const CouchDB = require("../db") const environment = require("../environment") const { apiKeyTable } = require("../db/dynamoClient") // a normalised month in milliseconds const QUOTA_RESET = 2592000000 // currently only counting new writes and deletes const METHOD_MAP = { POST: 1, DELETE: -1, } const DOMAIN_MAP = { models: "model", records: "record", } function buildUpdateParams(key, property, usage) { return { primary: key, condition: "#quota.#prop + :usage < #limits.model AND #quotaReset < :now", expression: "ADD #quota.#prop :usage", names: { "#quota": "usageQuota", "#prop": property, "#limits": "limits", "#quotaReset": "quotaReset", }, values: { ":usage": usage, ":now":, }, } } module.exports = async (ctx, next) => { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.instanceId) const usage = METHOD_MAP[ctx.req.method] const domainParts = ctx.req.url.split("/") const property = DOMAIN_MAP[domainParts[domainParts.length - 1]] if (usage == null || property == null) { return next() } // post request could be a save of a pre-existing entry if (ctx.request.body && ctx.request.body._id) { try { ctx.preExisting = await db.get(ctx.request.body._id) return next() } catch (err) { ctx.throw(404, `${ctx.request.body._id} does not exist`) return } } // don't try validate in builder if (!environment.CLOUD) { return next() } try { await apiKeyTable.update(buildUpdateParams(ctx.apiKey, property, usage)) } catch (err) { if (err.code !== "ConditionalCheckFailedException") { // get the API key so we can check it let apiKey = await apiKeyTable.get({ primary: ctx.apiKey }) // we have infact breached the reset period if (apiKey && apiKey.quotaReset >= { // update the quota reset period and reset the values for all properties apiKey.quotaReset = + QUOTA_RESET for (let prop of Object.keys(apiKey.usageQuota)) { apiKey.usageQuota[prop] = 0 } await apiKeyTable.put({ item: apiKey }) } ctx.throw(403, `Resource limits have been reached`) } } }