const CouchDB = require("../../db") const bcrypt = require("../../utilities/bcrypt") const { generateUserID, getUserParams, ViewNames } = require("../../db/utils") const { getRole } = require("../../utilities/security/roles") exports.fetch = async function(ctx) { const database = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId) const users = ( await database.allDocs( getUserParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) ) => row.doc) // user hashed password shouldn't ever be returned for (let user of users) { delete user.password } ctx.body = users } exports.create = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId) const { email, password, roleId } = ctx.request.body if (!email || !password) { ctx.throw(400, "email and Password Required.") } const role = await getRole(ctx.user.appId, roleId) if (!role) ctx.throw(400, "Invalid Role") const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password) const user = { ...ctx.request.body, // these must all be after the object spread, make sure // any values are overwritten, generateUserID will always // generate the same ID for the user as it is not UUID based _id: generateUserID(email), type: "user", password: hashedPassword, tableId: ViewNames.USERS, } try { const response = await ctx.status = 200 ctx.message = "User created successfully." ctx.userId = response._id ctx.body = { _rev: response.rev, email, } } catch (err) { if (err.status === 409) { ctx.throw(400, "User exists already") } else { ctx.throw(err.status, err) } } } exports.update = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId) const user = ctx.request.body const dbUser = await db.get(ctx.request.body._id) if (user.password) { user.password = await bcrypt.hash(user.password) } else { delete user.password } const newData = { ...dbUser, ...user } const response = await db.put(newData) user._rev = response.rev ctx.status = 200 ctx.message = `User ${} updated successfully.` ctx.body = response } exports.destroy = async function(ctx) { const database = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId) await database.destroy(generateUserID( ctx.message = `User ${} deleted.` ctx.status = 200 } exports.find = async function(ctx) { const database = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId) const user = await database.get(generateUserID( ctx.body = { email:, _rev: user._rev, } }