Merge branch 'master' of into test-api-unification

This commit is contained in:
Sam Rose 2024-03-01 15:20:15 +00:00
commit 8d39b24c44
No known key found for this signature in database
30 changed files with 2456 additions and 285 deletions

i18n/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
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자체 인프라에서 몇 분 만에 맞춤형 비즈니스 도구를 구축하세요.
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Budibase는 개발자와 IT 전문가가 몇 분 만에 맞춤형 애플리케이션을 구축하고 자동화할 수 있는 오픈 소스 로우코드 플랫폼입니다.
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## ✨ 특징
### "실제" 소프트웨어를 구축할 수 있습니다.
Budibase를 사용하면 고성능 단일 페이지 애플리케이션을 구축할 수 있습니다. 또한 반응형 디자인으로 제작하여 사용자에게 멋진 경험을 제공할 수 있습니다.
<br /><br />
### 오픈 소스 및 확장성
Budibase는 오픈소스이며, GPL v3 라이선스에 따라 공개되어 있습니다. 이는 Budibase가 항상 당신 곁에 있다는 안도감을 줄 것입니다. 그리고 우리는 개발자 친화적인 환경을 제공하고 있기 때문에, 당신은 원하는 만큼 소스 코드를 포크하여 수정하거나 Budibase에 직접 기여할 수 있습니다.
<br /><br />
### 기존 데이터 또는 처음부터 시작
Budibase를 사용하면 다음과 같은 여러 소스에서 데이터를 가져올 수 있습니다: MondoDB, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Airtable, S3, DynamoDB 또는 REST API.
또는 원하는 경우 외부 도구 없이도 Budibase를 사용하여 처음부터 시작하여 자체 애플리케이션을 구축할 수 있습니다.[데이터 소스 제안](
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<img alt="Budibase data" src="">
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### 강력한 내장 구성 요소로 애플리케이션을 설계하고 구축할 수 있습니다.
Budibase에는 아름답게 디자인된 강력한 컴포넌트들이 제공되며, 이를 사용하여 UI를 쉽게 구축할 수 있습니다. 또한, CSS를 통한 스타일링 옵션도 풍부하게 제공되어 보다 창의적인 표현도 가능하다.
[Request new component](
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<img alt="Budibase design" src="">
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### 프로세스를 자동화하고, 다른 도구와 연동하고, 웹훅으로 연결하세요!
워크플로우와 수동 프로세스를 자동화하여 시간을 절약하세요. 웹훅 이벤트 연결부터 이메일 자동화까지, Budibase에 수행할 작업을 지시하기만 하면 자동으로 처리됩니다. [새로운 자동화 만들기](또는[새로운 자동화를 요청할 수 있습니다](
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### 선호하는 도구
Budibase는 사용자의 선호도에 따라 애플리케이션을 구축할 수 있는 다양한 도구를 통합하고 있습니다.
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<img alt="Budibase integrations" src="">
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### 관리자의 천국
Budibase는 어떤 규모의 프로젝트에도 유연하게 대응할 수 있으며, Budibase를 사용하면 개인 또는 조직의 서버에서 자체 호스팅하고 사용자, 온보딩, SMTP, 앱, 그룹, 테마 등을 한꺼번에 관리할 수 있습니다. 또한, 사용자나 그룹에 앱 포털을 제공하고 그룹 관리자에게 사용자 관리를 맡길 수도 있다.
- 프로모션 비디오:
<br /><br /><br />
## 🏁 시작
Docker, Kubernetes 또는 Digital Ocean을 사용하여 자체 인프라에서 Budibase를 호스팅하거나, 걱정 없이 빠르게 애플리케이션을 구축하려는 경우 클라우드에서 Budibase를 사용할 수 있습니다.
### [Budibase 셀프 호스팅으로 시작하기](
- [Docker - single ARM compatible image](
- [Docker Compose](
- [Kubernetes](
- [Digital Ocean](
- [Portainer](
### [클라우드에서 Budibase 시작하기](
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## 🎓 Budibase 알아보기
문서 [documentacion de Budibase](
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## 💬 커뮤니티
질문하고, 다른 사람을 돕고, 다른 Budibase 사용자와 즐거운 대화를 나눌 수 있는 Budibase 커뮤니티에 여러분을 초대합니다.
[깃허브 토론](
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## ❗ 행동강령
Budibase 는 모든 계층의 사람들을 환영하고 상호 존중하는 환경을 제공하는 데 특별한 주의를 기울이고 있습니다. 저희는 커뮤니티에도 같은 기대를 가지고 있습니다.
[**행동 강령**](
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## 🙌 Contribuir en Budibase
버그 신고부터 코드의 버그 수정에 이르기까지 모든 기여를 감사하고 환영합니다. 새로운 기능을 구현하거나 API를 변경할 계획이 있다면 [여기에 새 메시지](,
이렇게 하면 여러분의 노력이 헛되지 않도록 보장할 수 있습니다.
여기에는 다음을 위해 Budibase 환경을 설정하는 방법에 대한 지침이 나와 있습니다. [여기를 클릭하세요](
### 어디서부터 시작해야 할지 혼란스러우신가요?
이곳은 기여를 시작하기에 최적의 장소입니다! [First time issues project](
### 리포지토리 구성
Budibase는 Lerna에서 관리하는 단일 리포지토리입니다. Lerna는 변경 사항이 있을 때마다 이를 동기화하여 Budibase 패키지를 빌드하고 게시합니다. 크게 보면 이러한 패키지가 Budibase를 구성하는 패키지입니다:
- [packages/builder]( - budibase builder 클라이언트 측의 svelte 애플리케이션 코드가 포함되어 있습니다.
- [packages/client]( - budibase builder 클라이언트 측의 svelte 애플리케이션 코드가 포함되어 있습니다.
- [packages/server]( - Budibase의 서버 부분입니다. 이 Koa 애플리케이션은 빌더에게 Budibase 애플리케이션을 생성하는 데 필요한 것을 제공하는 역할을 합니다. 또한 데이터베이스 및 파일 저장소와 상호 작용할 수 있는 API를 제공합니다.
자세한 내용은 다음 문서를 참조하세요. [](
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## 📝 라이선스
Budibase는 오픈 소스이며, 라이선스는 다음과 같습니다 [GPL v3]( 클라이언트 및 컴포넌트 라이브러리는 다음과 같이 라이선스가 부여됩니다. [MPL]( - 이렇게 하면 빌드한 애플리케이션에 원하는 대로 라이선스를 부여할 수 있습니다.
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## ⭐ 스타 수의 역사
[![Stargazers over time](](
빌더 업데이트 중 문제가 발생하는 경우 [여기]( 를 참고하여 환경을 정리해 주세요.
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## Contributors ✨
훌륭한 여러분께 감사할 따름입니다. ([emoji key](
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<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Martin McKeaveney</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a> <a href="#infra-shogunpurple" title="Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)">🚇</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Michael Drury</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a> <a href="#infra-mike12345567" title="Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)">🚇</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Andrew Kingston</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a> <a href="#design-aptkingston" title="Design">🎨</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Michael Shanks</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Kevin Åberg Kultalahti</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Joe</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#content-joebudi" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="#design-joebudi" title="Design">🎨</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Rory Powell</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Peter Clement</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Conor_Mack</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>pngwn</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>HugoLd</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>victoriasloan</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>yashank09</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>SOVLOOKUP</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>seoulaja</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#translation-seoulaja" title="Translation">🌍</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Maurits Lourens</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td>
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이 프로젝트는 다음 사양을 따릅니다. [all-contributors](
모든 종류의 기여를 환영합니다!

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ {
"version": "2.20.13", "version": "2.21.0",
"npmClient": "yarn", "npmClient": "yarn",
"packages": [ "packages": [
"packages/*", "packages/*",

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
docker-compose down docker-compose down -v
docker volume prune -f docker volume prune -f

