import { types } from "./types"; import { createProps } from "./createProps"; import { isString } from "util"; import { includes, filter, map, keys, flatten, flattenDeep, each, indexOf } from "lodash/fp"; import { common } from "budibase-core"; const pipe = common.$; const makeError = (errors, propName, stack) => (message) => errors.push({ stack, propName, error:message}); export const recursivelyValidate = (rootProps, getComponent, stack=[]) => { const getComponentPropsDefinition = componentName => { if(componentName.includes(":")) { const [parentComponent, arrayProp] = componentName.split(":"); return getComponent(parentComponent)[arrayProp].elementDefinition; } return getComponent(componentName); } if(!rootProps._component) { const errs = []; makeError(errs, "_component", stack)("Component is not set"); return errs; // this would break everything else anyway } const propsDef = getComponentPropsDefinition( rootProps._component); const getPropsDefArray = (def) => pipe(def, [ keys, map(k => def[k].name ? expandPropDef(def[k]) : ({ ...expandPropDef(def[k]), name:k })) ]); const propsDefArray = getPropsDefArray(propsDef); const errors = validateProps( propsDef, rootProps, stack, true); const validateChildren = (_defArray, _props, _stack) => pipe(_defArray, [ filter(d => d.type === "component"), map(d => recursivelyValidate( _props[], getComponentPropsDefinition, [..._stack,])), flatten ]); const childErrors = validateChildren( propsDefArray, rootProps, stack); const childArrayErrors = pipe(propsDefArray, [ filter(d => d.type === "array"), map(d => pipe(rootProps[], [ map(elementProps => pipe(elementProps._component, [ getComponentPropsDefinition, getPropsDefArray, arr => validateChildren( arr, elementProps, [...stack, `${}[${indexOf(elementProps)(rootProps[])}]`]) ])) ])) ]); return flattenDeep([errors, ...childErrors, ...childArrayErrors]); } const expandPropDef = propDef => { const p = isString(propDef) ? types[propDef].defaultDefinition() : propDef; if(p.type === "array" && isString(p.elementDefinition)) { p.elementDefinition = types[p.elementDefinition].defaultDefinition() } return p; } export const validateProps = (propsDefinition, props, stack=[], isFinal=true) => { const errors = []; if(!props._component) { makeError(errors, "_component", stack)("Component is not set"); return errors; // this would break everything else anyway } for(let propDefName in propsDefinition) { if(propDefName === "_component") continue; const propDef = expandPropDef(propsDefinition[propDefName]); const type = types[propDef.type]; const error = makeError(errors, propDefName, stack); const propValue = props[propDefName]; if(isFinal && propDef.required && propValue) { error(`Property ${propDefName} is required`); continue; } if(!type.isOfType(propValue)) { error(`Property ${propDefName} is not of type ${propDef.type}. Actual value ${propValue}`) continue; } if(propDef.type === "array") { let index = 0; for(let arrayItem of propValue) { arrayItem._component = `${props._component}:${propDefName}` const arrayErrs = validateProps( propDef.elementDefinition, arrayItem, [...stack, `${propDefName}[${index}]`], isFinal ) for(let arrErr of arrayErrs) { errors.push(arrErr); } index++; } } if(propDef.type === "options" && propValue && !includes(propValue)(propDef.options)) { error(`Property ${propDefName} is not one of allowed options. Acutal value is ${propValue}`); } } return errors; } export const validatePropsDefinition = (propsDefinition) => { const { errors } = createProps("dummy_component_name", propsDefinition); // arrar props without elementDefinition pipe(propsDefinition, [ keys, map(k => ({ propDef:propsDefinition[k], propName:k })), filter(d => d.propDef.type === "array" && !d.propDef.elementDefinition), each(d => makeError(errors, d.propName)(`${d.propName} does not have a definition for it's item props`)) ]); const arrayPropValidationErrors = pipe(propsDefinition, [ keys, map(k => propsDefinition[k]), filter(d => d.type === "array" && d.elementDefinition), map(d => validatePropsDefinition(d.elementDefinition)), flatten ]); pipe(propsDefinition, [ keys, map(k => ({ propDef:propsDefinition[k], propName:k })), filter(d => d.propDef.type === "options" && (!d.propDef.options || d.propDef.options.length === 0)), each(d => makeError(errors, d.propName)(`${d.propName} does not have any options`)) ]); return [...errors, ...arrayPropValidationErrors] }