import { updateLinks, EventType } from "../../../db/linkedRows" import { getRowParams, generateTableID } from "../../../db/utils" import { FieldTypes } from "../../../constants" import { TableSaveFunctions, hasTypeChanged, handleDataImport } from "./utils" import { context } from "@budibase/backend-core" import env from "../../../environment" import { cleanupAttachments, fixAutoColumnSubType, } from "../../../utilities/rowProcessor" import { runStaticFormulaChecks } from "./bulkFormula" import { Table } from "@budibase/types" import { quotas } from "@budibase/pro" import { isEqual } from "lodash" import { cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp" import sdk from "../../../sdk" function checkAutoColumns(table: Table, oldTable: Table) { if (!table.schema) { return table } for (let [key, schema] of Object.entries(table.schema)) { if (!schema.autocolumn || schema.subtype) { continue } const oldSchema = oldTable && oldTable.schema[key] if (oldSchema && oldSchema.subtype) { table.schema[key].subtype = oldSchema.subtype } else { table.schema[key] = fixAutoColumnSubType(schema) } } return table } export async function save(ctx: any) { const db = context.getAppDB() const { dataImport, } = ctx.request.body let tableToSave = { type: "table", _id: generateTableID(), views: {},, } // if the table obj had an _id then it will have been retrieved let oldTable if (ctx.request.body && ctx.request.body._id) { oldTable = await db.get(ctx.request.body._id) } // check all types are correct if (hasTypeChanged(tableToSave, oldTable)) { ctx.throw(400, "A column type has changed.") } // check that subtypes have been maintained tableToSave = checkAutoColumns(tableToSave, oldTable) // saving a table is a complex operation, involving many different steps, this // has been broken out into a utility to make it more obvious/easier to manipulate const tableSaveFunctions = new TableSaveFunctions({ user: ctx.user, oldTable, dataImport, }) tableToSave = await tableSaveFunctions.before(tableToSave) // make sure that types don't change of a column, have to remove // the column if you want to change the type if (oldTable && oldTable.schema) { for (let propKey of Object.keys(tableToSave.schema)) { let oldColumn = oldTable.schema[propKey] if (oldColumn && oldColumn.type === "internal") { oldColumn.type = "auto" } } } // Don't rename if the name is the same let { _rename } = tableToSave /* istanbul ignore next */ if (_rename && _rename.old === _rename.updated) { _rename = null delete tableToSave._rename } // rename row fields when table column is renamed /* istanbul ignore next */ if (_rename && tableToSave.schema[_rename.updated].type === FieldTypes.LINK) { ctx.throw(400, "Cannot rename a linked column.") } tableToSave = await tableSaveFunctions.mid(tableToSave) // update schema of non-statistics views when new columns are added for (let view in tableToSave.views) { const tableView = tableToSave.views[view] if (!tableView) continue if ( || tableView.schema.field) continue tableView.schema = tableToSave.schema } // update linked rows try { const linkResp: any = await updateLinks({ eventType: oldTable ? EventType.TABLE_UPDATED : EventType.TABLE_SAVE, table: tableToSave, oldTable: oldTable, }) if (linkResp != null && linkResp._rev) { tableToSave._rev = linkResp._rev } } catch (err) { ctx.throw(400, err) } // don't perform any updates until relationships have been // checked by the updateLinks function const updatedRows = tableSaveFunctions.getUpdatedRows() if (updatedRows && updatedRows.length !== 0) { await db.bulkDocs(updatedRows) } let result = await db.put(tableToSave) tableToSave._rev = result.rev const savedTable = cloneDeep(tableToSave) tableToSave = await tableSaveFunctions.after(tableToSave) // the table may be updated as part of the table save after functionality - need to write it if (!isEqual(savedTable, tableToSave)) { result = await db.put(tableToSave) tableToSave._rev = result.rev } // has to run after, make sure it has _id await runStaticFormulaChecks(tableToSave, { oldTable, deletion: false }) return tableToSave } export async function destroy(ctx: any) { const db = context.getAppDB() const tableToDelete = await db.get(ctx.params.tableId) // Delete all rows for that table const rowsData = await db.allDocs( getRowParams(ctx.params.tableId, null, { include_docs: true, }) ) await db.bulkDocs( any) => ({ ...row.doc, _deleted: true })) ) await quotas.removeRows(rowsData.rows.length, { tableId: ctx.params.tableId, }) // update linked rows await updateLinks({ eventType: EventType.TABLE_DELETE, table: tableToDelete, }) // don't remove the table itself until very end await db.remove(tableToDelete._id, tableToDelete._rev) // remove table search index if (!env.isTest() || env.COUCH_DB_URL) { const currentIndexes = await db.getIndexes() const existingIndex = currentIndexes.indexes.find( (existing: any) => === `search:${ctx.params.tableId}` ) if (existingIndex) { await db.deleteIndex(existingIndex) } } // has to run after, make sure it has _id await runStaticFormulaChecks(tableToDelete, { deletion: true, }) await cleanupAttachments(tableToDelete, { rows: any) => row.doc), }) return tableToDelete } export async function bulkImport(ctx: any) { const table = await sdk.tables.getTable(ctx.params.tableId) const { dataImport } = ctx.request.body await handleDataImport(ctx.user, table, dataImport) return table }