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import {
FilterType, FilterType,
IncludeRelationship, IncludeRelationship,
ManyToManyRelationshipFieldMetadata, ManyToManyRelationshipFieldMetadata,
OneToManyRelationshipFieldMetadata, OneToManyRelationshipFieldMetadata,
Operation, Operation,
PaginationJson, PaginationJson,
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import {
SortJson, SortJson,
SortType, SortType,
Table, Table,
} from "@budibase/types" } from "@budibase/types"
import { import {
breakExternalTableId, breakExternalTableId,
@ -32,7 +34,9 @@ import { processObjectSync } from "@budibase/string-templates"
import { cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp" import { cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp"
import { processDates, processFormulas } from "../../../utilities/rowProcessor" import { processDates, processFormulas } from "../../../utilities/rowProcessor"
import { db as dbCore } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { db as dbCore } from "@budibase/backend-core"
import AliasTables from "./alias"
import sdk from "../../../sdk" import sdk from "../../../sdk"
import env from "../../../environment"
export interface ManyRelationship { export interface ManyRelationship {
tableId?: string tableId?: string
@ -101,6 +105,39 @@ function buildFilters(
} }
} }
async function removeManyToManyRelationships(
rowId: string,
table: Table,
colName: string
) {
const tableId = table._id!
const filters = buildFilters(rowId, {}, table)
// safety check, if there are no filters on deletion bad things happen
if (Object.keys(filters).length !== 0) {
return getDatasourceAndQuery({
endpoint: getEndpoint(tableId, Operation.DELETE),
body: { [colName]: null },
} else {
return []
async function removeOneToManyRelationships(rowId: string, table: Table) {
const tableId = table._id!
const filters = buildFilters(rowId, {}, table)
// safety check, if there are no filters on deletion bad things happen
if (Object.keys(filters).length !== 0) {
return getDatasourceAndQuery({
endpoint: getEndpoint(tableId, Operation.UPDATE),
} else {
return []
/** /**
* This function checks the incoming parameters to make sure all the inputs are * This function checks the incoming parameters to make sure all the inputs are
* valid based on on the table schema. The main thing this is looking for is when a * valid based on on the table schema. The main thing this is looking for is when a
@ -178,13 +215,13 @@ function generateIdForRow(
function getEndpoint(tableId: string | undefined, operation: string) { function getEndpoint(tableId: string | undefined, operation: string) {
if (!tableId) { if (!tableId) {
return {} throw new Error("Cannot get endpoint information - no table ID specified")
} }
const { datasourceId, tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) const { datasourceId, tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId)
return { return {
datasourceId, datasourceId: datasourceId!,
entityId: tableName, entityId: tableName!,
operation, operation: operation as Operation,
} }
} }
@ -304,6 +341,18 @@ export class ExternalRequest<T extends Operation> {
} }
} }
async getRow(table: Table, rowId: string): Promise<Row> {
const response = await getDatasourceAndQuery({
endpoint: getEndpoint(table._id!, Operation.READ),
filters: buildFilters(rowId, {}, table),
if (Array.isArray(response) && response.length > 0) {
return response[0]
} else {
throw new Error(`Cannot fetch row by ID "${rowId}"`)
inputProcessing(row: Row | undefined, table: Table) { inputProcessing(row: Row | undefined, table: Table) {
if (!row) { if (!row) {
return { row, manyRelationships: [] } return { row, manyRelationships: [] }
@ -571,7 +620,9 @@ export class ExternalRequest<T extends Operation> {
* information. * information.
*/ */
async lookupRelations(tableId: string, row: Row) { async lookupRelations(tableId: string, row: Row) {
const related: { [key: string]: any } = {} const related: {
[key: string]: { rows: Row[]; isMany: boolean; tableId: string }
} = {}
const { tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) const { tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId)
if (!tableName) { if (!tableName) {
return related return related
@ -589,14 +640,26 @@ export class ExternalRequest<T extends Operation> {
) { ) {
continue continue
} }
const isMany = field.relationshipType === RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY let tableId: string | undefined,
const tableId = isMany ? field.through : field.tableId lookupField: string | undefined,
fieldName: string | undefined
if (isManyToMany(field)) {
tableId = field.through
lookupField = primaryKey
fieldName = field.throughTo || primaryKey
} else if (isManyToOne(field)) {
tableId = field.tableId
lookupField = field.foreignKey
fieldName = field.fieldName
if (!tableId || !lookupField || !fieldName) {
throw new Error(
"Unable to lookup relationships - undefined column properties."
const { tableName: relatedTableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) const { tableName: relatedTableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId)
// @ts-ignore // @ts-ignore
const linkPrimaryKey = this.tables[relatedTableName].primary[0] const linkPrimaryKey = this.tables[relatedTableName].primary[0]
const lookupField = isMany ? primaryKey : field.foreignKey
const fieldName = isMany ? field.throughTo || primaryKey : field.fieldName
if (!lookupField || !row[lookupField]) { if (!lookupField || !row[lookupField]) {
continue continue
} }
@ -609,9 +672,12 @@ export class ExternalRequest<T extends Operation> {
}, },
}) })
// this is the response from knex if no rows found // this is the response from knex if no rows found
const rows = !response[0].read ? response : [] const rows: Row[] =
const storeTo = isMany ? field.throughFrom || linkPrimaryKey : fieldName !Array.isArray(response) || response?.[0].read ? [] : response
related[storeTo] = { rows, isMany, tableId } const storeTo = isManyToMany(field)
? field.throughFrom || linkPrimaryKey
: fieldName
related[storeTo] = { rows, isMany: isManyToMany(field), tableId }
} }
return related return related
} }
@ -697,24 +763,43 @@ export class ExternalRequest<T extends Operation> {
continue continue
} }
for (let row of rows) { for (let row of rows) {
const filters = buildFilters(generateIdForRow(row, table), {}, table) const rowId = generateIdForRow(row, table)
// safety check, if there are no filters on deletion bad things happen const promise: Promise<any> = isMany
if (Object.keys(filters).length !== 0) { ? removeManyToManyRelationships(rowId, table, colName)
const op = isMany ? Operation.DELETE : Operation.UPDATE : removeOneToManyRelationships(rowId, table)
const body = isMany ? null : { [colName]: null } if (promise) {
promises.push( promises.push(promise)
endpoint: getEndpoint(tableId, op),
} }
} }
} }
await Promise.all(promises) await Promise.all(promises)
} }
async removeRelationshipsToRow(table: Table, rowId: string) {
const row = await this.getRow(table, rowId)
const related = await this.lookupRelations(table._id!, row)
for (let column of Object.values(table.schema)) {
const relationshipColumn = column as RelationshipFieldMetadata
if (!isManyToOne(relationshipColumn)) {
const { rows, isMany, tableId } = related[relationshipColumn.fieldName]
const table = this.getTable(tableId)!
await Promise.all( => {
const rowId = generateIdForRow(row, table)
return isMany
? removeManyToManyRelationships(
: removeOneToManyRelationships(rowId, table)
/** /**
* This function is a bit crazy, but the exact purpose of it is to protect against the scenario in which * This function is a bit crazy, but the exact purpose of it is to protect against the scenario in which
* you have column overlap in relationships, e.g. we join a few different tables and they all have the * you have column overlap in relationships, e.g. we join a few different tables and they all have the
@ -804,7 +889,7 @@ export class ExternalRequest<T extends Operation> {
} }
let json = { let json = {
endpoint: { endpoint: {
datasourceId, datasourceId: datasourceId!,
entityId: tableName, entityId: tableName,
operation, operation,
}, },
@ -826,17 +911,30 @@ export class ExternalRequest<T extends Operation> {
}, },
} }
// can't really use response right now // remove any relationships that could block deletion
const response = await getDatasourceAndQuery(json) if (operation === Operation.DELETE && id) {
// handle many to many relationships now if we know the ID (could be auto increment) await this.removeRelationshipsToRow(table, generateRowIdField(id))
// aliasing can be disabled fully if desired
let response
response = await getDatasourceAndQuery(json)
} else {
const aliasing = new AliasTables(Object.keys(this.tables))
response = await aliasing.queryWithAliasing(json)
const responseRows = Array.isArray(response) ? response : []
// handle many-to-many relationships now if we know the ID (could be auto increment)
if (operation !== Operation.READ) { if (operation !== Operation.READ) {
await this.handleManyRelationships( await this.handleManyRelationships(
table._id || "", table._id || "",
response[0], responseRows[0],
processed.manyRelationships processed.manyRelationships
) )
} }
const output = this.outputProcessing(response, table, relationships) const output = this.outputProcessing(responseRows, table, relationships)
// if reading it'll just be an array of rows, return whole thing // if reading it'll just be an array of rows, return whole thing
if (operation === Operation.READ) { if (operation === Operation.READ) {
return ( return (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
import {
} from "@budibase/types"
import { getDatasourceAndQuery } from "../../../sdk/app/rows/utils"
import { cloneDeep } from "lodash"
class CharSequence {
static alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
counters: number[]
constructor() {
this.counters = [0]
getCharacter(): string {
const char = => CharSequence.alphabet[i]).join("")
for (let i = this.counters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.counters[i] < CharSequence.alphabet.length - 1) {
return char
this.counters[i] = 0
return char
export default class AliasTables {
aliases: Record<string, string>
tableAliases: Record<string, string>
tableNames: string[]
charSeq: CharSequence
constructor(tableNames: string[]) {
this.tableNames = tableNames
this.aliases = {}
this.tableAliases = {}
this.charSeq = new CharSequence()
getAlias(tableName: string) {
if (this.aliases[tableName]) {
return this.aliases[tableName]
const char = this.charSeq.getCharacter()
this.aliases[tableName] = char
this.tableAliases[char] = tableName
return char
aliasField(field: string) {
const tableNames = this.tableNames
if (field.includes(".")) {
const [tableName, column] = field.split(".")
const foundTableName = tableNames.find(name => {
const idx = tableName.indexOf(name)
if (idx === -1 || idx > 1) {
return Math.abs(tableName.length - name.length) <= 2
if (foundTableName) {
const aliasedTableName = tableName.replace(
field = `${aliasedTableName}.${column}`
return field
reverse<T extends Row | Row[]>(rows: T): T {
const process = (row: Row) => {
const final: Row = {}
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(row)) {
if (!key.includes(".")) {
final[key] = value
} else {
const [alias, column] = key.split(".")
const tableName = this.tableAliases[alias] || alias
final[`${tableName}.${column}`] = value
return final
if (Array.isArray(rows)) {
return => process(row)) as T
} else {
return process(rows) as T
aliasMap(tableNames: (string | undefined)[]) {
const map: Record<string, string> = {}
for (let tableName of tableNames) {
if (tableName) {
map[tableName] = this.getAlias(tableName)
return map
async queryWithAliasing(json: QueryJson): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse {
json = cloneDeep(json)
const aliasTable = (table: Table) => ({
name: this.getAlias(,
// run through the query json to update anywhere a table may be used
if (json.resource?.fields) {
json.resource.fields = =>
if (json.filters) {
for (let [filterKey, filter] of Object.entries(json.filters)) {
if (typeof filter !== "object") {
const aliasedFilters: typeof filter = {}
for (let key of Object.keys(filter)) {
aliasedFilters[this.aliasField(key)] = filter[key]
json.filters[filterKey as keyof SearchFilters] = aliasedFilters
if (json.relationships) {
json.relationships = => ({
aliases: this.aliasMap([
if (json.meta?.table) {
json.meta.table = aliasTable(json.meta.table)
if (json.meta?.tables) {
const aliasedTables: Record<string, Table> = {}
for (let [tableName, table] of Object.entries(json.meta.tables)) {
aliasedTables[this.getAlias(tableName)] = aliasTable(table)
json.meta.tables = aliasedTables
// invert and return
const invertedTableAliases: Record<string, string> = {}
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(this.tableAliases)) {
invertedTableAliases[value] = key
json.tableAliases = invertedTableAliases
const response = await getDatasourceAndQuery(json)
if (Array.isArray(response)) {
return this.reverse(response)
} else {
return response

