default + }); + var init_esm_node = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/index.js"() { + init_v1(); + init_v3(); + init_v4(); + init_v5(); + init_nil(); + init_version(); + init_validate(); + init_stringify(); + init_parse(); + } + }); + + // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/uuid.js + var require_uuid = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/uuid.js"(exports, module) { + var uuid = (init_esm_node(), __toCommonJS(esm_node_exports)); + var helpers2 = module.exports; + helpers2.uuid = function() { + return uuid.v4(); + }; + } + }); + + // ../string-templates/src/helpers/list.js + var require_list = __commonJS({ + "../string-templates/src/helpers/list.js"(exports, module) { + var { date, duration } = require_date(); + var externalCollections = { + math: require_math(), + array: require_array(), + number: require_number(), + url: require_url(), + string: require_string(), + comparison: require_comparison(), + object: require_object(), + regex: require_regex(), + uuid: require_uuid() + }; + var helpersToRemoveForJs = ["sortBy"]; + module.exports.helpersToRemoveForJs = helpersToRemoveForJs; + var addedHelpers = { + date, + duration + }; + var helpers2 = void 0; + module.exports.getJsHelperList = () => { + if (helpers2) { + return helpers2; + } + helpers2 = {}; + for (let collection of Object.values(externalCollections)) { + for (let [key, func] of Object.entries(collection)) { + helpers2[key] = (...props) => func(...props, {}); + } + } + for (let key of Object.keys(addedHelpers)) { + helpers2[key] = addedHelpers[key]; + } + for (const toRemove of helpersToRemoveForJs) { + delete helpers2[toRemove]; + } + Object.freeze(helpers2); + return helpers2; + }; + } + }); + + // src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts + var { + getJsHelperList + } = require_list(); + var helpers = { + ...getJsHelperList(), + // pointing stripProtocol to a unexisting function to be able to declare it on isolated-vm + // @ts-ignore + // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef + stripProtocol: helpersStripProtocol + }; + + return helpers +})(); /*! Bundled license information: is-buffer/index.js: diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts index fc3c860f20..91b9c8e821 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts @@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ const { getJsHelperList, } = require("../../../../string-templates/src/helpers/list.js") -const helpers = getJsHelperList() -export default { - ...helpers, +export const helpers = { + ...getJsHelperList(), // pointing stripProtocol to a unexisting function to be able to declare it on isolated-vm // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index ab26f3f6d1..5471747fdf 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -16,31 +16,14 @@ class ExecutionTimeoutError extends Error { } class ModuleHandler { - private modules: { - import: string - moduleKey: string - module: ivm.Module - }[] = [] + private modules: string[] = [] - private generateRandomKey = () => `i${crypto.randomUUID().replace(/-/g, "")}` - - registerModule(module: ivm.Module, imports: string) { - this.modules.push({ - moduleKey: this.generateRandomKey(), - import: imports, - module: module, - }) + registerModule(code: string) { + this.modules.push(code) } generateImports() { - return this.modules - .map(m => `import ${m.import} from "${m.moduleKey}"`) - .join(";") - } - - getModule(key: string) { - const module = this.modules.find(m => m.moduleKey === key) - return module?.module + return this.modules.join(";") } } @@ -98,34 +81,39 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { }), }) + const cryptoModule = this.registerCallbacks({ + randomUUID: crypto.randomUUID, + }) + const injectedRequire = `const require=function req(val) { switch (val) { case "url": return ${urlModule}; case "querystring": return ${querystringModule}; + case "crypto": return ${cryptoModule}; } }` const helpersSource = loadBundle(BundleType.HELPERS) - const helpersModule = this.isolate.compileModuleSync( - `${injectedRequire};${helpersSource}` - ) + // const helpersModule = this.isolate.compileModuleSync( + // `${injectedRequire};${helpersSource}` + // ) - helpersModule.instantiateSync(this.vm, specifier => { - if (specifier === "crypto") { - const cryptoModule = this.registerCallbacks({ - randomUUID: crypto.randomUUID, - }) - const module = this.isolate.compileModuleSync( - `export default ${cryptoModule}` - ) - module.instantiateSync(this.vm, specifier => { - throw new Error(`No imports allowed. Required: ${specifier}`) - }) - return module - } - throw new Error(`No imports allowed. Required: ${specifier}`) - }) + // helpersModule.instantiateSync(this.vm, specifier => { + // if (specifier === "crypto") { + // const cryptoModule = this.registerCallbacks({ + // randomUUID: crypto.randomUUID, + // }) + // const module = this.isolate.compileModuleSync( + // `export default ${cryptoModule}` + // ) + // module.instantiateSync(this.vm, specifier => { + // throw new Error(`No imports allowed. Required: ${specifier}`) + // }) + // return module + // } + // throw new Error(`No imports allowed. Required: ${specifier}`) + // }) - this.moduleHandler.registerModule(helpersModule, "helpers") + this.moduleHandler.registerModule(`${injectedRequire};${helpersSource}`) return this } @@ -191,7 +179,11 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { throw new Error(`No imports allowed. Required: ${specifier}`) }) - this.moduleHandler.registerModule(bsonModule, "{deserialize, toJson}") + this.moduleHandler.registerModule( + bsonModule, + "{deserialize, toJson}", + "bson" + ) return this } @@ -206,25 +198,13 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { } } - code = `${this.moduleHandler.generateImports()};results.out=${this.codeWrapper( - code - )};` + code = `${this.moduleHandler.generateImports()};${this.codeWrapper(code)};` - const script = this.isolate.compileModuleSync(code) + const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync(code) - script.instantiateSync(this.vm, specifier => { - const module = this.moduleHandler.getModule(specifier) - if (module) { - return module - } + const result = script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout }) - throw new Error(`"${specifier}" import not allowed`) - }) - - script.evaluateSync({ timeout: this.invocationTimeout }) - - const result = this.getFromContext(this.resultKey) - return result.out + return result } private registerCallbacks(functions: Record) { @@ -260,11 +240,4 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { ) } } - - private getFromContext(key: string) { - const ref =, { reference: true }) - const result = ref.copySync() - ref.release() - return result - } } From f03d9a01783df46b4780d0c66d7c7e963a114f19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 16:30:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 03/15] Clean --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 20 -------------------- 1 file changed, 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index 5471747fdf..ac01a52a6e 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -93,26 +93,6 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { } }` const helpersSource = loadBundle(BundleType.HELPERS) - // const helpersModule = this.isolate.compileModuleSync( - // `${injectedRequire};${helpersSource}` - // ) - - // helpersModule.instantiateSync(this.vm, specifier => { - // if (specifier === "crypto") { - // const cryptoModule = this.registerCallbacks({ - // randomUUID: crypto.randomUUID, - // }) - // const module = this.isolate.compileModuleSync( - // `export default ${cryptoModule}` - // ) - // module.instantiateSync(this.vm, specifier => { - // throw new Error(`No imports allowed. Required: ${specifier}`) - // }) - // return module - // } - // throw new Error(`No imports allowed. Required: ${specifier}`) - // }) - this.moduleHandler.registerModule(`${injectedRequire};${helpersSource}`) return this } From be69edffd782f807c61b53f1f009770d4e905544 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 16:36:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 04/15] Fix bson --- .../src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js | 3801 ++++++++++++++++- .../src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts | 8 +- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 39 +- 3 files changed, 3819 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js index b23efa87d1..f83c062429 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js @@ -1,7 +1,3794 @@ -function kt(e){return["[object ArrayBuffer]","[object SharedArrayBuffer]"].includes(}function Lt(e){return"[object Uint8Array]"}function qt(e){return"[object RegExp]"}function Rt(e){return"[object Map]"}function Zt(e){return"[object Date]"}function j(e,t){return JSON.stringify(e,(n,s)=>typeof s=="bigint"?{$numberLong:`${s}`}:Rt(s)?Object.fromEntries(s):s)}function Kt(e){if(e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&"stylize"in e&&typeof e.stylize=="function")return e.stylize}var mt=6,Dt=2147483647,jt=-2147483648,zt=Math.pow(2,63)-1,Ft=-Math.pow(2,63),Gt=Math.pow(2,53),Xt=-Math.pow(2,53),wt=1,Qt=2,vt=3,te=4,ee=5,ne=6,se=7,re=8,ie=9,oe=10,pt=11,fe=12,le=13,ce=14,he=15,St=16,ae=17,ge=18,ue=19,ye=255,me=127;var ct=4,cn=Object.freeze({double:1,string:2,object:3,array:4,binData:5,undefined:6,objectId:7,bool:8,date:9,null:10,regex:11,dbPointer:12,javascript:13,symbol:14,javascriptWithScope:15,int:16,timestamp:17,long:18,decimal:19,minKey:-1,maxKey:127}),o=class extends Error{get bsonError(){return!0}get name(){return"BSONError"}constructor(t,n){super(t,n)}static isBSONError(t){return t!=null&&typeof t=="object"&&"bsonError"in t&&t.bsonError===!0&&"name"in t&&"message"in t&&"stack"in t}},yt=class extends o{get name(){return"BSONVersionError"}constructor(){super(`Unsupported BSON version, bson types must be from bson ${mt}.x.x`)}},ht=class extends o{get name(){return"BSONRuntimeError"}constructor(t){super(t)}},we=128,pe=192,Se=224,Ne=240,Be=248,Oe=192,be=224,Ee=240,Te=128;function Mt(e,t,n){let s=0;for(let r=t;r20)return null;if(s===1&&e[t]<128)return String.fromCharCode(e[t]);if(s===2&&e[t]<128&&e[t+1]<128)return String.fromCharCode(e[t])+String.fromCharCode(e[t+1]);if(s===3&&e[t]<128&&e[t+1]<128&&e[t+2]<128)return String.fromCharCode(e[t])+String.fromCharCode(e[t+1])+String.fromCharCode(e[t+2]);let r=[];for(let i=t;i127)return null;r.push(u)}return String.fromCharCode(...r)}function Ie(e){return C.fromNumberArray(Array.from({length:e},()=>Math.floor(Math.random()*256)))}var de=await(async()=>{try{return(await import("crypto")).randomBytes}catch{return Ie}})(),C={toLocalBufferType(e){if(Buffer.isBuffer(e))return e;if(ArrayBuffer.isView(e))return Buffer.from(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength);let t=e?.[Symbol.toStringTag]??;if(t==="ArrayBuffer"||t==="SharedArrayBuffer"||t==="[object ArrayBuffer]"||t==="[object SharedArrayBuffer]")return Buffer.from(e);throw new o(`Cannot create Buffer from ${String(e)}`)},allocate(e){return Buffer.alloc(e)},equals(e,t){return C.toLocalBufferType(e).equals(t)},fromNumberArray(e){return Buffer.from(e)},fromBase64(e){return Buffer.from(e,"base64")},toBase64(e){return C.toLocalBufferType(e).toString("base64")},fromISO88591(e){return Buffer.from(e,"binary")},toISO88591(e){return C.toLocalBufferType(e).toString("binary")},fromHex(e){return Buffer.from(e,"hex")},toHex(e){return C.toLocalBufferType(e).toString("hex")},fromUTF8(e){return Buffer.from(e,"utf8")},toUTF8(e,t,n,s){let r=n-t<=20?xt(e,t,n):null;if(r!=null)return r;let i=C.toLocalBufferType(e).toString("utf8",t,n);if(s){for(let u=0;uMath.floor(Math.random()*256)))}var _e=(()=>{let{crypto:e}=globalThis;if(e!=null&&typeof e.getRandomValues=="function")return t=>e.getRandomValues(X.allocate(t));if($e()){let{console:t}=globalThis;t?.warn?.("BSON: For React Native please polyfill crypto.getRandomValues, e.g. using:")}return Ae})(),Nt=/(\d|[a-f])/i,X={toLocalBufferType(e){let t=e?.[Symbol.toStringTag]??;if(t==="Uint8Array")return e;if(ArrayBuffer.isView(e))return new Uint8Array(e.buffer.slice(e.byteOffset,e.byteOffset+e.byteLength));if(t==="ArrayBuffer"||t==="SharedArrayBuffer"||t==="[object ArrayBuffer]"||t==="[object SharedArrayBuffer]")return new Uint8Array(e);throw new o(`Cannot make a Uint8Array from ${String(e)}`)},allocate(e){if(typeof e!="number")throw new TypeError(`The "size" argument must be of type number. Received ${String(e)}`);return new Uint8Array(e)},equals(e,t){if(e.byteLength!==t.byteLength)return!1;for(let n=0;nt.charCodeAt(0))},toBase64(e){return btoa(X.toISO88591(e))},fromISO88591(e){return Uint8Array.from(e,t=>t.charCodeAt(0)&255)},toISO88591(e){return Array.from(Uint16Array.from(e),t=>String.fromCharCode(t)).join("")},fromHex(e){let t=e.length%2===0?e:e.slice(0,e.length-1),n=[];for(let s=0;st.toString(16).padStart(2,"0")).join("")},fromUTF8(e){return new TextEncoder().encode(e)},toUTF8(e,t,n,s){let r=n-t<=20?xt(e,t,n):null;if(r!=null)return r;if(s)try{return new TextDecoder("utf8",{fatal:s}).decode(e.slice(t,n))}catch(i){throw new o("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document",{cause:i})}return new TextDecoder("utf8",{fatal:s}).decode(e.slice(t,n))},utf8ByteLength(e){return X.fromUTF8(e).byteLength},encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n){let s=X.fromUTF8(t);return e.set(s,n),s.byteLength},randomBytes:_e},Ue=typeof Buffer=="function"&&Buffer.prototype?._isBuffer!==!0,h=Ue?C:X,Q=class extends DataView{static fromUint8Array(t){return new DataView(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength)}},D=class{get[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")](){return mt}[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")](t,n,s){return this.inspect(t,n,s)}},_=class e extends D{get _bsontype(){return"Binary"}constructor(t,n){if(super(),t!=null&&typeof t=="string"&&!ArrayBuffer.isView(t)&&!kt(t)&&!Array.isArray(t))throw new o("Binary can only be constructed from Uint8Array or number[]");this.sub_type=n??e.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT,t==null?(this.buffer=h.allocate(e.BUFFER_SIZE),this.position=0):(this.buffer=Array.isArray(t)?h.fromNumberArray(t):h.toLocalBufferType(t),this.position=this.buffer.byteLength)}put(t){if(typeof t=="string"&&t.length!==1)throw new o("only accepts single character String");if(typeof t!="number"&&t.length!==1)throw new o("only accepts single character Uint8Array or Array");let n;if(typeof t=="string"?n=t.charCodeAt(0):typeof t=="number"?n=t:n=t[0],n<0||n>255)throw new o("only accepts number in a valid unsigned byte range 0-255");if(this.buffer.byteLength>this.position)this.buffer[this.position++]=n;else{let s=h.allocate(e.BUFFER_SIZE+this.buffer.length);s.set(this.buffer,0),this.buffer=s,this.buffer[this.position++]=n}}write(t,n){if(n=typeof n=="number"?n:this.position,this.buffer.byteLengththis.position?n+t.length:this.position;else if(typeof t=="string")throw new o("input cannot be string")}read(t,n){return n=n&&n>0?n:this.position,this.buffer.slice(t,t+n)}value(){return this.buffer.length===this.position?this.buffer:this.buffer.subarray(0,this.position)}length(){return this.position}toJSON(){return h.toBase64(this.buffer)}toString(t){return t==="hex"?h.toHex(this.buffer):t==="base64"?h.toBase64(this.buffer):t==="utf8"||t==="utf-8"?h.toUTF8(this.buffer,0,this.buffer.byteLength,!1):h.toUTF8(this.buffer,0,this.buffer.byteLength,!1)}toExtendedJSON(t){t=t||{};let n=h.toBase64(this.buffer),s=Number(this.sub_type).toString(16);return t.legacy?{$binary:n,$type:s.length===1?"0"+s:s}:{$binary:{base64:n,subType:s.length===1?"0"+s:s}}}toUUID(){if(this.sub_type===e.SUBTYPE_UUID)return new W(this.buffer.slice(0,this.position));throw new o(`Binary sub_type "${this.sub_type}" is not supported for converting to UUID. Only "${e.SUBTYPE_UUID}" is currently supported.`)}static createFromHexString(t,n){return new e(h.fromHex(t),n)}static createFromBase64(t,n){return new e(h.fromBase64(t),n)}static fromExtendedJSON(t,n){n=n||{};let s,r;if("$binary"in t?n.legacy&&typeof t.$binary=="string"&&"$type"in t?(r=t.$type?parseInt(t.$type,16):0,s=h.fromBase64(t.$binary)):typeof t.$binary!="string"&&(r=t.$binary.subType?parseInt(t.$binary.subType,16):0,s=h.fromBase64(t.$binary.base64)):"$uuid"in t&&(r=4,s=W.bytesFromString(t.$uuid)),!s)throw new o(`Unexpected Binary Extended JSON format ${JSON.stringify(t)}`);return r===ct?new W(s):new e(s,r)}inspect(t,n,s){s??=j;let r=h.toBase64(this.buffer.subarray(0,this.position)),i=s(r,n),u=s(this.sub_type,n);return`Binary.createFromBase64(${i}, ${u})`}};_.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT=0;_.BUFFER_SIZE=256;_.SUBTYPE_DEFAULT=0;_.SUBTYPE_FUNCTION=1;_.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY=2;_.SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD=3;_.SUBTYPE_UUID=4;_.SUBTYPE_MD5=5;_.SUBTYPE_ENCRYPTED=6;_.SUBTYPE_COLUMN=7;_.SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED=128;var gt=16,Le=/^[0-9A-F]{32}$/i,Re=/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i,W=class e extends _{constructor(t){let n;if(t==null)n=e.generate();else if(t instanceof e)n=h.toLocalBufferType(new Uint8Array(t.buffer));else if(ArrayBuffer.isView(t)&&t.byteLength===gt)n=h.toLocalBufferType(t);else if(typeof t=="string")n=e.bytesFromString(t);else throw new o("Argument passed in UUID constructor must be a UUID, a 16 byte Buffer or a 32/36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included, format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).");super(n,ct)}get id(){return this.buffer}set id(t){this.buffer=t}toHexString(t=!0){return t?[h.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(0,4)),h.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(4,6)),h.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(6,8)),h.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(8,10)),h.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(10,16))].join("-"):h.toHex(this.buffer)}toString(t){return t==="hex"?h.toHex("base64"?h.toBase64(}toJSON(){return this.toHexString()}equals(t){if(!t)return!1;if(t instanceof e)return h.equals(,;try{return h.equals(new e(t).id,}catch{return!1}}toBinary(){return new _(,_.SUBTYPE_UUID)}static generate(){let t=h.randomBytes(gt);return t[6]=t[6]&15|64,t[8]=t[8]&63|128,t}static isValid(t){return t?typeof t=="string"?e.isValidUUIDString(t):Lt(t)?t.byteLength===gt:t._bsontype==="Binary"&&t.sub_type===this.SUBTYPE_UUID&&t.buffer.byteLength===16:!1}static createFromHexString(t){let n=e.bytesFromString(t);return new e(n)}static createFromBase64(t){return new e(h.fromBase64(t))}static bytesFromString(t){if(!e.isValidUUIDString(t))throw new o("UUID string representation must be 32 hex digits or canonical hyphenated representation");return h.fromHex(t.replace(/-/g,""))}static isValidUUIDString(t){return Le.test(t)||Re.test(t)}inspect(t,n,s){return s??=j,`new UUID(${s(this.toHexString(),n)})`}},Y=class e extends D{get _bsontype(){return"Code"}constructor(t,n){super(),this.code=t.toString(),this.scope=n??null}toJSON(){return this.scope!=null?{code:this.code,scope:this.scope}:{code:this.code}}toExtendedJSON(){return this.scope?{$code:this.code,$scope:this.scope}:{$code:this.code}}static fromExtendedJSON(t){return new e(t.$code,t.$scope)}inspect(t,n,s){s??=j;let r=s(this.code,n),i=r.includes(` -`);this.scope!=null&&(r+=`,${i?` -`:" "}${s(this.scope,n)}`);let u=i&&this.scope===null;return`new Code(${i?` -`:""}${r}${u?` -`:""})`}};function Ht(e){return e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&"$id"in e&&e.$id!=null&&"$ref"in e&&typeof e.$ref=="string"&&(!("$db"in e)||"$db"in e&&typeof e.$db=="string")}var P=class e extends D{get _bsontype(){return"DBRef"}constructor(t,n,s,r){super();let i=t.split(".");i.length===2&&(s=i.shift(),t=i.shift()),this.collection=t,this.oid=n,this.db=s,this.fields=r||{}}get namespace(){return this.collection}set namespace(t){this.collection=t}toJSON(){let t=Object.assign({$ref:this.collection,$id:this.oid},this.fields);return this.db!=null&&(t.$db=this.db),t}toExtendedJSON(t){t=t||{};let n={$ref:this.collection,$id:this.oid};return t.legacy||(this.db&&(n.$db=this.db),n=Object.assign(n,this.fields)),n}static fromExtendedJSON(t){let n=Object.assign({},t);return delete n.$ref,delete n.$id,delete n.$db,new e(t.$ref,t.$id,t.$db,n)}inspect(t,n,s){s??=j;let r=[s(this.namespace,n),s(this.oid,n),...this.db?[s(this.db,n)]:[],...Object.keys(this.fields).length>0?[s(this.fields,n)]:[]];return r[1]=s===j?`new ObjectId(${r[1]})`:r[1],`new DBRef(${r.join(", ")})`}},z;try{z=new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,13,2,96,0,1,127,96,4,127,127,127,127,1,127,3,7,6,0,1,1,1,1,1,6,6,1,127,1,65,0,11,7,50,6,3,109,117,108,0,1,5,100,105,118,95,115,0,2,5,100,105,118,95,117,0,3,5,114,101,109,95,115,0,4,5,114,101,109,95,117,0,5,8,103,101,116,95,104,105,103,104,0,0,10,191,1,6,4,0,35,0,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,126,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,127,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,128,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,129,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,130,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11])),{}).exports}catch{}var Bt=65536,De=1<<24,G=Bt*Bt,Jt=G*G,Ot=Jt/2,bt={},Et={},je=20,ze=/^(\+?0|(\+|-)?[1-9][0-9]*)$/,f=class e extends D{get _bsontype(){return"Long"}get __isLong__(){return!0}constructor(t=0,n,s){super(),typeof t=="bigint"?Object.assign(this,e.fromBigInt(t,!!n)):typeof t=="string"?Object.assign(this,e.fromString(t,!!n)):(this.low=t|0,this.high=n|0,this.unsigned=!!s)}static fromBits(t,n,s){return new e(t,n,s)}static fromInt(t,n){let s,r,i;return n?(t>>>=0,(i=0<=t&&t<256)&&(r=Et[t],r)?r:(s=e.fromBits(t,(t|0)<0?-1:0,!0),i&&(Et[t]=s),s)):(t|=0,(i=-128<=t&&t<128)&&(r=bt[t],r)?r:(s=e.fromBits(t,t<0?-1:0,!1),i&&(bt[t]=s),s))}static fromNumber(t,n){if(isNaN(t))return n?e.UZERO:e.ZERO;if(n){if(t<0)return e.UZERO;if(t>=Jt)return e.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE}else{if(t<=-Ot)return e.MIN_VALUE;if(t+1>=Ot)return e.MAX_VALUE}return t<0?e.fromNumber(-t,n).neg():e.fromBits(t%G|0,t/G|0,n)}static fromBigInt(t,n){return e.fromString(t.toString(),n)}static fromString(t,n,s){if(t.length===0)throw new o("empty string");if(t==="NaN"||t==="Infinity"||t==="+Infinity"||t==="-Infinity")return e.ZERO;if(typeof n=="number"?(s=n,n=!1):n=!!n,s=s||10,s<2||360)throw new o("interior hyphen");if(r===0)return e.fromString(t.substring(1),n,s).neg();let i=e.fromNumber(Math.pow(s,8)),u=e.ZERO;for(let a=0;a>>16,s=this.high&65535,r=this.low>>>16,i=this.low&65535,u=t.high>>>16,a=t.high&65535,I=t.low>>>16,S=t.low&65535,w=0,m=0,O=0,d=0;return d+=i+S,O+=d>>>16,d&=65535,O+=r+I,m+=O>>>16,O&=65535,m+=s+a,w+=m>>>16,m&=65535,w+=n+u,w&=65535,e.fromBits(O<<16|d,w<<16|m,this.unsigned)}and(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),e.fromBits(this.low&t.low,this.high&t.high,this.unsigned)}compare(t){if(e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),this.eq(t))return 0;let n=this.isNegative(),s=t.isNegative();return n&&!s?-1:!n&&s?1:this.unsigned?t.high>>>0>this.high>>>0||t.high===this.high&&t.low>>>0>this.low>>>0?-1:1:this.sub(t).isNegative()?-1:1}comp(t){return}divide(t){if(e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),t.isZero())throw new o("division by zero");if(z){if(!this.unsigned&&this.high===-2147483648&&t.low===-1&&t.high===-1)return this;let i=(this.unsigned?z.div_u:z.div_s)(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high);return e.fromBits(i,z.get_high(),this.unsigned)}if(this.isZero())return this.unsigned?e.UZERO:e.ZERO;let n,s,r;if(this.unsigned){if(t.unsigned||(t=t.toUnsigned()), e.UZERO;if( e.UONE;r=e.UZERO}else{if(this.eq(e.MIN_VALUE))return t.eq(e.ONE)||t.eq(e.NEG_ONE)?e.MIN_VALUE:t.eq(e.MIN_VALUE)?e.ONE:(n=this.shr(1).div(t).shl(1),n.eq(e.ZERO)?t.isNegative()?e.ONE:e.NEG_ONE:(s=this.sub(t.mul(n)),r=n.add(s.div(t)),r));if(t.eq(e.MIN_VALUE))return this.unsigned?e.UZERO:e.ZERO;if(this.isNegative())return t.isNegative()?this.neg().div(t.neg()):this.neg().div(t).neg();if(t.isNegative())return this.div(t.neg()).neg();r=e.ZERO}for(s=this;s.gte(t);){n=Math.max(1,Math.floor(s.toNumber()/t.toNumber()));let i=Math.ceil(Math.log(n)/Math.LN2),u=i<=48?1:Math.pow(2,i-48),a=e.fromNumber(n),I=a.mul(t);for(;I.isNegative()||;)n-=u,a=e.fromNumber(n,this.unsigned),I=a.mul(t);a.isZero()&&(a=e.ONE),r=r.add(a),s=s.sub(I)}return r}div(t){return this.divide(t)}equals(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),this.unsigned!==t.unsigned&&this.high>>>31===1&&t.high>>>31===1?!1:this.high===t.high&&this.low===t.low}eq(t){return this.equals(t)}getHighBits(){return this.high}getHighBitsUnsigned(){return this.high>>>0}getLowBits(){return this.low}getLowBitsUnsigned(){return this.low>>>0}getNumBitsAbs(){if(this.isNegative())return this.eq(e.MIN_VALUE)?64:this.neg().getNumBitsAbs();let t=this.high!==0?this.high:this.low,n;for(n=31;n>0&&!(t&1<0}gt(t){return this.greaterThan(t)}greaterThanOrEqual(t){return this.comp(t)>=0}gte(t){return this.greaterThanOrEqual(t)}ge(t){return this.greaterThanOrEqual(t)}isEven(){return(this.low&1)===0}isNegative(){return!this.unsigned&&this.high<0}isOdd(){return(this.low&1)===1}isPositive(){return this.unsigned||this.high>=0}isZero(){return this.high===0&&this.low===0}lessThan(t){return this.comp(t)<0}lt(t){return this.lessThan(t)}lessThanOrEqual(t){return this.comp(t)<=0}lte(t){return this.lessThanOrEqual(t)}modulo(t){if(e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),z){let n=(this.unsigned?z.rem_u:z.rem_s)(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high);return e.fromBits(n,z.get_high(),this.unsigned)}return this.sub(this.div(t).mul(t))}mod(t){return this.modulo(t)}rem(t){return this.modulo(t)}multiply(t){if(this.isZero())return e.ZERO;if(e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),z){let x=z.mul(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high);return e.fromBits(x,z.get_high(),this.unsigned)}if(t.isZero())return e.ZERO;if(this.eq(e.MIN_VALUE))return t.isOdd()?e.MIN_VALUE:e.ZERO;if(t.eq(e.MIN_VALUE))return this.isOdd()?e.MIN_VALUE:e.ZERO;if(this.isNegative())return t.isNegative()?this.neg().mul(t.neg()):this.neg().mul(t).neg();if(t.isNegative())return this.mul(t.neg()).neg();if( e.fromNumber(this.toNumber()*t.toNumber(),this.unsigned);let n=this.high>>>16,s=this.high&65535,r=this.low>>>16,i=this.low&65535,u=t.high>>>16,a=t.high&65535,I=t.low>>>16,S=t.low&65535,w=0,m=0,O=0,d=0;return d+=i*S,O+=d>>>16,d&=65535,O+=r*S,m+=O>>>16,O&=65535,O+=i*I,m+=O>>>16,O&=65535,m+=s*S,w+=m>>>16,m&=65535,m+=r*I,w+=m>>>16,m&=65535,m+=i*a,w+=m>>>16,m&=65535,w+=n*S+s*I+r*a+i*u,w&=65535,e.fromBits(O<<16|d,w<<16|m,this.unsigned)}mul(t){return this.multiply(t)}negate(){return!this.unsigned&&this.eq(e.MIN_VALUE)?e.MIN_VALUE:this.not().add(e.ONE)}neg(){return this.negate()}not(){return e.fromBits(~this.low,~this.high,this.unsigned)}notEquals(t){return!this.equals(t)}neq(t){return this.notEquals(t)}ne(t){return this.notEquals(t)}or(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),e.fromBits(this.low|t.low,this.high|t.high,this.unsigned)}shiftLeft(t){return e.isLong(t)&&(t=t.toInt()),(t&=63)===0?this:t<32?e.fromBits(this.low<>>32-t,this.unsigned):e.fromBits(0,this.low<>>t|this.high<<32-t,this.high>>t,this.unsigned):e.fromBits(this.high>>t-32,this.high>=0?0:-1,this.unsigned)}shr(t){return this.shiftRight(t)}shiftRightUnsigned(t){if(e.isLong(t)&&(t=t.toInt()),t&=63,t===0)return this;{let n=this.high;if(t<32){let s=this.low;return e.fromBits(s>>>t|n<<32-t,n>>>t,this.unsigned)}else return t===32?e.fromBits(n,0,this.unsigned):e.fromBits(n>>>t-32,0,this.unsigned)}}shr_u(t){return this.shiftRightUnsigned(t)}shru(t){return this.shiftRightUnsigned(t)}subtract(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),this.add(t.neg())}sub(t){return this.subtract(t)}toInt(){return this.unsigned?this.low>>>0:this.low}toNumber(){return this.unsigned?(this.high>>>0)*G+(this.low>>>0):this.high*G+(this.low>>>0)}toBigInt(){return BigInt(this.toString())}toBytes(t){return t?this.toBytesLE():this.toBytesBE()}toBytesLE(){let t=this.high,n=this.low;return[n&255,n>>>8&255,n>>>16&255,n>>>24,t&255,t>>>8&255,t>>>16&255,t>>>24]}toBytesBE(){let t=this.high,n=this.low;return[t>>>24,t>>>16&255,t>>>8&255,t&255,n>>>24,n>>>16&255,n>>>8&255,n&255]}toSigned(){return this.unsigned?e.fromBits(this.low,this.high,!1):this}toString(t){if(t=t||10,t<2||36>>0).toString(t);if(s=i,s.isZero())return a+r;for(;a.length<6;)a="0"+a;r=""+a+r}}toUnsigned(){return this.unsigned?this:e.fromBits(this.low,this.high,!0)}xor(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),e.fromBits(this.low^t.low,this.high^t.high,this.unsigned)}eqz(){return this.isZero()}le(t){return this.lessThanOrEqual(t)}toExtendedJSON(t){return t&&t.relaxed?this.toNumber():{$numberLong:this.toString()}}static fromExtendedJSON(t,n){let{useBigInt64:s=!1,relaxed:r=!0}={...n};if(t.$numberLong.length>je)throw new o("$numberLong string is too long");if(!ze.test(t.$numberLong))throw new o(`$numberLong string "${t.$numberLong}" is in an invalid format`);if(s){let u=BigInt(t.$numberLong);return BigInt.asIntN(64,u)}let i=e.fromString(t.$numberLong);return r?i.toNumber():i}inspect(t,n,s){s??=j;let r=s(this.toString(),n),i=this.unsigned?`, ${s(this.unsigned,n)}`:"";return`new Long(${r}${i})`}};f.TWO_PWR_24=f.fromInt(De);f.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE=f.fromBits(-1,-1,!0);f.ZERO=f.fromInt(0);f.UZERO=f.fromInt(0,!0);f.ONE=f.fromInt(1);f.UONE=f.fromInt(1,!0);f.NEG_ONE=f.fromInt(-1);f.MAX_VALUE=f.fromBits(-1,2147483647,!1);f.MIN_VALUE=f.fromBits(0,-2147483648,!1);var Fe=/^(\+|-)?(\d+|(\d*\.\d*))?(E|e)?([-+])?(\d+)?$/,Me=/^(\+|-)?(Infinity|inf)$/i,xe=/^(\+|-)?NaN$/i,K=6111,nt=-6176,Tt=6176,It=34,ut=h.fromNumberArray([124,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0].reverse()),dt=h.fromNumberArray([248,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0].reverse()),$t=h.fromNumberArray([120,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0].reverse()),He=/^([-+])?(\d+)?$/,Je=31,At=16383,Ce=30,Pe=31;function _t(e){return!isNaN(parseInt(e,10))}function Ve(e){let t=f.fromNumber(1e9),n=f.fromNumber(0);if(![0]&&![1]&&![2]&&![3])return{quotient:e,rem:n};for(let s=0;s<=3;s++)n=n.shiftLeft(32),n=n.add(new f([s],0)),[s]=n.div(t).low,n=n.modulo(t);return{quotient:e,rem:n}}function We(e,t){if(!e&&!t)return{high:f.fromNumber(0),low:f.fromNumber(0)};let n=e.shiftRightUnsigned(32),s=new f(e.getLowBits(),0),r=t.shiftRightUnsigned(32),i=new f(t.getLowBits(),0),u=n.multiply(r),a=n.multiply(i),I=s.multiply(r),S=s.multiply(i);return u=u.add(a.shiftRightUnsigned(32)),a=new f(a.getLowBits(),0).add(I).add(S.shiftRightUnsigned(32)),u=u.add(a.shiftRightUnsigned(32)),S=a.shiftLeft(32).add(new f(S.getLowBits(),0)),{high:u,low:S}}function Ye(e,t){let n=e.high>>>0,s=t.high>>>0;if(n>>0,i=t.low>>>0;if(r=7e3)throw new o(""+t+" not a valid Decimal128 string");let U=t.match(Fe),ft=t.match(Me),N=t.match(xe);if(!U&&!ft&&!N||t.length===0)throw new o(""+t+" not a valid Decimal128 string");if(U){let c=U[2],l=U[4],p=U[5],B=U[6];l&&B===void 0&&M(t,"missing exponent power"),l&&c===void 0&&M(t,"missing exponent base"),l===void 0&&(p||B)&&M(t,"missing e before exponent")}if((t[g]==="+"||t[g]==="-")&&(r=!0,s=t[g++]==="-"),!_t(t[g])&&t[g]!=="."){if(t[g]==="i"||t[g]==="I")return new e(s?dt:$t);if(t[g]==="N")return new e(ut)}for(;_t(t[g])||t[g]===".";){if(t[g]==="."){i&&M(t,"contains multiple periods"),i=!0,g=g+1;continue}d$+16384?$=nt:$=$-w;$>K;){if(E=E+1,E>=It){if(a===0){$=K;break}M(t,"overflow")}$=$-1}if(n.allowRounding){for(;$=5&&(p=1,l===5)){p=O[E]%2===1?1:0;for(let B=m+E+2;B=0&&++O[B]>9;B--)if(O[B]=0,B===0)if($>8&255,A[g++]=b.low.low>>16&255,A[g++]=b.low.low>>24&255,A[g++]=b.low.high&255,A[g++]=b.low.high>>8&255,A[g++]=b.low.high>>16&255,A[g++]=b.low.high>>24&255,A[g++]=b.high.low&255,A[g++]=b.high.low>>8&255,A[g++]=b.high.low>>16&255,A[g++]=b.high.low>>24&255,A[g++]=b.high.high&255,A[g++]=b.high.high>>8&255,A[g++]=b.high.high>>16&255,A[g++]=b.high.high>>24&255,new e(A)}toString(){let t,n=0,s=new Array(36);for(let g=0;g>26&Je;if(L>>3===3){if(L===Ce)return w.join("")+"Infinity";if(L===Pe)return"NaN";t=E>>15&At,u=8+(E>>14&1)}else u=E>>14&7,t=E>>17&At;let T=t-Tt;if([0]=(E&16383)+((u&15)<<14),[1]=x,[2]=d,[3]=O,[0]===0&&[1]===0&&[2]===0&&[3]===0)i=!0;else for(S=3;S>=0;S--){let g=0,U=Ve(a);if(a=U.quotient,g=U.rem.low,!!g)for(I=8;I>=0;I--)s[S*9+I]=g%10,g=Math.floor(g/10)}if(i)n=1,s[r]=0;else for(n=36;!s[r];)n=n-1,r=r+1;let F=n-1+T;if(F>=34||F<=-7||T>0){if(n>34)return w.push("0"),T>0?w.push(`E+${T}`):T<0&&w.push(`E${T}`),w.join("");w.push(`${s[r++]}`),n=n-1,n&&w.push(".");for(let g=0;g0?w.push(`+${F}`):w.push(`${F}`)}else if(T>=0)for(let g=0;g0)for(let U=0;U>8&255,s[9]=n>>16&255,s}toString(t){return t==="base64"?h.toBase64("hex"?this.toHexString():this.toHexString()}toJSON(){return this.toHexString()}static is(t){return t!=null&&typeof t=="object"&&"_bsontype"in t&&t._bsontype==="ObjectId"}equals(t){if(t==null)return!1;if( this[H][11]===t[H][11]&&h.equals(this[H],t[H]);if(typeof t=="string")return t.toLowerCase()===this.toHexString();if(typeof t=="object"&&typeof t.toHexString=="function"){let n=t.toHexString(),s=this.toHexString();return typeof n=="string"&&n.toLowerCase()===s}return!1}getTimestamp(){let t=new Date,n=Q.fromUint8Array(,!1);return t.setTime(Math.floor(n)*1e3),t}static createPk(){return new e}static createFromTime(t){let n=h.fromNumberArray([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);return Q.fromUint8Array(n).setUint32(0,t,!1),new e(n)}static createFromHexString(t){if(t?.length!==24)throw new o("hex string must be 24 characters");return new e(h.fromHex(t))}static createFromBase64(t){if(t?.length!==16)throw new o("base64 string must be 16 characters");return new e(h.fromBase64(t))}static isValid(t){if(t==null)return!1;try{return new e(t),!0}catch{return!1}}toExtendedJSON(){return this.toHexString?{$oid:this.toHexString()}:{$oid:this.toString("hex")}}static fromExtendedJSON(t){return new e(t.$oid)}inspect(t,n,s){return s??=j,`new ObjectId(${s(this.toHexString(),n)})`}};k.index=Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215);function qe(e){return e.split("").sort().join("")}var q=class e extends D{get _bsontype(){return"BSONRegExp"}constructor(t,n){if(super(),this.pattern=t,this.options=qe(n??""),this.pattern.indexOf("\0")!==-1)throw new o(`BSON Regex patterns cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(this.pattern)}`);if(this.options.indexOf("\0")!==-1)throw new o(`BSON Regex options cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(this.options)}`);for(let s=0;sa);s??=j;let i=r(s(this.pattern),"regexp"),u=r(s(this.options),"regexp");return`new BSONRegExp(${i}, ${u})`}},ot=class e extends D{get _bsontype(){return"BSONSymbol"}constructor(t){super(),this.value=t}valueOf(){return this.value}toString(){return this.value}toJSON(){return this.value}toExtendedJSON(){return{$symbol:this.value}}static fromExtendedJSON(t){return new e(t.$symbol)}inspect(t,n,s){return s??=j,`new BSONSymbol(${s(this.value,n)})`}},Ze=f,et=class e extends Ze{get _bsontype(){return"Timestamp"}constructor(t){if(t==null)super(0,0,!0);else if(typeof t=="bigint")super(t,!0);else if(f.isLong(t))super(t.low,t.high,!0);else if(typeof t=="object"&&"t"in t&&"i"in t){if(typeof t.t!="number"&&(typeof t.t!="object"||t.t._bsontype!=="Int32"))throw new o("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide t as a number");if(typeof t.i!="number"&&(typeof t.i!="object"||t.i._bsontype!=="Int32"))throw new o("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide i as a number");let n=Number(t.t),s=Number(t.i);if(n<0||Number.isNaN(n))throw new o("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide a positive t");if(s<0||Number.isNaN(s))throw new o("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide a positive i");if(n>4294967295)throw new o("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide t equal or less than uint32 max");if(s>4294967295)throw new o("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide i equal or less than uint32 max");super(s,n,!0)}else throw new o("A Timestamp can only be constructed with: bigint, Long, or { t: number; i: number }")}toJSON(){return{$timestamp:this.toString()}}static fromInt(t){return new e(f.fromInt(t,!0))}static fromNumber(t){return new e(f.fromNumber(t,!0))}static fromBits(t,n){return new e({i:t,t:n})}static fromString(t,n){return new e(f.fromString(t,!0,n))}toExtendedJSON(){return{$timestamp:{t:this.high>>>0,i:this.low>>>0}}}static fromExtendedJSON(t){let n=f.isLong(t.$timestamp.i)?t.$timestamp.i.getLowBitsUnsigned():t.$timestamp.i,s=f.isLong(t.$timestamp.t)?t.$timestamp.t.getLowBitsUnsigned():t.$timestamp.t;return new e({t:s,i:n})}inspect(t,n,s){s??=j;let r=s(this.high>>>0,n),i=s(this.low>>>0,n);return`new Timestamp({ t: ${r}, i: ${i} })`}};et.MAX_VALUE=f.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE;var Ke=f.fromNumber(Gt),Ge=f.fromNumber(Xt);function Xe(e,t,n){t=t??{};let s=t&&t.index?t.index:0,r=e[s]|e[s+1]<<8|e[s+2]<<16|e[s+3]<<24;if(r<5)throw new o(`bson size must be >= 5, is ${r}`);if(t.allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize&&e.length= bson size ${r}`);if(!t.allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize&&e.length!==r)throw new o(`buffer length ${e.length} must === bson size ${r}`);if(r+s>e.byteLength)throw new o(`(bson size ${r} + options.index ${s} must be <= buffer length ${e.byteLength})`);if(e[s+r-1]!==0)throw new o("One object, sized correctly, with a spot for an EOO, but the EOO isn't 0x00");return lt(e,s,t,n)}var Qe=/^\$ref$|^\$id$|^\$db$/;function lt(e,t,n,s=!1){let r=n.fieldsAsRaw==null?null:n.fieldsAsRaw,i=n.raw==null?!1:n.raw,u=typeof n.bsonRegExp=="boolean"?n.bsonRegExp:!1,a=n.promoteBuffers??!1,I=n.promoteLongs??!0,S=n.promoteValues??!0,w=n.useBigInt64??!1;if(w&&!S)throw new o("Must either request bigint or Long for int64 deserialization");if(w&&!I)throw new o("Must either request bigint or Long for int64 deserialization");let m=n.validation==null?{utf8:!0}:n.validation,O=!0,d,x=new Set,E=m.utf8;if(typeof E=="boolean")d=E;else{O=!1;let N=Object.keys(E).map(function(y){return E[y]});if(N.length===0)throw new o("UTF-8 validation setting cannot be empty");if(typeof N[0]!="boolean")throw new o("Invalid UTF-8 validation option, must specify boolean values");if(d=N[0],!N.every(y=>y===d))throw new o("Invalid UTF-8 validation option - keys must be all true or all false")}if(!O)for(let N of Object.keys(E))x.add(N);let $=t;if(e.length<5)throw new o("corrupt bson message < 5 bytes long");let L=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(L<5||L>e.length)throw new o("corrupt bson message");let T=s?[]:{},F=0,g=!1,U=s?!1:null,ft=new DataView(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength);for(;!g;){let N=e[t++];if(N===0)break;let y=t;for(;e[y]!==0&&y=e.byteLength)throw new o("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let b=s?F++:h.toUTF8(e,t,y,!1),A=!0;O||x.has(b)?A=d:A=!d,U!==!1&&b[0]==="$"&&(U=Qe.test(b));let c;if(t=y+1,N===Qt){let l=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(l<=0||l>e.length-t||e[t+l-1]!==0)throw new o("bad string length in bson");c=h.toUTF8(e,t,t+l-1,A),t=t+l}else if(N===se){let l=h.allocate(12);l.set(e.subarray(t,t+12)),c=new k(l),t=t+12}else if(N===St&&S===!1)c=new tt(e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24);else if(N===St)c=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;else if(N===wt&&S===!1)c=new v(ft.getFloat64(t,!0)),t=t+8;else if(N===wt)c=ft.getFloat64(t,!0),t=t+8;else if(N===ie){let l=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,p=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;c=new Date(new f(l,p).toNumber())}else if(N===re){if(e[t]!==0&&e[t]!==1)throw new o("illegal boolean type value");c=e[t++]===1}else if(N===vt){let l=t,p=e[t]|e[t+1]<<8|e[t+2]<<16|e[t+3]<<24;if(p<=0||p>e.length-t)throw new o("bad embedded document length in bson");if(i)c=e.slice(t,t+p);else{let B=n;O||(B={...n,validation:{utf8:A}}),c=lt(e,l,B,!1)}t=t+p}else if(N===te){let l=t,p=e[t]|e[t+1]<<8|e[t+2]<<16|e[t+3]<<24,B=n,R=t+p;if(r&&r[b]&&(B={...n,raw:!0}),O||(B={...B,validation:{utf8:A}}),c=lt(e,l,B,!0),t=t+p,e[t-1]!==0)throw new o("invalid array terminator byte");if(t!==R)throw new o("corrupted array bson")}else if(N===ne)c=void 0;else if(N===oe)c=null;else if(N===ge){let l=Q.fromUint8Array(e.subarray(t,t+8)),p=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,B=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,R=new f(p,B);w?c=l.getBigInt64(0,!0):I&&S===!0?c=R.lessThanOrEqual(Ke)&&R.greaterThanOrEqual(Ge)?R.toNumber():R:c=R}else if(N===ue){let l=h.allocate(16);l.set(e.subarray(t,t+16),0),t=t+16,c=new st(l)}else if(N===ee){let l=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,p=l,B=e[t++];if(l<0)throw new o("Negative binary type element size found");if(l>e.byteLength)throw new o("Binary type size larger than document size");if(e.slice!=null){if(B===_.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY){if(l=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,l<0)throw new o("Negative binary type element size found for subtype 0x02");if(l>p-4)throw new o("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too long binary size");if(lp-4)throw new o("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too long binary size");if(l=e.length)throw new o("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let l=h.toUTF8(e,t,y,!1);for(t=y+1,y=t;e[y]!==0&&y=e.length)throw new o("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let p=h.toUTF8(e,t,y,!1);t=y+1;let B=new Array(p.length);for(y=0;y=e.length)throw new o("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let l=h.toUTF8(e,t,y,!1);for(t=y+1,y=t;e[y]!==0&&y=e.length)throw new o("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let p=h.toUTF8(e,t,y,!1);t=y+1,c=new q(l,p)}else if(N===ce){let l=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(l<=0||l>e.length-t||e[t+l-1]!==0)throw new o("bad string length in bson");let p=h.toUTF8(e,t,t+l-1,A);c=S?p:new ot(p),t=t+l}else if(N===ae){let l=e[t++]+e[t++]*256+e[t++]*65536+e[t++]*16777216,p=e[t++]+e[t++]*256+e[t++]*65536+e[t++]*(1<<24);c=new et({i:l,t:p})}else if(N===ye)c=new it;else if(N===me)c=new rt;else if(N===le){let l=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(l<=0||l>e.length-t||e[t+l-1]!==0)throw new o("bad string length in bson");let p=h.toUTF8(e,t,t+l-1,A);c=new Y(p),t=t+l}else if(N===he){let l=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(l<4+4+4+1)throw new o("code_w_scope total size shorter minimum expected length");let p=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(p<=0||p>e.length-t||e[t+p-1]!==0)throw new o("bad string length in bson");let B=h.toUTF8(e,t,t+p-1,A);t=t+p;let R=t,at=e[t]|e[t+1]<<8|e[t+2]<<16|e[t+3]<<24,Yt=lt(e,R,n,!1);if(t=t+at,l<4+4+at+p)throw new o("code_w_scope total size is too short, truncating scope");if(l>4+4+at+p)throw new o("code_w_scope total size is too long, clips outer document");c=new Y(B,Yt)}else if(N===fe){let l=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(l<=0||l>e.length-t||e[t+l-1]!==0)throw new o("bad string length in bson");if(m!=null&&m.utf8&&!Mt(e,t,t+l-1))throw new o("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document");let p=h.toUTF8(e,t,t+l-1,!1);t=t+l;let B=h.allocate(12);B.set(e.subarray(t,t+12),0);let R=new k(B);t=t+12,c=new P(p,R)}else throw new o(`Detected unknown BSON type ${N.toString(16)} for fieldname "${b}"`);b==="__proto__"?Object.defineProperty(T,b,{value:c,writable:!0,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0}):T[b]=c}if(L!==t-$)throw s?new o("corrupt array bson"):new o("corrupt object bson");if(!U)return T;if(Ht(T)){let N=Object.assign({},T);return delete N.$ref,delete N.$id,delete N.$db,new P(T.$ref,T.$id,T.$db,N)}return T}var Ct=new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8),0,8),hn=new Uint8Array(Ct.buffer,0,4),an=new Uint8Array(Ct.buffer,0,8);function ve(e){return e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&"_bsontype"in e&&typeof e._bsontype=="string"}var tn={$oid:k,$binary:_,$uuid:_,$symbol:ot,$numberInt:tt,$numberDecimal:st,$numberDouble:v,$numberLong:f,$minKey:it,$maxKey:rt,$regex:q,$regularExpression:q,$timestamp:et};function Pt(e,t={}){if(typeof e=="number"){let s=e<=Dt&&e>=jt,r=e<=zt&&e>=Ft;if(t.relaxed||t.legacy)return e;if(Number.isInteger(e)&&!,-0)){if(s)return new tt(e);if(r)return t.useBigInt64?BigInt(e):f.fromNumber(e)}return new v(e)}if(e==null||typeof e!="object")return e;if(e.$undefined)return null;let n=Object.keys(e).filter(s=>s.startsWith("$")&&e[s]!=null);for(let s=0;su.startsWith("$")),i=!0;if(r.forEach(u=>{["$ref","$id","$db"].indexOf(u)===-1&&(i=!1)}),i)return P.fromExtendedJSON(s)}return e}function en(e,t){return,s)=>{t.seenObjects.push({propertyName:`index ${s}`,obj:null});try{return J(n,t)}finally{t.seenObjects.pop()}})}function Ut(e){let t=e.toISOString();return e.getUTCMilliseconds()!==0?t:t.slice(0,-5)+"Z"}function J(e,t){if(e instanceof Map||Rt(e)){let n=Object.create(null);for(let[s,r]of e){if(typeof s!="string")throw new o("Can only serialize maps with string keys");n[s]=r}return J(n,t)}if((typeof e=="object"||typeof e=="function")&&e!==null){let n=t.seenObjects.findIndex(s=>s.obj===e);if(n!==-1){let>w.propertyName),r=s.slice(0,n).map(w=>`${w} -> `).join(""),i=s[n],u=" -> "+s.slice(n+1,s.length-1).map(w=>`${w} -> `).join(""),a=s[s.length-1],I=" ".repeat(r.length+i.length/2),S="-".repeat(u.length+(i.length+a.length)/2-1);throw new o(`Converting circular structure to EJSON: - ${r}${i}${u}${a} - ${I}\\${S}/`)}t.seenObjects[t.seenObjects.length-1].obj=e}if(Array.isArray(e))return en(e,t);if(e===void 0)return null;if(e instanceof Date||Zt(e)){let n=e.getTime(),s=n>-1&&n<2534023188e5;return t.legacy?t.relaxed&&s?{$date:e.getTime()}:{$date:Ut(e)}:t.relaxed&&s?{$date:Ut(e)}:{$date:{$numberLong:e.getTime().toString()}}}if(typeof e=="number"&&(!t.relaxed||!isFinite(e))){if(Number.isInteger(e)&&!,-0)){if(e>=jt&&e<=Dt)return{$numberInt:e.toString()};if(e>=Ft&&e<=zt)return{$numberLong:e.toString()}}return{$,-0)?"-0.0":e.toString()}}if(typeof e=="bigint")return t.relaxed?Number(BigInt.asIntN(64,e)):{$numberLong:BigInt.asIntN(64,e).toString()};if(e instanceof RegExp||qt(e)){let n=e.flags;if(n===void 0){let r=e.toString().match(/[gimuy]*$/);r&&(n=r[0])}return new q(e.source,n).toExtendedJSON(t)}return e!=null&&typeof e=="object"?sn(e,t):e}var nn={Binary:e=>new _(e.value(),e.sub_type),Code:e=>new Y(e.code,e.scope),DBRef:e=>new P(e.collection||e.namespace,e.oid,e.db,e.fields),Decimal128:e=>new st(e.bytes),Double:e=>new v(e.value),Int32:e=>new tt(e.value),Long:e=>f.fromBits(e.low!=null?e.low:e.low_,e.low!=null?e.high:e.high_,e.low!=null?e.unsigned:e.unsigned_),MaxKey:()=>new rt,MinKey:()=>new it,ObjectId:e=>new k(e),BSONRegExp:e=>new q(e.pattern,e.options),BSONSymbol:e=>new ot(e.value),Timestamp:e=>et.fromBits(e.low,e.high)};function sn(e,t){if(e==null||typeof e!="object")throw new o("not an object instance");let n=e._bsontype;if(typeof n>"u"){let s={};for(let r of Object.keys(e)){t.seenObjects.push({propertyName:r,obj:null});try{let i=J(e[r],t);r==="__proto__"?Object.defineProperty(s,r,{value:i,writable:!0,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0}):s[r]=i}finally{t.seenObjects.pop()}}return s}else{if(e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&typeof e._bsontype=="string"&&e[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")]!==mt)throw new yt;if(ve(e)){let s=e;if(typeof s.toExtendedJSON!="function"){let r=nn[e._bsontype];if(!r)throw new o("Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: "+e._bsontype);s=r(s)}return n==="Code"&&s.scope?s=new Y(s.code,J(s.scope,t)):n==="DBRef"&&s.oid&&(s=new P(J(s.collection,t),J(s.oid,t),J(s.db,t),J(s.fields,t))),s.toExtendedJSON(t)}else throw new o("_bsontype must be a string, but was: "+typeof n)}}function Vt(e,t){let n={useBigInt64:t?.useBigInt64??!1,relaxed:t?.relaxed??!0,legacy:t?.legacy??!1};return JSON.parse(e,(s,r)=>{if(s.indexOf("\0")!==-1)throw new o(`BSON Document field names cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(s)}`);return Pt(r,n)})}function Wt(e,t,n,s){n!=null&&typeof n=="object"&&(s=n,n=0),t!=null&&typeof t=="object"&&!Array.isArray(t)&&(s=t,t=void 0,n=0);let r=Object.assign({relaxed:!0,legacy:!1},s,{seenObjects:[{propertyName:"(root)",obj:null}]}),i=J(e,r);return JSON.stringify(i,t,n)}function rn(e,t){return t=t||{},JSON.parse(Wt(e,t))}function on(e,t){return t=t||{},Vt(JSON.stringify(e),t)}var Z=Object.create(null);Z.parse=Vt;Z.stringify=Wt;Z.serialize=rn;Z.deserialize=on;Object.freeze(Z);var fn=1024*1024*17,gn=h.allocate(fn);function ln(e,t={}){return Xe(h.toLocalBufferType(e),t)}var mn=Z.deserialize;export{ln as deserialize,mn as toJson}; +const bson=(() => { + var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; + var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { + get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] + }) : x)(function(x) { + if (typeof require !== "undefined") + return require.apply(this, arguments); + throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); + }); + var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() { + return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; + }; + + // ../../node_modules/bson/lib/bson.cjs + var require_bson = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/bson/lib/bson.cjs"(exports) { + "use strict"; + function isAnyArrayBuffer(value) { + return ["[object ArrayBuffer]", "[object SharedArrayBuffer]"].includes(; + } + function isUint8Array(value) { + return === "[object Uint8Array]"; + } + function isRegExp(d) { + return === "[object RegExp]"; + } + function isMap(d) { + return === "[object Map]"; + } + function isDate(d) { + return === "[object Date]"; + } + function defaultInspect(x, _options) { + return JSON.stringify(x, (k, v) => { + if (typeof v === "bigint") { + return { $numberLong: `${v}` }; + } else if (isMap(v)) { + return Object.fromEntries(v); + } + return v; + }); + } + function getStylizeFunction(options) { + const stylizeExists = options != null && typeof options === "object" && "stylize" in options && typeof options.stylize === "function"; + if (stylizeExists) { + return options.stylize; + } + } + var BSON_MAJOR_VERSION = 6; + var BSON_INT32_MAX = 2147483647; + var BSON_INT32_MIN = -2147483648; + var BSON_INT64_MAX = Math.pow(2, 63) - 1; + var BSON_INT64_MIN = -Math.pow(2, 63); + var JS_INT_MAX = Math.pow(2, 53); + var JS_INT_MIN = -Math.pow(2, 53); + var BSON_DATA_NUMBER = 1; + var BSON_DATA_STRING = 2; + var BSON_DATA_OBJECT = 3; + var BSON_DATA_ARRAY = 4; + var BSON_DATA_BINARY = 5; + var BSON_DATA_UNDEFINED = 6; + var BSON_DATA_OID = 7; + var BSON_DATA_BOOLEAN = 8; + var BSON_DATA_DATE = 9; + var BSON_DATA_NULL = 10; + var BSON_DATA_REGEXP = 11; + var BSON_DATA_DBPOINTER = 12; + var BSON_DATA_CODE = 13; + var BSON_DATA_SYMBOL = 14; + var BSON_DATA_CODE_W_SCOPE = 15; + var BSON_DATA_INT = 16; + var BSON_DATA_TIMESTAMP = 17; + var BSON_DATA_LONG = 18; + var BSON_DATA_DECIMAL128 = 19; + var BSON_DATA_MIN_KEY = 255; + var BSON_DATA_MAX_KEY = 127; + var BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; + var BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW = 4; + var BSONType = Object.freeze({ + double: 1, + string: 2, + object: 3, + array: 4, + binData: 5, + undefined: 6, + objectId: 7, + bool: 8, + date: 9, + null: 10, + regex: 11, + dbPointer: 12, + javascript: 13, + symbol: 14, + javascriptWithScope: 15, + int: 16, + timestamp: 17, + long: 18, + decimal: 19, + minKey: -1, + maxKey: 127 + }); + var BSONError = class extends Error { + get bsonError() { + return true; + } + get name() { + return "BSONError"; + } + constructor(message, options) { + super(message, options); + } + static isBSONError(value) { + return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "bsonError" in value && value.bsonError === true && "name" in value && "message" in value && "stack" in value; + } + }; + var BSONVersionError = class extends BSONError { + get name() { + return "BSONVersionError"; + } + constructor() { + super(`Unsupported BSON version, bson types must be from bson ${BSON_MAJOR_VERSION}.x.x`); + } + }; + var BSONRuntimeError = class extends BSONError { + get name() { + return "BSONRuntimeError"; + } + constructor(message) { + super(message); + } + }; + var FIRST_BIT = 128; + var FIRST_TWO_BITS = 192; + var FIRST_THREE_BITS = 224; + var FIRST_FOUR_BITS = 240; + var FIRST_FIVE_BITS = 248; + var TWO_BIT_CHAR = 192; + var THREE_BIT_CHAR = 224; + var FOUR_BIT_CHAR = 240; + var CONTINUING_CHAR = 128; + function validateUtf8(bytes, start, end) { + let continuation = 0; + for (let i = start; i < end; i += 1) { + const byte = bytes[i]; + if (continuation) { + if ((byte & FIRST_TWO_BITS) !== CONTINUING_CHAR) { + return false; + } + continuation -= 1; + } else if (byte & FIRST_BIT) { + if ((byte & FIRST_THREE_BITS) === TWO_BIT_CHAR) { + continuation = 1; + } else if ((byte & FIRST_FOUR_BITS) === THREE_BIT_CHAR) { + continuation = 2; + } else if ((byte & FIRST_FIVE_BITS) === FOUR_BIT_CHAR) { + continuation = 3; + } else { + return false; + } + } + } + return !continuation; + } + function tryLatin(uint8array, start, end) { + if (uint8array.length === 0) { + return ""; + } + const stringByteLength = end - start; + if (stringByteLength === 0) { + return ""; + } + if (stringByteLength > 20) { + return null; + } + if (stringByteLength === 1 && uint8array[start] < 128) { + return String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start]); + } + if (stringByteLength === 2 && uint8array[start] < 128 && uint8array[start + 1] < 128) { + return String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start]) + String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start + 1]); + } + if (stringByteLength === 3 && uint8array[start] < 128 && uint8array[start + 1] < 128 && uint8array[start + 2] < 128) { + return String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start]) + String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start + 1]) + String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start + 2]); + } + const latinBytes = []; + for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { + const byte = uint8array[i]; + if (byte > 127) { + return null; + } + latinBytes.push(byte); + } + return String.fromCharCode(...latinBytes); + } + function nodejsMathRandomBytes(byteLength) { + return nodeJsByteUtils.fromNumberArray(Array.from({ length: byteLength }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256))); + } + var nodejsRandomBytes = (() => { + try { + return __require("crypto").randomBytes; + } catch { + return nodejsMathRandomBytes; + } + })(); + var nodeJsByteUtils = { + toLocalBufferType(potentialBuffer) { + if (Buffer.isBuffer(potentialBuffer)) { + return potentialBuffer; + } + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(potentialBuffer)) { + return Buffer.from(potentialBuffer.buffer, potentialBuffer.byteOffset, potentialBuffer.byteLength); + } + const stringTag = potentialBuffer?.[Symbol.toStringTag] ??; + if (stringTag === "ArrayBuffer" || stringTag === "SharedArrayBuffer" || stringTag === "[object ArrayBuffer]" || stringTag === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]") { + return Buffer.from(potentialBuffer); + } + throw new BSONError(`Cannot create Buffer from ${String(potentialBuffer)}`); + }, + allocate(size) { + return Buffer.alloc(size); + }, + equals(a, b) { + return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(a).equals(b); + }, + fromNumberArray(array) { + return Buffer.from(array); + }, + fromBase64(base64) { + return Buffer.from(base64, "base64"); + }, + toBase64(buffer2) { + return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).toString("base64"); + }, + fromISO88591(codePoints) { + return Buffer.from(codePoints, "binary"); + }, + toISO88591(buffer2) { + return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).toString("binary"); + }, + fromHex(hex) { + return Buffer.from(hex, "hex"); + }, + toHex(buffer2) { + return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).toString("hex"); + }, + fromUTF8(text) { + return Buffer.from(text, "utf8"); + }, + toUTF8(buffer2, start, end, fatal) { + const basicLatin = end - start <= 20 ? tryLatin(buffer2, start, end) : null; + if (basicLatin != null) { + return basicLatin; + } + const string = nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).toString("utf8", start, end); + if (fatal) { + for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { + if (string.charCodeAt(i) === 65533) { + if (!validateUtf8(buffer2, start, end)) { + throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document"); + } + break; + } + } + } + return string; + }, + utf8ByteLength(input) { + return Buffer.byteLength(input, "utf8"); + }, + encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, source, byteOffset) { + return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).write(source, byteOffset, void 0, "utf8"); + }, + randomBytes: nodejsRandomBytes + }; + function isReactNative() { + const { navigator } = globalThis; + return typeof navigator === "object" && navigator.product === "ReactNative"; + } + function webMathRandomBytes(byteLength) { + if (byteLength < 0) { + throw new RangeError(`The argument 'byteLength' is invalid. Received ${byteLength}`); + } + return webByteUtils.fromNumberArray(Array.from({ length: byteLength }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256))); + } + var webRandomBytes = (() => { + const { crypto } = globalThis; + if (crypto != null && typeof crypto.getRandomValues === "function") { + return (byteLength) => { + return crypto.getRandomValues(webByteUtils.allocate(byteLength)); + }; + } else { + if (isReactNative()) { + const { console } = globalThis; + console?.warn?.("BSON: For React Native please polyfill crypto.getRandomValues, e.g. using:"); + } + return webMathRandomBytes; + } + })(); + var HEX_DIGIT = /(\d|[a-f])/i; + var webByteUtils = { + toLocalBufferType(potentialUint8array) { + const stringTag = potentialUint8array?.[Symbol.toStringTag] ??; + if (stringTag === "Uint8Array") { + return potentialUint8array; + } + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(potentialUint8array)) { + return new Uint8Array(potentialUint8array.buffer.slice(potentialUint8array.byteOffset, potentialUint8array.byteOffset + potentialUint8array.byteLength)); + } + if (stringTag === "ArrayBuffer" || stringTag === "SharedArrayBuffer" || stringTag === "[object ArrayBuffer]" || stringTag === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]") { + return new Uint8Array(potentialUint8array); + } + throw new BSONError(`Cannot make a Uint8Array from ${String(potentialUint8array)}`); + }, + allocate(size) { + if (typeof size !== "number") { + throw new TypeError(`The "size" argument must be of type number. Received ${String(size)}`); + } + return new Uint8Array(size); + }, + equals(a, b) { + if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) { + return false; + } + for (let i = 0; i < a.byteLength; i++) { + if (a[i] !== b[i]) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }, + fromNumberArray(array) { + return Uint8Array.from(array); + }, + fromBase64(base64) { + return Uint8Array.from(atob(base64), (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)); + }, + toBase64(uint8array) { + return btoa(webByteUtils.toISO88591(uint8array)); + }, + fromISO88591(codePoints) { + return Uint8Array.from(codePoints, (c) => c.charCodeAt(0) & 255); + }, + toISO88591(uint8array) { + return Array.from(Uint16Array.from(uint8array), (b) => String.fromCharCode(b)).join(""); + }, + fromHex(hex) { + const evenLengthHex = hex.length % 2 === 0 ? hex : hex.slice(0, hex.length - 1); + const buffer2 = []; + for (let i = 0; i < evenLengthHex.length; i += 2) { + const firstDigit = evenLengthHex[i]; + const secondDigit = evenLengthHex[i + 1]; + if (!HEX_DIGIT.test(firstDigit)) { + break; + } + if (!HEX_DIGIT.test(secondDigit)) { + break; + } + const hexDigit = Number.parseInt(`${firstDigit}${secondDigit}`, 16); + buffer2.push(hexDigit); + } + return Uint8Array.from(buffer2); + }, + toHex(uint8array) { + return Array.from(uint8array, (byte) => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(""); + }, + fromUTF8(text) { + return new TextEncoder().encode(text); + }, + toUTF8(uint8array, start, end, fatal) { + const basicLatin = end - start <= 20 ? tryLatin(uint8array, start, end) : null; + if (basicLatin != null) { + return basicLatin; + } + if (fatal) { + try { + return new TextDecoder("utf8", { fatal }).decode(uint8array.slice(start, end)); + } catch (cause) { + throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document", { cause }); + } + } + return new TextDecoder("utf8", { fatal }).decode(uint8array.slice(start, end)); + }, + utf8ByteLength(input) { + return webByteUtils.fromUTF8(input).byteLength; + }, + encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, source, byteOffset) { + const bytes = webByteUtils.fromUTF8(source); + buffer2.set(bytes, byteOffset); + return bytes.byteLength; + }, + randomBytes: webRandomBytes + }; + var hasGlobalBuffer = typeof Buffer === "function" && Buffer.prototype?._isBuffer !== true; + var ByteUtils = hasGlobalBuffer ? nodeJsByteUtils : webByteUtils; + var BSONDataView = class extends DataView { + static fromUint8Array(input) { + return new DataView(input.buffer, input.byteOffset, input.byteLength); + } + }; + var BSONValue = class { + get [Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")]() { + return BSON_MAJOR_VERSION; + } + [Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")](depth, options, inspect) { + return this.inspect(depth, options, inspect); + } + }; + var Binary = class _Binary extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "Binary"; + } + constructor(buffer2, subType) { + super(); + if (!(buffer2 == null) && typeof buffer2 === "string" && !ArrayBuffer.isView(buffer2) && !isAnyArrayBuffer(buffer2) && !Array.isArray(buffer2)) { + throw new BSONError("Binary can only be constructed from Uint8Array or number[]"); + } + this.sub_type = subType ?? _Binary.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT; + if (buffer2 == null) { + this.buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(_Binary.BUFFER_SIZE); + this.position = 0; + } else { + this.buffer = Array.isArray(buffer2) ? ByteUtils.fromNumberArray(buffer2) : ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2); + this.position = this.buffer.byteLength; + } + } + put(byteValue) { + if (typeof byteValue === "string" && byteValue.length !== 1) { + throw new BSONError("only accepts single character String"); + } else if (typeof byteValue !== "number" && byteValue.length !== 1) + throw new BSONError("only accepts single character Uint8Array or Array"); + let decodedByte; + if (typeof byteValue === "string") { + decodedByte = byteValue.charCodeAt(0); + } else if (typeof byteValue === "number") { + decodedByte = byteValue; + } else { + decodedByte = byteValue[0]; + } + if (decodedByte < 0 || decodedByte > 255) { + throw new BSONError("only accepts number in a valid unsigned byte range 0-255"); + } + if (this.buffer.byteLength > this.position) { + this.buffer[this.position++] = decodedByte; + } else { + const newSpace = ByteUtils.allocate(_Binary.BUFFER_SIZE + this.buffer.length); + newSpace.set(this.buffer, 0); + this.buffer = newSpace; + this.buffer[this.position++] = decodedByte; + } + } + write(sequence, offset) { + offset = typeof offset === "number" ? offset : this.position; + if (this.buffer.byteLength < offset + sequence.length) { + const newSpace = ByteUtils.allocate(this.buffer.byteLength + sequence.length); + newSpace.set(this.buffer, 0); + this.buffer = newSpace; + } + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(sequence)) { + this.buffer.set(ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(sequence), offset); + this.position = offset + sequence.byteLength > this.position ? offset + sequence.length : this.position; + } else if (typeof sequence === "string") { + throw new BSONError("input cannot be string"); + } + } + read(position, length) { + length = length && length > 0 ? length : this.position; + return this.buffer.slice(position, position + length); + } + value() { + return this.buffer.length === this.position ? this.buffer : this.buffer.subarray(0, this.position); + } + length() { + return this.position; + } + toJSON() { + return ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); + } + toString(encoding) { + if (encoding === "hex") + return ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer); + if (encoding === "base64") + return ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); + if (encoding === "utf8" || encoding === "utf-8") + return ByteUtils.toUTF8(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.byteLength, false); + return ByteUtils.toUTF8(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.byteLength, false); + } + toExtendedJSON(options) { + options = options || {}; + const base64String = ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); + const subType = Number(this.sub_type).toString(16); + if (options.legacy) { + return { + $binary: base64String, + $type: subType.length === 1 ? "0" + subType : subType + }; + } + return { + $binary: { + base64: base64String, + subType: subType.length === 1 ? "0" + subType : subType + } + }; + } + toUUID() { + if (this.sub_type === _Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID) { + return new UUID(this.buffer.slice(0, this.position)); + } + throw new BSONError(`Binary sub_type "${this.sub_type}" is not supported for converting to UUID. Only "${_Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID}" is currently supported.