import { io } from "" import { SocketEvent, SocketSessionTTL } from "@budibase/shared-core" import { APISessionID } from "../api" const DefaultOptions = { heartbeat: true, } export const createWebsocket = (path, options = DefaultOptions) => { if (!path) { throw "A websocket path must be provided" } const { heartbeat } = { ...DefaultOptions, ...options, } // Determine connection info const tls = location.protocol === "https:" const proto = tls ? "wss:" : "ws:" const host = location.hostname const port = location.port || (tls ? 443 : 80) let socket = io(`${proto}//${host}:${port}`, { path, // Cap reconnection attempts to 3 (total of 15 seconds before giving up) reconnectionAttempts: 3, // Delay reconnection attempt by 5 seconds reconnectionDelay: 5000, reconnectionDelayMax: 5000, // Timeout after 4 seconds so we never stack requests timeout: 4000, // Disable polling and rely on websocket only, as HTTP transport // will only work with sticky sessions which we don't have transports: ["websocket"], }) // Set up a heartbeat that's half of the session TTL let interval if (heartbeat) { interval = setInterval(() => { socket.emit(SocketEvent.Heartbeat) }, SocketSessionTTL * 500) } socket.on("disconnect", () => { clearInterval(interval) }) // Helper utility to ignore events that were triggered due to API // changes made by us socket.onOther = (event, callback) => { socket.on(event, data => { if (data?.apiSessionId !== APISessionID) { callback(data) } }) } return socket }