diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/routes/tests/row.spec.ts b/packages/server/src/api/routes/tests/row.spec.ts
index 854410dcf6..64a156b15a 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/api/routes/tests/row.spec.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/api/routes/tests/row.spec.ts
@@ -392,6 +392,23 @@ describe.each([
+ isInternal &&
+ it("doesn't allow creating in user table", async () => {
+ const userTableId = InternalTable.USER_METADATA
+ const response = await config.api.row.save(
+ userTableId,
+ {
+ tableId: userTableId,
+ firstName: "Joe",
+ lastName: "Joe",
+ email: "joe@joe.com",
+ roles: {},
+ },
+ { status: 400 }
+ )
+ expect(response.message).toBe("Cannot create new user entry.")
+ })
describe("get", () => {
@@ -890,642 +907,6 @@ describe.each([
- describe("view 2.0", () => {
- async function userTable(): Promise
- return saveTableRequest({
- name: `users_${uuid.v4()}`,
- type: "table",
- schema: {
- name: {
- type: FieldType.STRING,
- name: "name",
- },
- surname: {
- type: FieldType.STRING,
- name: "surname",
- },
- age: {
- type: FieldType.NUMBER,
- name: "age",
- },
- address: {
- type: FieldType.STRING,
- name: "address",
- },
- jobTitle: {
- type: FieldType.STRING,
- name: "jobTitle",
- },
- },
- })
- }
- const randomRowData = () => ({
- name: generator.first(),
- surname: generator.last(),
- age: generator.age(),
- address: generator.address(),
- jobTitle: generator.word(),
- })
- describe("create", () => {
- it("should persist a new row with only the provided view fields", async () => {
- const table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- schema: {
- name: { visible: true },
- surname: { visible: true },
- address: { visible: true },
- },
- })
- const data = randomRowData()
- const newRow = await config.api.row.save(view.id, {
- tableId: table!._id,
- _viewId: view.id,
- ...data,
- })
- const row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, newRow._id!)
- expect(row).toEqual({
- name: data.name,
- surname: data.surname,
- address: data.address,
- tableId: table!._id,
- _id: newRow._id,
- _rev: newRow._rev,
- id: newRow.id,
- ...defaultRowFields,
- })
- expect(row._viewId).toBeUndefined()
- expect(row.age).toBeUndefined()
- expect(row.jobTitle).toBeUndefined()
- })
- })
- describe("patch", () => {
- it("should update only the view fields for a row", async () => {
- const table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- const tableId = table._id!
- const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: tableId,
- name: generator.guid(),
- schema: {
- name: { visible: true },
- address: { visible: true },
- },
- })
- const newRow = await config.api.row.save(view.id, {
- tableId,
- _viewId: view.id,
- ...randomRowData(),
- })
- const newData = randomRowData()
- await config.api.row.patch(view.id, {
- tableId,
- _viewId: view.id,
- _id: newRow._id!,
- _rev: newRow._rev!,
- ...newData,
- })
- const row = await config.api.row.get(tableId, newRow._id!)
- expect(row).toEqual({
- ...newRow,
- name: newData.name,
- address: newData.address,
- _id: newRow._id,
- _rev: expect.any(String),
- id: newRow.id,
- ...defaultRowFields,
- })
- expect(row._viewId).toBeUndefined()
- expect(row.age).toBeUndefined()
- expect(row.jobTitle).toBeUndefined()
- })
- })
- describe("destroy", () => {
- it("should be able to delete a row", async () => {
- const table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- const tableId = table._id!
- const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: tableId,
- name: generator.guid(),
- schema: {
- name: { visible: true },
- address: { visible: true },
- },
- })
- const createdRow = await config.api.row.save(table._id!, {})
- const rowUsage = await getRowUsage()
- await config.api.row.bulkDelete(view.id, { rows: [createdRow] })
- await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 1)
- await config.api.row.get(tableId, createdRow._id!, {
- status: 404,
- })
- })
- it("should be able to delete multiple rows", async () => {
- const table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- const tableId = table._id!
