const helpers = require("@budibase/handlebars-helpers") const { date, duration } = require("./date") const { HelperFunctionBuiltin } = require("./constants") /** * full list of supported helpers can be found here: * */ const EXTERNAL_FUNCTION_COLLECTIONS = [ "math", "array", "number", "url", "string", "comparison", "object", "regex", ] const ADDED_HELPERS = { date: date, duration: duration, } exports.externalCollections = EXTERNAL_FUNCTION_COLLECTIONS exports.addedHelpers = ADDED_HELPERS exports.registerAll = handlebars => { for (let [name, helper] of Object.entries(ADDED_HELPERS)) { handlebars.registerHelper(name, helper) } let externalNames = [] for (let collection of EXTERNAL_FUNCTION_COLLECTIONS) { // collect information about helper let hbsHelperInfo = helpers[collection]() for (let entry of Object.entries(hbsHelperInfo)) { const name = entry[0] // skip built in functions and ones seen already if ( HelperFunctionBuiltin.indexOf(name) !== -1 || externalNames.indexOf(name) !== -1 ) { continue } externalNames.push(name) } // attach it to our handlebars instance helpers[collection]({ handlebars, }) } // add date external functionality exports.externalHelperNames = externalNames.concat(Object.keys(ADDED_HELPERS)) } exports.unregisterAll = handlebars => { for (let name of Object.keys(ADDED_HELPERS)) { handlebars.unregisterHelper(name) } for (let name of module.exports.externalHelperNames) { handlebars.unregisterHelper(name) } exports.externalHelperNames = [] } exports.externalHelperNames = []