import vm from "vm" import { processStringSync, encodeJSBinding, setJSRunner } from "../src/index" import { UUID_REGEX } from "./constants" const processJS = (js, context?): any => { return processStringSync(encodeJSBinding(js), context) } describe("Javascript", () => { beforeAll(() => { setJSRunner((js, context) => { return vm.runInNewContext(js, context, { timeout: 1000 }) }) }) describe("Test the JavaScript helper", () => { it("should execute a simple expression", () => { const output = processJS(`return 1 + 2`) expect(output).toBe(3) }) it("should be able to use primitive bindings", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo")`, { foo: "bar", }) expect(output).toBe("bar") }) it("should be able to use an object binding", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo").bar`, { foo: { bar: "baz", }, }) expect(output).toBe("baz") }) it("should be able to use a complex object binding", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo").bar[0].baz`, { foo: { bar: [ { baz: "shazbat", }, ], }, }) expect(output).toBe("shazbat") }) it("should be able to use a deep binding", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("")`, { foo: { bar: { baz: "shazbat", }, }, }) expect(output).toBe("shazbat") }) it("should be able to return an object", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo")`, { foo: { bar: { baz: "shazbat", }, }, }) expect("shazbat") }) it("should be able to return an array", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo")`, { foo: ["a", "b", "c"], }) expect(output[2]).toBe("c") }) it("should be able to return null", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo")`, { foo: null, }) expect(output).toBe(null) }) it("should be able to return undefined", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo")`, { foo: undefined, }) expect(output).toBe(undefined) }) it("should be able to return 0", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo")`, { foo: 0, }) expect(output).toBe(0) }) it("should be able to return an empty string", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("foo")`, { foo: "", }) expect(output).toBe("") }) it("should be able to use a deep array binding", () => { const output = processJS(`return $("")`, { foo: [ { bar: "baz", }, ], }) expect(output).toBe("baz") }) it("should handle errors", () => { const output = processJS(`throw "Error"`) expect(output).toBe("Error while executing JS") }) it("should timeout after one second", () => { const output = processJS(`while (true) {}`) expect(output).toBe("Timed out while executing JS") }) it("should prevent access to the process global", () => { const output = processJS(`return process`) expect(output).toBe("Error while executing JS") }) }) describe("check JS helpers", () => { it("should error if using the format helper. not helpers.", () => { const output = processJS(`return helper.toInt(4.3)`) expect(output).toBe("Error while executing JS") }) it("should be able to use toInt", () => { const output = processJS(`return helpers.toInt(4.3)`) expect(output).toBe(4) }) it("should be able to use uuid", () => { const output = processJS(`return helpers.uuid()`) expect(output).toMatch(UUID_REGEX) }) }) })