const { resolve } = require("path") const { cwd } = require("process") const stream = require("stream") const fetch = require("node-fetch") const tar = require("tar-fs") const zlib = require("zlib") const { promisify } = require("util") const streamPipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline) exports.appPackageFolder = (config, appname) => resolve(cwd(), config.latestPackagesFolder, appname) exports.downloadExtractComponentLibraries = async appFolder => { const LIBRARIES = ["materialdesign-components", "standard-components"] // Need to download tarballs directly from NPM as our users may not have node on their machine for (let lib of LIBRARIES) { // download tarball // TODO: make sure the latest version is always downloaded const registryUrl = `${lib}/-/${lib}-0.1.2.tgz` const response = await fetch(registryUrl) if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`unexpected response ${response.statusText}`) await streamPipeline( response.body, zlib.Unzip(), tar.extract(`${appFolder}/node_modules/@budibase/${lib}`) ) } }