- const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: tableId,
- name: generator.guid(),
- schema: {
- name: { visible: true },
- address: { visible: true },
- },
- })
- const rows = await Promise.all([
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}),
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}),
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}),
- ])
- const rowUsage = await getRowUsage()
- await config.api.row.bulkDelete(view.id, { rows: [rows[0], rows[2]] })
- await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 2)
- await config.api.row.get(tableId, rows[0]._id!, {
- status: 404,
- })
- await config.api.row.get(tableId, rows[2]._id!, {
- status: 404,
- })
- await config.api.row.get(tableId, rows[1]._id!, { status: 200 })
- })
- })
- describe("view search", () => {
- let table: Table
- const viewSchema = { age: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true } }
- beforeAll(async () => {
- table = await config.api.table.save(
- saveTableRequest({
- name: `users_${uuid.v4()}`,
- schema: {
- name: {
- type: FieldType.STRING,
- name: "name",
- constraints: { type: "string" },
- },
- age: {
- type: FieldType.NUMBER,
- name: "age",
- constraints: {},
- },
- },
- })
- )
- })
- it("returns empty rows from view when no schema is passed", async () => {
- const rows = await Promise.all(
- Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, { tableId: table._id })
- )
- )
- const createViewResponse = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- })
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(createViewResponse.id)
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10)
- expect(response).toEqual({
- rows: expect.arrayContaining(
- rows.map(r => ({
- _viewId: createViewResponse.id,
- tableId: table._id,
- _id: r._id,
- _rev: r._rev,
- ...defaultRowFields,
- }))
- ),
- ...(isInternal
- ? {}
- : {
- hasNextPage: false,
- bookmark: null,
- }),
- })
- })
- it("searching respects the view filters", async () => {
- await Promise.all(
- Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, {
- tableId: table._id,
- name: generator.name(),
- age: generator.integer({ min: 10, max: 30 }),
- })
- )
- )
- const expectedRows = await Promise.all(
- Array.from({ length: 5 }, () =>
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, {
- tableId: table._id,
- name: generator.name(),
- age: 40,
- })
- )
- )
- const createViewResponse = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- query: [
- { operator: SearchQueryOperators.EQUAL, field: "age", value: 40 },
- ],
- schema: viewSchema,
- })
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(createViewResponse.id)
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(5)
- expect(response).toEqual({
- rows: expect.arrayContaining(
- expectedRows.map(r => ({
- _viewId: createViewResponse.id,
- tableId: table._id,
- name: r.name,
- age: r.age,
- _id: r._id,
- _rev: r._rev,
- ...defaultRowFields,
- }))
- ),
- ...(isInternal
- ? {}
- : {
- hasNextPage: false,
- bookmark: null,
- }),
- })
- })
- const sortTestOptions: [
- {
- field: string
- order?: SortOrder
- type?: SortType
- },
- string[]
- ][] = [
- [
- {
- field: "name",
- order: SortOrder.ASCENDING,
- type: SortType.STRING,
- },
- ["Alice", "Bob", "Charly", "Danny"],
- ],
- [
- {
- field: "name",
- },
- ["Alice", "Bob", "Charly", "Danny"],
- ],
- [
- {
- field: "name",
- order: SortOrder.DESCENDING,
- },
- ["Danny", "Charly", "Bob", "Alice"],
- ],
- [
- {
- field: "name",
- order: SortOrder.DESCENDING,
- type: SortType.STRING,
- },
- ["Danny", "Charly", "Bob", "Alice"],
- ],
- [
- {
- field: "age",
- order: SortOrder.ASCENDING,
- type: SortType.number,
- },
- ["Danny", "Alice", "Charly", "Bob"],
- ],
- [
- {
- field: "age",
- order: SortOrder.ASCENDING,
- },
- ["Danny", "Alice", "Charly", "Bob"],
- ],
- [
- {
- field: "age",
- order: SortOrder.DESCENDING,
- },
- ["Bob", "Charly", "Alice", "Danny"],
- ],
- [
- {
- field: "age",
- order: SortOrder.DESCENDING,
- type: SortType.number,
- },
- ["Bob", "Charly", "Alice", "Danny"],
- ],
- ]
- describe("sorting", () => {
- let table: Table
- beforeAll(async () => {
- table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- const users = [
- { name: "Alice", age: 25 },
- { name: "Bob", age: 30 },
- { name: "Charly", age: 27 },
- { name: "Danny", age: 15 },
- ]
- await Promise.all(
- users.map(u =>
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, {
- tableId: table._id,
- ...u,
- })
- )
- )
- })
- it.each(sortTestOptions)(
