Merge branch 'master' into execute-script-v2
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { CoreSelect, CoreMultiselect } from "@budibase/bbui"
import { FieldType } from "@budibase/types"
import { FieldType, InternalTable } from "@budibase/types"
import { fetchData, Utils } from "@budibase/frontend-core"
import { getContext } from "svelte"
import Field from "./Field.svelte"
import type {
} from "@budibase/types"
const { API } = getContext("sdk")
export let field: string | undefined = undefined
export let label: string | undefined = undefined
export let placeholder: any = undefined
@ -20,10 +17,10 @@
export let readonly: boolean = false
export let validation: any
export let autocomplete: boolean = true
export let defaultValue: string | undefined = undefined
export let defaultValue: string | string[] | undefined = undefined
export let onChange: any
export let filter: SearchFilter[]
export let datasourceType: "table" | "user" | "groupUser" = "table"
export let datasourceType: "table" | "user" = "table"
export let primaryDisplay: string | undefined = undefined
export let span: number | undefined = undefined
export let helpText: string | undefined = undefined
@ -32,191 +29,305 @@
type RelationshipValue = { _id: string; [key: string]: any }
type OptionObj = Record<string, RelationshipValue>
type OptionsObjType = Record<string, OptionObj>
type BasicRelatedRow = { _id: string; primaryDisplay: string }
type OptionsMap = Record<string, BasicRelatedRow>
const { API } = getContext("sdk")
// Field state
let fieldState: any
let fieldApi: any
let fieldSchema: RelationshipFieldMetadata | undefined
let tableDefinition: Table | null | undefined
let searchTerm: any
let open: boolean
let selectedValue: string[] | string
// need a cast version of this for reactivity, components below aren't typed
$: castSelectedValue = selectedValue as any
// Local UI state
let searchTerm: any
let open: boolean = false
// Options state
let options: BasicRelatedRow[] = []
let optionsMap: OptionsMap = {}
let loadingMissingOptions: boolean = false
// Determine if we can select multiple rows or not
$: multiselect =
[FieldType.LINK, FieldType.BB_REFERENCE].includes(type) &&
fieldSchema?.relationshipType !== "one-to-many"
$: linkedTableId = fieldSchema?.tableId!
$: fetch = fetchData({
// Get the proper string representation of the value
$: realValue = fieldState?.value
$: selectedValue = parseSelectedValue(realValue, multiselect)
$: selectedIDs = getSelectedIDs(selectedValue)
// If writable, we use a fetch to load options
$: linkedTableId = fieldSchema?.tableId
$: writable = !disabled && !readonly
$: fetch = createFetch(writable, datasourceType, filter, linkedTableId)
// Attempt to determine the primary display field to use
$: tableDefinition = $fetch?.definition
$: primaryDisplayField = primaryDisplay || tableDefinition?.primaryDisplay
// Build our options map
$: rows = $fetch?.rows || []
$: processOptions(realValue, rows, primaryDisplayField)
// If we ever have a value selected for which we don't have an option, we must
// fetch those rows to ensure we can render them as options
$: missingIDs = selectedIDs.filter(id => !optionsMap[id])
$: loadMissingOptions(missingIDs, linkedTableId, primaryDisplayField)
// Convert our options map into an array for display
$: updateOptions(optionsMap)
$: !open && sortOptions()
// Search for new options when search term changes
$: debouncedSearchOptions(searchTerm || "", primaryDisplayField)
// Ensure backwards compatibility
$: enrichedDefaultValue = enrichDefaultValue(defaultValue)
// We need to cast value to pass it down, as those components aren't typed
$: emptyValue = multiselect ? [] : null
$: displayValue = missingIDs.length ? emptyValue : (selectedValue as any)
// Ensures that we flatten any objects so that only the IDs of the selected
// rows are passed down. Not sure how this can be an object to begin with?
