const { string, number } = require("../questions") const { success } = require("../utils") const fs = require("fs") const path = require("path") const randomString = require("randomstring") const FILE_PATH = path.resolve("./.env") function getContents(port, hostingKey) { return ` # Use the main port in the builder for your self hosting URL, e.g. localhost:10000 MAIN_PORT=${port} # Use this password when configuring your self hosting settings HOSTING_KEY=${hostingKey} # This section contains all secrets pertaining to the system JWT_SECRET=${randomString.generate()} MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=${randomString.generate()} MINIO_SECRET_KEY=${randomString.generate()} COUCH_DB_PASSWORD=${randomString.generate()} COUCH_DB_USER=${randomString.generate()} # This section contains variables that do not need to be altered under normal circumstances APP_PORT=4002 WORKER_PORT=4003 MINIO_PORT=4004 COUCH_DB_PORT=4005 BUDIBASE_ENVIRONMENT=PRODUCTION` } module.exports.filePath = FILE_PATH module.exports.make = async () => { const hostingKey = await string( "Please input the password you'd like to use as your hosting key: " ) const hostingPort = await number( "Please enter the port on which you want your installation to run: ", 10000 ) const fileContents = getContents(hostingPort, hostingKey) fs.writeFileSync(FILE_PATH, fileContents) console.log( success( "Configuration has been written successfully - please check .env file for more details." ) ) } module.exports.get = property => { const props = fs.readFileSync(FILE_PATH, "utf8").split(property) if (props[0].charAt(0) === "=") { property = props[0] } else { property = props[1] } return property.split("=")[1].split("\n")[0] }