`); + } + static createFromHexString(hex, subType) { + return new _Binary(ByteUtils.fromHex(hex), subType); + } + static createFromBase64(base64, subType) { + return new _Binary(ByteUtils.fromBase64(base64), subType); + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc, options) { + options = options || {}; + let data; + let type; + if ("$binary" in doc) { + if (options.legacy && typeof doc.$binary === "string" && "$type" in doc) { + type = doc.$type ? parseInt(doc.$type, 16) : 0; + data = ByteUtils.fromBase64(doc.$binary); + } else { + if (typeof doc.$binary !== "string") { + type = doc.$binary.subType ? parseInt(doc.$binary.subType, 16) : 0; + data = ByteUtils.fromBase64(doc.$binary.base64); + } + } + } else if ("$uuid" in doc) { + type = 4; + data = UUID.bytesFromString(doc.$uuid); + } + if (!data) { + throw new BSONError(`Unexpected Binary Extended JSON format ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`); + } + return type === BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW ? new UUID(data) : new _Binary(data, type); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + const base64 = ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer.subarray(0, this.position)); + const base64Arg = inspect(base64, options); + const subTypeArg = inspect(this.sub_type, options); + return `Binary.createFromBase64(${base64Arg}, ${subTypeArg})`; + } + }; + Binary.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; + Binary.BUFFER_SIZE = 256; + Binary.SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; + Binary.SUBTYPE_FUNCTION = 1; + Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY = 2; + Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD = 3; + Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID = 4; + Binary.SUBTYPE_MD5 = 5; + Binary.SUBTYPE_ENCRYPTED = 6; + Binary.SUBTYPE_COLUMN = 7; + Binary.SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED = 128; + var UUID_BYTE_LENGTH = 16; + var UUID_WITHOUT_DASHES = /^[0-9A-F]{32}$/i; + var UUID_WITH_DASHES = /^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i; + var UUID = class _UUID extends Binary { + constructor(input) { + let bytes; + if (input == null) { + bytes = _UUID.generate(); + } else if (input instanceof _UUID) { + bytes = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(new Uint8Array(input.buffer)); + } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(input) && input.byteLength === UUID_BYTE_LENGTH) { + bytes = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(input); + } else if (typeof input === "string") { + bytes = _UUID.bytesFromString(input); + } else { + throw new BSONError("Argument passed in UUID constructor must be a UUID, a 16 byte Buffer or a 32/36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included, format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)."); + } + super(bytes, BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW); + } + get id() { + return this.buffer; + } + set id(value) { + this.buffer = value; + } + toHexString(includeDashes = true) { + if (includeDashes) { + return [ + ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(0, 4)), + ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(4, 6)), + ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(6, 8)), + ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(8, 10)), + ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(10, 16)) + ].join("-"); + } + return ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer); + } + toString(encoding) { + if (encoding === "hex") + return ByteUtils.toHex(; + if (encoding === "base64") + return ByteUtils.toBase64(; + return this.toHexString(); + } + toJSON() { + return this.toHexString(); + } + equals(otherId) { + if (!otherId) { + return false; + } + if (otherId instanceof _UUID) { + return ByteUtils.equals(,; + } + try { + return ByteUtils.equals(new _UUID(otherId).id,; + } catch { + return false; + } + } + toBinary() { + return new Binary(, Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID); + } + static generate() { + const bytes = ByteUtils.randomBytes(UUID_BYTE_LENGTH); + bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 15 | 64; + bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 63 | 128; + return bytes; + } + static isValid(input) { + if (!input) { + return false; + } + if (typeof input === "string") { + return _UUID.isValidUUIDString(input); + } + if (isUint8Array(input)) { + return input.byteLength === UUID_BYTE_LENGTH; + } + return input._bsontype === "Binary" && input.sub_type === this.SUBTYPE_UUID && input.buffer.byteLength === 16; + } + static createFromHexString(hexString) { + const buffer2 = _UUID.bytesFromString(hexString); + return new _UUID(buffer2); + } + static createFromBase64(base64) { + return new _UUID(ByteUtils.fromBase64(base64)); + } + static bytesFromString(representation) { + if (!_UUID.isValidUUIDString(representation)) { + throw new BSONError("UUID string representation must be 32 hex digits or canonical hyphenated representation"); + } + return ByteUtils.fromHex(representation.replace(/-/g, "")); + } + static isValidUUIDString(representation) { + return UUID_WITHOUT_DASHES.test(representation) || UUID_WITH_DASHES.test(representation); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + return `new UUID(${inspect(this.toHexString(), options)})`; + } + }; + var Code = class _Code extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "Code"; + } + constructor(code, scope) { + super(); + this.code = code.toString(); + this.scope = scope ?? null; + } + toJSON() { + if (this.scope != null) { + return { code: this.code, scope: this.scope }; + } + return { code: this.code }; + } + toExtendedJSON() { + if (this.scope) { + return { $code: this.code, $scope: this.scope }; + } + return { $code: this.code }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { + return new _Code(doc.$code, doc.$scope); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + let parametersString = inspect(this.code, options); + const multiLineFn = parametersString.includes("\n"); + if (this.scope != null) { + parametersString += `,${multiLineFn ? "\n" : " "}${inspect(this.scope, options)}`; + } + const endingNewline = multiLineFn && this.scope === null; + return `new Code(${multiLineFn ? "\n" : ""}${parametersString}${endingNewline ? "\n" : ""})`; + } + }; + function isDBRefLike(value) { + return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "$id" in value && value.$id != null && "$ref" in value && typeof value.$ref === "string" && (!("$db" in value) || "$db" in value && typeof value.$db === "string"); + } + var DBRef = class _DBRef extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "DBRef"; + } + constructor(collection, oid, db, fields) { + super(); + const parts = collection.split("."); + if (parts.length === 2) { + db = parts.shift(); + collection = parts.shift(); + } + this.collection = collection; + this.oid = oid; + this.db = db; + this.fields = fields || {}; + } + get namespace() { + return this.collection; + } + set namespace(value) { + this.collection = value; + } + toJSON() { + const o = Object.assign({ + $ref: this.collection, + $id: this.oid + }, this.fields); + if (this.db != null) + o.$db = this.db; + return o; + } + toExtendedJSON(options) { + options = options || {}; + let o = { + $ref: this.collection, + $id: this.oid + }; + if (options.legacy) { + return o; + } + if (this.db) + o.$db = this.db; + o = Object.assign(o, this.fields); + return o; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { + const copy = Object.assign({}, doc); + delete copy.$ref; + delete copy.$id; + delete copy.$db; + return new _DBRef(doc.$ref, doc.$id, doc.$db, copy); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + const args = [ + inspect(this.namespace, options), + inspect(this.oid, options), + ...this.db ? [inspect(this.db, options)] : [], + ...Object.keys(this.fields).length > 0 ? [inspect(this.fields, options)] : [] + ]; + args[1] = inspect === defaultInspect ? `new ObjectId(${args[1]})` : args[1]; + return `new DBRef(${args.join(", ")})`; + } + }; + var wasm = void 0; + try { + wasm = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 13, 2, 96, 0, 1, 127, 96, 4, 127, 127, 127, 127, 1, 127, 3, 7, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 7, 50, 6, 3, 109, 117, 108, 0, 1, 5, 100, 105, 118, 95, 115, 0, 2, 5, 100, 105, 118, 95, 117, 0, 3, 5, 114, 101, 109, 95, 115, 0, 4, 5, 114, 101, 109, 95, 117, 0, 5, 8, 103, 101, 116, 95, 104, 105, 103, 104, 0, 0, 10, 191, 1, 6, 4, 0, 35, 0, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 126, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 127, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 128, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 129, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 130, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11])), {}).exports; + } catch { + } + var TWO_PWR_16_DBL = 1 << 16; + var TWO_PWR_24_DBL = 1 << 24; + var TWO_PWR_32_DBL = TWO_PWR_16_DBL * TWO_PWR_16_DBL; + var TWO_PWR_64_DBL = TWO_PWR_32_DBL * TWO_PWR_32_DBL; + var TWO_PWR_63_DBL = TWO_PWR_64_DBL / 2; + var INT_CACHE = {}; + var UINT_CACHE = {}; + var MAX_INT64_STRING_LENGTH = 20; + var DECIMAL_REG_EX = /^(\+?0|(\+|-)?[1-9][0-9]*)$/; + var Long = class _Long extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "Long"; + } + get __isLong__() { + return true; + } + constructor(low = 0, high, unsigned) { + super(); + if (typeof low === "bigint") { + Object.assign(this, _Long.fromBigInt(low, !!high)); + } else if (typeof low === "string") { + Object.assign(this, _Long.fromString(low, !!high)); + } else { + this.low = low | 0; + this.high = high | 0; + this.unsigned = !!unsigned; + } + } + static fromBits(lowBits, highBits, unsigned) { + return new _Long(lowBits, highBits, unsigned); + } + static fromInt(value, unsigned) { + let obj, cachedObj, cache; + if (unsigned) { + value >>>= 0; + if (cache = 0 <= value && value < 256) { + cachedObj = UINT_CACHE[value]; + if (cachedObj) + return cachedObj; + } + obj = _Long.fromBits(value, (value | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0, true); + if (cache) + UINT_CACHE[value] = obj; + return obj; + } else { + value |= 0; + if (cache = -128 <= value && value < 128) { + cachedObj = INT_CACHE[value]; + if (cachedObj) + return cachedObj; + } + obj = _Long.fromBits(value, value < 0 ? -1 : 0, false); + if (cache) + INT_CACHE[value] = obj; + return obj; + } + } + static fromNumber(value, unsigned) { + if (isNaN(value)) + return unsigned ? _Long.UZERO : _Long.ZERO; + if (unsigned) { + if (value < 0) + return _Long.UZERO; + if (value >= TWO_PWR_64_DBL) + return _Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE; + } else { + if (value <= -TWO_PWR_63_DBL) + return _Long.MIN_VALUE; + if (value + 1 >= TWO_PWR_63_DBL) + return _Long.MAX_VALUE; + } + if (value < 0) + return _Long.fromNumber(-value, unsigned).neg(); + return _Long.fromBits(value % TWO_PWR_32_DBL | 0, value / TWO_PWR_32_DBL | 0, unsigned); + } + static fromBigInt(value, unsigned) { + return _Long.fromString(value.toString(), unsigned); + } + static fromString(str, unsigned, radix) { + if (str.length === 0) + throw new BSONError("empty string"); + if (str === "NaN" || str === "Infinity" || str === "+Infinity" || str === "-Infinity") + return _Long.ZERO; + if (typeof unsigned === "number") { + radix = unsigned, unsigned = false; + } else { + unsigned = !!unsigned; + } + radix = radix || 10; + if (radix < 2 || 36 < radix) + throw new BSONError("radix"); + let p; + if ((p = str.indexOf("-")) > 0) + throw new BSONError("interior hyphen"); + else if (p === 0) { + return _Long.fromString(str.substring(1), unsigned, radix).neg(); + } + const radixToPower = _Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, 8)); + let result = _Long.ZERO; + for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 8) { + const size = Math.min(8, str.length - i), value = parseInt(str.substring(i, i + size), radix); + if (size < 8) { + const power = _Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, size)); + result = result.mul(power).add(_Long.fromNumber(value)); + } else { + result = result.mul(radixToPower); + result = result.add(_Long.fromNumber(value)); + } + } + result.unsigned = unsigned; + return result; + } + static fromBytes(bytes, unsigned, le) { + return le ? _Long.fromBytesLE(bytes, unsigned) : _Long.fromBytesBE(bytes, unsigned); + } + static fromBytesLE(bytes, unsigned) { + return new _Long(bytes[0] | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[3] << 24, bytes[4] | bytes[5] << 8 | bytes[6] << 16 | bytes[7] << 24, unsigned); + } + static fromBytesBE(bytes, unsigned) { + return new _Long(bytes[4] << 24 | bytes[5] << 16 | bytes[6] << 8 | bytes[7], bytes[0] << 24 | bytes[1] << 16 | bytes[2] << 8 | bytes[3], unsigned); + } + static isLong(value) { + return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "__isLong__" in value && value.__isLong__ === true; + } + static fromValue(val, unsigned) { + if (typeof val === "number") + return _Long.fromNumber(val, unsigned); + if (typeof val === "string") + return _Long.fromString(val, unsigned); + return _Long.fromBits(val.low, val.high, typeof unsigned === "boolean" ? unsigned : val.unsigned); + } + add(addend) { + if (!_Long.isLong(addend)) + addend = _Long.fromValue(addend); + const a48 = this.high >>> 16; + const a32 = this.high & 65535; + const a16 = this.low >>> 16; + const a00 = this.low & 65535; + const b48 = addend.high >>> 16; + const b32 = addend.high & 65535; + const b16 = addend.low >>> 16; + const b00 = addend.low & 65535; + let c48 = 0, c32 = 0, c16 = 0, c00 = 0; + c00 += a00 + b00; + c16 += c00 >>> 16; + c00 &= 65535; + c16 += a16 + b16; + c32 += c16 >>> 16; + c16 &= 65535; + c32 += a32 + b32; + c48 += c32 >>> 16; + c32 &= 65535; + c48 += a48 + b48; + c48 &= 65535; + return _Long.fromBits(c16 << 16 | c00, c48 << 16 | c32, this.unsigned); + } + and(other) { + if (!_Long.isLong(other)) + other = _Long.fromValue(other); + return _Long.fromBits(this.low & other.low, this.high & other.high, this.unsigned); + } + compare(other) { + if (!_Long.isLong(other)) + other = _Long.fromValue(other); + if (this.eq(other)) + return 0; + const thisNeg = this.isNegative(), otherNeg = other.isNegative(); + if (thisNeg && !otherNeg) + return -1; + if (!thisNeg && otherNeg) + return 1; + if (!this.unsigned) + return this.sub(other).isNegative() ? -1 : 1; + return other.high >>> 0 > this.high >>> 0 || other.high === this.high && other.low >>> 0 > this.low >>> 0 ? -1 : 1; + } + comp(other) { + return; + } + divide(divisor) { + if (!_Long.isLong(divisor)) + divisor = _Long.fromValue(divisor); + if (divisor.isZero()) + throw new BSONError("division by zero"); + if (wasm) { + if (!this.unsigned && this.high === -2147483648 && divisor.low === -1 && divisor.high === -1) { + return this; + } + const low = (this.unsigned ? wasm.div_u : wasm.div_s)(this.low, this.high, divisor.low, divisor.high); + return _Long.fromBits(low, wasm.get_high(), this.unsigned); + } + if (this.isZero()) + return this.unsigned ? _Long.UZERO : _Long.ZERO; + let approx, rem, res; + if (!this.unsigned) { + if (this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) { + if (divisor.eq(_Long.ONE) || divisor.eq(_Long.NEG_ONE)) + return _Long.MIN_VALUE; + else if (divisor.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) + return _Long.ONE; + else { + const halfThis = this.shr(1); + approx = halfThis.div(divisor).shl(1); + if (approx.eq(_Long.ZERO)) { + return divisor.isNegative() ? _Long.ONE : _Long.NEG_ONE; + } else { + rem = this.sub(divisor.mul(approx)); + res = approx.add(rem.div(divisor)); + return res; + } + } + } else if (divisor.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) + return this.unsigned ? _Long.UZERO : _Long.ZERO; + if (this.isNegative()) { + if (divisor.isNegative()) + return this.neg().div(divisor.neg()); + return this.neg().div(divisor).neg(); + } else if (divisor.isNegative()) + return this.div(divisor.neg()).neg(); + res = _Long.ZERO; + } else { + if (!divisor.unsigned) + divisor = divisor.toUnsigned(); + if ( + return _Long.UZERO; + if ( + return _Long.UONE; + res = _Long.UZERO; + } + rem = this; + while (rem.gte(divisor)) { + approx = Math.max(1, Math.floor(rem.toNumber() / divisor.toNumber())); + const log2 = Math.ceil(Math.log(approx) / Math.LN2); + const delta = log2 <= 48 ? 1 : Math.pow(2, log2 - 48); + let approxRes = _Long.fromNumber(approx); + let approxRem = approxRes.mul(divisor); + while (approxRem.isNegative() || { + approx -= delta; + approxRes = _Long.fromNumber(approx, this.unsigned); + approxRem = approxRes.mul(divisor); + } + if (approxRes.isZero()) + approxRes = _Long.ONE; + res = res.add(approxRes); + rem = rem.sub(approxRem); + } + return res; + } + div(divisor) { + return this.divide(divisor); + } + equals(other) { + if (!_Long.isLong(other)) + other = _Long.fromValue(other); + if (this.unsigned !== other.unsigned && this.high >>> 31 === 1 && other.high >>> 31 === 1) + return false; + return this.high === other.high && this.low === other.low; + } + eq(other) { + return this.equals(other); + } + getHighBits() { + return this.high; + } + getHighBitsUnsigned() { + return this.high >>> 0; + } + getLowBits() { + return this.low; + } + getLowBitsUnsigned() { + return this.low >>> 0; + } + getNumBitsAbs() { + if (this.isNegative()) { + return this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE) ? 64 : this.neg().getNumBitsAbs(); + } + const val = this.high !== 0 ? this.high : this.low; + let bit; + for (bit = 31; bit > 0; bit--) + if ((val & 1 << bit) !== 0) + break; + return this.high !== 0 ? bit + 33 : bit + 1; + } + greaterThan(other) { + return this.comp(other) > 0; + } + gt(other) { + return this.greaterThan(other); + } + greaterThanOrEqual(other) { + return this.comp(other) >= 0; + } + gte(other) { + return this.greaterThanOrEqual(other); + } + ge(other) { + return this.greaterThanOrEqual(other); + } + isEven() { + return (this.low & 1) === 0; + } + isNegative() { + return !this.unsigned && this.high < 0; + } + isOdd() { + return (this.low & 1) === 1; + } + isPositive() { + return this.unsigned || this.high >= 0; + } + isZero() { + return this.high === 0 && this.low === 0; + } + lessThan(other) { + return this.comp(other) < 0; + } + lt(other) { + return this.lessThan(other); + } + lessThanOrEqual(other) { + return this.comp(other) <= 0; + } + lte(other) { + return this.lessThanOrEqual(other); + } + modulo(divisor) { + if (!_Long.isLong(divisor)) + divisor = _Long.fromValue(divisor); + if (wasm) { + const low = (this.unsigned ? wasm.rem_u : wasm.rem_s)(this.low, this.high, divisor.low, divisor.high); + return _Long.fromBits(low, wasm.get_high(), this.unsigned); + } + return this.sub(this.div(divisor).mul(divisor)); + } + mod(divisor) { + return this.modulo(divisor); + } + rem(divisor) { + return this.modulo(divisor); + } + multiply(multiplier) { + if (this.isZero()) + return _Long.ZERO; + if (!_Long.isLong(multiplier)) + multiplier = _Long.fromValue(multiplier); + if (wasm) { + const low = wasm.mul(this.low, this.high, multiplier.low, multiplier.high); + return _Long.fromBits(low, wasm.get_high(), this.unsigned); + } + if (multiplier.isZero()) + return _Long.ZERO; + if (this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) + return multiplier.isOdd() ? _Long.MIN_VALUE : _Long.ZERO; + if (multiplier.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) + return this.isOdd() ? _Long.MIN_VALUE : _Long.ZERO; + if (this.isNegative()) { + if (multiplier.isNegative()) + return this.neg().mul(multiplier.neg()); + else + return this.neg().mul(multiplier).neg(); + } else if (multiplier.isNegative()) + return this.mul(multiplier.neg()).neg(); + if ( && + return _Long.fromNumber(this.toNumber() * multiplier.toNumber(), this.unsigned); + const a48 = this.high >>> 16; + const a32 = this.high & 65535; + const a16 = this.low >>> 16; + const a00 = this.low & 65535; + const b48 = multiplier.high >>> 16; + const b32 = multiplier.high & 65535; + const b16 = multiplier.low >>> 16; + const b00 = multiplier.low & 65535; + let c48 = 0, c32 = 0, c16 = 0, c00 = 0; + c00 += a00 * b00; + c16 += c00 >>> 16; + c00 &= 65535; + c16 += a16 * b00; + c32 += c16 >>> 16; + c16 &= 65535; + c16 += a00 * b16; + c32 += c16 >>> 16; + c16 &= 65535; + c32 += a32 * b00; + c48 += c32 >>> 16; + c32 &= 65535; + c32 += a16 * b16; + c48 += c32 >>> 16; + c32 &= 65535; + c32 += a00 * b32; + c48 += c32 >>> 16; + c32 &= 65535; + c48 += a48 * b00 + a32 * b16 + a16 * b32 + a00 * b48; + c48 &= 65535; + return _Long.fromBits(c16 << 16 | c00, c48 << 16 | c32, this.unsigned); + } + mul(multiplier) { + return this.multiply(multiplier); + } + negate() { + if (!this.unsigned && this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) + return _Long.MIN_VALUE; + return this.not().add(_Long.ONE); + } + neg() { + return this.negate(); + } + not() { + return _Long.fromBits(~this.low, ~this.high, this.unsigned); + } + notEquals(other) { + return !this.equals(other); + } + neq(other) { + return this.notEquals(other); + } + ne(other) { + return this.notEquals(other); + } + or(other) { + if (!_Long.isLong(other)) + other = _Long.fromValue(other); + return _Long.fromBits(this.low | other.low, this.high | other.high, this.unsigned); + } + shiftLeft(numBits) { + if (_Long.isLong(numBits)) + numBits = numBits.toInt(); + if ((numBits &= 63) === 0) + return this; + else if (numBits < 32) + return _Long.fromBits(this.low << numBits, this.high << numBits | this.low >>> 32 - numBits, this.unsigned); + else + return _Long.fromBits(0, this.low << numBits - 32, this.unsigned); + } + shl(numBits) { + return this.shiftLeft(numBits); + } + shiftRight(numBits) { + if (_Long.isLong(numBits)) + numBits = numBits.toInt(); + if ((numBits &= 63) === 0) + return this; + else if (numBits < 32) + return _Long.fromBits(this.low >>> numBits | this.high << 32 - numBits, this.high >> numBits, this.unsigned); + else + return _Long.fromBits(this.high >> numBits - 32, this.high >= 0 ? 0 : -1, this.unsigned); + } + shr(numBits) { + return this.shiftRight(numBits); + } + shiftRightUnsigned(numBits) { + if (_Long.isLong(numBits)) + numBits = numBits.toInt(); + numBits &= 63; + if (numBits === 0) + return this; + else { + const high = this.high; + if (numBits < 32) { + const low = this.low; + return _Long.fromBits(low >>> numBits | high << 32 - numBits, high >>> numBits, this.unsigned); + } else if (numBits === 32) + return _Long.fromBits(high, 0, this.unsigned); + else + return _Long.fromBits(high >>> numBits - 32, 0, this.unsigned); + } + } + shr_u(numBits) { + return this.shiftRightUnsigned(numBits); + } + shru(numBits) { + return this.shiftRightUnsigned(numBits); + } + subtract(subtrahend) { + if (!_Long.isLong(subtrahend)) + subtrahend = _Long.fromValue(subtrahend); + return this.add(subtrahend.neg()); + } + sub(subtrahend) { + return this.subtract(subtrahend); + } + toInt() { + return this.unsigned ? this.low >>> 0 : this.low; + } + toNumber() { + if (this.unsigned) + return (this.high >>> 0) * TWO_PWR_32_DBL + (this.low >>> 0); + return this.high * TWO_PWR_32_DBL + (this.low >>> 0); + } + toBigInt() { + return BigInt(this.toString()); + } + toBytes(le) { + return le ? this.toBytesLE() : this.toBytesBE(); + } + toBytesLE() { + const hi = this.high, lo = this.low; + return [ + lo & 255, + lo >>> 8 & 255, + lo >>> 16 & 255, + lo >>> 24, + hi & 255, + hi >>> 8 & 255, + hi >>> 16 & 255, + hi >>> 24 + ]; + } + toBytesBE() { + const hi = this.high, lo = this.low; + return [ + hi >>> 24, + hi >>> 16 & 255, + hi >>> 8 & 255, + hi & 255, + lo >>> 24, + lo >>> 16 & 255, + lo >>> 8 & 255, + lo & 255 + ]; + } + toSigned() { + if (!this.unsigned) + return this; + return _Long.fromBits(this.low, this.high, false); + } + toString(radix) { + radix = radix || 10; + if (radix < 2 || 36 < radix) + throw new BSONError("radix"); + if (this.isZero()) + return "0"; + if (this.isNegative()) { + if (this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) { + const radixLong = _Long.fromNumber(radix), div = this.div(radixLong), rem1 = div.mul(radixLong).sub(this); + return div.toString(radix) + rem1.toInt().toString(radix); + } else + return "-" + this.neg().toString(radix); + } + const radixToPower = _Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, 6), this.unsigned); + let rem = this; + let result = ""; + while (true) { + const remDiv = rem.div(radixToPower); + const intval = rem.sub(remDiv.mul(radixToPower)).toInt() >>> 0; + let digits = intval.toString(radix); + rem = remDiv; + if (rem.isZero()) { + return digits + result; + } else { + while (digits.length < 6) + digits = "0" + digits; + result = "" + digits + result; + } + } + } + toUnsigned() { + if (this.unsigned) + return this; + return _Long.fromBits(this.low, this.high, true); + } + xor(other) { + if (!_Long.isLong(other)) + other = _Long.fromValue(other); + return _Long.fromBits(this.low ^ other.low, this.high ^ other.high, this.unsigned); + } + eqz() { + return this.isZero(); + } + le(other) { + return this.lessThanOrEqual(other); + } + toExtendedJSON(options) { + if (options && options.relaxed) + return this.toNumber(); + return { $numberLong: this.toString() }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc, options) { + const { useBigInt64 = false, relaxed = true } = { ...options }; + if (doc.$numberLong.length > MAX_INT64_STRING_LENGTH) { + throw new BSONError("$numberLong string is too long"); + } + if (!DECIMAL_REG_EX.test(doc.$numberLong)) { + throw new BSONError(`$numberLong string "${doc.$numberLong}" is in an invalid format`); + } + if (useBigInt64) { + const bigIntResult = BigInt(doc.$numberLong); + return BigInt.asIntN(64, bigIntResult); + } + const longResult = _Long.fromString(doc.$numberLong); + if (relaxed) { + return longResult.toNumber(); + } + return longResult; + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + const longVal = inspect(this.toString(), options); + const unsignedVal = this.unsigned ? `, ${inspect(this.unsigned, options)}` : ""; + return `new Long(${longVal}${unsignedVal})`; + } + }; + Long.TWO_PWR_24 = Long.fromInt(TWO_PWR_24_DBL); + Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE = Long.fromBits(4294967295 | 0, 4294967295 | 0, true); + Long.ZERO = Long.fromInt(0); + Long.UZERO = Long.fromInt(0, true); + Long.ONE = Long.fromInt(1); + Long.UONE = Long.fromInt(1, true); + Long.NEG_ONE = Long.fromInt(-1); + Long.MAX_VALUE = Long.fromBits(4294967295 | 0, 2147483647 | 0, false); + Long.MIN_VALUE = Long.fromBits(0, 2147483648 | 0, false); + var PARSE_STRING_REGEXP = /^(\+|-)?(\d+|(\d*\.\d*))?(E|e)?([-+])?(\d+)?$/; + var PARSE_INF_REGEXP = /^(\+|-)?(Infinity|inf)$/i; + var PARSE_NAN_REGEXP = /^(\+|-)?NaN$/i; + var EXPONENT_MAX = 6111; + var EXPONENT_MIN = -6176; + var EXPONENT_BIAS = 6176; + var MAX_DIGITS = 34; + var NAN_BUFFER = ByteUtils.fromNumberArray([ + 124, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0 + ].reverse()); + var INF_NEGATIVE_BUFFER = ByteUtils.fromNumberArray([ + 248, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0 + ].reverse()); + var INF_POSITIVE_BUFFER = ByteUtils.fromNumberArray([ + 120, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0 + ].reverse()); + var EXPONENT_REGEX = /^([-+])?(\d+)?$/; + var COMBINATION_MASK = 31; + var EXPONENT_MASK = 16383; + var COMBINATION_INFINITY = 30; + var COMBINATION_NAN = 31; + function isDigit(value) { + return !isNaN(parseInt(value, 10)); + } + function divideu128(value) { + const DIVISOR = Long.fromNumber(1e3 * 1e3 * 1e3); + let _rem = Long.fromNumber(0); + if (![0] && ![1] && ![2] && ![3]) { + return { quotient: value, rem: _rem }; + } + for (let i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { + _rem = _rem.shiftLeft(32); + _rem = _rem.add(new Long([i], 0)); +[i] = _rem.div(DIVISOR).low; + _rem = _rem.modulo(DIVISOR); + } + return { quotient: value, rem: _rem }; + } + function multiply64x2(left, right) { + if (!left && !right) { + return { high: Long.fromNumber(0), low: Long.fromNumber(0) }; + } + const leftHigh = left.shiftRightUnsigned(32); + const leftLow = new Long(left.getLowBits(), 0); + const rightHigh = right.shiftRightUnsigned(32); + const rightLow = new Long(right.getLowBits(), 0); + let productHigh = leftHigh.multiply(rightHigh); + let productMid = leftHigh.multiply(rightLow); + const productMid2 = leftLow.multiply(rightHigh); + let productLow = leftLow.multiply(rightLow); + productHigh = productHigh.add(productMid.shiftRightUnsigned(32)); + productMid = new Long(productMid.getLowBits(), 0).add(productMid2).add(productLow.shiftRightUnsigned(32)); + productHigh = productHigh.add(productMid.shiftRightUnsigned(32)); + productLow = productMid.shiftLeft(32).add(new Long(productLow.getLowBits(), 0)); + return { high: productHigh, low: productLow }; + } + function lessThan(left, right) { + const uhleft = left.high >>> 0; + const uhright = right.high >>> 0; + if (uhleft < uhright) { + return true; + } else if (uhleft === uhright) { + const ulleft = left.low >>> 0; + const ulright = right.low >>> 0; + if (ulleft < ulright) + return true; + } + return false; + } + function invalidErr(string, message) { + throw new BSONError(`"${string}" is not a valid Decimal128 string - ${message}`); + } + var Decimal128 = class _Decimal128 extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "Decimal128"; + } + constructor(bytes) { + super(); + if (typeof bytes === "string") { + this.bytes = _Decimal128.fromString(bytes).bytes; + } else if (isUint8Array(bytes)) { + if (bytes.byteLength !== 16) { + throw new BSONError("Decimal128 must take a Buffer of 16 bytes"); + } + this.bytes = bytes; + } else { + throw new BSONError("Decimal128 must take a Buffer or string"); + } + } + static fromString(representation) { + return _Decimal128._fromString(representation, { allowRounding: false }); + } + static fromStringWithRounding(representation) { + return _Decimal128._fromString(representation, { allowRounding: true }); + } + static _fromString(representation, options) { + let isNegative = false; + let sawSign = false; + let sawRadix = false; + let foundNonZero = false; + let significantDigits = 0; + let nDigitsRead = 0; + let nDigits = 0; + let radixPosition = 0; + let firstNonZero = 0; + const digits = [0]; + let nDigitsStored = 0; + let digitsInsert = 0; + let lastDigit = 0; + let exponent = 0; + let significandHigh = new Long(0, 0); + let significandLow = new Long(0, 0); + let biasedExponent = 0; + let index = 0; + if (representation.length >= 7e3) { + throw new BSONError("" + representation + " not a valid Decimal128 string"); + } + const stringMatch = representation.match(PARSE_STRING_REGEXP); + const infMatch = representation.match(PARSE_INF_REGEXP); + const nanMatch = representation.match(PARSE_NAN_REGEXP); + if (!stringMatch && !infMatch && !nanMatch || representation.length === 0) { + throw new BSONError("" + representation + " not a valid Decimal128 string"); + } + if (stringMatch) { + const unsignedNumber = stringMatch[2]; + const e = stringMatch[4]; + const expSign = stringMatch[5]; + const expNumber = stringMatch[6]; + if (e && expNumber === void 0) + invalidErr(representation, "missing exponent power"); + if (e && unsignedNumber === void 0) + invalidErr(representation, "missing exponent base"); + if (e === void 0 && (expSign || expNumber)) { + invalidErr(representation, "missing e before exponent"); + } + } + if (representation[index] === "+" || representation[index] === "-") { + sawSign = true; + isNegative = representation[index++] === "-"; + } + if (!isDigit(representation[index]) && representation[index] !== ".") { + if (representation[index] === "i" || representation[index] === "I") { + return new _Decimal128(isNegative ? INF_NEGATIVE_BUFFER : INF_POSITIVE_BUFFER); + } else if (representation[index] === "N") { + return new _Decimal128(NAN_BUFFER); + } + } + while (isDigit(representation[index]) || representation[index] === ".") { + if (representation[index] === ".") { + if (sawRadix) + invalidErr(representation, "contains multiple periods"); + sawRadix = true; + index = index + 1; + continue; + } + if (nDigitsStored < MAX_DIGITS) { + if (representation[index] !== "0" || foundNonZero) { + if (!foundNonZero) { + firstNonZero = nDigitsRead; + } + foundNonZero = true; + digits[digitsInsert++] = parseInt(representation[index], 10); + nDigitsStored = nDigitsStored + 1; + } + } + if (foundNonZero) + nDigits = nDigits + 1; + if (sawRadix) + radixPosition = radixPosition + 1; + nDigitsRead = nDigitsRead + 1; + index = index + 1; + } + if (sawRadix && !nDigitsRead) + throw new BSONError("" + representation + " not a valid Decimal128 string"); + if (representation[index] === "e" || representation[index] === "E") { + const match = representation.substr(++index).match(EXPONENT_REGEX); + if (!match || !match[2]) + return new _Decimal128(NAN_BUFFER); + exponent = parseInt(match[0], 10); + index = index + match[0].length; + } + if (representation[index]) + return new _Decimal128(NAN_BUFFER); + if (!nDigitsStored) { + digits[0] = 0; + nDigits = 1; + nDigitsStored = 1; + significantDigits = 0; + } else { + lastDigit = nDigitsStored - 1; + significantDigits = nDigits; + if (significantDigits !== 1) { + while (representation[firstNonZero + significantDigits - 1 + Number(sawSign) + Number(sawRadix)] === "0") { + significantDigits = significantDigits - 1; + } + } + } + if (exponent <= radixPosition && radixPosition > exponent + (1 << 14)) { + exponent = EXPONENT_MIN; + } else { + exponent = exponent - radixPosition; + } + while (exponent > EXPONENT_MAX) { + lastDigit = lastDigit + 1; + if (lastDigit >= MAX_DIGITS) { + if (significantDigits === 0) { + exponent = EXPONENT_MAX; + break; + } + invalidErr(representation, "overflow"); + } + exponent = exponent - 1; + } + if (options.allowRounding) { + while (exponent < EXPONENT_MIN || nDigitsStored < nDigits) { + if (lastDigit === 0 && significantDigits < nDigitsStored) { + exponent = EXPONENT_MIN; + significantDigits = 0; + break; + } + if (nDigitsStored < nDigits) { + nDigits = nDigits - 1; + } else { + lastDigit = lastDigit - 1; + } + if (exponent < EXPONENT_MAX) { + exponent = exponent + 1; + } else { + const digitsString = digits.join(""); + if (digitsString.match(/^0+$/)) { + exponent = EXPONENT_MAX; + break; + } + invalidErr(representation, "overflow"); + } + } + if (lastDigit + 1 < significantDigits) { + let endOfString = nDigitsRead; + if (sawRadix) { + firstNonZero = firstNonZero + 1; + endOfString = endOfString + 1; + } + if (sawSign) { + firstNonZero = firstNonZero + 1; + endOfString = endOfString + 1; + } + const roundDigit = parseInt(representation[firstNonZero + lastDigit + 1], 10); + let roundBit = 0; + if (roundDigit >= 5) { + roundBit = 1; + if (roundDigit === 5) { + roundBit = digits[lastDigit] % 2 === 1 ? 1 : 0; + for (let i = firstNonZero + lastDigit + 2; i < endOfString; i++) { + if (parseInt(representation[i], 10)) { + roundBit = 1; + break; + } + } + } + } + if (roundBit) { + let dIdx = lastDigit; + for (; dIdx >= 0; dIdx--) { + if (++digits[dIdx] > 9) { + digits[dIdx] = 0; + if (dIdx === 0) { + if (exponent < EXPONENT_MAX) { + exponent = exponent + 1; + digits[dIdx] = 1; + } else { + return new _Decimal128(isNegative ? INF_NEGATIVE_BUFFER : INF_POSITIVE_BUFFER); + } + } + } else { + break; + } + } + } + } + } else { + while (exponent < EXPONENT_MIN || nDigitsStored < nDigits) { + if (lastDigit === 0) { + if (significantDigits === 0) { + exponent = EXPONENT_MIN; + break; + } + invalidErr(representation, "exponent underflow"); + } + if (nDigitsStored < nDigits) { + if (representation[nDigits - 1 + Number(sawSign) + Number(sawRadix)] !== "0" && significantDigits !== 0) { + invalidErr(representation, "inexact rounding"); + } + nDigits = nDigits - 1; + } else { + if (digits[lastDigit] !== 0) { + invalidErr(representation, "inexact rounding"); + } + lastDigit = lastDigit - 1; + } + if (exponent < EXPONENT_MAX) { + exponent = exponent + 1; + } else { + invalidErr(representation, "overflow"); + } + } + if (lastDigit + 1 < significantDigits) { + if (sawRadix) { + firstNonZero = firstNonZero + 1; + } + if (sawSign) { + firstNonZero = firstNonZero + 1; + } + const roundDigit = parseInt(representation[firstNonZero + lastDigit + 1], 10); + if (roundDigit !== 0) { + invalidErr(representation, "inexact rounding"); + } + } + } + significandHigh = Long.fromNumber(0); + significandLow = Long.fromNumber(0); + if (significantDigits === 0) { + significandHigh = Long.fromNumber(0); + significandLow = Long.fromNumber(0); + } else if (lastDigit < 17) { + let dIdx = 0; + significandLow = Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx++]); + significandHigh = new Long(0, 0); + for (; dIdx <= lastDigit; dIdx++) { + significandLow = significandLow.multiply(Long.fromNumber(10)); + significandLow = significandLow.add(Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx])); + } + } else { + let dIdx = 0; + significandHigh = Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx++]); + for (; dIdx <= lastDigit - 17; dIdx++) { + significandHigh = significandHigh.multiply(Long.fromNumber(10)); + significandHigh = significandHigh.add(Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx])); + } + significandLow = Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx++]); + for (; dIdx <= lastDigit; dIdx++) { + significandLow = significandLow.multiply(Long.fromNumber(10)); + significandLow = significandLow.add(Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx])); + } + } + const significand = multiply64x2(significandHigh, Long.fromString("100000000000000000")); + significand.low = significand.low.add(significandLow); + if (lessThan(significand.low, significandLow)) { + significand.high = significand.high.add(Long.fromNumber(1)); + } + biasedExponent = exponent + EXPONENT_BIAS; + const dec = { low: Long.fromNumber(0), high: Long.fromNumber(0) }; + if (significand.high.shiftRightUnsigned(49).and(Long.fromNumber(1)).equals(Long.fromNumber(1))) { + dec.high = dec.high.or(Long.fromNumber(3).shiftLeft(61)); + dec.high = dec.high.or(Long.fromNumber(biasedExponent).and(Long.fromNumber(16383).shiftLeft(47))); + dec.high = dec.high.or(significand.high.and(Long.fromNumber(140737488355327))); + } else { + dec.high = dec.high.or(Long.fromNumber(biasedExponent & 16383).shiftLeft(49)); + dec.high = dec.high.or(significand.high.and(Long.fromNumber(562949953421311))); + } + dec.low = significand.low; + if (isNegative) { + dec.high = dec.high.or(Long.fromString("9223372036854775808")); + } + const buffer2 = ByteUtils.allocate(16); + index = 0; + buffer2[index++] = dec.low.low & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.low.low >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.low.low >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.low.low >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.low.high & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.low.high >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.low.high >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.low.high >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.high.low & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.high.low >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.high.low >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.high.low >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.high.high & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.high.high >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.high.high >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = dec.high.high >> 24 & 255; + return new _Decimal128(buffer2); + } + toString() { + let biased_exponent; + let significand_digits = 0; + const significand = new Array(36); + for (let i = 0; i < significand.length; i++) + significand[i] = 0; + let index = 0; + let is_zero = false; + let significand_msb; + let significand128 = { parts: [0, 0, 0, 0] }; + let j, k; + const string = []; + index = 0; + const buffer2 = this.bytes; + const low = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + const midl = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + const midh = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + const high = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + index = 0; + const dec = { + low: new Long(low, midl), + high: new Long(midh, high) + }; + if (dec.high.lessThan(Long.ZERO)) { + string.push("-"); + } + const combination = high >> 26 & COMBINATION_MASK; + if (combination >> 3 === 3) { + if (combination === COMBINATION_INFINITY) { + return string.join("") + "Infinity"; + } else if (combination === COMBINATION_NAN) { + return "NaN"; + } else { + biased_exponent = high >> 15 & EXPONENT_MASK; + significand_msb = 8 + (high >> 14 & 1); + } + } else { + significand_msb = high >> 14 & 7; + biased_exponent = high >> 17 & EXPONENT_MASK; + } + const exponent = biased_exponent - EXPONENT_BIAS; +[0] = (high & 16383) + ((significand_msb & 15) << 14); +[1] = midh; +[2] = midl; +[3] = low; + if ([0] === 0 &&[1] === 0 &&[2] === 0 &&[3] === 0) { + is_zero = true; + } else { + for (k = 3; k >= 0; k--) { + let least_digits = 0; + const result = divideu128(significand128); + significand128 = result.quotient; + least_digits = result.rem.low; + if (!least_digits) + continue; + for (j = 8; j >= 0; j--) { + significand[k * 9 + j] = least_digits % 10; + least_digits = Math.floor(least_digits / 10); + } + } + } + if (is_zero) { + significand_digits = 1; + significand[index] = 0; + } else { + significand_digits = 36; + while (!significand[index]) { + significand_digits = significand_digits - 1; + index = index + 1; + } + } + const scientific_exponent = significand_digits - 1 + exponent; + if (scientific_exponent >= 34 || scientific_exponent <= -7 || exponent > 0) { + if (significand_digits > 34) { + string.push(`${0}`); + if (exponent > 0) + string.push(`E+${exponent}`); + else if (exponent < 0) + string.push(`E${exponent}`); + return string.join(""); + } + string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); + significand_digits = significand_digits - 1; + if (significand_digits) { + string.push("."); + } + for (let i = 0; i < significand_digits; i++) { + string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); + } + string.push("E"); + if (scientific_exponent > 0) { + string.push(`+${scientific_exponent}`); + } else { + string.push(`${scientific_exponent}`); + } + } else { + if (exponent >= 0) { + for (let i = 0; i < significand_digits; i++) { + string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); + } + } else { + let radix_position = significand_digits + exponent; + if (radix_position > 0) { + for (let i = 0; i < radix_position; i++) { + string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); + } + } else { + string.push("0"); + } + string.push("."); + while (radix_position++ < 0) { + string.push("0"); + } + for (let i = 0; i < significand_digits - Math.max(radix_position - 1, 0); i++) { + string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); + } + } + } + return string.join(""); + } + toJSON() { + return { $numberDecimal: this.toString() }; + } + toExtendedJSON() { + return { $numberDecimal: this.toString() }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { + return _Decimal128.fromString(doc.$numberDecimal); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + const d128string = inspect(this.toString(), options); + return `new Decimal128(${d128string})`; + } + }; + var Double = class _Double extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "Double"; + } + constructor(value) { + super(); + if (value instanceof Number) { + value = value.valueOf(); + } + this.value = +value; + } + valueOf() { + return this.value; + } + toJSON() { + return this.value; + } + toString(radix) { + return this.value.toString(radix); + } + toExtendedJSON(options) { + if (options && (options.legacy || options.relaxed && isFinite(this.value))) { + return this.value; + } + if (, -0)) { + return { $numberDouble: "-0.0" }; + } + return { + $numberDouble: Number.isInteger(this.value) ? this.value.toFixed(1) : this.value.toString() + }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc, options) { + const doubleValue = parseFloat(doc.$numberDouble); + return options && options.relaxed ? doubleValue : new _Double(doubleValue); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + return `new Double(${inspect(this.value, options)})`; + } + }; + var Int32 = class _Int32 extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "Int32"; + } + constructor(value) { + super(); + if (value instanceof Number) { + value = value.valueOf(); + } + this.value = +value | 0; + } + valueOf() { + return this.value; + } + toString(radix) { + return this.value.toString(radix); + } + toJSON() { + return this.value; + } + toExtendedJSON(options) { + if (options && (options.relaxed || options.legacy)) + return this.value; + return { $numberInt: this.value.toString() }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc, options) { + return options && options.relaxed ? parseInt(doc.$numberInt, 10) : new _Int32(doc.$numberInt); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + return `new Int32(${inspect(this.value, options)})`; + } + }; + var MaxKey = class _MaxKey extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "MaxKey"; + } + toExtendedJSON() { + return { $maxKey: 1 }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON() { + return new _MaxKey(); + } + inspect() { + return "new MaxKey()"; + } + }; + var MinKey = class _MinKey extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "MinKey"; + } + toExtendedJSON() { + return { $minKey: 1 }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON() { + return new _MinKey(); + } + inspect() { + return "new MinKey()"; + } + }; + var checkForHexRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$"); + var PROCESS_UNIQUE = null; + var kId = Symbol("id"); + var ObjectId = class _ObjectId extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "ObjectId"; + } + constructor(inputId) { + super(); + let workingId; + if (typeof inputId === "object" && inputId && "id" in inputId) { + if (typeof !== "string" && !ArrayBuffer.isView( { + throw new BSONError("Argument passed in must have an id that is of type string or Buffer"); + } + if ("toHexString" in inputId && typeof inputId.toHexString === "function") { + workingId = ByteUtils.fromHex(inputId.toHexString()); + } else { + workingId =; + } + } else { + workingId = inputId; + } + if (workingId == null || typeof workingId === "number") { + this[kId] = _ObjectId.generate(typeof workingId === "number" ? workingId : void 0); + } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(workingId) && workingId.byteLength === 12) { + this[kId] = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(workingId); + } else if (typeof workingId === "string") { + if (workingId.length === 24 && checkForHexRegExp.test(workingId)) { + this[kId] = ByteUtils.fromHex(workingId); + } else { + throw new BSONError("input must be a 24 character hex string, 12 byte Uint8Array, or an integer"); + } + } else { + throw new BSONError("Argument passed in does not match the accepted types"); + } + if (_ObjectId.cacheHexString) { + this.__id = ByteUtils.toHex(; + } + } + get id() { + return this[kId]; + } + set id(value) { + this[kId] = value; + if (_ObjectId.cacheHexString) { + this.__id = ByteUtils.toHex(value); + } + } + toHexString() { + if (_ObjectId.cacheHexString && this.__id) { + return this.__id; + } + const hexString = ByteUtils.toHex(; + if (_ObjectId.cacheHexString && !this.__id) { + this.__id = hexString; + } + return hexString; + } + static getInc() { + return _ObjectId.index = (_ObjectId.index + 1) % 16777215; + } + static generate(time) { + if ("number" !== typeof time) { + time = Math.floor( / 1e3); + } + const inc = _ObjectId.getInc(); + const buffer2 = ByteUtils.allocate(12); + BSONDataView.fromUint8Array(buffer2).setUint32(0, time, false); + if (PROCESS_UNIQUE === null) { + PROCESS_UNIQUE = ByteUtils.randomBytes(5); + } + buffer2[4] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[0]; + buffer2[5] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[1]; + buffer2[6] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[2]; + buffer2[7] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[3]; + buffer2[8] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[4]; + buffer2[11] = inc & 255; + buffer2[10] = inc >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[9] = inc >> 16 & 255; + return buffer2; + } + toString(encoding) { + if (encoding === "base64") + return ByteUtils.toBase64(; + if (encoding === "hex") + return this.toHexString(); + return this.toHexString(); + } + toJSON() { + return this.toHexString(); + } + static is(variable) { + return variable != null && typeof variable === "object" && "_bsontype" in variable && variable._bsontype === "ObjectId"; + } + equals(otherId) { + if (otherId === void 0 || otherId === null) { + return false; + } + if ( { + return this[kId][11] === otherId[kId][11] && ByteUtils.equals(this[kId], otherId[kId]); + } + if (typeof otherId === "string") { + return otherId.toLowerCase() === this.toHexString(); + } + if (typeof otherId === "object" && typeof otherId.toHexString === "function") { + const otherIdString = otherId.toHexString(); + const thisIdString = this.toHexString(); + return typeof otherIdString === "string" && otherIdString.toLowerCase() === thisIdString; + } + return false; + } + getTimestamp() { + const timestamp = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); + const time = BSONDataView.fromUint8Array(, false); + timestamp.setTime(Math.floor(time) * 1e3); + return timestamp; + } + static createPk() { + return new _ObjectId(); + } + static createFromTime(time) { + const buffer2 = ByteUtils.fromNumberArray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); + BSONDataView.fromUint8Array(buffer2).setUint32(0, time, false); + return new _ObjectId(buffer2); + } + static createFromHexString(hexString) { + if (hexString?.length !== 24) { + throw new BSONError("hex string must be 24 characters"); + } + return new _ObjectId(ByteUtils.fromHex(hexString)); + } + static createFromBase64(base64) { + if (base64?.length !== 16) { + throw new BSONError("base64 string must be 16 characters"); + } + return new _ObjectId(ByteUtils.fromBase64(base64)); + } + static isValid(id) { + if (id == null) + return false; + try { + new _ObjectId(id); + return true; + } catch { + return false; + } + } + toExtendedJSON() { + if (this.toHexString) + return { $oid: this.toHexString() }; + return { $oid: this.toString("hex") }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { + return new _ObjectId(doc.$oid); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + return `new ObjectId(${inspect(this.toHexString(), options)})`; + } + }; + ObjectId.index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215); + function internalCalculateObjectSize(object, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined) { + let totalLength = 4 + 1; + if (Array.isArray(object)) { + for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { + totalLength += calculateElement(i.toString(), object[i], serializeFunctions, true, ignoreUndefined); + } + } else { + if (typeof object?.toBSON === "function") { + object = object.toBSON(); + } + for (const key of Object.keys(object)) { + totalLength += calculateElement(key, object[key], serializeFunctions, false, ignoreUndefined); + } + } + return totalLength; + } + function calculateElement(name, value, serializeFunctions = false, isArray = false, ignoreUndefined = false) { + if (typeof value?.toBSON === "function") { + value = value.toBSON(); + } + switch (typeof value) { + case "string": + return 1 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 + 4 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value) + 1; + case "number": + if (Math.floor(value) === value && value >= JS_INT_MIN && value <= JS_INT_MAX) { + if (value >= BSON_INT32_MIN && value <= BSON_INT32_MAX) { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (4 + 1); + } else { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (8 + 1); + } + } else { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (8 + 1); + } + case "undefined": + if (isArray || !ignoreUndefined) + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1; + return 0; + case "boolean": + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (1 + 1); + case "object": + if (value != null && typeof value._bsontype === "string" && value[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { + throw new BSONVersionError(); + } else if (value == null || value._bsontype === "MinKey" || value._bsontype === "MaxKey") { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1; + } else if (value._bsontype === "ObjectId") { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (12 + 1); + } else if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (8 + 1); + } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value) || value instanceof ArrayBuffer || isAnyArrayBuffer(value)) { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (1 + 4 + 1) + value.byteLength; + } else if (value._bsontype === "Long" || value._bsontype === "Double" || value._bsontype === "Timestamp") { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (8 + 1); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Decimal128") { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (16 + 1); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Code") { + if (value.scope != null && Object.keys(value.scope).length > 0) { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + 4 + 4 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.code.toString()) + 1 + internalCalculateObjectSize(value.scope, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined); + } else { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + 4 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.code.toString()) + 1; + } + } else if (value._bsontype === "Binary") { + const binary = value; + if (binary.sub_type === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (binary.position + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4); + } else { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (binary.position + 1 + 4 + 1); + } + } else if (value._bsontype === "Symbol") { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.value) + 4 + 1 + 1; + } else if (value._bsontype === "DBRef") { + const ordered_values = Object.assign({ + $ref: value.collection, + $id: value.oid + }, value.fields); + if (value.db != null) { + ordered_values["$db"] = value.db; + } + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + internalCalculateObjectSize(ordered_values, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined); + } else if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.source) + 1 + ( ? 1 : 0) + (value.ignoreCase ? 1 : 0) + (value.multiline ? 1 : 0) + 1; + } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.pattern) + 1 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.options) + 1; + } else { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + internalCalculateObjectSize(value, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined) + 1; + } + case "function": + if (serializeFunctions) { + return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + 4 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.toString()) + 1; + } + } + return 0; + } + function alphabetize(str) { + return str.split("").sort().join(""); + } + var BSONRegExp = class _BSONRegExp extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "BSONRegExp"; + } + constructor(pattern, options) { + super(); + this.pattern = pattern; + this.options = alphabetize(options ?? ""); + if (this.pattern.indexOf("\0") !== -1) { + throw new BSONError(`BSON Regex patterns cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(this.pattern)}`); + } + if (this.options.indexOf("\0") !== -1) { + throw new BSONError(`BSON Regex options cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(this.options)}`); + } + for (let i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++) { + if (!(this.options[i] === "i" || this.options[i] === "m" || this.options[i] === "x" || this.options[i] === "l" || this.options[i] === "s" || this.options[i] === "u")) { + throw new BSONError(`The regular expression option [${this.options[i]}] is not supported`); + } + } + } + static parseOptions(options) { + return options ? options.split("").sort().join("") : ""; + } + toExtendedJSON(options) { + options = options || {}; + if (options.legacy) { + return { $regex: this.pattern, $options: this.options }; + } + return { $regularExpression: { pattern: this.pattern, options: this.options } }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { + if ("$regex" in doc) { + if (typeof doc.$regex !== "string") { + if (doc.$regex._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { + return doc; + } + } else { + return new _BSONRegExp(doc.$regex, _BSONRegExp.parseOptions(doc.$options)); + } + } + if ("$regularExpression" in doc) { + return new _BSONRegExp(doc.$regularExpression.pattern, _BSONRegExp.parseOptions(doc.$regularExpression.options)); + } + throw new BSONError(`Unexpected BSONRegExp EJSON object form: ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + const stylize = getStylizeFunction(options) ?? ((v) => v); + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + const pattern = stylize(inspect(this.pattern), "regexp"); + const flags = stylize(inspect(this.options), "regexp"); + return `new BSONRegExp(${pattern}, ${flags})`; + } + }; + var BSONSymbol = class _BSONSymbol extends BSONValue { + get _bsontype() { + return "BSONSymbol"; + } + constructor(value) { + super(); + this.value = value; + } + valueOf() { + return this.value; + } + toString() { + return this.value; + } + toJSON() { + return this.value; + } + toExtendedJSON() { + return { $symbol: this.value }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { + return new _BSONSymbol(doc.$symbol); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + return `new BSONSymbol(${inspect(this.value, options)})`; + } + }; + var LongWithoutOverridesClass = Long; + var Timestamp = class _Timestamp extends LongWithoutOverridesClass { + get _bsontype() { + return "Timestamp"; + } + constructor(low) { + if (low == null) { + super(0, 0, true); + } else if (typeof low === "bigint") { + super(low, true); + } else if (Long.isLong(low)) { + super(low.low, low.high, true); + } else if (typeof low === "object" && "t" in low && "i" in low) { + if (typeof low.t !== "number" && (typeof low.t !== "object" || low.t._bsontype !== "Int32")) { + throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide t as a number"); + } + if (typeof low.i !== "number" && (typeof low.i !== "object" || low.i._bsontype !== "Int32")) { + throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide i as a number"); + } + const t = Number(low.t); + const i = Number(low.i); + if (t < 0 || Number.isNaN(t)) { + throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide a positive t"); + } + if (i < 0 || Number.isNaN(i)) { + throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide a positive i"); + } + if (t > 4294967295) { + throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide t equal or less than uint32 max"); + } + if (i > 4294967295) { + throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide i equal or less than uint32 max"); + } + super(i, t, true); + } else { + throw new BSONError("A Timestamp can only be constructed with: bigint, Long, or { t: number; i: number }"); + } + } + toJSON() { + return { + $timestamp: this.toString() + }; + } + static fromInt(value) { + return new _Timestamp(Long.fromInt(value, true)); + } + static fromNumber(value) { + return new _Timestamp(Long.fromNumber(value, true)); + } + static fromBits(lowBits, highBits) { + return new _Timestamp({ i: lowBits, t: highBits }); + } + static fromString(str, optRadix) { + return new _Timestamp(Long.fromString(str, true, optRadix)); + } + toExtendedJSON() { + return { $timestamp: { t: this.high >>> 0, i: this.low >>> 0 } }; + } + static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { + const i = Long.isLong(doc.$timestamp.i) ? doc.$timestamp.i.getLowBitsUnsigned() : doc.$timestamp.i; + const t = Long.isLong(doc.$timestamp.t) ? doc.$timestamp.t.getLowBitsUnsigned() : doc.$timestamp.t; + return new _Timestamp({ t, i }); + } + inspect(depth, options, inspect) { + inspect ??= defaultInspect; + const t = inspect(this.high >>> 0, options); + const i = inspect(this.low >>> 0, options); + return `new Timestamp({ t: ${t}, i: ${i} })`; + } + }; + Timestamp.MAX_VALUE = Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE; + var JS_INT_MAX_LONG = Long.fromNumber(JS_INT_MAX); + var JS_INT_MIN_LONG = Long.fromNumber(JS_INT_MIN); + function internalDeserialize(buffer2, options, isArray) { + options = options == null ? {} : options; + const index = options && options.index ? options.index : 0; + const size = buffer2[index] | buffer2[index + 1] << 8 | buffer2[index + 2] << 16 | buffer2[index + 3] << 24; + if (size < 5) { + throw new BSONError(`bson size must be >= 5, is ${size}`); + } + if (options.allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize && buffer2.length < size) { + throw new BSONError(`buffer length ${buffer2.length} must be >= bson size ${size}`); + } + if (!options.allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize && buffer2.length !== size) { + throw new BSONError(`buffer length ${buffer2.length} must === bson size ${size}`); + } + if (size + index > buffer2.byteLength) { + throw new BSONError(`(bson size ${size} + options.index ${index} must be <= buffer length ${buffer2.byteLength})`); + } + if (buffer2[index + size - 1] !== 0) { + throw new BSONError("One object, sized correctly, with a spot for an EOO, but the EOO isn't 0x00"); + } + return deserializeObject(buffer2, index, options, isArray); + } + var allowedDBRefKeys = /^\$ref$|^\$id$|^\$db$/; + function deserializeObject(buffer2, index, options, isArray = false) { + const fieldsAsRaw = options["fieldsAsRaw"] == null ? null : options["fieldsAsRaw"]; + const raw = options["raw"] == null ? false : options["raw"]; + const bsonRegExp = typeof options["bsonRegExp"] === "boolean" ? options["bsonRegExp"] : false; + const promoteBuffers = options.promoteBuffers ?? false; + const promoteLongs = options.promoteLongs ?? true; + const promoteValues = options.promoteValues ?? true; + const useBigInt64 = options.useBigInt64 ?? false; + if (useBigInt64 && !promoteValues) { + throw new BSONError("Must either request bigint or Long for int64 deserialization"); + } + if (useBigInt64 && !promoteLongs) { + throw new BSONError("Must either request bigint or Long for int64 deserialization"); + } + const validation = options.validation == null ? { utf8: true } : options.validation; + let globalUTFValidation = true; + let validationSetting; + const utf8KeysSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); + const utf8ValidatedKeys = validation.utf8; + if (typeof utf8ValidatedKeys === "boolean") { + validationSetting = utf8ValidatedKeys; + } else { + globalUTFValidation = false; + const utf8ValidationValues = Object.keys(utf8ValidatedKeys).map(function(key) { + return utf8ValidatedKeys[key]; + }); + if (utf8ValidationValues.length === 0) { + throw new BSONError("UTF-8 validation setting cannot be empty"); + } + if (typeof utf8ValidationValues[0] !