const parseSelectedValue = (
value: any,
multiselect: boolean
): undefined | string | string[] => {
return multiselect ? flatten(value) : flatten(value)[0]
// Where applicable, creates the fetch instance to load row options
const createFetch = (
writable: boolean,
dsType: typeof datasourceType,
filter: SearchFilter[],
linkedTableId?: string
) => {
if (!linkedTableId) {
return undefined
const datasource =
datasourceType === "table"
? {
type: datasourceType,
tableId: fieldSchema?.tableId!,
: {
type: datasourceType,
tableId: InternalTable.USER_METADATA,
return fetchData({
datasource: {
// typing here doesn't seem correct - we have the correct datasourceType options
// but when we configure the fetchData, it seems to think only "table" is valid
type: datasourceType as any,
tableId: linkedTableId,
options: {
limit: 100,
limit: writable ? 100 : 1,
$: tableDefinition = $fetch.definition
$: selectedValue = multiselect
? flatten(fieldState?.value) ?? []
: flatten(fieldState?.value)?.[0]
$: component = multiselect ? CoreMultiselect : CoreSelect
$: primaryDisplay = primaryDisplay || tableDefinition?.primaryDisplay
let optionsObj: OptionsObjType = {}
const debouncedFetchRows = Utils.debounce(fetchRows, 250)
$: {
if (primaryDisplay && fieldState && !optionsObj) {
// Persist the initial values as options, allowing them to be present in the dropdown,
// even if they are not in the inital fetch results
let valueAsSafeArray = fieldState.value || []
if (!Array.isArray(valueAsSafeArray)) {
valueAsSafeArray = [fieldState.value]
optionsObj = valueAsSafeArray.reduce(
accumulator: OptionObj,
value: { _id: string; primaryDisplay: any }
// Small helper to represent the selected value as an array
const getSelectedIDs = (
selectedValue: undefined | string | string[]
): string[] => {
if (!selectedValue) {
return []
return Array.isArray(selectedValue) ? selectedValue : [selectedValue]
// Builds a map of all available options, in a consistent structure
const processOptions = (
realValue: any | any[],
rows: Row[],
primaryDisplay?: string
) => {
// fieldState has to be an array of strings to be valid for an update
// therefore we cannot guarantee value will be an object
if (!value._id) {
return accumulator
// First ensure that all options included in the value are present as valid
// options. These can be basic related row shapes which already include
// a value for primary display
if (realValue) {
const valueArray = Array.isArray(realValue) ? realValue : [realValue]
for (let val of valueArray) {
const option = parseOption(val, primaryDisplay)
if (option) {
optionsMap[option._id] = option
accumulator[value._id] = {
_id: value._id,
[primaryDisplay]: value.primaryDisplay,
return accumulator
$: enrichedOptions = enrichOptions(optionsObj, $fetch.rows)
const enrichOptions = (optionsObj: OptionsObjType, fetchResults: Row[]) => {
const result = (fetchResults || [])?.reduce((accumulator, row) => {
if (!accumulator[row._id!]) {
accumulator[row._id!] = row
return accumulator
}, optionsObj || {})
return Object.values(result)
$: {
// We don't want to reorder while the dropdown is open, to avoid UX jumps
if (!open && primaryDisplay) {
enrichedOptions = enrichedOptions.sort((a: OptionObj, b: OptionObj) => {
const selectedValues = flatten(fieldState?.value) || []
const aIsSelected = selectedValues.find(
(v: RelationshipValue) => v === a._id
const bIsSelected = selectedValues.find(
(v: RelationshipValue) => v === b._id
if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) {
return -1
} else if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) {
return 1
return (a[primaryDisplay] > b[primaryDisplay]) as unknown as number
// Process all rows loaded from our fetch
for (let row of rows) {
const option = parseOption(row, primaryDisplay)
if (option) {
optionsMap[option._id] = option
$: {
if (filter || defaultValue) {
// Reassign to trigger reactivity
optionsMap = optionsMap
$: debouncedFetchRows(searchTerm, primaryDisplay, defaultValue)
const forceFetchRows = async () => {
// if the filter has changed, then we need to reset the options, clear the selection, and re-fetch
optionsObj = {}
selectedValue = []
debouncedFetchRows(searchTerm, primaryDisplay, defaultValue)
// Parses a row-like structure into a properly shaped option
const parseOption = (
option: any | BasicRelatedRow | Row,
primaryDisplay?: string
): BasicRelatedRow | null => {
if (!option || typeof option !== "object" || !option?._id) {
return null
async function fetchRows(
searchTerm: any,
primaryDisplay: string,
defaultVal: string | string[]
// If this is a basic related row shape (_id and PD only) then just use
// that
if (Object.keys(option).length === 2 && "primaryDisplay" in option) {
return {
_id: option._id,
primaryDisplay: ensureString(option.primaryDisplay),
// Otherwise use the primary display field specified
if (primaryDisplay) {
return {
_id: option._id,
primaryDisplay: ensureString(
option[primaryDisplay as keyof typeof option]
} else {
return {
_id: option._id,
primaryDisplay: option._id,
// Loads any rows which are selected and aren't present in the currently
// available option set. This is typically only IDs specified as default
// values.
