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published version.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "development", "published" ] }, "createdAt": { "description": "States when the app was created, will be constant. 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Stored in ISO format.", "type": "string" }, "updatedAt": { "description": "States the last time the app was updated - stored in ISO format.", "type": "string" }, "version": { "description": "States the version of the Budibase client this app is currently based on.", "type": "string" }, "tenantId": { "description": "In a multi-tenant environment this will state the tenant this app is within.", "type": "string" }, "lockedBy": { "description": "The user this app is currently being built by.", "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "_id", "name", "url", "status", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "version" ] } } }, "required": [ "data" ] }, "row": { "description": "The row to be created/updated, based on the table schema.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "description": "Key value properties of any type, depending on the table schema." } }, "searchOutput": { "type": "object", "required": [ "data" ], "properties": { "data": { "description": "An array of rows, these will each contain an _id field which can be used to update or delete them.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object" } }, "bookmark": { "description": "If pagination in use, this should be provided.", "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "integer" } ] }, "hasNextPage": { "description": "If pagination in use, this will determine if there is another page to fetch.", "type": "boolean" } } }, "rowOutput": { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "description": "The row to be created/updated, based on the table schema.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "description": "Key value properties of any type, depending on the table schema." }, "properties": { "_id": { "description": "The ID of the row.", "type": "string" }, "tableId": { "description": "The ID of the table this row comes from.", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "tableId", "_id" ] } }, "required": [ "data" ] }, "table": { "description": "The table to be created/updated.", "type": "object", "required": [ "name", "schema" ], "properties": { "name": { "description": "The name of the table.", "type": "string" }, "primaryDisplay": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column which should be used in relationship tags when relating to this table." }, "schema": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "link" ], "description": "A relationship column." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." }, "fieldName": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column which a relationship column is related to in another table." }, "tableId": { "type": "string", "description": "The ID of the table which a relationship column is related to." }, "relationshipType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "one-to-many", "many-to-one", "many-to-many" ], "description": "Defines the type of relationship that this column will be used for." }, "through": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that contains many to many relationships this defines the table the relationships are linked through." }, "foreignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that contains a one to many relationship this defines the foreign key." }, "throughFrom": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for this table." }, "throughTo": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for the related table." } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "formula" ], "description": "A formula column." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." }, "formula": { "type": "string", "description": "Defines a Handlebars or JavaScript formula to use, note that Javascript formulas are expected to be provided in the base64 format." }, "formulaType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "static", "dynamic" ], "description": "Defines whether this is a static or dynamic formula." } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "longform", "options", "number", "boolean", "array", "datetime", "attachment", "link", "formula", "auto", "json", "internal" ], "description": "Defines the type of the column, most explain themselves, a link column is a relationship." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." } } } ] } } } }, "tableOutput": { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "description": "The table to be created/updated.", "type": "object", "required": [ "name", "schema", "_id" ], "properties": { "name": { "description": "The name of the table.", "type": "string" }, "primaryDisplay": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column which should be used in relationship tags when relating to this table." }, "schema": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "link" ], "description": "A relationship column." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." }, "fieldName": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column which a relationship column is related to in another table." }, "tableId": { "type": "string", "description": "The ID of the table which a relationship column is related to." }, "relationshipType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "one-to-many", "many-to-one", "many-to-many" ], "description": "Defines the type of relationship that this column will be used for." }, "through": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that contains many to many relationships this defines the table the relationships are linked through." }, "foreignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that contains a one to many relationship this defines the foreign key." }, "throughFrom": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for this table." }, "throughTo": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for the related table." } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "formula" ], "description": "A formula column." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." }, "formula": { "type": "string", "description": "Defines a Handlebars or JavaScript formula to use, note that Javascript formulas are expected to be provided in the base64 format." }, "formulaType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "static", "dynamic" ], "description": "Defines whether this is a static or dynamic formula." } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "longform", "options", "number", "boolean", "array", "datetime", "attachment", "link", "formula", "auto", "json", "internal" ], "description": "Defines the type of the column, most explain themselves, a link column is a relationship." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." } } } ] } }, "_id": { "description": "The ID of the table.", "type": "string" } } } }, "required": [ "data" ] }, "tableSearch": { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "type": "array", "items": { "description": "The table to be created/updated.", "type": "object", "required": [ "name", "schema", "_id" ], "properties": { "name": { "description": "The name of the table.", "type": "string" }, "primaryDisplay": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column which should be used in relationship tags when relating to this table." }, "schema": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "link" ], "description": "A relationship column." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." }, "fieldName": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column which a relationship column is related to in another table." }, "tableId": { "type": "string", "description": "The ID of the table which a relationship column is related to." }, "relationshipType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "one-to-many", "many-to-one", "many-to-many" ], "description": "Defines the type of relationship that this column will be used for." }, "through": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that contains many to many relationships this defines the table the relationships are linked through." }, "foreignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that contains a one to many relationship this defines the foreign key." }, "throughFrom": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for this table." }, "throughTo": { "type": "string", "description": "When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for the related table." } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "formula" ], "description": "A formula column." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." }, "formula": { "type": "string", "description": "Defines a Handlebars or JavaScript formula to use, note that Javascript formulas are expected to be provided in the base64 format." }, "formulaType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "static", "dynamic" ], "description": "Defines whether this is a static or dynamic formula." } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "longform", "options", "number", "boolean", "array", "datetime", "attachment", "link", "formula", "auto", "json", "internal" ], "description": "Defines the type of the column, most explain themselves, a link column is a relationship." }, "constraints": { "type": "object", "description": "A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved.", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "string", "number", "object", "boolean" ] }, "presence": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is required or not." } } }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column." }, "autocolumn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Defines whether the column is automatically generated." } } } ] } }, "_id": { "description": "The ID of the table.", "type": "string" } } } } }, "required": [ "data" ] }, "executeQuery": { "description": "The parameters required for executing a query.", "type": "object", "properties": { "parameters": { "type": "object", "description": "This contains the required parameters for the query, this depends on query type, setup and bindings.", "additionalProperties": { "description": "Key value properties of any type, depending on the query output schema." } }, "pagination": { "type": "object", "description": "For supported query types (currently on REST) pagination can be performed using these properties.", "properties": { "page": { "type": "string", "description": "The page which has been returned from a previous query." }, "limit": { "type": "number", "description": "The number of rows to return per page." } } } } }, "executeQueryOutput": { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "description": "The data response from the query.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object" } }, "extra": { "description": "Extra information that is not part of the main data, e.g. headers.", "type": "object", "properties": { "headers": { "description": "If carrying out a REST request, this will contain the response headers.", "type": "object" }, "raw": { "description": "The raw query response, as a string.", "type": "string" } } }, "pagination": { "description": "If pagination is supported, this will contain the bookmark/anchor information for it.", "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "data" ] }, "query": { "type": "object", "properties": { "_id": { "description": "The ID of the query.", "type": "string" }, "datasourceId": { "description": "The ID of the data source the query belongs to.", "type": "string" }, "parameters": { "description": "The bindings which are required to perform this query.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "fields": { "description": "The fields that are used to perform this query, e.g. the sql statement", "type": "object" }, "queryVerb": { "description": "The verb that describes this query.", "enum": [ "create", "read", "update", "delete" ] }, "name": { "description": "The name of the query.", "type": "string" }, "schema": { "description": "The schema of the data returned when the query is executed.", "type": "object" }, "transformer": { "description": "The JavaScript transformer function, applied after the query responds with data.", "type": "string" }, "readable": { "description": "Whether the query has readable data.", "type": "boolean" } }, "required": [ "name", "schema", "_id" ] }, "querySearch": { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "_id": { "description": "The ID of the query.", "type": "string" }, "datasourceId": { "description": "The ID of the data source the query belongs to.", "type": "string" }, "parameters": { "description": "The bindings which are required to perform this query.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "fields": { "description": "The fields that are used to perform this query, e.g. the sql statement", "type": "object" }, "queryVerb": { "description": "The verb that describes this query.", "enum": [ "create", "read", "update", "delete" ] }, "name": { "description": "The name of the query.", "type": "string" }, "schema": { "description": "The schema of the data returned when the query is executed.", "type": "object" }, "transformer": { "description": "The JavaScript transformer function, applied after the query responds with data.", "type": "string" }, "readable": { "description": "Whether the query has readable data.", "type": "boolean" } }, "required": [ "name", "schema", "_id" ] } } }, "required": [ "data" ] }, "user": { "type": "object", "properties": { "email": { "description": "The email address of the user, this must be unique.", "type": "string" }, "password": { "description": "The password of the user if using password based login - this will never be returned. This can be left out of subsequent requests (updates) and will be enriched back into the user structure.", "type": "string" }, "status": { "description": "The status of the user, if they are active.