- "allow sorting (%s)",
- async (sortParams, expected) => {
- const createViewResponse = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- sort: sortParams,
- schema: viewSchema,
- })
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(
- createViewResponse.id
- )
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(4)
- expect(response.rows).toEqual(
- expected.map(name => expect.objectContaining({ name }))
- )
- }
- )
- it.each(sortTestOptions)(
- "allow override the default view sorting (%s)",
- async (sortParams, expected) => {
- const createViewResponse = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- sort: {
- field: "name",
- order: SortOrder.ASCENDING,
- type: SortType.STRING,
- },
- schema: viewSchema,
- })
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(
- createViewResponse.id,
- {
- sort: sortParams.field,
- sortOrder: sortParams.order,
- sortType: sortParams.type,
- query: {},
- }
- )
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(4)
- expect(response.rows).toEqual(
- expected.map(name => expect.objectContaining({ name }))
- )
- }
- )
- })
- it("when schema is defined, defined columns and row attributes are returned", async () => {
- const table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- const rows = await Promise.all(
- Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, {
- tableId: table._id,
- name: generator.name(),
- age: generator.age(),
- })
- )
- )
- const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- schema: { name: { visible: true } },
- })
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id)
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10)
- expect(response.rows).toEqual(
- expect.arrayContaining(
- rows.map(r => ({
- ...(isInternal
- ? expectAnyInternalColsAttributes
- : expectAnyExternalColsAttributes),
- _viewId: view.id,
- name: r.name,
- }))
- )
- )
- })
- it("views without data can be returned", async () => {
- const table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- const createViewResponse = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- })
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(createViewResponse.id)
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(0)
- })
- it("respects the limit parameter", async () => {
- const table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- await Promise.all(
- Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}))
- )
- const limit = generator.integer({ min: 1, max: 8 })
- const createViewResponse = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- })
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(createViewResponse.id, {
- limit,
- query: {},
- })
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(limit)
- })
- it("can handle pagination", async () => {
- const table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- await Promise.all(
- Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}))
- )
- const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- })
- const rows = (await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id)).rows
- const page1 = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id, {
- paginate: true,
- limit: 4,
- query: {},
- })
- expect(page1).toEqual({
- rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(0, 4)),
- totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined,
- hasNextPage: true,
- bookmark: expect.anything(),
- })
- const page2 = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id, {
- paginate: true,
- limit: 4,
- bookmark: page1.bookmark,
- query: {},
- })
- expect(page2).toEqual({
- rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(4, 8)),
- totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined,
- hasNextPage: true,
- bookmark: expect.anything(),
- })
- const page3 = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id, {
- paginate: true,
- limit: 4,
- bookmark: page2.bookmark,
- query: {},
- })
- expect(page3).toEqual({
- rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(8)),
- totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined,
- hasNextPage: false,
- bookmark: expect.anything(),
- })
- })
- isInternal &&
- it("doesn't allow creating in user table", async () => {
- const userTableId = InternalTable.USER_METADATA
- const response = await config.api.row.save(
- userTableId,
- {
- tableId: userTableId,
- firstName: "Joe",
- lastName: "Joe",
- email: "joe@joe.com",
- roles: {},
- },
- { status: 400 }
- )
- expect(response.message).toBe("Cannot create new user entry.")
