import { get, writable } from "svelte/store" import { push } from "svelte-spa-router" import { API } from "api" import { peekStore } from "./peek" import { builderStore } from "./builder" const createRouteStore = () => { const initialState = { routes: [], routeParams: {}, activeRoute: null, routeSessionId: Math.random(), routerLoaded: false, queryParams: {}, } const store = writable(initialState) const fetchRoutes = async () => { let routeConfig try { routeConfig = await API.fetchClientAppRoutes() } catch (error) { routeConfig = null } let routes = [] Object.values(routeConfig?.routes || {}).forEach(route => { Object.entries(route.subpaths || {}).forEach(([path, config]) => { routes.push({ path, screenId: config.screenId, }) }) }) // Sort route by paths so that the router matches correctly routes.sort((a, b) => { return a.path > b.path ? -1 : 1 }) store.update(state => { state.routes = routes state.routeSessionId = Math.random() return state }) } const setRouteParams = routeParams => { store.update(state => { state.routeParams = routeParams return state }) } const setQueryParams = queryParams => { store.update(state => { state.queryParams = { ...queryParams, // Never unset the peek param - screen peek modals should always be // in a peek state, even if they navigate to a different page peek: queryParams.peek || state.queryParams?.peek, } return state }) } const setActiveRoute = route => { store.update(state => { state.activeRoute = state.routes.find(x => x.path === route) return state }) } const navigate = (url, peek, externalNewTab) => { if (get(builderStore).inBuilder) { return } if (url) { // If we're already peeking, don't peek again const isPeeking = get(store).queryParams?.peek const external = !url.startsWith("/") if (peek && !isPeeking && !external) { peekStore.actions.showPeek(url) } else if (external) { if (url.startsWith("www")) { url = `https://${url}` } if (externalNewTab) {, "_blank") } else { window.location.href = url } } else { push(url) } } } const setRouterLoaded = () => { store.update(state => ({ ...state, routerLoaded: true })) } const createFullURL = relativeURL => { if (!relativeURL?.startsWith("/")) { return relativeURL } if (!window.location.href.includes("#")) { return `${window.location.href}#${relativeURL}` } const base = window.location.href.split("#")[0] return `${base}#${relativeURL}` } return { subscribe: store.subscribe, actions: { fetchRoutes, navigate, createFullURL, setRouteParams, setQueryParams, setActiveRoute, setRouterLoaded, }, } } export const routeStore = createRouteStore()