Add all the stage templates

This commit is contained in:
Mel O'Hagan 2022-10-12 16:03:51 +01:00
parent 9ee4788147
commit 8fd592d6d0
1 changed files with 200 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -71,12 +71,211 @@ const SCHEMA: Integration = {
"default": "",
"output": {}
key: "$bucketAuto",
template: `{
"groupBy": "",
"buckets": 1,
"output": {},
"granularity": "R5"
key: "$changeStream",
template: `{
"allChangesForCluster": true,
"fullDocument": "",
"fullDocumentBeforeChange": "",
"resumeAfter": 1,
"showExpandedEvents": true,
"startAfter": {},
"startAtOperationTime": ""
key: "$collStats",
template: `{
"latencyStats": { "histograms": true } },
"storageStats": { "scale": 1 } },
"count": {},
"queryExecStats": {}
key: "$count",
template: ``,
key: "$densify",
template: `{
"field": "",
"partitionByFields": [],
"range": {
"step": 1,
"unit": 1,
"bounds": "full"
key: "$documents",
template: `[]`,
key: "$facet",
template: `{\n\t\n}`,
key: "$fill",
template: `{
"partitionBy": "",
"partitionByFields": [],
"sortBy": {},
"output": {}
key: "$geoNear",
template: `{
"near": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -73.98142 , 40.71782 ] },
"key": "location",
"distanceField": "dist.calculated",
"query": { "category": "Parks" }
key: "$graphLookup",
template: `{
"from": "",
"startWith": "",
"connectFromField": "",
"connectToField": "",
"as": "",
"maxDepth": 1,
"depthField": "",
"restrictSearchWithMatch": {}
key: "$group",
template: `{
"_id": ""
key: "$indexStats",
template: "{\n\t\n}",
key: "$limit",
template: `1`,
key: "$listLocalSessions",
template: `{\n\t\n}`,
key: "$listSessions",
template: `{\n\t\n}`,
key: "$lookup",
template: `{
"from": "",
"localField": "",
"foreignField": "",
"as": ""
key: "$match",
template: "{\n\t\n}",
key: "$merge",
template: `{
"into": {},
"on": "_id",
"whenMatched": "replace",
"whenNotMatched": "insert"
key: "$out",
template: `{
"db": "",
"coll": ""
key: "$planCacheStats",
template: "{\n\t\n}",
key: "$project",
template: "{\n\t\n}",
key: "$redact",
template: "",
key: "$replaceRoot",
template: `{ "newRoot": "" }`,
key: "$replaceWith",
template: ``,
key: "$sample",
template: `{ "size": 3 }`,
key: "$set",
template: "{\n\t\n}",
key: "$setWindowFields",
template: `{
"partitionBy": "",
"sortBy": {},
"output": {}
key: "$skip",
template: `1`,
key: "$sort",
template: "{\n\t\n}",
key: "$sortByCount",
template: "",
key: "$unionWith",
template: `{
"coll": "",
"pipeline": []
key: "$unset",
template: "",
key: "$unwind",
template: `{
"path": "",
"includeArrayIndex": "",
"preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
extra: {