Fixing aliasing test cases.

This commit is contained in:
mike12345567 2024-09-05 17:57:15 +01:00
parent e30469ce16
commit 7cdf8137c5
1 changed files with 48 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ function multiline(sql: string) {
describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
const limit = 5000
const relationshipLimit = 100
const baseLimit = 5000
const primaryLimit = 100
function getJson(name: string): QueryJson {
return require(join(__dirname, "sqlQueryJson", name)) as QueryJson
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
describe("create", () => {
it("should create a row with relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("createWithRelationships.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: ["A Street", 34, "London", "A", "B", "designer", 1990],
sql: multiline(`insert into "persons" ("address", "age", "city", "firstname", "lastname", "type", "year")
@ -54,40 +54,42 @@ describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
describe("read", () => {
it("should handle basic retrieval with relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("basicFetchWithRelationships.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [relationshipLimit, limit],
bindings: [baseLimit, baseLimit, primaryLimit],
sql: expect.stringContaining(
multiline(`select "a"."year" as "a.year", "a"."firstname" as "a.firstname", "a"."personid" as "a.personid",
"a"."address" as "a.address", "a"."age" as "a.age", "a"."type" as "a.type", "a"."city" as "",
"a"."lastname" as "a.lastname", "b"."executorid" as "b.executorid", "b"."taskname" as "b.taskname",
"b"."taskid" as "b.taskid", "b"."completed" as "b.completed", "b"."qaid" as "b.qaid",
"b"."executorid" as "b.executorid", "b"."taskname" as "b.taskname", "b"."taskid" as "b.taskid",
"b"."completed" as "b.completed", "b"."qaid" as "b.qaid"`)
`select json_agg(json_build_object('executorid',"b"."executorid",'taskname',"b"."taskname",'taskid',"b"."taskid",'completed',"b"."completed",'qaid',"b"."qaid",'executorid',"b"."executorid",'taskname',"b"."taskname",'taskid',"b"."taskid",'completed',"b"."completed",'qaid',"b"."qaid")`
it("should handle filtering by relationship", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("filterByRelationship.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [relationshipLimit, "assembling", limit],
bindings: [baseLimit, "assembling", primaryLimit],
sql: expect.stringContaining(
multiline(`where COALESCE("b"."taskname" = $2, FALSE)
order by "a"."productname" asc nulls first, "a"."productid" asc limit $3`)
`where exists (select 1 from "tasks" as "b" inner join "products_tasks" as "c" on "b"."taskid" = "c"."taskid"
where "c"."productid" = "a"."productid" and COALESCE("b"."taskname" = $2, FALSE)`
it("should handle fetching many to many relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("fetchManyToMany.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [relationshipLimit, limit],
bindings: [baseLimit, primaryLimit],
sql: expect.stringContaining(
multiline(`left join "products_tasks" as "c" on "a"."productid" = "c"."productid"
left join "tasks" as "b" on "b"."taskid" = "c"."taskid" `)
`select json_agg(json_build_object('executorid',"b"."executorid",'taskname',"b"."taskname",'taskid',"b"."taskid",'completed',"b"."completed",'qaid',"b"."qaid"))
from (select "b".* from "tasks" as "b" inner join "products_tasks" as "c" on "b"."taskid" = "c"."taskid"
where "c"."productid" = "a"."productid" order by "b"."taskid" asc limit $1`
@ -95,22 +97,21 @@ describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
it("should handle enrichment of rows", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("enrichRelationship.json")
const filters = queryJson.filters?.oneOf?.taskid as number[]
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [...filters, limit, ...filters, limit],
bindings: [baseLimit, ...filters, baseLimit],
sql: multiline(
`select "a"."executorid" as "a.executorid", "a"."taskname" as "a.taskname", "a"."taskid" as "a.taskid",
"a"."completed" as "a.completed", "a"."qaid" as "a.qaid", "b"."productname" as "b.productname", "b"."productid" as "b.productid"
from (select * from "tasks" as "a" where "a"."taskid" in ($1, $2) order by "a"."taskid" asc limit $3) as "a"
