context("Query Level Transformers", () => { before(() => { cy.login() cy.createTestApp() }) it("should write a transformer function", () => { // Add REST datasource - contains API for breweries const datasource = "REST" const restUrl = "" cy.selectExternalDatasource(datasource) cy.addRestDatasourceConfig(restUrl) // Add Query cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Add Query").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(500) addTransformerQuery() // Run Query cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Run Query").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(500) // Confirm JSON results cy.get(".preview").should('have.text', '{\n "state": "Indiana",\n "count": 1\n}') }) it("should add data to the previous query", () => { // Add REST datasource - contains API for breweries const datasource = "REST" const restUrl = "" cy.selectExternalDatasource(datasource) cy.addRestDatasourceConfig(restUrl) // Add Query cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Add Query").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(500) addTransformerQuery(true) // Run Query cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Run Query").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(500) // Confirm JSON results cy.get(".preview").should( 'have.text', '{\n "state": "Indiana",\n "count": 1,\n "flag": "${stateCode}.svg"\n}') }) it("should run an invalid query via POST request", () => { // POST request with transformer as null cy.request({method: 'POST', url: '', body: {fields : {"headers":{},"queryString":null,"path":null}, parameters : [], schema : {}, name : "test", queryVerb : "read", transformer : null, datasourceId: "test"}, // Expected 400 error - Transformer must be a string failOnStatusCode: false}).then((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(400) expect(response.body.message).to.include('Invalid body - "transformer" must be a string') }) }) it("should run an empty query", () => { // POST request with Transformer as an empty string cy.request({method: 'POST', url: '', body: {fields : {"headers":{},"queryString":null,"path":null}, queryVerb : "read", transformer : "", datasourceId: "test"}, // Expected 400 error - Transformer is not allowed to be empty failOnStatusCode: false}).then((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(400) expect(response.body.message).to.include('Invalid body - "transformer" is not allowed to be empty') }) }) const addTransformerQuery = (addData = false) => { // Adds query within the Transformer section of Query REST API cy.get(".CodeMirror textarea") // Highlight current text within CodeMirror .type(Cypress.platform === 'darwin' ? '{cmd}a' : '{ctrl}a', { force: true }) // Overwrite current text with function .type("const breweries = data\n" + "const totals = {}\n" + "for (let brewery of breweries) {") // Delete key in place to remove extra brackets that are added .type('{del}') .type("\n const state = brewery.state\n" + " if (totals[state] == null) {") .type('{del}') .type("\n totals[state] = 1\n" + "} else {") .type('{del}') .type("\n totals[state]++\n" + "}}\n", { parseSpecialCharSequences: false }) if (addData) { cy.get(".CodeMirror textarea") .type('const stateCodes = {"texas":"tx",\n' + '"colorado":"co",\n' + '"florida":"fl",\n' + '"iwoa":"ia",\n' + '"louisiana":"la",\n' + '"california":"ca",\n' + '"pennsylvania":"pa",\n' + '"georgia":"ga",\n' + '"new hampshire":"nh",\n' + '"virginia":"va",\n' + '"michigan":"mi",\n' + '"maryland":"md",\n' + '"ohio":"oh"}\n') .type('const entries = Object.entries(totals)\n' + "return[state, count]) => \n" + "{ const stateCode = stateCodes[state.toLowerCase()]\n" + "return {state, count, flag: '${stateCode}.svg'", { parseSpecialCharSequences: false }) } else{ cy.get(".CodeMirror textarea") .type("const entries = Object.entries(totals)\n" + "return[state, count]) => ({state, count}))", { parseSpecialCharSequences: false }) } } })