== "boolean") { + throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 validation option, must specify boolean values"); + } + validationSetting = utf8ValidationValues[0]; + if (!utf8ValidationValues.every((item) => item === validationSetting)) { + throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 validation option - keys must be all true or all false"); + } + } + if (!globalUTFValidation) { + for (const key of Object.keys(utf8ValidatedKeys)) { + utf8KeysSet.add(key); + } + } + const startIndex = index; + if (buffer2.length < 5) + throw new BSONError("corrupt bson message < 5 bytes long"); + const size = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (size < 5 || size > buffer2.length) + throw new BSONError("corrupt bson message"); + const object = isArray ? [] : {}; + let arrayIndex = 0; + const done = false; + let isPossibleDBRef = isArray ? false : null; + const dataview = new DataView(buffer2.buffer, buffer2.byteOffset, buffer2.byteLength); + while (!done) { + const elementType = buffer2[index++]; + if (elementType === 0) + break; + let i = index; + while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { + i++; + } + if (i >= buffer2.byteLength) + throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); + const name = isArray ? arrayIndex++ : ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); + let shouldValidateKey = true; + if (globalUTFValidation || utf8KeysSet.has(name)) { + shouldValidateKey = validationSetting; + } else { + shouldValidateKey = !validationSetting; + } + if (isPossibleDBRef !== false && name[0] === "$") { + isPossibleDBRef = allowedDBRefKeys.test(name); + } + let value; + index = i + 1; + if (elementType === BSON_DATA_STRING) { + const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) { + throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); + } + value = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, shouldValidateKey); + index = index + stringSize; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_OID) { + const oid = ByteUtils.allocate(12); + oid.set(buffer2.subarray(index, index + 12)); + value = new ObjectId(oid); + index = index + 12; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_INT && promoteValues === false) { + value = new Int32(buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_INT) { + value = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_NUMBER && promoteValues === false) { + value = new Double(dataview.getFloat64(index, true)); + index = index + 8; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_NUMBER) { + value = dataview.getFloat64(index, true); + index = index + 8; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_DATE) { + const lowBits = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + const highBits = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + value = new Date(new Long(lowBits, highBits).toNumber()); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_BOOLEAN) { + if (buffer2[index] !== 0 && buffer2[index] !== 1) + throw new BSONError("illegal boolean type value"); + value = buffer2[index++] === 1; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_OBJECT) { + const _index = index; + const objectSize = buffer2[index] | buffer2[index + 1] << 8 | buffer2[index + 2] << 16 | buffer2[index + 3] << 24; + if (objectSize <= 0 || objectSize > buffer2.length - index) + throw new BSONError("bad embedded document length in bson"); + if (raw) { + value = buffer2.slice(index, index + objectSize); + } else { + let objectOptions = options; + if (!globalUTFValidation) { + objectOptions = { ...options, validation: { utf8: shouldValidateKey } }; + } + value = deserializeObject(buffer2, _index, objectOptions, false); + } + index = index + objectSize; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_ARRAY) { + const _index = index; + const objectSize = buffer2[index] | buffer2[index + 1] << 8 | buffer2[index + 2] << 16 | buffer2[index + 3] << 24; + let arrayOptions = options; + const stopIndex = index + objectSize; + if (fieldsAsRaw && fieldsAsRaw[name]) { + arrayOptions = { ...options, raw: true }; + } + if (!globalUTFValidation) { + arrayOptions = { ...arrayOptions, validation: { utf8: shouldValidateKey } }; + } + value = deserializeObject(buffer2, _index, arrayOptions, true); + index = index + objectSize; + if (buffer2[index - 1] !== 0) + throw new BSONError("invalid array terminator byte"); + if (index !== stopIndex) + throw new BSONError("corrupted array bson"); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_UNDEFINED) { + value = void 0; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_NULL) { + value = null; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_LONG) { + const dataview2 = BSONDataView.fromUint8Array(buffer2.subarray(index, index + 8)); + const lowBits = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + const highBits = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + const long = new Long(lowBits, highBits); + if (useBigInt64) { + value = dataview2.getBigInt64(0, true); + } else if (promoteLongs && promoteValues === true) { + value = long.lessThanOrEqual(JS_INT_MAX_LONG) && long.greaterThanOrEqual(JS_INT_MIN_LONG) ? long.toNumber() : long; + } else { + value = long; + } + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_DECIMAL128) { + const bytes = ByteUtils.allocate(16); + bytes.set(buffer2.subarray(index, index + 16), 0); + index = index + 16; + value = new Decimal128(bytes); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_BINARY) { + let binarySize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + const totalBinarySize = binarySize; + const subType = buffer2[index++]; + if (binarySize < 0) + throw new BSONError("Negative binary type element size found"); + if (binarySize > buffer2.byteLength) + throw new BSONError("Binary type size larger than document size"); + if (buffer2["slice"] != null) { + if (subType === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) { + binarySize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (binarySize < 0) + throw new BSONError("Negative binary type element size found for subtype 0x02"); + if (binarySize > totalBinarySize - 4) + throw new BSONError("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too long binary size"); + if (binarySize < totalBinarySize - 4) + throw new BSONError("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too short binary size"); + } + if (promoteBuffers && promoteValues) { + value = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2.slice(index, index + binarySize)); + } else { + value = new Binary(buffer2.slice(index, index + binarySize), subType); + if (subType === BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW && UUID.isValid(value)) { + value = value.toUUID(); + } + } + } else { + const _buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(binarySize); + if (subType === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) { + binarySize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (binarySize < 0) + throw new BSONError("Negative binary type element size found for subtype 0x02"); + if (binarySize > totalBinarySize - 4) + throw new BSONError("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too long binary size"); + if (binarySize < totalBinarySize - 4) + throw new BSONError("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too short binary size"); + } + for (i = 0; i < binarySize; i++) { + _buffer[i] = buffer2[index + i]; + } + if (promoteBuffers && promoteValues) { + value = _buffer; + } else { + value = new Binary(buffer2.slice(index, index + binarySize), subType); + if (subType === BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW && UUID.isValid(value)) { + value = value.toUUID(); + } + } + } + index = index + binarySize; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_REGEXP && bsonRegExp === false) { + i = index; + while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { + i++; + } + if (i >= buffer2.length) + throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); + const source = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); + index = i + 1; + i = index; + while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { + i++; + } + if (i >= buffer2.length) + throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); + const regExpOptions = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); + index = i + 1; + const optionsArray = new Array(regExpOptions.length); + for (i = 0; i < regExpOptions.length; i++) { + switch (regExpOptions[i]) { + case "m": + optionsArray[i] = "m"; + break; + case "s": + optionsArray[i] = "g"; + break; + case "i": + optionsArray[i] = "i"; + break; + } + } + value = new RegExp(source, optionsArray.join("")); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_REGEXP && bsonRegExp === true) { + i = index; + while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { + i++; + } + if (i >= buffer2.length) + throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); + const source = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); + index = i + 1; + i = index; + while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { + i++; + } + if (i >= buffer2.length) + throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); + const regExpOptions = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); + index = i + 1; + value = new BSONRegExp(source, regExpOptions); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_SYMBOL) { + const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) { + throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); + } + const symbol = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, shouldValidateKey); + value = promoteValues ? symbol : new BSONSymbol(symbol); + index = index + stringSize; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_TIMESTAMP) { + const i2 = buffer2[index++] + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 8) + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 16) + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 24); + const t = buffer2[index++] + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 8) + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 16) + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 24); + value = new Timestamp({ i: i2, t }); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_MIN_KEY) { + value = new MinKey(); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_MAX_KEY) { + value = new MaxKey(); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_CODE) { + const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) { + throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); + } + const functionString = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, shouldValidateKey); + value = new Code(functionString); + index = index + stringSize; + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_CODE_W_SCOPE) { + const totalSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (totalSize < 4 + 4 + 4 + 1) { + throw new BSONError("code_w_scope total size shorter minimum expected length"); + } + const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) { + throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); + } + const functionString = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, shouldValidateKey); + index = index + stringSize; + const _index = index; + const objectSize = buffer2[index] | buffer2[index + 1] << 8 | buffer2[index + 2] << 16 | buffer2[index + 3] << 24; + const scopeObject = deserializeObject(buffer2, _index, options, false); + index = index + objectSize; + if (totalSize < 4 + 4 + objectSize + stringSize) { + throw new BSONError("code_w_scope total size is too short, truncating scope"); + } + if (totalSize > 4 + 4 + objectSize + stringSize) { + throw new BSONError("code_w_scope total size is too long, clips outer document"); + } + value = new Code(functionString, scopeObject); + } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_DBPOINTER) { + const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; + if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) + throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); + if (validation != null && validation.utf8) { + if (!validateUtf8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1)) { + throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document"); + } + } + const namespace = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, false); + index = index + stringSize; + const oidBuffer = ByteUtils.allocate(12); + oidBuffer.set(buffer2.subarray(index, index + 12), 0); + const oid = new ObjectId(oidBuffer); + index = index + 12; + value = new DBRef(namespace, oid); + } else { + throw new BSONError(`Detected unknown BSON type ${elementType.toString(16)} for fieldname "${name}"`); + } + if (name === "__proto__") { + Object.defineProperty(object, name, { + value, + writable: true, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + } else { + object[name] = value; + } + } + if (size !== index - startIndex) { + if (isArray) + throw new BSONError("corrupt array bson"); + throw new BSONError("corrupt object bson"); + } + if (!isPossibleDBRef) + return object; + if (isDBRefLike(object)) { + const copy = Object.assign({}, object); + delete copy.$ref; + delete copy.$id; + delete copy.$db; + return new DBRef(object.$ref, object.$id, object.$db, copy); + } + return object; + } + var regexp = /\x00/; + var ignoreKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["$db", "$ref", "$id", "$clusterTime"]); + function serializeString(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_STRING; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes + 1; + buffer2[index - 1] = 0; + const size = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, value, index + 4); + buffer2[index + 3] = size + 1 >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index + 2] = size + 1 >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index + 1] = size + 1 >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index] = size + 1 & 255; + index = index + 4 + size; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + return index; + } + var NUMBER_SPACE = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8), 0, 8); + var FOUR_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER = new Uint8Array(NUMBER_SPACE.buffer, 0, 4); + var EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER = new Uint8Array(NUMBER_SPACE.buffer, 0, 8); + function serializeNumber(buffer2, key, value, index) { + const isNegativeZero =, -0); + const type = !isNegativeZero && Number.isSafeInteger(value) && value <= BSON_INT32_MAX && value >= BSON_INT32_MIN ? BSON_DATA_INT : BSON_DATA_NUMBER; + if (type === BSON_DATA_INT) { + NUMBER_SPACE.setInt32(0, value, true); + } else { + NUMBER_SPACE.setFloat64(0, value, true); + } + const bytes = type === BSON_DATA_INT ? FOUR_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER : EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER; + buffer2[index++] = type; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + buffer2.set(bytes, index); + index += bytes.byteLength; + return index; + } + function serializeBigInt(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_LONG; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index += numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + NUMBER_SPACE.setBigInt64(0, value, true); + buffer2.set(EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER, index); + index += EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER.byteLength; + return index; + } + function serializeNull(buffer2, key, _, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_NULL; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + return index; + } + function serializeBoolean(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_BOOLEAN; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + buffer2[index++] = value ? 1 : 0; + return index; + } + function serializeDate(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_DATE; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const dateInMilis = Long.fromNumber(value.getTime()); + const lowBits = dateInMilis.getLowBits(); + const highBits = dateInMilis.getHighBits(); + buffer2[index++] = lowBits & 255; + buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = highBits & 255; + buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 24 & 255; + return index; + } + function serializeRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_REGEXP; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + if (value.source && value.source.match(regexp) != null) { + throw new BSONError("value " + value.source + " must not contain null bytes"); + } + index = index + ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, value.source, index); + buffer2[index++] = 0; + if (value.ignoreCase) + buffer2[index++] = 105; + if ( + buffer2[index++] = 115; + if (value.multiline) + buffer2[index++] = 109; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + return index; + } + function serializeBSONRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_REGEXP; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + if (value.pattern.match(regexp) != null) { + throw new BSONError("pattern " + value.pattern + " must not contain null bytes"); + } + index = index + ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, value.pattern, index); + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const sortedOptions = value.options.split("").sort().join(""); + index = index + ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, sortedOptions, index); + buffer2[index++] = 0; + return index; + } + function serializeMinMax(buffer2, key, value, index) { + if (value === null) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_NULL; + } else if (value._bsontype === "MinKey") { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_MIN_KEY; + } else { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_MAX_KEY; + } + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + return index; + } + function serializeObjectId(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_OID; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const idValue =; + if (isUint8Array(idValue)) { + for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { + buffer2[index++] = idValue[i]; + } + } else { + throw new BSONError("object [" + JSON.stringify(value) + "] is not a valid ObjectId"); + } + return index; + } + function serializeBuffer(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_BINARY; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const size = value.length; + buffer2[index++] = size & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT; + buffer2.set(value, index); + index = index + size; + return index; + } + function serializeObject(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path) { + if (path.has(value)) { + throw new BSONError("Cannot convert circular structure to BSON"); + } + path.add(value); + buffer2[index++] = Array.isArray(value) ? BSON_DATA_ARRAY : BSON_DATA_OBJECT; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const endIndex = serializeInto(buffer2, value, checkKeys, index, depth + 1, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); + path.delete(value); + return endIndex; + } + function serializeDecimal128(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_DECIMAL128; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + buffer2.set(value.bytes.subarray(0, 16), index); + return index + 16; + } + function serializeLong(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = value._bsontype === "Long" ? BSON_DATA_LONG : BSON_DATA_TIMESTAMP; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const lowBits = value.getLowBits(); + const highBits = value.getHighBits(); + buffer2[index++] = lowBits & 255; + buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = highBits & 255; + buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 24 & 255; + return index; + } + function serializeInt32(buffer2, key, value, index) { + value = value.valueOf(); + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_INT; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + buffer2[index++] = value & 255; + buffer2[index++] = value >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = value >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = value >> 24 & 255; + return index; + } + function serializeDouble(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_NUMBER; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + NUMBER_SPACE.setFloat64(0, value.value, true); + buffer2.set(EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER, index); + index = index + 8; + return index; + } + function serializeFunction(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_CODE; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const functionString = value.toString(); + const size = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, functionString, index + 4) + 1; + buffer2[index] = size & 255; + buffer2[index + 1] = size >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index + 2] = size >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index + 3] = size >> 24 & 255; + index = index + 4 + size - 1; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + return index; + } + function serializeCode(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys = false, depth = 0, serializeFunctions = false, ignoreUndefined = true, path) { + if (value.scope && typeof value.scope === "object") { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_CODE_W_SCOPE; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + let startIndex = index; + const functionString = value.code; + index = index + 4; + const codeSize = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, functionString, index + 4) + 1; + buffer2[index] = codeSize & 255; + buffer2[index + 1] = codeSize >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index + 2] = codeSize >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index + 3] = codeSize >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index + 4 + codeSize - 1] = 0; + index = index + codeSize + 4; + const endIndex = serializeInto(buffer2, value.scope, checkKeys, index, depth + 1, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); + index = endIndex - 1; + const totalSize = endIndex - startIndex; + buffer2[startIndex++] = totalSize & 255; + buffer2[startIndex++] = totalSize >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[startIndex++] = totalSize >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[startIndex++] = totalSize >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + } else { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_CODE; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const functionString = value.code.toString(); + const size = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, functionString, index + 4) + 1; + buffer2[index] = size & 255; + buffer2[index + 1] = size >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index + 2] = size >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index + 3] = size >> 24 & 255; + index = index + 4 + size - 1; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + } + return index; + } + function serializeBinary(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_BINARY; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const data = value.buffer; + let size = value.position; + if (value.sub_type === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) + size = size + 4; + buffer2[index++] = size & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 24 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = value.sub_type; + if (value.sub_type === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) { + size = size - 4; + buffer2[index++] = size & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index++] = size >> 24 & 255; + } + buffer2.set(data, index); + index = index + value.position; + return index; + } + function serializeSymbol(buffer2, key, value, index) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_SYMBOL; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const size = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, value.value, index + 4) + 1; + buffer2[index] = size & 255; + buffer2[index + 1] = size >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[index + 2] = size >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[index + 3] = size >> 24 & 255; + index = index + 4 + size - 1; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + return index; + } + function serializeDBRef(buffer2, key, value, index, depth, serializeFunctions, path) { + buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_OBJECT; + const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); + index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; + buffer2[index++] = 0; + let startIndex = index; + let output = { + $ref: value.collection || value.namespace, + $id: value.oid + }; + if (value.db != null) { + output.$db = value.db; + } + output = Object.assign(output, value.fields); + const endIndex = serializeInto(buffer2, output, false, index, depth + 1, serializeFunctions, true, path); + const size = endIndex - startIndex; + buffer2[startIndex++] = size & 255; + buffer2[startIndex++] = size >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[startIndex++] = size >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[startIndex++] = size >> 24 & 255; + return endIndex; + } + function serializeInto(buffer2, object, checkKeys, startingIndex, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path) { + if (path == null) { + if (object == null) { + buffer2[0] = 5; + buffer2[1] = 0; + buffer2[2] = 0; + buffer2[3] = 0; + buffer2[4] = 0; + return 5; + } + if (Array.isArray(object)) { + throw new BSONError("serialize does not support an array as the root input"); + } + if (typeof object !== "object") { + throw new BSONError("serialize does not support non-object as the root input"); + } else if ("_bsontype" in object && typeof object._bsontype === "string") { + throw new BSONError(`BSON types cannot be serialized as a document`); + } else if (isDate(object) || isRegExp(object) || isUint8Array(object) || isAnyArrayBuffer(object)) { + throw new BSONError(`date, regexp, typedarray, and arraybuffer cannot be BSON documents`); + } + path = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); + } + path.add(object); + let index = startingIndex + 4; + if (Array.isArray(object)) { + for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { + const key = `${i}`; + let value = object[i]; + if (typeof value?.toBSON === "function") { + value = value.toBSON(); + } + if (typeof value === "string") { + index = serializeString(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (typeof value === "number") { + index = serializeNumber(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (typeof value === "bigint") { + index = serializeBigInt(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (typeof value === "boolean") { + index = serializeBoolean(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { + index = serializeDate(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value === void 0) { + index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value === null) { + index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (isUint8Array(value)) { + index = serializeBuffer(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { + index = serializeRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (typeof value === "object" && value._bsontype == null) { + index = serializeObject(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); + } else if (typeof value === "object" && value[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { + throw new BSONVersionError(); + } else if (value._bsontype === "ObjectId") { + index = serializeObjectId(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Decimal128") { + index = serializeDecimal128(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Long" || value._bsontype === "Timestamp") { + index = serializeLong(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Double") { + index = serializeDouble(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (typeof value === "function" && serializeFunctions) { + index = serializeFunction(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Code") { + index = serializeCode(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Binary") { + index = serializeBinary(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONSymbol") { + index = serializeSymbol(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "DBRef") { + index = serializeDBRef(buffer2, key, value, index, depth, serializeFunctions, path); + } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { + index = serializeBSONRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Int32") { + index = serializeInt32(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "MinKey" || value._bsontype === "MaxKey") { + index = serializeMinMax(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (typeof value._bsontype !== "undefined") { + throw new BSONError(`Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: ${String(value._bsontype)}`); + } + } + } else if (object instanceof Map || isMap(object)) { + const iterator = object.entries(); + let done = false; + while (!done) { + const entry =; + done = !!entry.done; + if (done) + continue; + const key = entry.value[0]; + let value = entry.value[1]; + if (typeof value?.toBSON === "function") { + value = value.toBSON(); + } + const type = typeof value; + if (typeof key === "string" && !ignoreKeys.has(key)) { + if (key.match(regexp) != null) { + throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not contain null bytes"); + } + if (checkKeys) { + if ("$" === key[0]) { + throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not start with '$'"); + } else if (~key.indexOf(".")) { + throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not contain '.'"); + } + } + } + if (type === "string") { + index = serializeString(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "number") { + index = serializeNumber(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "bigint") { + index = serializeBigInt(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "boolean") { + index = serializeBoolean(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { + index = serializeDate(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value === null || value === void 0 && ignoreUndefined === false) { + index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (isUint8Array(value)) { + index = serializeBuffer(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { + index = serializeRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "object" && value._bsontype == null) { + index = serializeObject(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); + } else if (typeof value === "object" && value[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { + throw new BSONVersionError(); + } else if (value._bsontype === "ObjectId") { + index = serializeObjectId(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "object" && value._bsontype === "Decimal128") { + index = serializeDecimal128(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Long" || value._bsontype === "Timestamp") { + index = serializeLong(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Double") { + index = serializeDouble(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Code") { + index = serializeCode(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); + } else if (typeof value === "function" && serializeFunctions) { + index = serializeFunction(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Binary") { + index = serializeBinary(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONSymbol") { + index = serializeSymbol(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "DBRef") { + index = serializeDBRef(buffer2, key, value, index, depth, serializeFunctions, path); + } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { + index = serializeBSONRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Int32") { + index = serializeInt32(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "MinKey" || value._bsontype === "MaxKey") { + index = serializeMinMax(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (typeof value._bsontype !== "undefined") { + throw new BSONError(`Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: ${String(value._bsontype)}`); + } + } + } else { + if (typeof object?.toBSON === "function") { + object = object.toBSON(); + if (object != null && typeof object !== "object") { + throw new BSONError("toBSON function did not return an object"); + } + } + for (const key of Object.keys(object)) { + let value = object[key]; + if (typeof value?.toBSON === "function") { + value = value.toBSON(); + } + const type = typeof value; + if (typeof key === "string" && !ignoreKeys.has(key)) { + if (key.match(regexp) != null) { + throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not contain null bytes"); + } + if (checkKeys) { + if ("$" === key[0]) { + throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not start with '$'"); + } else if (~key.indexOf(".")) { + throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not contain '.'"); + } + } + } + if (type === "string") { + index = serializeString(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "number") { + index = serializeNumber(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "bigint") { + index = serializeBigInt(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "boolean") { + index = serializeBoolean(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { + index = serializeDate(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value === void 0) { + if (ignoreUndefined === false) + index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value === null) { + index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (isUint8Array(value)) { + index = serializeBuffer(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { + index = serializeRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "object" && value._bsontype == null) { + index = serializeObject(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); + } else if (typeof value === "object" && value[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { + throw new BSONVersionError(); + } else if (value._bsontype === "ObjectId") { + index = serializeObjectId(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (type === "object" && value._bsontype === "Decimal128") { + index = serializeDecimal128(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Long" || value._bsontype === "Timestamp") { + index = serializeLong(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Double") { + index = serializeDouble(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Code") { + index = serializeCode(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); + } else if (typeof value === "function" && serializeFunctions) { + index = serializeFunction(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Binary") { + index = serializeBinary(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONSymbol") { + index = serializeSymbol(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "DBRef") { + index = serializeDBRef(buffer2, key, value, index, depth, serializeFunctions, path); + } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { + index = serializeBSONRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "Int32") { + index = serializeInt32(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (value._bsontype === "MinKey" || value._bsontype === "MaxKey") { + index = serializeMinMax(buffer2, key, value, index); + } else if (typeof value._bsontype !== "undefined") { + throw new BSONError(`Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: ${String(value._bsontype)}`); + } + } + } + path.delete(object); + buffer2[index++] = 0; + const size = index - startingIndex; + buffer2[startingIndex++] = size & 255; + buffer2[startingIndex++] = size >> 8 & 255; + buffer2[startingIndex++] = size >> 16 & 255; + buffer2[startingIndex++] = size >> 24 & 255; + return index; + } + function isBSONType(value) { + return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "_bsontype" in value && typeof value._bsontype === "string"; + } + var keysToCodecs = { + $oid: ObjectId, + $binary: Binary, + $uuid: Binary, + $symbol: BSONSymbol, + $numberInt: Int32, + $numberDecimal: Decimal128, + $numberDouble: Double, + $numberLong: Long, + $minKey: MinKey, + $maxKey: MaxKey, + $regex: BSONRegExp, + $regularExpression: BSONRegExp, + $timestamp: Timestamp + }; + function deserializeValue(value, options = {}) { + if (typeof value === "number") { + const in32BitRange = value <= BSON_INT32_MAX && value >= BSON_INT32_MIN; + const in64BitRange = value <= BSON_INT64_MAX && value >= BSON_INT64_MIN; + if (options.relaxed || options.legacy) { + return value; + } + if (Number.isInteger(value) && !, -0)) { + if (in32BitRange) { + return new Int32(value); + } + if (in64BitRange) { + if (options.useBigInt64) { + return BigInt(value); + } + return Long.fromNumber(value); + } + } + return new Double(value); + } + if (value == null || typeof value !== "object") + return value; + if (value.$undefined) + return null; + const keys = Object.keys(value).filter((k) => k.startsWith("$") && value[k] != null); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + const c = keysToCodecs[keys[i]]; + if (c) + return c.fromExtendedJSON(value, options); + } + if (value.$date != null) { + const d = value.$date; + const date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); + if (options.legacy) { + if (typeof d === "number") + date.setTime(d); + else if (typeof d === "string") + date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); + else if (typeof d === "bigint") + date.setTime(Number(d)); + else + throw new BSONRuntimeError(`Unrecognized type for EJSON date: ${typeof d}`); + } else { + if (typeof d === "string") + date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); + else if (Long.isLong(d)) + date.setTime(d.toNumber()); + else if (typeof d === "number" && options.relaxed) + date.setTime(d); + else if (typeof d === "bigint") + date.setTime(Number(d)); + else + throw new BSONRuntimeError(`Unrecognized type for EJSON date: ${typeof d}`); + } + return date; + } + if (value.$code != null) { + const copy = Object.assign({}, value); + if (value.$scope) { + copy.$scope = deserializeValue(value.$scope); + } + return Code.fromExtendedJSON(value); + } + if (isDBRefLike(value) || value.$dbPointer) { + const v = value.$ref ? value : value.$dbPointer; + if (v instanceof DBRef) + return v; + const dollarKeys = Object.keys(v).filter((k) => k.startsWith("$")); + let valid = true; + dollarKeys.forEach((k) => { + if (["$ref", "$id", "$db"].indexOf(k) === -1) + valid = false; + }); + if (valid) + return DBRef.fromExtendedJSON(v); + } + return value; + } + function serializeArray(array, options) { + return, index) => { + options.seenObjects.push({ propertyName: `index ${index}`, obj: null }); + try { + return serializeValue(v, options); + } finally { + options.seenObjects.pop(); + } + }); + } + function getISOString(date) { + const isoStr = date.toISOString(); + return date.getUTCMilliseconds() !== 0 ? isoStr : isoStr.slice(0, -5) + "Z"; + } + function serializeValue(value, options) { + if (value instanceof Map || isMap(value)) { + const obj = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + for (const [k, v] of value) { + if (typeof k !== "string") { + throw new BSONError("Can only serialize maps with string keys"); + } + obj[k] = v; + } + return serializeValue(obj, options); + } + if ((typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "function") && value !== null) { + const index = options.seenObjects.findIndex((entry) => entry.obj === value); + if (index !== -1) { + const props = => entry.propertyName); + const leadingPart = props.slice(0, index).map((prop) => `${prop} -> `).join(""); + const alreadySeen = props[index]; + const circularPart = " -> " + props.slice(index + 1, props.length - 1).map((prop) => `${prop} -> `).join(""); + const current = props[props.length - 1]; + const leadingSpace = " ".repeat(leadingPart.length + alreadySeen.length / 2); + const dashes = "-".repeat(circularPart.length + (alreadySeen.length + current.length) / 2 - 1); + throw new BSONError(`Converting circular structure to EJSON: + ${leadingPart}${alreadySeen}${circularPart}${current} + ${leadingSpace}\\${dashes}/`); + } + options.seenObjects[options.seenObjects.length - 1].obj = value; + } + if (Array.isArray(value)) + return serializeArray(value, options); + if (value === void 0) + return null; + if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { + const dateNum = value.getTime(), inRange = dateNum > -1 && dateNum < 2534023188e5; + if (options.legacy) { + return options.relaxed && inRange ? { $date: value.getTime() } : { $date: getISOString(value) }; + } + return options.relaxed && inRange ? { $date: getISOString(value) } : { $date: { $numberLong: value.getTime().toString() } }; + } + if (typeof value === "number" && (!options.relaxed || !isFinite(value))) { + if (Number.isInteger(value) && !, -0)) { + if (value >= BSON_INT32_MIN && value <= BSON_INT32_MAX) { + return { $numberInt: value.toString() }; + } + if (value >= BSON_INT64_MIN && value <= BSON_INT64_MAX) { + return { $numberLong: value.toString() }; + } + } + return { $numberDouble:, -0) ? "-0.0" : value.toString() }; + } + if (typeof value === "bigint") { + if (!options.relaxed) { + return { $numberLong: BigInt.asIntN(64, value).toString() }; + } + return Number(BigInt.asIntN(64, value)); + } + if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { + let flags = value.flags; + if (flags === void 0) { + const match = value.toString().match(/[gimuy]*$/); + if (match) { + flags = match[0]; + } + } + const rx = new BSONRegExp(value.source, flags); + return rx.toExtendedJSON(options); + } + if (value != null && typeof value === "object") + return serializeDocument(value, options); + return value; + } + var BSON_TYPE_MAPPINGS = { + Binary: (o) => new Binary(o.value(), o.sub_type), + Code: (o) => new Code(o.code, o.scope), + DBRef: (o) => new DBRef(o.collection || o.namespace, o.oid, o.db, o.fields), + Decimal128: (o) => new Decimal128(o.bytes), + Double: (o) => new Double(o.value), + Int32: (o) => new Int32(o.value), + Long: (o) => Long.fromBits(o.low != null ? o.low : o.low_, o.low != null ? o.high : o.high_, o.low != null ? o.unsigned : o.unsigned_), + MaxKey: () => new MaxKey(), + MinKey: () => new MinKey(), + ObjectId: (o) => new ObjectId(o), + BSONRegExp: (o) => new BSONRegExp(o.pattern, o.options), + BSONSymbol: (o) => new BSONSymbol(o.value), + Timestamp: (o) => Timestamp.fromBits(o.low, o.high) + }; + function serializeDocument(doc, options) { + if (doc == null || typeof doc !== "object") + throw new BSONError("not an object instance"); + const bsontype = doc._bsontype; + if (typeof bsontype === "undefined") { + const _doc = {}; + for (const name of Object.keys(doc)) { + options.seenObjects.push({ propertyName: name, obj: null }); + try { + const value = serializeValue(doc[name], options); + if (name === "__proto__") { + Object.defineProperty(_doc, name, { + value, + writable: true, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + } else { + _doc[name] = value; + } + } finally { + options.seenObjects.pop(); + } + } + return _doc; + } else if (doc != null && typeof doc === "object" && typeof doc._bsontype === "string" && doc[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { + throw new BSONVersionError(); + } else if (isBSONType(doc)) { + let outDoc = doc; + if (typeof outDoc.toExtendedJSON !== "function") { + const mapper = BSON_TYPE_MAPPINGS[doc._bsontype]; + if (!mapper) { + throw new BSONError("Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: " + doc._bsontype); + } + outDoc = mapper(outDoc); + } + if (bsontype === "Code" && outDoc.scope) { + outDoc = new Code(outDoc.code, serializeValue(outDoc.scope, options)); + } else if (bsontype === "DBRef" && outDoc.oid) { + outDoc = new DBRef(serializeValue(outDoc.collection, options), serializeValue(outDoc.oid, options), serializeValue(outDoc.db, options), serializeValue(outDoc.fields, options)); + } + return outDoc.toExtendedJSON(options); + } else { + throw new BSONError("_bsontype must be a string, but was: " + typeof bsontype); + } + } + function parse(text, options) { + const ejsonOptions = { + useBigInt64: options?.useBigInt64 ?? false, + relaxed: options?.relaxed ?? true, + legacy: options?.legacy ?? false + }; + return JSON.parse(text, (key, value) => { + if (key.indexOf("\0") !== -1) { + throw new BSONError(`BSON Document field names cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(key)}`); + } + return deserializeValue(value, ejsonOptions); + }); + } + function stringify(value, replacer, space, options) { + if (space != null && typeof space === "object") { + options = space; + space = 0; + } + if (replacer != null && typeof replacer === "object" && !Array.isArray(replacer)) { + options = replacer; + replacer = void 0; + space = 0; + } + const serializeOptions = Object.assign({ relaxed: true, legacy: false }, options, { + seenObjects: [{ propertyName: "(root)", obj: null }] + }); + const doc = serializeValue(value, serializeOptions); + return JSON.stringify(doc, replacer, space); + } + function EJSONserialize(value, options) { + options = options || {}; + return JSON.parse(stringify(value, options)); + } + function EJSONdeserialize(ejson, options) { + options = options || {}; + return parse(JSON.stringify(ejson), options); + } + var EJSON = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + EJSON.parse = parse; + EJSON.stringify = stringify; + EJSON.serialize = EJSONserialize; + EJSON.deserialize = EJSONdeserialize; + Object.freeze(EJSON); + var MAXSIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 17; + var buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(MAXSIZE); + function setInternalBufferSize(size) { + if (buffer.length < size) { + buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(size); + } + } + function serialize(object, options = {}) { + const checkKeys = typeof options.checkKeys === "boolean" ? options.checkKeys : false; + const serializeFunctions = typeof options.serializeFunctions === "boolean" ? options.serializeFunctions : false; + const ignoreUndefined = typeof options.ignoreUndefined === "boolean" ? options.ignoreUndefined : true; + const minInternalBufferSize = typeof options.minInternalBufferSize === "number" ? options.minInternalBufferSize : MAXSIZE; + if (buffer.length < minInternalBufferSize) { + buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(minInternalBufferSize); + } + const serializationIndex = serializeInto(buffer, object, checkKeys, 0, 0, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, null); + const finishedBuffer = ByteUtils.allocate(serializationIndex); + finishedBuffer.set(buffer.subarray(0, serializationIndex), 0); + return finishedBuffer; + } + function serializeWithBufferAndIndex(object, finalBuffer, options = {}) { + const checkKeys = typeof options.checkKeys === "boolean" ? options.checkKeys : false; + const serializeFunctions = typeof options.serializeFunctions === "boolean" ? options.serializeFunctions : false; + const ignoreUndefined = typeof options.ignoreUndefined === "boolean" ? options.ignoreUndefined : true; + const startIndex = typeof options.index === "number" ? options.index : 0; + const serializationIndex = serializeInto(buffer, object, checkKeys, 0, 0, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, null); + finalBuffer.set(buffer.subarray(0, serializationIndex), startIndex); + return startIndex + serializationIndex - 1; + } + function deserialize(buffer2, options = {}) { + return internalDeserialize(ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2), options); + } + function calculateObjectSize(object, options = {}) { + options = options || {}; + const serializeFunctions = typeof options.serializeFunctions === "boolean" ? options.serializeFunctions : false; + const ignoreUndefined = typeof options.ignoreUndefined === "boolean" ? options.ignoreUndefined : true; + return internalCalculateObjectSize(object, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined); + } + function deserializeStream(data, startIndex, numberOfDocuments, documents, docStartIndex, options) { + const internalOptions = Object.assign({ allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize: true, index: 0 }, options); + const bufferData = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(data); + let index = startIndex; + for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDocuments; i++) { + const size = bufferData[index] | bufferData[index + 1] << 8 | bufferData[index + 2] << 16 | bufferData[index + 3] << 24; + internalOptions.index = index; + documents[docStartIndex + i] = internalDeserialize(bufferData, internalOptions); + index = index + size; + } + return index; + } + var bson2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({ + __proto__: null, + BSONError, + BSONRegExp, + BSONRuntimeError, + BSONSymbol, + BSONType, + BSONValue, + BSONVersionError, + Binary, + Code, + DBRef, + Decimal128, + Double, + EJSON, + Int32, + Long, + MaxKey, + MinKey, + ObjectId, + Timestamp, + UUID, + calculateObjectSize, + deserialize, + deserializeStream, + serialize, + serializeWithBufferAndIndex, + setInternalBufferSize + }); + exports.BSON = bson2; + exports.BSONError = BSONError; + exports.BSONRegExp = BSONRegExp; + exports.BSONRuntimeError = BSONRuntimeError; + exports.BSONSymbol = BSONSymbol; + exports.BSONType = BSONType; + exports.BSONValue = BSONValue; + exports.BSONVersionError = BSONVersionError; + exports.Binary = Binary; + exports.Code = Code; + exports.DBRef = DBRef; + exports.Decimal128 = Decimal128; + exports.Double = Double; + exports.EJSON = EJSON; + exports.Int32 = Int32; + exports.Long = Long; + exports.MaxKey = MaxKey; + exports.MinKey = MinKey; + exports.ObjectId = ObjectId; + exports.Timestamp = Timestamp; + exports.UUID = UUID; + exports.calculateObjectSize = calculateObjectSize; + exports.deserialize = deserialize; + exports.deserializeStream = deserializeStream; + exports.serialize = serialize; + exports.serializeWithBufferAndIndex = serializeWithBufferAndIndex; + exports.setInternalBufferSize = setInternalBufferSize; + } + }); + + // src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts + var bson = { + deserialize: require_bson().deserialize, + toJson: require_bson().EJSON.deserialize + }; + return bson +})(); diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts index b2e9016879..fc7969f17d 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { EJSON } from "bson" - -export { deserialize } from "bson" -export const toJson = EJSON.deserialize +export const bson = { + deserialize: require("bson").deserialize, + toJson: require("bson").EJSON.deserialize, +} diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index ac01a52a6e..1b1135e1f7 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { // 4. Stringify the result in order to convert the result from BSON to json this.codeWrapper = code => `(function(){ - const data = deserialize(bsonData, { validation: { utf8: false } }).data; + const data = bson.deserialize(bsonData, { validation: { utf8: false } }).data; const result = ${code} - return toJson(result); + return bson.toJson(result); })();` const bsonSource = loadBundle(BundleType.BSON) @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { }) // "Polyfilling" text decoder. `bson.deserialize` requires decoding. We are creating a bridge function so we don't need to inject the full library - const textDecoderPolyfill = class TextDecoder { + const textDecoderPolyfill = class TextDecoderMock { constructorArgs constructor(...constructorArgs: any) { @@ -151,19 +151,11 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { functionArgs: input, }) } - }.toString() - const bsonModule = this.isolate.compileModuleSync( - `${textDecoderPolyfill};${bsonSource}` - ) - bsonModule.instantiateSync(this.vm, specifier => { - throw new Error(`No imports allowed. Required: ${specifier}`) - }) + } + .toString() + .replace(/TextDecoderMock/, "TextDecoder") - this.moduleHandler.registerModule( - bsonModule, - "{deserialize, toJson}", - "bson" - ) + this.moduleHandler.registerModule(`${textDecoderPolyfill};${bsonSource}`) return this } @@ -178,13 +170,17 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { } } - code = `${this.moduleHandler.generateImports()};${this.codeWrapper(code)};` + code = `${this.moduleHandler.generateImports()};results.out=${this.codeWrapper( + code + )}` const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync(code) - const result = script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout }) + script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout }) - return result + // We can't rely on the script run result as it will not work for non-transferable values + const result = this.getFromContext(this.resultKey) + return result.out } private registerCallbacks(functions: Record) { @@ -220,4 +216,11 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { ) } } + + private getFromContext(key: string) { + const ref =, { reference: true }) + const result = ref.copySync() + ref.release() + return result + } } From fa2fbb4253e8bdd63bc35105b555e5b472ad5b07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 16:57:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 05/15] Update command --- packages/server/package.json | 4 +- .../src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js | 42 ++++++++++++++----- .../src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts | 6 +-- .../bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js | 10 +++-- 4 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/package.json b/packages/server/package.json index e600e36bd3..57e1a828b7 100644 --- a/packages/server/package.json +++ b/packages/server/package.json @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ "build": "node ./scripts/build.js", "postbuild": "copyfiles -f ../client/dist/budibase-client.js ../client/manifest.json client && copyfiles -f ../../yarn.lock ./dist/", "check:types": "tsc -p tsconfig.json --noEmit --paths null", - "build:isolated-vm-lib:string-templates": "esbuild --minify --bundle src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts --outfile=src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js --platform=node --format=esm --external:handlebars", - "build:isolated-vm-lib:bson": "esbuild --minify --bundle src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts --outfile=src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js --platform=node --format=esm", + "build:isolated-vm-lib:string-templates": "esbuild --minify --bundle src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts --outfile=src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js --platform=node --format=iife --external:handlebars --global-name=helpers", + "build:isolated-vm-lib:bson": "esbuild --minify --bundle src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts --outfile=src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js --platform=node --format=iife --global-name=bson", "build:isolated-vm-libs": "yarn build:isolated-vm-lib:string-templates && yarn build:isolated-vm-lib:bson", "build:dev": "yarn prebuild && tsc --build --watch --preserveWatchOutput", "debug": "yarn build && node --expose-gc --inspect=9222 dist/index.js", diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js index f83c062429..96154a4036 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ -const bson=(() => { +"use strict"; +var bson = (() => { + var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; + var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; + var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] }) : x)(function(x) { @@ -10,6 +14,19 @@ const bson=(() => { var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; + var __export = (target, all) => { + for (var name in all) + __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); + }; + var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { + if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { + for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) + if (!, key) && key !== except) + __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); + } + return to; + }; + var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // ../../node_modules/bson/lib/bson.cjs var require_bson = __commonJS({ @@ -3705,7 +3722,7 @@ const bson=(() => { finalBuffer.set(buffer.subarray(0, serializationIndex), startIndex); return startIndex + serializationIndex - 1; } - function deserialize(buffer2, options = {}) { + function deserialize2(buffer2, options = {}) { return internalDeserialize(ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2), options); } function calculateObjectSize(object, options = {}) { @@ -3726,7 +3743,7 @@ const bson=(() => { } return index; } - var bson2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({ + var bson = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, BSONError, BSONRegExp, @@ -3749,13 +3766,13 @@ const bson=(() => { Timestamp, UUID, calculateObjectSize, - deserialize, + deserialize: deserialize2, deserializeStream, serialize, serializeWithBufferAndIndex, setInternalBufferSize }); - exports.BSON = bson2; + exports.BSON = bson; exports.BSONError = BSONError; exports.BSONRegExp = BSONRegExp; exports.BSONRuntimeError = BSONRuntimeError; @@ -3777,7 +3794,7 @@ const bson=(() => { exports.Timestamp = Timestamp; exports.UUID = UUID; exports.calculateObjectSize = calculateObjectSize; - exports.deserialize = deserialize; + exports.deserialize = deserialize2; exports.deserializeStream = deserializeStream; exports.serialize = serialize; exports.serializeWithBufferAndIndex = serializeWithBufferAndIndex; @@ -3786,9 +3803,12 @@ const bson=(() => { }); // src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts - var bson = { - deserialize: require_bson().deserialize, - toJson: require_bson().EJSON.deserialize - }; - return bson + var bsonPackage_exports = {}; + __export(bsonPackage_exports, { + deserialize: () => deserialize, + toJson: () => toJson + }); + var deserialize = require_bson().deserialize; + var toJson = require_bson().EJSON.deserialize; + return __toCommonJS(bsonPackage_exports); })(); diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts index fc7969f17d..600b18e4c8 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts @@ -1,4 +1,2 @@ -export const bson = { - deserialize: require("bson").deserialize, - toJson: require("bson").EJSON.deserialize, -} +export const deserialize = require("bson").deserialize +export const toJson = require("bson").EJSON.deserialize diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js index 2201586ec0..b2e9f29892 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -const helpers= (() => { +"use strict"; +var helpers = (() => { var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; @@ -3538,6 +3539,10 @@ const helpers= (() => { }); // src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts + var index_helpers_exports = {}; + __export(index_helpers_exports, { + helpers: () => helpers + }); var { getJsHelperList } = require_list(); @@ -3548,8 +3553,7 @@ const helpers= (() => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef stripProtocol: helpersStripProtocol }; - - return helpers + return __toCommonJS(index_helpers_exports); })(); /*! Bundled license information: From 0bf94bcd7b2da880f12ce087fd8d16aa461565d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 17:16:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 06/15] Fix helpers --- .../src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js | 3821 +---------------- .../bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js | 3558 +-------------- .../src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts | 2 +- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 12 +- 4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 7377 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js index 96154a4036..5c49ce78e6 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js @@ -1,3814 +1,7 @@ -"use strict"; -var bson = (() => { - var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; - var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; - var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; - var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { - get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] - }) : x)(function(x) { - if (typeof require !== "undefined") - return require.apply(this, arguments); - throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); - }); - var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() { - return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; - }; - var __export = (target, all) => { - for (var name in all) - __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); - }; - var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { - if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { - for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) - if (!, key) && key !== except) - __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); - } - return to; - }; - var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); - - // ../../node_modules/bson/lib/bson.cjs - var require_bson = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/bson/lib/bson.cjs"(exports) { - "use strict"; - function isAnyArrayBuffer(value) { - return ["[object ArrayBuffer]", "[object SharedArrayBuffer]"].includes(; - } - function isUint8Array(value) { - return === "[object Uint8Array]"; - } - function isRegExp(d) { - return === "[object RegExp]"; - } - function isMap(d) { - return === "[object Map]"; - } - function isDate(d) { - return === "[object Date]"; - } - function defaultInspect(x, _options) { - return JSON.stringify(x, (k, v) => { - if (typeof v === "bigint") { - return { $numberLong: `${v}` }; - } else if (isMap(v)) { - return Object.fromEntries(v); - } - return v; - }); - } - function getStylizeFunction(options) { - const stylizeExists = options != null && typeof options === "object" && "stylize" in options && typeof options.stylize === "function"; - if (stylizeExists) { - return options.stylize; - } - } - var BSON_MAJOR_VERSION = 6; - var BSON_INT32_MAX = 2147483647; - var BSON_INT32_MIN = -2147483648; - var BSON_INT64_MAX = Math.pow(2, 63) - 1; - var BSON_INT64_MIN = -Math.pow(2, 63); - var JS_INT_MAX = Math.pow(2, 53); - var JS_INT_MIN = -Math.pow(2, 53); - var BSON_DATA_NUMBER = 1; - var BSON_DATA_STRING = 2; - var BSON_DATA_OBJECT = 3; - var BSON_DATA_ARRAY = 4; - var BSON_DATA_BINARY = 5; - var BSON_DATA_UNDEFINED = 6; - var BSON_DATA_OID = 7; - var BSON_DATA_BOOLEAN = 8; - var BSON_DATA_DATE = 9; - var BSON_DATA_NULL = 10; - var BSON_DATA_REGEXP = 11; - var BSON_DATA_DBPOINTER = 12; - var BSON_DATA_CODE = 13; - var BSON_DATA_SYMBOL = 14; - var BSON_DATA_CODE_W_SCOPE = 15; - var BSON_DATA_INT = 16; - var BSON_DATA_TIMESTAMP = 17; - var BSON_DATA_LONG = 18; - var BSON_DATA_DECIMAL128 = 19; - var BSON_DATA_MIN_KEY = 255; - var BSON_DATA_MAX_KEY = 127; - var BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; - var BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW = 4; - var BSONType = Object.freeze({ - double: 1, - string: 2, - object: 3, - array: 4, - binData: 5, - undefined: 6, - objectId: 7, - bool: 8, - date: 9, - null: 10, - regex: 11, - dbPointer: 12, - javascript: 13, - symbol: 14, - javascriptWithScope: 15, - int: 16, - timestamp: 17, - long: 18, - decimal: 19, - minKey: -1, - maxKey: 127 - }); - var BSONError = class extends Error { - get bsonError() { - return true; - } - get name() { - return "BSONError"; - } - constructor(message, options) { - super(message, options); - } - static isBSONError(value) { - return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "bsonError" in value && value.bsonError === true && "name" in value && "message" in value && "stack" in value; - } - }; - var BSONVersionError = class extends BSONError { - get name() { - return "BSONVersionError"; - } - constructor() { - super(`Unsupported BSON version, bson types must be from bson ${BSON_MAJOR_VERSION}.x.x`); - } - }; - var BSONRuntimeError = class extends BSONError { - get name() { - return "BSONRuntimeError"; - } - constructor(message) { - super(message); - } - }; - var FIRST_BIT = 128; - var FIRST_TWO_BITS = 192; - var FIRST_THREE_BITS = 224; - var FIRST_FOUR_BITS = 240; - var FIRST_FIVE_BITS = 248; - var TWO_BIT_CHAR = 192; - var THREE_BIT_CHAR = 224; - var FOUR_BIT_CHAR = 240; - var CONTINUING_CHAR = 128; - function validateUtf8(bytes, start, end) { - let continuation = 0; - for (let i = start; i < end; i += 1) { - const byte = bytes[i]; - if (continuation) { - if ((byte & FIRST_TWO_BITS) !