lint:fix & forman
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ export const walkProps = (props, action, cancelToken = null) => {
walkProps(child, action, cancelToken)
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/>
<path d="M4.5 10.5c-.825 0-1.5.675-1.5 1.5s.675 1.5 1.5 1.5S6 12.825 6 12s-.675-1.5-1.5-1.5zm15 0c-.825 0-1.5.675-1.5 1.5s.675 1.5 1.5 1.5S21 12.825 21 12s-.675-1.5-1.5-1.5zm-7.5 0c-.825 0-1.5.675-1.5 1.5s.675 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-.675 1.5-1.5-.675-1.5-1.5-1.5z"/>
<path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" />
d="M4.5 10.5c-.825 0-1.5.675-1.5 1.5s.675 1.5 1.5 1.5S6 12.825 6
12s-.675-1.5-1.5-1.5zm15 0c-.825 0-1.5.675-1.5 1.5s.675 1.5 1.5 1.5S21
12.825 21 12s-.675-1.5-1.5-1.5zm-7.5 0c-.825 0-1.5.675-1.5 1.5s.675 1.5 1.5
1.5 1.5-.675 1.5-1.5-.675-1.5-1.5-1.5z" />
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 405 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 419 B |
@ -13,16 +13,20 @@
const FIELD_TYPES = ["string", "number", "boolean"]
export let field = { type: "string", constraints: { type: "string", presence: false } }
export let field = {
type: "string",
constraints: { type: "string", presence: false },
export let schema
export let goBack
let errors = []
let draftField = cloneDeep(field)
let type = field.type
let constraints = field.constraints
let required = field.constraints.presence && !field.constraints.presence.allowEmpty
let required =
field.constraints.presence && !field.constraints.presence.allowEmpty
const save = () => {
constraints.presence = required ? { allowEmpty: false } : false
@ -31,15 +35,19 @@
schema[] = draftField
$: constraints =
type === "string" ? { type: "string", length: {}, presence: false }
: type === "number" ? { type: "number", presence: false, numericality: {} }
: type === "boolean" ? { type: "boolean", presence: false }
: type === "datetime" ? { type: "date", datetime: {}, presence: false }
: type.startsWith('array') ? { type: "array", presence: false }
$: constraints =
type === "string"
? { type: "string", length: {}, presence: false }
: type === "number"
? { type: "number", presence: false, numericality: {} }
: type === "boolean"
? { type: "boolean", presence: false }
: type === "datetime"
? { type: "date", datetime: {}, presence: false }
: type.startsWith("array")
? { type: "array", presence: false }
: { type: "string", presence: false }
<div class="root">
@ -48,24 +56,26 @@
<form on:submit|preventDefault class="uk-form-stacked">
<Textbox label="Name" bind:text={} />
options={FIELD_TYPES} />
<Dropdown label="Type" bind:selected={type} options={FIELD_TYPES} />
<Checkbox label="Required" bind:checked={required} />
{#if type === 'string'}
<NumberBox label="Max Length" bind:value={constraints.length.maximum} />
<ValuesList label="Categories" bind:values={constraints.inclusion} />
{:else if type === 'datetime'}
<!-- TODO: revisit and fix with JSON schema -->
<DatePicker label="Min Value" bind:value={constraints.datetime.earliest} />
label="Min Value"
bind:value={constraints.datetime.earliest} />
<DatePicker label="Max Value" bind:value={constraints.datetime.latest} />
{:else if type === 'number'}
<NumberBox label="Min Value" bind:value={constraints.numericality.greaterThanOrEqualTo} />
<NumberBox label="Max Value" bind:value={constraints.numericality.lessThanOrEqualTo} />
label="Min Value"
bind:value={constraints.numericality.greaterThanOrEqualTo} />
label="Max Value"
bind:value={constraints.numericality.lessThanOrEqualTo} />
@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
function closed() {
const isSelect = meta =>
meta.type === "string"
&& meta.constraints
&& meta.constraints.inclusion
&& meta.constraints.inclusion.length > 0
meta.type === "string" &&
meta.constraints &&
meta.constraints.inclusion &&
meta.constraints.inclusion.length > 0
function determineInputType(meta) {
if (meta.type === "datetime") return "date"
if (meta.type === "number") return "number"
if (meta.type === "boolean") return "checkbox"
if (isSelect(meta)) return "select"
return "text"
function determineOptions(meta) {
return isSelect(meta) ? meta.constraints.inclusion : []
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
if (recordResponse.errors) {
errors = Object.keys(recordResponse.errors)
.map(k => ({dataPath: k, message: recordResponse.errors[k]}))
.map(k => ({ dataPath: k, message: recordResponse.errors[k] }))
@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
export let label
export let errors = []
export let options = []
let checked = type === "checkbox" ? value : false
const determineClassName = type => {
if (type === "checkbox") return "uk-checkbox"
if (type === "select") return "uk-select"
return "uk-input"
const handleInput = event => {
if ( === "checkbox") {
value =
@ -30,22 +30,22 @@
{#if type === "select"}
class:uk-form-danger={errors.length > 0} >
{#each options as opt}
<option value={opt}>{ opt }</option>
{#if type === 'select'}