View File

@ -76,13 +76,16 @@ const environment = {
// SQL
// flags // flags

View File

@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
import { QueryJson, Datasource } from "@budibase/types" import {
} from "@budibase/types"
import { getIntegration } from "../index" import { getIntegration } from "../index"
import sdk from "../../sdk" import sdk from "../../sdk"
export async function makeExternalQuery( export async function makeExternalQuery(
datasource: Datasource, datasource: Datasource,
json: QueryJson json: QueryJson
) { ): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse {
datasource = await sdk.datasources.enrich(datasource) datasource = await sdk.datasources.enrich(datasource)
const Integration = await getIntegration(datasource.source) const Integration = await getIntegration(datasource.source)
// query is the opinionated function // query is the opinionated function

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ const envLimit = environment.SQL_MAX_ROWS
: null : null
const BASE_LIMIT = envLimit || 5000 const BASE_LIMIT = envLimit || 5000
type KnexQuery = Knex.QueryBuilder | Knex
// these are invalid dates sent by the client, need to convert them to a real max date // these are invalid dates sent by the client, need to convert them to a real max date
const MIN_ISO_DATE = "0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z" const MIN_ISO_DATE = "0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z"
const MAX_ISO_DATE = "9999-00-00T00:00:00.000Z" const MAX_ISO_DATE = "9999-00-00T00:00:00.000Z"
@ -127,10 +126,15 @@ class InternalBuilder {
// right now we only do filters on the specific table being queried // right now we only do filters on the specific table being queried
addFilters( addFilters(
query: KnexQuery, query: Knex.QueryBuilder,
filters: SearchFilters | undefined, filters: SearchFilters | undefined,
opts: { relationship?: boolean; tableName?: string } tableName: string,
): KnexQuery { opts: { aliases?: Record<string, string>; relationship?: boolean }
): Knex.QueryBuilder {
function getTableName(name: string) {
const alias = opts.aliases?.[name]
return alias || name
function iterate( function iterate(
structure: { [key: string]: any }, structure: { [key: string]: any },
fn: (key: string, value: any) => void fn: (key: string, value: any) => void
@ -139,10 +143,11 @@ class InternalBuilder {
const updatedKey = dbCore.removeKeyNumbering(key) const updatedKey = dbCore.removeKeyNumbering(key)
const isRelationshipField = updatedKey.includes(".") const isRelationshipField = updatedKey.includes(".")
if (!opts.relationship && !isRelationshipField) { if (!opts.relationship && !isRelationshipField) {
fn(`${opts.tableName}.${updatedKey}`, value) fn(`${getTableName(tableName)}.${updatedKey}`, value)
} }
if (opts.relationship && isRelationshipField) { if (opts.relationship && isRelationshipField) {
fn(updatedKey, value) const [filterTableName, property] = updatedKey.split(".")
fn(`${getTableName(filterTableName)}.${property}`, value)
} }
} }
} }
@ -314,7 +319,7 @@ class InternalBuilder {
return query return query
} }
addSorting(query: KnexQuery, json: QueryJson): KnexQuery { addSorting(query: Knex.QueryBuilder, json: QueryJson): Knex.QueryBuilder {
let { sort, paginate } = json let { sort, paginate } = json
const table = json.meta?.table const table = json.meta?.table
if (sort && Object.keys(sort || {}).length > 0) { if (sort && Object.keys(sort || {}).length > 0) {
@ -330,16 +335,28 @@ class InternalBuilder {
return query return query
} }
tableName: string,
opts?: { alias?: string; schema?: string }
) {
let withSchema = opts?.schema ? `${opts.schema}.${tableName}` : tableName
if (opts?.alias) {
withSchema += ` as ${opts.alias}`
return withSchema
addRelationships( addRelationships(
query: KnexQuery, query: Knex.QueryBuilder,
fromTable: string, fromTable: string,
relationships: RelationshipsJson[] | undefined, relationships: RelationshipsJson[] | undefined,
schema: string | undefined schema: string | undefined,
): KnexQuery { aliases?: Record<string, string>
): Knex.QueryBuilder {
if (!relationships) { if (!relationships) {
return query return query
} }
const tableSets: Record<string, [any]> = {} const tableSets: Record<string, [RelationshipsJson]> = {}
// aggregate into table sets (all the same to tables) // aggregate into table sets (all the same to tables)
for (let relationship of relationships) { for (let relationship of relationships) {
const keyObj: { toTable: string; throughTable: string | undefined } = { const keyObj: { toTable: string; throughTable: string | undefined } = {
@ -358,10 +375,17 @@ class InternalBuilder {
} }
for (let [key, relationships] of Object.entries(tableSets)) { for (let [key, relationships] of Object.entries(tableSets)) {
const { toTable, throughTable } = JSON.parse(key) const { toTable, throughTable } = JSON.parse(key)
const toTableWithSchema = schema ? `${schema}.${toTable}` : toTable const toAlias = aliases?.[toTable] || toTable,
const throughTableWithSchema = schema throughAlias = aliases?.[throughTable] || throughTable,
? `${schema}.${throughTable}` fromAlias = aliases?.[fromTable] || fromTable
: throughTable let toTableWithSchema = this.tableNameWithSchema(toTable, {
alias: toAlias,
let throughTableWithSchema = this.tableNameWithSchema(throughTable, {
alias: throughAlias,
if (!throughTable) { if (!throughTable) {
// @ts-ignore // @ts-ignore
query = query.leftJoin(toTableWithSchema, function () { query = query.leftJoin(toTableWithSchema, function () {
@ -369,7 +393,7 @@ class InternalBuilder {
const from = relationship.from, const from = relationship.from,
to = to =
// @ts-ignore // @ts-ignore
this.orOn(`${fromTable}.${from}`, "=", `${toTable}.${to}`) this.orOn(`${fromAlias}.${from}`, "=", `${toAlias}.${to}`)
} }
}) })
} else { } else {
@ -381,9 +405,9 @@ class InternalBuilder {
const from = relationship.from const from = relationship.from
// @ts-ignore // @ts-ignore
this.orOn( this.orOn(
`${fromTable}.${fromPrimary}`, `${fromAlias}.${fromPrimary}`,
"=", "=",
`${throughTable}.${from}` `${throughAlias}.${from}`
) )
} }
}) })
@ -392,7 +416,7 @@ class InternalBuilder {
const toPrimary = relationship.toPrimary const toPrimary = relationship.toPrimary
const to = const to =
// @ts-ignore // @ts-ignore
this.orOn(`${toTable}.${toPrimary}`, `${throughTable}.${to}`) this.orOn(`${toAlias}.${toPrimary}`, `${throughAlias}.${to}`)
} }
}) })
} }
@ -400,12 +424,25 @@ class InternalBuilder {
return query.limit(BASE_LIMIT) return query.limit(BASE_LIMIT)
} }
create(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson, opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder { knexWithAlias(
const { endpoint, body } = json knex: Knex,
let query: KnexQuery = knex(endpoint.entityId) endpoint: QueryJson["endpoint"],
aliases?: QueryJson["tableAliases"]
): Knex.QueryBuilder {
const tableName = endpoint.entityId
const tableAliased = aliases?.[tableName]
? `${tableName} as ${aliases?.[tableName]}`
: tableName
let query = knex(tableAliased)
if (endpoint.schema) { if (endpoint.schema) {
query = query.withSchema(endpoint.schema) query = query.withSchema(endpoint.schema)
} }
return query
create(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson, opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder {
const { endpoint, body } = json
let query = this.knexWithAlias(knex, endpoint)
const parsedBody = parseBody(body) const parsedBody = parseBody(body)
// make sure no null values in body for creation // make sure no null values in body for creation
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(parsedBody)) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(parsedBody)) {
@ -424,10 +461,7 @@ class InternalBuilder {
bulkCreate(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson): Knex.QueryBuilder { bulkCreate(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson): Knex.QueryBuilder {
const { endpoint, body } = json const { endpoint, body } = json
let query: KnexQuery = knex(endpoint.entityId) let query = this.knexWithAlias(knex, endpoint)
if (endpoint.schema) {
query = query.withSchema(endpoint.schema)
if (!Array.isArray(body)) { if (!Array.isArray(body)) {
return query return query
} }
@ -435,8 +469,10 @@ class InternalBuilder {
return query.insert(parsedBody) return query.insert(parsedBody)
} }
read(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson, limit: number): KnexQuery { read(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson, limit: number): Knex.QueryBuilder {
let { endpoint, resource, filters, paginate, relationships } = json let { endpoint, resource, filters, paginate, relationships, tableAliases } =
const tableName = endpoint.entityId const tableName = endpoint.entityId
// select all if not specified // select all if not specified
if (!resource) { if (!resource) {
@ -462,21 +498,20 @@ class InternalBuilder {
foundLimit = paginate.limit foundLimit = paginate.limit
} }
// start building the query // start building the query
let query: KnexQuery = knex(tableName).limit(foundLimit) let query = this.knexWithAlias(knex, endpoint, tableAliases)
if (endpoint.schema) { query = query.limit(foundLimit)
query = query.withSchema(endpoint.schema)
if (foundOffset) { if (foundOffset) {
query = query.offset(foundOffset) query = query.offset(foundOffset)
} }
query = this.addFilters(query, filters, { tableName }) query = this.addFilters(query, filters, tableName, {
aliases: tableAliases,
// add sorting to pre-query // add sorting to pre-query
query = this.addSorting(query, json) query = this.addSorting(query, json)
// @ts-ignore const alias = tableAliases?.[tableName] || tableName
let preQuery: KnexQuery = knex({ let preQuery = knex({
// @ts-ignore [alias]: query,
[tableName]: query, } as any).select(selectStatement) as any
// have to add after as well (this breaks MS-SQL) // have to add after as well (this breaks MS-SQL)
if (this.client !== SqlClient.MS_SQL) { if (this.client !== SqlClient.MS_SQL) {
preQuery = this.addSorting(preQuery, json) preQuery = this.addSorting(preQuery, json)
@ -486,19 +521,22 @@ class InternalBuilder {
preQuery, preQuery,
tableName, tableName,
relationships, relationships,
endpoint.schema endpoint.schema,
) )
return this.addFilters(query, filters, { relationship: true }) return this.addFilters(query, filters, tableName, {
relationship: true,
aliases: tableAliases,
} }
update(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson, opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder { update(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson, opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder {
const { endpoint, body, filters } = json const { endpoint, body, filters, tableAliases } = json
let query: KnexQuery = knex(endpoint.entityId) let query = this.knexWithAlias(knex, endpoint, tableAliases)
if (endpoint.schema) {
query = query.withSchema(endpoint.schema)
const parsedBody = parseBody(body) const parsedBody = parseBody(body)
query = this.addFilters(query, filters, { tableName: endpoint.entityId }) query = this.addFilters(query, filters, endpoint.entityId, {
aliases: tableAliases,
// mysql can't use returning // mysql can't use returning
if (opts.disableReturning) { if (opts.disableReturning) {
return query.update(parsedBody) return query.update(parsedBody)
@ -508,12 +546,11 @@ class InternalBuilder {
} }
delete(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson, opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder { delete(knex: Knex, json: QueryJson, opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder {
const { endpoint, filters } = json const { endpoint, filters, tableAliases } = json
let query: KnexQuery = knex(endpoint.entityId) let query = this.knexWithAlias(knex, endpoint, tableAliases)
if (endpoint.schema) { query = this.addFilters(query, filters, endpoint.entityId, {
query = query.withSchema(endpoint.schema) aliases: tableAliases,
} })
query = this.addFilters(query, filters, { tableName: endpoint.entityId })
// mysql can't use returning // mysql can't use returning
if (opts.disableReturning) { if (opts.disableReturning) {
return query.delete() return query.delete()
@ -547,7 +584,7 @@ class SqlQueryBuilder extends SqlTableQueryBuilder {
query = builder.create(client, json, opts) query = builder.create(client, json, opts)
break break
case Operation.READ: case Operation.READ:
query =, json, this.limit) as Knex.QueryBuilder query =, json, this.limit)
break break
case Operation.UPDATE: case Operation.UPDATE:
query = builder.update(client, json, opts) query = builder.update(client, json, opts)
@ -646,6 +683,18 @@ class SqlQueryBuilder extends SqlTableQueryBuilder {
} }
return results.length ? results : [{ [operation.toLowerCase()]: true }] return results.length ? results : [{ [operation.toLowerCase()]: true }]
} }
log(query: string, values?: any[]) {
if (!environment.SQL_LOGGING_ENABLE) {
const sqlClient = this.getSqlClient()
let string = `[SQL] [${sqlClient.toUpperCase()}] query="${query}"`
if (values) {
string += ` values="${values.join(", ")}"`
} }
export default SqlQueryBuilder export default SqlQueryBuilder

