const cypressConfig = require("../cypress.json") const path = require("path") const tmpdir = path.join(require("os").tmpdir(), ".budibase") // normal development system const SERVER_PORT = cypressConfig.env.PORT const WORKER_PORT = cypressConfig.env.WORKER_PORT process.env.NODE_ENV = "cypress" process.env.ENABLE_ANALYTICS = "0" process.env.JWT_SECRET = cypressConfig.env.JWT_SECRET process.env.COUCH_URL = `leveldb://${tmpdir}/.data/` process.env.SELF_HOSTED = 1 process.env.WORKER_URL = `http://localhost:${WORKER_PORT}/` process.env.APPS_URL = `http://localhost:${SERVER_PORT}/` process.env.MINIO_URL = `http://localhost:4004` process.env.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = "budibase" process.env.MINIO_SECRET_KEY = "budibase" process.env.COUCH_DB_USER = "budibase" process.env.COUCH_DB_PASSWORD = "budibase" process.env.INTERNAL_API_KEY = "budibase" process.env.ALLOW_DEV_AUTOMATIONS = 1 // TODO: inject at the qa-core level process.env.BB_ADMIN_USER_EMAIL = "" process.env.BB_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD = "budibase" process.env.ENCRYPTED_TEST_PUBLIC_API_KEY = "a65722f06bee5caeadc5d7ca2f543a43-d610e627344210c643bb726f" // Stop info logs polluting test outputs process.env.LOG_LEVEL = "error" = ( serverLoc = "../../server/dist", workerLoc = "../../worker/dist" ) => { // require("dotenv").config({ path: resolve(dir, ".env") }) // don't make this a variable or top level require // it will cause environment module to be loaded prematurely // override the port with the worker port temporarily process.env.PORT = WORKER_PORT require(workerLoc) // override the port with the server port process.env.PORT = SERVER_PORT require(serverLoc) } if (require.main === module) { }