diff --git a/packages/bbui/src/Actions/position_dropdown.js b/packages/bbui/src/Actions/position_dropdown.ts
similarity index 72%
rename from packages/bbui/src/Actions/position_dropdown.js
rename to packages/bbui/src/Actions/position_dropdown.ts
index e95c7dd1b6..02cda87710 100644
--- a/packages/bbui/src/Actions/position_dropdown.js
+++ b/packages/bbui/src/Actions/position_dropdown.ts
@@ -8,27 +8,52 @@
// Strategies are defined as [Popover]To[Anchor].
// They can apply for both horizontal and vertical alignment.
-const Strategies = {
- StartToStart: "StartToStart", // e.g. left alignment
- EndToEnd: "EndToEnd", // e.g. right alignment
- StartToEnd: "StartToEnd", // e.g. right-outside alignment
- EndToStart: "EndToStart", // e.g. left-outside alignment
- MidPoint: "MidPoint", // centers relative to midpoints
- ScreenEdge: "ScreenEdge", // locks to screen edge
+type Strategy =
+ | "StartToStart"
+ | "EndToEnd"
+ | "StartToEnd"
+ | "EndToStart"
+ | "MidPoint"
+ | "ScreenEdge"
+export interface Styles {
+ maxHeight?: number
+ minWidth?: number
+ maxWidth?: number
+ offset?: number
+ left: number
+ top: number
-export default function positionDropdown(element, opts) {
- let resizeObserver
+export type UpdateHandler = (
+ anchorBounds: DOMRect,
+ elementBounds: DOMRect,
+ styles: Styles
+) => Styles
+interface Opts {
+ anchor?: HTMLElement
+ align: string
+ maxHeight?: number
+ maxWidth?: number
+ minWidth?: number
+ useAnchorWidth: boolean
+ offset: number
+ customUpdate?: UpdateHandler
+ resizable: boolean
+ wrap: boolean
+export default function positionDropdown(element: HTMLElement, opts: Opts) {
+ let resizeObserver: ResizeObserver
let latestOpts = opts
// We need a static reference to this function so that we can properly
// clean up the scroll listener.
- const scrollUpdate = () => {
- updatePosition(latestOpts)
- }
+ const scrollUpdate = () => updatePosition(latestOpts)
// Updates the position of the dropdown
- const updatePosition = opts => {
+ const updatePosition = (opts: Opts) => {
const {
@@ -51,12 +76,12 @@ export default function positionDropdown(element, opts) {
const winWidth = window.innerWidth
const winHeight = window.innerHeight
const screenOffset = 8
- let styles = {
+ let styles: Styles = {
minWidth: useAnchorWidth ? anchorBounds.width : minWidth,
maxWidth: useAnchorWidth ? anchorBounds.width : maxWidth,
- left: null,
- top: null,
+ left: 0,
+ top: 0,
// Ignore all our logic for custom logic
@@ -81,67 +106,67 @@ export default function positionDropdown(element, opts) {
// Applies a dynamic max height constraint if appropriate
- const applyMaxHeight = height => {
+ const applyMaxHeight = (height: number) => {
if (!styles.maxHeight && resizable) {
styles.maxHeight = height
// Applies the X strategy to our styles
- const applyXStrategy = strategy => {
+ const applyXStrategy = (strategy: Strategy) => {
switch (strategy) {
- case Strategies.StartToStart:
+ case "StartToStart":
styles.left = anchorBounds.left
- case Strategies.EndToEnd:
+ case "EndToEnd":
styles.left = anchorBounds.right - elementBounds.width
- case Strategies.StartToEnd:
+ case "StartToEnd":
styles.left = anchorBounds.right + offset
- case Strategies.EndToStart:
+ case "EndToStart":
styles.left = anchorBounds.left - elementBounds.width - offset
- case Strategies.MidPoint:
+ case "MidPoint":
styles.left =
anchorBounds.left +
anchorBounds.width / 2 -
elementBounds.width / 2
- case Strategies.ScreenEdge:
+ case "ScreenEdge":
styles.left = winWidth - elementBounds.width - screenOffset
// Applies the Y strategy to our styles
- const applyYStrategy = strategy => {
+ const applyYStrategy = (strategy: Strategy) => {
switch (strategy) {
- case Strategies.StartToStart:
+ case "StartToStart":
styles.top = anchorBounds.top
applyMaxHeight(winHeight - anchorBounds.top - screenOffset)
- case Strategies.EndToEnd:
+ case "EndToEnd":
styles.top = anchorBounds.bottom - elementBounds.height
applyMaxHeight(anchorBounds.bottom - screenOffset)