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
Table, Table,
TableRequest, TableRequest,
TableSourceType, TableSourceType,
} from "@budibase/types" } from "@budibase/types"
import { OAuth2Client } from "google-auth-library" import { OAuth2Client } from "google-auth-library"
import { import {
@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ class GoogleSheetsIntegration implements DatasourcePlus {
return { tables: externalTables, errors } return { tables: externalTables, errors }
} }
async query(json: QueryJson) { async query(json: QueryJson): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse {
const sheet = json.endpoint.entityId const sheet = json.endpoint.entityId
switch (json.endpoint.operation) { switch (json.endpoint.operation) {
case Operation.CREATE: case Operation.CREATE:
@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ class GoogleSheetsIntegration implements DatasourcePlus {
} }
try { try {
await this.connect() await this.connect()
return await this.client.addSheet({ title: name, headerValues: [name] }) await this.client.addSheet({ title: name, headerValues: [name] })
} catch (err) { } catch (err) {
console.error("Error creating new table in google sheets", err) console.error("Error creating new table in google sheets", err)
throw err throw err
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ class GoogleSheetsIntegration implements DatasourcePlus {
try { try {
await this.connect() await this.connect()
const sheetToDelete = this.client.sheetsByTitle[sheet] const sheetToDelete = this.client.sheetsByTitle[sheet]
return await sheetToDelete.delete() await sheetToDelete.delete()
} catch (err) { } catch (err) {
console.error("Error deleting table in google sheets", err) console.error("Error deleting table in google sheets", err)
throw err throw err

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import {
SourceName, SourceName,
Schema, Schema,
TableSourceType, TableSourceType,
} from "@budibase/types" } from "@budibase/types"
import { import {
getSqlQuery, getSqlQuery,
@ -329,6 +330,7 @@ class SqlServerIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
operation === Operation.CREATE operation === Operation.CREATE
? `${query.sql}; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS id;` ? `${query.sql}; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS id;`
: query.sql : query.sql
this.log(sql, query.bindings)
return await request.query(sql) return await request.query(sql)
} catch (err: any) { } catch (err: any) {
let readableMessage = getReadableErrorMessage( let readableMessage = getReadableErrorMessage(
@ -492,7 +494,7 @@ class SqlServerIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
return response.recordset || [{ deleted: true }] return response.recordset || [{ deleted: true }]
} }
async query(json: QueryJson) { async query(json: QueryJson): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse {
const schema = this.config.schema const schema = this.config.schema
await this.connect() await this.connect()
if (schema && schema !== DEFAULT_SCHEMA && json?.endpoint) { if (schema && schema !== DEFAULT_SCHEMA && json?.endpoint) {

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import {
SourceName, SourceName,
Schema, Schema,
TableSourceType, TableSourceType,
} from "@budibase/types" } from "@budibase/types"
import { import {
getSqlQuery, getSqlQuery,
@ -260,6 +261,7 @@ class MySQLIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
const bindings = opts?.disableCoercion const bindings = opts?.disableCoercion
? baseBindings ? baseBindings
: bindingTypeCoerce(baseBindings) : bindingTypeCoerce(baseBindings)
this.log(query.sql, bindings)
// Node MySQL is callback based, so we must wrap our call in a promise // Node MySQL is callback based, so we must wrap our call in a promise
const response = await this.client!.query(query.sql, bindings) const response = await this.client!.query(query.sql, bindings)
return response[0] return response[0]
@ -379,7 +381,7 @@ class MySQLIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
return results.length ? results : [{ deleted: true }] return results.length ? results : [{ deleted: true }]
} }
async query(json: QueryJson) { async query(json: QueryJson): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse {
await this.connect() await this.connect()
try { try {
const queryFn = (query: any) => const queryFn = (query: any) =>

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import {
ConnectionInfo, ConnectionInfo,
Schema, Schema,
TableSourceType, TableSourceType,
} from "@budibase/types" } from "@budibase/types"
import { import {
buildExternalTableId, buildExternalTableId,
@ -368,6 +370,7 @@ class OracleIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
const options: ExecuteOptions = { autoCommit: true } const options: ExecuteOptions = { autoCommit: true }
const bindings: BindParameters = query.bindings || [] const bindings: BindParameters = query.bindings || []
this.log(query.sql, bindings)
return await connection.execute<T>(query.sql, bindings, options) return await connection.execute<T>(query.sql, bindings, options)
} finally { } finally {
if (connection) { if (connection) {
@ -419,7 +422,7 @@ class OracleIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
: [{ deleted: true }] : [{ deleted: true }]
} }
async query(json: QueryJson) { async query(json: QueryJson): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse {
const operation = this._operation(json) const operation = this._operation(json)
const input = this._query(json, { disableReturning: true }) as SqlQuery const input = this._query(json, { disableReturning: true }) as SqlQuery
if (Array.isArray(input)) { if (Array.isArray(input)) {
@ -443,7 +446,7 @@ class OracleIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
if (deletedRows?.rows?.length) { if (deletedRows?.rows?.length) {
return deletedRows.rows return deletedRows.rows
} else if (response.rows?.length) { } else if (response.rows?.length) {
return response.rows return response.rows as Row[]
} else { } else {
// get the last row that was updated // get the last row that was updated
if ( if (
@ -454,7 +457,7 @@ class OracleIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
const lastRow = await this.internalQuery({ const lastRow = await this.internalQuery({
sql: `SELECT * FROM \"${json.endpoint.entityId}\" WHERE ROWID = '${response.lastRowid}'`, sql: `SELECT * FROM \"${json.endpoint.entityId}\" WHERE ROWID = '${response.lastRowid}'`,
}) })
return lastRow.rows return lastRow.rows as Row[]
} else { } else {
return [{ [operation.toLowerCase()]: true }] return [{ [operation.toLowerCase()]: true }]
} }

