import * as rowController from "../../../controllers/row" import * as appController from "../../../controllers/application" import { AppStatus } from "../../../../db/utils" import { roles, tenancy, context } from "@budibase/backend-core" import env from "../../../../environment" import { db } from "@budibase/backend-core" import Nano from "@budibase/nano" class Request { appId: any params: any request: any body: any constructor(appId: any, params: any) { this.appId = appId this.params = params this.request = {} } } function runRequest(appId: any, controlFunc: any, request?: any) { return context.doInAppContext(appId, async () => { return controlFunc(request) }) } export const getAllTableRows = async (config: any) => { const req = new Request(config.appId, { tableId: config.table._id }) await runRequest(config.appId, rowController.fetch, req) return req.body } export const clearAllApps = async ( tenantId: string, exceptions: Array = [] ) => { await tenancy.doInTenant(tenantId, async () => { const req: any = { query: { status: AppStatus.DEV }, user: { tenantId } } await appController.fetch(req) const apps = req.body if (!apps || apps.length <= 0) { return } for (let app of apps.filter((x: any) => !exceptions.includes(x.appId))) { const { appId } = app const req = new Request(null, { appId }) await runRequest(appId, appController.destroy, req) } }) } export const clearAllAutomations = async (config: any) => { const automations = await config.getAllAutomations() for (let auto of automations) { await context.doInAppContext(config.appId, async () => { await config.deleteAutomation(auto) }) } } export const wipeDb = async () => { const couchInfo = db.getCouchInfo() const nano = Nano({ url: couchInfo.url, requestDefaults: { headers: { Authorization: couchInfo.cookie, }, }, parseUrl: false, }) let dbs do { dbs = await nano.db.list() await Promise.all( => nano.db.destroy(x))) } while (dbs.length) } export const createRequest = ( request: any, method: any, url: any, body: any ) => { let req if (method === "POST") req = else if (method === "GET") req = request.get(url) else if (method === "DELETE") req = request.delete(url) else if (method === "PATCH") req = request.patch(url).send(body) else if (method === "PUT") req = request.put(url).send(body) return req } export const checkBuilderEndpoint = async ({ config, method, url, body, }: any) => { const headers = await config.login({ userId: "us_fail", builder: false, prodApp: true, }) await exports .createRequest(config.request, method, url, body) .set(headers) .expect(403) } export const checkPermissionsEndpoint = async ({ config, method, url, body, passRole, failRole, }: any) => { const passHeader = await config.login({ roleId: passRole, prodApp: true, }) await exports .createRequest(config.request, method, url, body) .set(passHeader) .expect(200) let failHeader if (failRole === roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC) { failHeader = config.publicHeaders({ prodApp: true }) } else { failHeader = await config.login({ roleId: failRole, builder: false, prodApp: true, }) } await exports .createRequest(config.request, method, url, body) .set(failHeader) .expect(403) } export const getDB = () => { return context.getAppDB() } export const testAutomation = async (config: any, automation: any) => { return runRequest(automation.appId, async () => { return await config.request .post(`/api/automations/${automation._id}/test`) .send({ row: { name: "Test", description: "TEST", }, }) .set(config.defaultHeaders()) .expect("Content-Type", /json/) .expect(200) }) } export const runInProd = async (func: any) => { const nodeEnv = env.NODE_ENV const workerId = env.JEST_WORKER_ID env._set("NODE_ENV", "PRODUCTION") env._set("JEST_WORKER_ID", null) await func() env._set("NODE_ENV", nodeEnv) env._set("JEST_WORKER_ID", workerId) }