const ALPHA_NUMERIC_REGEX = /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/g export const FIND_HBS_REGEX = /{{([^{].*?)}}/g export const FIND_ANY_HBS_REGEX = /{?{{([^{].*?)}}}?/g export const FIND_TRIPLE_HBS_REGEX = /{{{([^{].*?)}}}/g export const isBackendService = () => { return typeof window === "undefined" } export const isJSAllowed = () => { return process && !process.env.NO_JS } // originally this could be done with a single regex using look behinds // but safari does not support this feature // original regex: /(? { let copied = string const doubleRegex = new RegExp(FIND_HBS_REGEX) const regex = new RegExp(FIND_TRIPLE_HBS_REGEX) const tripleMatches = copied.match(regex) // remove triple braces if (tripleMatches) { tripleMatches.forEach(match => { copied = copied.replace(match, "") }) } const doubleMatches = copied.match(doubleRegex) return doubleMatches ? doubleMatches : [] } export const isAlphaNumeric = char => { return char.match(ALPHA_NUMERIC_REGEX) } export const swapStrings = (string, start, length, swap) => { return string.slice(0, start) + swap + string.slice(start + length) } export const removeHandlebarsStatements = ( string, replacement = "Invalid binding" ) => { let regexp = new RegExp(FIND_HBS_REGEX) let matches = string.match(regexp) if (matches == null) { return string } for (let match of matches) { const idx = string.indexOf(match) string = swapStrings(string, idx, match.length, replacement) } return string } export const btoa = plainText => { return Buffer.from(plainText, "utf-8").toString("base64") } export const atob = base64 => { return Buffer.from(base64, "base64").toString("utf-8") }