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import {
SourceName, SourceName,
Schema, Schema,
TableSourceType, TableSourceType,
} from "@budibase/types" } from "@budibase/types"
import { import {
getSqlQuery, getSqlQuery,
@ -268,7 +269,9 @@ class PostgresIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
} }
} }
try { try {
return await client.query(query.sql, query.bindings || []) const bindings = query.bindings || []
this.log(query.sql, bindings)
return await client.query(query.sql, bindings)
} catch (err: any) { } catch (err: any) {
await this.closeConnection() await this.closeConnection()
let readableMessage = getReadableErrorMessage( let readableMessage = getReadableErrorMessage(
@ -417,7 +420,7 @@ class PostgresIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus {
return response.rows.length ? response.rows : [{ deleted: true }] return response.rows.length ? response.rows : [{ deleted: true }]
} }
async query(json: QueryJson) { async query(json: QueryJson): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse {
const operation = this._operation(json).toLowerCase() const operation = this._operation(json).toLowerCase()
const input = this._query(json) as SqlQuery const input = this._query(json) as SqlQuery
if (Array.isArray(input)) { if (Array.isArray(input)) {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import { SqlClient } from "../utils"
import Sql from "../base/sql"
import { import {
Operation, Operation,
QueryJson, QueryJson,
@ -6,9 +8,6 @@ import {
FieldType, FieldType,
} from "@budibase/types" } from "@budibase/types"
const Sql = require("../base/sql").default
const { SqlClient } = require("../utils")
const TABLE_NAME = "test" const TABLE_NAME = "test"
function endpoint(table: any, operation: any) { function endpoint(table: any, operation: any) {
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ function generateReadJson({
schema: {}, schema: {},
name: table || TABLE_NAME, name: table || TABLE_NAME,
primary: ["id"], primary: ["id"],
}, } as any,
}, },
} }
} }
@ -519,7 +518,7 @@ describe("SQL query builder", () => {
const query = sql._query(generateRelationshipJson({ schema: "production" })) const query = sql._query(generateRelationshipJson({ schema: "production" }))
expect(query).toEqual({ expect(query).toEqual({
bindings: [500, 5000], bindings: [500, 5000],
sql: `select "brands"."brand_id" as "brands.brand_id", "brands"."brand_name" as "brands.brand_name", "products"."product_id" as "products.product_id", "products"."product_name" as "products.product_name", "products"."brand_id" as "products.brand_id" from (select * from "production"."brands" limit $1) as "brands" left join "production"."products" on "brands"."brand_id" = "products"."brand_id" limit $2`, sql: `select "brands"."brand_id" as "brands.brand_id", "brands"."brand_name" as "brands.brand_name", "products"."product_id" as "products.product_id", "products"."product_name" as "products.product_name", "products"."brand_id" as "products.brand_id" from (select * from "production"."brands" limit $1) as "brands" left join "production"."products" as "products" on "brands"."brand_id" = "products"."brand_id" limit $2`,
}) })
}) })
@ -527,7 +526,7 @@ describe("SQL query builder", () => {
const query = sql._query(generateRelationshipJson()) const query = sql._query(generateRelationshipJson())
expect(query).toEqual({ expect(query).toEqual({
bindings: [500, 5000], bindings: [500, 5000],
sql: `select "brands"."brand_id" as "brands.brand_id", "brands"."brand_name" as "brands.brand_name", "products"."product_id" as "products.product_id", "products"."product_name" as "products.product_name", "products"."brand_id" as "products.brand_id" from (select * from "brands" limit $1) as "brands" left join "products" on "brands"."brand_id" = "products"."brand_id" limit $2`, sql: `select "brands"."brand_id" as "brands.brand_id", "brands"."brand_name" as "brands.brand_name", "products"."product_id" as "products.product_id", "products"."product_name" as "products.product_name", "products"."brand_id" as "products.brand_id" from (select * from "brands" limit $1) as "brands" left join "products" as "products" on "brands"."brand_id" = "products"."brand_id" limit $2`,
}) })
}) })
@ -537,7 +536,7 @@ describe("SQL query builder", () => {
) )
expect(query).toEqual({ expect(query).toEqual({
bindings: [500, 5000], bindings: [500, 5000],
sql: `select "stores"."store_id" as "stores.store_id", "stores"."store_name" as "stores.store_name", "products"."product_id" as "products.product_id", "products"."product_name" as "products.product_name" from (select * from "production"."stores" limit $1) as "stores" left join "production"."stocks" on "stores"."store_id" = "stocks"."store_id" left join "production"."products" on "products"."product_id" = "stocks"."product_id" limit $2`, sql: `select "stores"."store_id" as "stores.store_id", "stores"."store_name" as "stores.store_name", "products"."product_id" as "products.product_id", "products"."product_name" as "products.product_name" from (select * from "production"."stores" limit $1) as "stores" left join "production"."stocks" as "stocks" on "stores"."store_id" = "stocks"."store_id" left join "production"."products" as "products" on "products"."product_id" = "stocks"."product_id" limit $2`,
}) })
}) })
@ -733,7 +732,7 @@ describe("SQL query builder", () => {
}, },
meta: { meta: {
table: oldTable, table: oldTable,
tables: [oldTable], tables: { []: oldTable },
renamed: { renamed: {
old: "name", old: "name",
updated: "first_name", updated: "first_name",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
import { QueryJson } from "@budibase/types"
import { join } from "path"
import Sql from "../base/sql"
import { SqlClient } from "../utils"
import AliasTables from "../../api/controllers/row/alias"
import { generator } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests"
function multiline(sql: string) {
return sql.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/ +/g, " ")
describe("Captures of real examples", () => {
const limit = 5000
const relationshipLimit = 100
function getJson(name: string): QueryJson {
return require(join(__dirname, "sqlQueryJson", name)) as QueryJson
describe("create", () => {
it("should create a row with relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("createWithRelationships.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: ["A Street", 34, "London", "A", "B", "designer", 1990],
sql: multiline(`insert into "persons" ("address", "age", "city", "firstname", "lastname", "type", "year")
values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) returning *`),
describe("read", () => {
it("should handle basic retrieval with relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("basicFetchWithRelationships.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [relationshipLimit, limit],
sql: multiline(`select "a"."year" as "a.year", "a"."firstname" as "a.firstname", "a"."personid" as "a.personid",
"a"."address" as "a.address", "a"."age" as "a.age", "a"."type" as "a.type", "a"."city" as "",
"a"."lastname" as "a.lastname", "b"."executorid" as "b.executorid", "b"."taskname" as "b.taskname",
"b"."taskid" as "b.taskid", "b"."completed" as "b.completed", "b"."qaid" as "b.qaid",
"b"."executorid" as "b.executorid", "b"."taskname" as "b.taskname", "b"."taskid" as "b.taskid",
"b"."completed" as "b.completed", "b"."qaid" as "b.qaid"
from (select * from "persons" as "a" order by "a"."firstname" asc limit $1) as "a"
left join "tasks" as "b" on "a"."personid" = "b"."qaid" or "a"."personid" = "b"."executorid"
order by "a"."firstname" asc limit $2`),
it("should handle filtering by relationship", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("filterByRelationship.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [relationshipLimit, "assembling", limit],
sql: multiline(`select "a"."productname" as "a.productname", "a"."productid" as "a.productid",
"b"."executorid" as "b.executorid", "b"."taskname" as "b.taskname", "b"."taskid" as "b.taskid",
"b"."completed" as "b.completed", "b"."qaid" as "b.qaid"
from (select * from "products" as "a" order by "a"."productname" asc limit $1) as "a"
left join "products_tasks" as "c" on "a"."productid" = "c"."productid"
left join "tasks" as "b" on "b"."taskid" = "c"."taskid" where "b"."taskname" = $2
order by "a"."productname" asc limit $3`),
it("should handle fetching many to many relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("fetchManyToMany.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [relationshipLimit, limit],
sql: multiline(`select "a"."productname" as "a.productname", "a"."productid" as "a.productid",
"b"."executorid" as "b.executorid", "b"."taskname" as "b.taskname", "b"."taskid" as "b.taskid",
"b"."completed" as "b.completed", "b"."qaid" as "b.qaid"
from (select * from "products" as "a" order by "a"."productname" asc limit $1) as "a"
left join "products_tasks" as "c" on "a"."productid" = "c"."productid"
left join "tasks" as "b" on "b"."taskid" = "c"."taskid"
order by "a"."productname" asc limit $2`),
it("should handle enrichment of rows", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("enrichRelationship.json")
const filters = queryJson.filters?.oneOf?.taskid as number[]
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [...filters, limit, limit],
sql: multiline(`select "a"."executorid" as "a.executorid", "a"."taskname" as "a.taskname",
"a"."taskid" as "a.taskid", "a"."completed" as "a.completed", "a"."qaid" as "a.qaid",
"b"."productname" as "b.productname", "b"."productid" as "b.productid"
from (select * from "tasks" as "a" where "a"."taskid" in ($1, $2) limit $3) as "a"
left join "products_tasks" as "c" on "a"."taskid" = "c"."taskid"
left join "products" as "b" on "b"."productid" = "c"."productid" limit $4`),
it("should manage query with many relationship filters", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("manyRelationshipFilters.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
const filters = queryJson.filters
const notEqualsValue = Object.values(filters?.notEqual!)[0]
const rangeValue = Object.values(filters?.range!)[0]
const equalValue = Object.values(filters?.equal!)[0]
bindings: [
sql: multiline(`select "a"."executorid" as "a.executorid", "a"."taskname" as "a.taskname", "a"."taskid" as "a.taskid",
"a"."completed" as "a.completed", "a"."qaid" as "a.qaid", "b"."productname" as "b.productname",
"b"."productid" as "b.productid", "c"."year" as "c.year", "c"."firstname" as "c.firstname",
"c"."personid" as "c.personid", "c"."address" as "c.address", "c"."age" as "c.age", "c"."type" as "c.type",
"c"."city" as "", "c"."lastname" as "c.lastname", "c"."year" as "c.year", "c"."firstname" as "c.firstname",
"c"."personid" as "c.personid", "c"."address" as "c.address", "c"."age" as "c.age", "c"."type" as "c.type",
"c"."city" as "", "c"."lastname" as "c.lastname"
from (select * from "tasks" as "a" where not "a"."completed" = $1
order by "a"."taskname" asc limit $2) as "a"
left join "products_tasks" as "d" on "a"."taskid" = "d"."taskid"
left join "products" as "b" on "b"."productid" = "d"."productid"
left join "persons" as "c" on "a"."executorid" = "c"."personid" or "a"."qaid" = "c"."personid"
where "c"."year" between $3 and $4 and "b"."productname" = $5 order by "a"."taskname" asc limit $6`),
describe("update", () => {
it("should handle performing a simple update", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("updateSimple.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [1990, "C", "A Street", 34, "designer", "London", "B", 5],
sql: multiline(`update "persons" as "a" set "year" = $1, "firstname" = $2, "address" = $3, "age" = $4,
"type" = $5, "city" = $6, "lastname" = $7 where "a"."personid" = $8 returning *`),
it("should handle performing an update of relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("updateRelationship.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: [1990, "C", "A Street", 34, "designer", "London", "B", 5],
sql: multiline(`update "persons" as "a" set "year" = $1, "firstname" = $2, "address" = $3, "age" = $4,
"type" = $5, "city" = $6, "lastname" = $7 where "a"."personid" = $8 returning *`),
describe("delete", () => {
it("should handle deleting with relationships", () => {
const queryJson = getJson("deleteSimple.json")
let query = new Sql(SqlClient.POSTGRES, limit)._query(queryJson)
bindings: ["ddd", ""],
sql: multiline(`delete from "compositetable" as "a" where "a"."keypartone" = $1 and "a"."keyparttwo" = $2
returning "a"."keyparttwo" as "a.keyparttwo", "a"."keypartone" as "a.keypartone", "a"."name" as ""`),
describe("check max character aliasing", () => {
it("should handle over 'z' max character alias", () => {
const tableNames = []
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
const aliasing = new AliasTables(tableNames)
let alias: string = ""
for (let table of tableNames) {
alias = aliasing.getAlias(table)
describe("check some edge cases", () => {
const tableNames = ["hello", "world"]
it("should handle quoted table names", () => {
const aliasing = new AliasTables(tableNames)
const aliased = aliasing.aliasField(`"hello"."field"`)
it("should handle quoted table names with graves", () => {
const aliasing = new AliasTables(tableNames)
const aliased = aliasing.aliasField("`hello`.`world`")
it("should handle table names in table names correctly", () => {
const tableNames = ["he", "hell", "hello"]
const aliasing = new AliasTables(tableNames)
const aliased1 = aliasing.aliasField("`he`.`world`")
const aliased2 = aliasing.aliasField("`hell`.`world`")
const aliased3 = aliasing.aliasField("`hello`.`world`")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
"endpoint": {
"datasourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"entityId": "persons",
"operation": "READ"
"resource": {
"fields": [
"filters": {},
"sort": {
"firstname": {
"direction": "ASCENDING"
"paginate": {
"limit": 100,
"page": 1
"relationships": [
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "QA",
"from": "personid",
"to": "qaid",
"aliases": {
"tasks": "b",
"persons": "a"
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "executor",
"from": "personid",
"to": "executorid",
"aliases": {
"tasks": "b",
"persons": "a"
"extra": {
"idFilter": {}
"meta": {
"table": {
"type": "table",
"_id": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__persons",
"primary": [
"name": "a",
"schema": {
"year": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "year",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"firstname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "firstname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"personid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": true,
"name": "personid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"address": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "address",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"age": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "age",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"type": {
"type": "options",
"externalType": "USER-DEFINED",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "type",
"constraints": {
"presence": false,
"inclusion": [
"city": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "city",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"lastname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "lastname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"QA": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__tasks",
"name": "QA",
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"fieldName": "qaid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "ccb68481c80c34217a4540a2c6c27fe46",
"foreignKey": "personid"
"executor": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__tasks",
"name": "executor",
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"fieldName": "executorid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "c89530b9770d94bec851e062b5cff3001",
"foreignKey": "personid",
"tableName": "persons"
"sourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"sourceType": "external",
"primaryDisplay": "firstname",
"views": {}
"tableAliases": {
"persons": "a",
"tasks": "b"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