const loadMissingOptions = async (
missingIDs: string[],
linkedTableId?: string,
primaryDisplay?: string
) => {
if (
loadingMissingOptions ||
!missingIDs.length ||
!linkedTableId ||
) {
const allRowsFetched =
$fetch.loaded &&
!Object.keys($fetch.query?.string || {}).length &&
// Don't request until we have the primary display or default value has been fetched
if (allRowsFetched || !primaryDisplay) {
// must be an array
const defaultValArray: string[] = !defaultVal
? []
: !Array.isArray(defaultVal)
? defaultVal.split(",")
: defaultVal
loadingMissingOptions = true
try {
const res = await API.searchTable(linkedTableId, {
query: {
oneOf: {
_id: missingIDs,
for (let row of res.rows) {
const option = parseOption(row, primaryDisplay)
if (option) {
optionsMap[option._id] = option
if (
defaultVal &&
optionsObj &&
defaultValArray.some(val => !optionsObj[val])
) {
await fetch.update({
query: { oneOf: { _id: defaultValArray } },
// Reassign to trigger reactivity
optionsMap = optionsMap
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error loading missing row IDs", error)
} finally {
// Ensure we have some sort of option for all IDs
for (let id of missingIDs) {
if (!optionsMap[id]) {
optionsMap[id] = {
_id: id,
primaryDisplay: id,
loadingMissingOptions = false
// Updates the options list to reflect the currently available options
const updateOptions = (optionsMap: OptionsMap) => {
let newOptions = Object.values(optionsMap)
// Only override options if the quantity of options changes
if (newOptions.length !== options.length) {
options = newOptions
// Sorts the options list by selected state, then by primary display
const sortOptions = () => {
// Create a quick lookup map so we can test whether options are selected
const selectedMap: Record<string, boolean> = selectedIDs.reduce(
(map, id) => ({, [id]: true }),
options.sort((a, b) => {
const aSelected = !!selectedMap[a._id]
const bSelected = !!selectedMap[b._id]
if (aSelected === bSelected) {
return a.primaryDisplay < b.primaryDisplay ? -1 : 1
} else {
return aSelected ? -1 : 1
if (
(Array.isArray(selectedValue) &&
selectedValue.some(val => !optionsObj[val])) ||
(selectedValue && !optionsObj[selectedValue as string])
) {
await fetch.update({
query: {
oneOf: {
_id: Array.isArray(selectedValue) ? selectedValue : [selectedValue],
// Util to ensure a value is stringified
const ensureString = (val: any): string => {
return typeof val === "string" ? val : JSON.stringify(val)
// We previously included logic to manually process default value, which
// should not be done as it is handled by the core form logic.
// This logic included handling a comma separated list of IDs, so for
// backwards compatibility we must now unfortunately continue to handle that
// at this level.
