Skipping Cypress tests associated with the following:
- Account Portals
- App Overview
- Create Automation
We now have E2E coverage of these tests via QA Wolf
A few changes to maintain what we have for the nightly smoke build
- Adding a 1 second wait. This seems essential now for the smoke run on CI. Was difficult to reduce the error locally but definitely timing related
- Reworking how we confirm a user has no applications
- The text has also changed - updated it too
Some test changes for test files within the adminAndManagement folder
- Changes related to UI
- Restructured accountPortals tests
- Changes related to changing passwords (flow is different now)
UI changes for users requires some test updates
- User commands updates
- New user command - setUserRole
- Test updates to adminAndManagement + Datasource tests
- Some test skips as they need reworked (specifically user management tests)
It seems that at times, Cypress is running so fast that it does not type entire words (it sometimes misses the first couple of letters.
I've put a small change in the userManagement test file to try and revolve this.
- Adding a wait and clear in association with the type command
Still some timing issues against the smoke build, but less this time.
- Mainly adding timeouts against cy.visit
- Improving some structure with the close modal command in a few places
This time it is adding appropriate deleteAllApps commands and adding waits
- The waits seem to be essential for the smoke build.
- Tests pass locally, but timing issues causes failure on the smoke build
Changes have been made to the following test files to remove smoke build failures:
- addRadioButtons.spec.js
- accountPortals.spec.js
- userManagement.spec.js
- userSettings.spec.js
Account portal tests
- Visibility when accessing the portal with different permissions
- New command to logout when app grid is not present
- Need matching data-cy commands for this
Created a new folder called adminAndManagement
- contains user and portal based tests
Timeouts refactoring
- Replacing a large number of waits with timeouts - this will prevent less time waiting during all testing