import _ from "lodash" import tk from "timekeeper" import { CreateRowActionRequest, DocumentType, PermissionLevel, Row, RowActionResponse, } from "@budibase/types" import * as setup from "./utilities" import { generator } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests" import { Expectations } from "../../../tests/utilities/api/base" import { roles } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { automations } from "@budibase/pro" const expectAutomationId = () => expect.stringMatching(`^${DocumentType.AUTOMATION}_.+`) describe("/rowsActions", () => { const config = setup.getConfig() let tableId: string beforeAll(async () => { tk.freeze(new Date()) await config.init() }) beforeEach(async () => { const table = await tableId = table._id! }) afterAll(setup.afterAll) const createRowAction = function createRowActionRequest(): CreateRowActionRequest { return { name: generator.string(), } } function createRowActionRequests(count: number): CreateRowActionRequest[] { return generator .unique(() => generator.string(), count) .map(name => ({ name })) } function unauthorisedTests( apiDelegate: ( expectations: Expectations, testConfig?: { publicUser?: boolean } ) => Promise ) { it("returns unauthorised (401) for unauthenticated requests", async () => { await apiDelegate( { status: 401, body: { message: "Session not authenticated", }, }, { publicUser: true } ) }) it("returns forbidden (403) for non-builder users", async () => { const user = await config.createUser({ builder: {}, }) await config.withUser(user, async () => { await createRowAction(generator.guid(), createRowActionRequest(), { status: 403, body: { message: "Not Authorized", }, }) }) }) it("returns forbidden (403) for non-builder users even if they have table write permissions", async () => { const user = await config.createUser({ builder: {}, }) const tableId = generator.guid() for (const role of Object.values(roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS)) { await config.api.permission.add({ roleId: role, resourceId: tableId, level: PermissionLevel.EXECUTE, }) } // replicate changes before checking permissions await config.publish() await config.withUser(user, async () => { await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest(), { status: 403, body: { message: "Not Authorized", }, }) }) }) it("rejects (404) for a non-existing table", async () => { await createRowAction(generator.guid(), createRowActionRequest(), { status: 404, }) }) } describe("create", () => { unauthorisedTests((expectations, testConfig) => createRowAction( tableId, createRowActionRequest(), expectations, testConfig ) ) it("creates new row actions for tables without existing actions", async () => { const rowAction = createRowActionRequest() const res = await createRowAction(tableId, rowAction, { status: 201, }) expect(res).toEqual({ name:, id: expect.stringMatching(/^row_action_\w+/), tableId: tableId, automationId: expectAutomationId(), }) expect(await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).toEqual({ actions: { []: { name:, id:, tableId: tableId, automationId: expectAutomationId(), }, }, }) }) it("trims row action names", async () => { const name = " action name " const res = await createRowAction(tableId, { name }) expect(res).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ name: "action name", }) ) expect(await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).toEqual({ actions: { []: expect.objectContaining({ name: "action name", }), }, }) }) it("can create multiple row actions for the same table", async () => { const rowActions = createRowActionRequests(3) const responses: RowActionResponse[] = [] for (const action of rowActions) { responses.push(await createRowAction(tableId, action)) } expect(await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).toEqual({ actions: { [responses[0].id]: { name: rowActions[0].name, id: responses[0].id, tableId, automationId: expectAutomationId(), }, [responses[1].id]: { name: rowActions[1].name, id: responses[1].id, tableId, automationId: expectAutomationId(), }, [responses[2].id]: { name: rowActions[2].name, id: responses[2].id, tableId, automationId: expectAutomationId(), }, }, }) }) it("rejects with bad request when creating with no name", async () => { const rowAction: CreateRowActionRequest = { name: "", } await createRowAction(tableId, rowAction, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Invalid body - "name" is not allowed to be empty', }, }) }) it("ignores not valid row action data", async () => { const rowAction = createRowActionRequest() const dirtyRowAction = { name:, id: generator.guid(), valueToIgnore: