import { builderStore, environmentStore, notificationStore, } from "./stores/index.js" import { get } from "svelte/store" import { io } from "" let socket export const initWebsocket = () => { const { inBuilder, location } = get(builderStore) const { cloud } = get(environmentStore) // Only connect when we're inside the builder preview, for now if (!inBuilder || !location || cloud || socket) { return } // Initialise connection const tls = location.protocol === "https:" const proto = tls ? "wss:" : "ws:" const host = location.hostname const port = location.port || (tls ? 443 : 80) socket = io(`${proto}//${host}:${port}`, { path: "/socket/client", // Cap reconnection attempts to 3 (total of 15 seconds before giving up) reconnectionAttempts: 3, // Delay reconnection attempt by 5 seconds reconnectionDelay: 5000, reconnectionDelayMax: 5000, // Timeout after 4 seconds so we never stack requests timeout: 4000, }) // Event handlers socket.on("plugin-update", data => { builderStore.actions.updateUsedPlugin(, data.hash)`"${}" plugin reloaded`) }) }