{#if $builderStore.usedPlugins?.length} {#each $builderStore.usedPlugins as plugin (plugin.hash)} {/each} {/if} {#if dataLoaded}
{#if $environmentStore.maintenance.length > 0} {:else} {#key $builderStore.selectedComponentId} {#if $builderStore.inBuilder} {/if} {/key}
{#if showDevTools} {/if}
{#if permissionError}
{@html ErrorSVG} You don't have permission to use this app Ask your administrator to grant you access
{:else if !$screenStore.activeLayout}
{@html ErrorSVG} Something went wrong rendering your app Get in touch with support if this issue persists
{:else if embedNoScreens}
{@html ErrorSVG} This Budibase app is not publicly accessible
{:else} {#key $screenStore.activeLayout._id} {/key} {/if} {#if showDevTools} {/if}
{#if !$builderStore.inBuilder && $featuresStore.logoEnabled} {/if}
{#if $appStore.isDevApp} {/if} {#if $builderStore.inBuilder || $devToolsStore.allowSelection} {/if} {#if $builderStore.inBuilder} {/if}