generator.string(), } const res = await createRowAction(tableId, dirtyRowAction) expect(res).toEqual({ name:, id: expect.any(String), tableId, automationId: expectAutomationId(), }) expect(await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).toEqual({ actions: { []: { name:, id:, tableId: tableId, automationId: expectAutomationId(), }, }, }) }) it("can not create multiple row actions with the same name (for the same table)", async () => { const action = await createRowAction(tableId, { name: "Row action name ", }) await createRowAction( tableId, { name: }, { status: 409, body: { message: "A row action with the same name already exists.", }, } ) await createRowAction( tableId, { name: "row action name" }, { status: 409, body: { message: "A row action with the same name already exists.", }, } ) }) it("can reuse row action names between different tables", async () => { const otherTable = await setup.structures.basicTable() ) const action = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) await createRowAction(otherTable._id!, { name: }) }) it("an automation is created when creating a new row action", async () => { const action1 = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) const action2 = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) for (const automationId of [action1.automationId, action2.automationId]) { expect(await config.api.automation.get(automationId)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ _id: automationId }) ) } }) }) describe("find", () => { unauthorisedTests((expectations, testConfig) => config.api.rowAction.find(tableId, expectations, testConfig) ) it("returns only the actions for the requested table", async () => { const rowActions: RowActionResponse[] = [] for (const action of createRowActionRequests(3)) { rowActions.push(await createRowAction(tableId, action)) } const otherTable = await setup.structures.basicTable() ) await createRowAction(otherTable._id!, createRowActionRequest()) const response = await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId) expect(response).toEqual({ actions: { [rowActions[0].id]: expect.any(Object), [rowActions[1].id]: expect.any(Object), [rowActions[2].id]: expect.any(Object), }, }) }) it("returns empty for tables without row actions", async () => { const response = await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId) expect(response).toEqual({ actions: {}, }) }) }) describe("update", () => { unauthorisedTests((expectations, testConfig) => config.api.rowAction.update( tableId, generator.guid(), createRowActionRequest(), expectations, testConfig ) ) it("can update existing actions", async () => { for (const rowAction of createRowActionRequests(3)) { await createRowAction(tableId, rowAction) } const persisted = await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId) const [actionId, actionData] = _.sample( Object.entries(persisted.actions) )! const updatedName = generator.string() const res = await config.api.rowAction.update(tableId, actionId, { name: updatedName, }) expect(res).toEqual({ id: actionId, tableId, name: updatedName, automationId: actionData.automationId, }) expect(await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ actions: expect.objectContaining({ [actionId]: { name: updatedName, id:, tableId: actionData.tableId, automationId: actionData.automationId, }, }), }) ) }) it("trims row action names", async () => { const rowAction = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) const res = await config.api.rowAction.update(tableId,, { name: " action name ", }) expect(res).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ name: "action name" })) expect(await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ actions: expect.objectContaining({ []: expect.objectContaining({ name: "action name", }), }), }) ) }) it("throws Bad Request when trying to update by a non-existing id", async () => { await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) await config.api.rowAction.update( tableId, generator.guid(), createRowActionRequest(), { status: 400 } ) }) it("throws Bad Request when trying to update by a via another table id", async () => { const otherTable = await setup.structures.basicTable() ) await createRowAction(otherTable._id!, createRowActionRequest()) const action = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) await config.api.rowAction.update( otherTable._id!,, createRowActionRequest(), { status: 400 } ) }) it("can not use existing row action names (for the same table)", async () => { const action1 = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) const action2 = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) await config.api.rowAction.update( tableId,, { name: }, { status: 409, body: { message: "A row action with the same name already exists.", }, } ) }) it("does not throw with name conflicts for the same row action", async () => { const action1 = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) await config.api.rowAction.update(tableId,, { name:, }) }) }) describe("delete", () => { unauthorisedTests((expectations, testConfig) => config.api.rowAction.delete( tableId, generator.guid(), expectations, testConfig ) ) it("can delete existing actions", async () => { const actions: RowActionResponse[] = [] for (const rowAction of createRowActionRequests(3)) { actions.push(await createRowAction(tableId, rowAction)) } const actionToDelete = _.sample(actions)! await config.api.rowAction.delete(tableId,, { status: 204, }) expect(await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ actions: actions .filter(a => !== .reduce((acc, c) => ({ ...acc, []: expect.any(Object) }), {}), }) ) }) it("throws Bad Request when trying to delete by a non-existing id", async () => { await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) await config.api.rowAction.delete(tableId, generator.guid(), { status: 400, }) }) it("throws Bad Request when trying to delete by a via another table id", async () => { const otherTable = await setup.structures.basicTable() ) await createRowAction(otherTable._id!, createRowActionRequest()) const action = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) await config.api.rowAction.delete(otherTable._id!,, { status: 400, }) }) it("deletes the linked automation", async () => { const actions: RowActionResponse[] = [] for (const rowAction of createRowActionRequests(3)) { actions.push(await createRowAction(tableId, rowAction)) } const actionToDelete = _.sample(actions)! await config.api.rowAction.delete(tableId,, { status: 204, }) await config.api.automation.get(actionToDelete.automationId, { status: 404, }) for (const action of actions.filter(a => !== { await config.api.automation.get(action.automationId, { status: 200, }) } }) }) describe("set/unsetViewPermission", () => { describe.each([ ["setViewPermission", config.api.rowAction.setViewPermission], ["unsetViewPermission", config.api.rowAction.unsetViewPermission], ])("unauthorisedTests for %s", (__, delegateTest) => { unauthorisedTests((expectations, testConfig) => delegateTest( tableId, generator.guid(), generator.guid(), expectations, testConfig ) ) }) let tableIdForDescribe: string let actionId1: string, actionId2: string let viewId1: string, viewId2: string beforeAll(async () => { tableIdForDescribe = tableId for (const rowAction of createRowActionRequests(3)) { await createRowAction(tableId, rowAction) } const persisted = await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId) const actions = _.sampleSize(Object.keys(persisted.actions), 2) actionId1 = actions[0] actionId2 = actions[1] viewId1 = ( await config.api.viewV2.create( setup.structures.viewV2.createRequest(tableId) ) ).id viewId2 = ( await config.api.viewV2.create( setup.structures.viewV2.createRequest(tableId) ) ).id }) beforeEach(() => { // Hack to reuse tables for these given tests tableId = tableIdForDescribe }) it("can set permission views", async () => { await config.api.rowAction.setViewPermission(tableId, viewId1, actionId1) const action1Result = await config.api.rowAction.setViewPermission( tableId, viewId2, actionId1 ) const action2Result = await config.api.rowAction.setViewPermission( tableId, viewId1, actionId2 ) const expectedAction1 = expect.objectContaining({ allowedViews: [viewId1, viewId2], }) const expectedAction2 = expect.objectContaining({ allowedViews: [viewId1], }) const expectedActions = expect.objectContaining({ [actionId1]: expectedAction1, [actionId2]: expectedAction2, }) expect(action1Result).toEqual(expectedAction1) expect(action2Result).toEqual(expectedAction2) expect((await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).actions).toEqual( expectedActions ) }) it("can unset permission views", async () => { const actionResult = await config.api.rowAction.unsetViewPermission( tableId, viewId1, actionId1 ) const expectedAction = expect.objectContaining({ allowedViews: [viewId2], }) expect(actionResult).toEqual(expectedAction) expect( (await config.api.rowAction.find(tableId)).actions[actionId1] ).toEqual(expectedAction) }) it.each([ ["setViewPermission", config.api.rowAction.setViewPermission], ["unsetViewPermission", config.api.rowAction.unsetViewPermission], ])( "cannot update permission views for unexisting views (%s)", async (__, delegateTest) => { const viewId = generator.guid() await delegateTest(tableId, viewId, actionId1, { status: 400, body: { message: `View '${viewId}' not found in '${tableId}'`, }, }) } ) it.each([ ["setViewPermission", config.api.rowAction.setViewPermission], ["unsetViewPermission", config.api.rowAction.unsetViewPermission], ])( "cannot update permission views crossing table views (%s)", async (__, delegateTest) => { const anotherTable = await setup.structures.basicTable() ) const { id: viewId } = await config.api.viewV2.create( setup.structures.viewV2.createRequest(anotherTable._id!) ) await delegateTest(tableId, viewId, actionId1, { status: 400, body: { message: `View '${viewId}' not found in '${tableId}'`, }, }) } ) }) describe("trigger", () => { let row: Row let rowAction: RowActionResponse beforeEach(async () => { row = await, {}) rowAction = await createRowAction(tableId, createRowActionRequest()) await config.publish() + 100) }) async function getAutomationLogs() { const { data: automationLogs } = await config.doInContext( config.getProdAppId(), async () => automations.logs.logSearch({ startDate: new Date().toISOString() }) ) return automationLogs } it("can trigger an automation given valid data", async () => { await config.api.rowAction.trigger(tableId,, { rowId: row._id!, }) const automationLogs = await getAutomationLogs() expect(automationLogs).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ automationId: rowAction.automationId, trigger: expect.objectContaining({ outputs: { fields: {}, row: await config.api.row.get(tableId, row._id!), table: await config.api.table.get(tableId), }, }), }), ]) }) it("rejects triggering from a non-allowed view", async () => { const viewId = ( await config.api.viewV2.create( setup.structures.viewV2.createRequest(tableId) ) ).id await config.publish() await config.api.rowAction.trigger( viewId,, { rowId: row._id!, }, { status: 403, body: { message: `Row action '${}' is not enabled for view '${viewId}'`, }, } ) const automationLogs = await getAutomationLogs() expect(automationLogs).toEqual([]) }) it("triggers from an allowed view", async () => { const viewId = ( await config.api.viewV2.create( setup.structures.viewV2.createRequest(tableId) ) ).id await config.api.rowAction.setViewPermission( tableId, viewId, ) await config.publish() await config.api.rowAction.trigger(viewId,, { rowId: row._id!, }) const automationLogs = await getAutomationLogs() expect(automationLogs).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ automationId: rowAction.automationId, }), ]) }) describe("role permission checks", () => { function createUser(role: string) { return config.createUser({ admin: { global: false }, builder: {}, roles: { [config.getProdAppId()]: role }, }) } function getRolesHigherThan(role: string) { const result = Object.values(roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS).filter( r => r !== role && roles.lowerBuiltinRoleID(r, role) === role ) return result } function getRolesLowerThan(role: string) { const result = Object.values(roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS).filter( r => r !== role && roles.lowerBuiltinRoleID(r, role) === r ) return result } const allowedRoleConfig = Object.values(roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS).flatMap( r => [r, ...getRolesLowerThan(r)].map(p => [r, p]) ) const disallowedRoleConfig = Object.values( roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS ).flatMap(r => getRolesHigherThan(r).map(p => [r, p])) it.each(allowedRoleConfig)( "allows triggering if the user has table read permission (user %s, table %s)", async (userRole, resourcePermission) => { await config.api.permission.add({ level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId: tableId, roleId: resourcePermission, }) const normalUser = await createUser(userRole) await config.withUser(normalUser, async () => { await config.publish() await config.api.rowAction.trigger( tableId,, { rowId: row._id!, }, { status: 200 } ) }) } ) it.each(disallowedRoleConfig)( "rejects if the user does not have table read permission (user %s, table %s)", async (userRole, resourcePermission) => { await config.api.permission.add({ level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId: tableId, roleId: resourcePermission, }) const normalUser = await createUser(userRole) await config.withUser(normalUser, async () => { await config.publish() await config.api.rowAction.trigger( tableId,, { rowId: row._id!, }, { status: 403, body: { message: "User does not have permission" }, } ) const automationLogs = await getAutomationLogs() expect(automationLogs).toBeEmpty() }) } ) }) }) })