const enrichDefaultValue = (val: any) => {
if (!val || typeof val !== "string") {
return val
return val.includes(",") ? val.split(",") : val
// Searches for new options matching the given term
async function searchOptions(searchTerm: string, primaryDisplay?: string) {
if (!primaryDisplay) {
// Ensure we match all filters, rather than any
let newFilter: any = filter
if (searchTerm) {
// @ts-expect-error this doesn't fit types, but don't want to change it yet
const baseFilter: any = (filter || []).filter(x => x.operator !== "allOr")
await fetch.update({
filter: [
newFilter = (newFilter || []).filter(x => x.operator !== "allOr")
// Use a big numeric prefix to avoid clashing with an existing filter
field: `999:${primaryDisplay}`,
operator: "string",
value: searchTerm,
await fetch?.update({
filter: newFilter,
const debouncedSearchOptions = Utils.debounce(searchOptions, 250)
const flatten = (values: any | any[]) => {
// Flattens an array of row-like objects into a simple array of row IDs
const flatten = (values: any | any[]): string[] => {
if (!values) {
return []
if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
values = [values]
@ -226,16 +337,11 @@
return values
const getDisplayName = (row: Row) => {
return row?.[primaryDisplay!] || "-"
const handleChange = (e: any) => {
let value = e.detail
if (!multiselect) {
value = value == null ? [] : [value]
if (
type === FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE &&
value &&
@ -243,7 +349,6 @@
) {
value = value[0] || null
const changed = fieldApi.setValue(value)
if (onChange && changed) {
@ -251,12 +356,6 @@
const loadMore = () => {
if (!$fetch.loading) {
@ -265,31 +364,31 @@
{#if fieldState}
this={multiselect ? CoreMultiselect : CoreSelect}
getOptionLabel={option => option.primaryDisplay}
getOptionValue={option => option._id}
on:loadMore={() => fetch?.nextPage()}
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { GroupUserDatasource, InternalTable } from "@budibase/types"
interface GroupUserQuery {
groupId: string
emailSearch: string
emailSearch?: string
interface GroupUserDefinition {
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import {
} from "@budibase/types"
interface UserFetchQuery {
appId: string
paginated: boolean
appId?: string
paginated?: boolean
interface UserDefinition {
@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
"@types/pouchdb": "6.4.2",
"@types/server-destroy": "1.0.1",
"@types/supertest": "2.0.14",
"@types/swagger-jsdoc": "^6.0.4",
"@types/tar": "6.1.5",
"@types/tmp": "0.2.6",
"@types/uuid": "8.3.4",
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import { examples, schemas } from "./resources"
import * as parameters from "./parameters"
import * as security from "./security"
const swaggerJsdoc = require("swagger-jsdoc")
import swaggerJsdoc from "swagger-jsdoc"
const VARIABLES = {}
const options = {
const opts: swaggerJsdoc.Options = {
definition: {
openapi: "3.0.0",
info: {
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ const options = {
function writeFile(output: any, filename: string) {
try {
const path = join(__dirname, filename)
let spec = output
if (filename.endsWith("json")) {
@ -71,17 +70,15 @@ function writeFile(output: any, filename: string) {
writeFileSync(path, spec)
console.log(`Wrote spec to ${path}`)
return path
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error writing spec file", err)
export function spec() {
return swaggerJsdoc({ ...opts, format: ".json" })
export function run() {
const outputJSON = swaggerJsdoc(options)
options.format = ".yaml"
const outputYAML = swaggerJsdoc(options)
writeFile(outputJSON, "openapi.json")
return writeFile(outputYAML, "openapi.yaml")
writeFile(swaggerJsdoc({ ...opts, format: ".json" }), "openapi.json")
return writeFile(swaggerJsdoc({ ...opts, format: ".yaml" }), "openapi.yaml")
if (require.main === module) {
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { object } from "./utils"
import Resource from "./utils/Resource"
const errorSchema = object({
status: {
type: "number",
description: "The HTTP status code of the error.",
message: {
type: "string",
description: "A descriptive message about the error.",
export default new Resource()
error: {},
error: errorSchema,
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function getUser(ctx: UserCtx, userId?: string) {
if (userId) {
ctx.params = { userId }
} else if (!ctx.params?.userId) {
throw "No user ID provided for getting"
throw new Error("No user ID provided for getting")
return readGlobalUser(ctx)
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { paramResource, paramSubResource } from "../../../middleware/resourceId"
import { PermissionLevel, PermissionType } from "@budibase/types"
import { CtxFn } from "./utils/Endpoint"
import mapperMiddleware from "./middleware/mapper"
import testErrorHandling from "./middleware/testErrorHandling"
import env from "../../../environment"
import { middleware, redis } from "@budibase/backend-core"
import { SelectableDatabase } from "@budibase/backend-core/src/redis/utils"
@ -144,6 +145,10 @@ function applyRoutes(