== CONTINUING_CHAR) { - return false; - } - continuation -= 1; - } else if (byte & FIRST_BIT) { - if ((byte & FIRST_THREE_BITS) === TWO_BIT_CHAR) { - continuation = 1; - } else if ((byte & FIRST_FOUR_BITS) === THREE_BIT_CHAR) { - continuation = 2; - } else if ((byte & FIRST_FIVE_BITS) === FOUR_BIT_CHAR) { - continuation = 3; - } else { - return false; - } - } - } - return !continuation; - } - function tryLatin(uint8array, start, end) { - if (uint8array.length === 0) { - return ""; - } - const stringByteLength = end - start; - if (stringByteLength === 0) { - return ""; - } - if (stringByteLength > 20) { - return null; - } - if (stringByteLength === 1 && uint8array[start] < 128) { - return String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start]); - } - if (stringByteLength === 2 && uint8array[start] < 128 && uint8array[start + 1] < 128) { - return String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start]) + String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start + 1]); - } - if (stringByteLength === 3 && uint8array[start] < 128 && uint8array[start + 1] < 128 && uint8array[start + 2] < 128) { - return String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start]) + String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start + 1]) + String.fromCharCode(uint8array[start + 2]); - } - const latinBytes = []; - for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { - const byte = uint8array[i]; - if (byte > 127) { - return null; - } - latinBytes.push(byte); - } - return String.fromCharCode(...latinBytes); - } - function nodejsMathRandomBytes(byteLength) { - return nodeJsByteUtils.fromNumberArray(Array.from({ length: byteLength }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256))); - } - var nodejsRandomBytes = (() => { - try { - return __require("crypto").randomBytes; - } catch { - return nodejsMathRandomBytes; - } - })(); - var nodeJsByteUtils = { - toLocalBufferType(potentialBuffer) { - if (Buffer.isBuffer(potentialBuffer)) { - return potentialBuffer; - } - if (ArrayBuffer.isView(potentialBuffer)) { - return Buffer.from(potentialBuffer.buffer, potentialBuffer.byteOffset, potentialBuffer.byteLength); - } - const stringTag = potentialBuffer?.[Symbol.toStringTag] ??; - if (stringTag === "ArrayBuffer" || stringTag === "SharedArrayBuffer" || stringTag === "[object ArrayBuffer]" || stringTag === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]") { - return Buffer.from(potentialBuffer); - } - throw new BSONError(`Cannot create Buffer from ${String(potentialBuffer)}`); - }, - allocate(size) { - return Buffer.alloc(size); - }, - equals(a, b) { - return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(a).equals(b); - }, - fromNumberArray(array) { - return Buffer.from(array); - }, - fromBase64(base64) { - return Buffer.from(base64, "base64"); - }, - toBase64(buffer2) { - return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).toString("base64"); - }, - fromISO88591(codePoints) { - return Buffer.from(codePoints, "binary"); - }, - toISO88591(buffer2) { - return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).toString("binary"); - }, - fromHex(hex) { - return Buffer.from(hex, "hex"); - }, - toHex(buffer2) { - return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).toString("hex"); - }, - fromUTF8(text) { - return Buffer.from(text, "utf8"); - }, - toUTF8(buffer2, start, end, fatal) { - const basicLatin = end - start <= 20 ? tryLatin(buffer2, start, end) : null; - if (basicLatin != null) { - return basicLatin; - } - const string = nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).toString("utf8", start, end); - if (fatal) { - for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { - if (string.charCodeAt(i) === 65533) { - if (!validateUtf8(buffer2, start, end)) { - throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document"); - } - break; - } - } - } - return string; - }, - utf8ByteLength(input) { - return Buffer.byteLength(input, "utf8"); - }, - encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, source, byteOffset) { - return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2).write(source, byteOffset, void 0, "utf8"); - }, - randomBytes: nodejsRandomBytes - }; - function isReactNative() { - const { navigator } = globalThis; - return typeof navigator === "object" && navigator.product === "ReactNative"; - } - function webMathRandomBytes(byteLength) { - if (byteLength < 0) { - throw new RangeError(`The argument 'byteLength' is invalid. Received ${byteLength}`); - } - return webByteUtils.fromNumberArray(Array.from({ length: byteLength }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256))); - } - var webRandomBytes = (() => { - const { crypto } = globalThis; - if (crypto != null && typeof crypto.getRandomValues === "function") { - return (byteLength) => { - return crypto.getRandomValues(webByteUtils.allocate(byteLength)); - }; - } else { - if (isReactNative()) { - const { console } = globalThis; - console?.warn?.("BSON: For React Native please polyfill crypto.getRandomValues, e.g. using:"); - } - return webMathRandomBytes; - } - })(); - var HEX_DIGIT = /(\d|[a-f])/i; - var webByteUtils = { - toLocalBufferType(potentialUint8array) { - const stringTag = potentialUint8array?.[Symbol.toStringTag] ??; - if (stringTag === "Uint8Array") { - return potentialUint8array; - } - if (ArrayBuffer.isView(potentialUint8array)) { - return new Uint8Array(potentialUint8array.buffer.slice(potentialUint8array.byteOffset, potentialUint8array.byteOffset + potentialUint8array.byteLength)); - } - if (stringTag === "ArrayBuffer" || stringTag === "SharedArrayBuffer" || stringTag === "[object ArrayBuffer]" || stringTag === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]") { - return new Uint8Array(potentialUint8array); - } - throw new BSONError(`Cannot make a Uint8Array from ${String(potentialUint8array)}`); - }, - allocate(size) { - if (typeof size !== "number") { - throw new TypeError(`The "size" argument must be of type number. Received ${String(size)}`); - } - return new Uint8Array(size); - }, - equals(a, b) { - if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) { - return false; - } - for (let i = 0; i < a.byteLength; i++) { - if (a[i] !== b[i]) { - return false; - } - } - return true; - }, - fromNumberArray(array) { - return Uint8Array.from(array); - }, - fromBase64(base64) { - return Uint8Array.from(atob(base64), (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)); - }, - toBase64(uint8array) { - return btoa(webByteUtils.toISO88591(uint8array)); - }, - fromISO88591(codePoints) { - return Uint8Array.from(codePoints, (c) => c.charCodeAt(0) & 255); - }, - toISO88591(uint8array) { - return Array.from(Uint16Array.from(uint8array), (b) => String.fromCharCode(b)).join(""); - }, - fromHex(hex) { - const evenLengthHex = hex.length % 2 === 0 ? hex : hex.slice(0, hex.length - 1); - const buffer2 = []; - for (let i = 0; i < evenLengthHex.length; i += 2) { - const firstDigit = evenLengthHex[i]; - const secondDigit = evenLengthHex[i + 1]; - if (!HEX_DIGIT.test(firstDigit)) { - break; - } - if (!HEX_DIGIT.test(secondDigit)) { - break; - } - const hexDigit = Number.parseInt(`${firstDigit}${secondDigit}`, 16); - buffer2.push(hexDigit); - } - return Uint8Array.from(buffer2); - }, - toHex(uint8array) { - return Array.from(uint8array, (byte) => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(""); - }, - fromUTF8(text) { - return new TextEncoder().encode(text); - }, - toUTF8(uint8array, start, end, fatal) { - const basicLatin = end - start <= 20 ? tryLatin(uint8array, start, end) : null; - if (basicLatin != null) { - return basicLatin; - } - if (fatal) { - try { - return new TextDecoder("utf8", { fatal }).decode(uint8array.slice(start, end)); - } catch (cause) { - throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document", { cause }); - } - } - return new TextDecoder("utf8", { fatal }).decode(uint8array.slice(start, end)); - }, - utf8ByteLength(input) { - return webByteUtils.fromUTF8(input).byteLength; - }, - encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, source, byteOffset) { - const bytes = webByteUtils.fromUTF8(source); - buffer2.set(bytes, byteOffset); - return bytes.byteLength; - }, - randomBytes: webRandomBytes - }; - var hasGlobalBuffer = typeof Buffer === "function" && Buffer.prototype?._isBuffer !== true; - var ByteUtils = hasGlobalBuffer ? nodeJsByteUtils : webByteUtils; - var BSONDataView = class extends DataView { - static fromUint8Array(input) { - return new DataView(input.buffer, input.byteOffset, input.byteLength); - } - }; - var BSONValue = class { - get [Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")]() { - return BSON_MAJOR_VERSION; - } - [Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")](depth, options, inspect) { - return this.inspect(depth, options, inspect); - } - }; - var Binary = class _Binary extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "Binary"; - } - constructor(buffer2, subType) { - super(); - if (!(buffer2 == null) && typeof buffer2 === "string" && !ArrayBuffer.isView(buffer2) && !isAnyArrayBuffer(buffer2) && !Array.isArray(buffer2)) { - throw new BSONError("Binary can only be constructed from Uint8Array or number[]"); - } - this.sub_type = subType ?? _Binary.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT; - if (buffer2 == null) { - this.buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(_Binary.BUFFER_SIZE); - this.position = 0; - } else { - this.buffer = Array.isArray(buffer2) ? ByteUtils.fromNumberArray(buffer2) : ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2); - this.position = this.buffer.byteLength; - } - } - put(byteValue) { - if (typeof byteValue === "string" && byteValue.length !== 1) { - throw new BSONError("only accepts single character String"); - } else if (typeof byteValue !== "number" && byteValue.length !== 1) - throw new BSONError("only accepts single character Uint8Array or Array"); - let decodedByte; - if (typeof byteValue === "string") { - decodedByte = byteValue.charCodeAt(0); - } else if (typeof byteValue === "number") { - decodedByte = byteValue; - } else { - decodedByte = byteValue[0]; - } - if (decodedByte < 0 || decodedByte > 255) { - throw new BSONError("only accepts number in a valid unsigned byte range 0-255"); - } - if (this.buffer.byteLength > this.position) { - this.buffer[this.position++] = decodedByte; - } else { - const newSpace = ByteUtils.allocate(_Binary.BUFFER_SIZE + this.buffer.length); - newSpace.set(this.buffer, 0); - this.buffer = newSpace; - this.buffer[this.position++] = decodedByte; - } - } - write(sequence, offset) { - offset = typeof offset === "number" ? offset : this.position; - if (this.buffer.byteLength < offset + sequence.length) { - const newSpace = ByteUtils.allocate(this.buffer.byteLength + sequence.length); - newSpace.set(this.buffer, 0); - this.buffer = newSpace; - } - if (ArrayBuffer.isView(sequence)) { - this.buffer.set(ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(sequence), offset); - this.position = offset + sequence.byteLength > this.position ? offset + sequence.length : this.position; - } else if (typeof sequence === "string") { - throw new BSONError("input cannot be string"); - } - } - read(position, length) { - length = length && length > 0 ? length : this.position; - return this.buffer.slice(position, position + length); - } - value() { - return this.buffer.length === this.position ? this.buffer : this.buffer.subarray(0, this.position); - } - length() { - return this.position; - } - toJSON() { - return ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); - } - toString(encoding) { - if (encoding === "hex") - return ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer); - if (encoding === "base64") - return ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); - if (encoding === "utf8" || encoding === "utf-8") - return ByteUtils.toUTF8(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.byteLength, false); - return ByteUtils.toUTF8(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.byteLength, false); - } - toExtendedJSON(options) { - options = options || {}; - const base64String = ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); - const subType = Number(this.sub_type).toString(16); - if (options.legacy) { - return { - $binary: base64String, - $type: subType.length === 1 ? "0" + subType : subType - }; - } - return { - $binary: { - base64: base64String, - subType: subType.length === 1 ? "0" + subType : subType - } - }; - } - toUUID() { - if (this.sub_type === _Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID) { - return new UUID(this.buffer.slice(0, this.position)); - } - throw new BSONError(`Binary sub_type "${this.sub_type}" is not supported for converting to UUID. Only "${_Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID}" is currently supported.`); - } - static createFromHexString(hex, subType) { - return new _Binary(ByteUtils.fromHex(hex), subType); - } - static createFromBase64(base64, subType) { - return new _Binary(ByteUtils.fromBase64(base64), subType); - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc, options) { - options = options || {}; - let data; - let type; - if ("$binary" in doc) { - if (options.legacy && typeof doc.$binary === "string" && "$type" in doc) { - type = doc.$type ? parseInt(doc.$type, 16) : 0; - data = ByteUtils.fromBase64(doc.$binary); - } else { - if (typeof doc.$binary !== "string") { - type = doc.$binary.subType ? parseInt(doc.$binary.subType, 16) : 0; - data = ByteUtils.fromBase64(doc.$binary.base64); - } - } - } else if ("$uuid" in doc) { - type = 4; - data = UUID.bytesFromString(doc.$uuid); - } - if (!data) { - throw new BSONError(`Unexpected Binary Extended JSON format ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`); - } - return type === BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW ? new UUID(data) : new _Binary(data, type); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - const base64 = ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer.subarray(0, this.position)); - const base64Arg = inspect(base64, options); - const subTypeArg = inspect(this.sub_type, options); - return `Binary.createFromBase64(${base64Arg}, ${subTypeArg})`; - } - }; - Binary.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; - Binary.BUFFER_SIZE = 256; - Binary.SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; - Binary.SUBTYPE_FUNCTION = 1; - Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY = 2; - Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD = 3; - Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID = 4; - Binary.SUBTYPE_MD5 = 5; - Binary.SUBTYPE_ENCRYPTED = 6; - Binary.SUBTYPE_COLUMN = 7; - Binary.SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED = 128; - var UUID_BYTE_LENGTH = 16; - var UUID_WITHOUT_DASHES = /^[0-9A-F]{32}$/i; - var UUID_WITH_DASHES = /^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i; - var UUID = class _UUID extends Binary { - constructor(input) { - let bytes; - if (input == null) { - bytes = _UUID.generate(); - } else if (input instanceof _UUID) { - bytes = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(new Uint8Array(input.buffer)); - } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(input) && input.byteLength === UUID_BYTE_LENGTH) { - bytes = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(input); - } else if (typeof input === "string") { - bytes = _UUID.bytesFromString(input); - } else { - throw new BSONError("Argument passed in UUID constructor must be a UUID, a 16 byte Buffer or a 32/36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included, format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)."); - } - super(bytes, BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW); - } - get id() { - return this.buffer; - } - set id(value) { - this.buffer = value; - } - toHexString(includeDashes = true) { - if (includeDashes) { - return [ - ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(0, 4)), - ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(4, 6)), - ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(6, 8)), - ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(8, 10)), - ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(10, 16)) - ].join("-"); - } - return ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer); - } - toString(encoding) { - if (encoding === "hex") - return ByteUtils.toHex(; - if (encoding === "base64") - return ByteUtils.toBase64(; - return this.toHexString(); - } - toJSON() { - return this.toHexString(); - } - equals(otherId) { - if (!otherId) { - return false; - } - if (otherId instanceof _UUID) { - return ByteUtils.equals(,; - } - try { - return ByteUtils.equals(new _UUID(otherId).id,; - } catch { - return false; - } - } - toBinary() { - return new Binary(, Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID); - } - static generate() { - const bytes = ByteUtils.randomBytes(UUID_BYTE_LENGTH); - bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 15 | 64; - bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 63 | 128; - return bytes; - } - static isValid(input) { - if (!input) { - return false; - } - if (typeof input === "string") { - return _UUID.isValidUUIDString(input); - } - if (isUint8Array(input)) { - return input.byteLength === UUID_BYTE_LENGTH; - } - return input._bsontype === "Binary" && input.sub_type === this.SUBTYPE_UUID && input.buffer.byteLength === 16; - } - static createFromHexString(hexString) { - const buffer2 = _UUID.bytesFromString(hexString); - return new _UUID(buffer2); - } - static createFromBase64(base64) { - return new _UUID(ByteUtils.fromBase64(base64)); - } - static bytesFromString(representation) { - if (!_UUID.isValidUUIDString(representation)) { - throw new BSONError("UUID string representation must be 32 hex digits or canonical hyphenated representation"); - } - return ByteUtils.fromHex(representation.replace(/-/g, "")); - } - static isValidUUIDString(representation) { - return UUID_WITHOUT_DASHES.test(representation) || UUID_WITH_DASHES.test(representation); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - return `new UUID(${inspect(this.toHexString(), options)})`; - } - }; - var Code = class _Code extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "Code"; - } - constructor(code, scope) { - super(); - this.code = code.toString(); - this.scope = scope ?? null; - } - toJSON() { - if (this.scope != null) { - return { code: this.code, scope: this.scope }; - } - return { code: this.code }; - } - toExtendedJSON() { - if (this.scope) { - return { $code: this.code, $scope: this.scope }; - } - return { $code: this.code }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { - return new _Code(doc.$code, doc.$scope); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - let parametersString = inspect(this.code, options); - const multiLineFn = parametersString.includes("\n"); - if (this.scope != null) { - parametersString += `,${multiLineFn ? "\n" : " "}${inspect(this.scope, options)}`; - } - const endingNewline = multiLineFn && this.scope === null; - return `new Code(${multiLineFn ? "\n" : ""}${parametersString}${endingNewline ? "\n" : ""})`; - } - }; - function isDBRefLike(value) { - return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "$id" in value && value.$id != null && "$ref" in value && typeof value.$ref === "string" && (!("$db" in value) || "$db" in value && typeof value.$db === "string"); - } - var DBRef = class _DBRef extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "DBRef"; - } - constructor(collection, oid, db, fields) { - super(); - const parts = collection.split("."); - if (parts.length === 2) { - db = parts.shift(); - collection = parts.shift(); - } - this.collection = collection; - this.oid = oid; - this.db = db; - this.fields = fields || {}; - } - get namespace() { - return this.collection; - } - set namespace(value) { - this.collection = value; - } - toJSON() { - const o = Object.assign({ - $ref: this.collection, - $id: this.oid - }, this.fields); - if (this.db != null) - o.$db = this.db; - return o; - } - toExtendedJSON(options) { - options = options || {}; - let o = { - $ref: this.collection, - $id: this.oid - }; - if (options.legacy) { - return o; - } - if (this.db) - o.$db = this.db; - o = Object.assign(o, this.fields); - return o; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { - const copy = Object.assign({}, doc); - delete copy.$ref; - delete copy.$id; - delete copy.$db; - return new _DBRef(doc.$ref, doc.$id, doc.$db, copy); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - const args = [ - inspect(this.namespace, options), - inspect(this.oid, options), - ...this.db ? [inspect(this.db, options)] : [], - ...Object.keys(this.fields).length > 0 ? [inspect(this.fields, options)] : [] - ]; - args[1] = inspect === defaultInspect ? `new ObjectId(${args[1]})` : args[1]; - return `new DBRef(${args.join(", ")})`; - } - }; - var wasm = void 0; - try { - wasm = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 13, 2, 96, 0, 1, 127, 96, 4, 127, 127, 127, 127, 1, 127, 3, 7, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 7, 50, 6, 3, 109, 117, 108, 0, 1, 5, 100, 105, 118, 95, 115, 0, 2, 5, 100, 105, 118, 95, 117, 0, 3, 5, 114, 101, 109, 95, 115, 0, 4, 5, 114, 101, 109, 95, 117, 0, 5, 8, 103, 101, 116, 95, 104, 105, 103, 104, 0, 0, 10, 191, 1, 6, 4, 0, 35, 0, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 126, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 127, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 128, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 129, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 130, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11])), {}).exports; - } catch { - } - var TWO_PWR_16_DBL = 1 << 16; - var TWO_PWR_24_DBL = 1 << 24; - var TWO_PWR_32_DBL = TWO_PWR_16_DBL * TWO_PWR_16_DBL; - var TWO_PWR_64_DBL = TWO_PWR_32_DBL * TWO_PWR_32_DBL; - var TWO_PWR_63_DBL = TWO_PWR_64_DBL / 2; - var INT_CACHE = {}; - var UINT_CACHE = {}; - var MAX_INT64_STRING_LENGTH = 20; - var DECIMAL_REG_EX = /^(\+?0|(\+|-)?[1-9][0-9]*)$/; - var Long = class _Long extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "Long"; - } - get __isLong__() { - return true; - } - constructor(low = 0, high, unsigned) { - super(); - if (typeof low === "bigint") { - Object.assign(this, _Long.fromBigInt(low, !!high)); - } else if (typeof low === "string") { - Object.assign(this, _Long.fromString(low, !!high)); - } else { - this.low = low | 0; - this.high = high | 0; - this.unsigned = !!unsigned; - } - } - static fromBits(lowBits, highBits, unsigned) { - return new _Long(lowBits, highBits, unsigned); - } - static fromInt(value, unsigned) { - let obj, cachedObj, cache; - if (unsigned) { - value >>>= 0; - if (cache = 0 <= value && value < 256) { - cachedObj = UINT_CACHE[value]; - if (cachedObj) - return cachedObj; - } - obj = _Long.fromBits(value, (value | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0, true); - if (cache) - UINT_CACHE[value] = obj; - return obj; - } else { - value |= 0; - if (cache = -128 <= value && value < 128) { - cachedObj = INT_CACHE[value]; - if (cachedObj) - return cachedObj; - } - obj = _Long.fromBits(value, value < 0 ? -1 : 0, false); - if (cache) - INT_CACHE[value] = obj; - return obj; - } - } - static fromNumber(value, unsigned) { - if (isNaN(value)) - return unsigned ? _Long.UZERO : _Long.ZERO; - if (unsigned) { - if (value < 0) - return _Long.UZERO; - if (value >= TWO_PWR_64_DBL) - return _Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE; - } else { - if (value <= -TWO_PWR_63_DBL) - return _Long.MIN_VALUE; - if (value + 1 >= TWO_PWR_63_DBL) - return _Long.MAX_VALUE; - } - if (value < 0) - return _Long.fromNumber(-value, unsigned).neg(); - return _Long.fromBits(value % TWO_PWR_32_DBL | 0, value / TWO_PWR_32_DBL | 0, unsigned); - } - static fromBigInt(value, unsigned) { - return _Long.fromString(value.toString(), unsigned); - } - static fromString(str, unsigned, radix) { - if (str.length === 0) - throw new BSONError("empty string"); - if (str === "NaN" || str === "Infinity" || str === "+Infinity" || str === "-Infinity") - return _Long.ZERO; - if (typeof unsigned === "number") { - radix = unsigned, unsigned = false; - } else { - unsigned = !!unsigned; - } - radix = radix || 10; - if (radix < 2 || 36 < radix) - throw new BSONError("radix"); - let p; - if ((p = str.indexOf("-")) > 0) - throw new BSONError("interior hyphen"); - else if (p === 0) { - return _Long.fromString(str.substring(1), unsigned, radix).neg(); - } - const radixToPower = _Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, 8)); - let result = _Long.ZERO; - for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 8) { - const size = Math.min(8, str.length - i), value = parseInt(str.substring(i, i + size), radix); - if (size < 8) { - const power = _Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, size)); - result = result.mul(power).add(_Long.fromNumber(value)); - } else { - result = result.mul(radixToPower); - result = result.add(_Long.fromNumber(value)); - } - } - result.unsigned = unsigned; - return result; - } - static fromBytes(bytes, unsigned, le) { - return le ? _Long.fromBytesLE(bytes, unsigned) : _Long.fromBytesBE(bytes, unsigned); - } - static fromBytesLE(bytes, unsigned) { - return new _Long(bytes[0] | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[3] << 24, bytes[4] | bytes[5] << 8 | bytes[6] << 16 | bytes[7] << 24, unsigned); - } - static fromBytesBE(bytes, unsigned) { - return new _Long(bytes[4] << 24 | bytes[5] << 16 | bytes[6] << 8 | bytes[7], bytes[0] << 24 | bytes[1] << 16 | bytes[2] << 8 | bytes[3], unsigned); - } - static isLong(value) { - return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "__isLong__" in value && value.__isLong__ === true; - } - static fromValue(val, unsigned) { - if (typeof val === "number") - return _Long.fromNumber(val, unsigned); - if (typeof val === "string") - return _Long.fromString(val, unsigned); - return _Long.fromBits(val.low, val.high, typeof unsigned === "boolean" ? unsigned : val.unsigned); - } - add(addend) { - if (!_Long.isLong(addend)) - addend = _Long.fromValue(addend); - const a48 = this.high >>> 16; - const a32 = this.high & 65535; - const a16 = this.low >>> 16; - const a00 = this.low & 65535; - const b48 = addend.high >>> 16; - const b32 = addend.high & 65535; - const b16 = addend.low >>> 16; - const b00 = addend.low & 65535; - let c48 = 0, c32 = 0, c16 = 0, c00 = 0; - c00 += a00 + b00; - c16 += c00 >>> 16; - c00 &= 65535; - c16 += a16 + b16; - c32 += c16 >>> 16; - c16 &= 65535; - c32 += a32 + b32; - c48 += c32 >>> 16; - c32 &= 65535; - c48 += a48 + b48; - c48 &= 65535; - return _Long.fromBits(c16 << 16 | c00, c48 << 16 | c32, this.unsigned); - } - and(other) { - if (!_Long.isLong(other)) - other = _Long.fromValue(other); - return _Long.fromBits(this.low & other.low, this.high & other.high, this.unsigned); - } - compare(other) { - if (!_Long.isLong(other)) - other = _Long.fromValue(other); - if (this.eq(other)) - return 0; - const thisNeg = this.isNegative(), otherNeg = other.isNegative(); - if (thisNeg && !otherNeg) - return -1; - if (!thisNeg && otherNeg) - return 1; - if (!this.unsigned) - return this.sub(other).isNegative() ? -1 : 1; - return other.high >>> 0 > this.high >>> 0 || other.high === this.high && other.low >>> 0 > this.low >>> 0 ? -1 : 1; - } - comp(other) { - return; - } - divide(divisor) { - if (!_Long.isLong(divisor)) - divisor = _Long.fromValue(divisor); - if (divisor.isZero()) - throw new BSONError("division by zero"); - if (wasm) { - if (!this.unsigned && this.high === -2147483648 && divisor.low === -1 && divisor.high === -1) { - return this; - } - const low = (this.unsigned ? wasm.div_u : wasm.div_s)(this.low, this.high, divisor.low, divisor.high); - return _Long.fromBits(low, wasm.get_high(), this.unsigned); - } - if (this.isZero()) - return this.unsigned ? _Long.UZERO : _Long.ZERO; - let approx, rem, res; - if (!this.unsigned) { - if (this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) { - if (divisor.eq(_Long.ONE) || divisor.eq(_Long.NEG_ONE)) - return _Long.MIN_VALUE; - else if (divisor.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) - return _Long.ONE; - else { - const halfThis = this.shr(1); - approx = halfThis.div(divisor).shl(1); - if (approx.eq(_Long.ZERO)) { - return divisor.isNegative() ? _Long.ONE : _Long.NEG_ONE; - } else { - rem = this.sub(divisor.mul(approx)); - res = approx.add(rem.div(divisor)); - return res; - } - } - } else if (divisor.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) - return this.unsigned ? _Long.UZERO : _Long.ZERO; - if (this.isNegative()) { - if (divisor.isNegative()) - return this.neg().div(divisor.neg()); - return this.neg().div(divisor).neg(); - } else if (divisor.isNegative()) - return this.div(divisor.neg()).neg(); - res = _Long.ZERO; - } else { - if (!divisor.unsigned) - divisor = divisor.toUnsigned(); - if ( - return _Long.UZERO; - if ( - return _Long.UONE; - res = _Long.UZERO; - } - rem = this; - while (rem.gte(divisor)) { - approx = Math.max(1, Math.floor(rem.toNumber() / divisor.toNumber())); - const log2 = Math.ceil(Math.log(approx) / Math.LN2); - const delta = log2 <= 48 ? 1 : Math.pow(2, log2 - 48); - let approxRes = _Long.fromNumber(approx); - let approxRem = approxRes.mul(divisor); - while (approxRem.isNegative() || { - approx -= delta; - approxRes = _Long.fromNumber(approx, this.unsigned); - approxRem = approxRes.mul(divisor); - } - if (approxRes.isZero()) - approxRes = _Long.ONE; - res = res.add(approxRes); - rem = rem.sub(approxRem); - } - return res; - } - div(divisor) { - return this.divide(divisor); - } - equals(other) { - if (!_Long.isLong(other)) - other = _Long.fromValue(other); - if (this.unsigned !== other.unsigned && this.high >>> 31 === 1 && other.high >>> 31 === 1) - return false; - return this.high === other.high && this.low === other.low; - } - eq(other) { - return this.equals(other); - } - getHighBits() { - return this.high; - } - getHighBitsUnsigned() { - return this.high >>> 0; - } - getLowBits() { - return this.low; - } - getLowBitsUnsigned() { - return this.low >>> 0; - } - getNumBitsAbs() { - if (this.isNegative()) { - return this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE) ? 64 : this.neg().getNumBitsAbs(); - } - const val = this.high !== 0 ? this.high : this.low; - let bit; - for (bit = 31; bit > 0; bit--) - if ((val & 1 << bit) !== 0) - break; - return this.high !== 0 ? bit + 33 : bit + 1; - } - greaterThan(other) { - return this.comp(other) > 0; - } - gt(other) { - return this.greaterThan(other); - } - greaterThanOrEqual(other) { - return this.comp(other) >= 0; - } - gte(other) { - return this.greaterThanOrEqual(other); - } - ge(other) { - return this.greaterThanOrEqual(other); - } - isEven() { - return (this.low & 1) === 0; - } - isNegative() { - return !this.unsigned && this.high < 0; - } - isOdd() { - return (this.low & 1) === 1; - } - isPositive() { - return this.unsigned || this.high >= 0; - } - isZero() { - return this.high === 0 && this.low === 0; - } - lessThan(other) { - return this.comp(other) < 0; - } - lt(other) { - return this.lessThan(other); - } - lessThanOrEqual(other) { - return this.comp(other) <= 0; - } - lte(other) { - return this.lessThanOrEqual(other); - } - modulo(divisor) { - if (!_Long.isLong(divisor)) - divisor = _Long.fromValue(divisor); - if (wasm) { - const low = (this.unsigned ? wasm.rem_u : wasm.rem_s)(this.low, this.high, divisor.low, divisor.high); - return _Long.fromBits(low, wasm.get_high(), this.unsigned); - } - return this.sub(this.div(divisor).mul(divisor)); - } - mod(divisor) { - return this.modulo(divisor); - } - rem(divisor) { - return this.modulo(divisor); - } - multiply(multiplier) { - if (this.isZero()) - return _Long.ZERO; - if (!_Long.isLong(multiplier)) - multiplier = _Long.fromValue(multiplier); - if (wasm) { - const low = wasm.mul(this.low, this.high, multiplier.low, multiplier.high); - return _Long.fromBits(low, wasm.get_high(), this.unsigned); - } - if (multiplier.isZero()) - return _Long.ZERO; - if (this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) - return multiplier.isOdd() ? _Long.MIN_VALUE : _Long.ZERO; - if (multiplier.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) - return this.isOdd() ? _Long.MIN_VALUE : _Long.ZERO; - if (this.isNegative()) { - if (multiplier.isNegative()) - return this.neg().mul(multiplier.neg()); - else - return this.neg().mul(multiplier).neg(); - } else if (multiplier.isNegative()) - return this.mul(multiplier.neg()).neg(); - if ( && - return _Long.fromNumber(this.toNumber() * multiplier.toNumber(), this.unsigned); - const a48 = this.high >>> 16; - const a32 = this.high & 65535; - const a16 = this.low >>> 16; - const a00 = this.low & 65535; - const b48 = multiplier.high >>> 16; - const b32 = multiplier.high & 65535; - const b16 = multiplier.low >>> 16; - const b00 = multiplier.low & 65535; - let c48 = 0, c32 = 0, c16 = 0, c00 = 0; - c00 += a00 * b00; - c16 += c00 >>> 16; - c00 &= 65535; - c16 += a16 * b00; - c32 += c16 >>> 16; - c16 &= 65535; - c16 += a00 * b16; - c32 += c16 >>> 16; - c16 &= 65535; - c32 += a32 * b00; - c48 += c32 >>> 16; - c32 &= 65535; - c32 += a16 * b16; - c48 += c32 >>> 16; - c32 &= 65535; - c32 += a00 * b32; - c48 += c32 >>> 16; - c32 &= 65535; - c48 += a48 * b00 + a32 * b16 + a16 * b32 + a00 * b48; - c48 &= 65535; - return _Long.fromBits(c16 << 16 | c00, c48 << 16 | c32, this.unsigned); - } - mul(multiplier) { - return this.multiply(multiplier); - } - negate() { - if (!this.unsigned && this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) - return _Long.MIN_VALUE; - return this.not().add(_Long.ONE); - } - neg() { - return this.negate(); - } - not() { - return _Long.fromBits(~this.low, ~this.high, this.unsigned); - } - notEquals(other) { - return !this.equals(other); - } - neq(other) { - return this.notEquals(other); - } - ne(other) { - return this.notEquals(other); - } - or(other) { - if (!_Long.isLong(other)) - other = _Long.fromValue(other); - return _Long.fromBits(this.low | other.low, this.high | other.high, this.unsigned); - } - shiftLeft(numBits) { - if (_Long.isLong(numBits)) - numBits = numBits.toInt(); - if ((numBits &= 63) === 0) - return this; - else if (numBits < 32) - return _Long.fromBits(this.low << numBits, this.high << numBits | this.low >>> 32 - numBits, this.unsigned); - else - return _Long.fromBits(0, this.low << numBits - 32, this.unsigned); - } - shl(numBits) { - return this.shiftLeft(numBits); - } - shiftRight(numBits) { - if (_Long.isLong(numBits)) - numBits = numBits.toInt(); - if ((numBits &= 63) === 0) - return this; - else if (numBits < 32) - return _Long.fromBits(this.low >>> numBits | this.high << 32 - numBits, this.high >> numBits, this.unsigned); - else - return _Long.fromBits(this.high >> numBits - 32, this.high >= 0 ? 0 : -1, this.unsigned); - } - shr(numBits) { - return this.shiftRight(numBits); - } - shiftRightUnsigned(numBits) { - if (_Long.isLong(numBits)) - numBits = numBits.toInt(); - numBits &= 63; - if (numBits === 0) - return this; - else { - const high = this.high; - if (numBits < 32) { - const low = this.low; - return _Long.fromBits(low >>> numBits | high << 32 - numBits, high >>> numBits, this.unsigned); - } else if (numBits === 32) - return _Long.fromBits(high, 0, this.unsigned); - else - return _Long.fromBits(high >>> numBits - 32, 0, this.unsigned); - } - } - shr_u(numBits) { - return this.shiftRightUnsigned(numBits); - } - shru(numBits) { - return this.shiftRightUnsigned(numBits); - } - subtract(subtrahend) { - if (!_Long.isLong(subtrahend)) - subtrahend = _Long.fromValue(subtrahend); - return this.add(subtrahend.neg()); - } - sub(subtrahend) { - return this.subtract(subtrahend); - } - toInt() { - return this.unsigned ? this.low >>> 0 : this.low; - } - toNumber() { - if (this.unsigned) - return (this.high >>> 0) * TWO_PWR_32_DBL + (this.low >>> 0); - return this.high * TWO_PWR_32_DBL + (this.low >>> 0); - } - toBigInt() { - return BigInt(this.toString()); - } - toBytes(le) { - return le ? this.toBytesLE() : this.toBytesBE(); - } - toBytesLE() { - const hi = this.high, lo = this.low; - return [ - lo & 255, - lo >>> 8 & 255, - lo >>> 16 & 255, - lo >>> 24, - hi & 255, - hi >>> 8 & 255, - hi >>> 16 & 255, - hi >>> 24 - ]; - } - toBytesBE() { - const hi = this.high, lo = this.low; - return [ - hi >>> 24, - hi >>> 16 & 255, - hi >>> 8 & 255, - hi & 255, - lo >>> 24, - lo >>> 16 & 255, - lo >>> 8 & 255, - lo & 255 - ]; - } - toSigned() { - if (!this.unsigned) - return this; - return _Long.fromBits(this.low, this.high, false); - } - toString(radix) { - radix = radix || 10; - if (radix < 2 || 36 < radix) - throw new BSONError("radix"); - if (this.isZero()) - return "0"; - if (this.isNegative()) { - if (this.eq(_Long.MIN_VALUE)) { - const radixLong = _Long.fromNumber(radix), div = this.div(radixLong), rem1 = div.mul(radixLong).sub(this); - return div.toString(radix) + rem1.toInt().toString(radix); - } else - return "-" + this.neg().toString(radix); - } - const radixToPower = _Long.fromNumber(Math.pow(radix, 6), this.unsigned); - let rem = this; - let result = ""; - while (true) { - const remDiv = rem.div(radixToPower); - const intval = rem.sub(remDiv.mul(radixToPower)).toInt() >>> 0; - let digits = intval.toString(radix); - rem = remDiv; - if (rem.isZero()) { - return digits + result; - } else { - while (digits.length < 6) - digits = "0" + digits; - result = "" + digits + result; - } - } - } - toUnsigned() { - if (this.unsigned) - return this; - return _Long.fromBits(this.low, this.high, true); - } - xor(other) { - if (!_Long.isLong(other)) - other = _Long.fromValue(other); - return _Long.fromBits(this.low ^ other.low, this.high ^ other.high, this.unsigned); - } - eqz() { - return this.isZero(); - } - le(other) { - return this.lessThanOrEqual(other); - } - toExtendedJSON(options) { - if (options && options.relaxed) - return this.toNumber(); - return { $numberLong: this.toString() }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc, options) { - const { useBigInt64 = false, relaxed = true } = { ...options }; - if (doc.$numberLong.length > MAX_INT64_STRING_LENGTH) { - throw new BSONError("$numberLong string is too long"); - } - if (!DECIMAL_REG_EX.test(doc.$numberLong)) { - throw new BSONError(`$numberLong string "${doc.$numberLong}" is in an invalid format`); - } - if (useBigInt64) { - const bigIntResult = BigInt(doc.$numberLong); - return BigInt.asIntN(64, bigIntResult); - } - const longResult = _Long.fromString(doc.$numberLong); - if (relaxed) { - return longResult.toNumber(); - } - return longResult; - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - const longVal = inspect(this.toString(), options); - const unsignedVal = this.unsigned ? `, ${inspect(this.unsigned, options)}` : ""; - return `new Long(${longVal}${unsignedVal})`; - } - }; - Long.TWO_PWR_24 = Long.fromInt(TWO_PWR_24_DBL); - Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE = Long.fromBits(4294967295 | 0, 4294967295 | 0, true); - Long.ZERO = Long.fromInt(0); - Long.UZERO = Long.fromInt(0, true); - Long.ONE = Long.fromInt(1); - Long.UONE = Long.fromInt(1, true); - Long.NEG_ONE = Long.fromInt(-1); - Long.MAX_VALUE = Long.fromBits(4294967295 | 0, 2147483647 | 0, false); - Long.MIN_VALUE = Long.fromBits(0, 2147483648 | 0, false); - var PARSE_STRING_REGEXP = /^(\+|-)?(\d+|(\d*\.\d*))?(E|e)?([-+])?(\d+)?$/; - var PARSE_INF_REGEXP = /^(\+|-)?(Infinity|inf)$/i; - var PARSE_NAN_REGEXP = /^(\+|-)?NaN$/i; - var EXPONENT_MAX = 6111; - var EXPONENT_MIN = -6176; - var EXPONENT_BIAS = 6176; - var MAX_DIGITS = 34; - var NAN_BUFFER = ByteUtils.fromNumberArray([ - 124, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0 - ].reverse()); - var INF_NEGATIVE_BUFFER = ByteUtils.fromNumberArray([ - 248, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0 - ].reverse()); - var INF_POSITIVE_BUFFER = ByteUtils.fromNumberArray([ - 120, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0 - ].reverse()); - var EXPONENT_REGEX = /^([-+])?(\d+)?$/; - var COMBINATION_MASK = 31; - var EXPONENT_MASK = 16383; - var COMBINATION_INFINITY = 30; - var COMBINATION_NAN = 31; - function isDigit(value) { - return !isNaN(parseInt(value, 10)); - } - function divideu128(value) { - const DIVISOR = Long.fromNumber(1e3 * 1e3 * 1e3); - let _rem = Long.fromNumber(0); - if (![0] && ![1] && ![2] && ![3]) { - return { quotient: value, rem: _rem }; - } - for (let i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { - _rem = _rem.shiftLeft(32); - _rem = _rem.add(new Long([i], 0)); -[i] = _rem.div(DIVISOR).low; - _rem = _rem.modulo(DIVISOR); - } - return { quotient: value, rem: _rem }; - } - function multiply64x2(left, right) { - if (!left && !right) { - return { high: Long.fromNumber(0), low: Long.fromNumber(0) }; - } - const leftHigh = left.shiftRightUnsigned(32); - const leftLow = new Long(left.getLowBits(), 0); - const rightHigh = right.shiftRightUnsigned(32); - const rightLow = new Long(right.getLowBits(), 0); - let productHigh = leftHigh.multiply(rightHigh); - let productMid = leftHigh.multiply(rightLow); - const productMid2 = leftLow.multiply(rightHigh); - let productLow = leftLow.multiply(rightLow); - productHigh = productHigh.add(productMid.shiftRightUnsigned(32)); - productMid = new Long(productMid.getLowBits(), 0).add(productMid2).add(productLow.shiftRightUnsigned(32)); - productHigh = productHigh.add(productMid.shiftRightUnsigned(32)); - productLow = productMid.shiftLeft(32).add(new Long(productLow.getLowBits(), 0)); - return { high: productHigh, low: productLow }; - } - function lessThan(left, right) { - const uhleft = left.high >>> 0; - const uhright = right.high >>> 0; - if (uhleft < uhright) { - return true; - } else if (uhleft === uhright) { - const ulleft = left.low >>> 0; - const ulright = right.low >>> 0; - if (ulleft < ulright) - return true; - } - return false; - } - function invalidErr(string, message) { - throw new BSONError(`"${string}" is not a valid Decimal128 string - ${message}`); - } - var Decimal128 = class _Decimal128 extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "Decimal128"; - } - constructor(bytes) { - super(); - if (typeof bytes === "string") { - this.bytes = _Decimal128.fromString(bytes).bytes; - } else if (isUint8Array(bytes)) { - if (bytes.byteLength !== 16) { - throw new BSONError("Decimal128 must take a Buffer of 16 bytes"); - } - this.bytes = bytes; - } else { - throw new BSONError("Decimal128 must take a Buffer or string"); - } - } - static fromString(representation) { - return _Decimal128._fromString(representation, { allowRounding: false }); - } - static fromStringWithRounding(representation) { - return _Decimal128._fromString(representation, { allowRounding: true }); - } - static _fromString(representation, options) { - let isNegative = false; - let sawSign = false; - let sawRadix = false; - let foundNonZero = false; - let significantDigits = 0; - let nDigitsRead = 0; - let nDigits = 0; - let radixPosition = 0; - let firstNonZero = 0; - const digits = [0]; - let nDigitsStored = 0; - let digitsInsert = 0; - let lastDigit = 0; - let exponent = 0; - let significandHigh = new Long(0, 0); - let significandLow = new Long(0, 0); - let biasedExponent = 0; - let index = 0; - if (representation.length >= 7e3) { - throw new BSONError("" + representation + " not a valid Decimal128 string"); - } - const stringMatch = representation.match(PARSE_STRING_REGEXP); - const infMatch = representation.match(PARSE_INF_REGEXP); - const nanMatch = representation.match(PARSE_NAN_REGEXP); - if (!stringMatch && !infMatch && !nanMatch || representation.length === 0) { - throw new BSONError("" + representation + " not a valid Decimal128 string"); - } - if (stringMatch) { - const unsignedNumber = stringMatch[2]; - const e = stringMatch[4]; - const expSign = stringMatch[5]; - const expNumber = stringMatch[6]; - if (e && expNumber === void 0) - invalidErr(representation, "missing exponent power"); - if (e && unsignedNumber === void 0) - invalidErr(representation, "missing exponent base"); - if (e === void 0 && (expSign || expNumber)) { - invalidErr(representation, "missing e before exponent"); - } - } - if (representation[index] === "+" || representation[index] === "-") { - sawSign = true; - isNegative = representation[index++] === "-"; - } - if (!isDigit(representation[index]) && representation[index] !== ".") { - if (representation[index] === "i" || representation[index] === "I") { - return new _Decimal128(isNegative ? INF_NEGATIVE_BUFFER : INF_POSITIVE_BUFFER); - } else if (representation[index] === "N") { - return new _Decimal128(NAN_BUFFER); - } - } - while (isDigit(representation[index]) || representation[index] === ".") { - if (representation[index] === ".") { - if (sawRadix) - invalidErr(representation, "contains multiple periods"); - sawRadix = true; - index = index + 1; - continue; - } - if (nDigitsStored < MAX_DIGITS) { - if (representation[index] !== "0" || foundNonZero) { - if (!foundNonZero) { - firstNonZero = nDigitsRead; - } - foundNonZero = true; - digits[digitsInsert++] = parseInt(representation[index], 10); - nDigitsStored = nDigitsStored + 1; - } - } - if (foundNonZero) - nDigits = nDigits + 1; - if (sawRadix) - radixPosition = radixPosition + 1; - nDigitsRead = nDigitsRead + 1; - index = index + 1; - } - if (sawRadix && !nDigitsRead) - throw new BSONError("" + representation + " not a valid Decimal128 string"); - if (representation[index] === "e" || representation[index] === "E") { - const match = representation.substr(++index).match(EXPONENT_REGEX); - if (!match || !match[2]) - return new _Decimal128(NAN_BUFFER); - exponent = parseInt(match[0], 10); - index = index + match[0].length; - } - if (representation[index]) - return new _Decimal128(NAN_BUFFER); - if (!nDigitsStored) { - digits[0] = 0; - nDigits = 1; - nDigitsStored = 1; - significantDigits = 0; - } else { - lastDigit = nDigitsStored - 1; - significantDigits = nDigits; - if (significantDigits !== 1) { - while (representation[firstNonZero + significantDigits - 1 + Number(sawSign) + Number(sawRadix)] === "0") { - significantDigits = significantDigits - 1; - } - } - } - if (exponent <= radixPosition && radixPosition > exponent + (1 << 14)) { - exponent = EXPONENT_MIN; - } else { - exponent = exponent - radixPosition; - } - while (exponent > EXPONENT_MAX) { - lastDigit = lastDigit + 1; - if (lastDigit >= MAX_DIGITS) { - if (significantDigits === 0) { - exponent = EXPONENT_MAX; - break; - } - invalidErr(representation, "overflow"); - } - exponent = exponent - 1; - } - if (options.allowRounding) { - while (exponent < EXPONENT_MIN || nDigitsStored < nDigits) { - if (lastDigit === 0 && significantDigits < nDigitsStored) { - exponent = EXPONENT_MIN; - significantDigits = 0; - break; - } - if (nDigitsStored < nDigits) { - nDigits = nDigits - 1; - } else { - lastDigit = lastDigit - 1; - } - if (exponent < EXPONENT_MAX) { - exponent = exponent + 1; - } else { - const digitsString = digits.join(""); - if (digitsString.match(/^0+$/)) { - exponent = EXPONENT_MAX; - break; - } - invalidErr(representation, "overflow"); - } - } - if (lastDigit + 1 < significantDigits) { - let endOfString = nDigitsRead; - if (sawRadix) { - firstNonZero = firstNonZero + 1; - endOfString = endOfString + 1; - } - if (sawSign) { - firstNonZero = firstNonZero + 1; - endOfString = endOfString + 1; - } - const roundDigit = parseInt(representation[firstNonZero + lastDigit + 1], 10); - let roundBit = 0; - if (roundDigit >= 5) { - roundBit = 1; - if (roundDigit === 5) { - roundBit = digits[lastDigit] % 2 === 1 ? 1 : 0; - for (let i = firstNonZero + lastDigit + 2; i < endOfString; i++) { - if (parseInt(representation[i], 10)) { - roundBit = 1; - break; - } - } - } - } - if (roundBit) { - let dIdx = lastDigit; - for (; dIdx >= 0; dIdx--) { - if (++digits[dIdx] > 9) { - digits[dIdx] = 0; - if (dIdx === 0) { - if (exponent < EXPONENT_MAX) { - exponent = exponent + 1; - digits[dIdx] = 1; - } else { - return new _Decimal128(isNegative ? INF_NEGATIVE_BUFFER : INF_POSITIVE_BUFFER); - } - } - } else { - break; - } - } - } - } - } else { - while (exponent < EXPONENT_MIN || nDigitsStored < nDigits) { - if (lastDigit === 0) { - if (significantDigits === 0) { - exponent = EXPONENT_MIN; - break; - } - invalidErr(representation, "exponent underflow"); - } - if (nDigitsStored < nDigits) { - if (representation[nDigits - 1 + Number(sawSign) + Number(sawRadix)] !== "0" && significantDigits !== 0) { - invalidErr(representation, "inexact rounding"); - } - nDigits = nDigits - 1; - } else { - if (digits[lastDigit] !== 0) { - invalidErr(representation, "inexact rounding"); - } - lastDigit = lastDigit - 1; - } - if (exponent < EXPONENT_MAX) { - exponent = exponent + 1; - } else { - invalidErr(representation, "overflow"); - } - } - if (lastDigit + 1 < significantDigits) { - if (sawRadix) { - firstNonZero = firstNonZero + 1; - } - if (sawSign) { - firstNonZero = firstNonZero + 1; - } - const roundDigit = parseInt(representation[firstNonZero + lastDigit + 1], 10); - if (roundDigit !== 0) { - invalidErr(representation, "inexact rounding"); - } - } - } - significandHigh = Long.fromNumber(0); - significandLow = Long.fromNumber(0); - if (significantDigits === 0) { - significandHigh = Long.fromNumber(0); - significandLow = Long.fromNumber(0); - } else if (lastDigit < 17) { - let dIdx = 0; - significandLow = Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx++]); - significandHigh = new Long(0, 0); - for (; dIdx <= lastDigit; dIdx++) { - significandLow = significandLow.multiply(Long.fromNumber(10)); - significandLow = significandLow.add(Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx])); - } - } else { - let dIdx = 0; - significandHigh = Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx++]); - for (; dIdx <= lastDigit - 17; dIdx++) { - significandHigh = significandHigh.multiply(Long.fromNumber(10)); - significandHigh = significandHigh.add(Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx])); - } - significandLow = Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx++]); - for (; dIdx <= lastDigit; dIdx++) { - significandLow = significandLow.multiply(Long.fromNumber(10)); - significandLow = significandLow.add(Long.fromNumber(digits[dIdx])); - } - } - const significand = multiply64x2(significandHigh, Long.fromString("100000000000000000")); - significand.low = significand.low.add(significandLow); - if (lessThan(significand.low, significandLow)) { - significand.high = significand.high.add(Long.fromNumber(1)); - } - biasedExponent = exponent + EXPONENT_BIAS; - const dec = { low: Long.fromNumber(0), high: Long.fromNumber(0) }; - if (significand.high.shiftRightUnsigned(49).and(Long.fromNumber(1)).equals(Long.fromNumber(1))) { - dec.high = dec.high.or(Long.fromNumber(3).shiftLeft(61)); - dec.high = dec.high.or(Long.fromNumber(biasedExponent).and(Long.fromNumber(16383).shiftLeft(47))); - dec.high = dec.high.or(significand.high.and(Long.fromNumber(140737488355327))); - } else { - dec.high = dec.high.or(Long.fromNumber(biasedExponent & 16383).shiftLeft(49)); - dec.high = dec.high.or(significand.high.and(Long.fromNumber(562949953421311))); - } - dec.low = significand.low; - if (isNegative) { - dec.high = dec.high.or(Long.fromString("9223372036854775808")); - } - const buffer2 = ByteUtils.allocate(16); - index = 0; - buffer2[index++] = dec.low.low & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.low.low >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.low.low >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.low.low >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.low.high & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.low.high >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.low.high >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.low.high >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.high.low & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.high.low >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.high.low >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.high.low >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.high.high & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.high.high >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.high.high >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = dec.high.high >> 24 & 255; - return new _Decimal128(buffer2); - } - toString() { - let biased_exponent; - let significand_digits = 0; - const significand = new Array(36); - for (let i = 0; i < significand.length; i++) - significand[i] = 0; - let index = 0; - let is_zero = false; - let significand_msb; - let significand128 = { parts: [0, 0, 0, 0] }; - let j, k; - const string = []; - index = 0; - const buffer2 = this.bytes; - const low = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - const midl = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - const midh = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - const high = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - index = 0; - const dec = { - low: new Long(low, midl), - high: new Long(midh, high) - }; - if (dec.high.lessThan(Long.ZERO)) { - string.push("-"); - } - const combination = high >> 26 & COMBINATION_MASK; - if (combination >> 3 === 3) { - if (combination === COMBINATION_INFINITY) { - return string.join("") + "Infinity"; - } else if (combination === COMBINATION_NAN) { - return "NaN"; - } else { - biased_exponent = high >> 15 & EXPONENT_MASK; - significand_msb = 8 + (high >> 14 & 1); - } - } else { - significand_msb = high >> 14 & 7; - biased_exponent = high >> 17 & EXPONENT_MASK; - } - const exponent = biased_exponent - EXPONENT_BIAS; -[0] = (high & 16383) + ((significand_msb & 15) << 14); -[1] = midh; -[2] = midl; -[3] = low; - if ([0] === 0 &&[1] === 0 &&[2] === 0 &&[3] === 0) { - is_zero = true; - } else { - for (k = 3; k >= 0; k--) { - let least_digits = 0; - const result = divideu128(significand128); - significand128 = result.quotient; - least_digits = result.rem.low; - if (!least_digits) - continue; - for (j = 8; j >= 0; j--) { - significand[k * 9 + j] = least_digits % 10; - least_digits = Math.floor(least_digits / 10); - } - } - } - if (is_zero) { - significand_digits = 1; - significand[index] = 0; - } else { - significand_digits = 36; - while (!significand[index]) { - significand_digits = significand_digits - 1; - index = index + 1; - } - } - const scientific_exponent = significand_digits - 1 + exponent; - if (scientific_exponent >= 34 || scientific_exponent <= -7 || exponent > 0) { - if (significand_digits > 34) { - string.push(`${0}`); - if (exponent > 0) - string.push(`E+${exponent}`); - else if (exponent < 0) - string.push(`E${exponent}`); - return string.join(""); - } - string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); - significand_digits = significand_digits - 1; - if (significand_digits) { - string.push("."); - } - for (let i = 0; i < significand_digits; i++) { - string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); - } - string.push("E"); - if (scientific_exponent > 0) { - string.push(`+${scientific_exponent}`); - } else { - string.push(`${scientific_exponent}`); - } - } else { - if (exponent >= 0) { - for (let i = 0; i < significand_digits; i++) { - string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); - } - } else { - let radix_position = significand_digits + exponent; - if (radix_position > 0) { - for (let i = 0; i < radix_position; i++) { - string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); - } - } else { - string.push("0"); - } - string.push("."); - while (radix_position++ < 0) { - string.push("0"); - } - for (let i = 0; i < significand_digits - Math.max(radix_position - 1, 0); i++) { - string.push(`${significand[index++]}`); - } - } - } - return string.join(""); - } - toJSON() { - return { $numberDecimal: this.toString() }; - } - toExtendedJSON() { - return { $numberDecimal: this.toString() }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { - return _Decimal128.fromString(doc.$numberDecimal); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - const d128string = inspect(this.toString(), options); - return `new Decimal128(${d128string})`; - } - }; - var Double = class _Double extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "Double"; - } - constructor(value) { - super(); - if (value instanceof Number) { - value = value.valueOf(); - } - this.value = +value; - } - valueOf() { - return this.value; - } - toJSON() { - return this.value; - } - toString(radix) { - return this.value.toString(radix); - } - toExtendedJSON(options) { - if (options && (options.legacy || options.relaxed && isFinite(this.value))) { - return this.value; - } - if (, -0)) { - return { $numberDouble: "-0.0" }; - } - return { - $numberDouble: Number.isInteger(this.value) ? this.value.toFixed(1) : this.value.toString() - }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc, options) { - const doubleValue = parseFloat(doc.$numberDouble); - return options && options.relaxed ? doubleValue : new _Double(doubleValue); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - return `new Double(${inspect(this.value, options)})`; - } - }; - var Int32 = class _Int32 extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "Int32"; - } - constructor(value) { - super(); - if (value instanceof Number) { - value = value.valueOf(); - } - this.value = +value | 0; - } - valueOf() { - return this.value; - } - toString(radix) { - return this.value.toString(radix); - } - toJSON() { - return this.value; - } - toExtendedJSON(options) { - if (options && (options.relaxed || options.legacy)) - return this.value; - return { $numberInt: this.value.toString() }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc, options) { - return options && options.relaxed ? parseInt(doc.$numberInt, 10) : new _Int32(doc.$numberInt); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - return `new Int32(${inspect(this.value, options)})`; - } - }; - var MaxKey = class _MaxKey extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "MaxKey"; - } - toExtendedJSON() { - return { $maxKey: 1 }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON() { - return new _MaxKey(); - } - inspect() { - return "new MaxKey()"; - } - }; - var MinKey = class _MinKey extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "MinKey"; - } - toExtendedJSON() { - return { $minKey: 1 }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON() { - return new _MinKey(); - } - inspect() { - return "new MinKey()"; - } - }; - var checkForHexRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$"); - var PROCESS_UNIQUE = null; - var kId = Symbol("id"); - var ObjectId = class _ObjectId extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "ObjectId"; - } - constructor(inputId) { - super(); - let workingId; - if (typeof inputId === "object" && inputId && "id" in inputId) { - if (typeof !== "string" && !ArrayBuffer.isView( { - throw new BSONError("Argument passed in must have an id that is of type string or Buffer"); - } - if ("toHexString" in inputId && typeof inputId.toHexString === "function") { - workingId = ByteUtils.fromHex(inputId.toHexString()); - } else { - workingId =; - } - } else { - workingId = inputId; - } - if (workingId == null || typeof workingId === "number") { - this[kId] = _ObjectId.generate(typeof workingId === "number" ? workingId : void 0); - } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(workingId) && workingId.byteLength === 12) { - this[kId] = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(workingId); - } else if (typeof workingId === "string") { - if (workingId.length === 24 && checkForHexRegExp.test(workingId)) { - this[kId] = ByteUtils.fromHex(workingId); - } else { - throw new BSONError("input must be a 24 character hex string, 12 byte Uint8Array, or an integer"); - } - } else { - throw new BSONError("Argument passed in does not match the accepted types"); - } - if (_ObjectId.cacheHexString) { - this.__id = ByteUtils.toHex(; - } - } - get id() { - return this[kId]; - } - set id(value) { - this[kId] = value; - if (_ObjectId.cacheHexString) { - this.__id = ByteUtils.toHex(value); - } - } - toHexString() { - if (_ObjectId.cacheHexString && this.__id) { - return this.__id; - } - const hexString = ByteUtils.toHex(; - if (_ObjectId.cacheHexString && !this.__id) { - this.__id = hexString; - } - return hexString; - } - static getInc() { - return _ObjectId.index = (_ObjectId.index + 1) % 16777215; - } - static generate(time) { - if ("number" !== typeof time) { - time = Math.floor( / 1e3); - } - const inc = _ObjectId.getInc(); - const buffer2 = ByteUtils.allocate(12); - BSONDataView.fromUint8Array(buffer2).setUint32(0, time, false); - if (PROCESS_UNIQUE === null) { - PROCESS_UNIQUE = ByteUtils.randomBytes(5); - } - buffer2[4] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[0]; - buffer2[5] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[1]; - buffer2[6] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[2]; - buffer2[7] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[3]; - buffer2[8] = PROCESS_UNIQUE[4]; - buffer2[11] = inc & 255; - buffer2[10] = inc >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[9] = inc >> 16 & 255; - return buffer2; - } - toString(encoding) { - if (encoding === "base64") - return ByteUtils.toBase64(; - if (encoding === "hex") - return this.toHexString(); - return this.toHexString(); - } - toJSON() { - return this.toHexString(); - } - static is(variable) { - return variable != null && typeof variable === "object" && "_bsontype" in variable && variable._bsontype === "ObjectId"; - } - equals(otherId) { - if (otherId === void 0 || otherId === null) { - return false; - } - if ( { - return this[kId][11] === otherId[kId][11] && ByteUtils.equals(this[kId], otherId[kId]); - } - if (typeof otherId === "string") { - return otherId.toLowerCase() === this.toHexString(); - } - if (typeof otherId === "object" && typeof otherId.toHexString === "function") { - const otherIdString = otherId.toHexString(); - const thisIdString = this.toHexString(); - return typeof otherIdString === "string" && otherIdString.toLowerCase() === thisIdString; - } - return false; - } - getTimestamp() { - const timestamp = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); - const time = BSONDataView.fromUint8Array(, false); - timestamp.setTime(Math.floor(time) * 1e3); - return timestamp; - } - static createPk() { - return new _ObjectId(); - } - static createFromTime(time) { - const buffer2 = ByteUtils.fromNumberArray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); - BSONDataView.fromUint8Array(buffer2).setUint32(0, time, false); - return new _ObjectId(buffer2); - } - static createFromHexString(hexString) { - if (hexString?.length !== 24) { - throw new BSONError("hex string must be 24 characters"); - } - return new _ObjectId(ByteUtils.fromHex(hexString)); - } - static createFromBase64(base64) { - if (base64?.length !== 16) { - throw new BSONError("base64 string must be 16 characters"); - } - return new _ObjectId(ByteUtils.fromBase64(base64)); - } - static isValid(id) { - if (id == null) - return false; - try { - new _ObjectId(id); - return true; - } catch { - return false; - } - } - toExtendedJSON() { - if (this.toHexString) - return { $oid: this.toHexString() }; - return { $oid: this.toString("hex") }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { - return new _ObjectId(doc.