class:uk-form-danger={errors.length > 0}>
{#each options as opt}
<option value={opt}>{opt}</option>
class:uk-form-danger={errors.length > 0}
on:change={handleInput} />
class:uk-form-danger={errors.length > 0}
on:change={handleInput} />
@ -1,149 +1,160 @@
import { MoreIcon } from "components/common/Icons"
import { store } from "builderStore"
import { getComponentDefinition } from "builderStore/store"
import ConfirmDialog from "components/common/ConfirmDialog.svelte"
import { last, cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp"
import UIkit from "uikit"
import { selectComponent, getParent, walkProps, saveCurrentPreviewItem } from "builderStore/storeUtils"
import { uuid } from "builderStore/uuid"
import { MoreIcon } from "components/common/Icons"
import { store } from "builderStore"
import { getComponentDefinition } from "builderStore/store"
import ConfirmDialog from "components/common/ConfirmDialog.svelte"
import { last, cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp"
import UIkit from "uikit"
import {
} from "builderStore/storeUtils"
import { uuid } from "builderStore/uuid"
export let component
export let component
let confirmDeleteDialog
let dropdownEl
let confirmDeleteDialog
let dropdownEl
$: dropdown = UIkit.dropdown(dropdownEl, { mode: "click", offset: 0, pos: "bottom-right", "delay-hide": 0, animation: false });
$: dropdown && UIkit.util.on(dropdown, "shown", () => hidden = false)
$: noChildrenAllowed = !component || getComponentDefinition($store, component._component).children === false
$: noPaste = !$store.componentToPaste || $store.componentToPaste._id === component._id
const lastPartOfName = c => (c ? last(c._component.split("/")) : "")
const hideDropdown = () => {
const moveUpComponent = () => {
store.update(s => {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
if (parent) {
const currentIndex = parent._children.indexOf(component)
if (currentIndex === 0) return s
const newChildren = parent._children.filter(c => c !== component)
newChildren.splice(currentIndex - 1, 0, component)
parent._children = newChildren
s.currentComponentInfo = component
return s
$: dropdown = UIkit.dropdown(dropdownEl, {
mode: "click",
offset: 0,
pos: "bottom-right",
"delay-hide": 0,
animation: false,
$: dropdown && UIkit.util.on(dropdown, "shown", () => (hidden = false))
$: noChildrenAllowed =
!component ||
getComponentDefinition($store, component._component).children === false
$: noPaste =
!$store.componentToPaste || $store.componentToPaste._id === component._id
const moveDownComponent = () => {
store.update(s => {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
const lastPartOfName = c => (c ? last(c._component.split("/")) : "")
if (parent) {
const currentIndex = parent._children.indexOf(component)
if (currentIndex === parent._children.length - 1) return s
const hideDropdown = () => {
const newChildren = parent._children.filter(c => c !== component)
newChildren.splice(currentIndex + 1, 0, component)
parent._children = newChildren
s.currentComponentInfo = component
const moveUpComponent = () => {
store.update(s => {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
return s
if (parent) {
const currentIndex = parent._children.indexOf(component)
if (currentIndex === 0) return s
const copyComponent = () => {
store.update(s => {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
const copiedComponent = cloneDeep(component)
walkProps(copiedComponent, p => {
const newChildren = parent._children.filter(c => c !== component)
newChildren.splice(currentIndex - 1, 0, component)
parent._children = newChildren
s.currentComponentInfo = component
return s
const moveDownComponent = () => {
store.update(s => {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
if (parent) {
const currentIndex = parent._children.indexOf(component)
if (currentIndex === parent._children.length - 1) return s
const newChildren = parent._children.filter(c => c !== component)
newChildren.splice(currentIndex + 1, 0, component)
parent._children = newChildren
s.currentComponentInfo = component
return s
const copyComponent = () => {
store.update(s => {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
const copiedComponent = cloneDeep(component)
walkProps(copiedComponent, p => {
p._id = uuid()
parent._children = [...parent._children, copiedComponent]
s.currentComponentInfo = copiedComponent
return s
const deleteComponent = () => {
store.update(state => {
const parent = getParent(state.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
if (parent) {
parent._children = parent._children.filter(c => c !== component)
return state
const generateNewIdsForComponent = c =>
walkProps(c, p => {
p._id = uuid()
parent._children = [...parent._children, copiedComponent]
s.currentComponentInfo = copiedComponent
return s
const deleteComponent = () => {
store.update(state => {
const parent = getParent(state.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