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "active" ] }, "firstName": { "description": "The first name of the user", "type": "string" }, "lastName": { "description": "The last name of the user", "type": "string" }, "forceResetPassword": { "description": "If set to true forces the user to reset their password on first login.", "type": "boolean" }, "builder": { "description": "Describes if the user is a builder user or not.", "type": "object", "properties": { "global": { "description": "If set to true the user will be able to build any app in the system.", "type": "boolean" } } }, "admin": { "description": "Describes if the user is an admin user or not.", "type": "object", "properties": { "global": { "description": "If set to true the user will be able to administrate the system.", "type": "boolean" } } }, "roles": { "description": "Contains the roles of the user per app (assuming they are not a builder user).", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string", "description": "A map of app ID (production app ID, minus the _dev component) to a role ID, e.g. ADMIN." } } }, "required": [ "email", "roles" ] }, "userOutput": { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "type": "object", "properties": { "email": { "description": "The email address of the user, this must be unique.", "type": "string" }, "password": { "description": "The password of the user if using password based login - this will never be returned. This can be left out of subsequent requests (updates) and will be enriched back into the user structure.", "type": "string" }, "status": { "description": "The status of the user, if they are active.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "active" ] }, "firstName": { "description": "The first name of the user", "type": "string" }, "lastName": { "description": "The last name of the user", "type": "string" }, "forceResetPassword": { "description": "If set to true forces the user to reset their password on first login.", "type": "boolean" }, "builder": { "description": "Describes if the user is a builder user or not.", "type": "object", "properties": { "global": { "description": "If set to true the user will be able to build any app in the system.", "type": "boolean" } } }, "admin": { "description": "Describes if the user is an admin user or not.", "type": "object", "properties": { "global": { "description": "If set to true the user will be able to administrate the system.", "type": "boolean" } } }, "roles": { "description": "Contains the roles of the user per app (assuming they are not a builder user).", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string", "description": "A map of app ID (production app ID, minus the _dev component) to a role ID, e.g. ADMIN." } }, "_id": { "description": "The ID of the user.", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "email", "roles", "_id" ] } }, "required": [ "data" ] }, "userSearch": { "type": "object", "properties": { "data": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "email": { "description": "The email address of the user, this must be unique.", "type": "string" }, "password": { "description": "The password of the user if using password based login - this will never be returned. This can be left out of subsequent requests (updates) and will be enriched back into the user structure.", "type": "string" }, "status": { "description": "The status of the user, if they are active.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "active" ] }, "firstName": { "description": "The first name of the user", "type": "string" }, "lastName": { "description": "The last name of the user", "type": "string" }, "forceResetPassword": { "description": "If set to true forces the user to reset their password on first login.", "type": "boolean" }, "builder": { "description": "Describes if the user is a builder user or not.", "type": "object", "properties": { "global": { "description": "If set to true the user will be able to build any app in the system.", "type": "boolean" } } }, "admin": { "description": "Describes if the user is an admin user or not.", "type": "object", "properties": { "global": { "description": "If set to true the user will be able to administrate the system.", "type": "boolean" } } }, "roles": { "description": "Contains the roles of the user per app (assuming they are not a builder user).", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string", "description": "A map of app ID (production app ID, minus the _dev component) to a role ID, e.g. ADMIN." } }, "_id": { "description": "The ID of the user.", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "email", "roles", "_id" ] } } }, "required": [ "data" ] }, "nameSearch": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name to be used when searching - this will be used in a case insensitive starts with match." } }, "required": [ "name" ] } } }, "security": [ { "ApiKeyAuth": [] } ], "paths": { "/applications": { "post": { "summary": "Create an application", "tags": [ "applications" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/application" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the created application.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/applicationOutput" }, "examples": { "application": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/application" } } } } } } } }, "/applications/{appId}": { "put": { "summary": "Update an application", "tags": [ "applications" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appIdUrl" } ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/application" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the updated application.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/applicationOutput" }, "examples": { "application": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/application" } } } } } } }, "delete": { "summary": "Delete an application", "tags": [ "applications" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appIdUrl" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the deleted application.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/applicationOutput" }, "examples": { "application": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/application" } } } } } } }, "get": { "summary": "Retrieve an application", "tags": [ "applications" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appIdUrl" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the retrieved application.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/applicationOutput" }, "examples": { "application": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/application" } } } } } } } }, "/applications/search": { "post": { "summary": "Search for applications", "description": "Based on application properties (currently only name) search for applications.", "tags": [ "applications" ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/nameSearch" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the applications that were found based on the search parameters.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/applicationSearch" }, "examples": { "applications": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/applications" } } } } } } } }, "/queries/{queryId}": { "post": { "summary": "Execute a query", "description": "Queries which have been created within a Budibase app can be executed using this,", "tags": [ "queries" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/queryId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/executeQuery" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the result of the query execution.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/executeQueryOutput" }, "examples": { "REST": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/restResponse" }, "SQL": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/sqlResponse" } } } } } } } }, "/queries/search": { "post": { "summary": "Search for queries", "description": "Based on query properties (currently only name) search for queries.", "tags": [ "queries" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/nameSearch" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the queries found based on the search parameters.