$oid); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - return `new ObjectId(${inspect(this.toHexString(), options)})`; - } - }; - ObjectId.index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215); - function internalCalculateObjectSize(object, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined) { - let totalLength = 4 + 1; - if (Array.isArray(object)) { - for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { - totalLength += calculateElement(i.toString(), object[i], serializeFunctions, true, ignoreUndefined); - } - } else { - if (typeof object?.toBSON === "function") { - object = object.toBSON(); - } - for (const key of Object.keys(object)) { - totalLength += calculateElement(key, object[key], serializeFunctions, false, ignoreUndefined); - } - } - return totalLength; - } - function calculateElement(name, value, serializeFunctions = false, isArray = false, ignoreUndefined = false) { - if (typeof value?.toBSON === "function") { - value = value.toBSON(); - } - switch (typeof value) { - case "string": - return 1 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 + 4 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value) + 1; - case "number": - if (Math.floor(value) === value && value >= JS_INT_MIN && value <= JS_INT_MAX) { - if (value >= BSON_INT32_MIN && value <= BSON_INT32_MAX) { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (4 + 1); - } else { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (8 + 1); - } - } else { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (8 + 1); - } - case "undefined": - if (isArray || !ignoreUndefined) - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1; - return 0; - case "boolean": - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (1 + 1); - case "object": - if (value != null && typeof value._bsontype === "string" && value[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { - throw new BSONVersionError(); - } else if (value == null || value._bsontype === "MinKey" || value._bsontype === "MaxKey") { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1; - } else if (value._bsontype === "ObjectId") { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (12 + 1); - } else if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (8 + 1); - } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value) || value instanceof ArrayBuffer || isAnyArrayBuffer(value)) { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (1 + 4 + 1) + value.byteLength; - } else if (value._bsontype === "Long" || value._bsontype === "Double" || value._bsontype === "Timestamp") { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (8 + 1); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Decimal128") { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (16 + 1); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Code") { - if (value.scope != null && Object.keys(value.scope).length > 0) { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + 4 + 4 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.code.toString()) + 1 + internalCalculateObjectSize(value.scope, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined); - } else { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + 4 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.code.toString()) + 1; - } - } else if (value._bsontype === "Binary") { - const binary = value; - if (binary.sub_type === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (binary.position + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4); - } else { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + (binary.position + 1 + 4 + 1); - } - } else if (value._bsontype === "Symbol") { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.value) + 4 + 1 + 1; - } else if (value._bsontype === "DBRef") { - const ordered_values = Object.assign({ - $ref: value.collection, - $id: value.oid - }, value.fields); - if (value.db != null) { - ordered_values["$db"] = value.db; - } - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + internalCalculateObjectSize(ordered_values, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined); - } else if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.source) + 1 + ( ? 1 : 0) + (value.ignoreCase ? 1 : 0) + (value.multiline ? 1 : 0) + 1; - } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.pattern) + 1 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.options) + 1; - } else { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + internalCalculateObjectSize(value, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined) + 1; - } - case "function": - if (serializeFunctions) { - return (name != null ? ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(name) + 1 : 0) + 1 + 4 + ByteUtils.utf8ByteLength(value.toString()) + 1; - } - } - return 0; - } - function alphabetize(str) { - return str.split("").sort().join(""); - } - var BSONRegExp = class _BSONRegExp extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "BSONRegExp"; - } - constructor(pattern, options) { - super(); - this.pattern = pattern; - this.options = alphabetize(options ?? ""); - if (this.pattern.indexOf("\0") !== -1) { - throw new BSONError(`BSON Regex patterns cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(this.pattern)}`); - } - if (this.options.indexOf("\0") !== -1) { - throw new BSONError(`BSON Regex options cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(this.options)}`); - } - for (let i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++) { - if (!(this.options[i] === "i" || this.options[i] === "m" || this.options[i] === "x" || this.options[i] === "l" || this.options[i] === "s" || this.options[i] === "u")) { - throw new BSONError(`The regular expression option [${this.options[i]}] is not supported`); - } - } - } - static parseOptions(options) { - return options ? options.split("").sort().join("") : ""; - } - toExtendedJSON(options) { - options = options || {}; - if (options.legacy) { - return { $regex: this.pattern, $options: this.options }; - } - return { $regularExpression: { pattern: this.pattern, options: this.options } }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { - if ("$regex" in doc) { - if (typeof doc.$regex !== "string") { - if (doc.$regex._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { - return doc; - } - } else { - return new _BSONRegExp(doc.$regex, _BSONRegExp.parseOptions(doc.$options)); - } - } - if ("$regularExpression" in doc) { - return new _BSONRegExp(doc.$regularExpression.pattern, _BSONRegExp.parseOptions(doc.$regularExpression.options)); - } - throw new BSONError(`Unexpected BSONRegExp EJSON object form: ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - const stylize = getStylizeFunction(options) ?? ((v) => v); - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - const pattern = stylize(inspect(this.pattern), "regexp"); - const flags = stylize(inspect(this.options), "regexp"); - return `new BSONRegExp(${pattern}, ${flags})`; - } - }; - var BSONSymbol = class _BSONSymbol extends BSONValue { - get _bsontype() { - return "BSONSymbol"; - } - constructor(value) { - super(); - this.value = value; - } - valueOf() { - return this.value; - } - toString() { - return this.value; - } - toJSON() { - return this.value; - } - toExtendedJSON() { - return { $symbol: this.value }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { - return new _BSONSymbol(doc.$symbol); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - return `new BSONSymbol(${inspect(this.value, options)})`; - } - }; - var LongWithoutOverridesClass = Long; - var Timestamp = class _Timestamp extends LongWithoutOverridesClass { - get _bsontype() { - return "Timestamp"; - } - constructor(low) { - if (low == null) { - super(0, 0, true); - } else if (typeof low === "bigint") { - super(low, true); - } else if (Long.isLong(low)) { - super(low.low, low.high, true); - } else if (typeof low === "object" && "t" in low && "i" in low) { - if (typeof low.t !== "number" && (typeof low.t !== "object" || low.t._bsontype !== "Int32")) { - throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide t as a number"); - } - if (typeof low.i !== "number" && (typeof low.i !== "object" || low.i._bsontype !== "Int32")) { - throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide i as a number"); - } - const t = Number(low.t); - const i = Number(low.i); - if (t < 0 || Number.isNaN(t)) { - throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide a positive t"); - } - if (i < 0 || Number.isNaN(i)) { - throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide a positive i"); - } - if (t > 4294967295) { - throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide t equal or less than uint32 max"); - } - if (i > 4294967295) { - throw new BSONError("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide i equal or less than uint32 max"); - } - super(i, t, true); - } else { - throw new BSONError("A Timestamp can only be constructed with: bigint, Long, or { t: number; i: number }"); - } - } - toJSON() { - return { - $timestamp: this.toString() - }; - } - static fromInt(value) { - return new _Timestamp(Long.fromInt(value, true)); - } - static fromNumber(value) { - return new _Timestamp(Long.fromNumber(value, true)); - } - static fromBits(lowBits, highBits) { - return new _Timestamp({ i: lowBits, t: highBits }); - } - static fromString(str, optRadix) { - return new _Timestamp(Long.fromString(str, true, optRadix)); - } - toExtendedJSON() { - return { $timestamp: { t: this.high >>> 0, i: this.low >>> 0 } }; - } - static fromExtendedJSON(doc) { - const i = Long.isLong(doc.$timestamp.i) ? doc.$timestamp.i.getLowBitsUnsigned() : doc.$timestamp.i; - const t = Long.isLong(doc.$timestamp.t) ? doc.$timestamp.t.getLowBitsUnsigned() : doc.$timestamp.t; - return new _Timestamp({ t, i }); - } - inspect(depth, options, inspect) { - inspect ??= defaultInspect; - const t = inspect(this.high >>> 0, options); - const i = inspect(this.low >>> 0, options); - return `new Timestamp({ t: ${t}, i: ${i} })`; - } - }; - Timestamp.MAX_VALUE = Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE; - var JS_INT_MAX_LONG = Long.fromNumber(JS_INT_MAX); - var JS_INT_MIN_LONG = Long.fromNumber(JS_INT_MIN); - function internalDeserialize(buffer2, options, isArray) { - options = options == null ? {} : options; - const index = options && options.index ? options.index : 0; - const size = buffer2[index] | buffer2[index + 1] << 8 | buffer2[index + 2] << 16 | buffer2[index + 3] << 24; - if (size < 5) { - throw new BSONError(`bson size must be >= 5, is ${size}`); - } - if (options.allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize && buffer2.length < size) { - throw new BSONError(`buffer length ${buffer2.length} must be >= bson size ${size}`); - } - if (!options.allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize && buffer2.length !== size) { - throw new BSONError(`buffer length ${buffer2.length} must === bson size ${size}`); - } - if (size + index > buffer2.byteLength) { - throw new BSONError(`(bson size ${size} + options.index ${index} must be <= buffer length ${buffer2.byteLength})`); - } - if (buffer2[index + size - 1] !== 0) { - throw new BSONError("One object, sized correctly, with a spot for an EOO, but the EOO isn't 0x00"); - } - return deserializeObject(buffer2, index, options, isArray); - } - var allowedDBRefKeys = /^\$ref$|^\$id$|^\$db$/; - function deserializeObject(buffer2, index, options, isArray = false) { - const fieldsAsRaw = options["fieldsAsRaw"] == null ? null : options["fieldsAsRaw"]; - const raw = options["raw"] == null ? false : options["raw"]; - const bsonRegExp = typeof options["bsonRegExp"] === "boolean" ? options["bsonRegExp"] : false; - const promoteBuffers = options.promoteBuffers ?? false; - const promoteLongs = options.promoteLongs ?? true; - const promoteValues = options.promoteValues ?? true; - const useBigInt64 = options.useBigInt64 ?? false; - if (useBigInt64 && !promoteValues) { - throw new BSONError("Must either request bigint or Long for int64 deserialization"); - } - if (useBigInt64 && !promoteLongs) { - throw new BSONError("Must either request bigint or Long for int64 deserialization"); - } - const validation = options.validation == null ? { utf8: true } : options.validation; - let globalUTFValidation = true; - let validationSetting; - const utf8KeysSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - const utf8ValidatedKeys = validation.utf8; - if (typeof utf8ValidatedKeys === "boolean") { - validationSetting = utf8ValidatedKeys; - } else { - globalUTFValidation = false; - const utf8ValidationValues = Object.keys(utf8ValidatedKeys).map(function(key) { - return utf8ValidatedKeys[key]; - }); - if (utf8ValidationValues.length === 0) { - throw new BSONError("UTF-8 validation setting cannot be empty"); - } - if (typeof utf8ValidationValues[0] !== "boolean") { - throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 validation option, must specify boolean values"); - } - validationSetting = utf8ValidationValues[0]; - if (!utf8ValidationValues.every((item) => item === validationSetting)) { - throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 validation option - keys must be all true or all false"); - } - } - if (!globalUTFValidation) { - for (const key of Object.keys(utf8ValidatedKeys)) { - utf8KeysSet.add(key); - } - } - const startIndex = index; - if (buffer2.length < 5) - throw new BSONError("corrupt bson message < 5 bytes long"); - const size = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (size < 5 || size > buffer2.length) - throw new BSONError("corrupt bson message"); - const object = isArray ? [] : {}; - let arrayIndex = 0; - const done = false; - let isPossibleDBRef = isArray ? false : null; - const dataview = new DataView(buffer2.buffer, buffer2.byteOffset, buffer2.byteLength); - while (!done) { - const elementType = buffer2[index++]; - if (elementType === 0) - break; - let i = index; - while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { - i++; - } - if (i >= buffer2.byteLength) - throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); - const name = isArray ? arrayIndex++ : ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); - let shouldValidateKey = true; - if (globalUTFValidation || utf8KeysSet.has(name)) { - shouldValidateKey = validationSetting; - } else { - shouldValidateKey = !validationSetting; - } - if (isPossibleDBRef !== false && name[0] === "$") { - isPossibleDBRef = allowedDBRefKeys.test(name); - } - let value; - index = i + 1; - if (elementType === BSON_DATA_STRING) { - const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) { - throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); - } - value = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, shouldValidateKey); - index = index + stringSize; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_OID) { - const oid = ByteUtils.allocate(12); - oid.set(buffer2.subarray(index, index + 12)); - value = new ObjectId(oid); - index = index + 12; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_INT && promoteValues === false) { - value = new Int32(buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_INT) { - value = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_NUMBER && promoteValues === false) { - value = new Double(dataview.getFloat64(index, true)); - index = index + 8; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_NUMBER) { - value = dataview.getFloat64(index, true); - index = index + 8; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_DATE) { - const lowBits = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - const highBits = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - value = new Date(new Long(lowBits, highBits).toNumber()); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_BOOLEAN) { - if (buffer2[index] !== 0 && buffer2[index] !== 1) - throw new BSONError("illegal boolean type value"); - value = buffer2[index++] === 1; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_OBJECT) { - const _index = index; - const objectSize = buffer2[index] | buffer2[index + 1] << 8 | buffer2[index + 2] << 16 | buffer2[index + 3] << 24; - if (objectSize <= 0 || objectSize > buffer2.length - index) - throw new BSONError("bad embedded document length in bson"); - if (raw) { - value = buffer2.slice(index, index + objectSize); - } else { - let objectOptions = options; - if (!globalUTFValidation) { - objectOptions = { ...options, validation: { utf8: shouldValidateKey } }; - } - value = deserializeObject(buffer2, _index, objectOptions, false); - } - index = index + objectSize; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_ARRAY) { - const _index = index; - const objectSize = buffer2[index] | buffer2[index + 1] << 8 | buffer2[index + 2] << 16 | buffer2[index + 3] << 24; - let arrayOptions = options; - const stopIndex = index + objectSize; - if (fieldsAsRaw && fieldsAsRaw[name]) { - arrayOptions = { ...options, raw: true }; - } - if (!globalUTFValidation) { - arrayOptions = { ...arrayOptions, validation: { utf8: shouldValidateKey } }; - } - value = deserializeObject(buffer2, _index, arrayOptions, true); - index = index + objectSize; - if (buffer2[index - 1] !== 0) - throw new BSONError("invalid array terminator byte"); - if (index !== stopIndex) - throw new BSONError("corrupted array bson"); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_UNDEFINED) { - value = void 0; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_NULL) { - value = null; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_LONG) { - const dataview2 = BSONDataView.fromUint8Array(buffer2.subarray(index, index + 8)); - const lowBits = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - const highBits = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - const long = new Long(lowBits, highBits); - if (useBigInt64) { - value = dataview2.getBigInt64(0, true); - } else if (promoteLongs && promoteValues === true) { - value = long.lessThanOrEqual(JS_INT_MAX_LONG) && long.greaterThanOrEqual(JS_INT_MIN_LONG) ? long.toNumber() : long; - } else { - value = long; - } - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_DECIMAL128) { - const bytes = ByteUtils.allocate(16); - bytes.set(buffer2.subarray(index, index + 16), 0); - index = index + 16; - value = new Decimal128(bytes); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_BINARY) { - let binarySize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - const totalBinarySize = binarySize; - const subType = buffer2[index++]; - if (binarySize < 0) - throw new BSONError("Negative binary type element size found"); - if (binarySize > buffer2.byteLength) - throw new BSONError("Binary type size larger than document size"); - if (buffer2["slice"] != null) { - if (subType === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) { - binarySize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (binarySize < 0) - throw new BSONError("Negative binary type element size found for subtype 0x02"); - if (binarySize > totalBinarySize - 4) - throw new BSONError("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too long binary size"); - if (binarySize < totalBinarySize - 4) - throw new BSONError("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too short binary size"); - } - if (promoteBuffers && promoteValues) { - value = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2.slice(index, index + binarySize)); - } else { - value = new Binary(buffer2.slice(index, index + binarySize), subType); - if (subType === BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW && UUID.isValid(value)) { - value = value.toUUID(); - } - } - } else { - const _buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(binarySize); - if (subType === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) { - binarySize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (binarySize < 0) - throw new BSONError("Negative binary type element size found for subtype 0x02"); - if (binarySize > totalBinarySize - 4) - throw new BSONError("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too long binary size"); - if (binarySize < totalBinarySize - 4) - throw new BSONError("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too short binary size"); - } - for (i = 0; i < binarySize; i++) { - _buffer[i] = buffer2[index + i]; - } - if (promoteBuffers && promoteValues) { - value = _buffer; - } else { - value = new Binary(buffer2.slice(index, index + binarySize), subType); - if (subType === BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW && UUID.isValid(value)) { - value = value.toUUID(); - } - } - } - index = index + binarySize; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_REGEXP && bsonRegExp === false) { - i = index; - while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { - i++; - } - if (i >= buffer2.length) - throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); - const source = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); - index = i + 1; - i = index; - while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { - i++; - } - if (i >= buffer2.length) - throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); - const regExpOptions = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); - index = i + 1; - const optionsArray = new Array(regExpOptions.length); - for (i = 0; i < regExpOptions.length; i++) { - switch (regExpOptions[i]) { - case "m": - optionsArray[i] = "m"; - break; - case "s": - optionsArray[i] = "g"; - break; - case "i": - optionsArray[i] = "i"; - break; - } - } - value = new RegExp(source, optionsArray.join("")); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_REGEXP && bsonRegExp === true) { - i = index; - while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { - i++; - } - if (i >= buffer2.length) - throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); - const source = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); - index = i + 1; - i = index; - while (buffer2[i] !== 0 && i < buffer2.length) { - i++; - } - if (i >= buffer2.length) - throw new BSONError("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString"); - const regExpOptions = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, i, false); - index = i + 1; - value = new BSONRegExp(source, regExpOptions); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_SYMBOL) { - const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) { - throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); - } - const symbol = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, shouldValidateKey); - value = promoteValues ? symbol : new BSONSymbol(symbol); - index = index + stringSize; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_TIMESTAMP) { - const i2 = buffer2[index++] + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 8) + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 16) + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 24); - const t = buffer2[index++] + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 8) + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 16) + buffer2[index++] * (1 << 24); - value = new Timestamp({ i: i2, t }); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_MIN_KEY) { - value = new MinKey(); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_MAX_KEY) { - value = new MaxKey(); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_CODE) { - const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) { - throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); - } - const functionString = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, shouldValidateKey); - value = new Code(functionString); - index = index + stringSize; - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_CODE_W_SCOPE) { - const totalSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (totalSize < 4 + 4 + 4 + 1) { - throw new BSONError("code_w_scope total size shorter minimum expected length"); - } - const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) { - throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); - } - const functionString = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, shouldValidateKey); - index = index + stringSize; - const _index = index; - const objectSize = buffer2[index] | buffer2[index + 1] << 8 | buffer2[index + 2] << 16 | buffer2[index + 3] << 24; - const scopeObject = deserializeObject(buffer2, _index, options, false); - index = index + objectSize; - if (totalSize < 4 + 4 + objectSize + stringSize) { - throw new BSONError("code_w_scope total size is too short, truncating scope"); - } - if (totalSize > 4 + 4 + objectSize + stringSize) { - throw new BSONError("code_w_scope total size is too long, clips outer document"); - } - value = new Code(functionString, scopeObject); - } else if (elementType === BSON_DATA_DBPOINTER) { - const stringSize = buffer2[index++] | buffer2[index++] << 8 | buffer2[index++] << 16 | buffer2[index++] << 24; - if (stringSize <= 0 || stringSize > buffer2.length - index || buffer2[index + stringSize - 1] !== 0) - throw new BSONError("bad string length in bson"); - if (validation != null && validation.utf8) { - if (!validateUtf8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1)) { - throw new BSONError("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document"); - } - } - const namespace = ByteUtils.toUTF8(buffer2, index, index + stringSize - 1, false); - index = index + stringSize; - const oidBuffer = ByteUtils.allocate(12); - oidBuffer.set(buffer2.subarray(index, index + 12), 0); - const oid = new ObjectId(oidBuffer); - index = index + 12; - value = new DBRef(namespace, oid); - } else { - throw new BSONError(`Detected unknown BSON type ${elementType.toString(16)} for fieldname "${name}"`); - } - if (name === "__proto__") { - Object.defineProperty(object, name, { - value, - writable: true, - enumerable: true, - configurable: true - }); - } else { - object[name] = value; - } - } - if (size !== index - startIndex) { - if (isArray) - throw new BSONError("corrupt array bson"); - throw new BSONError("corrupt object bson"); - } - if (!isPossibleDBRef) - return object; - if (isDBRefLike(object)) { - const copy = Object.assign({}, object); - delete copy.$ref; - delete copy.$id; - delete copy.$db; - return new DBRef(object.$ref, object.$id, object.$db, copy); - } - return object; - } - var regexp = /\x00/; - var ignoreKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["$db", "$ref", "$id", "$clusterTime"]); - function serializeString(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_STRING; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes + 1; - buffer2[index - 1] = 0; - const size = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, value, index + 4); - buffer2[index + 3] = size + 1 >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index + 2] = size + 1 >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index + 1] = size + 1 >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index] = size + 1 & 255; - index = index + 4 + size; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - return index; - } - var NUMBER_SPACE = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8), 0, 8); - var FOUR_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER = new Uint8Array(NUMBER_SPACE.buffer, 0, 4); - var EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER = new Uint8Array(NUMBER_SPACE.buffer, 0, 8); - function serializeNumber(buffer2, key, value, index) { - const isNegativeZero =, -0); - const type = !isNegativeZero && Number.isSafeInteger(value) && value <= BSON_INT32_MAX && value >= BSON_INT32_MIN ? BSON_DATA_INT : BSON_DATA_NUMBER; - if (type === BSON_DATA_INT) { - NUMBER_SPACE.setInt32(0, value, true); - } else { - NUMBER_SPACE.setFloat64(0, value, true); - } - const bytes = type === BSON_DATA_INT ? FOUR_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER : EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER; - buffer2[index++] = type; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - buffer2.set(bytes, index); - index += bytes.byteLength; - return index; - } - function serializeBigInt(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_LONG; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index += numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - NUMBER_SPACE.setBigInt64(0, value, true); - buffer2.set(EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER, index); - index += EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER.byteLength; - return index; - } - function serializeNull(buffer2, key, _, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_NULL; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - return index; - } - function serializeBoolean(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_BOOLEAN; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - buffer2[index++] = value ? 1 : 0; - return index; - } - function serializeDate(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_DATE; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const dateInMilis = Long.fromNumber(value.getTime()); - const lowBits = dateInMilis.getLowBits(); - const highBits = dateInMilis.getHighBits(); - buffer2[index++] = lowBits & 255; - buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = highBits & 255; - buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 24 & 255; - return index; - } - function serializeRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_REGEXP; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - if (value.source && value.source.match(regexp) != null) { - throw new BSONError("value " + value.source + " must not contain null bytes"); - } - index = index + ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, value.source, index); - buffer2[index++] = 0; - if (value.ignoreCase) - buffer2[index++] = 105; - if ( - buffer2[index++] = 115; - if (value.multiline) - buffer2[index++] = 109; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - return index; - } - function serializeBSONRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_REGEXP; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - if (value.pattern.match(regexp) != null) { - throw new BSONError("pattern " + value.pattern + " must not contain null bytes"); - } - index = index + ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, value.pattern, index); - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const sortedOptions = value.options.split("").sort().join(""); - index = index + ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, sortedOptions, index); - buffer2[index++] = 0; - return index; - } - function serializeMinMax(buffer2, key, value, index) { - if (value === null) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_NULL; - } else if (value._bsontype === "MinKey") { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_MIN_KEY; - } else { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_MAX_KEY; - } - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - return index; - } - function serializeObjectId(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_OID; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const idValue =; - if (isUint8Array(idValue)) { - for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { - buffer2[index++] = idValue[i]; - } - } else { - throw new BSONError("object [" + JSON.stringify(value) + "] is not a valid ObjectId"); - } - return index; - } - function serializeBuffer(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_BINARY; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const size = value.length; - buffer2[index++] = size & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT; - buffer2.set(value, index); - index = index + size; - return index; - } - function serializeObject(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path) { - if (path.has(value)) { - throw new BSONError("Cannot convert circular structure to BSON"); - } - path.add(value); - buffer2[index++] = Array.isArray(value) ? BSON_DATA_ARRAY : BSON_DATA_OBJECT; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const endIndex = serializeInto(buffer2, value, checkKeys, index, depth + 1, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); - path.delete(value); - return endIndex; - } - function serializeDecimal128(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_DECIMAL128; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - buffer2.set(value.bytes.subarray(0, 16), index); - return index + 16; - } - function serializeLong(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = value._bsontype === "Long" ? BSON_DATA_LONG : BSON_DATA_TIMESTAMP; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const lowBits = value.getLowBits(); - const highBits = value.getHighBits(); - buffer2[index++] = lowBits & 255; - buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = lowBits >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = highBits & 255; - buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = highBits >> 24 & 255; - return index; - } - function serializeInt32(buffer2, key, value, index) { - value = value.valueOf(); - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_INT; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - buffer2[index++] = value & 255; - buffer2[index++] = value >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = value >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = value >> 24 & 255; - return index; - } - function serializeDouble(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_NUMBER; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - NUMBER_SPACE.setFloat64(0, value.value, true); - buffer2.set(EIGHT_BYTE_VIEW_ON_NUMBER, index); - index = index + 8; - return index; - } - function serializeFunction(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_CODE; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const functionString = value.toString(); - const size = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, functionString, index + 4) + 1; - buffer2[index] = size & 255; - buffer2[index + 1] = size >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index + 2] = size >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index + 3] = size >> 24 & 255; - index = index + 4 + size - 1; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - return index; - } - function serializeCode(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys = false, depth = 0, serializeFunctions = false, ignoreUndefined = true, path) { - if (value.scope && typeof value.scope === "object") { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_CODE_W_SCOPE; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - let startIndex = index; - const functionString = value.code; - index = index + 4; - const codeSize = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, functionString, index + 4) + 1; - buffer2[index] = codeSize & 255; - buffer2[index + 1] = codeSize >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index + 2] = codeSize >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index + 3] = codeSize >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index + 4 + codeSize - 1] = 0; - index = index + codeSize + 4; - const endIndex = serializeInto(buffer2, value.scope, checkKeys, index, depth + 1, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); - index = endIndex - 1; - const totalSize = endIndex - startIndex; - buffer2[startIndex++] = totalSize & 255; - buffer2[startIndex++] = totalSize >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[startIndex++] = totalSize >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[startIndex++] = totalSize >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - } else { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_CODE; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const functionString = value.code.toString(); - const size = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, functionString, index + 4) + 1; - buffer2[index] = size & 255; - buffer2[index + 1] = size >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index + 2] = size >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index + 3] = size >> 24 & 255; - index = index + 4 + size - 1; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - } - return index; - } - function serializeBinary(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_BINARY; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const data = value.buffer; - let size = value.position; - if (value.sub_type === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) - size = size + 4; - buffer2[index++] = size & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 24 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = value.sub_type; - if (value.sub_type === Binary.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) { - size = size - 4; - buffer2[index++] = size & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index++] = size >> 24 & 255; - } - buffer2.set(data, index); - index = index + value.position; - return index; - } - function serializeSymbol(buffer2, key, value, index) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_SYMBOL; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const size = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, value.value, index + 4) + 1; - buffer2[index] = size & 255; - buffer2[index + 1] = size >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[index + 2] = size >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[index + 3] = size >> 24 & 255; - index = index + 4 + size - 1; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - return index; - } - function serializeDBRef(buffer2, key, value, index, depth, serializeFunctions, path) { - buffer2[index++] = BSON_DATA_OBJECT; - const numberOfWrittenBytes = ByteUtils.encodeUTF8Into(buffer2, key, index); - index = index + numberOfWrittenBytes; - buffer2[index++] = 0; - let startIndex = index; - let output = { - $ref: value.collection || value.namespace, - $id: value.oid - }; - if (value.db != null) { - output.$db = value.db; - } - output = Object.assign(output, value.fields); - const endIndex = serializeInto(buffer2, output, false, index, depth + 1, serializeFunctions, true, path); - const size = endIndex - startIndex; - buffer2[startIndex++] = size & 255; - buffer2[startIndex++] = size >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[startIndex++] = size >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[startIndex++] = size >> 24 & 255; - return endIndex; - } - function serializeInto(buffer2, object, checkKeys, startingIndex, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path) { - if (path == null) { - if (object == null) { - buffer2[0] = 5; - buffer2[1] = 0; - buffer2[2] = 0; - buffer2[3] = 0; - buffer2[4] = 0; - return 5; - } - if (Array.isArray(object)) { - throw new BSONError("serialize does not support an array as the root input"); - } - if (typeof object !== "object") { - throw new BSONError("serialize does not support non-object as the root input"); - } else if ("_bsontype" in object && typeof object._bsontype === "string") { - throw new BSONError(`BSON types cannot be serialized as a document`); - } else if (isDate(object) || isRegExp(object) || isUint8Array(object) || isAnyArrayBuffer(object)) { - throw new BSONError(`date, regexp, typedarray, and arraybuffer cannot be BSON documents`); - } - path = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - } - path.add(object); - let index = startingIndex + 4; - if (Array.isArray(object)) { - for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { - const key = `${i}`; - let value = object[i]; - if (typeof value?.toBSON === "function") { - value = value.toBSON(); - } - if (typeof value === "string") { - index = serializeString(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (typeof value === "number") { - index = serializeNumber(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (typeof value === "bigint") { - index = serializeBigInt(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (typeof value === "boolean") { - index = serializeBoolean(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { - index = serializeDate(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value === void 0) { - index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value === null) { - index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (isUint8Array(value)) { - index = serializeBuffer(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { - index = serializeRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (typeof value === "object" && value._bsontype == null) { - index = serializeObject(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); - } else if (typeof value === "object" && value[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { - throw new BSONVersionError(); - } else if (value._bsontype === "ObjectId") { - index = serializeObjectId(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Decimal128") { - index = serializeDecimal128(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Long" || value._bsontype === "Timestamp") { - index = serializeLong(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Double") { - index = serializeDouble(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (typeof value === "function" && serializeFunctions) { - index = serializeFunction(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Code") { - index = serializeCode(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Binary") { - index = serializeBinary(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONSymbol") { - index = serializeSymbol(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "DBRef") { - index = serializeDBRef(buffer2, key, value, index, depth, serializeFunctions, path); - } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { - index = serializeBSONRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Int32") { - index = serializeInt32(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "MinKey" || value._bsontype === "MaxKey") { - index = serializeMinMax(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (typeof value._bsontype !== "undefined") { - throw new BSONError(`Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: ${String(value._bsontype)}`); - } - } - } else if (object instanceof Map || isMap(object)) { - const iterator = object.entries(); - let done = false; - while (!done) { - const entry =; - done = !!entry.done; - if (done) - continue; - const key = entry.value[0]; - let value = entry.value[1]; - if (typeof value?.toBSON === "function") { - value = value.toBSON(); - } - const type = typeof value; - if (typeof key === "string" && !ignoreKeys.has(key)) { - if (key.match(regexp) != null) { - throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not contain null bytes"); - } - if (checkKeys) { - if ("$" === key[0]) { - throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not start with '$'"); - } else if (~key.indexOf(".")) { - throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not contain '.'"); - } - } - } - if (type === "string") { - index = serializeString(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "number") { - index = serializeNumber(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "bigint") { - index = serializeBigInt(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "boolean") { - index = serializeBoolean(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { - index = serializeDate(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value === null || value === void 0 && ignoreUndefined === false) { - index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (isUint8Array(value)) { - index = serializeBuffer(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { - index = serializeRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "object" && value._bsontype == null) { - index = serializeObject(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); - } else if (typeof value === "object" && value[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { - throw new BSONVersionError(); - } else if (value._bsontype === "ObjectId") { - index = serializeObjectId(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "object" && value._bsontype === "Decimal128") { - index = serializeDecimal128(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Long" || value._bsontype === "Timestamp") { - index = serializeLong(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Double") { - index = serializeDouble(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Code") { - index = serializeCode(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); - } else if (typeof value === "function" && serializeFunctions) { - index = serializeFunction(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Binary") { - index = serializeBinary(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONSymbol") { - index = serializeSymbol(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "DBRef") { - index = serializeDBRef(buffer2, key, value, index, depth, serializeFunctions, path); - } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { - index = serializeBSONRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Int32") { - index = serializeInt32(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "MinKey" || value._bsontype === "MaxKey") { - index = serializeMinMax(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (typeof value._bsontype !== "undefined") { - throw new BSONError(`Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: ${String(value._bsontype)}`); - } - } - } else { - if (typeof object?.toBSON === "function") { - object = object.toBSON(); - if (object != null && typeof object !== "object") { - throw new BSONError("toBSON function did not return an object"); - } - } - for (const key of Object.keys(object)) { - let value = object[key]; - if (typeof value?.toBSON === "function") { - value = value.toBSON(); - } - const type = typeof value; - if (typeof key === "string" && !ignoreKeys.has(key)) { - if (key.match(regexp) != null) { - throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not contain null bytes"); - } - if (checkKeys) { - if ("$" === key[0]) { - throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not start with '$'"); - } else if (~key.indexOf(".")) { - throw new BSONError("key " + key + " must not contain '.'"); - } - } - } - if (type === "string") { - index = serializeString(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "number") { - index = serializeNumber(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "bigint") { - index = serializeBigInt(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "boolean") { - index = serializeBoolean(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { - index = serializeDate(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value === void 0) { - if (ignoreUndefined === false) - index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value === null) { - index = serializeNull(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (isUint8Array(value)) { - index = serializeBuffer(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { - index = serializeRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "object" && value._bsontype == null) { - index = serializeObject(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); - } else if (typeof value === "object" && value[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { - throw new BSONVersionError(); - } else if (value._bsontype === "ObjectId") { - index = serializeObjectId(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (type === "object" && value._bsontype === "Decimal128") { - index = serializeDecimal128(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Long" || value._bsontype === "Timestamp") { - index = serializeLong(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Double") { - index = serializeDouble(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Code") { - index = serializeCode(buffer2, key, value, index, checkKeys, depth, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, path); - } else if (typeof value === "function" && serializeFunctions) { - index = serializeFunction(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Binary") { - index = serializeBinary(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONSymbol") { - index = serializeSymbol(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "DBRef") { - index = serializeDBRef(buffer2, key, value, index, depth, serializeFunctions, path); - } else if (value._bsontype === "BSONRegExp") { - index = serializeBSONRegExp(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "Int32") { - index = serializeInt32(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (value._bsontype === "MinKey" || value._bsontype === "MaxKey") { - index = serializeMinMax(buffer2, key, value, index); - } else if (typeof value._bsontype !== "undefined") { - throw new BSONError(`Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: ${String(value._bsontype)}`); - } - } - } - path.delete(object); - buffer2[index++] = 0; - const size = index - startingIndex; - buffer2[startingIndex++] = size & 255; - buffer2[startingIndex++] = size >> 8 & 255; - buffer2[startingIndex++] = size >> 16 & 255; - buffer2[startingIndex++] = size >> 24 & 255; - return index; - } - function isBSONType(value) { - return value != null && typeof value === "object" && "_bsontype" in value && typeof value._bsontype === "string"; - } - var keysToCodecs = { - $oid: ObjectId, - $binary: Binary, - $uuid: Binary, - $symbol: BSONSymbol, - $numberInt: Int32, - $numberDecimal: Decimal128, - $numberDouble: Double, - $numberLong: Long, - $minKey: MinKey, - $maxKey: MaxKey, - $regex: BSONRegExp, - $regularExpression: BSONRegExp, - $timestamp: Timestamp - }; - function deserializeValue(value, options = {}) { - if (typeof value === "number") { - const in32BitRange = value <= BSON_INT32_MAX && value >= BSON_INT32_MIN; - const in64BitRange = value <= BSON_INT64_MAX && value >= BSON_INT64_MIN; - if (options.relaxed || options.legacy) { - return value; - } - if (Number.isInteger(value) && !, -0)) { - if (in32BitRange) { - return new Int32(value); - } - if (in64BitRange) { - if (options.useBigInt64) { - return BigInt(value); - } - return Long.fromNumber(value); - } - } - return new Double(value); - } - if (value == null || typeof value !== "object") - return value; - if (value.$undefined) - return null; - const keys = Object.keys(value).filter((k) => k.startsWith("$") && value[k] != null); - for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { - const c = keysToCodecs[keys[i]]; - if (c) - return c.fromExtendedJSON(value, options); - } - if (value.$date != null) { - const d = value.$date; - const date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); - if (options.legacy) { - if (typeof d === "number") - date.setTime(d); - else if (typeof d === "string") - date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); - else if (typeof d === "bigint") - date.setTime(Number(d)); - else - throw new BSONRuntimeError(`Unrecognized type for EJSON date: ${typeof d}`); - } else { - if (typeof d === "string") - date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); - else if (Long.isLong(d)) - date.setTime(d.toNumber()); - else if (typeof d === "number" && options.relaxed) - date.setTime(d); - else if (typeof d === "bigint") - date.setTime(Number(d)); - else - throw new BSONRuntimeError(`Unrecognized type for EJSON date: ${typeof d}`); - } - return date; - } - if (value.$code != null) { - const copy = Object.assign({}, value); - if (value.$scope) { - copy.$scope = deserializeValue(value.$scope); - } - return Code.fromExtendedJSON(value); - } - if (isDBRefLike(value) || value.$dbPointer) { - const v = value.$ref ? value : value.$dbPointer; - if (v instanceof DBRef) - return v; - const dollarKeys = Object.keys(v).filter((k) => k.startsWith("$")); - let valid = true; - dollarKeys.forEach((k) => { - if (["$ref", "$id", "$db"].indexOf(k) === -1) - valid = false; - }); - if (valid) - return DBRef.fromExtendedJSON(v); - } - return value; - } - function serializeArray(array, options) { - return, index) => { - options.seenObjects.push({ propertyName: `index ${index}`, obj: null }); - try { - return serializeValue(v, options); - } finally { - options.seenObjects.pop(); - } - }); - } - function getISOString(date) { - const isoStr = date.toISOString(); - return date.getUTCMilliseconds() !== 0 ? isoStr : isoStr.slice(0, -5) + "Z"; - } - function serializeValue(value, options) { - if (value instanceof Map || isMap(value)) { - const obj = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); - for (const [k, v] of value) { - if (typeof k !== "string") { - throw new BSONError("Can only serialize maps with string keys"); - } - obj[k] = v; - } - return serializeValue(obj, options); - } - if ((typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "function") && value !== null) { - const index = options.seenObjects.findIndex((entry) => entry.obj === value); - if (index !== -1) { - const props = => entry.propertyName); - const leadingPart = props.slice(0, index).map((prop) => `${prop} -> `).join(""); - const alreadySeen = props[index]; - const circularPart = " -> " + props.slice(index + 1, props.length - 1).map((prop) => `${prop} -> `).join(""); - const current = props[props.length - 1]; - const leadingSpace = " ".repeat(leadingPart.length + alreadySeen.length / 2); - const dashes = "-".repeat(circularPart.length + (alreadySeen.length + current.length) / 2 - 1); - throw new BSONError(`Converting circular structure to EJSON: - ${leadingPart}${alreadySeen}${circularPart}${current} - ${leadingSpace}\\${dashes}/`); - } - options.seenObjects[options.seenObjects.length - 1].obj = value; - } - if (Array.isArray(value)) - return serializeArray(value, options); - if (value === void 0) - return null; - if (value instanceof Date || isDate(value)) { - const dateNum = value.getTime(), inRange = dateNum > -1 && dateNum < 2534023188e5; - if (options.legacy) { - return options.relaxed && inRange ? { $date: value.getTime() } : { $date: getISOString(value) }; - } - return options.relaxed && inRange ? { $date: getISOString(value) } : { $date: { $numberLong: value.getTime().toString() } }; - } - if (typeof value === "number" && (!options.relaxed || !isFinite(value))) { - if (Number.isInteger(value) && !, -0)) { - if (value >= BSON_INT32_MIN && value <= BSON_INT32_MAX) { - return { $numberInt: value.toString() }; - } - if (value >= BSON_INT64_MIN && value <= BSON_INT64_MAX) { - return { $numberLong: value.toString() }; - } - } - return { $numberDouble:, -0) ? "-0.0" : value.toString() }; - } - if (typeof value === "bigint") { - if (!options.relaxed) { - return { $numberLong: BigInt.asIntN(64, value).toString() }; - } - return Number(BigInt.asIntN(64, value)); - } - if (value instanceof RegExp || isRegExp(value)) { - let flags = value.flags; - if (flags === void 0) { - const match = value.toString().match(/[gimuy]*$/); - if (match) { - flags = match[0]; - } - } - const rx = new BSONRegExp(value.source, flags); - return rx.toExtendedJSON(options); - } - if (value != null && typeof value === "object") - return serializeDocument(value, options); - return value; - } - var BSON_TYPE_MAPPINGS = { - Binary: (o) => new Binary(o.value(), o.sub_type), - Code: (o) => new Code(o.code, o.scope), - DBRef: (o) => new DBRef(o.collection || o.namespace, o.oid, o.db, o.fields), - Decimal128: (o) => new Decimal128(o.bytes), - Double: (o) => new Double(o.value), - Int32: (o) => new Int32(o.value), - Long: (o) => Long.fromBits(o.low != null ? o.low : o.low_, o.low != null ? o.high : o.high_, o.low != null ? o.unsigned : o.unsigned_), - MaxKey: () => new MaxKey(), - MinKey: () => new MinKey(), - ObjectId: (o) => new ObjectId(o), - BSONRegExp: (o) => new BSONRegExp(o.pattern, o.options), - BSONSymbol: (o) => new BSONSymbol(o.value), - Timestamp: (o) => Timestamp.fromBits(o.low, o.high) - }; - function serializeDocument(doc, options) { - if (doc == null || typeof doc !== "object") - throw new BSONError("not an object instance"); - const bsontype = doc._bsontype; - if (typeof bsontype === "undefined") { - const _doc = {}; - for (const name of Object.keys(doc)) { - options.seenObjects.push({ propertyName: name, obj: null }); - try { - const value = serializeValue(doc[name], options); - if (name === "__proto__") { - Object.defineProperty(_doc, name, { - value, - writable: true, - enumerable: true, - configurable: true - }); - } else { - _doc[name] = value; - } - } finally { - options.seenObjects.pop(); - } - } - return _doc; - } else if (doc != null && typeof doc === "object" && typeof doc._bsontype === "string" && doc[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")] !== BSON_MAJOR_VERSION) { - throw new BSONVersionError(); - } else if (isBSONType(doc)) { - let outDoc = doc; - if (typeof outDoc.toExtendedJSON !== "function") { - const mapper = BSON_TYPE_MAPPINGS[doc._bsontype]; - if (!mapper) { - throw new BSONError("Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: " + doc._bsontype); - } - outDoc = mapper(outDoc); - } - if (bsontype === "Code" && outDoc.scope) { - outDoc = new Code(outDoc.code, serializeValue(outDoc.scope, options)); - } else if (bsontype === "DBRef" && outDoc.oid) { - outDoc = new DBRef(serializeValue(outDoc.collection, options), serializeValue(outDoc.oid, options), serializeValue(outDoc.db, options), serializeValue(outDoc.fields, options)); - } - return outDoc.toExtendedJSON(options); - } else { - throw new BSONError("_bsontype must be a string, but was: " + typeof bsontype); - } - } - function parse(text, options) { - const ejsonOptions = { - useBigInt64: options?.useBigInt64 ?? false, - relaxed: options?.relaxed ?? true, - legacy: options?.legacy ?? false - }; - return JSON.parse(text, (key, value) => { - if (key.indexOf("\0") !== -1) { - throw new BSONError(`BSON Document field names cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(key)}`); - } - return deserializeValue(value, ejsonOptions); - }); - } - function stringify(value, replacer, space, options) { - if (space != null && typeof space === "object") { - options = space; - space = 0; - } - if (replacer != null && typeof replacer === "object" && !Array.isArray(replacer)) { - options = replacer; - replacer = void 0; - space = 0; - } - const serializeOptions = Object.assign({ relaxed: true, legacy: false }, options, { - seenObjects: [{ propertyName: "(root)", obj: null }] - }); - const doc = serializeValue(value, serializeOptions); - return JSON.stringify(doc, replacer, space); - } - function EJSONserialize(value, options) { - options = options || {}; - return JSON.parse(stringify(value, options)); - } - function EJSONdeserialize(ejson, options) { - options = options || {}; - return parse(JSON.stringify(ejson), options); - } - var EJSON = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); - EJSON.parse = parse; - EJSON.stringify = stringify; - EJSON.serialize = EJSONserialize; - EJSON.deserialize = EJSONdeserialize; - Object.freeze(EJSON); - var MAXSIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 17; - var buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(MAXSIZE); - function setInternalBufferSize(size) { - if (buffer.length < size) { - buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(size); - } - } - function serialize(object, options = {}) { - const checkKeys = typeof options.checkKeys === "boolean" ? options.checkKeys : false; - const serializeFunctions = typeof options.serializeFunctions === "boolean" ? options.serializeFunctions : false; - const ignoreUndefined = typeof options.ignoreUndefined === "boolean" ? options.ignoreUndefined : true; - const minInternalBufferSize = typeof options.minInternalBufferSize === "number" ? options.minInternalBufferSize : MAXSIZE; - if (buffer.length < minInternalBufferSize) { - buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(minInternalBufferSize); - } - const serializationIndex = serializeInto(buffer, object, checkKeys, 0, 0, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, null); - const finishedBuffer = ByteUtils.allocate(serializationIndex); - finishedBuffer.set(buffer.subarray(0, serializationIndex), 0); - return finishedBuffer; - } - function serializeWithBufferAndIndex(object, finalBuffer, options = {}) { - const checkKeys = typeof options.checkKeys === "boolean" ? options.checkKeys : false; - const serializeFunctions = typeof options.serializeFunctions === "boolean" ? options.serializeFunctions : false; - const ignoreUndefined = typeof options.ignoreUndefined === "boolean" ? options.ignoreUndefined : true; - const startIndex = typeof options.index === "number" ? options.index : 0; - const serializationIndex = serializeInto(buffer, object, checkKeys, 0, 0, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, null); - finalBuffer.set(buffer.subarray(0, serializationIndex), startIndex); - return startIndex + serializationIndex - 1; - } - function deserialize2(buffer2, options = {}) { - return internalDeserialize(ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer2), options); - } - function calculateObjectSize(object, options = {}) { - options = options || {}; - const serializeFunctions = typeof options.serializeFunctions === "boolean" ? options.serializeFunctions : false; - const ignoreUndefined = typeof options.ignoreUndefined === "boolean" ? options.ignoreUndefined : true; - return internalCalculateObjectSize(object, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined); - } - function deserializeStream(data, startIndex, numberOfDocuments, documents, docStartIndex, options) { - const internalOptions = Object.assign({ allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize: true, index: 0 }, options); - const bufferData = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(data); - let index = startIndex; - for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDocuments; i++) { - const size = bufferData[index] | bufferData[index + 1] << 8 | bufferData[index + 2] << 16 | bufferData[index + 3] << 24; - internalOptions.index = index; - documents[docStartIndex + i] = internalDeserialize(bufferData, internalOptions); - index = index + size; - } - return index; - } - var bson = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - BSONError, - BSONRegExp, - BSONRuntimeError, - BSONSymbol, - BSONType, - BSONValue, - BSONVersionError, - Binary, - Code, - DBRef, - Decimal128, - Double, - EJSON, - Int32, - Long, - MaxKey, - MinKey, - ObjectId, - Timestamp, - UUID, - calculateObjectSize, - deserialize: deserialize2, - deserializeStream, - serialize, - serializeWithBufferAndIndex, - setInternalBufferSize - }); - exports.BSON = bson; - exports.BSONError = BSONError; - exports.BSONRegExp = BSONRegExp; - exports.BSONRuntimeError = BSONRuntimeError; - exports.BSONSymbol = BSONSymbol; - exports.BSONType = BSONType; - exports.BSONValue = BSONValue; - exports.BSONVersionError = BSONVersionError; - exports.Binary = Binary; - exports.Code = Code; - exports.DBRef = DBRef; - exports.Decimal128 = Decimal128; - exports.Double = Double; - exports.EJSON = EJSON; - exports.Int32 = Int32; - exports.Long = Long; - exports.MaxKey = MaxKey; - exports.MinKey = MinKey; - exports.ObjectId = ObjectId; - exports.Timestamp = Timestamp; - exports.UUID = UUID; - exports.calculateObjectSize = calculateObjectSize; - exports.deserialize = deserialize2; - exports.deserializeStream = deserializeStream; - exports.serialize = serialize; - exports.serializeWithBufferAndIndex = serializeWithBufferAndIndex; - exports.setInternalBufferSize = setInternalBufferSize; - } - }); - - // src/jsRunner/bundles/bsonPackage.ts - var bsonPackage_exports = {}; - __export(bsonPackage_exports, { - deserialize: () => deserialize, - toJson: () => toJson - }); - var deserialize = require_bson().deserialize; - var toJson = require_bson().EJSON.deserialize; - return __toCommonJS(bsonPackage_exports); -})(); +"use strict";var bson=(()=>{var Ut=Object.defineProperty;var ve=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var tn=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var en=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var nn=(e=>typeof require<"u"?require:typeof Proxy<"u"?new Proxy(e,{get:(t,s)=>(typeof require<"u"?require:t)[s]}):e)(function(e){if(typeof require<"u")return require.apply(this,arguments);throw Error('Dynamic require of "'+e+'" is not supported')});var sn=(e,t)=>()=>(t||e((t={exports:{}}).exports,t),t.exports),rn=(e,t)=>{for(var s in t)Ut(e,s,{get:t[s],enumerable:!0})},on=(e,t,s,n)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let r of tn(t))!,r)&&r!==s&&Ut(e,r,{get:()=>t[r],enumerable:!(n=ve(t,r))||n.enumerable});return e};var fn=e=>on(Ut({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),e);var oe=sn(U=>{"use strict";function vt(e){return["[object ArrayBuffer]","[object SharedArrayBuffer]"].includes(}function tt(e){return"[object Uint8Array]"}function lt(e){return"[object RegExp]"}function te(e){return"[object Map]"}function ct(e){return"[object Date]"}function F(e,t){return JSON.stringify(e,(s,n)=>typeof n=="bigint"?