const storeComponentForCopy = (cut = false) => {
store.update(s => {
const copiedComponent = cloneDeep(component)
s.componentToPaste = copiedComponent
if (cut) {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component._id)
parent._children = parent._children.filter(c => c._id !== component._id)
selectComponent(s, parent)
if (parent) {
parent._children = parent._children.filter(
c => c !== component
return state
const generateNewIdsForComponent = c =>
walkProps(c, p => {
p._id = uuid()
const storeComponentForCopy = (cut = false) => {
store.update(s => {
const copiedComponent = cloneDeep(component)
s.componentToPaste = copiedComponent
if (cut) {
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component._id)
parent._children = parent._children.filter(c => c._id !== component._id)
selectComponent(s, parent)
return s
const pasteComponent = mode => {
store.update(s => {
if (!s.componentToPaste) return s
const componentToPaste = cloneDeep(s.componentToPaste)
delete componentToPaste._cutId
if (mode === "inside") {
return s
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
const pasteComponent = mode => {
store.update(s => {
if (!s.componentToPaste) return s
const targetIndex = parent._children.indexOf(component)
const index = mode === "above" ? targetIndex : targetIndex + 1
parent._children.splice(index, 0, cloneDeep(componentToPaste))
const componentToPaste = cloneDeep(s.componentToPaste)
delete componentToPaste._cutId
selectComponent(s, componentToPaste)
if (mode === "inside") {
return s
return s
const parent = getParent(s.currentPreviewItem.props, component)
const targetIndex = parent._children.indexOf(component)
const index = mode === "above" ? targetIndex : targetIndex + 1
parent._children.splice(index, 0, cloneDeep(componentToPaste))
selectComponent(s, componentToPaste)
return s
<div class="root" on:click|stopPropagation={() => {}}>
<div class="root" on:click|stopPropagation={() => {}}>
<MoreIcon />
<ul class="menu" bind:this={dropdownEl} on:click={hideDropdown}>
<ul class="menu" bind:this={dropdownEl} on:click={hideDropdown}>
<li on:click={() =>}>Delete</li>
<li on:click={moveUpComponent}>Move up</li>
<li on:click={moveDownComponent}>Move down</li>
@ -151,14 +162,20 @@ const pasteComponent = mode => {
<li on:click={() => storeComponentForCopy(true)}>Cut</li>
<li on:click={() => storeComponentForCopy(false)}>Copy</li>
<hr />
<li class:disabled={noPaste} on:click={() => pasteComponent("above")}>Paste above</li>
<li class:disabled={noPaste} on:click={() => pasteComponent("below")}>Paste below</li>
<li class:disabled={noPaste || noChildrenAllowed} on:click={() => pasteComponent("inside")}>Paste inside</li>
<li class:disabled={noPaste} on:click={() => pasteComponent('above')}>
Paste above
<li class:disabled={noPaste} on:click={() => pasteComponent('below')}>
Paste below
class:disabled={noPaste || noChildrenAllowed}
on:click={() => pasteComponent('inside')}>
Paste inside
title="Confirm Delete"
@ -167,52 +184,49 @@ const pasteComponent = mode => {
onOk={deleteComponent} />
.root {
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 9;
.root {
overflow: hidden;
.root button {
border-style: none;
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 5px;
background: transparent;
cursor: pointer;
color: var(--button-text);
outline: none;
.root button {
border-style: none;
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 5px;
background: transparent;
cursor: pointer;
color: var(--button-text);
outline: none;
.menu {
z-index: 100000;
overflow: visible;
padding: 10px 0;
.menu {
z-index: 100000;
overflow: visible;
padding: 10px 0
.menu li {
border-style: none;
background-color: transparent;
list-style-type: none;
padding: 4px 5px 4px 15px;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
.menu li {
border-style: none;
background-color: transparent;
list-style-type: none;
padding: 4px 5px 4px 15px;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
.menu li:not(.disabled) {
cursor: pointer;
color: var(--ink);
.menu li:not(.disabled):hover {
color: var(--button-text);
background-color: var(--grey-light);
.menu li:not(.disabled) {
cursor: pointer;
color: var(--ink);
.menu li:not(.disabled):hover {
color: var(--button-text);
background-color: var(--grey-light);
.disabled {
color: var(--grey-dark);
cursor: default;
.disabled {
color: var(--grey-dark);
cursor: default;
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
export let onSelect = () => {}
export let level = 0
const capitalise = s => s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1)
const get_name = s => (!s ? "" : last(s.split("/")))
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
style="padding-left: {level * 20 + 53}px">
<div class="actions">
<ComponentDropdownMenu component={component}/>
<ComponentDropdownMenu {component} />
@ -96,5 +95,4 @@
.item:hover .actions {
display: block;
@ -45,5 +45,4 @@
.newscreen:hover {
background: var(--grey-light);
Reference in New Issue