- })
- describe("permissions", () => {
- let table: Table
- let view: ViewV2
- beforeAll(async () => {
- table = await config.api.table.save(await userTable())
- await Promise.all(
- Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>
- config.api.row.save(table._id!, {})
- )
- )
- view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
- tableId: table._id!,
- name: generator.guid(),
- })
- })
- beforeEach(() => {
- mocks.licenses.useViewPermissions()
- })
- it("does not allow public users to fetch by default", async () => {
- await config.publish()
- await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id, undefined, {
- status: 403,
- })
- })
- it("allow public users to fetch when permissions are explicit", async () => {
- await config.api.permission.add({
- level: PermissionLevel.READ,
- resourceId: view.id,
- })
- await config.publish()
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id)
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10)
- })
- it("allow public users to fetch when permissions are inherited", async () => {
- await config.api.permission.add({
- level: PermissionLevel.READ,
- resourceId: table._id!,
- })
- await config.publish()
- const response = await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id)
- expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10)
- })
- it("respects inherited permissions, not allowing not public views from public tables", async () => {
- await config.api.permission.add({
- level: PermissionLevel.READ,
- resourceId: table._id!,
- })
- await config.api.permission.add({
- level: PermissionLevel.READ,
- resourceId: view.id,
- })
- await config.publish()
- await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id, undefined, {
- status: 403,
- })
- })
- })
- })
- })
let o2mTable: Table
let m2mTable: Table
beforeAll(async () => {
diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/routes/tests/viewV2.spec.ts b/packages/server/src/api/routes/tests/viewV2.spec.ts
index ded5e08d29..9c53ade52e 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/api/routes/tests/viewV2.spec.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/api/routes/tests/viewV2.spec.ts
@@ -5,20 +5,25 @@ import {
+ PermissionLevel,
+ QuotaUsageType,
+ StaticQuotaName,
} from "@budibase/types"
-import { generator } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests"
+import { generator, mocks } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests"
import * as uuid from "uuid"
import { databaseTestProviders } from "../../../integrations/tests/utils"
import merge from "lodash/merge"
+import { quotas } from "@budibase/pro"
+import { roles } from "@budibase/backend-core"
@@ -33,6 +38,7 @@ describe.each([
["mariadb", databaseTestProviders.mariadb],
])("/v2/views (%s)", (_, dsProvider) => {
const config = setup.getConfig()
+ const isInternal = !dsProvider
let table: Table
let datasource: Datasource
@@ -99,6 +105,18 @@ describe.each([
+ const getRowUsage = async () => {
+ const { total } = await config.doInContext(undefined, () =>
+ quotas.getCurrentUsageValues(QuotaUsageType.STATIC, StaticQuotaName.ROWS)
+ )
+ return total
+ }
+ const assertRowUsage = async (expected: number) => {
+ const usage = await getRowUsage()
+ expect(usage).toBe(expected)
+ }
describe("create", () => {
it("persist the view when the view is successfully created", async () => {
const newView: CreateViewRequest = {
@@ -525,4 +543,475 @@ describe.each([
+ describe.only("row operations", () => {
+ let table: Table, view: ViewV2
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ table = await config.api.table.save(
+ saveTableRequest({
+ schema: {
+ one: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "one" },
+ two: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "two" },
+ },
+ })
+ )
+ view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
+ tableId: table._id!,
+ name: generator.guid(),
+ schema: {
+ two: { visible: true },
+ },
+ })
+ })
+ describe("create", () => {
+ it("should persist a new row with only the provided view fields", async () => {
+ const newRow = await config.api.row.save(view.id, {
+ tableId: table!._id,
+ _viewId: view.id,
+ one: "foo",
+ two: "bar",
+ })
+ const row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, newRow._id!)
+ expect(row.one).toBeUndefined()
+ expect(row.two).toEqual("bar")
+ })
+ })
+ describe("patch", () => {
+ it("should update only the view fields for a row", async () => {
+ const newRow = await config.api.row.save(table._id!, {
+ one: "foo",
+ two: "bar",
+ })
+ await config.api.row.patch(view.id, {
+ tableId: table._id!,
+ _id: newRow._id!,
+ _rev: newRow._rev!,
+ one: "newFoo",
+ two: "newBar",
+ })
+ const row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, newRow._id!)