{$numberLong:`${n}`}:te(n)?Object.fromEntries(n):n)}function ln(e){if(e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&"stylize"in e&&typeof e.stylize=="function")return e.stylize}var et=6,At=2147483647,$t=-2147483648,Oe=Math.pow(2,63)-1,be=-Math.pow(2,63),Ee=Math.pow(2,53),Te=-Math.pow(2,53),bt=1,Ie=2,ee=3,de=4,ne=5,cn=6,Ae=7,$e=8,_e=9,se=10,Et=11,hn=12,re=13,Ue=14,Le=15,at=16,Re=17,ie=18,De=19,je=255,ze=127,an=0,Tt=4,Fe=Object.freeze({double:1,string:2,object:3,array:4,binData:5,undefined:6,objectId:7,bool:8,date:9,null:10,regex:11,dbPointer:12,javascript:13,symbol:14,javascriptWithScope:15,int:16,timestamp:17,long:18,decimal:19,minKey:-1,maxKey:127}),a=class extends Error{get bsonError(){return!0}get name(){return"BSONError"}constructor(t,s){super(t,s)}static isBSONError(t){return t!=null&&typeof t=="object"&&"bsonError"in t&&t.bsonError===!0&&"name"in t&&"message"in t&&"stack"in t}},P=class extends a{get name(){return"BSONVersionError"}constructor(){super(`Unsupported BSON version, bson types must be from bson ${et}.x.x`)}},yt=class extends a{get name(){return"BSONRuntimeError"}constructor(t){super(t)}},gn=128,un=192,yn=224,mn=240,wn=248,pn=192,Sn=224,Nn=240,Bn=128;function Me(e,t,s){let n=0;for(let r=t;r20)return null;if(n===1&&e[t]<128)return String.fromCharCode(e[t]);if(n===2&&e[t]<128&&e[t+1]<128)return String.fromCharCode(e[t])+String.fromCharCode(e[t+1]);if(n===3&&e[t]<128&&e[t+1]<128&&e[t+2]<128)return String.fromCharCode(e[t])+String.fromCharCode(e[t+1])+String.fromCharCode(e[t+2]);let r=[];for(let o=t;o127)return null;r.push(c)}return String.fromCharCode(...r)}function On(e){return Z.fromNumberArray(Array.from({length:e},()=>Math.floor(Math.random()*256)))}var bn=(()=>{try{return nn("crypto").randomBytes}catch{return On}})(),Z={toLocalBufferType(e){if(Buffer.isBuffer(e))return e;if(ArrayBuffer.isView(e))return Buffer.from(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength);let t=e?.[Symbol.toStringTag]??;if(t==="ArrayBuffer"||t==="SharedArrayBuffer"||t==="[object ArrayBuffer]"||t==="[object SharedArrayBuffer]")return Buffer.from(e);throw new a(`Cannot create Buffer from ${String(e)}`)},allocate(e){return Buffer.alloc(e)},equals(e,t){return Z.toLocalBufferType(e).equals(t)},fromNumberArray(e){return Buffer.from(e)},fromBase64(e){return Buffer.from(e,"base64")},toBase64(e){return Z.toLocalBufferType(e).toString("base64")},fromISO88591(e){return Buffer.from(e,"binary")},toISO88591(e){return Z.toLocalBufferType(e).toString("binary")},fromHex(e){return Buffer.from(e,"hex")},toHex(e){return Z.toLocalBufferType(e).toString("hex")},fromUTF8(e){return Buffer.from(e,"utf8")},toUTF8(e,t,s,n){let r=s-t<=20?xe(e,t,s):null;if(r!=null)return r;let o=Z.toLocalBufferType(e).toString("utf8",t,s);if(n){for(let c=0;cMath.floor(Math.random()*256)))}var In=(()=>{let{crypto:e}=globalThis;if(e!=null&&typeof e.getRandomValues=="function")return t=>e.getRandomValues(gt.allocate(t));if(En()){let{console:t}=globalThis;t?.warn?.("BSON: For React Native please polyfill crypto.getRandomValues, e.g. using:")}return Tn})(),fe=/(\d|[a-f])/i,gt={toLocalBufferType(e){let t=e?.[Symbol.toStringTag]??;if(t==="Uint8Array")return e;if(ArrayBuffer.isView(e))return new Uint8Array(e.buffer.slice(e.byteOffset,e.byteOffset+e.byteLength));if(t==="ArrayBuffer"||t==="SharedArrayBuffer"||t==="[object ArrayBuffer]"||t==="[object SharedArrayBuffer]")return new Uint8Array(e);throw new a(`Cannot make a Uint8Array from ${String(e)}`)},allocate(e){if(typeof e!="number")throw new TypeError(`The "size" argument must be of type number. Received ${String(e)}`);return new Uint8Array(e)},equals(e,t){if(e.byteLength!==t.byteLength)return!1;for(let s=0;st.charCodeAt(0))},toBase64(e){return btoa(gt.toISO88591(e))},fromISO88591(e){return Uint8Array.from(e,t=>t.charCodeAt(0)&255)},toISO88591(e){return Array.from(Uint16Array.from(e),t=>String.fromCharCode(t)).join("")},fromHex(e){let t=e.length%2===0?e:e.slice(0,e.length-1),s=[];for(let n=0;nt.toString(16).padStart(2,"0")).join("")},fromUTF8(e){return new TextEncoder().encode(e)},toUTF8(e,t,s,n){let r=s-t<=20?xe(e,t,s):null;if(r!=null)return r;if(n)try{return new TextDecoder("utf8",{fatal:n}).decode(e.slice(t,s))}catch(o){throw new a("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document",{cause:o})}return new TextDecoder("utf8",{fatal:n}).decode(e.slice(t,s))},utf8ByteLength(e){return gt.fromUTF8(e).byteLength},encodeUTF8Into(e,t,s){let n=gt.fromUTF8(t);return e.set(n,s),n.byteLength},randomBytes:In},dn=typeof Buffer=="function"&&Buffer.prototype?._isBuffer!==!0,l=dn?Z:gt,ut=class extends DataView{static fromUint8Array(t){return new DataView(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength)}},j=class{get[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")](){return et}[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")](t,s,n){return this.inspect(t,s,n)}},_=class e extends j{get _bsontype(){return"Binary"}constructor(t,s){if(super(),t!=null&&typeof t=="string"&&!ArrayBuffer.isView(t)&&!vt(t)&&!Array.isArray(t))throw new a("Binary can only be constructed from Uint8Array or number[]");this.sub_type=s??e.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT,t==null?(this.buffer=l.allocate(e.BUFFER_SIZE),this.position=0):(this.buffer=Array.isArray(t)?l.fromNumberArray(t):l.toLocalBufferType(t),this.position=this.buffer.byteLength)}put(t){if(typeof t=="string"&&t.length!==1)throw new a("only accepts single character String");if(typeof t!="number"&&t.length!==1)throw new a("only accepts single character Uint8Array or Array");let s;if(typeof t=="string"?s=t.charCodeAt(0):typeof t=="number"?s=t:s=t[0],s<0||s>255)throw new a("only accepts number in a valid unsigned byte range 0-255");if(this.buffer.byteLength>this.position)this.buffer[this.position++]=s;else{let n=l.allocate(e.BUFFER_SIZE+this.buffer.length);n.set(this.buffer,0),this.buffer=n,this.buffer[this.position++]=s}}write(t,s){if(s=typeof s=="number"?s:this.position,this.buffer.byteLengththis.position?s+t.length:this.position;else if(typeof t=="string")throw new a("input cannot be string")}read(t,s){return s=s&&s>0?s:this.position,this.buffer.slice(t,t+s)}value(){return this.buffer.length===this.position?this.buffer:this.buffer.subarray(0,this.position)}length(){return this.position}toJSON(){return l.toBase64(this.buffer)}toString(t){return t==="hex"?l.toHex(this.buffer):t==="base64"?l.toBase64(this.buffer):t==="utf8"||t==="utf-8"?l.toUTF8(this.buffer,0,this.buffer.byteLength,!1):l.toUTF8(this.buffer,0,this.buffer.byteLength,!1)}toExtendedJSON(t){t=t||{};let s=l.toBase64(this.buffer),n=Number(this.sub_type).toString(16);return t.legacy?{$binary:s,$type:n.length===1?"0"+n:n}:{$binary:{base64:s,subType:n.length===1?"0"+n:n}}}toUUID(){if(this.sub_type===e.SUBTYPE_UUID)return new W(this.buffer.slice(0,this.position));throw new a(`Binary sub_type "${this.sub_type}" is not supported for converting to UUID. Only "${e.SUBTYPE_UUID}" is currently supported.`)}static createFromHexString(t,s){return new e(l.fromHex(t),s)}static createFromBase64(t,s){return new e(l.fromBase64(t),s)}static fromExtendedJSON(t,s){s=s||{};let n,r;if("$binary"in t?s.legacy&&typeof t.$binary=="string"&&"$type"in t?(r=t.$type?parseInt(t.$type,16):0,n=l.fromBase64(t.$binary)):typeof t.$binary!="string"&&(r=t.$binary.subType?parseInt(t.$binary.subType,16):0,n=l.fromBase64(t.$binary.base64)):"$uuid"in t&&(r=4,n=W.bytesFromString(t.$uuid)),!n)throw new a(`Unexpected Binary Extended JSON format ${JSON.stringify(t)}`);return r===Tt?new W(n):new e(n,r)}inspect(t,s,n){n??=F;let r=l.toBase64(this.buffer.subarray(0,this.position)),o=n(r,s),c=n(this.sub_type,s);return`Binary.createFromBase64(${o}, ${c})`}};_.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT=0;_.BUFFER_SIZE=256;_.SUBTYPE_DEFAULT=0;_.SUBTYPE_FUNCTION=1;_.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY=2;_.SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD=3;_.SUBTYPE_UUID=4;_.SUBTYPE_MD5=5;_.SUBTYPE_ENCRYPTED=6;_.SUBTYPE_COLUMN=7;_.SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED=128;var Lt=16,An=/^[0-9A-F]{32}$/i,$n=/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i,W=class e extends _{constructor(t){let s;if(t==null)s=e.generate();else if(t instanceof e)s=l.toLocalBufferType(new Uint8Array(t.buffer));else if(ArrayBuffer.isView(t)&&t.byteLength===Lt)s=l.toLocalBufferType(t);else if(typeof t=="string")s=e.bytesFromString(t);else throw new a("Argument passed in UUID constructor must be a UUID, a 16 byte Buffer or a 32/36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included, format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).");super(s,Tt)}get id(){return this.buffer}set id(t){this.buffer=t}toHexString(t=!0){return t?[l.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(0,4)),l.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(4,6)),l.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(6,8)),l.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(8,10)),l.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(10,16))].join("-"):l.toHex(this.buffer)}toString(t){return t==="hex"?l.toHex("base64"?l.toBase64(}toJSON(){return this.toHexString()}equals(t){if(!t)return!1;if(t instanceof e)return l.equals(,;try{return l.equals(new e(t).id,}catch{return!1}}toBinary(){return new _(,_.SUBTYPE_UUID)}static generate(){let t=l.randomBytes(Lt);return t[6]=t[6]&15|64,t[8]=t[8]&63|128,t}static isValid(t){return t?typeof t=="string"?e.isValidUUIDString(t):tt(t)?t.byteLength===Lt:t._bsontype==="Binary"&&t.sub_type===this.SUBTYPE_UUID&&t.buffer.byteLength===16:!1}static createFromHexString(t){let s=e.bytesFromString(t);return new e(s)}static createFromBase64(t){return new e(l.fromBase64(t))}static bytesFromString(t){if(!e.isValidUUIDString(t))throw new a("UUID string representation must be 32 hex digits or canonical hyphenated representation");return l.fromHex(t.replace(/-/g,""))}static isValidUUIDString(t){return An.test(t)||$n.test(t)}inspect(t,s,n){return n??=F,`new UUID(${n(this.toHexString(),s)})`}},Y=class e extends j{get _bsontype(){return"Code"}constructor(t,s){super(),this.code=t.toString(),this.scope=s??null}toJSON(){return this.scope!=null?{code:this.code,scope:this.scope}:{code:this.code}}toExtendedJSON(){return this.scope?{$code:this.code,$scope:this.scope}:{$code:this.code}}static fromExtendedJSON(t){return new e(t.$code,t.$scope)}inspect(t,s,n){n??=F;let r=n(this.code,s),o=r.includes(` +`);this.scope!=null&&(r+=`,${o?` +`:" "}${n(this.scope,s)}`);let c=o&&this.scope===null;return`new Code(${o?` +`:""}${r}${c?` +`:""})`}};function Je(e){return e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&"$id"in e&&e.$id!=null&&"$ref"in e&&typeof e.$ref=="string"&&(!("$db"in e)||"$db"in e&&typeof e.$db=="string")}var C=class e extends j{get _bsontype(){return"DBRef"}constructor(t,s,n,r){super();let o=t.split(".");o.length===2&&(n=o.shift(),t=o.shift()),this.collection=t,this.oid=s,this.db=n,this.fields=r||{}}get namespace(){return this.collection}set namespace(t){this.collection=t}toJSON(){let t=Object.assign({$ref:this.collection,$id:this.oid},this.fields);return this.db!=null&&(t.$db=this.db),t}toExtendedJSON(t){t=t||{};let s={$ref:this.collection,$id:this.oid};return t.legacy||(this.db&&(s.$db=this.db),s=Object.assign(s,this.fields)),s}static fromExtendedJSON(t){let s=Object.assign({},t);return delete s.$ref,delete s.$id,delete s.$db,new e(t.$ref,t.$id,t.$db,s)}inspect(t,s,n){n??=F;let r=[n(this.namespace,s),n(this.oid,s),...this.db?[n(this.db,s)]:[],...Object.keys(this.fields).length>0?[n(this.fields,s)]:[]];return r[1]=n===F?`new ObjectId(${r[1]})`:r[1],`new DBRef(${r.join(", ")})`}},M;try{M=new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,13,2,96,0,1,127,96,4,127,127,127,127,1,127,3,7,6,0,1,1,1,1,1,6,6,1,127,1,65,0,11,7,50,6,3,109,117,108,0,1,5,100,105,118,95,115,0,2,5,100,105,118,95,117,0,3,5,114,101,109,95,115,0,4,5,114,101,109,95,117,0,5,8,103,101,116,95,104,105,103,104,0,0,10,191,1,6,4,0,35,0,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,126,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,127,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,128,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,129,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,130,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11])),{}).exports}catch{}var le=65536,_n=1<<24,ht=le*le,Ce=ht*ht,ce=Ce/2,he={},ae={},Un=20,Ln=/^(\+?0|(\+|-)?[1-9][0-9]*)$/,y=class e extends j{get _bsontype(){return"Long"}get __isLong__(){return!0}constructor(t=0,s,n){super(),typeof t=="bigint"?Object.assign(this,e.fromBigInt(t,!!s)):typeof t=="string"?Object.assign(this,e.fromString(t,!!s)):(this.low=t|0,this.high=s|0,this.unsigned=!!n)}static fromBits(t,s,n){return new e(t,s,n)}static fromInt(t,s){let n,r,o;return s?(t>>>=0,(o=0<=t&&t<256)&&(r=ae[t],r)?r:(n=e.fromBits(t,(t|0)<0?-1:0,!0),o&&(ae[t]=n),n)):(t|=0,(o=-128<=t&&t<128)&&(r=he[t],r)?r:(n=e.fromBits(t,t<0?-1:0,!1),o&&(he[t]=n),n))}static fromNumber(t,s){if(isNaN(t))return s?e.UZERO:e.ZERO;if(s){if(t<0)return e.UZERO;if(t>=Ce)return e.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE}else{if(t<=-ce)return e.MIN_VALUE;if(t+1>=ce)return e.MAX_VALUE}return t<0?e.fromNumber(-t,s).neg():e.fromBits(t%ht|0,t/ht|0,s)}static fromBigInt(t,s){return e.fromString(t.toString(),s)}static fromString(t,s,n){if(t.length===0)throw new a("empty string");if(t==="NaN"||t==="Infinity"||t==="+Infinity"||t==="-Infinity")return e.ZERO;if(typeof s=="number"?(n=s,s=!1):s=!!s,n=n||10,n<2||360)throw new a("interior hyphen");if(r===0)return e.fromString(t.substring(1),s,n).neg();let o=e.fromNumber(Math.pow(n,8)),c=e.ZERO;for(let g=0;g>>16,n=this.high&65535,r=this.low>>>16,o=this.low&65535,c=t.high>>>16,g=t.high&65535,i=t.low>>>16,S=t.low&65535,u=0,f=0,h=0,N=0;return N+=o+S,h+=N>>>16,N&=65535,h+=r+i,f+=h>>>16,h&=65535,f+=n+g,u+=f>>>16,f&=65535,u+=s+c,u&=65535,e.fromBits(h<<16|N,u<<16|f,this.unsigned)}and(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),e.fromBits(this.low&t.low,this.high&t.high,this.unsigned)}compare(t){if(e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),this.eq(t))return 0;let s=this.isNegative(),n=t.isNegative();return s&&!n?-1:!s&&n?1:this.unsigned?t.high>>>0>this.high>>>0||t.high===this.high&&t.low>>>0>this.low>>>0?-1:1:this.sub(t).isNegative()?-1:1}comp(t){return}divide(t){if(e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),t.isZero())throw new a("division by zero");if(M){if(!this.unsigned&&this.high===-2147483648&&t.low===-1&&t.high===-1)return this;let o=(this.unsigned?M.div_u:M.div_s)(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high);return e.fromBits(o,M.get_high(),this.unsigned)}if(this.isZero())return this.unsigned?e.UZERO:e.ZERO;let s,n,r;if(this.unsigned){if(t.unsigned||(t=t.toUnsigned()), e.UZERO;if( e.UONE;r=e.UZERO}else{if(this.eq(e.MIN_VALUE))return t.eq(e.ONE)||t.eq(e.NEG_ONE)?e.MIN_VALUE:t.eq(e.MIN_VALUE)?e.ONE:(s=this.shr(1).div(t).shl(1),s.eq(e.ZERO)?t.isNegative()?e.ONE:e.NEG_ONE:(n=this.sub(t.mul(s)),r=s.add(n.div(t)),r));if(t.eq(e.MIN_VALUE))return this.unsigned?e.UZERO:e.ZERO;if(this.isNegative())return t.isNegative()?this.neg().div(t.neg()):this.neg().div(t).neg();if(t.isNegative())return this.div(t.neg()).neg();r=e.ZERO}for(n=this;n.gte(t);){s=Math.max(1,Math.floor(n.toNumber()/t.toNumber()));let o=Math.ceil(Math.log(s)/Math.LN2),c=o<=48?1:Math.pow(2,o-48),g=e.fromNumber(s),i=g.mul(t);for(;i.isNegative()||;)s-=c,g=e.fromNumber(s,this.unsigned),i=g.mul(t);g.isZero()&&(g=e.ONE),r=r.add(g),n=n.sub(i)}return r}div(t){return this.divide(t)}equals(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),this.unsigned!==t.unsigned&&this.high>>>31===1&&t.high>>>31===1?!1:this.high===t.high&&this.low===t.low}eq(t){return this.equals(t)}getHighBits(){return this.high}getHighBitsUnsigned(){return this.high>>>0}getLowBits(){return this.low}getLowBitsUnsigned(){return this.low>>>0}getNumBitsAbs(){if(this.isNegative())return this.eq(e.MIN_VALUE)?64:this.neg().getNumBitsAbs();let t=this.high!==0?this.high:this.low,s;for(s=31;s>0&&!(t&1<0}gt(t){return this.greaterThan(t)}greaterThanOrEqual(t){return this.comp(t)>=0}gte(t){return this.greaterThanOrEqual(t)}ge(t){return this.greaterThanOrEqual(t)}isEven(){return(this.low&1)===0}isNegative(){return!this.unsigned&&this.high<0}isOdd(){return(this.low&1)===1}isPositive(){return this.unsigned||this.high>=0}isZero(){return this.high===0&&this.low===0}lessThan(t){return this.comp(t)<0}lt(t){return this.lessThan(t)}lessThanOrEqual(t){return this.comp(t)<=0}lte(t){return this.lessThanOrEqual(t)}modulo(t){if(e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),M){let s=(this.unsigned?M.rem_u:M.rem_s)(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high);return e.fromBits(s,M.get_high(),this.unsigned)}return this.sub(this.div(t).mul(t))}mod(t){return this.modulo(t)}rem(t){return this.modulo(t)}multiply(t){if(this.isZero())return e.ZERO;if(e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),M){let p=M.mul(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high);return e.fromBits(p,M.get_high(),this.unsigned)}if(t.isZero())return e.ZERO;if(this.eq(e.MIN_VALUE))return t.isOdd()?e.MIN_VALUE:e.ZERO;if(t.eq(e.MIN_VALUE))return this.isOdd()?e.MIN_VALUE:e.ZERO;if(this.isNegative())return t.isNegative()?this.neg().mul(t.neg()):this.neg().mul(t).neg();if(t.isNegative())return this.mul(t.neg()).neg();if( e.fromNumber(this.toNumber()*t.toNumber(),this.unsigned);let s=this.high>>>16,n=this.high&65535,r=this.low>>>16,o=this.low&65535,c=t.high>>>16,g=t.high&65535,i=t.low>>>16,S=t.low&65535,u=0,f=0,h=0,N=0;return N+=o*S,h+=N>>>16,N&=65535,h+=r*S,f+=h>>>16,h&=65535,h+=o*i,f+=h>>>16,h&=65535,f+=n*S,u+=f>>>16,f&=65535,f+=r*i,u+=f>>>16,f&=65535,f+=o*g,u+=f>>>16,f&=65535,u+=s*S+n*i+r*g+o*c,u&=65535,e.fromBits(h<<16|N,u<<16|f,this.unsigned)}mul(t){return this.multiply(t)}negate(){return!this.unsigned&&this.eq(e.MIN_VALUE)?e.MIN_VALUE:this.not().add(e.ONE)}neg(){return this.negate()}not(){return e.fromBits(~this.low,~this.high,this.unsigned)}notEquals(t){return!this.equals(t)}neq(t){return this.notEquals(t)}ne(t){return this.notEquals(t)}or(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),e.fromBits(this.low|t.low,this.high|t.high,this.unsigned)}shiftLeft(t){return e.isLong(t)&&(t=t.toInt()),(t&=63)===0?this:t<32?e.fromBits(this.low<>>32-t,this.unsigned):e.fromBits(0,this.low<>>t|this.high<<32-t,this.high>>t,this.unsigned):e.fromBits(this.high>>t-32,this.high>=0?0:-1,this.unsigned)}shr(t){return this.shiftRight(t)}shiftRightUnsigned(t){if(e.isLong(t)&&(t=t.toInt()),t&=63,t===0)return this;{let s=this.high;if(t<32){let n=this.low;return e.fromBits(n>>>t|s<<32-t,s>>>t,this.unsigned)}else return t===32?e.fromBits(s,0,this.unsigned):e.fromBits(s>>>t-32,0,this.unsigned)}}shr_u(t){return this.shiftRightUnsigned(t)}shru(t){return this.shiftRightUnsigned(t)}subtract(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),this.add(t.neg())}sub(t){return this.subtract(t)}toInt(){return this.unsigned?this.low>>>0:this.low}toNumber(){return this.unsigned?(this.high>>>0)*ht+(this.low>>>0):this.high*ht+(this.low>>>0)}toBigInt(){return BigInt(this.toString())}toBytes(t){return t?this.toBytesLE():this.toBytesBE()}toBytesLE(){let t=this.high,s=this.low;return[s&255,s>>>8&255,s>>>16&255,s>>>24,t&255,t>>>8&255,t>>>16&255,t>>>24]}toBytesBE(){let t=this.high,s=this.low;return[t>>>24,t>>>16&255,t>>>8&255,t&255,s>>>24,s>>>16&255,s>>>8&255,s&255]}toSigned(){return this.unsigned?e.fromBits(this.low,this.high,!1):this}toString(t){if(t=t||10,t<2||36>>0).toString(t);if(n=o,n.isZero())return g+r;for(;g.length<6;)g="0"+g;r=""+g+r}}toUnsigned(){return this.unsigned?this:e.fromBits(this.low,this.high,!0)}xor(t){return e.isLong(t)||(t=e.fromValue(t)),e.fromBits(this.low^t.low,this.high^t.high,this.unsigned)}eqz(){return this.isZero()}le(t){return this.lessThanOrEqual(t)}toExtendedJSON(t){return t&&t.relaxed?this.toNumber():{$numberLong:this.toString()}}static fromExtendedJSON(t,s){let{useBigInt64:n=!1,relaxed:r=!0}={...s};if(t.$numberLong.length>Un)throw new a("$numberLong string is too long");if(!Ln.test(t.$numberLong))throw new a(`$numberLong string "${t.$numberLong}" is in an invalid format`);if(n){let c=BigInt(t.$numberLong);return BigInt.asIntN(64,c)}let o=e.fromString(t.$numberLong);return r?o.toNumber():o}inspect(t,s,n){n??=F;let r=n(this.toString(),s),o=this.unsigned?`, ${n(this.unsigned,s)}`:"";return`new Long(${r}${o})`}};y.TWO_PWR_24=y.fromInt(_n);y.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE=y.fromBits(-1,-1,!0);y.ZERO=y.fromInt(0);y.UZERO=y.fromInt(0,!0);y.ONE=y.fromInt(1);y.UONE=y.fromInt(1,!0);y.NEG_ONE=y.fromInt(-1);y.MAX_VALUE=y.fromBits(-1,2147483647,!1);y.MIN_VALUE=y.fromBits(0,-2147483648,!1);var Rn=/^(\+|-)?(\d+|(\d*\.\d*))?(E|e)?([-+])?(\d+)?$/,Dn=/^(\+|-)?(Infinity|inf)$/i,jn=/^(\+|-)?NaN$/i,ft=6111,wt=-6176,ge=6176,ue=34,Rt=l.fromNumberArray([124,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0].reverse()),ye=l.fromNumberArray([248,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0].reverse()),me=l.fromNumberArray([120,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0].reverse()),zn=/^([-+])?(\d+)?$/,Fn=31,we=16383,Mn=30,xn=31;function pe(e){return!isNaN(parseInt(e,10))}function Jn(e){let t=y.fromNumber(1e9),s=y.fromNumber(0);if(![0]&&![1]&&![2]&&![3])return{quotient:e,rem:s};for(let n=0;n<=3;n++)s=s.shiftLeft(32),s=s.add(new y([n],0)),[n]=s.div(t).low,s=s.modulo(t);return{quotient:e,rem:s}}function Cn(e,t){if(!e&&!t)return{high:y.fromNumber(0),low:y.fromNumber(0)};let s=e.shiftRightUnsigned(32),n=new y(e.getLowBits(),0),r=t.shiftRightUnsigned(32),o=new y(t.getLowBits(),0),c=s.multiply(r),g=s.multiply(o),i=n.multiply(r),S=n.multiply(o);return c=c.add(g.shiftRightUnsigned(32)),g=new y(g.getLowBits(),0).add(i).add(S.shiftRightUnsigned(32)),c=c.add(g.shiftRightUnsigned(32)),S=g.shiftLeft(32).add(new y(S.getLowBits(),0)),{high:c,low:S}}function Hn(e,t){let s=e.high>>>0,n=t.high>>>0;if(s>>0,o=t.low>>>0;if(r=7e3)throw new a(""+t+" not a valid Decimal128 string");let R=t.match(Rn),Nt=t.match(Dn),T=t.match(jn);if(!R&&!Nt&&!T||t.length===0)throw new a(""+t+" not a valid Decimal128 string");if(R){let w=R[2],m=R[4],b=R[5],I=R[6];m&&I===void 0&&J(t,"missing exponent power"),m&&w===void 0&&J(t,"missing exponent base"),m===void 0&&(b||I)&&J(t,"missing e before exponent")}if((t[B]==="+"||t[B]==="-")&&(r=!0,n=t[B++]==="-"),!pe(t[B])&&t[B]!=="."){if(t[B]==="i"||t[B]==="I")return new e(n?ye:me);if(t[B]==="N")return new e(Rt)}for(;pe(t[B])||t[B]===".";){if(t[B]==="."){o&&J(t,"contains multiple periods"),o=!0,B=B+1;continue}N$+16384?$=wt:$=$-u;$>ft;){if(E=E+1,E>=ue){if(g===0){$=ft;break}J(t,"overflow")}$=$-1}if(s.allowRounding){for(;$=5&&(b=1,m===5)){b=h[E]%2===1?1:0;for(let I=f+E+2;I=0&&++h[I]>9;I--)if(h[I]=0,I===0)if($>8&255,L[B++]=d.low.low>>16&255,L[B++]=d.low.low>>24&255,L[B++]=d.low.high&255,L[B++]=d.low.high>>8&255,L[B++]=d.low.high>>16&255,L[B++]=d.low.high>>24&255,L[B++]=d.high.low&255,L[B++]=d.high.low>>8&255,L[B++]=d.high.low>>16&255,L[B++]=d.high.low>>24&255,L[B++]=d.high.high&255,L[B++]=d.high.high>>8&255,L[B++]=d.high.high>>16&255,L[B++]=d.high.high>>24&255,new e(L)}toString(){let t,s=0,n=new Array(36);for(let B=0;B>26&Fn;if(D>>3===3){if(D===Mn)return u.join("")+"Infinity";if(D===xn)return"NaN";t=E>>15&we,c=8+(E>>14&1)}else c=E>>14&7,t=E>>17&we;let A=t-ge;if([0]=(E&16383)+((c&15)<<14),[1]=p,[2]=N,[3]=h,[0]===0&&[1]===0&&[2]===0&&[3]===0)o=!0;else for(S=3;S>=0;S--){let B=0,R=Jn(g);if(g=R.quotient,B=R.rem.low,!!B)for(i=8;i>=0;i--)n[S*9+i]=B%10,B=Math.floor(B/10)}if(o)s=1,n[r]=0;else for(s=36;!n[r];)s=s-1,r=r+1;let x=s-1+A;if(x>=34||x<=-7||A>0){if(s>34)return u.push("0"),A>0?u.push(`E+${A}`):A<0&&u.push(`E${A}`),u.join("");u.push(`${n[r++]}`),s=s-1,s&&u.push(".");for(let B=0;B0?u.push(`+${x}`):u.push(`${x}`)}else if(A>=0)for(let B=0;B0)for(let R=0;R>8&255,n[9]=s>>16&255,n}toString(t){return t==="base64"?l.toBase64("hex"?this.toHexString():this.toHexString()}toJSON(){return this.toHexString()}static is(t){return t!=null&&typeof t=="object"&&"_bsontype"in t&&t._bsontype==="ObjectId"}equals(t){if(t==null)return!1;if( this[H][11]===t[H][11]&&l.equals(this[H],t[H]);if(typeof t=="string")return t.toLowerCase()===this.toHexString();if(typeof t=="object"&&typeof t.toHexString=="function"){let s=t.toHexString(),n=this.toHexString();return typeof s=="string"&&s.toLowerCase()===n}return!1}getTimestamp(){let t=new Date,s=ut.fromUint8Array(,!1);return t.setTime(Math.floor(s)*1e3),t}static createPk(){return new e}static createFromTime(t){let s=l.fromNumberArray([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);return ut.fromUint8Array(s).setUint32(0,t,!1),new e(s)}static createFromHexString(t){if(t?.length!==24)throw new a("hex string must be 24 characters");return new e(l.fromHex(t))}static createFromBase64(t){if(t?.length!==16)throw new a("base64 string must be 16 characters");return new e(l.fromBase64(t))}static isValid(t){if(t==null)return!1;try{return new e(t),!0}catch{return!1}}toExtendedJSON(){return this.toHexString?{$oid:this.toHexString()}:{$oid:this.toString("hex")}}static fromExtendedJSON(t){return new e(t.$oid)}inspect(t,s,n){return n??=F,`new ObjectId(${n(this.toHexString(),s)})`}};k.index=Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215);function Bt(e,t,s){let n=5;if(Array.isArray(e))for(let r=0;r=Te&&t<=Ee&&t>=$t&&t<=At?(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(4+1):(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(8+1);case"undefined":return n||!r?(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+1:0;case"boolean":return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(1+1);case"object":if(t!=null&&typeof t._bsontype=="string"&&t[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")]!==et)throw new P;if(t==null||t._bsontype==="MinKey"||t._bsontype==="MaxKey")return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+1;if(t._bsontype==="ObjectId")return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(12+1);if(t instanceof Date||ct(t))return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(8+1);if(ArrayBuffer.isView(t)||t instanceof ArrayBuffer||vt(t))return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(1+4+1)+t.byteLength;if(t._bsontype==="Long"||t._bsontype==="Double"||t._bsontype==="Timestamp")return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(8+1);if(t._bsontype==="Decimal128")return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(16+1);if(t._bsontype==="Code")return t.scope!=null&&Object.keys(t.scope).length>0?(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+1+4+4+l.utf8ByteLength(t.code.toString())+1+Bt(t.scope,s,r):(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+1+4+l.utf8ByteLength(t.code.toString())+1;if(t._bsontype==="Binary"){let o=t;return o.sub_type===_.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY?(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(o.position+1+4+1+4):(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+(o.position+1+4+1)}else{if(t._bsontype==="Symbol")return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+l.utf8ByteLength(t.value)+4+1+1;if(t._bsontype==="DBRef"){let o=Object.assign({$ref:t.collection,$id:t.oid},t.fields);return t.db!=null&&(o.$db=t.db),(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+1+Bt(o,s,r)}else return t instanceof RegExp||lt(t)?(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+1+l.utf8ByteLength(t.source)+1+("BSONRegExp"?(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+1+l.utf8ByteLength(t.pattern)+1+l.utf8ByteLength(t.options)+1:(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+Bt(t,s,r)+1}case"function":if(s)return(e!=null?l.utf8ByteLength(e)+1:0)+1+4+l.utf8ByteLength(t.toString())+1}return 0}function Pn(e){return e.split("").sort().join("")}var q=class e extends j{get _bsontype(){return"BSONRegExp"}constructor(t,s){if(super(),this.pattern=t,this.options=Pn(s??""),this.pattern.indexOf("\0")!==-1)throw new a(`BSON Regex patterns cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(this.pattern)}`);if(this.options.indexOf("\0")!==-1)throw new a(`BSON Regex options cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(this.options)}`);for(let n=0;ng);n??=F;let o=r(n(this.pattern),"regexp"),c=r(n(this.options),"regexp");return`new BSONRegExp(${o}, ${c})`}},it=class e extends j{get _bsontype(){return"BSONSymbol"}constructor(t){super(),this.value=t}valueOf(){return this.value}toString(){return this.value}toJSON(){return this.value}toExtendedJSON(){return{$symbol:this.value}}static fromExtendedJSON(t){return new e(t.$symbol)}inspect(t,s,n){return n??=F,`new BSONSymbol(${n(this.value,s)})`}},Wn=y,Q=class e extends Wn{get _bsontype(){return"Timestamp"}constructor(t){if(t==null)super(0,0,!0);else if(typeof t=="bigint")super(t,!0);else if(y.isLong(t))super(t.low,t.high,!0);else if(typeof t=="object"&&"t"in t&&"i"in t){if(typeof t.t!="number"&&(typeof t.t!="object"||t.t._bsontype!=="Int32"))throw new a("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide t as a number");if(typeof t.i!="number"&&(typeof t.i!="object"||t.i._bsontype!=="Int32"))throw new a("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide i as a number");let s=Number(t.t),n=Number(t.i);if(s<0||Number.isNaN(s))throw new a("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide a positive t");if(n<0||Number.isNaN(n))throw new a("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide a positive i");if(s>4294967295)throw new a("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide t equal or less than uint32 max");if(n>4294967295)throw new a("Timestamp constructed from { t, i } must provide i equal or less than uint32 max");super(n,s,!0)}else throw new a("A Timestamp can only be constructed with: bigint, Long, or { t: number; i: number }")}toJSON(){return{$timestamp:this.toString()}}static fromInt(t){return new e(y.fromInt(t,!0))}static fromNumber(t){return new e(y.fromNumber(t,!0))}static fromBits(t,s){return new e({i:t,t:s})}static fromString(t,s){return new e(y.fromString(t,!0,s))}toExtendedJSON(){return{$timestamp:{t:this.high>>>0,i:this.low>>>0}}}static fromExtendedJSON(t){let s=y.isLong(t.$timestamp.i)?t.$timestamp.i.getLowBitsUnsigned():t.$timestamp.i,n=y.isLong(t.$timestamp.t)?t.$timestamp.t.getLowBitsUnsigned():t.$timestamp.t;return new e({t:n,i:s})}inspect(t,s,n){n??=F;let r=n(this.high>>>0,s),o=n(this.low>>>0,s);return`new Timestamp({ t: ${r}, i: ${o} })`}};Q.MAX_VALUE=y.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE;var Yn=y.fromNumber(Ee),kn=y.fromNumber(Te);function He(e,t,s){t=t??{};let n=t&&t.index?t.index:0,r=e[n]|e[n+1]<<8|e[n+2]<<16|e[n+3]<<24;if(r<5)throw new a(`bson size must be >= 5, is ${r}`);if(t.allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize&&e.length= bson size ${r}`);if(!t.allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize&&e.length!==r)throw new a(`buffer length ${e.length} must === bson size ${r}`);if(r+n>e.byteLength)throw new a(`(bson size ${r} + options.index ${n} must be <= buffer length ${e.byteLength})`);if(e[n+r-1]!==0)throw new a("One object, sized correctly, with a spot for an EOO, but the EOO isn't 0x00");return Ot(e,n,t,s)}var qn=/^\$ref$|^\$id$|^\$db$/;function Ot(e,t,s,n=!1){let r=s.fieldsAsRaw==null?null:s.fieldsAsRaw,o=s.raw==null?!1:s.raw,c=typeof s.bsonRegExp=="boolean"?s.bsonRegExp:!1,g=s.promoteBuffers??!1,i=s.promoteLongs??!0,S=s.promoteValues??!0,u=s.useBigInt64??!1;if(u&&!S)throw new a("Must either request bigint or Long for int64 deserialization");if(u&&!i)throw new a("Must either request bigint or Long for int64 deserialization");let f=s.validation==null?{utf8:!0}:s.validation,h=!0,N,p=new Set,E=f.utf8;if(typeof E=="boolean")N=E;else{h=!1;let T=Object.keys(E).map(function(O){return E[O]});if(T.length===0)throw new a("UTF-8 validation setting cannot be empty");if(typeof T[0]!="boolean")throw new a("Invalid UTF-8 validation option, must specify boolean values");if(N=T[0],!T.every(O=>O===N))throw new a("Invalid UTF-8 validation option - keys must be all true or all false")}if(!h)for(let T of Object.keys(E))p.add(T);let $=t;if(e.length<5)throw new a("corrupt bson message < 5 bytes long");let D=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(D<5||D>e.length)throw new a("corrupt bson message");let A=n?[]:{},x=0,B=!1,R=n?!1:null,Nt=new DataView(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength);for(;!B;){let T=e[t++];if(T===0)break;let O=t;for(;e[O]!==0&&O=e.byteLength)throw new a("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let d=n?x++:l.toUTF8(e,t,O,!1),L=!0;h||p.has(d)?L=N:L=!N,R!==!1&&d[0]==="$"&&(R=qn.test(d));let w;if(t=O+1,T===Ie){let m=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(m<=0||m>e.length-t||e[t+m-1]!==0)throw new a("bad string length in bson");w=l.toUTF8(e,t,t+m-1,L),t=t+m}else if(T===Ae){let m=l.allocate(12);m.set(e.subarray(t,t+12)),w=new k(m),t=t+12}else if(T===at&&S===!1)w=new X(e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24);else if(T===at)w=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;else if(T===bt&&S===!1)w=new G(Nt.getFloat64(t,!0)),t=t+8;else if(T===bt)w=Nt.getFloat64(t,!0),t=t+8;else if(T===_e){let m=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,b=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;w=new Date(new y(m,b).toNumber())}else if(T===$e){if(e[t]!==0&&e[t]!==1)throw new a("illegal boolean type value");w=e[t++]===1}else if(T===ee){let m=t,b=e[t]|e[t+1]<<8|e[t+2]<<16|e[t+3]<<24;if(b<=0||b>e.length-t)throw new a("bad embedded document length in bson");if(o)w=e.slice(t,t+b);else{let I=s;h||(I={...s,validation:{utf8:L}}),w=Ot(e,m,I,!1)}t=t+b}else if(T===de){let m=t,b=e[t]|e[t+1]<<8|e[t+2]<<16|e[t+3]<<24,I=s,z=t+b;if(r&&r[d]&&(I={...s,raw:!0}),h||(I={...I,validation:{utf8:L}}),w=Ot(e,m,I,!0),t=t+b,e[t-1]!==0)throw new a("invalid array terminator byte");if(t!==z)throw new a("corrupted array bson")}else if(T===cn)w=void 0;else if(T===se)w=null;else if(T===ie){let m=ut.fromUint8Array(e.subarray(t,t+8)),b=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,I=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,z=new y(b,I);u?w=m.getBigInt64(0,!0):i&&S===!0?w=z.lessThanOrEqual(Yn)&&z.greaterThanOrEqual(kn)?z.toNumber():z:w=z}else if(T===De){let m=l.allocate(16);m.set(e.subarray(t,t+16),0),t=t+16,w=new nt(m)}else if(T===ne){let m=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,b=m,I=e[t++];if(m<0)throw new a("Negative binary type element size found");if(m>e.byteLength)throw new a("Binary type size larger than document size");if(e.slice!=null){if(I===_.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY){if(m=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24,m<0)throw new a("Negative binary type element size found for subtype 0x02");if(m>b-4)throw new a("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too long binary size");if(mb-4)throw new a("Binary type with subtype 0x02 contains too long binary size");if(m=e.length)throw new a("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let m=l.toUTF8(e,t,O,!1);for(t=O+1,O=t;e[O]!==0&&O=e.length)throw new a("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let b=l.toUTF8(e,t,O,!1);t=O+1;let I=new Array(b.length);for(O=0;O=e.length)throw new a("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let m=l.toUTF8(e,t,O,!1);for(t=O+1,O=t;e[O]!==0&&O=e.length)throw new a("Bad BSON Document: illegal CString");let b=l.toUTF8(e,t,O,!1);t=O+1,w=new q(m,b)}else if(T===Ue){let m=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(m<=0||m>e.length-t||e[t+m-1]!==0)throw new a("bad string length in bson");let b=l.toUTF8(e,t,t+m-1,L);w=S?b:new it(b),t=t+m}else if(T===Re){let m=e[t++]+e[t++]*256+e[t++]*65536+e[t++]*16777216,b=e[t++]+e[t++]*256+e[t++]*65536+e[t++]*(1<<24);w=new Q({i:m,t:b})}else if(T===je)w=new rt;else if(T===ze)w=new st;else if(T===re){let m=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(m<=0||m>e.length-t||e[t+m-1]!==0)throw new a("bad string length in bson");let b=l.toUTF8(e,t,t+m-1,L);w=new Y(b),t=t+m}else if(T===Le){let m=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(m<4+4+4+1)throw new a("code_w_scope total size shorter minimum expected length");let b=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(b<=0||b>e.length-t||e[t+b-1]!==0)throw new a("bad string length in bson");let I=l.toUTF8(e,t,t+b-1,L);t=t+b;let z=t,_t=e[t]|e[t+1]<<8|e[t+2]<<16|e[t+3]<<24,Qe=Ot(e,z,s,!1);if(t=t+_t,m<4+4+_t+b)throw new a("code_w_scope total size is too short, truncating scope");if(m>4+4+_t+b)throw new a("code_w_scope total size is too long, clips outer document");w=new Y(I,Qe)}else if(T===hn){let m=e[t++]|e[t++]<<8|e[t++]<<16|e[t++]<<24;if(m<=0||m>e.length-t||e[t+m-1]!==0)throw new a("bad string length in bson");if(f!=null&&f.utf8&&!Me(e,t,t+m-1))throw new a("Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document");let b=l.toUTF8(e,t,t+m-1,!1);t=t+m;let I=l.allocate(12);I.set(e.subarray(t,t+12),0);let z=new k(I);t=t+12,w=new C(b,z)}else throw new a(`Detected unknown BSON type ${T.toString(16)} for fieldname "${d}"`);d==="__proto__"?Object.defineProperty(A,d,{value:w,writable:!0,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0}):A[d]=w}if(D!==t-$)throw n?new a("corrupt array bson"):new a("corrupt object bson");if(!R)return A;if(Je(A)){let T=Object.assign({},A);return delete T.$ref,delete T.$id,delete T.$db,new C(A.$ref,A.$id,A.$db,T)}return A}var It=/\x00/,Ne=new Set(["$db","$ref","$id","$clusterTime"]);function Dt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=Ie;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+r+1,e[n-1]=0;let o=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,s,n+4);return e[n+3]=o+1>>24&255,e[n+2]=o+1>>16&255,e[n+1]=o+1>>8&255,e[n]=o+1&255,n=n+4+o,e[n++]=0,n}var mt=new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8),0,8),Zn=new Uint8Array(mt.buffer,0,4),dt=new Uint8Array(mt.buffer,0,8);function jt(e,t,s,n){let o=!,-0)&&Number.isSafeInteger(s)&&s<=At&&s>=$t?at:bt;o===at?mt.setInt32(0,s,!0):mt.setFloat64(0,s,!0);let c=o===at?Zn:dt;e[n++]=o;let g=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);return n=n+g,e[n++]=0,e.set(c,n),n+=c.byteLength,n}function zt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=ie;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);return n+=r,e[n++]=0,mt.setBigInt64(0,s,!0),e.set(dt,n),n+=dt.byteLength,n}function pt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=se;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);return n=n+r,e[n++]=0,n}function Ft(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=$e;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);return n=n+r,e[n++]=0,e[n++]=s?1:0,n}function Mt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=_e;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+r,e[n++]=0;let o=y.fromNumber(s.getTime()),c=o.getLowBits(),g=o.getHighBits();return e[n++]=c&255,e[n++]=c>>8&255,e[n++]=c>>16&255,e[n++]=c>>24&255,e[n++]=g&255,e[n++]=g>>8&255,e[n++]=g>>16&255,e[n++]=g>>24&255,n}function xt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=Et;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);if(n=n+r,e[n++]=0,s.source&&s.source.match(It)!=null)throw new a("value "+s.source+" must not contain null bytes");return n=n+l.encodeUTF8Into(e,s.source,n),e[n++]=0,s.ignoreCase&&(e[n++]=105),[n++]=115),s.multiline&&(e[n++]=109),e[n++]=0,n}function Jt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=Et;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);if(n=n+r,e[n++]=0,s.pattern.match(It)!=null)throw new a("pattern "+s.pattern+" must not contain null bytes");n=n+l.encodeUTF8Into(e,s.pattern,n),e[n++]=0;let o=s.options.split("").sort().join("");return n=n+l.encodeUTF8Into(e,o,n),e[n++]=0,n}function Ct(e,t,s,n){s===null?e[n++]=se:s._bsontype==="MinKey"?e[n++]=je:e[n++]=ze;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);return n=n+r,e[n++]=0,n}function Ht(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=Ae;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+r,e[n++]=0;let;if(tt(o))for(let c=0;c<12;c++)e[n++]=o[c];else throw new a("object ["+JSON.stringify(s)+"] is not a valid ObjectId");return n}function Vt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=ne;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+r,e[n++]=0;let o=s.length;return e[n++]=o&255,e[n++]=o>>8&255,e[n++]=o>>16&255,e[n++]=o>>24&255,e[n++]=an,e.set(s,n),n=n+o,n}function Pt(e,t,s,n,r,o,c,g,i){if(i.has(s))throw new a("Cannot convert circular structure to BSON");i.add(s),e[n++]=Array.isArray(s)?de:ee;let S=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+S,e[n++]=0;let u=St(e,s,r,n,o+1,c,g,i);return i.delete(s),u}function Wt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=De;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);return n=n+r,e[n++]=0,e.set(s.bytes.subarray(0,16),n),n+16}function Yt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=s._bsontype==="Long"?ie:Re;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+r,e[n++]=0;let o=s.getLowBits(),c=s.getHighBits();return e[n++]=o&255,e[n++]=o>>8&255,e[n++]=o>>16&255,e[n++]=o>>24&255,e[n++]=c&255,e[n++]=c>>8&255,e[n++]=c>>16&255,e[n++]=c>>24&255,n}function kt(e,t,s,n){s=s.valueOf(),e[n++]=at;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);return n=n+r,e[n++]=0,e[n++]=s&255,e[n++]=s>>8&255,e[n++]=s>>16&255,e[n++]=s>>24&255,n}function qt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=bt;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);return n=n+r,e[n++]=0,mt.setFloat64(0,s.value,!0),e.set(dt,n),n=n+8,n}function Zt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=re;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+r,e[n++]=0;let o=s.toString(),c=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,o,n+4)+1;return e[n]=c&255,e[n+1]=c>>8&255,e[n+2]=c>>16&255,e[n+3]=c>>24&255,n=n+4+c-1,e[n++]=0,n}function Kt(e,t,s,n,r=!1,o=0,c=!1,g=!0,i){if(s.scope&&typeof s.scope=="object"){e[n++]=Le;let S=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+S,e[n++]=0;let u=n,f=s.code;n=n+4;let h=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,f,n+4)+1;e[n]=h&255,e[n+1]=h>>8&255,e[n+2]=h>>16&255,e[n+3]=h>>24&255,e[n+4+h-1]=0,n=n+h+4;let N=St(e,s.scope,r,n,o+1,c,g,i);n=N-1;let p=N-u;e[u++]=p&255,e[u++]=p>>8&255,e[u++]=p>>16&255,e[u++]=p>>24&255,e[n++]=0}else{e[n++]=re;let S=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+S,e[n++]=0;let u=s.code.toString(),f=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,u,n+4)+1;e[n]=f&255,e[n+1]=f>>8&255,e[n+2]=f>>16&255,e[n+3]=f>>24&255,n=n+4+f-1,e[n++]=0}return n}function Gt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=ne;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+r,e[n++]=0;let o=s.buffer,c=s.position;return s.sub_type===_.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY&&(c=c+4),e[n++]=c&255,e[n++]=c>>8&255,e[n++]=c>>16&255,e[n++]=c>>24&255,e[n++]=s.sub_type,s.sub_type===_.SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY&&(c=c-4,e[n++]=c&255,e[n++]=c>>8&255,e[n++]=c>>16&255,e[n++]=c>>24&255),e.set(o,n),n=n+s.position,n}function Xt(e,t,s,n){e[n++]=Ue;let r=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+r,e[n++]=0;let o=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,s.value,n+4)+1;return e[n]=o&255,e[n+1]=o>>8&255,e[n+2]=o>>16&255,e[n+3]=o>>24&255,n=n+4+o-1,e[n++]=0,n}function Qt(e,t,s,n,r,o,c){e[n++]=ee;let g=l.encodeUTF8Into(e,t,n);n=n+g,e[n++]=0;let i=n,S={$ref:s.collection||s.namespace,$id:s.oid};s.db!=null&&(S.$db=s.db),S=Object.assign(S,s.fields);let u=St(e,S,!1,n,r+1,o,!0,c),f=u-i;return e[i++]=f&255,e[i++]=f>>8&255,e[i++]=f>>16&255,e[i++]=f>>24&255,u}function St(e,t,s,n,r,o,c,g){if(g==null){if(t==null)return e[0]=5,e[1]=0,e[2]=0,e[3]=0,e[4]=0,5;if(Array.isArray(t))throw new a("serialize does not support an array as the root input");if(typeof t!="object")throw new a("serialize does not support non-object as the root input");if("_bsontype"in t&&typeof t._bsontype=="string")throw new a("BSON types cannot be serialized as a document");if(ct(t)||lt(t)||tt(t)||vt(t))throw new a("date, regexp, typedarray, and arraybuffer cannot be BSON documents");g=new Set}g.add(t);let i=n+4;if(Array.isArray(t))for(let u=0;u>8&255,e[n++]=S>>16&255,e[n++]=S>>24&255,i}function Kn(e){return e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&"_bsontype"in e&&typeof e._bsontype=="string"}var Gn={$oid:k,$binary:_,$uuid:_,$symbol:it,$numberInt:X,$numberDecimal:nt,$numberDouble:G,$numberLong:y,$minKey:rt,$maxKey:st,$regex:q,$regularExpression:q,$timestamp:Q};function Ve(e,t={}){if(typeof e=="number"){let n=e<=At&&e>=$t,r=e<=Oe&&e>=be;if(t.relaxed||t.legacy)return e;if(Number.isInteger(e)&&!,-0)){if(n)return new X(e);if(r)return t.useBigInt64?BigInt(e):y.fromNumber(e)}return new G(e)}if(e==null||typeof e!="object")return e;if(e.$undefined)return null;let s=Object.keys(e).filter(n=>n.startsWith("$")&&e[n]!=null);for(let n=0;nc.startsWith("$")),o=!0;if(r.forEach(c=>{["$ref","$id","$db"].indexOf(c)===-1&&(o=!1)}),o)return C.fromExtendedJSON(n)}return e}function Xn(e,t){return,n)=>{t.seenObjects.push({propertyName:`index ${n}`,obj:null});try{return V(s,t)}finally{t.seenObjects.pop()}})}function Be(e){let t=e.toISOString();return e.getUTCMilliseconds()!==0?t:t.slice(0,-5)+"Z"}function V(e,t){if(e instanceof Map||te(e)){let s=Object.create(null);for(let[n,r]of e){if(typeof n!="string")throw new a("Can only serialize maps with string keys");s[n]=r}return V(s,t)}if((typeof e=="object"||typeof e=="function")&&e!==null){let s=t.seenObjects.findIndex(n=>n.obj===e);if(s!==-1){let>u.propertyName),r=n.slice(0,s).map(u=>`${u} -> `).join(""),o=n[s],c=" -> "+n.slice(s+1,n.length-1).map(u=>`${u} -> `).join(""),g=n[n.length-1],i=" ".repeat(r.length+o.length/2),S="-".repeat(c.length+(o.length+g.length)/2-1);throw new a(`Converting circular structure to EJSON: + ${r}${o}${c}${g} + ${i}\\${S}/`)}t.seenObjects[t.seenObjects.length-1].obj=e}if(Array.isArray(e))return Xn(e,t);if(e===void 0)return null;if(e instanceof Date||ct(e)){let s=e.getTime(),n=s>-1&&s<2534023188e5;return t.legacy?t.relaxed&&n?{$date:e.getTime()}:{$date:Be(e)}:t.relaxed&&n?{$date:Be(e)}:{$date:{$numberLong:e.getTime().toString()}}}if(typeof e=="number"&&(!t.relaxed||!isFinite(e))){if(Number.isInteger(e)&&!,-0)){if(e>=$t&&e<=At)return{$numberInt:e.toString()};if(e>=be&&e<=Oe)return{$numberLong:e.toString()}}return{$,-0)?"-0.0":e.toString()}}if(typeof e=="bigint")return t.relaxed?Number(BigInt.asIntN(64,e)):{$numberLong:BigInt.asIntN(64,e).toString()};if(e instanceof RegExp||lt(e)){let s=e.flags;if(s===void 0){let r=e.toString().match(/[gimuy]*$/);r&&(s=r[0])}return new q(e.source,s).toExtendedJSON(t)}return e!=null&&typeof e=="object"?vn(e,t):e}var Qn={Binary:e=>new _(e.value(),e.sub_type),Code:e=>new Y(e.code,e.scope),DBRef:e=>new C(e.collection||e.namespace,e.oid,e.db,e.fields),Decimal128:e=>new nt(e.bytes),Double:e=>new G(e.value),Int32:e=>new X(e.value),Long:e=>y.fromBits(e.low!=null?e.low:e.low_,e.low!=null?e.high:e.high_,e.low!=null?e.unsigned:e.unsigned_),MaxKey:()=>new st,MinKey:()=>new rt,ObjectId:e=>new k(e),BSONRegExp:e=>new q(e.pattern,e.options),BSONSymbol:e=>new it(e.value),Timestamp:e=>Q.fromBits(e.low,e.high)};function vn(e,t){if(e==null||typeof e!="object")throw new a("not an object instance");let s=e._bsontype;if(typeof s>"u"){let n={};for(let r of Object.keys(e)){t.seenObjects.push({propertyName:r,obj:null});try{let o=V(e[r],t);r==="__proto__"?Object.defineProperty(n,r,{value:o,writable:!0,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0}):n[r]=o}finally{t.seenObjects.pop()}}return n}else{if(e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&typeof e._bsontype=="string"&&e[Symbol.for("@@mdb.bson.version")]!==et)throw new P;if(Kn(e)){let n=e;if(typeof n.toExtendedJSON!="function"){let r=Qn[e._bsontype];if(!r)throw new a("Unrecognized or invalid _bsontype: "+e._bsontype);n=r(n)}return s==="Code"&&n.scope?n=new Y(n.code,V(n.scope,t)):s==="DBRef"&&n.oid&&(n=new C(V(n.collection,t),V(n.oid,t),V(n.db,t),V(n.fields,t))),n.toExtendedJSON(t)}else throw new a("_bsontype must be a string, but was: "+typeof s)}}function Pe(e,t){let s={useBigInt64:t?.useBigInt64??!1,relaxed:t?.relaxed??!0,legacy:t?.legacy??!1};return JSON.parse(e,(n,r)=>{if(n.indexOf("\0")!==-1)throw new a(`BSON Document field names cannot contain null bytes, found: ${JSON.stringify(n)}`);return Ve(r,s)})}function We(e,t,s,n){s!=null&&typeof s=="object"&&(n=s,s=0),t!=null&&typeof t=="object"&&!Array.isArray(t)&&(n=t,t=void 0,s=0);let r=Object.assign({relaxed:!0,legacy:!1},n,{seenObjects:[{propertyName:"(root)",obj:null}]}),o=V(e,r);return JSON.stringify(o,t,s)}function ts(e,t){return t=t||{},JSON.parse(We(e,t))}function es(e,t){return t=t||{},Pe(JSON.stringify(e),t)}var ot=Object.create(null);ot.parse=Pe;ot.stringify=We;ot.serialize=ts;ot.deserialize=es;Object.freeze(ot);var Ye=1024*1024*17,K=l.allocate(Ye);function ke(e){K.lengthss,toJson:()=>rs});var ss=oe().deserialize,rs=oe().EJSON.deserialize;return fn(is);})(); diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js index b2e9f29892..ff8d7265c6 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js @@ -1,3560 +1,4 @@ -"use strict"; -var helpers = (() => { - var __create = Object.create; - var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; - var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; - var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; - var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; - var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { - get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] - }) : x)(function(x) { - if (typeof require !== "undefined") - return require.apply(this, arguments); - throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); - }); - var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() { - return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res; - }; - var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() { - return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; - }; - var __export = (target, all) => { - for (var name in all) - __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); - }; - var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { - if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { - for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) - if (!, key) && key !== except) - __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); - } - return to; - }; - var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( - // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM - // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- - // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set - // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. - isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, - mod - )); - var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js - var require_dayjs_min = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js"(exports, module) { - !function(t, e) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs = e(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - var t = 1e3, e = 6e4, n = 36e5, r = "millisecond", i = "second", s = "minute", u = "hour", a = "day", o = "week", c = "month", f = "quarter", h = "year", d = "date", l = "Invalid Date", $ = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, y = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, M = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(t2) { - var e2 = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], n2 = t2 % 100; - return "[" + t2 + (e2[(n2 - 20) % 10] || e2[n2] || e2[0]) + "]"; - } }, m = function(t2, e2, n2) { - var r2 = String(t2); - return !r2 || r2.length >= e2 ? t2 : "" + Array(e2 + 1 - r2.length).join(n2) + t2; - }, v = { s: m, z: function(t2) { - var e2 = -t2.utcOffset(), n2 = Math.abs(e2), r2 = Math.floor(n2 / 60), i2 = n2 % 60; - return (e2 <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + m(r2, 2, "0") + ":" + m(i2, 2, "0"); - }, m: function t2(e2, n2) { - if ( < - return -t2(n2, e2); - var r2 = 12 * (n2.year() - e2.year()) + (n2.month() - e2.month()), i2 = e2.clone().add(r2, c), s2 = n2 - i2 < 0, u2 = e2.clone().add(r2 + (s2 ? -1 : 1), c); - return +(-(r2 + (n2 - i2) / (s2 ? i2 - u2 : u2 - i2)) || 0); - }, a: function(t2) { - return t2 < 0 ? Math.ceil(t2) || 0 : Math.floor(t2); - }, p: function(t2) { - return { M: c, y: h, w: o, d: a, D: d, h: u, m: s, s: i, ms: r, Q: f }[t2] || String(t2 || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, ""); - }, u: function(t2) { - return void 0 === t2; - } }, g = "en", D = {}; - D[g] = M; - var p = "$isDayjsObject", S = function(t2) { - return t2 instanceof _ || !(!t2 || !t2[p]); - }, w = function t2(e2, n2, r2) { - var i2; - if (!e2) - return g; - if ("string" == typeof e2) { - var s2 = e2.toLowerCase(); - D[s2] && (i2 = s2), n2 && (D[s2] = n2, i2 = s2); - var u2 = e2.split("-"); - if (!i2 && u2.length > 1) - return t2(u2[0]); - } else { - var a2 =; - D[a2] = e2, i2 = a2; - } - return !r2 && i2 && (g = i2), i2 || !r2 && g; - }, O = function(t2, e2) { - if (S(t2)) - return t2.clone(); - var n2 = "object" == typeof e2 ? e2 : {}; - return = t2, n2.args = arguments, new _(n2); - }, b = v; - b.l = w, b.i = S, b.w = function(t2, e2) { - return O(t2, { locale: e2.$L, utc: e2.$u, x: e2.$x, $offset: e2.$offset }); - }; - var _ = function() { - function M2(t2) { - this.$L = w(t2.locale, null, true), this.parse(t2), this.$x = this.$x || t2.x || {}, this[p] = true; - } - var m2 = M2.prototype; - return m2.parse = function(t2) { - this.$d = function(t3) { - var e2 =, n2 = t3.utc; - if (null === e2) - return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); - if (b.u(e2)) - return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); - if (e2 instanceof Date) - return new Date(e2); - if ("string" == typeof e2 && !/Z$/i.test(e2)) { - var r2 = e2.match($); - if (r2) { - var i2 = r2[2] - 1 || 0, s2 = (r2[7] || "0").substring(0, 3); - return n2 ? new Date(Date.UTC(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2)) : new Date(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2); - } - } - return new Date(e2); - }(t2), this.init(); - }, m2.init = function() { - var t2 = this.$d; - this.$y = t2.getFullYear(), this.$M = t2.getMonth(), this.$D = t2.getDate(), this.$W = t2.getDay(), this.$H = t2.getHours(), this.$m = t2.getMinutes(), this.$s = t2.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t2.getMilliseconds(); - }, m2.$utils = function() { - return b; - }, m2.isValid = function() { - return !(this.$d.toString() === l); - }, m2.isSame = function(t2, e2) { - var n2 = O(t2); - return this.startOf(e2) <= n2 && n2 <= this.endOf(e2); - }, m2.isAfter = function(t2, e2) { - return O(t2) < this.startOf(e2); - }, m2.isBefore = function(t2, e2) { - return this.endOf(e2) < O(t2); - }, m2.$g = function(t2, e2, n2) { - return b.u(t2) ? this[e2] : this.set(n2, t2); - }, m2.unix = function() { - return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3); - }, m2.valueOf = function() { - return this.$d.getTime(); - }, m2.startOf = function(t2, e2) { - var n2 = this, r2 = !!b.u(e2) || e2, f2 = b.p(t2), l2 = function(t3, e3) { - var i2 = b.w(n2.$u ? Date.UTC(n2.$y, e3, t3) : new Date(n2.$y, e3, t3), n2); - return r2 ? i2 : i2.endOf(a); - }, $2 = function(t3, e3) { - return b.w(n2.toDate()[t3].apply(n2.toDate("s"), (r2 ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(e3)), n2); - }, y2 = this.$W, M3 = this.$M, m3 = this.$D, v2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""); - switch (f2) { - case h: - return r2 ? l2(1, 0) : l2(31, 11); - case c: - return r2 ? l2(1, M3) : l2(0, M3 + 1); - case o: - var g2 = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, D2 = (y2 < g2 ? y2 + 7 : y2) - g2; - return l2(r2 ? m3 - D2 : m3 + (6 - D2), M3); - case a: - case d: - return $2(v2 + "Hours", 0); - case u: - return $2(v2 + "Minutes", 1); - case s: - return $2(v2 + "Seconds", 2); - case i: - return $2(v2 + "Milliseconds", 3); - default: - return this.clone(); - } - }, m2.endOf = function(t2) { - return this.startOf(t2, false); - }, m2.$set = function(t2, e2) { - var n2, o2 = b.p(t2), f2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), l2 = (n2 = {}, n2[a] = f2 + "Date", n2[d] = f2 + "Date", n2[c] = f2 + "Month", n2[h] = f2 + "FullYear", n2[u] = f2 + "Hours", n2[s] = f2 + "Minutes", n2[i] = f2 + "Seconds", n2[r] = f2 + "Milliseconds", n2)[o2], $2 = o2 === a ? this.$D + (e2 - this.$W) : e2; - if (o2 === c || o2 === h) { - var y2 = this.clone().set(d, 1); - y2.$d[l2]($2), y2.init(), this.$d = y2.set(d, Math.min(this.$D, y2.daysInMonth())).$d; - } else - l2 && this.$d[l2]($2); - return this.init(), this; - }, m2.set = function(t2, e2) { - return this.clone().$set(t2, e2); - }, m2.get = function(t2) { - return this[b.p(t2)](); - }, m2.add = function(r2, f2) { - var d2, l2 = this; - r2 = Number(r2); - var $2 = b.p(f2), y2 = function(t2) { - var e2 = O(l2); - return b.w( + Math.round(t2 * r2)), l2); - }; - if ($2 === c) - return this.set(c, this.$M + r2); - if ($2 === h) - return this.set(h, this.$y + r2); - if ($2 === a) - return y2(1); - if ($2 === o) - return y2(7); - var M3 = (d2 = {}, d2[s] = e, d2[u] = n, d2[i] = t, d2)[$2] || 1, m3 = this.$d.getTime() + r2 * M3; - return b.w(m3, this); - }, m2.subtract = function(t2, e2) { - return this.add(-1 * t2, e2); - }, m2.format = function(t2) { - var e2 = this, n2 = this.$locale(); - if (!this.isValid()) - return n2.invalidDate || l; - var r2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", i2 = b.z(this), s2 = this.$H, u2 = this.$m, a2 = this.$M, o2 = n2.weekdays, c2 = n2.months, f2 = n2.meridiem, h2 = function(t3, n3, i3, s3) { - return t3 && (t3[n3] || t3(e2, r2)) || i3[n3].slice(0, s3); - }, d2 = function(t3) { - return b.s(s2 % 12 || 12, t3, "0"); - }, $2 = f2 || function(t3, e3, n3) { - var r3 = t3 < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"; - return n3 ? r3.toLowerCase() : r3; - }; - return r2.replace(y, function(t3, r3) { - return r3 || function(t4) { - switch (t4) { - case "YY": - return String(e2.$y).slice(-2); - case "YYYY": - return b.s(e2.$y, 4, "0"); - case "M": - return a2 + 1; - case "MM": - return b.s(a2 + 1, 2, "0"); - case "MMM": - return h2(n2.monthsShort, a2, c2, 3); - case "MMMM": - return h2(c2, a2); - case "D": - return e2.$D; - case "DD": - return b.s(e2.$D, 2, "0"); - case "d": - return String(e2.$W); - case "dd": - return h2(n2.weekdaysMin, e2.$W, o2, 2); - case "ddd": - return h2(n2.weekdaysShort, e2.$W, o2, 3); - case "dddd": - return o2[e2.$W]; - case "H": - return String(s2); - case "HH": - return b.s(s2, 2, "0"); - case "h": - return d2(1); - case "hh": - return d2(2); - case "a": - return $2(s2, u2, true); - case "A": - return $2(s2, u2, false); - case "m": - return String(u2); - case "mm": - return b.s(u2, 2, "0"); - case "s": - return String(e2.$s); - case "ss": - return b.s(e2.$s, 2, "0"); - case "SSS": - return b.s(e2.$ms, 3, "0"); - case "Z": - return i2; - } - return null; - }(t3) || i2.replace(":", ""); - }); - }, m2.utcOffset = function() { - return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15); - }, m2.diff = function(r2, d2, l2) { - var $2, y2 = this, M3 = b.p(d2), m3 = O(r2), v2 = (m3.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * e, g2 = this - m3, D2 = function() { - return b.m(y2, m3); - }; - switch (M3) { - case h: - $2 = D2() / 12; - break; - case c: - $2 = D2(); - break; - case f: - $2 = D2() / 3; - break; - case o: - $2 = (g2 - v2) / 6048e5; - break; - case a: - $2 = (g2 - v2) / 864e5; - break; - case u: - $2 = g2 / n; - break; - case s: - $2 = g2 / e; - break; - case i: - $2 = g2 / t; - break; - default: - $2 = g2; - } - return l2 ? $2 : b.a($2); - }, m2.daysInMonth = function() { - return this.endOf(c).$D; - }, m2.$locale = function() { - return D[this.$L]; - }, m2.locale = function(t2, e2) { - if (!t2) - return this.$L; - var n2 = this.clone(), r2 = w(t2, e2, true); - return r2 && (n2.$L = r2), n2; - }, m2.clone = function() { - return b.w(this.$d, this); - }, m2.toDate = function() { - return new Date(this.valueOf()); - }, m2.toJSON = function() { - return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null; - }, m2.toISOString = function() { - return this.$d.toISOString(); - }, m2.toString = function() { - return this.$d.toUTCString(); - }, M2; - }(), k = _.prototype; - return O.prototype = k, [["$ms", r], ["$s", i], ["$m", s], ["$H", u], ["$W", a], ["$M", c], ["$y", h], ["$D", d]].forEach(function(t2) { - k[t2[1]] = function(e2) { - return this.$g(e2, t2[0], t2[1]); - }; - }), O.extend = function(t2, e2) { - return t2.$i || (t2(e2, _, O), t2.$i = true), O; - }, O.locale = w, O.isDayjs = S, O.unix = function(t2) { - return O(1e3 * t2); - }, O.en = D[g], O.Ls = D, O.p = {}, O; - }); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/duration.js - var require_duration = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/duration.js"(exports, module) { - !function(t, s) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = s() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(s) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs_plugin_duration = s(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - var t, s, n = 1e3, i = 6e4, e = 36e5, r = 864e5, o = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, u = 31536e6, d = 2628e6, a = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/, h = { years: u, months: d, days: r, hours: e, minutes: i, seconds: n, milliseconds: 1, weeks: 6048e5 }, c = function(t2) { - return t2 instanceof g; - }, f = function(t2, s2, n2) { - return new g(t2, n2, s2.$l); - }, m = function(t2) { - return s.p(t2) + "s"; - }, l = function(t2) { - return t2 < 0; - }, $ = function(t2) { - return l(t2) ? Math.ceil(t2) : Math.floor(t2); - }, y = function(t2) { - return Math.abs(t2); - }, v = function(t2, s2) { - return t2 ? l(t2) ? { negative: true, format: "" + y(t2) + s2 } : { negative: false, format: "" + t2 + s2 } : { negative: false, format: "" }; - }, g = function() { - function l2(t2, s2, n2) { - var i2 = this; - if (this.$d = {}, this.$l = n2, void 0 === t2 && (this.$ms = 0, this.parseFromMilliseconds()), s2) - return f(t2 * h[m(s2)], this); - if ("number" == typeof t2) - return this.$ms = t2, this.parseFromMilliseconds(), this; - if ("object" == typeof t2) - return Object.keys(t2).forEach(function(s3) { - i2.$d[m(s3)] = t2[s3]; - }), this.calMilliseconds(), this; - if ("string" == typeof t2) { - var e2 = t2.match(a); - if (e2) { - var r2 = e2.slice(2).map(function(t3) { - return null != t3 ? Number(t3) : 0; - }); - return this.$d.years = r2[0], this.$d.months = r2[1], this.$d.weeks = r2[2], this.$d.days = r2[3], this.$d.hours = r2[4], this.$d.minutes = r2[5], this.$d.seconds = r2[6], this.calMilliseconds(), this; - } - } - return this; - } - var y2 = l2.prototype; - return y2.calMilliseconds = function() { - var t2 = this; - this.$ms = Object.keys(this.$d).reduce(function(s2, n2) { - return s2 + (t2.$d[n2] || 0) * h[n2]; - }, 0); - }, y2.parseFromMilliseconds = function() { - var t2 = this.$ms; - this.$d.years = $(t2 / u), t2 %= u, this.$d.months = $(t2 / d), t2 %= d, this.$d.days = $(t2 / r), t2 %= r, this.$d.hours = $(t2 / e), t2 %= e, this.$d.minutes = $(t2 / i), t2 %= i, this.$d.seconds = $(t2 / n), t2 %= n, this.$d.milliseconds = t2; - }, y2.toISOString = function() { - var t2 = v(this.$d.years, "Y"), s2 = v(this.$d.months, "M"), n2 = +this.$d.days || 0; - this.$d.weeks && (n2 += 7 * this.$d.weeks); - var i2 = v(n2, "D"), e2 = v(this.$d.hours, "H"), r2 = v(this.$d.minutes, "M"), o2 = this.$d.seconds || 0; - this.$d.milliseconds && (o2 += this.$d.milliseconds / 1e3, o2 = Math.round(1e3 * o2) / 1e3); - var u2 = v(o2, "S"), d2 = t2.negative || s2.negative || i2.negative || e2.negative || r2.negative || u2.negative, a2 = e2.format || r2.format || u2.format ? "T" : "", h2 = (d2 ? "-" : "") + "P" + t2.format + s2.format + i2.format + a2 + e2.format + r2.format + u2.format; - return "P" === h2 || "-P" === h2 ? "P0D" : h2; - }, y2.toJSON = function() { - return this.toISOString(); - }, y2.format = function(t2) { - var n2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss", i2 = { Y: this.$d.years, YY: s.s(this.$d.years, 2, "0"), YYYY: s.s(this.$d.years, 4, "0"), M: this.$d.months, MM: s.s(this.$d.months, 2, "0"), D: this.$d.days, DD: s.s(this.$d.days, 2, "0"), H: this.$d.hours, HH: s.s(this.$d.hours, 2, "0"), m: this.$d.minutes, mm: s.s(this.$d.minutes, 2, "0"), s: this.$d.seconds, ss: s.s(this.$d.seconds, 2, "0"), SSS: s.s(this.