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/querySearch" }, "examples": { "queries": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/queries" } } } } } } } }, "/tables/{tableId}/rows": { "post": { "summary": "Create a row", "description": "Creates a row within the specified table.", "tags": [ "rows" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/tableId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/row" }, "examples": { "row": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/inputRow" } } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the created row, including the ID which has been generated for it. This can be found in the Budibase portal, viewed under the developer information.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/rowOutput" }, "examples": { "row": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/row" } } } } } } } }, "/tables/{tableId}/rows/{rowId}": { "put": { "summary": "Update a row", "description": "Updates a row within the specified table.", "tags": [ "rows" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/tableId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/rowId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/row" }, "examples": { "row": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/inputRow" } } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the created row, including the ID which has been generated for it.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/rowOutput" }, "examples": { "row": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/row" } } } } } } }, "delete": { "summary": "Delete a row", "description": "Deletes a row within the specified table.", "tags": [ "rows" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/tableId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/rowId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the deleted row, including the ID which has been generated for it.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/rowOutput" }, "examples": { "row": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/row" } } } } } } }, "get": { "summary": "Retrieve a row", "description": "This gets a single row, it will be enriched with the full related rows, rather than the squashed \"primaryDisplay\" format returned by the search endpoint.", "tags": [ "rows" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/tableId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/rowId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the retrieved row.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/rowOutput" }, "examples": { "enrichedRow": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/enrichedRow" } } } } } } } }, "/tables": { "post": { "summary": "Create a table", "description": "Create a table, this could be internal or external.", "tags": [ "tables" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/table" }, "examples": { "table": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/table" } } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the created table, including the ID which has been generated for it. This can be internal or external data sources.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tableOutput" }, "examples": { "table": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/table" } } } } } } } }, "/tables/{tableId}": { "put": { "summary": "Update a table", "description": "Update a table, this could be internal or external.", "tags": [ "tables" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/tableId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/table" }, "examples": { "table": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/table" } } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the updated table.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tableOutput" }, "examples": { "table": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/table" } } } } } } }, "delete": { "summary": "Delete a table", "description": "Delete a table, this could be internal or external.", "tags": [ "tables" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/tableId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the deleted table.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tableOutput" }, "examples": { "table": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/table" } } } } } } }, "get": { "summary": "Retrieve a table", "description": "Lookup a table, this could be internal or external.", "tags": [ "tables" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/tableId" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the retrieved table.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tableOutput" }, "examples": { "table": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/table" } } } } } } } }, "/tables/search": { "post": { "summary": "Search for tables", "description": "Based on table properties (currently only name) search for tables. This could be an internal or an external table.", "tags": [ "tables" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/appId" } ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/nameSearch" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the found tables, based on the search parameters.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tableSearch" }, "examples": { "tables": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/tables" } } } } } } } }, "/users": { "post": { "summary": "Create a user", "tags": [ "users" ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/user" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the created user.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/userOutput" }, "examples": { "user": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/user" } } } } } } } }, "/users/{userId}": { "put": { "summary": "Update a user", "tags": [ "users" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/userId" } ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/user" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the updated user.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/userOutput" }, "examples": { "user": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/user" } } } } } } }, "delete": { "summary": "Delete a user", "tags": [ "users" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/userId" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the deleted user.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/userOutput" }, "examples": { "user": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/user" } } } } } } }, "get": { "summary": "Retrieve a user", "tags": [ "users" ], "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/userId" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the retrieved user.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/userOutput" }, "examples": { "user": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/user" } } } } } } } }, "/users/search": { "post": { "summary": "Search for users", "description": "Based on user properties (currently only name) search for users.", "tags": [ "users" ], "requestBody": { "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/nameSearch" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Returns the found users based on search parameters.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/userSearch" }, "examples": { "users": { "$ref": "#/components/examples/users" } } } } } } } } }, "tags": [] }