"endpoint": {
"datasourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"entityId": "persons",
"operation": "CREATE"
"resource": {
"fields": [
"filters": {},
"relationships": [
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "QA",
"from": "personid",
"to": "qaid",
"aliases": {
"tasks": "b",
"persons": "a"
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "executor",
"from": "personid",
"to": "executorid",
"aliases": {
"tasks": "b",
"persons": "a"
"body": {
"year": 1990,
"firstname": "A",
"address": "A Street",
"age": 34,
"type": "designer",
"city": "London",
"lastname": "B"
"extra": {
"idFilter": {}
"meta": {
"table": {
"type": "table",
"_id": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__persons",
"primary": [
"name": "a",
"schema": {
"year": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "year",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"firstname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "firstname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"personid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": true,
"name": "personid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"address": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "address",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"age": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "age",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"type": {
"type": "options",
"externalType": "USER-DEFINED",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "type",
"constraints": {
"presence": false,
"inclusion": [
"city": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "city",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"lastname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "lastname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"QA": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__tasks",
"name": "QA",
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"fieldName": "qaid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "ccb68481c80c34217a4540a2c6c27fe46",
"foreignKey": "personid"
"executor": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__tasks",
"name": "executor",
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"fieldName": "executorid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "c89530b9770d94bec851e062b5cff3001",
"foreignKey": "personid",
"tableName": "persons"
"sourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"sourceType": "external",
"primaryDisplay": "firstname",
"views": {}
"tableAliases": {
"persons": "a",
"tasks": "b"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
"endpoint": {
"datasourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"entityId": "compositetable",
"operation": "DELETE"
"resource": {
"fields": [
"filters": {
"equal": {
"keypartone": "ddd",
"keyparttwo": ""
"relationships": [],
"extra": {
"idFilter": {
"equal": {
"keypartone": "ddd",
"keyparttwo": ""
"meta": {
"table": {
"type": "table",
"_id": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__compositetable",
"primary": [
"name": "a",
"schema": {
"keyparttwo": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "keyparttwo",
"constraints": {
"presence": true
"keypartone": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "keypartone",
"constraints": {
"presence": true
"name": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "name",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"sourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"sourceType": "external",
"primaryDisplay": "keypartone"
"tableAliases": {
"compositetable": "a"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
"endpoint": {
"datasourceId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81",
"entityId": "tasks",
"operation": "READ"
"resource": {
"fields": [
"filters": {
"oneOf": {
"taskid": [
"relationships": [
"tableName": "products",
"column": "products",
"through": "products_tasks",
"from": "taskid",
"to": "productid",
"fromPrimary": "taskid",
"toPrimary": "productid",
"aliases": {
"products_tasks": "c",
"products": "b",
"tasks": "a"
"extra": {
"idFilter": {}
"meta": {
"table": {
"type": "table",
"_id": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81__tasks",
"primary": [
"name": "a",
"schema": {
"executorid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "executorid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"taskname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "taskname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"taskid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": true,
"name": "taskid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"completed": {
"type": "boolean",
"externalType": "boolean",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "completed",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"qaid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "qaid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"products": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81__products",
"name": "products",
"relationshipType": "many-to-many",
"through": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81__products_tasks",
"type": "link",
"_id": "c3b91d00cd36c4cc1a347794725b9adbd",
"fieldName": "productid",
"throughFrom": "productid",
"throughTo": "taskid"
"sourceId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81",
"sourceType": "external",
"primaryDisplay": "taskname",
"sql": true,
"views": {}
"tableAliases": {
"tasks": "a",
"products": "b",
"products_tasks": "c"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
"endpoint": {
"datasourceId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81",
"entityId": "products",
"operation": "READ"
"resource": {
"fields": [
"filters": {
"string": {},
"fuzzy": {},
"range": {},
"equal": {},
"notEqual": {},
"empty": {},
"notEmpty": {},
"contains": {},
"notContains": {},
"oneOf": {},
"containsAny": {}
"sort": {
"productname": {
"direction": "ASCENDING"
"paginate": {
"limit": 100,
"page": 1
"relationships": [
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "tasks",
"through": "products_tasks",
"from": "productid",
"to": "taskid",
"fromPrimary": "productid",
"toPrimary": "taskid",
"aliases": {
"products_tasks": "c",
"tasks": "b",
"products": "a"
"extra": {
"idFilter": {}
"meta": {
"table": {
"type": "table",
"_id": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81__products",
"primary": [
"name": "a",
"schema": {
"productname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "productname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"productid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": true,
"name": "productid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"tasks": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81__tasks",
"name": "tasks",
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"throughFrom": "taskid",
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"_id": "c3b91d00cd36c4cc1a347794725b9adbd"
"sourceId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81",
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"tableAliases": {
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"tasks": "b",
"products_tasks": "c"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
"endpoint": {
"datasourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"entityId": "products",
"operation": "READ"
"resource": {
"fields": [
"filters": {
"equal": {
"1:tasks.taskname": "assembling"
"onEmptyFilter": "all"
"sort": {
"productname": {
"direction": "ASCENDING"
"paginate": {
"limit": 100,
"page": 1
"relationships": [
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"tasks": "b",
"products": "a"
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"type": "table",
"_id": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__products",
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"throughTo": "productid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "ca6862d9ba09146dd8a68e3b5b7055a09"
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"sourceType": "external",
"primaryDisplay": "productname"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
"endpoint": {
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"operation": "READ"
"resource": {
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"filters": {
"string": {},
"fuzzy": {},
"range": {
"1:persons.year": {
"low": 1990,
"high": 2147483647
"equal": {
"2:products.productname": "Computers"
"notEqual": {
"3:completed": true
"empty": {},
"notEmpty": {},
"contains": {},
"notContains": {},
"oneOf": {},
"containsAny": {},
"onEmptyFilter": "all"
"sort": {
"taskname": {
"direction": "ASCENDING"
"paginate": {
"limit": 100,
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"products_tasks": "d",
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"aliases": {
"persons": "c",
"tasks": "a"
"tableName": "persons",
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"aliases": {
"persons": "c",
"tasks": "a"
"extra": {
"idFilter": {}
"meta": {
"table": {
"type": "table",
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"type": "number",
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"presence": false
"autocolumn": true,
"autoReason": "foreign_key"
"taskname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "taskname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"taskid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": true,
"name": "taskid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"completed": {
"type": "boolean",
"externalType": "boolean",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "completed",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
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"type": "number",
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"name": "qaid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
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"name": "products",
"relationshipType": "many-to-many",
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"type": "link",
"_id": "c3b91d00cd36c4cc1a347794725b9adbd",
"fieldName": "productid",
"throughFrom": "productid",
"throughTo": "taskid"
"tasksToExecute": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81__persons",
"name": "tasksToExecute",
"relationshipType": "one-to-many",
"type": "link",
"_id": "c0f440590bda04f28846242156c1dd60b",
"foreignKey": "executorid",
"fieldName": "personid"
"tasksToQA": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81__persons",
"name": "tasksToQA",
"relationshipType": "one-to-many",
"type": "link",
"_id": "c5fdf453a0ba743d58e29491d174c974b",
"foreignKey": "qaid",
"fieldName": "personid"
"sourceId": "datasource_plus_44a967caf37a435f84fe01cd6dfe8f81",
"sourceType": "external",
"primaryDisplay": "taskname",
"sql": true,
"views": {}
"tableAliases": {
"tasks": "a",
"products": "b",
"persons": "c",
"products_tasks": "d"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
"endpoint": {
"datasourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"entityId": "persons",
"operation": "UPDATE"
"resource": {
"fields": [
"filters": {
"equal": {
"personid": 5
"relationships": [
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "QA",
"from": "personid",
"to": "qaid",
"aliases": {
"tasks": "b",
"persons": "a"
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "executor",
"from": "personid",
"to": "executorid",
"aliases": {
"tasks": "b",
"persons": "a"
"body": {
"year": 1990,
"firstname": "C",
"address": "A Street",
"age": 34,
"type": "designer",
"city": "London",
"lastname": "B"
"extra": {
"idFilter": {
"equal": {
"personid": 5
"meta": {
"table": {
"type": "table",
"_id": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__persons",
"primary": [
"name": "a",
"schema": {
"year": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "year",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"firstname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "firstname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"personid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": true,
"name": "personid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"address": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "address",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"age": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "age",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"type": {
"type": "options",
"externalType": "USER-DEFINED",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "type",
"constraints": {
"presence": false,
"inclusion": [
"city": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "city",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"lastname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "lastname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"QA": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__tasks",
"name": "QA",
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"fieldName": "qaid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "ccb68481c80c34217a4540a2c6c27fe46",
"foreignKey": "personid"
"executor": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__tasks",
"name": "executor",
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"fieldName": "executorid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "c89530b9770d94bec851e062b5cff3001",
"foreignKey": "personid",
"tableName": "persons"
"sourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"sourceType": "external",
"primaryDisplay": "firstname",
"views": {}
"tableAliases": {
"persons": "a",
"tasks": "b"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
"endpoint": {
"datasourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"entityId": "persons",
"operation": "UPDATE"
"resource": {
"fields": [
"filters": {
"equal": {
"personid": 5
"relationships": [
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "QA",
"from": "personid",
"to": "qaid",
"aliases": {
"tasks": "b",
"persons": "a"
"tableName": "tasks",
"column": "executor",
"from": "personid",
"to": "executorid",
"aliases": {
"tasks": "b",
"persons": "a"
"body": {
"year": 1990,
"firstname": "C",
"address": "A Street",
"age": 34,
"type": "designer",
"city": "London",
"lastname": "B"
"extra": {
"idFilter": {
"equal": {
"personid": 5
"meta": {
"table": {
"type": "table",
"_id": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__persons",
"primary": [
"name": "a",
"schema": {
"year": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "year",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"firstname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "firstname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"personid": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": true,
"name": "personid",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"address": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "address",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"age": {
"type": "number",
"externalType": "integer",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "age",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"type": {
"type": "options",
"externalType": "USER-DEFINED",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "type",
"constraints": {
"presence": false,
"inclusion": [
"city": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "city",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"lastname": {
"type": "string",
"externalType": "character varying",
"autocolumn": false,
"name": "lastname",
"constraints": {
"presence": false
"QA": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__tasks",
"name": "QA",
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"fieldName": "qaid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "ccb68481c80c34217a4540a2c6c27fe46",
"foreignKey": "personid"
"executor": {
"tableId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7__tasks",
"name": "executor",
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"fieldName": "executorid",
"type": "link",
"main": true,
"_id": "c89530b9770d94bec851e062b5cff3001",
"foreignKey": "personid",
"tableName": "persons"
"sourceId": "datasource_plus_8066e56456784eb2a00129d31be5c3e7",
"sourceType": "external",
"primaryDisplay": "firstname",
"views": {}
"tableAliases": {
"persons": "a",
"tasks": "b"