- case Strategies.StartToEnd:
+ case "StartToEnd":
styles.top = anchorBounds.bottom + offset
applyMaxHeight(winHeight - anchorBounds.bottom - screenOffset)
- case Strategies.EndToStart:
+ case "EndToStart":
styles.top = anchorBounds.top - elementBounds.height - offset
applyMaxHeight(anchorBounds.top - screenOffset)
- case Strategies.MidPoint:
+ case "MidPoint":
styles.top =
anchorBounds.top +
anchorBounds.height / 2 -
elementBounds.height / 2
- case Strategies.ScreenEdge:
+ case "ScreenEdge":
styles.top = winHeight - elementBounds.height - screenOffset
applyMaxHeight(winHeight - 2 * screenOffset)
@@ -150,81 +175,78 @@ export default function positionDropdown(element, opts) {
// Determine X strategy
if (align === "right") {
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.EndToEnd)
+ applyXStrategy("EndToEnd")
} else if (align === "right-outside" || align === "right-context-menu") {
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.StartToEnd)
+ applyXStrategy("StartToEnd")
} else if (align === "left-outside" || align === "left-context-menu") {
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.EndToStart)
+ applyXStrategy("EndToStart")
} else if (align === "center") {
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.MidPoint)
+ applyXStrategy("MidPoint")
} else {
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.StartToStart)
+ applyXStrategy("StartToStart")
// Determine Y strategy
if (align === "right-outside" || align === "left-outside") {
- applyYStrategy(Strategies.MidPoint)
+ applyYStrategy("MidPoint")
} else if (
align === "right-context-menu" ||
align === "left-context-menu"
) {
- applyYStrategy(Strategies.StartToStart)
- styles.top -= 5 // Manual adjustment for action menu padding
+ applyYStrategy("StartToStart")
+ if (styles.top) {
+ styles.top -= 5 // Manual adjustment for action menu padding
+ }
} else {
- applyYStrategy(Strategies.StartToEnd)
+ applyYStrategy("StartToEnd")
// Handle screen overflow
if (doesXOverflow()) {
// Swap left to right
if (align === "left") {
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.EndToEnd)
+ applyXStrategy("EndToEnd")
// Swap right-outside to left-outside
else if (align === "right-outside") {
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.EndToStart)
+ applyXStrategy("EndToStart")
if (doesYOverflow()) {
// If wrapping, lock to the bottom of the screen and also reposition to
// the side to not block the anchor
if (wrap) {
- applyYStrategy(Strategies.MidPoint)
+ applyYStrategy("MidPoint")
if (doesYOverflow()) {
- applyYStrategy(Strategies.ScreenEdge)
+ applyYStrategy("ScreenEdge")
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.StartToEnd)
+ applyXStrategy("StartToEnd")
if (doesXOverflow()) {
- applyXStrategy(Strategies.EndToStart)
+ applyXStrategy("EndToStart")
// Othewise invert as normal
else {
// If using an outside strategy then lock to the bottom of the screen
if (align === "left-outside" || align === "right-outside") {
- applyYStrategy(Strategies.ScreenEdge)
+ applyYStrategy("ScreenEdge")
// Otherwise flip above
else {
- applyYStrategy(Strategies.EndToStart)
+ applyYStrategy("EndToStart")
- // Apply styles
- Object.entries(styles).forEach(([style, value]) => {
- if (value != null) {
- element.style[style] = `${value.toFixed(0)}px`
- } else {
- element.style[style] = null
- }
- })
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(styles)) {
+ element.style.setProperty(key, value ? `${value}px` : null)
+ }
// The actual svelte action callback which creates observers on the relevant
// DOM elements
- const update = newOpts => {
+ const update = (newOpts: Opts) => {
latestOpts = newOpts
// Cleanup old state
diff --git a/packages/bbui/src/Form/Core/Checkbox.svelte b/packages/bbui/src/Form/Core/Checkbox.svelte
index 21fe00e864..0af9be87d9 100644
--- a/packages/bbui/src/Form/Core/Checkbox.svelte
+++ b/packages/bbui/src/Form/Core/Checkbox.svelte
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@