+ expect(row.one).toEqual("foo")
+ expect(row.two).toEqual("newBar")
+ })
+ })
+ describe("destroy", () => {
+ it("should be able to delete a row", async () => {
+ const createdRow = await config.api.row.save(table._id!, {})
+ const rowUsage = await getRowUsage()
+ await config.api.row.bulkDelete(view.id, { rows: [createdRow] })
+ await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 1)
+ await config.api.row.get(table._id!, createdRow._id!, {
+ status: 404,
+ })
+ })
+ it("should be able to delete multiple rows", async () => {
+ const rows = await Promise.all([
+ config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}),
+ config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}),
+ config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}),
+ ])
+ const rowUsage = await getRowUsage()
+ await config.api.row.bulkDelete(view.id, { rows: [rows[0], rows[2]] })
+ await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 2)
+ await config.api.row.get(table._id!, rows[0]._id!, {
+ status: 404,
+ })
+ await config.api.row.get(table._id!, rows[2]._id!, {
+ status: 404,
+ })
+ await config.api.row.get(table._id!, rows[1]._id!, { status: 200 })
+ })
+ })
+ describe("search", () => {
+ it("returns empty rows from view when no schema is passed", async () => {
+ const rows = await Promise.all(
+ Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}))
+ )
+ const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id)
+ expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10)
+ expect(response).toEqual({
+ rows: expect.arrayContaining(
+ rows.map(r => ({
+ _viewId: view.id,
+ tableId: table._id,
+ _id: r._id,
+ _rev: r._rev,
+ ...(isInternal
+ ? {
+ type: "row",
+ updatedAt: expect.any(String),
+ createdAt: expect.any(String),
+ }
+ : {}),
+ }))
+ ),
+ ...(isInternal
+ ? {}
+ : {
+ hasNextPage: false,
+ bookmark: null,
+ }),
+ })
+ })
+ it("searching respects the view filters", async () => {
+ await config.api.row.save(table._id!, {
+ one: "foo",
+ two: "bar",
+ })
+ const two = await config.api.row.save(table._id!, {
+ one: "foo2",
+ two: "bar2",
+ })
+ const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
+ tableId: table._id!,
+ name: generator.guid(),
+ query: [
+ {
+ operator: SearchQueryOperators.EQUAL,
+ field: "two",
+ value: "bar2",
+ },
+ ],
+ schema: {
+ two: { visible: true },
+ },
+ })
+ const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id)
+ expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(response).toEqual({
+ rows: expect.arrayContaining([
+ {
+ _viewId: view.id,
+ tableId: table._id,
+ two: two.two,
+ _id: two._id,
+ _rev: two._rev,
+ ...(isInternal
+ ? {
+ type: "row",
+ createdAt: expect.any(String),
+ updatedAt: expect.any(String),
+ }
+ : {}),
+ },
+ ]),
+ ...(isInternal
+ ? {}
+ : {
+ hasNextPage: false,
+ bookmark: null,
+ }),
+ })
+ })
+ it("views without data can be returned", async () => {
+ const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id)
+ expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(0)
+ })
+ it("respects the limit parameter", async () => {
+ await Promise.all(
+ Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}))
+ )
+ const limit = generator.integer({ min: 1, max: 8 })
+ const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id, {
+ limit,
+ query: {},
+ })
+ expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(limit)
+ })
+ it("can handle pagination", async () => {
+ await Promise.all(
+ Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}))
+ )
+ const rows = (await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id)).rows
+ const page1 = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id, {
+ paginate: true,
+ limit: 4,
+ query: {},
+ })
+ expect(page1).toEqual({
+ rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(0, 4)),
+ totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined,
+ hasNextPage: true,
+ bookmark: expect.anything(),
+ })
+ const page2 = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id, {
+ paginate: true,
+ limit: 4,
+ bookmark: page1.bookmark,
+ query: {},
+ })
+ expect(page2).toEqual({
+ rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(4, 8)),
+ totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined,
+ hasNextPage: true,
+ bookmark: expect.anything(),
+ })
+ const page3 = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id, {
+ paginate: true,
+ limit: 4,
+ bookmark: page2.bookmark,
+ query: {},
+ })
+ expect(page3).toEqual({
+ rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(8)),
+ totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined,
+ hasNextPage: false,
+ bookmark: expect.anything(),
+ })
+ })
+ const sortTestOptions: [
+ {
+ field: string
+ order?: SortOrder
+ type?: SortType
+ },
+ string[]
+ ][] = [
+ [
+ {
+ field: "name",
+ order: SortOrder.ASCENDING,
+ type: SortType.STRING,
+ },
+ ["Alice", "Bob", "Charly", "Danny"],
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ field: "name",