// add the output mapper middleware
addMiddleware(, mapperMiddleware, { output: true })
addMiddleware(endpoints.write, mapperMiddleware, { output: true })
if (env.isTest()) {
addMiddleware(, testErrorHandling())
addMiddleware(endpoints.write, testErrorHandling())
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import { Ctx } from "@budibase/types"
import environment from "../../../../environment"
export default () => {
if (!environment.isTest()) {
throw new Error("This middleware is only for testing")
return async (ctx: Ctx, next: any) => {
try {
await next()
} catch (err: any) {
if (!ctx.headers["x-budibase-include-stacktrace"]) {
throw err
const status = err.status || err.statusCode || 500
let error = err
while (error.cause) {
error = error.cause
ctx.status = status
ctx.body = { status, message: error.message, stack: error.stack }
@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ import jestOpenAPI from "jest-openapi"
import { run as generateSchema } from "../../../../../specs/generate"
import * as setup from "../../tests/utilities"
import { generateMakeRequest } from "./utils"
import { Table, App, Row, User } from "@budibase/types"
import { Table, App, Row } from "@budibase/types"
import nock from "nock"
import environment from "../../../../environment"
const yamlPath = generateSchema()
describe("compare", () => {
let config = setup.getConfig()
let apiKey: string, table: Table, app: App, makeRequest: any
@ -19,6 +22,10 @@ beforeAll(async () => {
beforeEach(() => {
describe("check the applications endpoints", () => {
it("should allow retrieving applications through search", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/applications/search")
@ -58,6 +65,10 @@ describe("check the applications endpoints", () => {
it("should allow deleting an application", async () => {
.reply(200, {})
const res = await makeRequest(
@ -109,9 +120,13 @@ describe("check the rows endpoints", () => {
let row: Row
it("should allow retrieving rows through search", async () => {
table = await config.upsertTable()
const res = await makeRequest("post", `/tables/${table._id}/rows/search`, {
const res = await makeRequest(
query: {},
@ -135,7 +150,10 @@ describe("check the rows endpoints", () => {
it("should allow retrieving a row", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("get", `/tables/${table._id}/rows/${row._id}`)
const res = await makeRequest(
@ -148,38 +166,10 @@ describe("check the rows endpoints", () => {
describe("check the users endpoints", () => {
let user: User
it("should allow retrieving users through search", async () => {
user = await config.createUser()
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/users/search")
it("should allow creating a user", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/users")
it("should allow updating a user", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("put", `/users/${user._id}`)
it("should allow retrieving a user", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("get", `/users/${user._id}`)
it("should allow deleting a user", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("delete", `/users/${user._id}`)
describe("check the queries endpoints", () => {
it("should allow retrieving queries through search", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/queries/search")
@ -1,132 +1,143 @@
import * as setup from "../../tests/utilities"
import { generateMakeRequest, MakeRequestResponse } from "./utils"
import { User } from "@budibase/types"
import { mocks } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests"
import { generator, mocks } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests"
import nock from "nock"
import TestConfiguration from "../../../../tests/utilities/TestConfiguration"
import { mockWorkerUserAPI } from "./utils"
import * as workerRequests from "../../../../utilities/workerRequests"
const mockedWorkerReq = jest.mocked(workerRequests)
let config = setup.getConfig()
let apiKey: string, globalUser: User, makeRequest: MakeRequestResponse
describe("public users API", () => {
const config = new TestConfiguration()
let globalUser: User
beforeAll(async () => {
await config.init()
globalUser = await config.globalUser()
apiKey = await config.generateApiKey(globalUser._id)
makeRequest = generateMakeRequest(apiKey)
mockedWorkerReq.readGlobalUser.mockImplementation(() =>
function base() {
return {
tenantId: config.getTenantId(),
firstName: "Test",
lastName: "Test",
beforeEach(async () => {
globalUser = await config.globalUser()
function updateMock() {
mockedWorkerReq.readGlobalUser.mockImplementation(ctx => ctx.request.body)
describe("check user endpoints", () => {
it("should not allow a user to update their own roles", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("put", `/users/${globalUser._id}`, {
roles: {
app_1: "ADMIN",
it("should not allow a user to delete themselves", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("delete", `/users/${globalUser._id}`)
describe("read", () => {
it("should allow a user to read themselves", async () => {
const user = await config.api.user.find(globalUser._id!)
