diff --git a/packages/bbui/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.svelte b/packages/bbui/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.svelte
index a4b1d4ff59..408a9ddf8f 100644
--- a/packages/bbui/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.svelte
+++ b/packages/bbui/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.svelte
@@ -3,12 +3,22 @@
export let direction = "top"
export let text = ""
+ export let textWrapping = false
+{#if textWrapping}
+ {text}
+ {text}
diff --git a/packages/builder/src/pages/builder/portal/manage/auth/index.svelte b/packages/builder/src/pages/builder/portal/manage/auth/index.svelte
index c2445e14ae..20d30fdfbb 100644
--- a/packages/builder/src/pages/builder/portal/manage/auth/index.svelte
+++ b/packages/builder/src/pages/builder/portal/manage/auth/index.svelte
@@ -21,26 +21,25 @@
} from "@budibase/bbui"
import { onMount } from "svelte"
import api from "builderStore/api"
- import { organisation, auth, admin } from "stores/portal"
+ import { organisation, admin } from "stores/portal"
import { uuid } from "builderStore/uuid"
import analytics, { Events } from "analytics"
- $: tenantId = $auth.tenantId
- $: multiTenancyEnabled = $admin.multiTenancy
const ConfigTypes = {
Google: "google",
OIDC: "oidc",
- function callbackUrl(tenantId, end) {
- let url = `/api/global/auth`
- if (multiTenancyEnabled && tenantId) {
- url += `/${tenantId}`
- }
- url += end
- return url
- }
+ // Some older google configs contain a manually specified value - retain the functionality to edit the field
+ // When there is no value or we are in the cloud - prohibit editing the field, must use platform url to change
+ $: googleCallbackUrl = undefined
+ $: googleCallbackReadonly = $admin.cloud || !googleCallbackUrl
+ // Indicate to user that callback is based on platform url
+ // If there is an existing value, indicate that it may be removed to return to default behaviour
+ $: googleCallbackTooltip = googleCallbackReadonly
+ ? "Vist the organisation page to update the platform URL"
+ : "Leave blank to use the default callback URL"
$: GoogleConfigFields = {
Google: [
@@ -49,8 +48,9 @@
name: "callbackURL",
label: "Callback URL",
- readonly: true,
- placeholder: callbackUrl(tenantId, "/google/callback"),
+ readonly: googleCallbackReadonly,
+ tooltip: googleCallbackTooltip,
+ placeholder: $organisation.googleCallbackUrl,
@@ -62,9 +62,10 @@
{ name: "clientSecret", label: "Client Secret" },
name: "callbackURL",
- label: "Callback URL",
readonly: true,
- placeholder: callbackUrl(tenantId, "/oidc/callback"),
+ tooltip: "Vist the organisation page to update the platform URL",
+ label: "Callback URL",
+ placeholder: $organisation.oidcCallbackUrl,
@@ -241,6 +242,8 @@
providers.google = googleDoc
+ googleCallbackUrl = providers?.google?.config?.callbackURL
//Get the list of user uploaded logos and push it to the dropdown options.
//This needs to be done before the config call so they're available when the dropdown renders
const res = await api.get(`/api/global/configs/logos_oidc`)
@@ -308,7 +311,7 @@
{#each GoogleConfigFields.Google as field}