- {#if permissionError}
- {@html ErrorSVG}
- You don't have permission to use this app
- Ask your administrator to grant you access
- {:else if !$screenStore.activeLayout}
- {@html ErrorSVG}
- Something went wrong rendering your app
- Get in touch with support if this issue persists
- {:else}
- {#key $screenStore.activeLayout._id}
- {/key}
- {/if}
{#if showDevTools}
- {#if $appStore.isDevApp}
- {/if}
- {#if $builderStore.inBuilder || $devToolsStore.allowSelection}
- {/if}
- {#if $builderStore.inBuilder}
- {/if}
+ {#if permissionError}
+ {@html ErrorSVG}
+ You don't have permission to use this app
+ Ask your administrator to grant you access
+ {:else if !$screenStore.activeLayout}
+ {@html ErrorSVG}
+ Something went wrong rendering your app
+ Get in touch with support if this issue persists
+ {:else}
+ {#key $screenStore.activeLayout._id}
+ {/key}
+ {/if}
+ {#if showDevTools}
+ {/if}