it("should allow a user to read another user", async () => {
const otherUser = await config.api.public.user.create({
email:{ domain: "" }),
roles: {},
const user = await config.withUser(globalUser, () =>
describe("no user role update in free", () => {
beforeAll(() => {
describe("create", () => {
it("can successfully create a new user", async () => {
const email ={ domain: "" })
const newUser = await config.api.public.user.create({
roles: {},
describe("role creation on free tier", () => {
it("should not allow 'roles' to be updated", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/users", {
const newUser = await config.api.public.user.create({
email:{ domain: "" }),
roles: { app_a: "BASIC" },
it("should not allow 'admin' to be updated", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/users", {
const newUser = await config.api.public.user.create({
email:{ domain: "" }),
roles: {},
admin: { global: true },
it("should not allow 'builder' to be updated", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/users", {
const newUser = await config.api.public.user.create({
email:{ domain: "" }),
roles: {},
builder: { global: true },
describe("no user role update in business", () => {
describe("role creation on business tier", () => {
beforeAll(() => {
it("should allow 'roles' to be updated", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/users", {
const newUser = await config.api.public.user.create({
email:{ domain: "" }),
roles: { app_a: "BASIC" },
it("should allow 'admin' to be updated", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/users", {
const newUser = await config.api.public.user.create({
email:{ domain: "" }),
roles: {},
admin: { global: true },
it("should allow 'builder' to be updated", async () => {
const res = await makeRequest("post", "/users", {
const newUser = await config.api.public.user.create({
email:{ domain: "" }),
roles: {},
builder: { global: true },
describe("update", () => {
it("can update a user", async () => {
const updatedUser = await config.api.public.user.update({
email: `updated-${}`,
it("should not allow a user to update their own roles", async () => {
await config.withUser(globalUser, () =>
roles: { app_1: "ADMIN" },
const updatedUser = await config.api.user.find(globalUser._id!)
describe("delete", () => {
it("should not allow a user to delete themselves", async () => {
await config.withUser(globalUser, () =>
config.api.public.user.destroy(globalUser._id!, { status: 405 })
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
import * as setup from "../../tests/utilities"
import { checkSlashesInUrl } from "../../../../utilities"
import supertest from "supertest"
import { User } from "@budibase/types"
import environment from "../../../../environment"
import nock from "nock"
import { generator } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests"
export type HttpMethod = "post" | "get" | "put" | "delete" | "patch"
@ -91,3 +95,43 @@ export function generateMakeRequestWithFormData(
return res
export function mockWorkerUserAPI(...seedUsers: User[]) {
const users: Record<string, User> = {
...seedUsers.reduce((acc, user) => {
acc[user._id!] = user
return acc
}, {} as Record<string, User>),
.get(new RegExp(`/api/global/users/.*`))
.reply(200, (uri, body) => {
const id = uri.split("/").pop()
return users[id!]
.reply(200, (uri, body) => {
const newUser = body as User
if (!newUser._id) {
newUser._id = `us_${generator.guid()}`
users[newUser._id!] = newUser
return newUser
.put(new RegExp(`/api/global/users/.*`))
.reply(200, (uri, body) => {
const id = uri.split("/").pop()!