$d.milliseconds, 3, "0") }; - return n2.replace(o, function(t3, s2) { - return s2 || String(i2[t3]); - }); - }, = function(t2) { - return this.$ms / h[m(t2)]; - }, y2.get = function(t2) { - var s2 = this.$ms, n2 = m(t2); - return "milliseconds" === n2 ? s2 %= 1e3 : s2 = "weeks" === n2 ? $(s2 / h[n2]) : this.$d[n2], s2 || 0; - }, y2.add = function(t2, s2, n2) { - var i2; - return i2 = s2 ? t2 * h[m(s2)] : c(t2) ? t2.$ms : f(t2, this).$ms, f(this.$ms + i2 * (n2 ? -1 : 1), this); - }, y2.subtract = function(t2, s2) { - return this.add(t2, s2, true); - }, y2.locale = function(t2) { - var s2 = this.clone(); - return s2.$l = t2, s2; - }, y2.clone = function() { - return f(this.$ms, this); - }, y2.humanize = function(s2) { - return t().add(this.$ms, "ms").locale(this.$l).fromNow(!s2); - }, y2.valueOf = function() { - return this.asMilliseconds(); - }, y2.milliseconds = function() { - return this.get("milliseconds"); - }, y2.asMilliseconds = function() { - return"milliseconds"); - }, y2.seconds = function() { - return this.get("seconds"); - }, y2.asSeconds = function() { - return"seconds"); - }, y2.minutes = function() { - return this.get("minutes"); - }, y2.asMinutes = function() { - return"minutes"); - }, y2.hours = function() { - return this.get("hours"); - }, y2.asHours = function() { - return"hours"); - }, y2.days = function() { - return this.get("days"); - }, y2.asDays = function() { - return"days"); - }, y2.weeks = function() { - return this.get("weeks"); - }, y2.asWeeks = function() { - return"weeks"); - }, y2.months = function() { - return this.get("months"); - }, y2.asMonths = function() { - return"months"); - }, y2.years = function() { - return this.get("years"); - }, y2.asYears = function() { - return"years"); - }, l2; - }(), p = function(t2, s2, n2) { - return t2.add(s2.years() * n2, "y").add(s2.months() * n2, "M").add(s2.days() * n2, "d").add(s2.hours() * n2, "h").add(s2.minutes() * n2, "m").add(s2.seconds() * n2, "s").add(s2.milliseconds() * n2, "ms"); - }; - return function(n2, i2, e2) { - t = e2, s = e2().$utils(), e2.duration = function(t2, s2) { - var n3 = e2.locale(); - return f(t2, { $l: n3 }, s2); - }, e2.isDuration = c; - var r2 = i2.prototype.add, o2 = i2.prototype.subtract; - i2.prototype.add = function(t2, s2) { - return c(t2) ? p(this, t2, 1) : r2.bind(this)(t2, s2); - }, i2.prototype.subtract = function(t2, s2) { - return c(t2) ? p(this, t2, -1) : o2.bind(this)(t2, s2); - }; - }; - }); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat.js - var require_advancedFormat = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat.js"(exports, module) { - !function(e, t) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_advancedFormat = t(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - return function(e, t) { - var r = t.prototype, n = r.format; - r.format = function(e2) { - var t2 = this, r2 = this.$locale(); - if (!this.isValid()) - return n.bind(this)(e2); - var s = this.$utils(), a = (e2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ").replace(/\[([^\]]+)]|Q|wo|ww|w|WW|W|zzz|z|gggg|GGGG|Do|X|x|k{1,2}|S/g, function(e3) { - switch (e3) { - case "Q": - return Math.ceil((t2.$M + 1) / 3); - case "Do": - return r2.ordinal(t2.$D); - case "gggg": - return t2.weekYear(); - case "GGGG": - return t2.isoWeekYear(); - case "wo": - return r2.ordinal(t2.week(), "W"); - case "w": - case "ww": - return s.s(t2.week(), "w" === e3 ? 1 : 2, "0"); - case "W": - case "WW": - return s.s(t2.isoWeek(), "W" === e3 ? 1 : 2, "0"); - case "k": - case "kk": - return s.s(String(0 === t2.$H ? 24 : t2.$H), "k" === e3 ? 1 : 2, "0"); - case "X": - return Math.floor(t2.$d.getTime() / 1e3); - case "x": - return t2.$d.getTime(); - case "z": - return "[" + t2.offsetName() + "]"; - case "zzz": - return "[" + t2.offsetName("long") + "]"; - default: - return e3; - } - }); - return n.bind(this)(a); - }; - }; - }); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/isoWeek.js - var require_isoWeek = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/isoWeek.js"(exports, module) { - !function(e, t) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_isoWeek = t(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - var e = "day"; - return function(t, i, s) { - var a = function(t2) { - return t2.add(4 - t2.isoWeekday(), e); - }, d = i.prototype; - d.isoWeekYear = function() { - return a(this).year(); - }, d.isoWeek = function(t2) { - if (!this.$utils().u(t2)) - return this.add(7 * (t2 - this.isoWeek()), e); - var i2, d2, n2, o, r = a(this), u = (i2 = this.isoWeekYear(), d2 = this.$u, n2 = (d2 ? s.utc : s)().year(i2).startOf("year"), o = 4 - n2.isoWeekday(), n2.isoWeekday() > 4 && (o += 7), n2.add(o, e)); - return r.diff(u, "week") + 1; - }, d.isoWeekday = function(e2) { - return this.$utils().u(e2) ? || 7 : % 7 ? e2 : e2 - 7); - }; - var n = d.startOf; - d.startOf = function(e2, t2) { - var i2 = this.$utils(), s2 = !!i2.u(t2) || t2; - return "isoweek" === i2.p(e2) ? s2 ? - (this.isoWeekday() - 1)).startOf("day") : - 1 - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7).endOf("day") : n.bind(this)(e2, t2); - }; - }; - }); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/weekYear.js - var require_weekYear = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/weekYear.js"(exports, module) { - !function(e, t) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_weekYear = t(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - return function(e, t) { - t.prototype.weekYear = function() { - var e2 = this.month(), t2 = this.week(), n = this.year(); - return 1 === t2 && 11 === e2 ? n + 1 : 0 === e2 && t2 >= 52 ? n - 1 : n; - }; - }; - }); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear.js - var require_weekOfYear = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear.js"(exports, module) { - !function(e, t) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_weekOfYear = t(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - var e = "week", t = "year"; - return function(i, n, r) { - var f = n.prototype; - f.week = function(i2) { - if (void 0 === i2 && (i2 = null), null !== i2) - return this.add(7 * (i2 - this.week()), "day"); - var n2 = this.$locale().yearStart || 1; - if (11 === this.month() && > 25) { - var f2 = r(this).startOf(t).add(1, t).date(n2), s = r(this).endOf(e); - if (f2.isBefore(s)) - return 1; - } - var a = r(this).startOf(t).date(n2).startOf(e).subtract(1, "millisecond"), o = this.diff(a, e, true); - return o < 0 ? r(this).startOf("week").week() : Math.ceil(o); - }, f.weeks = function(e2) { - return void 0 === e2 && (e2 = null), this.week(e2); - }; - }; - }); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js - var require_relativeTime = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js"(exports, module) { - !function(r, e) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (r = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : r || self).dayjs_plugin_relativeTime = e(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - return function(r, e, t) { - r = r || {}; - var n = e.prototype, o = { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }; - function i(r2, e2, t2, o2) { - return n.fromToBase(r2, e2, t2, o2); - } - t.en.relativeTime = o, n.fromToBase = function(e2, n2, i2, d2, u) { - for (var f, a, s, l = i2.$locale().relativeTime || o, h = r.thresholds || [{ l: "s", r: 44, d: "second" }, { l: "m", r: 89 }, { l: "mm", r: 44, d: "minute" }, { l: "h", r: 89 }, { l: "hh", r: 21, d: "hour" }, { l: "d", r: 35 }, { l: "dd", r: 25, d: "day" }, { l: "M", r: 45 }, { l: "MM", r: 10, d: "month" }, { l: "y", r: 17 }, { l: "yy", d: "year" }], m = h.length, c = 0; c < m; c += 1) { - var y = h[c]; - y.d && (f = d2 ? t(e2).diff(i2, y.d, true) : i2.diff(e2, y.d, true)); - var p = (r.rounding || Math.round)(Math.abs(f)); - if (s = f > 0, p <= y.r || !y.r) { - p <= 1 && c > 0 && (y = h[c - 1]); - var v = l[y.l]; - u && (p = u("" + p)), a = "string" == typeof v ? v.replace("%d", p) : v(p, n2, y.l, s); - break; - } - } - if (n2) - return a; - var M = s ? l.future : l.past; - return "function" == typeof M ? M(a) : M.replace("%s", a); - }, = function(r2, e2) { - return i(r2, e2, this, true); - }, n.from = function(r2, e2) { - return i(r2, e2, this); - }; - var d = function(r2) { - return r2.$u ? t.utc() : t(); - }; - n.toNow = function(r2) { - return, r2); - }, n.fromNow = function(r2) { - return this.from(d(this), r2); - }; - }; - }); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/utc.js - var require_utc = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/utc.js"(exports, module) { - !function(t, i) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = i() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(i) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs_plugin_utc = i(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - var t = "minute", i = /[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/g, e = /([+-]|\d\d)/g; - return function(s, f, n) { - var u = f.prototype; - n.utc = function(t2) { - var i2 = { date: t2, utc: true, args: arguments }; - return new f(i2); - }, u.utc = function(i2) { - var e2 = n(this.toDate(), { locale: this.$L, utc: true }); - return i2 ? e2.add(this.utcOffset(), t) : e2; - }, u.local = function() { - return n(this.toDate(), { locale: this.$L, utc: false }); - }; - var o = u.parse; - u.parse = function(t2) { - t2.utc && (this.$u = true), this.$utils().u(t2.$offset) || (this.$offset = t2.$offset),, t2); - }; - var r = u.init; - u.init = function() { - if (this.$u) { - var t2 = this.$d; - this.$y = t2.getUTCFullYear(), this.$M = t2.getUTCMonth(), this.$D = t2.getUTCDate(), this.$W = t2.getUTCDay(), this.$H = t2.getUTCHours(), this.$m = t2.getUTCMinutes(), this.$s = t2.getUTCSeconds(), this.$ms = t2.getUTCMilliseconds(); - } else -; - }; - var a = u.utcOffset; - u.utcOffset = function(s2, f2) { - var n2 = this.$utils().u; - if (n2(s2)) - return this.$u ? 0 : n2(this.$offset) ? : this.$offset; - if ("string" == typeof s2 && (s2 = function(t2) { - void 0 === t2 && (t2 = ""); - var s3 = t2.match(i); - if (!s3) - return null; - var f3 = ("" + s3[0]).match(e) || ["-", 0, 0], n3 = f3[0], u3 = 60 * +f3[1] + +f3[2]; - return 0 === u3 ? 0 : "+" === n3 ? u3 : -u3; - }(s2), null === s2)) - return this; - var u2 = Math.abs(s2) <= 16 ? 60 * s2 : s2, o2 = this; - if (f2) - return o2.$offset = u2, o2.$u = 0 === s2, o2; - if (0 !== s2) { - var r2 = this.$u ? this.toDate().getTimezoneOffset() : -1 * this.utcOffset(); - (o2 = this.local().add(u2 + r2, t)).$offset = u2, o2.$x.$localOffset = r2; - } else - o2 = this.utc(); - return o2; - }; - var h = u.format; - u.format = function(t2) { - var i2 = t2 || (this.$u ? "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]" : ""); - return, i2); - }, u.valueOf = function() { - var t2 = this.$utils().u(this.$offset) ? 0 : this.$offset + (this.$x.$localOffset || this.$d.getTimezoneOffset()); - return this.$d.valueOf() - 6e4 * t2; - }, u.isUTC = function() { - return !!this.$u; - }, u.toISOString = function() { - return this.toDate().toISOString(); - }, u.toString = function() { - return this.toDate().toUTCString(); - }; - var l = u.toDate; - u.toDate = function(t2) { - return "s" === t2 && this.$offset ? n(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS")).toDate() :; - }; - var c = u.diff; - u.diff = function(t2, i2, e2) { - if (t2 && this.$u === t2.$u) - return, t2, i2, e2); - var s2 = this.local(), f2 = n(t2).local(); - return, f2, i2, e2); - }; - }; - }); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/timezone.js - var require_timezone = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/dayjs/plugin/timezone.js"(exports, module) { - !function(t, e) { - "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs_plugin_timezone = e(); - }(exports, function() { - "use strict"; - var t = { year: 0, month: 1, day: 2, hour: 3, minute: 4, second: 5 }, e = {}; - return function(n, i, o) { - var r, a = function(t2, n2, i2) { - void 0 === i2 && (i2 = {}); - var o2 = new Date(t2), r2 = function(t3, n3) { - void 0 === n3 && (n3 = {}); - var i3 = n3.timeZoneName || "short", o3 = t3 + "|" + i3, r3 = e[o3]; - return r3 || (r3 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { hour12: false, timeZone: t3, year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit", timeZoneName: i3 }), e[o3] = r3), r3; - }(n2, i2); - return r2.formatToParts(o2); - }, u = function(e2, n2) { - for (var i2 = a(e2, n2), r2 = [], u2 = 0; u2 < i2.length; u2 += 1) { - var f2 = i2[u2], s2 = f2.type, m = f2.value, c = t[s2]; - c >= 0 && (r2[c] = parseInt(m, 10)); - } - var d = r2[3], l = 24 === d ? 0 : d, h = r2[0] + "-" + r2[1] + "-" + r2[2] + " " + l + ":" + r2[4] + ":" + r2[5] + ":000", v = +e2; - return (o.utc(h).valueOf() - (v -= v % 1e3)) / 6e4; - }, f = i.prototype; - = function(t2, e2) { - void 0 === t2 && (t2 = r); - var n2 = this.utcOffset(), i2 = this.toDate(), a2 = i2.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: t2 }), u2 = Math.round((i2 - new Date(a2)) / 1e3 / 60), f2 = o(a2, { locale: this.$L }).$set("millisecond", this.$ms).utcOffset(15 * -Math.round(i2.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) - u2, true); - if (e2) { - var s2 = f2.utcOffset(); - f2 = f2.add(n2 - s2, "minute"); - } - return f2.$x.$timezone = t2, f2; - }, f.offsetName = function(t2) { - var e2 = this.$x.$timezone ||, n2 = a(this.valueOf(), e2, { timeZoneName: t2 }).find(function(t3) { - return "timezonename" === t3.type.toLowerCase(); - }); - return n2 && n2.value; - }; - var s = f.startOf; - f.startOf = function(t2, e2) { - if (!this.$x || !this.$x.$timezone) - return, t2, e2); - var n2 = o(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS"), { locale: this.$L }); - return, t2, e2).tz(this.$x.$timezone, true); - }, = function(t2, e2, n2) { - var i2 = n2 && e2, a2 = n2 || e2 || r, f2 = u(+o(), a2); - if ("string" != typeof t2) - return o(t2).tz(a2); - var s2 = function(t3, e3, n3) { - var i3 = t3 - 60 * e3 * 1e3, o2 = u(i3, n3); - if (e3 === o2) - return [i3, e3]; - var r2 = u(i3 -= 60 * (o2 - e3) * 1e3, n3); - return o2 === r2 ? [i3, o2] : [t3 - 60 * Math.min(o2, r2) * 1e3, Math.max(o2, r2)]; - }(o.utc(t2, i2).valueOf(), f2, a2), m = s2[0], c = s2[1], d = o(m).utcOffset(c); - return d.$x.$timezone = a2, d; - }, = function() { - return Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; - }, = function(t2) { - r = t2; - }; - }; - }); - } - }); - - // ../string-templates/src/helpers/date.js - var require_date = __commonJS({ - "../string-templates/src/helpers/date.js"(exports, module) { - var dayjs = require_dayjs_min(); - dayjs.extend(require_duration()); - dayjs.extend(require_advancedFormat()); - dayjs.extend(require_isoWeek()); - dayjs.extend(require_weekYear()); - dayjs.extend(require_weekOfYear()); - dayjs.extend(require_relativeTime()); - dayjs.extend(require_utc()); - dayjs.extend(require_timezone()); - function isOptions(val) { - return typeof val === "object" && typeof val.hash === "object"; - } - function isApp(thisArg) { - return typeof thisArg === "object" && typeof thisArg.options === "object" && typeof === "object"; - } - function getContext(thisArg, locals, options) { - if (isOptions(thisArg)) { - return getContext({}, locals, thisArg); - } - if (isOptions(locals)) { - return getContext(thisArg, options, locals); - } - const appContext = isApp(thisArg) ? thisArg.context : {}; - options = options || {}; - if (!isOptions(options)) { - locals = Object.assign({}, locals, options); - } - if (isOptions(options) && options.hash.root === true) { - locals = Object.assign({},, locals); - } - let context = Object.assign({}, appContext, locals, options.hash); - if (!isApp(thisArg)) { - context = Object.assign({}, thisArg, context); - } - if (isApp(thisArg) && thisArg.view && { - context = Object.assign({}, context,; - } - return context; - } - function initialConfig(str, pattern, options) { - if (isOptions(pattern)) { - options = pattern; - pattern = null; - } - if (isOptions(str)) { - options = str; - pattern = null; - str = null; - } - return { str, pattern, options }; - } - function setLocale(str, pattern, options) { - const config = initialConfig(str, pattern, options); - const defaults = { lang: "en", date: new Date(config.str) }; - const opts = getContext(this, defaults, {}); - dayjs.locale(opts.lang || opts.language); - } - = (str, pattern, options) => { - const config = initialConfig(str, pattern, options); - if (config.str == null && config.pattern == null) { - dayjs.locale("en"); - return dayjs().format("MMMM DD, YYYY"); - } - setLocale(config.str, config.pattern, config.options); - let date = dayjs(new Date(config.str)); - if (typeof config.options === "string") { - date = config.options.toLowerCase() === "utc" ? date.utc() :; - } else { - date =; - } - if (config.pattern === "") { - return date.toISOString(); - } - return date.format(config.pattern); - }; - module.exports.duration = (str, pattern, format) => { - const config = initialConfig(str, pattern); - setLocale(config.str, config.pattern); - const duration = dayjs.duration(config.str, config.pattern); - if (format && !isOptions(format)) { - return duration.format(format); - } else { - return duration.humanize(); - } - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js - var require_is_buffer = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js"(exports, module) { - module.exports = function(obj) { - return obj != null && (isBuffer(obj) || isSlowBuffer(obj) || !!obj._isBuffer); - }; - function isBuffer(obj) { - return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === "function" && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj); - } - function isSlowBuffer(obj) { - return typeof obj.readFloatLE === "function" && typeof obj.slice === "function" && isBuffer(obj.slice(0, 0)); - } - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/typeof-article/node_modules/kind-of/index.js - var require_kind_of = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/typeof-article/node_modules/kind-of/index.js"(exports, module) { - var isBuffer = require_is_buffer(); - var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - if (typeof val === "undefined") { - return "undefined"; - } - if (val === null) { - return "null"; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return "boolean"; - } - if (typeof val === "string" || val instanceof String) { - return "string"; - } - if (typeof val === "number" || val instanceof Number) { - return "number"; - } - if (typeof val === "function" || val instanceof Function) { - return "function"; - } - if (typeof Array.isArray !== "undefined" && Array.isArray(val)) { - return "array"; - } - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return "regexp"; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return "date"; - } - var type =; - if (type === "[object RegExp]") { - return "regexp"; - } - if (type === "[object Date]") { - return "date"; - } - if (type === "[object Arguments]") { - return "arguments"; - } - if (type === "[object Error]") { - return "error"; - } - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return "buffer"; - } - if (type === "[object Set]") { - return "set"; - } - if (type === "[object WeakSet]") { - return "weakset"; - } - if (type === "[object Map]") { - return "map"; - } - if (type === "[object WeakMap]") { - return "weakmap"; - } - if (type === "[object Symbol]") { - return "symbol"; - } - if (type === "[object Int8Array]") { - return "int8array"; - } - if (type === "[object Uint8Array]") { - return "uint8array"; - } - if (type === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]") { - return "uint8clampedarray"; - } - if (type === "[object Int16Array]") { - return "int16array"; - } - if (type === "[object Uint16Array]") { - return "uint16array"; - } - if (type === "[object Int32Array]") { - return "int32array"; - } - if (type === "[object Uint32Array]") { - return "uint32array"; - } - if (type === "[object Float32Array]") { - return "float32array"; - } - if (type === "[object Float64Array]") { - return "float64array"; - } - return "object"; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/typeof-article/index.js - var require_typeof_article = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/typeof-article/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var typeOf = require_kind_of(); - var types = { - "arguments": "an arguments object", - "array": "an array", - "boolean": "a boolean", - "buffer": "a buffer", - "date": "a date", - "error": "an error", - "float32array": "a float32array", - "float64array": "a float64array", - "function": "a function", - "int16array": "an int16array", - "int32array": "an int32array", - "int8array": "an int8array", - "map": "a Map", - "null": "null", - "number": "a number", - "object": "an object", - "regexp": "a regular expression", - "set": "a Set", - "string": "a string", - "symbol": "a symbol", - "uint16array": "an uint16array", - "uint32array": "an uint32array", - "uint8array": "an uint8array", - "uint8clampedarray": "an uint8clampedarray", - "undefined": "undefined", - "weakmap": "a WeakMap", - "weakset": "a WeakSet" - }; - function type(val) { - return types[typeOf(val)]; - } - type.types = types; - type.typeOf = typeOf; - module.exports = type; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/kind-of/index.js - var require_kind_of2 = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/kind-of/index.js"(exports, module) { - var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - if (val === void 0) - return "undefined"; - if (val === null) - return "null"; - var type = typeof val; - if (type === "boolean") - return "boolean"; - if (type === "string") - return "string"; - if (type === "number") - return "number"; - if (type === "symbol") - return "symbol"; - if (type === "function") { - return isGeneratorFn(val) ? "generatorfunction" : "function"; - } - if (isArray(val)) - return "array"; - if (isBuffer(val)) - return "buffer"; - if (isArguments(val)) - return "arguments"; - if (isDate(val)) - return "date"; - if (isError(val)) - return "error"; - if (isRegexp(val)) - return "regexp"; - switch (ctorName(val)) { - case "Symbol": - return "symbol"; - case "Promise": - return "promise"; - case "WeakMap": - return "weakmap"; - case "WeakSet": - return "weakset"; - case "Map": - return "map"; - case "Set": - return "set"; - case "Int8Array": - return "int8array"; - case "Uint8Array": - return "uint8array"; - case "Uint8ClampedArray": - return "uint8clampedarray"; - case "Int16Array": - return "int16array"; - case "Uint16Array": - return "uint16array"; - case "Int32Array": - return "int32array"; - case "Uint32Array": - return "uint32array"; - case "Float32Array": - return "float32array"; - case "Float64Array": - return "float64array"; - } - if (isGeneratorObj(val)) { - return "generator"; - } - type =; - switch (type) { - case "[object Object]": - return "object"; - case "[object Map Iterator]": - return "mapiterator"; - case "[object Set Iterator]": - return "setiterator"; - case "[object String Iterator]": - return "stringiterator"; - case "[object Array Iterator]": - return "arrayiterator"; - } - return type.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ""); - }; - function ctorName(val) { - return typeof val.constructor === "function" ? : null; - } - function isArray(val) { - if (Array.isArray) - return Array.isArray(val); - return val instanceof Array; - } - function isError(val) { - return val instanceof Error || typeof val.message === "string" && val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.stackTraceLimit === "number"; - } - function isDate(val) { - if (val instanceof Date) - return true; - return typeof val.toDateString === "function" && typeof val.getDate === "function" && typeof val.setDate === "function"; - } - function isRegexp(val) { - if (val instanceof RegExp) - return true; - return typeof val.flags === "string" && typeof val.ignoreCase === "boolean" && typeof val.multiline === "boolean" && typeof === "boolean"; - } - function isGeneratorFn(name, val) { - return ctorName(name) === "GeneratorFunction"; - } - function isGeneratorObj(val) { - return typeof val.throw === "function" && typeof val.return === "function" && typeof === "function"; - } - function isArguments(val) { - try { - if (typeof val.length === "number" && typeof val.callee === "function") { - return true; - } - } catch (err) { - if (err.message.indexOf("callee") !== -1) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - function isBuffer(val) { - if (val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === "function") { - return val.constructor.isBuffer(val); - } - return false; - } - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/handlebars-utils/index.js - var require_handlebars_utils = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/handlebars-utils/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var util = __require("util"); - var type = require_typeof_article(); - var typeOf = require_kind_of2(); - var utils = exports = module.exports; - utils.extend = extend; - utils.indexOf = indexOf; - utils.escapeExpression = escapeExpression; - utils.isEmpty = isEmpty; - utils.createFrame = createFrame; - utils.blockParams = blockParams; - utils.appendContextPath = appendContextPath; - var escape = { - "&": "&", - "<": "<", - ">": ">", - '"': """, - "'": "'", - "`": "`", - "=": "=" - }; - var badChars = /[&<>"'`=]/g; - var possible = /[&<>"'`=]/; - function escapeChar(chr) { - return escape[chr]; - } - function extend(obj) { - for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { - for (var key in arguments[i]) { - if ([i], key)) { - obj[key] = arguments[i][key]; - } - } - } - return obj; - } - var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - utils.toString = toString; - var isFunction = function isFunction2(value2) { - return typeof value2 === "function"; - }; - if (isFunction(/x/)) { - utils.isFunction = isFunction = function(value2) { - return typeof value2 === "function" && === "[object Function]"; - }; - } - utils.isFunction = isFunction; - var isArray = Array.isArray || function(value2) { - return value2 && typeof value2 === "object" ? === "[object Array]" : false; - }; - utils.isArray = isArray; - function indexOf(array, value2) { - for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { - if (array[i] === value2) { - return i; - } - } - return -1; - } - function escapeExpression(string) { - if (typeof string !== "string") { - if (string && string.toHTML) { - return string.toHTML(); - } else if (string == null) { - return ""; - } else if (!string) { - return string + ""; - } - string = "" + string; - } - if (!possible.test(string)) { - return string; - } - return string.replace(badChars, escapeChar); - } - function createFrame(object) { - var frame = extend({}, object); - frame._parent = object; - return frame; - } - function blockParams(params, ids) { - params.path = ids; - return params; - } - function appendContextPath(contextPath, id) { - return (contextPath ? contextPath + "." : "") + id; - } - utils.expectedType = function(param, expected, actual) { - var exp = type.types[expected]; - var val = util.inspect(actual); - return "expected " + param + " to be " + exp + " but received " + type(actual) + ": " + val; - }; - utils.isBlock = function(options) { - return utils.isOptions(options) && typeof options.fn === "function" && typeof options.inverse === "function"; - }; - utils.fn = function(val, context, options) { - if (utils.isOptions(val)) { - return utils.fn("", val, options); - } - if (utils.isOptions(context)) { - return utils.fn(val, {}, context); - } - return utils.isBlock(options) ? options.fn(context) : val; - }; - utils.inverse = function(val, context, options) { - if (utils.isOptions(val)) { - return utils.identity("", val, options); - } - if (utils.isOptions(context)) { - return utils.inverse(val, {}, context); - } - return utils.isBlock(options) ? options.inverse(context) : val; - }; - utils.value = function(val, context, options) { - if (utils.isOptions(val)) { - return utils.value(null, val, options); - } - if (utils.isOptions(context)) { - return utils.value(val, {}, context); - } - if (utils.isBlock(options)) { - return !!val ? options.fn(context) : options.inverse(context); - } - return val; - }; - utils.isOptions = function(val) { - return utils.isObject(val) && utils.isObject(val.hash); - }; - utils.isUndefined = function(val) { - return val == null || utils.isOptions(val) && val.hash != null; - }; - utils.isApp = function(thisArg) { - return utils.isObject(thisArg) && utils.isObject(thisArg.options) && utils.isObject(; - }; - utils.options = function(thisArg, locals, options) { - if (utils.isOptions(thisArg)) { - return utils.options({}, locals, thisArg); - } - if (utils.isOptions(locals)) { - return utils.options(thisArg, options, locals); - } - options = options || {}; - if (!utils.isOptions(options)) { - locals = Object.assign({}, locals, options); - } - var opts = Object.assign({}, locals, options.hash); - if (utils.isObject(thisArg)) { - opts = Object.assign({}, thisArg.options, opts); - } - if (opts[]) { - opts = Object.assign({}, opts[], opts); - } - return opts; - }; - utils.context = function(thisArg, locals, options) { - if (utils.isOptions(thisArg)) { - return utils.context({}, locals, thisArg); - } - if (utils.isOptions(locals)) { - return utils.context(thisArg, options, locals); - } - var appContext = utils.isApp(thisArg) ? thisArg.context : {}; - options = options || {}; - if (!utils.isOptions(options)) { - locals = Object.assign({}, locals, options); - } - if (utils.isOptions(options) && options.hash.root === true) { - locals = Object.assign({},, locals); - } - var context = Object.assign({}, appContext, locals, options.hash); - if (!utils.isApp(thisArg)) { - context = Object.assign({}, thisArg, context); - } - if (utils.isApp(thisArg) && thisArg.view && { - context = Object.assign({}, context,; - } - return context; - }; - utils.isObject = function(val) { - return typeOf(val) === "object"; - }; - function isEmpty(val) { - if (val === 0 || typeof val === "boolean") { - return false; - } - if (val == null) { - return true; - } - if (utils.isObject(val)) { - val = Object.keys(val); - } - if (!val.length) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - utils.result = function(val) { - if (typeof val === "function") { - return val.apply(this, [], 1)); - } - return val; - }; - utils.identity = function(val) { - return val; - }; - utils.isString = function(val) { - return typeof val === "string" && val !== ""; - }; - utils.arrayify = function(val) { - return val != null ? Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val] : []; - }; - utils.tryParse = function(str) { - try { - return JSON.parse(str); - } catch (err) { - } - return {}; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/index.js - var require_utils = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/index.js"(exports) { - "use strict"; - var util = require_handlebars_utils(); - exports.contains = function(val, obj, start) { - if (val == null || obj == null || isNaN(val.length)) { - return false; - } - return val.indexOf(obj, start) !== -1; - }; - exports.chop = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - var re = /^[-_.\W\s]+|[-_.\W\s]+$/g; - return str.trim().replace(re, ""); - }; - exports.changecase = function(str, fn) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - if (str.length === 1) { - return str.toLowerCase(); - } - str = exports.chop(str).toLowerCase(); - if (typeof fn !== "function") { - fn = util.identity; - } - var re = /[-_.\W\s]+(\w|$)/g; - return str.replace(re, function(_, ch) { - return fn(ch); - }); - }; - exports.random = function(min, max) { - return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/math.js - var require_math = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/math.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var utils = require_utils(); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - helpers2.abs = function(num) { - if (isNaN(num)) { - throw new TypeError("expected a number"); - } - return Math.abs(num); - }; - helpers2.add = function(a, b) { - if (!isNaN(a) && !isNaN(b)) { - return Number(a) + Number(b); - } - if (typeof a === "string" && typeof b === "string") { - return a + b; - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.avg = function() { - const args = [].concat.apply([], arguments); - args.pop(); - return helpers2.sum(args) / args.length; - }; - helpers2.ceil = function(num) { - if (isNaN(num)) { - throw new TypeError("expected a number"); - } - return Math.ceil(num); - }; - helpers2.divide = function(a, b) { - if (isNaN(a)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); - } - if (isNaN(b)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); - } - return Number(a) / Number(b); - }; - helpers2.floor = function(num) { - if (isNaN(num)) { - throw new TypeError("expected a number"); - } - return Math.floor(num); - }; - helpers2.minus = function(a, b) { - if (isNaN(a)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); - } - if (isNaN(b)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); - } - return Number(a) - Number(b); - }; - helpers2.modulo = function(a, b) { - if (isNaN(a)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); - } - if (isNaN(b)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); - } - return Number(a) % Number(b); - }; - helpers2.multiply = function(a, b) { - if (isNaN(a)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); - } - if (isNaN(b)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); - } - return Number(a) * Number(b); - }; - = function(a, b) { - if (isNaN(a)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); - } - if (isNaN(b)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); - } - return Number(a) + Number(b); - }; - helpers2.random = function(min, max) { - if (isNaN(min)) { - throw new TypeError("expected minimum to be a number"); - } - if (isNaN(max)) { - throw new TypeError("expected maximum to be a number"); - } - return utils.random(min, max); - }; - helpers2.remainder = function(a, b) { - return a % b; - }; - helpers2.round = function(num) { - if (isNaN(num)) { - throw new TypeError("expected a number"); - } - return Math.round(num); - }; - helpers2.subtract = function(a, b) { - if (isNaN(a)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number"); - } - if (isNaN(b)) { - throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number"); - } - return Number(a) - Number(b); - }; - helpers2.sum = function() { - var args = [].concat.apply([], arguments); - var len = args.length; - var sum = 0; - while (len--) { - if (!isNaN(args[len])) { - sum += Number(args[len]); - } - } - return sum; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/isobject/index.js - var require_isobject = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/isobject/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - module.exports = function isObject(val) { - return val != null && typeof val === "object" && Array.isArray(val) === false; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/get-value/index.js - var require_get_value = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/get-value/index.js"(exports, module) { - var isObject = require_isobject(); - module.exports = function(target, path, options) { - if (!isObject(options)) { - options = { default: options }; - } - if (!isValidObject(target)) { - return typeof options.default !== "undefined" ? options.default : target; - } - if (typeof path === "number") { - path = String(path); - } - const isArray = Array.isArray(path); - const isString = typeof path === "string"; - const splitChar = options.separator || "."; - const joinChar = options.joinChar || (typeof splitChar === "string" ? splitChar : "."); - if (!isString && !isArray) { - return target; - } - if (isString && path in target) { - return isValid(path, target, options) ? target[path] : options.default; - } - let segs = isArray ? path : split(path, splitChar, options); - let len = segs.length; - let idx = 0; - do { - let prop = segs[idx]; - if (typeof prop === "number") { - prop = String(prop); - } - while (prop && prop.slice(-1) === "\\") { - prop = join([prop.slice(0, -1), segs[++idx] || ""], joinChar, options); - } - if (prop in target) { - if (!isValid(prop, target, options)) { - return options.default; - } - target = target[prop]; - } else { - let hasProp = false; - let n = idx + 1; - while (n < len) { - prop = join([prop, segs[n++]], joinChar, options); - if (hasProp = prop in target) { - if (!isValid(prop, target, options)) { - return options.default; - } - target = target[prop]; - idx = n - 1; - break; - } - } - if (!hasProp) { - return options.default; - } - } - } while (++idx < len && isValidObject(target)); - if (idx === len) { - return target; - } - return options.default; - }; - function join(segs, joinChar, options) { - if (typeof options.join === "function") { - return options.join(segs); - } - return segs[0] + joinChar + segs[1]; - } - function split(path, splitChar, options) { - if (typeof options.split === "function") { - return options.split(path); - } - return path.split(splitChar); - } - function isValid(key, target, options) { - if (typeof options.isValid === "function") { - return options.isValid(key, target); - } - return true; - } - function isValidObject(val) { - return isObject(val) || Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === "function"; - } - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/createFrame.js - var require_createFrame = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/createFrame.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - module.exports = function createFrame(data) { - if (typeof data !== "object") { - throw new TypeError("createFrame expects data to be an object"); - } - var frame = Object.assign({}, data); - frame._parent = data; - frame.extend = function(data2) { - Object.assign(this, data2); - }; - if (arguments.length > 1) { - var args = [], 1); - var len = args.length, i = -1; - while (++i < len) { - frame.extend(args[i] || {}); - } - } - return frame; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/array.js - var require_array = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/array.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var util = require_handlebars_utils(); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - var getValue = require_get_value(); - var createFrame = require_createFrame(); - helpers2.after = function(array, n) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - return array.slice(n); - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.arrayify = function(value2) { - if (util.isUndefined(value2)) - return []; - return value2 ? Array.isArray(value2) ? value2 : [value2] : []; - }; - helpers2.before = function(array, n) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - return array.slice(0, n - 1); - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.eachIndex = function(array, options) { - var result = ""; - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - result += options.fn({ item: array[i], index: i }); - } - } - return result; - }; - helpers2.filter = function(array, value2, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return options.inverse(this); - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - var content = ""; - var results = []; - var prop = options.hash && ( || options.hash.prop); - if (prop) { - results = array.filter(function(val) { - return value2 === getValue(val, prop); - }); - } else { - results = array.filter(function(v) { - return value2 === v; - }); - } - if (results && results.length > 0) { - for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { - content += options.fn(results[i]); - } - return content; - } - } - return options.inverse(this); - }; - helpers2.first = function(array, n) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return []; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - if (isNaN(n)) { - return array[0]; - } - return array.slice(0, n); - } - return []; - }; - helpers2.forEach = function(array, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return options.inverse(this); - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - var data = createFrame(options, options.hash); - var len = array.length; - var buffer = ""; - var i = -1; - while (++i < len) { - var item = array[i]; - data.index = i; - item.index = i + 1; - = len; - item.isFirst = i === 0; - item.isLast = i === len - 1; - buffer += options.fn(item, { data }); - } - return buffer; - } - return options.inverse(this); - }; - helpers2.inArray = function(array, value2, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - return util.value(util.indexOf(array, value2) > -1, this, options); - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.isArray = function(value2) { - return Array.isArray(value2); - }; - helpers2.itemAt = function(array, idx) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return null; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - idx = !isNaN(idx) ? +idx : 0; - if (idx < 0) { - return array[array.length + idx]; - } - if (idx < array.length) { - return array[idx]; - } - } - return null; - }; - helpers2.join = function(array, separator) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - if (typeof array === "string") - return array; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - separator = util.isString(separator) ? separator : ", "; - return array.join(separator); - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.equalsLength = function(value2, length, options) { - if (util.isOptions(length)) { - options = length; - length = 0; - } - var len = helpers2.length(value2); - return util.value(len === length, this, options); - }; - helpers2.last = function(array, n) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - if (!Array.isArray(array) && typeof value !== "string") { - return ""; - } - if (isNaN(n)) { - return array[array.length - 1]; - } - return array.slice(-Math.abs(n)); - }; - helpers2.length = function(array) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return 0; - if (util.isObject(array) && !util.isOptions(array)) { - array = Object.keys(array); - } - if (typeof array === "string" && array.startsWith("[") && array.endsWith("]")) { - return array.split(",").length; - } - if (typeof array === "string" || Array.isArray(array)) { - return array.length; - } - return 0; - }; - helpers2.lengthEqual = helpers2.equalsLength; - = function(array, iter) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - if (!Array.isArray(array)) - return ""; - var len = array.length; - var res = new Array(len); - var i = -1; - if (typeof iter !== "function") { - return array; - } - while (++i < len) { - res[i] = iter(array[i], i, array); - } - return res; - }; - helpers2.pluck = function(array, prop) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - var res = []; - for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - var val = getValue(array[i], prop); - if (typeof val !== "undefined") { - res.push(val); - } - } - return res; - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.reverse = function(array) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - array.reverse(); - return array; - } - if (array && typeof array === "string") { - return array.split("").reverse().join(""); - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.some = function(array, iter, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return options.inverse(this); - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - if (iter(array[i], i, array)) { - return options.fn(this); - } - } - } - return options.inverse(this); - }; - helpers2.sort = function(array, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - if (getValue(options, "hash.reverse")) { - return array.sort().reverse(); - } - return array.sort(); - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.sortBy = function(array, prop, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - var args = []; - args.pop(); - if (!util.isString(prop) && typeof prop !== "function") { - return array.sort(); - } - if (typeof prop === "function") { - return array.sort(prop); - } - return array.sort((a, b) => a[prop] > b[prop] ? 1 : -1); - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.withAfter = function(array, idx, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - array = array.slice(idx); - var result = ""; - for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - result += options.fn(array[i]); - } - return result; - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.withBefore = function(array, idx, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - array = array.slice(0, -idx); - var result = ""; - for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - result += options.fn(array[i]); - } - return result; - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.withFirst = function(array, idx, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - if (!util.isUndefined(idx)) { - idx = parseFloat(util.result(idx)); - } - if (util.isUndefined(idx)) { - options = idx; - return options.fn(array[0]); - } - array = array.slice(0, idx); - var result = ""; - for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - result += options.fn(array[i]); - } - return result; - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.withGroup = function(array, size, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - var result = ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array) && array.length > 0) { - var subcontext = []; - for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { - if (i > 0 && i % size === 0) { - result += options.fn(subcontext); - subcontext = []; - } - subcontext.push(array[i]); - } - result += options.fn(subcontext); - } - return result; - }; - helpers2.withLast = function(array, idx, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - if (!util.isUndefined(idx)) { - idx = parseFloat(util.result(idx)); - } - if (util.isUndefined(idx)) { - options = idx; - return options.fn(array[array.length - 1]); - } - array = array.slice(-idx); - var len = array.length, i = -1; - var result = ""; - while (++i < len) { - result += options.fn(array[i]); - } - return result; - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.withSort = function(array, prop, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - var result = ""; - if (util.isUndefined(prop)) { - options = prop; - array = array.sort(); - if (getValue(options, "hash.reverse")) { - array = array.reverse(); - } - for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { - result += options.fn(array[i]); - } - return result; - } - array.sort(function(a, b) { - a = getValue(a, prop); - b = getValue(b, prop); - return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; - }); - if (getValue(options, "hash.reverse")) { - array = array.reverse(); - } - var alen = array.length, j = -1; - while (++j < alen) { - result += options.fn(array[j]); - } - return result; - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.unique = function(array, options) { - if (util.isUndefined(array)) - return ""; - array = util.result(array); - if (Array.isArray(array)) { - return array.filter(function(item, index, arr) { - return arr.indexOf(item) === index; - }); - } - return ""; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/number.js - var require_number = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/number.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var util = require_handlebars_utils(); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - helpers2.bytes = function(number, precision, options) { - if (number == null) - return "0 B"; - if (isNaN(number)) { - number = number.length; - if (!number) - return "0 B"; - } - if (isNaN(precision)) { - precision = 2; - } - var abbr = ["B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"]; - precision = Math.pow(10, precision); - number = Number(number); - var len = abbr.length - 1; - while (len-- >= 0) { - var size = Math.pow(10, len * 3); - if (size <= number + 1) { - number = Math.round(number * precision / size) / precision; - number += " " + abbr[len]; - break; - } - } - return number; - }; - helpers2.addCommas = function(num) { - return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,"); - }; - helpers2.phoneNumber = function(num) { - num = num.toString(); - return "(" + num.substr(0, 3) + ") " + num.substr(3, 3) + "-" + num.substr(6, 4); - }; - helpers2.toAbbr = function(number, precision) { - if (isNaN(number)) { - number = 0; - } - if (util.isUndefined(precision)) { - precision = 2; - } - number = Number(number); - precision = Math.pow(10, precision); - var abbr = ["k", "m", "b", "t", "q"]; - var len = abbr.length - 1; - while (len >= 0) { - var size = Math.pow(10, (len + 1) * 3); - if (size <= number + 1) { - number = Math.round(number * precision / size) / precision; - number += abbr[len]; - break; - } - len--; - } - return number; - }; - helpers2.toExponential = function(number, digits) { - if (isNaN(number)) { - number = 0; - } - if (util.isUndefined(digits)) { - digits = 0; - } - return Number(number).toExponential(digits); - }; - helpers2.toFixed = function(number, digits) { - if (isNaN(number)) { - number = 0; - } - if (isNaN(digits)) { - digits = 0; - } - return Number(number).toFixed(digits); - }; - helpers2.toFloat = function(number) { - return parseFloat(number); - }; - helpers2.toInt = function(number) { - return parseInt(number, 10); - }; - helpers2.toPrecision = function(number, precision) { - if (isNaN(number)) { - number = 0; - } - if (isNaN(precision)) { - precision = 1; - } - return Number(number).toPrecision(precision); - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/url.js - var require_url = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/url.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var url = __require("url"); - var util = require_handlebars_utils(); - var querystring = __require("querystring"); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - helpers2.encodeURI = function(str) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - return encodeURIComponent(str); - } - }; - helpers2.escape = function(str) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - return querystring.escape(str); - } - }; - helpers2.decodeURI = function(str) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - return decodeURIComponent(str); - } - }; - helpers2.urlResolve = function(base, href) { - return url.resolve(base, href); - }; - helpers2.urlParse = function(str) { - return url.parse(str); - }; - helpers2.stripQuerystring = function(str) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - return str.split("?")[0]; - } - }; - helpers2.stripProtocol = function(str) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - var parsed = url.parse(str); - parsed.protocol = ""; - return parsed.format(); - } - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/string.js - var require_string = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/string.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var util = require_handlebars_utils(); - var utils = require_utils(); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - helpers2.append = function(str, suffix) { - if (typeof str === "string" && typeof suffix === "string") { - return str + suffix; - } - return str; - }; - helpers2.camelcase = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { - return ch.toUpperCase(); - }); - }; - helpers2.capitalize = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); - }; - helpers2.capitalizeAll = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - if (util.isString(str)) { - return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(word) { - return helpers2.capitalize(word); - }); - } - }; - = function(str, spaces) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - var space = ""; - var i = 0; - while (i < spaces) { - space += " "; - i++; - } - return space + str + space; - }; - helpers2.chop = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return utils.chop(str); - }; - helpers2.dashcase = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { - return "-" + ch; - }); - }; - helpers2.dotcase = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { - return "." + ch; - }); - }; - helpers2.downcase = function() { - return helpers2.lowercase.apply(this, arguments); - }; - helpers2.ellipsis = function(str, limit) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - if (str.length <= limit) { - return str; - } - return helpers2.truncate(str, limit) + "\u2026"; - } - }; - helpers2.hyphenate = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return str.split(" ").join("-"); - }; - helpers2.isString = function(value2) { - return typeof value2 === "string"; - }; - helpers2.lowercase = function(str) { - if (util.isObject(str) && str.fn) { - return str.fn(this).toLowerCase(); - } - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return str.toLowerCase(); - }; - helpers2.occurrences = function(str, substring) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - var len = substring.length; - var pos = 0; - var n = 0; - while ((pos = str.indexOf(substring, pos)) > -1) { - n++; - pos += len; - } - return n; - }; - helpers2.pascalcase = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - str = utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { - return ch.toUpperCase(); - }); - return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); - }; - helpers2.pathcase = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { - return "/" + ch; - }); - }; - helpers2.plusify = function(str, ch) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - if (!util.isString(ch)) - ch = " "; - return str.split(ch).join("+"); - }; - helpers2.prepend = function(str, prefix) { - return typeof str === "string" && typeof prefix === "string" ? prefix + str : str; - }; - helpers2.raw = function(options) { - var str = options.fn(); - var opts = util.options(this, options); - if (opts.escape !== false) { - var idx = 0; - while ((idx = str.indexOf("{{", idx)) !== -1) { - if (str[idx - 1] !== "\\") { - str = str.slice(0, idx) + "\\" + str.slice(idx); - } - idx += 3; - } - } - return str; - }; - helpers2.remove = function(str, ch) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - if (!util.isString(ch)) - return str; - return str.split(ch).join(""); - }; - helpers2.removeFirst = function(str, ch) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - if (!util.isString(ch)) - return str; - return str.replace(ch, ""); - }; - helpers2.replace = function(str, a, b) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - if (!util.isString(a)) - return str; - if (!util.isString(b)) - b = ""; - return str.split(a).join(b); - }; - helpers2.replaceFirst = function(str, a, b) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - if (!util.isString(a)) - return str; - if (!util.isString(b)) - b = ""; - return str.replace(a, b); - }; - helpers2.reverse = require_array().reverse; - helpers2.sentence = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return str.replace(/((?:\S[^\.\?\!]*)[\.\?\!]*)/g, function(txt) { - return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase(); - }); - }; - helpers2.snakecase = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return utils.changecase(str, function(ch) { - return "_" + ch; - }); - }; - helpers2.split = function(str, ch) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - if (!util.isString(ch)) - ch = ","; - return str.split(ch); - }; - helpers2.startsWith = function(prefix, str, options) { - var args = []; - options = args.pop(); - if (util.isString(str) && str.indexOf(prefix) === 0) { - return options.fn(this); - } - if (typeof options.inverse === "function") { - return options.inverse(this); - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.titleize = function(str) { - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - var title = str.replace(/[- _]+/g, " "); - var words = title.split(" "); - var len = words.length; - var res = []; - var i = 0; - while (len--) { - var word = words[i++]; - res.push(exports.capitalize(word)); - } - return res.join(" "); - }; - helpers2.trim = function(str) { - return typeof str === "string" ? str.trim() : ""; - }; - helpers2.trimLeft = function(str) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - return str.replace(/^\s+/, ""); - } - }; - helpers2.trimRight = function(str) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - return str.replace(/\s+$/, ""); - } - }; - helpers2.truncate = function(str, limit, suffix) { - if (util.isString(str)) { - if (typeof suffix !== "string") { - suffix = ""; - } - if (str.length > limit) { - return str.slice(0, limit - suffix.length) + suffix; - } - return str; - } - }; - helpers2.truncateWords = function(str, count, suffix) { - if (util.isString(str) && !isNaN(count)) { - if (typeof suffix !== "string") { - suffix = "\u2026"; - } - var num = Number(count); - var arr = str.split(/[ \t]/); - if (num >= arr.length) { - return str; - } - arr = arr.slice(0, num); - var val = arr.join(" ").trim(); - return val + suffix; - } - }; - helpers2.upcase = function() { - return helpers2.uppercase.apply(this, arguments); - }; - helpers2.uppercase = function(str) { - if (util.isObject(str) && str.fn) { - return str.fn(this).toUpperCase(); - } - if (typeof str !== "string") - return ""; - return str.toUpperCase(); - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/has-values/index.js - var require_has_values = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/has-values/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var typeOf = require_kind_of2(); - module.exports = function has(val) { - switch (typeOf(val)) { - case "boolean": - case "date": - case "function": - case "null": - case "number": - return true; - case "undefined": - return false; - case "regexp": - return val.source !== "(?:)" && val.source !== ""; - case "buffer": - return val.toString() !== ""; - case "error": - return val.message !== ""; - case "string": - case "arguments": - return val.length !== 0; - case "file": - case "map": - case "set": - return val.size !== 0; - case "array": - case "object": - for (const key of Object.keys(val)) { - if (has(val[key])) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - default: { - return true; - } - } - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/has-value/index.js - var require_has_value = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/has-value/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var get = require_get_value(); - var has = require_has_values(); - module.exports = function(obj, path, options) { - if (isObject(obj) && (typeof path === "string" || Array.isArray(path))) { - return has(get(obj, path, options)); - } - return false; - }; - function isObject(val) { - return val != null && (typeof val === "object" || typeof val === "function" || Array.isArray(val)); - } - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/falsey.js - var require_falsey = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/falsey.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - function falsey(val, keywords) { - if (!val) - return true; - let words = keywords || falsey.keywords; - if (!Array.isArray(words)) - words = [words]; - const lower = typeof val === "string" ? val.toLowerCase() : null; - for (const word of words) { - if (word === val) { - return true; - } - if (word === lower) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - falsey.keywords = [ - "0", - "false", - "nada", - "nil", - "nay", - "nah", - "negative", - "no", - "none", - "nope", - "nul", - "null", - "nix", - "nyet", - "uh-uh", - "veto", - "zero" - ]; - module.exports = falsey; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/odd.js - var require_odd = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/utils/odd.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - module.exports = function isOdd(value2) { - const n = Math.abs(value2); - if (isNaN(n)) { - throw new TypeError("expected a number"); - } - if (!Number.isInteger(n)) { - throw new Error("expected an integer"); - } - if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n)) { - throw new Error("value exceeds maximum safe integer"); - } - return n % 2 === 1; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/comparison.js - var require_comparison = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/comparison.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var has = require_has_value(); - var util = require_handlebars_utils(); - var utils = require_utils(); - var falsey = require_falsey(); - var isOdd = require_odd(); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - helpers2.and = function() { - var len = arguments.length - 1; - var options = arguments[len]; - var val = true; - for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { - if (!arguments[i]) { - val = false; - break; - } - } - return util.value(val, this, options); - }; - = function(a, operator, b, options) { - if (arguments.length < 4) { - throw new Error("handlebars Helper {{compare}} expects 4 arguments"); - } - var result; - switch (operator) { - case "==": - result = a == b; - break; - case "===": - result = a === b; - break; - case "!=": - result = a != b; - break; - case "!==": - result = a !== b; - break; - case "<": - result = a < b; - break; - case ">": - result = a > b; - break; - case "<=": - result = a <= b; - break; - case ">=": - result = a >= b; - break; - case "typeof": - result = typeof a === b; - break; - default: { - throw new Error( - "helper {{compare}}: invalid operator: `" + operator + "`" - ); - } - } - return util.value(result, this, options); - }; - helpers2.contains = function(collection, value2, startIndex, options) { - if (typeof startIndex === "object") { - options = startIndex; - startIndex = void 0; - } - var val = utils.contains(collection, value2, startIndex); - return util.value(val, this, options); - }; - helpers2.default = function() { - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) { - if (arguments[i] != null) - return arguments[i]; - } - return ""; - }; - helpers2.eq = function(a, b, options) { - if (arguments.length === 2) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a === b, this, options); - }; - = function(a, b, options) { - if (arguments.length === 2) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a > b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.gte = function(a, b, options) { - if (arguments.length === 2) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a >= b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.has = function(value2, pattern, options) { - if (util.isOptions(value2)) { - options = value2; - pattern = null; - value2 = null; - } - if (util.isOptions(pattern)) { - options = pattern; - pattern = null; - } - if (value2 === null) { - return util.value(false, this, options); - } - if (arguments.length === 2) { - return util.value(has(this, value2), this, options); - } - if ((Array.isArray(value2) || util.isString(value2)) && util.isString(pattern)) { - if (value2.indexOf(pattern) > -1) { - return util.fn(true, this, options); - } - } - if (util.isObject(value2) && util.isString(pattern) && pattern in value2) { - return util.fn(true, this, options); - } - return util.inverse(false, this, options); - }; - helpers2.isFalsey = function(val, options) { - return util.value(falsey(val), this, options); - }; - helpers2.isTruthy = function(val, options) { - return util.value(!falsey(val), this, options); - }; - helpers2.ifEven = function(num, options) { - return util.value(!isOdd(num), this, options); - }; - helpers2.ifNth = function(a, b, options) { - var isNth = !isNaN(a) && !isNaN(b) && b % a === 0; - return util.value(isNth, this, options); - }; - helpers2.ifOdd = function(val, options) { - return util.value(isOdd(val), this, options); - }; - = function(a, b, options) { - if (arguments.length === 2) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a == b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.isnt = function(a, b, options) { - if (arguments.length === 2) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a != b, this, options); - }; - = function(a, b, options) { - if (arguments.length === 2) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a < b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.lte = function(a, b, options) { - if (arguments.length === 2) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a <= b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.neither = function(a, b, options) { - return util.value(!a && !b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.not = function(val, options) { - return util.value(!val, this, options); - }; - helpers2.or = function() { - var len = arguments.length - 1; - var options = arguments[len]; - var val = false; - for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { - if (arguments[i]) { - val = true; - break; - } - } - return util.value(val, this, options); - }; - helpers2.unlessEq = function(a, b, options) { - if (util.isOptions(b)) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a !