View File

@ -3,12 +3,33 @@ import {
DatasourcePlus, DatasourcePlus,
IntegrationBase, IntegrationBase,
Schema, Schema,
} from "@budibase/types" } from "@budibase/types"
import * as datasources from "./datasources" import * as datasources from "./datasources"
import tableSdk from "../tables" import tableSdk from "../tables"
import { getIntegration } from "../../../integrations" import { getIntegration } from "../../../integrations"
import { context } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { context } from "@budibase/backend-core"
function checkForSchemaErrors(schema: Record<string, Table>) {
const errors: Record<string, string> = {}
for (let [tableName, table] of Object.entries(schema)) {
if (tableName.includes(".")) {
errors[tableName] = "Table names containing dots are not supported."
} else {
const columnNames = Object.keys(table.schema)
const invalidColumnName = columnNames.find(columnName =>
if (invalidColumnName) {
] = `Column '${invalidColumnName}' is not supported as it contains a dot.`
return errors
export async function buildFilteredSchema( export async function buildFilteredSchema(
datasource: Datasource, datasource: Datasource,
filter?: string[] filter?: string[]
@ -30,16 +51,19 @@ export async function buildFilteredSchema(
filteredSchema.errors[key] = schema.errors[key] filteredSchema.errors[key] = schema.errors[key]
} }
} }
return filteredSchema
return {
errors: {
} }
async function buildSchemaHelper(datasource: Datasource): Promise<Schema> { async function buildSchemaHelper(datasource: Datasource): Promise<Schema> {
const connector = (await getConnector(datasource)) as DatasourcePlus const connector = (await getConnector(datasource)) as DatasourcePlus
const externalSchema = await connector.buildSchema( return await connector.buildSchema(datasource._id!, datasource.entities!)
return externalSchema
} }
export async function getConnector( export async function getConnector(

View File

@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
import cloneDeep from "lodash/cloneDeep" import cloneDeep from "lodash/cloneDeep"
import validateJs from "validate.js" import validateJs from "validate.js"
import { FieldType, Row, Table, TableSchema } from "@budibase/types" import {
} from "@budibase/types"
import { makeExternalQuery } from "../../../integrations/base/query" import { makeExternalQuery } from "../../../integrations/base/query"
import { Format } from "../../../api/controllers/view/exporters" import { Format } from "../../../api/controllers/view/exporters"
import sdk from "../.." import sdk from "../.."
import { isRelationshipColumn } from "../../../db/utils" import { isRelationshipColumn } from "../../../db/utils"
export async function getDatasourceAndQuery(json: any) { export async function getDatasourceAndQuery(
json: QueryJson
): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse {
const datasourceId = json.endpoint.datasourceId const datasourceId = json.endpoint.datasourceId
const datasource = await sdk.datasources.get(datasourceId) const datasource = await sdk.datasources.get(datasourceId)
return makeExternalQuery(datasource, json) return makeExternalQuery(datasource, json)

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ async function initRoutes(app: Koa) {
// api routes // api routes
app.use(api.router.routes()) app.use(api.router.routes())
} }
async function initPro() { async function initPro() {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { Table } from "../documents" import { Table, Row } from "../documents"
import { QueryJson } from "./search"
export const PASSWORD_REPLACEMENT = "--secret-value--" export const PASSWORD_REPLACEMENT = "--secret-value--"
@ -181,11 +182,24 @@ export interface Schema {
errors: Record<string, string> errors: Record<string, string>
} }
// return these when an operation occurred but we got no response
enum DSPlusOperation {
CREATE = "create",
READ = "read",
UPDATE = "update",
DELETE = "delete",
export type DatasourcePlusQueryResponse = Promise<
Row[] | Record<DSPlusOperation, boolean>[] | void
export interface DatasourcePlus extends IntegrationBase { export interface DatasourcePlus extends IntegrationBase {
// if the datasource supports the use of bindings directly (to protect against SQL injection) // if the datasource supports the use of bindings directly (to protect against SQL injection)
// this returns the format of the identifier // this returns the format of the identifier
getBindingIdentifier(): string getBindingIdentifier(): string
getStringConcat(parts: string[]): string getStringConcat(parts: string[]): string
query(json: QueryJson): DatasourcePlusQueryResponse
buildSchema( buildSchema(
datasourceId: string, datasourceId: string,
entities: Record<string, Table> entities: Record<string, Table>

View File

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ export interface QueryJson {
idFilter?: SearchFilters idFilter?: SearchFilters
} }
relationships?: RelationshipsJson[] relationships?: RelationshipsJson[]
tableAliases?: Record<string, string>
} }
export interface SqlQuery { export interface SqlQuery {