const updatedUser = body as User
const existingUser = users[id] || {}
users[id] = { ...existingUser, ...updatedUser }
return users[id]
@ -3,44 +3,6 @@ import supertest from "supertest"
export * as structures from "../../../../tests/utilities/structures"
function user() {
return {
_id: "user",
_rev: "rev",
email: "",
roles: {},
tenantId: "default",
status: "active",
jest.mock("../../../../utilities/workerRequests", () => ({
getGlobalUsers: jest.fn(() => {
return {
_id: "us_uuid1",
getGlobalSelf: jest.fn(() => {
return {
_id: "us_uuid1",
allGlobalUsers: jest.fn(() => {
return [user()]
readGlobalUser: jest.fn(() => {
return user()
saveGlobalUser: jest.fn(() => {
return { _id: "user", _rev: "rev" }
deleteGlobalUser: jest.fn(() => {
return { message: "deleted user" }
removeAppFromUserRoles: jest.fn(),
export function delay(ms: number) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import {
} from "@budibase/types"
import API from "./api"
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ export default class TestConfiguration {
async withUser(user: User, f: () => Promise<void>) {
async withUser<T>(user: User, f: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
const oldUser = this.user
this.user = user
try {
@ -470,7 +471,10 @@ export default class TestConfiguration {
defaultHeaders(extras = {}, prodApp = false) {
extras: Record<string, string | string[]> = {},
prodApp = false
) {
const tenantId = this.getTenantId()
const user = this.getUser()
const authObj: AuthToken = {
@ -499,10 +503,13 @@ export default class TestConfiguration {
publicHeaders({ prodApp = true } = {}) {
prodApp = true,
extras = {},
}: { prodApp?: boolean; extras?: Record<string, string | string[]> } = {}) {
const appId = prodApp ? this.prodAppId : this.appId
const headers: any = {
const headers: Record<string, string> = {
Accept: "application/json",
Cookie: "",
@ -515,6 +522,7 @@ export default class TestConfiguration {
return {
@ -578,17 +586,17 @@ export default class TestConfiguration {
const db = tenancy.getTenantDB(this.getTenantId())
const id = dbCore.generateDevInfoID(userId)
let devInfo: any
try {
devInfo = await db.get(id)
} catch (err) {
devInfo = { _id: id, userId }
const devInfo = await db.tryGet<DevInfo>(id)
if (devInfo && devInfo.apiKey) {
return devInfo.apiKey
devInfo.apiKey = encryption.encrypt(
const apiKey = encryption.encrypt(
await db.put(devInfo)
return devInfo.apiKey
const newDevInfo: DevInfo = { _id: id, userId, apiKey }
await db.put(newDevInfo)
return apiKey
// APP
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
import jestOpenAPI from "jest-openapi"
import { spec } from "../../../../specs/generate"
import TestConfiguration from "../TestConfiguration"
import request, { SuperTest, Test, Response } from "supertest"
import { ReadStream } from "fs"
import { getServer } from "../../../app"
jestOpenAPI(spec() as any)
type Headers = Record<string, string | string[] | undefined>
type Method = "get" | "post" | "put" | "patch" | "delete"
@ -46,6 +50,7 @@ export interface RequestOpts {
export abstract class TestAPI {
config: TestConfiguration
request: SuperTest<Test>
prefix = ""
constructor(config: TestConfiguration) {
this.config = config
@ -53,26 +58,26 @@ export abstract class TestAPI {
protected _get = async <T>(url: string, opts?: RequestOpts): Promise<T> => {
return await this._request<T>("get", url, opts)
return await this._request<T>("get", `${this.prefix}${url}`, opts)
protected _post = async <T>(url: string, opts?: RequestOpts): Promise<T> => {
return await this._request<T>("post", url, opts)
return await this._request<T>("post", `${this.prefix}${url}`, opts)
protected _put = async <T>(url: string, opts?: RequestOpts): Promise<T> => {
return await this._request<T>("put", url, opts)
return await this._request<T>("put", `${this.prefix}${url}`, opts)
protected _patch = async <T>(url: string, opts?: RequestOpts): Promise<T> => {
return await this._request<T>("patch", url, opts)
return await this._request<T>("patch", `${this.prefix}${url}`, opts)
protected _delete = async <T>(
url: string,
opts?: RequestOpts
): Promise<T> => {
return await this._request<T>("delete", url, opts)
return await this._request<T>("delete", `${this.prefix}${url}`, opts)
protected _requestRaw = async (
@ -88,7 +93,6 @@ export abstract class TestAPI {
fields = {},
files = {},
publicUser = false,
} = opts || {}
const { status = 200 } = expectations || {}
const expectHeaders = expectations?.headers || {}
@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ export abstract class TestAPI {
expectHeaders["Content-Type"] = /^application\/json/
let queryParams = []
let queryParams: string[] = []
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(query)) {
if (value) {
@ -107,18 +111,10 @@ export abstract class TestAPI {
url += `?${queryParams.join("&")}`
const headersFn = publicUser
? (_extras = {}) =>
prodApp: opts?.useProdApp,
: (extras = {}) =>
this.config.defaultHeaders.bind(this.config)(extras, opts?.useProdApp)
const app = getServer()
let req = request(app)[method](url)
req = req.set(
await this.getHeaders(opts, {
"x-budibase-include-stacktrace": "true",
@ -167,10 +163,18 @@ export abstract class TestAPI {
protected _checkResponse = (
response: Response,
expectations?: Expectations
) => {
protected async getHeaders(
opts?: RequestOpts,
extras?: Record<string, string | string[]>
): Promise<Record<string, string | string[]>> {
if (opts?.publicUser) {
return this.config.publicHeaders({ prodApp: opts?.useProdApp, extras })
} else {
return this.config.defaultHeaders(extras, opts?.useProdApp)
protected _checkResponse(response: Response, expectations?: Expectations) {
const { status = 200 } = expectations || {}
if (response.status !== status) {
@ -236,3 +240,34 @@ export abstract class TestAPI {
export abstract class PublicAPI extends TestAPI {
prefix = "/api/public/v1"
protected async getHeaders(
opts?: RequestOpts,
extras?: Record<string, string | string[]>
): Promise<Record<string, string | string[]>> {
const apiKey = await this.config.generateApiKey()
const headers: Record<string, string | string[]> = {
Accept: "application/json",
Host: this.config.tenantHost(),
"x-budibase-api-key": apiKey,
"x-budibase-app-id": this.config.getAppId(),
return headers
protected _checkResponse(response: Response, expectations?: Expectations) {
const checked = super._checkResponse(response, expectations)
if (checked.status >= 200 && checked.status < 300) {
// We don't seem to have documented our errors yet, so for the time being
// we'll only do the schema check for successful responses.
return checked
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { RowActionAPI } from "./rowAction"
import { AutomationAPI } from "./automation"
import { PluginAPI } from "./plugin"
import { WebhookAPI } from "./webhook"
import { UserPublicAPI } from "./public/user"
export default class API {
application: ApplicationAPI
@ -38,6 +39,10 @@ export default class API {
viewV2: ViewV2API
webhook: WebhookAPI
public: {
user: UserPublicAPI
constructor(config: TestConfiguration) {
this.application = new ApplicationAPI(config)
this.attachment = new AttachmentAPI(config)
@ -57,5 +62,8 @@ export default class API {
this.user = new UserAPI(config)
this.viewV2 = new ViewV2API(config)
this.webhook = new WebhookAPI(config)
this.public = {
user: new UserPublicAPI(config),
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import { UnsavedUser, User } from "@budibase/types"
import { Expectations, PublicAPI } from "../base"
export class UserPublicAPI extends PublicAPI {
find = async (id: string, expectations?: Expectations): Promise<User> => {
const response = await this._get<{ data: User }>(`/users/${id}`, {
update = async (user: User, expectations?: Expectations): Promise<User> => {
const response = await this._put<{ data: User }>(`/users/${user._id}`, {
body: user,
destroy = async (id: string, expectations?: Expectations): Promise<void> => {
return await this._delete(`/users/${id}`, { expectations })
create = async (
user: UnsavedUser,
expectations?: Expectations
): Promise<User> => {
const response = await this._post<{ data: User }>("/users", {
body: user,
@ -2796,9 +2796,9 @@
through2 "^2.0.0"
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"@anthropic-ai/sdk" "^0.27.3"
"@budibase/backend-core" "*"
@ -7142,6 +7142,11 @@
"@types/superagent" "*"
version "6.0.4"
resolved ""
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Reference in New Issue