import { expect, describe, it, vi } from "vitest" import { runtimeToReadableBinding, readableToRuntimeBinding, updateReferencesInObject, } from "@/dataBinding" describe("Builder dataBinding", () => { beforeEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks() }) describe("runtimeToReadableBinding", () => { const bindableProperties = [ { category: "Current User", icon: "User", providerId: "user", readableBinding: "Current User.firstName", runtimeBinding: "[user].[firstName]", type: "context", }, { category: "Bindings", icon: "Brackets", readableBinding: "Binding.count", runtimeBinding: "count", type: "context", }, ] it("should convert a runtime binding to a readable one", () => { const textWithBindings = `Hello {{ [user].[firstName] }}! The count is {{ count }}.` expect( runtimeToReadableBinding( bindableProperties, textWithBindings, "readableBinding" ) ).toEqual( `Hello {{ Current User.firstName }}! The count is {{ Binding.count }}.` ) }) it("should not convert to readable binding if it is already readable", () => { const textWithBindings = `Hello {{ [user].[firstName] }}! The count is {{ Binding.count }}.` expect( runtimeToReadableBinding( bindableProperties, textWithBindings, "readableBinding" ) ).toEqual( `Hello {{ Current User.firstName }}! The count is {{ Binding.count }}.` ) }) }) describe("readableToRuntimeBinding", () => { const bindableProperties = [ { category: "Current User", icon: "User", providerId: "user", readableBinding: "Current User.firstName", runtimeBinding: "[user].[firstName]", type: "context", }, { category: "Bindings", icon: "Brackets", readableBinding: "Binding.count", runtimeBinding: "count", type: "context", }, ] it("should convert a readable binding to a runtime one", () => { const textWithBindings = `Hello {{ Current User.firstName }}! The count is {{ Binding.count }}.` expect( readableToRuntimeBinding( bindableProperties, textWithBindings, "runtimeBinding" ) ).toEqual(`Hello {{ [user].[firstName] }}! The count is {{ count }}.`) }) }) describe("updateReferencesInObject", () => { it("should increment steps in sequence on 'add'", () => { let obj = [ { id: "a0", parameters: { text: "Alpha", }, }, { id: "a1", parameters: { text: "Apple", }, }, { id: "b2", parameters: { text: "Banana {{ actions.1.row }}", }, }, { id: "c3", parameters: { text: "Carrot {{ actions.1.row }}", }, }, { id: "d4", parameters: { text: "Dog {{ actions.3.row }}", }, }, { id: "e5", parameters: { text: "Eagle {{ actions.4.row }}", }, }, ] updateReferencesInObject({ obj, modifiedIndex: 0, action: "add", label: "actions", }) expect(obj).toEqual([ { id: "a0", parameters: { text: "Alpha", }, }, { id: "a1", parameters: { text: "Apple", }, }, { id: "b2", parameters: { text: "Banana {{ actions.2.row }}", }, }, { id: "c3", parameters: { text: "Carrot {{ actions.2.row }}", }, }, { id: "d4", parameters: { text: "Dog {{ actions.4.row }}", }, }, { id: "e5", parameters: { text: "Eagle {{ actions.5.row }}", }, }, ]) }) it("should decrement steps in sequence on 'delete'", () => { let obj = [ { id: "a1", parameters: { text: "Apple", }, }, { id: "b2", parameters: { text: "Banana {{ actions.1.row }}", }, }, { id: "d4", parameters: { text: "Dog {{ actions.3.row }}", }, }, { id: "e5", parameters: { text: "Eagle {{ actions.4.row }}", }, }, ] updateReferencesInObject({ obj, modifiedIndex: 2, action: "delete", label: "actions", }) expect(obj).toEqual([ { id: "a1", parameters: { text: "Apple", }, }, { id: "b2", parameters: { text: "Banana {{ actions.1.row }}", }, }, { id: "d4", parameters: { text: "Dog {{ actions.2.row }}", }, }, { id: "e5", parameters: { text: "Eagle {{ actions.3.row }}", }, }, ]) }) it("should handle on 'move' to a lower index", () => { let obj = [ { id: "a1", parameters: { text: "Apple", }, }, { id: "b2", parameters: { text: "Banana {{ actions.0.row }}", }, }, { id: "e5", parameters: { text: "Eagle {{ actions.3.row }}", }, }, { id: "c3", parameters: { text: "Carrot {{ actions.0.row }}", }, }, { id: "d4", parameters: { text: "Dog {{ actions.2.row }}", }, }, ] updateReferencesInObject({ obj, modifiedIndex: 2, action: "move", label: "actions", originalIndex: 4, }) expect(obj).toEqual([ { id: "a1", parameters: { text: "Apple", }, }, { id: "b2", parameters: { text: "Banana {{ actions.0.row }}", }, }, { id: "e5", parameters: { text: "Eagle {{ actions.4.row }}", }, }, { id: "c3", parameters: { text: "Carrot {{ actions.0.row }}", }, }, { id: "d4", parameters: { text: "Dog {{ actions.3.row }}", }, }, ]) }) it("should handle on 'move' to a higher index", () => { let obj = [ { id: "b2", parameters: { text: "Banana {{ actions.0.row }}", }, }, { id: "c3", parameters: { text: "Carrot {{ actions.0.row }}", }, }, { id: "a1", parameters: { text: "Apple", }, }, { id: "d4", parameters: { text: "Dog {{ actions.2.row }}", }, }, { id: "e5", parameters: { text: "Eagle {{ actions.3.row }}", }, }, ] updateReferencesInObject({ obj, modifiedIndex: 2, action: "move", label: "actions", originalIndex: 0, }) expect(obj).toEqual([ { id: "b2", parameters: { text: "Banana {{ actions.2.row }}", }, }, { id: "c3", parameters: { text: "Carrot {{ actions.2.row }}", }, }, { id: "a1", parameters: { text: "Apple", }, }, { id: "d4", parameters: { text: "Dog {{ actions.1.row }}", }, }, { id: "e5", parameters: { text: "Eagle {{ actions.3.row }}", }, }, ]) }) it("should handle on 'move' of action being referenced, dragged to a higher index", () => { let obj = [ { "##eventHandlerType": "Validate Form", id: "cCD0Dwcnq", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Close Screen Modal", id: "3fbbIOfN0H", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Save Row", parameters: { tableId: "ta_bb_employee", }, id: "aehg5cTmhR", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Close Side Panel", id: "mzkpf86cxo", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Navigate To", id: "h0uDFeJa8A", }, { parameters: { autoDismiss: true, type: "success", message: "{{ actions.1.row }}", }, "##eventHandlerType": "Show Notification", id: "JEI5lAyJZ", }, ] updateReferencesInObject({ obj, modifiedIndex: 2, action: "move", label: "actions", originalIndex: 1, }) expect(obj).toEqual([ { "##eventHandlerType": "Validate Form", id: "cCD0Dwcnq", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Close Screen Modal", id: "3fbbIOfN0H", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Save Row", parameters: { tableId: "ta_bb_employee", }, id: "aehg5cTmhR", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Close Side Panel", id: "mzkpf86cxo", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Navigate To", id: "h0uDFeJa8A", }, { parameters: { autoDismiss: true, type: "success", message: "{{ actions.2.row }}", }, "##eventHandlerType": "Show Notification", id: "JEI5lAyJZ", }, ]) }) it("should handle on 'move' of action being referenced, dragged to a lower index", () => { let obj = [ { "##eventHandlerType": "Save Row", parameters: { tableId: "ta_bb_employee", }, id: "aehg5cTmhR", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Validate Form", id: "cCD0Dwcnq", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Close Screen Modal", id: "3fbbIOfN0H", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Close Side Panel", id: "mzkpf86cxo", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Navigate To", id: "h0uDFeJa8A", }, { parameters: { autoDismiss: true, type: "success", message: "{{ actions.4.row }}", }, "##eventHandlerType": "Show Notification", id: "JEI5lAyJZ", }, ] updateReferencesInObject({ obj, modifiedIndex: 0, action: "move", label: "actions", originalIndex: 4, }) expect(obj).toEqual([ { "##eventHandlerType": "Save Row", parameters: { tableId: "ta_bb_employee", }, id: "aehg5cTmhR", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Validate Form", id: "cCD0Dwcnq", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Close Screen Modal", id: "3fbbIOfN0H", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Close Side Panel", id: "mzkpf86cxo", }, { "##eventHandlerType": "Navigate To", id: "h0uDFeJa8A", }, { parameters: { autoDismiss: true, type: "success", message: "{{ actions.0.row }}", }, "##eventHandlerType": "Show Notification", id: "JEI5lAyJZ", }, ]) }) }) })