View File

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"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf@4.12.0":
version "4.10.0" version "4.12.0"
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"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu@4.12.0":
version "4.10.0" version "4.12.0"
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"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl@4.12.0":
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"@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu@4.12.0":
version "4.10.0" version "4.12.0"
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"@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu@4.12.0":
version "4.10.0" version "4.12.0"
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"@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl@4.12.0":
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"@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc@4.12.0":
version "4.10.0" version "4.12.0"
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"@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc@4.12.0":
version "4.10.0" version "4.12.0"
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"@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc@4.10.0": "@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc@4.12.0":
version "4.10.0" version "4.12.0"
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"@roxi/routify@2.18.0": "@roxi/routify@2.18.0":
version "2.18.0" version "2.18.0"
@ -5219,16 +5219,16 @@
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"@types/chai-subset@^1.3.3": "@types/chai-subset@^1.3.3":
version "1.3.5" version "1.3.3"
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"@types/chai@*", "@types/chai@^4.3.4": "@types/chai@*", "@types/chai@^4.3.4":
version "4.3.11" version "4.3.9"
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"@types/chance@1.1.3": "@types/chance@1.1.3":
version "1.1.3" version "1.1.3"
@ -5623,10 +5623,10 @@
"@types/node" "*" "@types/node" "*"
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"@types/node@*", "@types/node@>=10.0.0", "@types/node@>=12.12.47", "@types/node@>=13.13.4", "@types/node@>=13.7.0", "@types/node@>=8.1.0": "@types/node@*", "@types/node@>=10.0.0", "@types/node@>=12.12.47", "@types/node@>=13.13.4", "@types/node@>=13.7.0":
version "20.11.2" version "20.10.7"
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@ -5652,10 +5652,17 @@
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version "20.11.10"
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"@types/node@^18.11.18": "@types/node@^18.11.18":
version "18.19.13" version "18.19.10"
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@ -6075,9 +6082,9 @@
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"@types/whatwg-url@^11.0.2": "@types/whatwg-url@^11.0.2":
version "11.0.3" version "11.0.4"
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dependencies: dependencies:
"@types/webidl-conversions" "*" "@types/webidl-conversions" "*"
@ -6527,16 +6534,11 @@ acorn-walk@^7.1.1:
resolved "" resolved ""
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acorn-walk@^8.0.2, acorn-walk@^8.1.1: acorn-walk@^8.0.2, acorn-walk@^8.1.1, acorn-walk@^8.2.0:
version "8.2.0" version "8.2.0"
resolved "" resolved ""
integrity sha512-k+iyHEuPgSw6SbuDpGQM+06HQUa04DZ3o+F6CSzXMvvI5KMvnaEqXe+YVe555R9nn6GPt404fos4wcgpw12SDA== integrity sha512-k+iyHEuPgSw6SbuDpGQM+06HQUa04DZ3o+F6CSzXMvvI5KMvnaEqXe+YVe555R9nn6GPt404fos4wcgpw12SDA==
version "8.3.2"
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acorn@^5.2.1, acorn@^5.7.3: acorn@^5.2.1, acorn@^5.7.3:
version "5.7.4" version "5.7.4"
resolved "" resolved ""
@ -6547,10 +6549,10 @@ acorn@^7.1.1:
resolved "" resolved ""
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acorn@^8.1.0, acorn@^8.10.0, acorn@^8.11.3, acorn@^8.2.4, acorn@^8.4.1, acorn@^8.5.0, acorn@^8.7.1, acorn@^8.8.1, acorn@^8.8.2, acorn@^8.9.0: acorn@^8.1.0, acorn@^8.10.0, acorn@^8.2.4, acorn@^8.4.1, acorn@^8.5.0, acorn@^8.7.1, acorn@^8.8.1, acorn@^8.8.2, acorn@^8.9.0:
version "8.11.3" version "8.11.2"
resolved "" resolved ""
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add-stream@^1.0.0: add-stream@^1.0.0:
version "1.0.0" version "1.0.0"
@ -6992,7 +6994,7 @@ asn1.js@^5.0.0, asn1.js@^5.2.0, asn1.js@^5.4.1:
minimalistic-assert "^1.0.0" minimalistic-assert "^1.0.0"
safer-buffer "^2.1.0" safer-buffer "^2.1.0"
asn1@^0.2.6, asn1@~0.2.3: asn1@^0.2.4, asn1@^0.2.6, asn1@~0.2.3:
version "0.2.6" version "0.2.6"
resolved "" resolved ""
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@ -7043,7 +7045,12 @@ async@^2.6.3:
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lodash "^4.17.14" lodash "^4.17.14"
async@^3.2.1, async@^3.2.3, async@^3.2.4: async@^3.2.1, async@^3.2.3:
version "3.2.4"
resolved ""
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version "3.2.5" version "3.2.5"
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@ -7646,6 +7653,11 @@ bufferutil@^4.0.1:
dependencies: dependencies:
node-gyp-build "^4.3.0" node-gyp-build "^4.3.0"
version "0.0.3"
resolved ""
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buildcheck@~0.0.6: buildcheck@~0.0.6:
version "0.0.6" version "0.0.6"
resolved "" resolved ""
@ -7910,9 +7922,9 @@ catharsis@^0.9.0:
lodash "^4.17.15" lodash "^4.17.15"
chai@^4.3.7: chai@^4.3.7:
version "4.4.1" version "4.3.10"
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integrity sha512-13sOfMv2+DWduEU+/xbun3LScLoqN17nBeTLUsmDfKdoiC1fr0n9PU4guu4AhRcOVFk/sW8LyZWHuhWtQZiF+g== integrity sha512-0UXG04VuVbruMUYbJ6JctvH0YnC/4q3/AkT18q4NaITo91CUm0liMS9VqzT9vZhVQ/1eqPanMWjBM+Juhfb/9g==
dependencies: dependencies:
assertion-error "^1.1.0" assertion-error "^1.1.0"
check-error "^1.0.3" check-error "^1.0.3"
@ -8654,6 +8666,14 @@ cosmiconfig@^8.2.0:
parse-json "^5.0.0" parse-json "^5.0.0"
path-type "^4.0.0" path-type "^4.0.0"
version "0.0.4"
resolved ""
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buildcheck "0.0.3"
nan "^2.15.0"
cpu-features@~0.0.9: cpu-features@~0.0.9:
version "0.0.9" version "0.0.9"
resolved "" resolved ""
@ -9553,9 +9573,9 @@ diff@^4.0.1:
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diff@^5.1.0: diff@^5.1.0:
version "5.2.0" version "5.1.0"
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diffie-hellman@^5.0.0: diffie-hellman@^5.0.0:
version "5.0.3" version "5.0.3"
@ -9611,7 +9631,16 @@ docker-modem@^3.0.0:
split-ca "^1.0.1" split-ca "^1.0.1"
ssh2 "^1.11.0" ssh2 "^1.11.0"
dockerode@^3.2.1, dockerode@^3.3.5: dockerode@^3.2.1:
version "3.3.4"
resolved ""
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"@balena/dockerignore" "^1.0.2"
docker-modem "^3.0.0"
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@ -9741,9 +9770,9 @@ dotenv@8.6.0, dotenv@^8.2.0:
integrity sha512-IrPdXQsk2BbzvCBGBOTmmSH5SodmqZNt4ERAZDmW4CT+tL8VtvinqywuANaFu4bOMWki16nqf0e4oC0QIaDr/g== integrity sha512-IrPdXQsk2BbzvCBGBOTmmSH5SodmqZNt4ERAZDmW4CT+tL8VtvinqywuANaFu4bOMWki16nqf0e4oC0QIaDr/g==
dotenv@^16.3.1: dotenv@^16.3.1:
version "16.3.1" version "16.4.1"
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dotenv@~10.0.0: dotenv@~10.0.0:
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@ -10791,13 +10820,20 @@ fast-xml-parser@4.2.5:
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fast-xml-parser@^4.1.3, fast-xml-parser@^4.2.2, fast-xml-parser@^4.2.5: fast-xml-parser@^4.1.3:
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strnum "^1.0.5"
fastest-levenshtein@^1.0.12: fastest-levenshtein@^1.0.12:
version "1.0.16" version "1.0.16"
resolved "" resolved ""
@ -10857,7 +10893,7 @@ fetch-cookie@0.11.0:
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@ -15606,17 +15642,7 @@ mkdirp@^1.0.3, mkdirp@^1.0.4:
resolved "" resolved ""
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ufo "^1.3.2"
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@ -15809,6 +15835,11 @@ named-placeholders@^1.1.3:
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@ -17171,11 +17202,6 @@ pathe@^1.1.0, pathe@^1.1.1:
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pathval@^1.1.1: pathval@^1.1.1:
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@ -17800,10 +17826,18 @@ postgres-interval@^1.1.0:
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dependencies: dependencies:
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resolved "" resolved ""
@ -19259,25 +19298,25 @@ rollup@^3.27.1:
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version "4.10.0" version "4.12.0"
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"@rollup/rollup-android-arm64" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-android-arm64" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-darwin-x64" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-darwin-x64" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc" "4.12.0"
"@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc" "4.10.0" "@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc" "4.12.0"
fsevents "~2.3.2" fsevents "~2.3.2"
rotating-file-stream@3.1.0: rotating-file-stream@3.1.0:
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tslib "^2.1.0"
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"@types/ssh2" "^0.5.48" "@types/ssh2" "^0.5.48"
ssh2 "^1.4.0" ssh2 "^1.4.0"
ssh2@^1.11.0, ssh2@^1.4.0: ssh2@^1.11.0:
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asn1 "^0.2.4"
bcrypt-pbkdf "^1.0.2"
cpu-features "~0.0.4"
nan "^2.16.0"
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@ -20081,9 +20138,9 @@ statuses@2.0.1, statuses@^2.0.0:
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version "3.7.0" version "3.4.3"
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@ -20546,9 +20603,9 @@ svelte-spa-router@^4.0.1:
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"@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec" "^1.4.15" "@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec" "^1.4.15"
@ -20958,9 +21015,9 @@ tiny-queue@^0.2.0:
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@ -21400,11 +21457,6 @@ ufo@^1.3.0:
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uglify-js@^3.1.4, uglify-js@^3.7.7: uglify-js@^3.1.4, uglify-js@^3.7.7:
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@ -21449,9 +21501,9 @@ underscore@~1.13.2:
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@ -21464,9 +21516,9 @@ undici@^4.14.1:
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@ -21790,18 +21842,7 @@ vite-plugin-static-copy@^0.17.0:
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picocolors "^1.0.0" picocolors "^1.0.0"
"vite@^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0": "vite@^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0", vite@^4.5.0:
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resolved ""
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esbuild "^0.18.10"
postcss "^8.4.27"
rollup "^3.27.1"
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@ -22435,7 +22476,12 @@ yaml@^1.10.2:
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yaml@^2.1.1, yaml@^2.2.2: yaml@^2.1.1:
version "2.3.2"
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