Updated selectExternalDatasource command
Altered Query Level Transformers to include a page reload. Not having this reload was occasionally affecting the test run
UI changes for users requires some test updates
- User commands updates
- New user command - setUserRole
- Test updates to adminAndManagement + Datasource tests
- Some test skips as they need reworked (specifically user management tests)
I've made some changes to the tests and commands file to allow for the tests to run within the Test env after the latest round of UI changes.
Some of these changes also allow for testing instances in which apps already exist - This is specific for the test env, the CI runs always have a clean instance
Structural changes surrounding data sources
-Cypress env file removed
-Text change for fetching tables
-Oracle tests organised
-PostgreSQL tests organised
New test is for skipping table fetch via button
There are a few other smaller changes
-Changes made to reflect the new layouts of the test env
--e.g. Changes to the app grid, changes to UI screens
-Updated commands
--New commands added & some updated
-New tests
--Revert App
--Change app icon and colour
--Data source testing
In particular to data source testing
-I have a file for mySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and REST.
--enabled better regression testing for each
Other changes made for:
-QueryLevelTransformers tests
-Table tests
-Renaming applications
-Multi-option datastype
New env file added too
Changes as per PR
-Created files for transformer queries - tests updated accordingly
-Updates for Env variables and usage
-Changes surrounding App Rename testing