left join "products_tasks" as "c" on "a"."taskid" = "c"."taskid" left join "products" as "b" on "b"."productid" = "c"."productid"
where "a"."taskid" in ($4, $5) order by "a"."taskid" asc limit $6`
`select "a".*, (select json_agg(json_build_object('productname',"b"."productname",'productid',"b"."productid"))
from (select "b".* from "products" as "b" inner join "products_tasks" as "c" on "b"."productid" = "c"."productid"
where "c"."taskid" = "a"."taskid" order by "b"."productid" asc limit $1) as "b") as "products"
from "tasks" as "a" where "a"."taskid" in ($2, $3) order by "a"."taskid" asc limit $4`
it("should manage query with many relationship filters", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("manyRelationshipFilters.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
const filters = queryJson.filters
const notEqualsValue = Object.values(filters?.notEqual!)[0]
const rangeValue: { high?: string | number; low?: string | number } =
@ -119,17 +120,18 @@ describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
bindings: [
sql: expect.stringContaining(
`where "c"."year" between $3 and $4 and COALESCE("b"."productname" = $5, FALSE)`
`where exists (select 1 from "persons" as "c" where "c"."personid" = "a"."executorid" and "c"."year" between $4 and $5)`
@ -139,17 +141,19 @@ describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
describe("update", () => {
it("should handle performing a simple update", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("updateSimple.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [1990, "C", "A Street", 34, "designer", "London", "B", 5],
sql: multiline(`update "persons" as "a" set "year" = $1, "firstname" = $2, "address" = $3, "age" = $4,
"type" = $5, "city" = $6, "lastname" = $7 where COALESCE("a"."personid" = $8, FALSE) returning *`),
sql: multiline(
`update "persons" as "a" set "year" = $1, "firstname" = $2, "address" = $3, "age" = $4,
"type" = $5, "city" = $6, "lastname" = $7 where COALESCE("a"."personid" = $8, FALSE) returning *`
it("should handle performing an update of relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("updateRelationship.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [1990, "C", "A Street", 34, "designer", "London", "B", 5],
sql: multiline(`update "persons" as "a" set "year" = $1, "firstname" = $2, "address" = $3, "age" = $4,
@ -161,12 +165,12 @@ describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
describe("delete", () => {
it("should handle deleting with relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("deleteSimple.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, baseLimit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: ["ddd", ""],
sql: multiline(`delete from "compositetable" as "a"
where COALESCE("a"."keypartone" = $1, FALSE) and COALESCE("a"."keyparttwo" = $2, FALSE)
returning "a"."keyparttwo" as "a.keyparttwo", "a"."keypartone" as "a.keypartone", "a"."name" as ""`),
returning "a".*`),
@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
describe("returning (everything bar Postgres)", () => {
it("should be able to handle row returning", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("createSimple.json")
const SQL = new Sql(SqlClient.MS_SQL, limit)
const SQL = new Sql(SqlClient.MS_SQL, baseLimit)
let query = SQL._query(queryJson, { disableReturning: true })
sql: "insert into [people] ([age], [name]) values (@p0, @p1)",
@ -187,10 +191,11 @@ describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
returningQuery = input
}, queryJson)
sql: multiline(`select top (@p0) * from (select top (@p1) * from [people] where CASE WHEN [people].[name] = @p2
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 1 and CASE WHEN [people].[age] = @p3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 1 order by [people].[name] asc) as [people]
where CASE WHEN [people].[name] = @p4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 1 and CASE WHEN [people].[age] = @p5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 1`),
bindings: [5000, 1, "Test", 22, "Test", 22],
sql: multiline(
`select top (@p0) * from [people] where CASE WHEN [people].[name] = @p1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 1
and CASE WHEN [people].[age] = @p2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 1 order by [people].[name] asc`
bindings: [1, "Test", 22],