name: Budibase CI concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true on: # Trigger the workflow on push or pull request, # but only for the master branch push: branches: - master pull_request: workflow_dispatch: workflow_call: inputs: run_as_oss: type: boolean required: false description: Force running checks as if it was an OSS contributor default: false env: BRANCH: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }} BASE_BRANCH: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref}} PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }} NX_BASE_BRANCH: origin/${{ github.base_ref }} ONLY_AFFECTED_TASKS: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} IS_OSS_CONTRIBUTOR: ${{ inputs.run_as_oss == true || (github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name != 'Budibase/budibase') }} jobs: lint: runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: ${{ env.IS_OSS_CONTRIBUTOR == 'false' }} token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN || github.token }} - name: Use Node.js 20.x uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20.x cache: yarn - run: yarn --frozen-lockfile - run: yarn lint build: runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: ${{ env.IS_OSS_CONTRIBUTOR == 'false' }} token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN || github.token }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Use Node.js 20.x uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20.x cache: yarn - run: yarn --frozen-lockfile # Run build all the projects - name: Build run: yarn build # Check the types of the projects built via esbuild - name: Check types run: | if ${{ env.ONLY_AFFECTED_TASKS }}; then yarn check:types --since=${{ env.NX_BASE_BRANCH }} else yarn check:types fi helm-lint: runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Use Node.js 20.x uses: azure/setup-helm@v3 - run: cd charts/budibase && helm lint . test-libraries: runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: ${{ env.IS_OSS_CONTRIBUTOR == 'false' }} token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN || github.token }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Use Node.js 20.x uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20.x cache: yarn - name: Pull testcontainers images run: | docker pull testcontainers/ryuk:0.5.1 & docker pull budibase/couchdb:v3.3.3-sqs-v2.1.1 & docker pull redis & wait $(jobs -p) - run: yarn --frozen-lockfile - name: Test run: | if ${{ env.ONLY_AFFECTED_TASKS }}; then yarn test -- --ignore=@budibase/worker --ignore=@budibase/server --ignore=@budibase/builder --no-prefix --since=${{ env.NX_BASE_BRANCH }} -- --verbose --reporters=default --reporters=github-actions yarn test -- --scope=@budibase/builder --since=${{ env.NX_BASE_BRANCH }} else yarn test -- --ignore=@budibase/worker --ignore=@budibase/server --ignore=@budibase/builder --no-prefix -- --verbose --reporters=default --reporters=github-actions yarn test -- --scope=@budibase/builder --no-prefix fi test-worker: runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: ${{ env.IS_OSS_CONTRIBUTOR == 'false' }} token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN || github.token }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Use Node.js 20.x uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20.x cache: yarn - run: yarn --frozen-lockfile - name: Test worker run: | if ${{ env.ONLY_AFFECTED_TASKS }}; then AFFECTED=$(yarn --silent nx show projects --affected -t test --base=${{ env.NX_BASE_BRANCH }} -p @budibase/worker) if [ -z "$AFFECTED" ]; then echo "No affected tests to run" exit 0 fi fi cd packages/worker yarn test --verbose --reporters=default --reporters=github-actions test-server: runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 strategy: matrix: datasource: [ mssql, mysql, postgres, postgres_legacy, mongodb, mariadb, oracle, sqs, elasticsearch, none, ] steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: ${{ env.IS_OSS_CONTRIBUTOR == 'false' }} token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN || github.token }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Use Node.js 20.x uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20.x cache: yarn - name: Load dotenv id: dotenv uses: falti/dotenv-action@v1.1.3 with: path: ./packages/server/datasource-sha.env - name: Pull testcontainers images run: | if [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "mssql" ]; then docker pull${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.MSSQL_SHA }} elif [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "mysql" ]; then docker pull mysql@${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.MYSQL_SHA }} elif [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "postgres" ]; then docker pull postgres@${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.POSTGRES_SHA }} elif [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "mongodb" ]; then