+ },
+ ["Alice", "Bob", "Charly", "Danny"],
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ field: "name",
+ order: SortOrder.DESCENDING,
+ },
+ ["Danny", "Charly", "Bob", "Alice"],
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ field: "name",
+ order: SortOrder.DESCENDING,
+ type: SortType.STRING,
+ },
+ ["Danny", "Charly", "Bob", "Alice"],
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ field: "age",
+ order: SortOrder.ASCENDING,
+ type: SortType.number,
+ },
+ ["Danny", "Alice", "Charly", "Bob"],
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ field: "age",
+ order: SortOrder.ASCENDING,
+ },
+ ["Danny", "Alice", "Charly", "Bob"],
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ field: "age",
+ order: SortOrder.DESCENDING,
+ },
+ ["Bob", "Charly", "Alice", "Danny"],
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ field: "age",
+ order: SortOrder.DESCENDING,
+ type: SortType.number,
+ },
+ ["Bob", "Charly", "Alice", "Danny"],
+ ],
+ ]
+ describe("sorting", () => {
+ let table: Table
+ const viewSchema = { age: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true } }
+ beforeAll(async () => {
+ table = await config.api.table.save(
+ saveTableRequest({
+ name: `users_${uuid.v4()}`,
+ type: "table",
+ schema: {
+ name: {
+ type: FieldType.STRING,
+ name: "name",
+ },
+ surname: {
+ type: FieldType.STRING,
+ name: "surname",
+ },
+ age: {
+ type: FieldType.NUMBER,
+ name: "age",
+ },
+ address: {
+ type: FieldType.STRING,
+ name: "address",
+ },
+ jobTitle: {
+ type: FieldType.STRING,
+ name: "jobTitle",
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ )
+ const users = [
+ { name: "Alice", age: 25 },
+ { name: "Bob", age: 30 },
+ { name: "Charly", age: 27 },
+ { name: "Danny", age: 15 },
+ ]
+ await Promise.all(
+ users.map(u =>
+ config.api.row.save(table._id!, {
+ tableId: table._id,
+ ...u,
+ })
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it.each(sortTestOptions)(
+ "allow sorting (%s)",
+ async (sortParams, expected) => {
+ const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
+ tableId: table._id!,
+ name: generator.guid(),
+ sort: sortParams,
+ schema: viewSchema,
+ })
+ const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id)
+ expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(4)
+ expect(response.rows).toEqual(
+ expected.map(name => expect.objectContaining({ name }))
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it.each(sortTestOptions)(
+ "allow override the default view sorting (%s)",
+ async (sortParams, expected) => {
+ const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({
+ tableId: table._id!,
+ name: generator.guid(),
+ sort: {
+ field: "name",
+ order: SortOrder.ASCENDING,
+ type: SortType.STRING,
+ },
+ schema: viewSchema,
+ })
+ const response = await config.api.viewV2.search(view.id, {
+ sort: sortParams.field,
+ sortOrder: sortParams.order,
+ sortType: sortParams.type,
+ query: {},
+ })
+ expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(4)
+ expect(response.rows).toEqual(
+ expected.map(name => expect.objectContaining({ name }))
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe("permissions", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ mocks.licenses.useViewPermissions()
+ await Promise.all(
+ Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.api.row.save(table._id!, {}))
+ )
+ })
+ it("does not allow public users to fetch by default", async () => {
+ await config.publish()
+ await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id, undefined, {
+ status: 403,
+ })
+ })
+ it("does not allow public users to fetch by default", async () => {
+ await config.publish()
+ await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id, undefined, {
+ status: 403,
+ })
+ })
+ it("allow public users to fetch when permissions are explicit", async () => {
+ await config.api.permission.add({
+ level: PermissionLevel.READ,
+ resourceId: view.id,
+ })
+ await config.publish()
+ const response = await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id)
+ expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10)
+ })
+ it("allow public users to fetch when permissions are inherited", async () => {
+ await config.api.permission.add({
+ level: PermissionLevel.READ,
+ resourceId: table._id!,
+ })
+ await config.publish()
+ const response = await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id)
+ expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10)
+ })
+ it("respects inherited permissions, not allowing not public views from public tables", async () => {
+ await config.api.permission.add({
+ level: PermissionLevel.READ,
+ resourceId: table._id!,
+ })
+ await config.api.permission.add({
+ level: PermissionLevel.READ,
+ resourceId: view.id,
+ })
+ await config.publish()
+ await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(view.id, undefined, {
+ status: 403,
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })