Refactor to ensure automation context isn't initialised before it is ready. Passing uninitialised stores to the derived store was causing issues

This commit is contained in:
Dean 2025-01-30 15:00:10 +00:00
parent 420bd39aad
commit 7a0d9aeb25
2 changed files with 136 additions and 107 deletions

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@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
onMount(async () => {
await automationStore.actions.initAppSelf()
// Init the binding evaluation context
$automationStore.showTestPanel = false

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@ -95,6 +95,106 @@ const getFinalDefinitions = (
const automationActions = (store: AutomationStore) => ({
* Generates a derived store acting as an evaluation contect
* for bindings in automations
* @returns {Readable<AutomationContext>}
generateContext: (): Readable<AutomationContext> | undefined => {
if (!organisation || !store.selected || !environment || !tables) {
console.error("Automations: Required context stores are uninitialised")
return derived(
[organisation, store.selected, environment, tables],
([$organisation, $selectedAutomation, $env, $tables]) => {
const { platformUrl: url, company, logoUrl: logo } = $organisation
const results: TestAutomationResponse | undefined =
const testData: TriggerTestOutputs | undefined =
const triggerDef = $
const isWebhook = triggerDef?.stepId === TriggerStepID.WEBHOOK
const isRowAction = triggerDef?.stepId === TriggerStepID.ROW_ACTION
const rowActionTableId = triggerDef?.inputs?.tableId
const rowActionTable = rowActionTableId
? $tables.list.find(table => table._id === rowActionTableId)
: undefined
let triggerData: TriggerTestOutputs | undefined
if (results && isAutomationResults(results)) {
const automationTrigger: AutomationTestTrigger | undefined =
const outputs: TriggerTestOutputs | undefined =
triggerData = outputs ? outputs : undefined
if (triggerData) {
if (isRowAction && rowActionTable) {
const rowTrigger = triggerData as RowActionTriggerOutputs
// Row action table must always be retrieved as it is never
// returned in the test results
rowTrigger.table = rowActionTable
} else if (isWebhook) {
const webhookTrigger = triggerData as WebhookTriggerOutputs
// Ensure it displays in the event that the configuration have been skipped
webhookTrigger.body = webhookTrigger.body ?? {}
// Clean up unnecessary data from the context
// Meta contains UI/UX config data. Non-bindable
delete triggerData?.meta
} else {
// Substitute test data in place of the trigger data if the test hasn't been run
triggerData = testData
// AppSelf context required to mirror server user context
const userContext = $selectedAutomation.appSelf || {}
// Extract step results from a valid response
const stepResults =
results && isAutomationResults(results) ? results?.steps : []
return {
user: userContext,
// Merge in the trigger data.
...(triggerData ? { trigger: { ...triggerData } } : {}),
// This will initially be empty for each step but will populate
// upon running the test.
steps: stepResults.reduce(
(acc: Record<string, any>, res: Record<string, any>) => {
acc[] = res.outputs
return acc
env: ($env?.variables || []).reduce(
(acc: Record<string, any>, variable: Record<string, any>) => {
acc[] = ""
return acc
settings: { url, company, logo },
* Initialise the automation evaluation context
initContext: () => {
store.context = store.actions.generateContext()
* Fetches the app user context used for live evaluation
* This matches the context used on the server
@ -1509,29 +1609,14 @@ const automationActions = (store: AutomationStore) => ({
class AutomationStore extends BudiStore<AutomationState> {
history: HistoryStore<Automation>
actions: ReturnType<typeof automationActions>
constructor() {
this.actions = automationActions(this)
this.history = createHistoryStore({
getDoc: this.actions.getDefinition.bind(this),
// Then wrap save and delete with history
const originalSave =
const originalDelete = this.actions.delete.bind(this.actions) = this.history.wrapSaveDoc(originalSave)
this.actions.delete = this.history.wrapDeleteDoc(originalDelete)
export interface AutomationContext {
user: AppSelfResponse | null
trigger?: TriggerTestOutputs
steps: Record<string, AutomationStep>
env: Record<string, any>
settings: Record<string, any>
export const automationStore = new AutomationStore()
export const automationHistoryStore = automationStore.history
export class SelectedAutomationStore extends DerivedBudiStore<
@ -1592,93 +1677,34 @@ export class SelectedAutomationStore extends DerivedBudiStore<
super(initialAutomationState, makeDerivedStore)
export const selectedAutomation = new SelectedAutomationStore(automationStore)
export interface AutomationContext {
user: AppSelfResponse
trigger?: TriggerTestOutputs
steps: Record<string, AutomationStep>
env: Record<string, any>
settings: Record<string, any>
class AutomationStore extends BudiStore<AutomationState> {
history: HistoryStore<Automation>
actions: ReturnType<typeof automationActions>
selected: SelectedAutomationStore
context: Readable<AutomationContext> | undefined
constructor() {
this.actions = automationActions(this)
this.history = createHistoryStore({
getDoc: this.actions.getDefinition.bind(this),
// Then wrap save and delete with history
const originalSave =
const originalDelete = this.actions.delete.bind(this.actions) = this.history.wrapSaveDoc(originalSave)
this.actions.delete = this.history.wrapDeleteDoc(originalDelete)
this.selected = new SelectedAutomationStore(this)
// this.context =
export const evaluationContext: Readable<AutomationContext> = derived(
[organisation, selectedAutomation, environment, tables],
([$organisation, $selectedAutomation, $env, $tables]) => {
const { platformUrl: url, company, logoUrl: logo } = $organisation
export const automationStore = new AutomationStore()
const results: TestAutomationResponse | undefined =
const testData: TriggerTestOutputs | undefined =
const triggerDef = $
const isWebhook = triggerDef?.stepId === TriggerStepID.WEBHOOK
const isRowAction = triggerDef?.stepId === TriggerStepID.ROW_ACTION
const rowActionTableId = triggerDef?.inputs?.tableId
const rowActionTable = rowActionTableId
? $tables.list.find(table => table._id === rowActionTableId)
: undefined
let triggerData: TriggerTestOutputs | undefined
if (results && isAutomationResults(results)) {
const automationTrigger: AutomationTestTrigger | undefined =
const outputs: TriggerTestOutputs | undefined = automationTrigger?.outputs
triggerData = outputs ? outputs : undefined
if (triggerData) {
if (isRowAction && rowActionTable) {
const rowTrigger = triggerData as RowActionTriggerOutputs
// Row action table must always be retrieved as it is never
// returned in the test results
rowTrigger.table = rowActionTable
} else if (isWebhook) {
const webhookTrigger = triggerData as WebhookTriggerOutputs
// Ensure it displays in the event that the configuration have been skipped
webhookTrigger.body = webhookTrigger.body ?? {}
// Clean up unnecessary data from the context
// Meta contains UI/UX config data. Non-bindable
delete triggerData?.meta
} else {
// Substitute test data in place of the trigger data if the test hasn't been run
triggerData = testData
// AppSelf context required to mirror server user context
const userContext = $selectedAutomation.appSelf || {}
// Extract step results from a valid response
const stepResults =
results && isAutomationResults(results) ? results?.steps : []
return {
user: userContext,
// Merge in the trigger data.
...(triggerData ? { trigger: { ...triggerData } } : {}),
// This will initially be empty for each step but will populate
// upon running the test.
steps: stepResults.reduce(
(acc: Record<string, any>, res: Record<string, any>) => {
acc[] = res.outputs
return acc
env: ($env?.variables || []).reduce(
(acc: Record<string, any>, variable: Record<string, any>) => {
acc[] = ""
return acc
settings: { url, company, logo },
export const automationHistoryStore = automationStore.history
export const selectedAutomation = automationStore.selected
export const evaluationContext = automationStore.context