import { DEFAULT_TENANT_ID, getTenantId, getTenantIDFromAppID, isMultiTenant, getPlatformURL, } from "../context" import { Ctx, TenantResolutionStrategy, GetTenantIdOptions, } from "@budibase/types" import { Header } from "../constants" export function addTenantToUrl(url: string) { const tenantId = getTenantId() if (isMultiTenant()) { const char = url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&" url += `${char}tenantId=${tenantId}` } return url } export const isUserInAppTenant = (appId: string, user?: any) => { let userTenantId if (user) { userTenantId = user.tenantId || DEFAULT_TENANT_ID } else { userTenantId = getTenantId() } const tenantId = getTenantIDFromAppID(appId) || DEFAULT_TENANT_ID return tenantId === userTenantId } const ALL_STRATEGIES = Object.values(TenantResolutionStrategy) export const getTenantIDFromCtx = ( ctx: Ctx, opts: GetTenantIdOptions ): string | undefined => { // exit early if not multi-tenant if (!isMultiTenant()) { return DEFAULT_TENANT_ID } // opt defaults if (opts.allowNoTenant === undefined) { opts.allowNoTenant = false } if (!opts.includeStrategies) { opts.includeStrategies = ALL_STRATEGIES } if (!opts.excludeStrategies) { opts.excludeStrategies = [] } const isAllowed = (strategy: TenantResolutionStrategy) => { // excluded takes precedence if (opts.excludeStrategies?.includes(strategy)) { return false } if (opts.includeStrategies?.includes(strategy)) { return true } } // always use user first if (isAllowed(TenantResolutionStrategy.USER)) { const userTenantId = ctx.user?.tenantId if (userTenantId) { return userTenantId } } // header if (isAllowed(TenantResolutionStrategy.HEADER)) { const headerTenantId = ctx.request.headers[Header.TENANT_ID] if (headerTenantId) { return headerTenantId as string } } // query param if (isAllowed(TenantResolutionStrategy.QUERY)) { const queryTenantId = ctx.request.query.tenantId if (queryTenantId) { return queryTenantId as string } } // subdomain if (isAllowed(TenantResolutionStrategy.SUBDOMAIN)) { // e.g. or let platformHost try { platformHost = new URL(getPlatformURL()).host.split(":")[0] } catch (err: any) { // if invalid URL, just don't try to process subdomain if (err.code !== "ERR_INVALID_URL") { throw err } } // e.g. or const requestHost = // parse the tenant id from the difference if (platformHost && requestHost.includes(platformHost)) { const tenantId = requestHost.substring( 0, requestHost.indexOf(`.${platformHost}`) ) if (tenantId) { return tenantId } } } // path if (isAllowed(TenantResolutionStrategy.PATH)) { // params - have to parse manually due to koa-router not run yet const match = ctx.matched.find( (m: any) => !!m.paramNames.find((p: any) => === "tenantId") ) // get the raw path url - without any query params const ctxUrl = ctx.originalUrl let url if (ctxUrl.includes("?")) { url = ctxUrl.split("?")[0] } else { url = ctxUrl } if (match) { const params = match.params(url, match.captures(url), {}) if (params.tenantId) { return params.tenantId } } } if (!opts.allowNoTenant) { ctx.throw(403, "Tenant id not set") } return undefined }