== b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.unlessGt = function(a, b, options) { - if (util.isOptions(b)) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a <= b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.unlessLt = function(a, b, options) { - if (util.isOptions(b)) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a >= b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.unlessGteq = function(a, b, options) { - if (util.isOptions(b)) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a < b, this, options); - }; - helpers2.unlessLteq = function(a, b, options) { - if (util.isOptions(b)) { - options = b; - b =; - } - return util.value(a > b, this, options); - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/is-number/node_modules/kind-of/index.js - var require_kind_of3 = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/is-number/node_modules/kind-of/index.js"(exports, module) { - var isBuffer = require_is_buffer(); - var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - if (typeof val === "undefined") { - return "undefined"; - } - if (val === null) { - return "null"; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return "boolean"; - } - if (typeof val === "string" || val instanceof String) { - return "string"; - } - if (typeof val === "number" || val instanceof Number) { - return "number"; - } - if (typeof val === "function" || val instanceof Function) { - return "function"; - } - if (typeof Array.isArray !== "undefined" && Array.isArray(val)) { - return "array"; - } - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return "regexp"; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return "date"; - } - var type =; - if (type === "[object RegExp]") { - return "regexp"; - } - if (type === "[object Date]") { - return "date"; - } - if (type === "[object Arguments]") { - return "arguments"; - } - if (type === "[object Error]") { - return "error"; - } - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return "buffer"; - } - if (type === "[object Set]") { - return "set"; - } - if (type === "[object WeakSet]") { - return "weakset"; - } - if (type === "[object Map]") { - return "map"; - } - if (type === "[object WeakMap]") { - return "weakmap"; - } - if (type === "[object Symbol]") { - return "symbol"; - } - if (type === "[object Int8Array]") { - return "int8array"; - } - if (type === "[object Uint8Array]") { - return "uint8array"; - } - if (type === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]") { - return "uint8clampedarray"; - } - if (type === "[object Int16Array]") { - return "int16array"; - } - if (type === "[object Uint16Array]") { - return "uint16array"; - } - if (type === "[object Int32Array]") { - return "int32array"; - } - if (type === "[object Uint32Array]") { - return "uint32array"; - } - if (type === "[object Float32Array]") { - return "float32array"; - } - if (type === "[object Float64Array]") { - return "float64array"; - } - return "object"; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/is-number/index.js - var require_is_number = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/is-number/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var typeOf = require_kind_of3(); - module.exports = function isNumber(num) { - var type = typeOf(num); - if (type !== "number" && type !== "string") { - return false; - } - var n = +num; - return n - n + 1 >= 0 && num !== ""; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/get-object/index.js - var require_get_object = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/get-object/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var isNumber = require_is_number(); - module.exports = function getObject(obj, prop) { - if (!prop) - return obj; - if (!obj) - return {}; - var segs = String(prop).split(/[[.\]]/).filter(Boolean); - var last = segs[segs.length - 1], res = {}; - while (prop = segs.shift()) { - obj = obj[prop]; - if (!obj) - return {}; - } - if (isNumber(last)) - return [obj]; - res[last] = obj; - return res; - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/object.js - var require_object = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/object.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var hasOwn = Object.hasOwnProperty; - var util = require_handlebars_utils(); - var array = require_array(); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - var getValue = require_get_value(); - var getObject = require_get_object(); - var createFrame = require_createFrame(); - helpers2.extend = function() { - var args = []; - var opts = {}; - if (util.isOptions(args[args.length - 1])) { - opts = args.pop().hash; - args.push(opts); - } - var context = {}; - for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { - var obj = args[i]; - if (util.isObject(obj)) { - var keys = Object.keys(obj); - for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { - var key = keys[j]; - context[key] = obj[key]; - } - } - } - return context; - }; - helpers2.forIn = function(obj, options) { - if (!util.isOptions(options)) { - return obj.inverse(this); - } - var data = createFrame(options, options.hash); - var result = ""; - for (var key in obj) { - data.key = key; - result += options.fn(obj[key], { data }); - } - return result; - }; - helpers2.forOwn = function(obj, options) { - if (!util.isOptions(options)) { - return obj.inverse(this); - } - var data = createFrame(options, options.hash); - var result = ""; - for (var key in obj) { - if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - data.key = key; - result += options.fn(obj[key], { data }); - } - } - return result; - }; - helpers2.toPath = function() { - var prop = []; - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - if (typeof arguments[i] === "string" || typeof arguments[i] === "number") { - prop.push(arguments[i]); - } - } - return prop.join("."); - }; - helpers2.get = function(prop, context, options) { - var val = getValue(context, prop); - if (options && options.fn) { - return val ? options.fn(val) : options.inverse(context); - } - return val; - }; - helpers2.getObject = function(prop, context) { - return getObject(context, prop); - }; - helpers2.hasOwn = function(context, key) { - return, key); - }; - helpers2.isObject = function(value2) { - return typeof value2 === "object"; - }; - helpers2.JSONparse = function(str, options) { - return JSON.parse(str); - }; - helpers2.JSONstringify = function(obj, indent) { - if (isNaN(indent)) { - indent = 0; - } - return JSON.stringify(obj, null, indent); - }; - helpers2.merge = function(context) { - var args = []; - var opts = {}; - if (util.isOptions(args[args.length - 1])) { - opts = args.pop().hash; - args.push(opts); - } - return Object.assign.apply(null, args); - }; - helpers2.parseJSON = helpers2.JSONparse; - helpers2.pick = function(props, context, options) { - var keys = array.arrayify(props); - var len = keys.length, i = -1; - var result = {}; - while (++i < len) { - result = helpers2.extend({}, result, getObject(context, keys[i])); - } - if (options.fn) { - if (Object.keys(result).length) { - return options.fn(result); - } - return options.inverse(context); - } - return result; - }; - helpers2.stringify = helpers2.JSONstringify; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/regex.js - var require_regex = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/regex.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - var util = require_handlebars_utils(); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - var kindOf = require_kind_of2(); - helpers2.toRegex = function(str, locals, options) { - var opts = util.options({}, locals, options); - return new RegExp(str, opts.flags); - }; - helpers2.test = function(str, regex) { - if (typeof str !== "string") { - return false; - } - if (kindOf(regex) !== "regexp") { - throw new TypeError("expected a regular expression"); - } - return regex.test(str); - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/rng.js - function rng() { - if (poolPtr > rnds8Pool.length - 16) { - import_crypto.default.randomFillSync(rnds8Pool); - poolPtr = 0; - } - return rnds8Pool.slice(poolPtr, poolPtr += 16); - } - var import_crypto, rnds8Pool, poolPtr; - var init_rng = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/rng.js"() { - import_crypto = __toESM(__require("crypto")); - rnds8Pool = new Uint8Array(256); - poolPtr = rnds8Pool.length; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/regex.js - var regex_default; - var init_regex = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/regex.js"() { - regex_default = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/validate.js - function validate(uuid) { - return typeof uuid === "string" && regex_default.test(uuid); - } - var validate_default; - var init_validate = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/validate.js"() { - init_regex(); - validate_default = validate; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/stringify.js - function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) { - return byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]; - } - function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { - const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset); - if (!validate_default(uuid)) { - throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid"); - } - return uuid; - } - var byteToHex, stringify_default; - var init_stringify = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/stringify.js"() { - init_validate(); - byteToHex = []; - for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { - byteToHex.push((i + 256).toString(16).slice(1)); - } - stringify_default = stringify; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v1.js - function v1(options, buf, offset) { - let i = buf && offset || 0; - const b = buf || new Array(16); - options = options || {}; - let node = options.node || _nodeId; - let clockseq = options.clockseq !== void 0 ? options.clockseq : _clockseq; - if (node == null || clockseq == null) { - const seedBytes = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); - if (node == null) { - node = _nodeId = [seedBytes[0] | 1, seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]]; - } - if (clockseq == null) { - clockseq = _clockseq = (seedBytes[6] << 8 | seedBytes[7]) & 16383; - } - } - let msecs = options.msecs !== void 0 ? options.msecs :; - let nsecs = options.nsecs !== void 0 ? options.nsecs : _lastNSecs + 1; - const dt = msecs - _lastMSecs + (nsecs - _lastNSecs) / 1e4; - if (dt < 0 && options.clockseq === void 0) { - clockseq = clockseq + 1 & 16383; - } - if ((dt < 0 || msecs > _lastMSecs) && options.nsecs === void 0) { - nsecs = 0; - } - if (nsecs >= 1e4) { - throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"); - } - _lastMSecs = msecs; - _lastNSecs = nsecs; - _clockseq = clockseq; - msecs += 122192928e5; - const tl = ((msecs & 268435455) * 1e4 + nsecs) % 4294967296; - b[i++] = tl >>> 24 & 255; - b[i++] = tl >>> 16 & 255; - b[i++] = tl >>> 8 & 255; - b[i++] = tl & 255; - const tmh = msecs / 4294967296 * 1e4 & 268435455; - b[i++] = tmh >>> 8 & 255; - b[i++] = tmh & 255; - b[i++] = tmh >>> 24 & 15 | 16; - b[i++] = tmh >>> 16 & 255; - b[i++] = clockseq >>> 8 | 128; - b[i++] = clockseq & 255; - for (let n = 0; n < 6; ++n) { - b[i + n] = node[n]; - } - return buf || unsafeStringify(b); - } - var _nodeId, _clockseq, _lastMSecs, _lastNSecs, v1_default; - var init_v1 = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v1.js"() { - init_rng(); - init_stringify(); - _lastMSecs = 0; - _lastNSecs = 0; - v1_default = v1; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/parse.js - function parse(uuid) { - if (!validate_default(uuid)) { - throw TypeError("Invalid UUID"); - } - let v; - const arr = new Uint8Array(16); - arr[0] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(0, 8), 16)) >>> 24; - arr[1] = v >>> 16 & 255; - arr[2] = v >>> 8 & 255; - arr[3] = v & 255; - arr[4] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(9, 13), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[5] = v & 255; - arr[6] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 18), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[7] = v & 255; - arr[8] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(19, 23), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[9] = v & 255; - arr[10] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(24, 36), 16)) / 1099511627776 & 255; - arr[11] = v / 4294967296 & 255; - arr[12] = v >>> 24 & 255; - arr[13] = v >>> 16 & 255; - arr[14] = v >>> 8 & 255; - arr[15] = v & 255; - return arr; - } - var parse_default; - var init_parse = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/parse.js"() { - init_validate(); - parse_default = parse; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v35.js - function stringToBytes(str) { - str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); - const bytes = []; - for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { - bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); - } - return bytes; - } - function v35(name, version2, hashfunc) { - function generateUUID(value2, namespace, buf, offset) { - var _namespace; - if (typeof value2 === "string") { - value2 = stringToBytes(value2); - } - if (typeof namespace === "string") { - namespace = parse_default(namespace); - } - if (((_namespace = namespace) === null || _namespace === void 0 ? void 0 : _namespace.length) !== 16) { - throw TypeError("Namespace must be array-like (16 iterable integer values, 0-255)"); - } - let bytes = new Uint8Array(16 + value2.length); - bytes.set(namespace); - bytes.set(value2, namespace.length); - bytes = hashfunc(bytes); - bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 15 | version2; - bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 63 | 128; - if (buf) { - offset = offset || 0; - for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { - buf[offset + i] = bytes[i]; - } - return buf; - } - return unsafeStringify(bytes); - } - try { - = name; - } catch (err) { - } - generateUUID.DNS = DNS; - generateUUID.URL = URL; - return generateUUID; - } - var DNS, URL; - var init_v35 = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v35.js"() { - init_stringify(); - init_parse(); - DNS = "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"; - URL = "6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/md5.js - function md5(bytes) { - if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); - } else if (typeof bytes === "string") { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, "utf8"); - } - return import_crypto2.default.createHash("md5").update(bytes).digest(); - } - var import_crypto2, md5_default; - var init_md5 = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/md5.js"() { - import_crypto2 = __toESM(__require("crypto")); - md5_default = md5; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v3.js - var v3, v3_default; - var init_v3 = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v3.js"() { - init_v35(); - init_md5(); - v3 = v35("v3", 48, md5_default); - v3_default = v3; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/native.js - var import_crypto3, native_default; - var init_native = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/native.js"() { - import_crypto3 = __toESM(__require("crypto")); - native_default = { - randomUUID: import_crypto3.default.randomUUID - }; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v4.js - function v4(options, buf, offset) { - if (native_default.randomUUID && !buf && !options) { - return native_default.randomUUID(); - } - options = options || {}; - const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); - rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 15 | 64; - rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 63 | 128; - if (buf) { - offset = offset || 0; - for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { - buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; - } - return buf; - } - return unsafeStringify(rnds); - } - var v4_default; - var init_v4 = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v4.js"() { - init_native(); - init_rng(); - init_stringify(); - v4_default = v4; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/sha1.js - function sha1(bytes) { - if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); - } else if (typeof bytes === "string") { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, "utf8"); - } - return import_crypto4.default.createHash("sha1").update(bytes).digest(); - } - var import_crypto4, sha1_default; - var init_sha1 = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/sha1.js"() { - import_crypto4 = __toESM(__require("crypto")); - sha1_default = sha1; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v5.js - var v5, v5_default; - var init_v5 = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v5.js"() { - init_v35(); - init_sha1(); - v5 = v35("v5", 80, sha1_default); - v5_default = v5; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/nil.js - var nil_default; - var init_nil = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/nil.js"() { - nil_default = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/version.js - function version(uuid) { - if (!validate_default(uuid)) { - throw TypeError("Invalid UUID"); - } - return parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 15), 16); - } - var version_default; - var init_version = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/version.js"() { - init_validate(); - version_default = version; - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/index.js - var esm_node_exports = {}; - __export(esm_node_exports, { - NIL: () => nil_default, - parse: () => parse_default, - stringify: () => stringify_default, - v1: () => v1_default, - v3: () => v3_default, - v4: () => v4_default, - v5: () => v5_default, - validate: () => validate_default, - version: () => version_default - }); - var init_esm_node = __esm({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/index.js"() { - init_v1(); - init_v3(); - init_v4(); - init_v5(); - init_nil(); - init_version(); - init_validate(); - init_stringify(); - init_parse(); - } - }); - - // ../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/uuid.js - var require_uuid = __commonJS({ - "../../node_modules/@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/uuid.js"(exports, module) { - var uuid = (init_esm_node(), __toCommonJS(esm_node_exports)); - var helpers2 = module.exports; - helpers2.uuid = function() { - return uuid.v4(); - }; - } - }); - - // ../string-templates/src/helpers/list.js - var require_list = __commonJS({ - "../string-templates/src/helpers/list.js"(exports, module) { - var { date, duration } = require_date(); - var externalCollections = { - math: require_math(), - array: require_array(), - number: require_number(), - url: require_url(), - string: require_string(), - comparison: require_comparison(), - object: require_object(), - regex: require_regex(), - uuid: require_uuid() - }; - var helpersToRemoveForJs = ["sortBy"]; - module.exports.helpersToRemoveForJs = helpersToRemoveForJs; - var addedHelpers = { - date, - duration - }; - var helpers2 = void 0; - module.exports.getJsHelperList = () => { - if (helpers2) { - return helpers2; - } - helpers2 = {}; - for (let collection of Object.values(externalCollections)) { - for (let [key, func] of Object.entries(collection)) { - helpers2[key] = (...props) => func(...props, {}); - } - } - for (let key of Object.keys(addedHelpers)) { - helpers2[key] = addedHelpers[key]; - } - for (const toRemove of helpersToRemoveForJs) { - delete helpers2[toRemove]; - } - Object.freeze(helpers2); - return helpers2; - }; - } - }); - - // src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts - var index_helpers_exports = {}; - __export(index_helpers_exports, { - helpers: () => helpers - }); - var { - getJsHelperList - } = require_list(); - var helpers = { - ...getJsHelperList(), - // pointing stripProtocol to a unexisting function to be able to declare it on isolated-vm - // @ts-ignore - // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef - stripProtocol: helpersStripProtocol - }; - return __toCommonJS(index_helpers_exports); -})(); +"use strict";var helpers=(()=>{var hn=Object.create;var Se=Object.defineProperty;var pn=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var mn=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var gn=Object.getPrototypeOf,yn=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var fe=(e=>typeof require<"u"?require:typeof Proxy<"u"?new Proxy(e,{get:(t,r)=>(typeof require<"u"?require:t)[r]}):e)(function(e){if(typeof require<"u")return require.apply(this,arguments);throw Error('Dynamic require of "'+e+'" is not supported')});var Z=(e,t)=>()=>(e&&(t=e(e=0)),t);var U=(e,t)=>()=>(t||e((t={exports:{}}).exports,t),t.exports),yt=(e,t)=>{for(var r in t)Se(e,r,{get:t[r],enumerable:!0})},vt=(e,t,r,n)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let i of mn(t))!,i)&&i!==r&&Se(e,i,{get:()=>t[i],enumerable:!(n=pn(t,i))||n.enumerable});return e};var Ne=(e,t,r)=>(r=e!=null?hn(gn(e)):{},vt(t||!e||!e.__esModule?Se(r,"default",{value:e,enumerable:!0}):r,e)),$t=e=>vt(Se({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),e);var bt=U((qe,Ye)=>{(function(e,t){typeof 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h=-$.utcOffset(),c=Math.abs(h),b=Math.floor(c/60),d=c%60;return(h<=0?"+":"-")+Y(b,2,"0")+":"+Y(d,2,"0")},m:function $(h,c){if( $(j[0])}else{var;S[_]=h,d=_}return!b&&d&&(q=d),d||!b&&q},N=function($,h){if(o($))return $.clone();var c=typeof h=="object"?h:{};return$,c.args=arguments,new B(c)},O=F;O.l=D,O.i=o,O.w=function($,h){return N($,{locale:h.$L,utc:h.$u,x:h.$x,$offset:h.$offset})};var B=function(){function $(c){this.$L=D(c.locale,null,!0),this.parse(c),this.$x=this.$x||c.x||{},this[p]=!0}var h=$.prototype;return h.parse=function(c){this.$d=function(b){var,M=b.utc;if(d===null)return new Date(NaN);if(O.u(d))return new Date;if(d instanceof Date)return new Date(d);if(typeof d=="string"&&!/Z$/i.test(d)){var j=d.match(T);if(j){var _=j[2]-1||0,H=(j[7]||"0").substring(0,3);return M?new Date(Date.UTC(j[1],_,j[3]||1,j[4]||0,j[5]||0,j[6]||0,H)):new Date(j[1],_,j[3]||1,j[4]||0,j[5]||0,j[6]||0,H)}}return new Date(d)}(c),this.init()},h.init=function(){var c=this.$d;this.$y=c.getFullYear(),this.$M=c.getMonth(),this.$D=c.getDate(),this.$W=c.getDay(),this.$H=c.getHours(),this.$m=c.getMinutes(),this.$s=c.getSeconds(),this.$ms=c.getMilliseconds()},h.$utils=function(){return O},h.isValid=function(){return this.$d.toString()!==a},h.isSame=function(c,b){var d=N(c);return this.startOf(b)<=d&&d<=this.endOf(b)},h.isAfter=function(c,b){return N(c){(function(e,t){typeof Ce=="object"&&typeof Ee<"u"?Ee.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_duration=t()})(Ce,function(){"use strict";var e,t,r=1e3,n=6e4,i=36e5,u=864e5,s=/\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g,f=31536e6,w=2628e6,g=/^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/,l={years:f,months:w,days:u,hours:i,minutes:n,seconds:r,milliseconds:1,weeks:6048e5},x=function(S){return S instanceof F},v=function(S,p,o){return new F(S,o,p.$l)},a=function(S){return t.p(S)+"s"},T=function(S){return S<0},E=function(S){return T(S)?Math.ceil(S):Math.floor(S)},I=function(S){return Math.abs(S)},Y=function(S,p){return S?T(S)?{negative:!0,format:""+I(S)+p}:{negative:!1,format:""+S+p}:{negative:!1,format:""}},F=function(){function S(o,D,N){var O=this;if(this.$d={},this.$l=N,o===void 0&&(this.$ms=0,this.parseFromMilliseconds()),D)return v(o*l[a(D)],this);if(typeof o=="number")return this.$ms=o,this.parseFromMilliseconds(),this;if(typeof o=="object")return 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N==="milliseconds"?D%=1e3:D=N==="weeks"?E(D/l[N]):this.$d[N],D||0},p.add=function(o,D,N){var O;return O=D?o*l[a(D)]:x(o)?o.$ms:v(o,this).$ms,v(this.$ms+O*(N?-1:1),this)},p.subtract=function(o,D){return this.add(o,D,!0)},p.locale=function(o){var D=this.clone();return D.$l=o,D},p.clone=function(){return v(this.$ms,this)},p.humanize=function(o){return e().add(this.$ms,"ms").locale(this.$l).fromNow(!o)},p.valueOf=function(){return this.asMilliseconds()},p.milliseconds=function(){return this.get("milliseconds")},p.asMilliseconds=function(){return"milliseconds")},p.seconds=function(){return this.get("seconds")},p.asSeconds=function(){return"seconds")},p.minutes=function(){return this.get("minutes")},p.asMinutes=function(){return"minutes")},p.hours=function(){return this.get("hours")},p.asHours=function(){return"hours")},p.days=function(){return this.get("days")},p.asDays=function(){return"days")},p.weeks=function(){return this.get("weeks")},p.asWeeks=function(){return"weeks")},p.months=function(){return this.get("months")},p.asMonths=function(){return"months")},p.years=function(){return this.get("years")},p.asYears=function(){return"years")},S}(),q=function(S,p,o){return S.add(p.years()*o,"y").add(p.months()*o,"M").add(p.days()*o,"d").add(p.hours()*o,"h").add(p.minutes()*o,"m").add(p.seconds()*o,"s").add(p.milliseconds()*o,"ms")};return function(S,p,o){e=o,t=o().$utils(),o.duration=function(O,B){var J=o.locale();return v(O,{$l:J},B)},o.isDuration=x;var D=p.prototype.add,N=p.prototype.subtract;p.prototype.add=function(O,B){return x(O)?q(this,O,1):D.bind(this)(O,B)},p.prototype.subtract=function(O,B){return x(O)?q(this,O,-1):N.bind(this)(O,B)}}})});var Ot=U((Ie,_e)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Ie=="object"&&typeof _e<"u"?_e.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_advancedFormat=t()})(Ie,function(){"use strict";return function(e,t){var r=t.prototype,n=r.format;r.format=function(i){var u=this,s=this.$locale();if(!this.isValid())return n.bind(this)(i);var f=this.$utils(),w=(i||"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ").replace(/\[([^\]]+)]|Q|wo|ww|w|WW|W|zzz|z|gggg|GGGG|Do|X|x|k{1,2}|S/g,function(g){switch(g){case"Q":return Math.ceil((u.$M+1)/3);case"Do":return s.ordinal(u.$D);case"gggg":return u.weekYear();case"GGGG":return u.isoWeekYear();case"wo":return s.ordinal(u.week(),"W");case"w":case"ww":return f.s(u.week(),g==="w"?1:2,"0");case"W":case"WW":return f.s(u.isoWeek(),g==="W"?1:2,"0");case"k":case"kk":return f.s(String(u.$H===0?24:u.$H),g==="k"?1:2,"0");case"X":return Math.floor(u.$d.getTime()/1e3);case"x":return u.$d.getTime();case"z":return"["+u.offsetName()+"]";case"zzz":return"["+u.offsetName("long")+"]";default:return g}});return n.bind(this)(w)}}})});var xt=U((We,Fe)=>{(function(e,t){typeof We=="object"&&typeof Fe<"u"?Fe.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_isoWeek=t()})(We,function(){"use strict";var e="day";return function(t,r,n){var i=function(f){return f.add(4-f.isoWeekday(),e)},u=r.prototype;u.isoWeekYear=function(){return i(this).year()},u.isoWeek=function(f){if(!this.$utils().u(f))return this.add(7*(f-this.isoWeek()),e);var w,g,l,x,v=i(this),a=(w=this.isoWeekYear(),g=this.$u,l=(g?n.utc:n)().year(w).startOf("year"),x=4-l.isoWeekday(),l.isoWeekday()>4&&(x+=7),l.add(x,e));return v.diff(a,"week")+1},u.isoWeekday=function(f){return this.$utils().u(f)?||};var s=u.startOf;u.startOf=function(f,w){var g=this.$utils(),l=!!g.u(w)||w;return g.p(f)==="isoweek"?l?"day")"day"):s.bind(this)(f,w)}}})});var St=U((He,Be)=>{(function(e,t){typeof He=="object"&&typeof Be<"u"?Be.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_weekYear=t()})(He,function(){"use strict";return function(e,t){t.prototype.weekYear=function(){var r=this.month(),n=this.week(),i=this.year();return n===1&&r===11?i+1:r===0&&n>=52?i-1:i}}})});var Nt=U((Le,ze)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Le=="object"&&typeof ze<"u"?ze.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_weekOfYear=t()})(Le,function(){"use strict";var e="week",t="year";return function(r,n,i){var u=n.prototype;u.week=function(s){if(s===void 0&&(s=null),s!==null)return this.add(7*(s-this.week()),"day");var f=this.$locale().yearStart||1;if(this.month()===11&&>25){var w=i(this).startOf(t).add(1,t).date(f),g=i(this).endOf(e);if(w.isBefore(g))return 1}var l=i(this).startOf(t).date(f).startOf(e).subtract(1,"millisecond"),x=this.diff(l,e,!0);return x<0?i(this).startOf("week").week():Math.ceil(x)},u.weeks=function(s){return s===void 0&&(s=null),this.week(s)}}})});var Mt=U((Pe,Re)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Pe=="object"&&typeof Re<"u"?Re.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof 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s=function(f){return f.$u?r.utc():r()};n.toNow=function(f){return,f)},n.fromNow=function(f){return this.from(s(this),f)}}})});var jt=U((Je,Ge)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Je=="object"&&typeof Ge<"u"?Ge.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_utc=t()})(Je,function(){"use strict";var e="minute",t=/[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/g,r=/([+-]|\d\d)/g;return function(n,i,u){var s=i.prototype;u.utc=function(a){var T={date:a,utc:!0,args:arguments};return new i(T)},s.utc=function(a){var T=u(this.toDate(),{locale:this.$L,utc:!0});return a?T.add(this.utcOffset(),e):T},s.local=function(){return u(this.toDate(),{locale:this.$L,utc:!1})};var f=s.parse;s.parse=function(a){a.utc&&(this.$u=!0),this.$utils().u(a.$offset)||(this.$offset=a.$offset),,a)};var w=s.init;s.init=function(){if(this.$u){var a=this.$d;this.$y=a.getUTCFullYear(),this.$M=a.getUTCMonth(),this.$D=a.getUTCDate(),this.$W=a.getUTCDay(),this.$H=a.getUTCHours(),this.$m=a.getUTCMinutes(),this.$s=a.getUTCSeconds(),this.$ms=a.getUTCMilliseconds()}else};var g=s.utcOffset;s.utcOffset=function(a,T){var E=this.$utils().u;if(E(a))return this.$u?0:E(this.$offset)?$offset;if(typeof a=="string"&&(a=function(q){q===void 0&&(q="");var S=q.match(t);if(!S)return null;var p=(""+S[0]).match(r)||["-",0,0],o=p[0],D=60*+p[1]+ +p[2];return D===0?0:o==="+"?D:-D}(a),a===null))return this;var I=Math.abs(a)<=16?60*a:a,Y=this;if(T)return Y.$offset=I,Y.$u=a===0,Y;if(a!==0){var F=this.$u?this.toDate().getTimezoneOffset():-1*this.utcOffset();(Y=this.local().add(I+F,e)).$offset=I,Y.$x.$localOffset=F}else Y=this.utc();return Y};var l=s.format;s.format=function(a){var T=a||(this.$u?"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]":"");return,T)},s.valueOf=function(){var a=this.$utils().u(this.$offset)?0:this.$offset+(this.$x.$localOffset||this.$d.getTimezoneOffset());return this.$d.valueOf()-6e4*a},s.isUTC=function(){return!!this.$u},s.toISOString=function(){return this.toDate().toISOString()},s.toString=function(){return this.toDate().toUTCString()};var x=s.toDate;s.toDate=function(a){return a==="s"&&this.$offset?u(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS")).toDate()};var v=s.diff;s.diff=function(a,T,E){if(a&&this.$u===a.$u)return,a,T,E);var I=this.local(),Y=u(a).local();return,Y,T,E)}}})});var At=U((Ze,Ve)=>{(function(e,t){typeof Ze=="object"&&typeof Ve<"u"?Ve.exports=t():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(t):(e=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:e||self).dayjs_plugin_timezone=t()})(Ze,function(){"use strict";var e={year:0,month:1,day:2,hour:3,minute:4,second:5},t={};return function(r,n,i){var u,s=function(l,x,v){v===void 0&&(v={});var a=new Date(l),T=function(E,I){I===void 0&&(I={});var Y=I.timeZoneName||"short",F=E+"|"+Y,q=t[F];return 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g=w.startOf;w.startOf=function(l,x){if(!this.$x||!this.$x.$timezone)return,l,x);var v=i(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS"),{locale:this.$L});return,l,x).tz(this.$x.$timezone,!0)},,x,v){var a=v&&x,T=v||x||u,E=f(+i(),T);if(typeof l!="string")return i(l).tz(T);var I=function(S,p,o){var D=S-60*p*1e3,N=f(D,o);if(p===N)return[D,p];var O=f(D-=60*(N-p)*1e3,o);return N===O?[D,N]:[S-60*Math.min(N,O)*1e3,Math.max(N,O)]}(i.utc(l,a).valueOf(),E,T),Y=I[0],F=I[1],q=i(Y).utcOffset(F);return q.$x.$timezone=T,q},{return Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone},{u=l}}})});var Dt=U((Ui,et)=>{var X=bt();X.extend(wt());X.extend(Ot());X.extend(xt());X.extend(St());X.extend(Nt());X.extend(Mt());X.extend(jt());X.extend(At());function oe(e){return typeof e=="object"&&typeof e.hash=="object"}function Qe(e){return typeof e=="object"&&typeof e.options=="object"&&typeof"object"}function Xe(e,t,r){if(oe(e))return Xe({},t,e);if(oe(t))return Xe(e,r,t);let 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zn=je(),V=Pt.exports;V.abs=function(e){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected a number");return Math.abs(e)};V.add=function(e,t){return!isNaN(e)&&!isNaN(t)?Number(e)+Number(t):typeof e=="string"&&typeof t=="string"?e+t:""};V.avg=function(){let e=[].concat.apply([],arguments);return e.pop(),V.sum(e)/e.length};V.ceil=function(e){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected a number");return Math.ceil(e)};V.divide=function(e,t){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number");if(isNaN(t))throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number");return Number(e)/Number(t)};V.floor=function(e){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected a number");return Math.floor(e)};V.minus=function(e,t){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected the first argument to be a number");if(isNaN(t))throw new TypeError("expected the second argument to be a number");return Number(e)-Number(t)};V.modulo=function(e,t){if(isNaN(e))throw new TypeError("expected the first argument 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i=Math.pow(10,(n+1)*3);if(i<=e+1){e=Math.round(e*t/i)/t,e+=r[n];break}n--}return e};te.toExponential=function(e,t){return isNaN(e)&&(e=0),tr.isUndefined(t)&&(t=0),Number(e).toExponential(t)};te.toFixed=function(e,t){return isNaN(e)&&(e=0),isNaN(t)&&(t=0),Number(e).toFixed(t)};te.toFloat=function(e){return parseFloat(e)};te.toInt=function(e){return parseInt(e,10)};te.toPrecision=function(e,t){return isNaN(e)&&(e=0),isNaN(t)&&(t=1),Number(e).toPrecision(t)}});var ur=U((Li,ir)=>{"use strict";var ft=fe("url"),ye=ee(),Jn=fe("querystring"),ce=ir.exports;ce.encodeURI=function(e){if(ye.isString(e))return encodeURIComponent(e)};ce.escape=function(e){if(ye.isString(e))return Jn.escape(e)};ce.decodeURI=function(e){if(ye.isString(e))return decodeURIComponent(e)};ce.urlResolve=function(e,t){return ft.resolve(e,t)};ce.urlParse=function(e){return ft.parse(e)};ce.stripQuerystring=function(e){if(ye.isString(e))return e.split("?")[0]};ce.stripProtocol=function(e){if(ye.isString(e)){var t=ft.parse(e);return t.protocol="",t.format()}}});var or=U((sr,fr)=>{"use strict";var z=ee(),le=je(),A=fr.exports;A.append=function(e,t){return typeof e=="string"&&typeof t=="string"?e+t:e};A.camelcase=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":le.changecase(e,function(t){return t.toUpperCase()})};A.capitalize=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.slice(1)};A.capitalizeAll=function(e){if(typeof e!="string")return"";if(z.isString(e))return e.replace(/\w\S*/g,function(t){return A.capitalize(t)})};,t){if(typeof e!="string")return"";for(var r="",n=0;n-1;)i++,n+=r;return i};A.pascalcase=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":(e=le.changecase(e,function(t){return t.toUpperCase()}),e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.slice(1))};A.pathcase=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":le.changecase(e,function(t){return"/"+t})};A.plusify=function(e,t){return typeof e!="string"?"":(z.isString(t)||(t=" "),e.split(t).join("+"))};A.prepend=function(e,t){return typeof e=="string"&&typeof t=="string"?t+e:e};A.raw=function(e){var t=e.fn(),r=z.options(this,e);if(r.escape!==!1)for(var n=0;(n=t.indexOf("{{",n))!==-1;)t[n-1]!=="\\"&&(t=t.slice(0,n)+"\\"+t.slice(n)),n+=3;return t};A.remove=function(e,t){return typeof e!="string"?"":z.isString(t)?e.split(t).join(""):e};A.removeFirst=function(e,t){return typeof e!="string"?"":z.isString(t)?e.replace(t,""):e};A.replace=function(e,t,r){return typeof e!="string"?"":z.isString(t)?(z.isString(r)||(r=""),e.split(t).join(r)):e};A.replaceFirst=function(e,t,r){return typeof e!="string"?"":z.isString(t)?(z.isString(r)||(r=""),e.replace(t,r)):e};A.reverse=ke().reverse;A.sentence=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":e.replace(/((?:\S[^\.\?\!]*)[\.\?\!]*)/g,function(t){return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+t.substr(1).toLowerCase()})};A.snakecase=function(e){return typeof e!="string"?"":le.changecase(e,function(t){return"_"+t})};A.split=function(e,t){return typeof e!="string"?"":(z.isString(t)||(t=","),e.split(t))};A.startsWith=function(e,t,r){var n=[];return r=n.pop(),z.isString(t)&&t.indexOf(e)===0?r.fn(this):typeof r.inverse=="function"?r.inverse(this):""};A.titleize=function(e){if(typeof e!="string")return"";for(var t=e.replace(/[- _]+/g," "),r=t.split(" "),n=r.length,i=[],u=0;n--;){var s=r[u++];i.push(sr.capitalize(s))}return i.join(" ")};A.trim=function(e){return typeof e=="string"?e.trim():""};A.trimLeft=function(e){if(z.isString(e))return e.replace(/^\s+/,"")};A.trimRight=function(e){if(z.isString(e))return e.replace(/\s+$/,"")};A.truncate=function(e,t,r){if(z.isString(e))return typeof r!="string"&&(r=""),e.length>t?e.slice(0,t-r.length)+r:e};A.truncateWords=function(e,t,r){if(z.isString(e)&&!isNaN(t)){typeof r!="string"&&(r="\u2026");var n=Number(t),i=e.split(/[ \t]/);if(n>=i.length)return e;i=i.slice(0,n);var u=i.join(" ").trim();return u+r}};A.upcase=function(){return A.uppercase.apply(this,arguments)};A.uppercase=function(e){return z.isObject(e)&&e.fn?e.fn(this).toUpperCase():typeof e!="string"?"":e.toUpperCase()}});var cr=U((zi,ar)=>{"use strict";var Gn=Me();ar.exports=function e(t){switch(Gn(t)){case"boolean":case"date":case"function":case"null":case"number":return!0;case"undefined":return!1;case"regexp":return t.source!=="(?:)"&&t.source!=="";case"buffer":return t.toString()!=="";case"error":return t.message!=="";case"string":case"arguments":return t.length!==0;case"file":case"map":case"set":return t.size!==0;case"array":case"object":for(let r of Object.keys(t))if(e(t[r]))return!0;return!1;default:return!0}}});var dr=U((Pi,lr)=>{"use strict";var Zn=Ae(),Vn=cr();lr.exports=function(e,t,r){return Qn(e)&&(typeof t=="string"||Array.isArray(t))?Vn(Zn(e,t,r)):!1};function Qn(e){return e!=null&&(typeof e=="object"||typeof e=="function"||Array.isArray(e))}});var pr=U((Ri,hr)=>{"use strict";function ot(e,t){if(!e)return!0;let r=t||ot.keywords;Array.isArray(r)||(r=[r]);let n=typeof e=="string"?e.toLowerCase():null;for(let i of r)if(i===e||i===n)return!0;return!1}ot.keywords=["0","false","nada","nil","nay","nah","negative","no","none","nope","nul","null","nix","nyet","uh-uh","veto","zero"];hr.exports=ot});var gr=U((Ji,mr)=>{"use strict";mr.exports=function(t){let r=Math.abs(t);if(isNaN(r))throw new TypeError("expected a number");if(!Number.isInteger(r))throw new Error("expected an integer");if(!Number.isSafeInteger(r))throw new Error("value exceeds maximum safe integer");return r%2===1}});var br=U((Gi,$r)=>{"use strict";var Xn=dr(),k=ee(),Kn=je(),yr=pr(),vr=gr(),W=$r.exports;W.and=function(){for(var e=arguments.length-1,t=arguments[e],r=!0,n=0;n":i=e>r;break;case"<=":i=e<=r;break;case">=":i=e>=r;break;case"typeof":i=typeof e===r;break;default:throw new Error("helper {{compare}}: invalid operator: `"+t+"`")}return k.value(i,this,n)};W.contains=function(e,t,r,n){typeof r=="object"&&(n=r,r=void 0);var i=Kn.contains(e,t,r);return k.value(i,this,n)};W.default=function(){for(var e=0;et,this,r)};W.gte=function(e,t,r){return arguments.length===2&&(r=t,,k.value(e>=t,this,r)};W.has=function(e,t,r){return k.isOptions(e)&&(r=e,t=null,e=null),k.isOptions(t)&&(r=t,t=null),e===null?k.value(!1,this,r):arguments.length===2?k.value(Xn(this,e),this,r):(Array.isArray(e)||k.isString(e))&&k.isString(t)&&e.indexOf(t)>-1?k.fn(!0,this,r):k.isObject(e)&&k.isString(t)&&t in e?k.fn(!0,this,r):k.inverse(!1,this,r)};W.isFalsey=function(e,t){return k.value(yr(e),this,t)};W.isTruthy=function(e,t){return k.value(!yr(e),this,t)};W.ifEven=function(e,t){return k.value(!vr(e),this,t)};W.ifNth=function(e,t,r){var n=!isNaN(e)&&!isNaN(t)&&t%e===0;return k.value(n,this,r)};W.ifOdd=function(e,t){return k.value(vr(e),this,t)};,t,r){return arguments.length===2&&(r=t,,k.value(e==t,this,r)};W.isnt=function(e,t,r){return arguments.length===2&&(r=t,,k.value(e!=t,this,r)};,t,r){return arguments.length===2&&(r=t,,k.value(e=t,this,r)};W.unlessGteq=function(e,t,r){return k.isOptions(t)&&(r=t,,k.value(et,this,r)}});var Or=U((Zi,wr)=>{var ei=tt(),ti=Object.prototype.toString;wr.exports=function(t){if(typeof t>"u")return"undefined";if(t===null)return"null";if(t===!0||t===!1||t instanceof Boolean)return"boolean";if(typeof t=="string"||t instanceof String)return"string";if(typeof t=="number"||t instanceof Number)return"number";if(typeof t=="function"||t instanceof Function)return"function";if(typeof Array.isArray<"u"&&Array.isArray(t))return"array";if(t instanceof RegExp)return"regexp";if(t instanceof Date)return"date";var;return r==="[object RegExp]"?"regexp":r==="[object Date]"?"date":r==="[object Arguments]"?"arguments":r==="[object Error]"?"error":ei(t)?"buffer":r==="[object Set]"?"set":r==="[object WeakSet]"?"weakset":r==="[object Map]"?"map":r==="[object WeakMap]"?"weakmap":r==="[object Symbol]"?"symbol":r==="[object Int8Array]"?"int8array":r==="[object Uint8Array]"?"uint8array":r==="[object Uint8ClampedArray]"?"uint8clampedarray":r==="[object Int16Array]"?"int16array":r==="[object Uint16Array]"?"uint16array":r==="[object Int32Array]"?"int32array":r==="[object Uint32Array]"?"uint32array":r==="[object Float32Array]"?"float32array":r==="[object Float64Array]"?"float64array":"object"}});var Sr=U((Vi,xr)=>{"use strict";var ri=Or();xr.exports=function(t){var r=ri(t);if(r!=="number"&&r!=="string")return!1;var n=+t;return n-n+1>=0&&t!==""}});var Mr=U((Qi,Nr)=>{"use strict";var ni=Sr();Nr.exports=function(t,r){if(!r)return t;if(!t)return{};for(var n=String(r).split(/[[.\]]/).filter(Boolean),i=n[n.length-1],u={};r=n.shift();)if(t=t[r],!t)return{};return ni(i)?[t]:(u[i]=t,u)}});var Dr=U((Xi,kr)=>{"use strict";var ii=Object.hasOwnProperty,ve=ee(),ui=ke(),P=kr.exports,si=Ae(),jr=Mr(),Ar=st();P.extend=function(){var e=[],t={};ve.isOptions(e[e.length-1])&&(t=e.pop().hash,e.push(t));for(var r={},n=0;n{"use strict";var fi=ee(),Ur=Tr.exports,oi=Me();Ur.toRegex=function(e,t,r){var n=fi.options({},t,r);return new RegExp(e,n.flags)};Ur.test=function(e,t){if(typeof e!="string")return!1;if(oi(t)!=="regexp")throw new TypeError("expected a regular expression");return t.test(e)}});function $e(){return De>Ue.length-16&&(Yr.default.randomFillSync(Ue),De=0),Ue.slice(De,De+=16)}var Yr,Ue,De,at=Z(()=>{Yr=Ne(fe("crypto")),Ue=new Uint8Array(256),De=Ue.length});var Cr,Er=Z(()=>{Cr=/^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i});function ai(e){return typeof e=="string"&&Cr.test(e)}var ne,be=Z(()=>{Er();ne=ai});function de(e,t=0){return R[e[t+0]]+R[e[t+1]]+R[e[t+2]]+R[e[t+3]]+"-"+R[e[t+4]]+R[e[t+5]]+"-"+R[e[t+6]]+R[e[t+7]]+"-"+R[e[t+8]]+R[e[t+9]]+"-"+R[e[t+10]]+R[e[t+11]]+R[e[t+12]]+R[e[t+13]]+R[e[t+14]]+R[e[t+15]]}function ci(e,t=0){let r=de(e,t);if(!ne(r))throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid");return r}var R,Ir,we=Z(()=>{be();R=[];for(let e=0;e<256;++e)R.push((e+256).toString(16).slice(1));Ir=ci});function li(e,t,r){let n=t&&r||0,i=t||new Array(16);e=e||{};let u=e.node||_r,s=e.clockseq!==void 0?e.clockseq:ct;if(u==null||s==null){let v=e.random||(e.rng||$e)();u==null&&(u=_r=[v[0]|1,v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5]]),s==null&&(s=ct=(v[6]<<8|v[7])&16383)}let f=e.msecs!==void 0?,w=e.nsecs!==void 0?e.nsecs:dt+1,g=f-lt+(w-dt)/1e4;if(g<0&&e.clockseq===void 0&&(s=s+1&16383),(g<0||f>lt)&&e.nsecs===void 0&&(w=0),w>=1e4)throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec");lt=f,dt=w,ct=s,f+=122192928e5;let l=((f&268435455)*1e4+w)%4294967296;i[n++]=l>>>24&255,i[n++]=l>>>16&255,i[n++]=l>>>8&255,i[n++]=l&255;let x=f/4294967296*1e4&268435455;i[n++]=x>>>8&255,i[n++]=x&255,i[n++]=x>>>24&15|16,i[n++]=x>>>16&255,i[n++]=s>>>8|128,i[n++]=s&255;for(let v=0;v<6;++v)i[n+v]=u[v];return t||de(i)}var _r,ct,lt,dt,Wr,Fr=Z(()=>{at();we();lt=0,dt=0;Wr=li});function di(e){if(!ne(e))throw TypeError("Invalid UUID");let t,r=new Uint8Array(16);return r[0]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(0,8),16))>>>24,r[1]=t>>>16&255,r[2]=t>>>8&255,r[3]=t&255,r[4]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(9,13),16))>>>8,r[5]=t&255,r[6]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(14,18),16))>>>8,r[7]=t&255,r[8]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(19,23),16))>>>8,r[9]=t&255,r[10]=(t=parseInt(e.slice(24,36),16))/1099511627776&255,r[11]=t/4294967296&255,r[12]=t>>>24&255,r[13]=t>>>16&255,r[14]=t>>>8&255,r[15]=t&255,r}var Te,ht=Z(()=>{be();Te=di});function hi(e){e=unescape(encodeURIComponent(e));let t=[];for(let r=0;r{we();ht();pi="6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8",mi="6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"});function gi(e){return Array.isArray(e)?e=Buffer.from(e):typeof e=="string"&&(e=Buffer.from(e,"utf8")),Hr.default.createHash("md5").update(e).digest()}var Hr,Br,Lr=Z(()=>{Hr=Ne(fe("crypto"));Br=gi});var yi,zr,Pr=Z(()=>{pt();Lr();yi=Oe("v3",48,Br),zr=yi});var Rr,mt,Jr=Z(()=>{Rr=Ne(fe("crypto")),mt={randomUUID:Rr.default.randomUUID}});function vi(e,t,r){if(mt.randomUUID&&!t&&!e)return mt.randomUUID();e=e||{};let n=e.random||(e.rng||$e)();if(n[6]=n[6]&15|64,n[8]=n[8]&63|128,t){r=r||0;for(let i=0;i<16;++i)t[r+i]=n[i];return t}return de(n)}var Gr,Zr=Z(()=>{Jr();at();we();Gr=vi});function $i(e){return Array.isArray(e)?e=Buffer.from(e):typeof e=="string"&&(e=Buffer.from(e,"utf8")),Vr.default.createHash("sha1").update(e).digest()}var Vr,Qr,Xr=Z(()=>{Vr=Ne(fe("crypto"));Qr=$i});var bi,Kr,en=Z(()=>{pt();Xr();bi=Oe("v5",80,Qr),Kr=bi});var tn,rn=Z(()=>{tn="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"});function wi(e){if(!ne(e))throw TypeError("Invalid UUID");return parseInt(e.slice(14,15),16)}var nn,un=Z(()=>{be();nn=wi});var sn={};yt(sn,{NIL:()=>tn,parse:()=>Te,stringify:()=>Ir,v1:()=>Wr,v3:()=>zr,v4:()=>Gr,v5:()=>Kr,validate:()=>ne,version:()=>nn});var fn=Z(()=>{Fr();Pr();Zr();en();rn();un();be();we();ht()});var an=U((Wu,on)=>{var Oi=(fn(),$t(sn)),xi=on.exports;xi.uuid=function(){return Oi.v4()}});var dn=U((Fu,gt)=>{var{date:Si,duration:Ni}=Dt(),Mi={math:Rt(),array:ke(),number:nr(),url:ur(),string:or(),comparison:br(),object:Dr(),regex:qr(),uuid:an()},ln=["sortBy"];gt.exports.helpersToRemoveForJs=ln;var cn={date:Si,duration:Ni},ie;gt.exports.getJsHelperList=()=>{if(ie)return ie;ie={};for(let e of Object.values(Mi))for(let[t,r]of Object.entries(e))ie[t]=(...n)=>r(...n,{});for(let e of Object.keys(cn))ie[e]=cn[e];for(let e of ln)delete ie[e];return Object.freeze(ie),ie}});var ki={};yt(ki,{default:()=>Ai});var{getJsHelperList:ji}=dn(),Ai={...ji(),stripProtocol:helpersStripProtocol};return $t(ki);})(); /*! Bundled license information: is-buffer/index.js: diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts index 91b9c8e821..a8992294a9 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index-helpers.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const { getJsHelperList, } = require("../../../../string-templates/src/helpers/list.js") -export const helpers = { +export default { ...getJsHelperList(), // pointing stripProtocol to a unexisting function to be able to declare it on isolated-vm // @ts-ignore diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index 1b1135e1f7..e36d5d595d 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { escape: querystring.escape, }) + const cryptoModule = this.registerCallbacks({ + randomUUID: crypto.randomUUID, + }) + this.addToContext({ helpersStripProtocol: new ivm.Callback((str: string) => { var parsed = url.parse(str) as any @@ -81,10 +85,6 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { }), }) - const cryptoModule = this.registerCallbacks({ - randomUUID: crypto.randomUUID, - }) - const injectedRequire = `const require=function req(val) { switch (val) { case "url": return ${urlModule}; @@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { } }` const helpersSource = loadBundle(BundleType.HELPERS) - this.moduleHandler.registerModule(`${injectedRequire};${helpersSource}`) + this.moduleHandler.registerModule( + `${injectedRequire};${helpersSource};helpers=helpers.default` + ) return this } From 9ed6502681a57501e6f7d2fffabf532064238fa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 17:43:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 07/15] Fix ts-node and other runners --- packages/server/src/environment.ts | 1 + packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts | 11 ++++++----- scripts/build.js | 3 +++ 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/environment.ts b/packages/server/src/environment.ts index 8e6866d5e4..b6654d0a14 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/environment.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/environment.ts @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ const environment = { JS_RUNNER_MEMORY_LIMIT: parseIntSafe(process.env.JS_RUNNER_MEMORY_LIMIT) || 64, LOG_JS_ERRORS: process.env.LOG_JS_ERRORS, + isBundled: process.env.BUNDLED, } // clean up any environment variable edge cases diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts index 37e677ef46..e4b50c5e8d 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts @@ -8,20 +8,21 @@ export const enum BundleType { } const bundleSourceCode = { - [BundleType.HELPERS]: "../bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js", - [BundleType.BSON]: "../bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js", + [BundleType.HELPERS]: "./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js", + [BundleType.BSON]: "./bson.ivm.bundle.js", } export function loadBundle(type: BundleType) { - if (environment.isJest()) { + if (!environment.isBundled) { return fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(bundleSourceCode[type]), "utf-8") } + // If we are running from a built version, esbuild is configured to inject .ivm.bundle.js files as text switch (type) { case BundleType.HELPERS: - return require("../bundles/index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js") + return require("./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js") case BundleType.BSON: - return require("../bundles/bson.ivm.bundle.js") + return require("./bson.ivm.bundle.js") default: utils.unreachable(type) } diff --git a/scripts/build.js b/scripts/build.js index ad31381684..73f07152a9 100755 --- a/scripts/build.js +++ b/scripts/build.js @@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ function runBuild(entry, outfile) { "graphql/*", "bson", ], + define: { + "process.env.BUNDLED": '"true"', + }, } build({ From 0902854bb00e8ea2a6160560e76304feb47fff08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 17:44:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 08/15] Fix requires --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index e36d5d595d..323b02f617 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { }), }) - const injectedRequire = `const require=function req(val) { + const injectedRequire = `require=function req(val) { switch (val) { case "url": return ${urlModule}; case "querystring": return ${querystringModule}; From 2d2d88f9881a6617f972a7c5261135bcd3f87273 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 23:37:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 09/15] Attempt quicker loading --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts | 47 +++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts index e4b50c5e8d..ce19c15e09 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts @@ -7,23 +7,42 @@ export const enum BundleType { BSON = "bson", } -const bundleSourceCode = { - [BundleType.HELPERS]: "./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js", - [BundleType.BSON]: "./bson.ivm.bundle.js", -} +const bundleSourceCode: Partial> = {} export function loadBundle(type: BundleType) { - if (!environment.isBundled) { - return fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(bundleSourceCode[type]), "utf-8") + let sourceCode = bundleSourceCode[type] + if (sourceCode) { + return sourceCode } - // If we are running from a built version, esbuild is configured to inject .ivm.bundle.js files as text - switch (type) { - case BundleType.HELPERS: - return require("./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js") - case BundleType.BSON: - return require("./bson.ivm.bundle.js") - default: - utils.unreachable(type) + if (!environment.isBundled) { + let filePath + switch (type) { + case BundleType.HELPERS: + filePath = "./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js" + break + case BundleType.BSON: + filePath = "./bson.ivm.bundle.js" + break + default: + throw utils.unreachable(type) + } + + sourceCode = fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(filePath), "utf-8") + } else { + // If we are running from a built version, esbuild is configured to inject .ivm.bundle.js files as text + switch (type) { + case BundleType.HELPERS: + sourceCode = require("./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js") + break + case BundleType.BSON: + sourceCode = require("./bson.ivm.bundle.js") + break + default: + throw utils.unreachable(type) + } } + bundleSourceCode[type] = sourceCode + + return sourceCode } From f733d293dad5516714dafbf599a3435f5943ece5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 23:44:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 10/15] Simplify loading --- packages/server/src/environment.ts | 1 - packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts | 33 +++---------------- scripts/build.js | 6 +--- 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/environment.ts b/packages/server/src/environment.ts index b6654d0a14..8e6866d5e4 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/environment.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/environment.ts @@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ const environment = { JS_RUNNER_MEMORY_LIMIT: parseIntSafe(process.env.JS_RUNNER_MEMORY_LIMIT) || 64, LOG_JS_ERRORS: process.env.LOG_JS_ERRORS, - isBundled: process.env.BUNDLED, } // clean up any environment variable edge cases diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts index ce19c15e09..9e2960807a 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/bundles/index.ts @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ export const enum BundleType { BSON = "bson", } +const bundleSourceFile: Record = { + [BundleType.HELPERS]: "./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js", + [BundleType.BSON]: "./bson.ivm.bundle.js", +} const bundleSourceCode: Partial> = {} export function loadBundle(type: BundleType) { @@ -15,34 +19,7 @@ export function loadBundle(type: BundleType) { return sourceCode } - if (!environment.isBundled) { - let filePath - switch (type) { - case BundleType.HELPERS: - filePath = "./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js" - break - case BundleType.BSON: - filePath = "./bson.ivm.bundle.js" - break - default: - throw utils.unreachable(type) - } - - sourceCode = fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(filePath), "utf-8") - } else { - // If we are running from a built version, esbuild is configured to inject .ivm.bundle.js files as text - switch (type) { - case BundleType.HELPERS: - sourceCode = require("./index-helpers.ivm.bundle.js") - break - case BundleType.BSON: - sourceCode = require("./bson.ivm.bundle.js") - break - default: - throw utils.unreachable(type) - } - } + sourceCode = fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(bundleSourceFile[type]), "utf-8") bundleSourceCode[type] = sourceCode - return sourceCode } diff --git a/scripts/build.js b/scripts/build.js index 73f07152a9..0c0c8f1548 100755 --- a/scripts/build.js +++ b/scripts/build.js @@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ function runBuild(entry, outfile) { preserveSymlinks: true, loader: { ".svelte": "copy", - ".ivm.bundle.js": "text", }, metafile: true, external: [ @@ -63,9 +62,6 @@ function runBuild(entry, outfile) { "graphql/*", "bson", ], - define: { - "process.env.BUNDLED": '"true"', - }, } build({ @@ -73,7 +69,7 @@ function runBuild(entry, outfile) { platform: "node", outfile, }).then(result => { - glob(`${process.cwd()}/src/**/*.hbs`, {}, (err, files) => { + glob(`${process.cwd()}/src/**/*.{hbs,ivm.bundle.js}`, {}, (err, files) => { for (const file of files) { fs.copyFileSync(file, `${process.cwd()}/dist/${path.basename(file)}`) } From a6c50500fe2797cbaa46da00e10ad217672cfe34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 23:49:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 11/15] Release script --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index 323b02f617..497cff1058 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync(code) - script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout }) + script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: true }) // We can't rely on the script run result as it will not work for non-transferable values const result = this.getFromContext(this.resultKey) From 7d6e49f8ca0bc6b6aadf5e3417d0f71a391396d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:44:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 12/15] Inject only on init --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 27 +++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index 497cff1058..e76a511409 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -15,18 +15,6 @@ class ExecutionTimeoutError extends Error { } } -class ModuleHandler { - private modules: string[] = [] - - registerModule(code: string) { - this.modules.push(code) - } - - generateImports() { - return this.modules.join(";") - } -} - export class IsolatedVM implements VM { private isolate: ivm.Isolate private vm: ivm.Context @@ -37,8 +25,6 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { // By default the wrapper returns itself private codeWrapper: (code: string) => string = code => code - private moduleHandler = new ModuleHandler() - private readonly resultKey = "results" constructor({ @@ -93,9 +79,11 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { } }` const helpersSource = loadBundle(BundleType.HELPERS) - this.moduleHandler.registerModule( + const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync( `${injectedRequire};${helpersSource};helpers=helpers.default` ) + script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: true }) + return this } @@ -157,7 +145,10 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { .toString() .replace(/TextDecoderMock/, "TextDecoder") - this.moduleHandler.registerModule(`${textDecoderPolyfill};${bsonSource}`) + const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync( + `${textDecoderPolyfill};${bsonSource}` + ) + script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: true }) return this } @@ -172,9 +163,7 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { } } - code = `${this.moduleHandler.generateImports()};results.out=${this.codeWrapper( - code - )}` + code = `results.out=${this.codeWrapper(code)}` const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync(code) From bb6500cc91314a1d178a155f3f9369826dbf64c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:47:34 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 13/15] Avoid crossing results --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 8 +++++--- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index e76a511409..e8eedd9c68 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { private codeWrapper: (code: string) => string = code => code private readonly resultKey = "results" + private runResultKey: string constructor({ memoryLimit, @@ -41,8 +42,9 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { this.jail = this.jail.setSync("global", this.jail.derefInto()) + this.runResultKey = crypto.randomUUID() this.addToContext({ - [this.resultKey]: { out: "" }, + [this.resultKey]: { [this.runResultKey]: "" }, }) this.invocationTimeout = invocationTimeout @@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { } } - code = `results.out=${this.codeWrapper(code)}` + code = `results['${this.runResultKey}']=${this.codeWrapper(code)}` const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync(code) @@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { // We can't rely on the script run result as it will not work for non-transferable values const result = this.getFromContext(this.resultKey) - return result.out + return result[this.runResultKey] } private registerCallbacks(functions: Record) { From 85aeaff891283e4714de7f7a39eb2d78ff86aaff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:52:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 14/15] Shave time on release --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts | 21 +++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts index e8eedd9c68..0285af8620 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/index.ts @@ -84,7 +84,11 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync( `${injectedRequire};${helpersSource};helpers=helpers.default` ) - script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: true }) + + script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: false }) + new Promise(() => { + script.release() + }) return this } @@ -150,7 +154,10 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync( `${textDecoderPolyfill};${bsonSource}` ) - script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: true }) + script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: false }) + new Promise(() => { + script.release() + }) return this } @@ -169,7 +176,10 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { const script = this.isolate.compileScriptSync(code) - script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: true }) + script.runSync(this.vm, { timeout: this.invocationTimeout, release: false }) + new Promise(() => { + script.release() + }) // We can't rely on the script run result as it will not work for non-transferable values const result = this.getFromContext(this.resultKey) @@ -213,7 +223,10 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { private getFromContext(key: string) { const ref =, { reference: true }) const result = ref.copySync() - ref.release() + + new Promise(() => { + ref.release() + }) return result } } From 6cd6b21f83c62e7a1a022c606f2317b34c9270f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adria Navarro Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 17:37:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 15/15] Fix build --- packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/isolated-vm.ts | 10 +++++++--- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/isolated-vm.ts b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/isolated-vm.ts index 0285af8620..12559df0b7 100644 --- a/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/isolated-vm.ts +++ b/packages/server/src/jsRunner/vm/isolated-vm.ts @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import querystring from "querystring" import { BundleType, loadBundle } from "../bundles" import { VM } from "@budibase/types" +import environment from "../../environment" class ExecutionTimeoutError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { @@ -33,10 +34,13 @@ export class IsolatedVM implements VM { invocationTimeout, isolateAccumulatedTimeout, }: { - memoryLimit: number - invocationTimeout: number + memoryLimit?: number + invocationTimeout?: number isolateAccumulatedTimeout?: number - }) { + } = {}) { + memoryLimit = memoryLimit || environment.JS_RUNNER_MEMORY_LIMIT + invocationTimeout = memoryLimit || 1000 + this.isolate = new ivm.Isolate({ memoryLimit }) this.vm = this.isolate.createContextSync() this.jail =