docker pull mongo@${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.MONGODB_SHA }} elif [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "mariadb" ]; then docker pull mariadb@${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.MARIADB_SHA }} elif [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "oracle" ]; then docker pull budibase/oracle-database:23.2-slim-faststart elif [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "postgres_legacy" ]; then docker pull postgres:9.5.25 elif [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "elasticsearch" ]; then docker pull elasticsearch@${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.ELASTICSEARCH_SHA }} fi docker pull minio/minio & docker pull redis & docker pull testcontainers/ryuk:0.5.1 & docker pull budibase/couchdb:v3.3.3-sqs-v2.1.1 & wait $(jobs -p) - run: yarn --frozen-lockfile - name: Build client library - necessary for component tests run: yarn build:client - name: Set up PostgreSQL 16 if: matrix.datasource == 'postgres' run: | sudo systemctl stop postgresql sudo apt-get remove --purge -y postgresql* libpq-dev sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql /var/lib/postgresql sudo apt-get autoremove -y sudo apt-get autoclean sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-16 - name: Test server env: DATASOURCE: ${{ matrix.datasource }} run: | if ${{ env.ONLY_AFFECTED_TASKS }}; then AFFECTED=$(yarn --silent nx show projects --affected -t test --base=${{ env.NX_BASE_BRANCH }} -p @budibase/server) if [ -z "$AFFECTED" ]; then echo "No affected tests to run" exit 0 fi fi FILTER="./src/tests/filters/datasource-tests.js" if [ "${{ matrix.datasource }}" == "none" ]; then FILTER="./src/tests/filters/non-datasource-tests.js" fi cd packages/server yarn test --filter $FILTER --verbose --reporters=default --reporters=github-actions check-pro-submodule: runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 if: inputs.run_as_oss != true && (github.event_name != 'pull_request' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == 'Budibase/budibase') steps: - name: Checkout repo and submodules uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: true token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN || github.token }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Check pro commit id: get_pro_commits run: | cd packages/pro pro_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) branch="${{ github.base_ref || github.ref_name }}" echo "Running on branch '$branch' (base_ref=${{ github.base_ref }}, ref_name=${{ github.head_ref }})" base_commit=$(git rev-parse origin/master) if [[ ! -z $base_commit ]]; then echo "target_branch=$branch" echo "target_branch=$branch" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "pro_commit=$pro_commit" echo "pro_commit=$pro_commit" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "base_commit=$base_commit" echo "base_commit=$base_commit" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" base_commit_excluding_merges=$(git log --no-merges -n 1 --format=format:%H $base_commit) echo "base_commit_excluding_merges=$base_commit_excluding_merges" echo "base_commit_excluding_merges=$base_commit_excluding_merges" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" else echo "Nothing to do - branch to branch merge." fi - name: Check submodule merged and latest on base branch if: ${{ steps.get_pro_commits.outputs.base_commit_excluding_merges != '' }} run: | cd packages/pro base_commit='${{ steps.get_pro_commits.outputs.base_commit }}' base_commit_excluding_merges='${{ steps.get_pro_commits.outputs.base_commit_excluding_merges }}' pro_commit='${{ steps.get_pro_commits.outputs.pro_commit }}' any_commit=$(git log --no-merges $base_commit_excluding_merges...$pro_commit) if [ -n "$any_commit" ] && [ "$base_commit" != "$pro_commit" ]; then echo $any_commit echo "An error occurred: " echo 'Submodule commit does not match the latest commit on the "${{ steps.get_pro_commits.outputs.target_branch }}" branch.' echo 'Refer to the pro repo to merge your changes:' exit 1 else echo 'All good, the submodule had been merged and setup correctly!' fi check-lockfile: runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 if: inputs.run_as_oss != true && (github.event_name != 'pull_request' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == 'Budibase/budibase') steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: ${{ env.IS_OSS_CONTRIBUTOR == 'false' }} token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN || github.token }} - name: Use Node.js 20.x uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20.x cache: yarn - run: yarn install - name: Check for yarn.lock changes run: | if [[ $(git status --porcelain) == *"yarn.lock"* ]]; then echo "yarn.lock file needs to be modified. Please update it locally and commit the changes." exit 1 else echo "yarn.lock file is unchanged." fi